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Global Citizen Essay

Being a globally competent citizen means being able to interact with the world around
you in an exemplary manner. At ASGL, we are taught beyond the common curriculum of the
education system. ASGL teaches its students how to be global citizens through exposure to the
real world and ensures that it helps them become better leaders. The school exercises its vision of
preparing students to be globally competent and ready for our future aspirations by teaching us to
be thinkers, knowledgeable, communicators, and caring.

ASGL teaches its students that being a global citizen means being aware of our position
in the world. We are taught how our actions can have an impact on the people and environment
around us. A person that I believe personifies these characteristics is Mr. Givens: He is a person
that is educated about things outside of the classroom, being knowledgeable about different
topics ranging from the economy to personal life lessons, and is more than welcoming to assist
anyone that is willing to learn from him by communicating his thoughts. He understands the
importance of making educated decisions about actions that can have personal consequences on
not only yourself, but also the people around you, which is why he also consistently emphasizes
the importance of showing compassion and empathy to your peers.

Throughout my years at ASGL, I have come to learn how to grow as a person thanks to
the school’s goal to bring awareness to its students on how the world works. By teaching us
about current world issues, we are able to develop our critical thinking skills and the ability to
come to reasonable conclusions. The teachers in ASGL encourage students to ask questions
about whatever topic they are teaching, allowing students to thrive in an environment that
supports them to develop their own learning. It is this willingness to help the students which has
helped me grow yearning to learn more about the world around me. Above all, ASGL has also
taught me about the importance of being caring of those around me. The faculty members of this
school are all supportive of the student body and they motivate the students to do the same with
their peers. Though I had not always thought about the importance of being caring, through
participating in things such as the Associated Student Body, and helping prepare events for the
whole school to enjoy, I learned on how things are better when people support one another rather
than being self-centered. The ability to learn on your own as well as caring for those around you
will, in the future, help me with life-long lessons as well as life-long connections.

My future goals currently include obtaining a bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Thanks to the Learner Profiles that I have developed during my time in ASGL, I believe that I
will thrive in the environment which I hope to move forward to. Being willing to always ask
questions and developing my skills enthusiastically is an ability that is bound to be handy in a
degree in which you can go many paths with. Furthermore, learning in a global context has
helped me realize how important it is to take into consideration current world issues and why it is
important to use your abilities to create change for the better.
In today’s world, we are more connected than ever. This is why it is important to learn
beyond the classroom and develop skills that are bound to help them be better global citizens.
ASGL ensures that its student body is able to reach their full potential by preparing them to be
globally competent and ensure that they know how to interact with the world and people around

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