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Adan Garcia Hernandez

Expository Composition
Global Citizen Essay

The Ambassador School of Global Leadership helps students seek solutions.. ASGL’s mission

emphasizes making students ready for the world. ASGL’s vision cares about making students leaders

outside of school. A leader that is ready to take action and not be afraid of any challenges. Being ready for

the future and any challenges it might bring. A global citizen is a person who thinks outside the box and

finds creative solutions.

Kobe Bryant is a global citizen because he is a committed reflective learner and a Risk-taker.

Kobe Bryant would study referees and he even figured out certain areas on the floor refs don't see that

good. This shows they're a reflective learner because he is committed to understand and improve his game

even outside of the basketball court. Kobe Bryant is a risk taker because he would take challenging shots

during crucial moments in games. He would show he’s a risk-taker because it showed his willingness to

take risks in order to achieve success.

I've developed the most as a global citizen in my personal life. This connects the most to being

open-minded. I’ve heard other people’s ideas and viewpoints and even if I don’t agree with them I still

listen and try to better understand them. This also connects to being knowledgeable. By listening to other

people's ideas or perspectives I learn and make better decisions and better my own opinions.

In the future, I will be a better contributor on the global stage by continuing to develop caring and

being more balanced. I will be more caring by trying to help others to the best of my ability. This is

important because being caring and helpful can build connections and they could potentially help me in

the future as well. I will also develop being more balanced by having a more productive routine . This is

important for me because I tend to focus on singular pursuits and with a good routine I would be way

more productive with my business major while still working on other goals I have.
Being globally competent is essential for my generation because it prepares us for new

challenges the world might have for us .It is essential being a risk taker because it makes me not

be afraid of any challenges I might have in my life. Being open minded helps me better

understand other people's opinions. Finally being a reflective learner teaches me that I can learn

from failures I might have.

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