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Entry ....................................................................................................................... ….....5

Unit I .................................................................................................................................. 6
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ....................................7
2. Population of Great Britain....................................................................................12
3. United Kingdom political system .............................................................................15
4. From the history of Great Britain..............................................................................18
5. London – the capital of Great Britain...................................................................22
6. Places of interest in London.. ..................................................................................26
7. University cities of the United Kingdom...................................................................30
8. Sport in Great Britain ...............................................................................................34
Unit II.....................................................................................................................36
1. The geographical position of the USA......................................................................37
2. America today..........................................................................................................41
3. The political system of the USA..........................................................................45
4. Washington…......................................................................................................48
5. The biggest cities of the USA...................................................................................52
6. Holidays in the USA..................................................................................................55
7. Popular kinds of sport in the USA.............................................................................58
8. Outstanding people of the USA............................................................................62
9. Cultural life of the USA…………… ....................................................................65
Unit III.....................................................................................................................68
1. Canada………………… ......................................................................................69
2. Canada’s climate and nature.....................................................................................72
3. The political system of Canada...................................................................................74
4. Outstanding historical events of Canada....................................................................77
5. Australia……………. ...............................................................................................80
6. Climate and nature of Australia..................................................................................83
7. The political system of Australia ..............................................................................86
8. Outstanding historical events of Australia..................................................................89
9. New Zealand – the country of long white clouds ......................................................92
10. Political system of New Zealand.............................................................................95
Unit IV.....................................................................................................................98
1. Ukraine is an independent state.................................................................................99
2. The climate of Ukraine........................................................ ........ .............................102
Texts for self-study ...................................................................................................... ..116
Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 127
List of literature ............................................................................................................ 135

Навчальний посібник «Країнознавство» розрахований на студентів вищих

навчальних закладів другого року навчання, які завершують вивчення дисципліни
«Англійська мова». Посібник максимально орієнтований на розвиток комунікати-
вних навичок та розширення міжкультурної компетенції студентів, а також на за-
безпечення розвитку навичок читання та перекладу.
Він містить інформацію країнознавчого характеру, висвітлюючи різні аспе-
кти сучасного життя, історії та культури англомовних країн – Сполученого Коро-
лівства Великобританії та Північної Ірландії, Сполучених Штатів Америки, Кана-
ди, Австралії та Нової Зеландії. Навчальний посібник складається з трьох розді-
лів, які охоплюють такі основні теми: географічне положення країни, кліматичні
умови, населення, історія виникнення й розвитку, політичний устрій країни, сто-
лиця та визначні місця. В додатку подаються тексти для самостійного вивчення з
метою розширення кругозору студентів. Матеріал посібника дозволяє проводити
паралелі між країнами щодо різних аспектів їх розвитку, а також порівнювати ві-
дповідні тенденції в Україні.
До складу посібника входить 27 аудиторних занять. Кожне заняття має од-
накову структуру – базовий текст, блок лексичного матеріалу, лексико-граматичні
та комунікативні вправи різного рівня складності. Текст має пояснення та актив-
ний словник. Післятекстові лексико-граматичні та узагальнюючі вправи служать
для закріплення лексичного матеріалу, навчання основним видам мовленнєвої ді-
яльності та розвитку навичок усного мовлення. Заключна вправа на переклад з
позначкою  рекомендується для домашнього опрацювання. Посібник містить
кольорові ілюстрації, що сприяють активізації розумової діяльності, а також поле-
гшують процес сприйняття нової інформації.
Усі матеріали, що подані в навчальному посібнику, – автентичні, сучасні та
відповідають інтересам та потребам студентів. Вони стануть у нагоді викладачам
під час викладання вибіркових курсів з англійської мови, а також можуть викори-
стовуватися як додаткові навчально-методичні матеріали в межах програм вищих
навчальних закладів.




Lesson 1



1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

abbreviate (v) [əˈbriːvieɪt] – скорочувати
mean (v) – означати
isle (n) [aɪl] – острів
coast (n) [kəust] – узбережжя
wash (v) – омивати
separate from (v) [ˈseprət] – відділяти від
chief (adj) [tʃiːf] – головний
mountain chain [ˈmauntən tʃeɪn] – гірський хребет
influence (n) [ˈɪnfluəns] – вплив
frequent (adj) [ˈfriːkwənt] – частий
densely-populated (adj) – густонаселений
anthem (n) [ˈænθəm] – гімн
currency (n) [ˈkʌrənsi] – валюта
invasion (n) [ɪnˈveɪʒən] – вторгнення
descendant (n) [dɪˈsendənt] – потомок
legal (adj) – юридичний
royal (adj) – королівський
head (v) – очолювати
signify (v) [ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ] – означати, повідомляти
inhabitant (n) [ɪnˈhæbɪtənt] – мешканець

2. Read and translate the text.

The United Kingdom (abbreviated from "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland) is the official name of the country which consists of England, Scot-
land, Wales and, Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster *).
Great Britain is the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland,
Wales, whereas the British Isles is the geographical name of all the Islands off the North
West coast of the European continent (Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel Islands * and
the Isle of Man*). In everyday speech "Britain" is used to mean "The United Kingdom"
The currency of the country is the pound that consists of 100 pence.
The anthem of the country is "God Save the Queen/ King".

The flag of Great Britain is known as the Union Jack. The flag has the red cross of
St. George of England, the white cross of St. Andrew of Scotland, and the red cross of
St. Patrick of Ireland, all on the blue background.
The formation of the U.K.
took centuries, and a lot of
armed struggles were involved.
During 1,000 years there were
many invasions. The Romans
who had come from Italy gave
the country its name. The An-
gles, Saxons and Jutes came
from Germany. The Vikings ar-
rived from Denmark and Nor-
way. The Normans invaded
from France. The English are
the descendants of all the in-
vaders. These factors explain
many differences to be found
between England, Wales, Scot-
land and Ireland, the differences
in education, religion and the
legal system, but most obvi-
ously, in language.
If you look at the map of
the world, you'll see the British
Isles lie off the North-West
coast of the continent of Europe.
The biggest island is Great Brit-
ain. It is about 600 miles from the South to the North, and 300 miles across in the wid-
est part. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the North, by the Irish Sea on the West,
and is separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Chan-
nel*. The Thames, the Severn, the Clyde, the Trent, the Mersey are chief rivers of the
The island of Great Britain can be roughly divided into two main regions - Low-
land Britain and Highland Britain. The most well-known mountains and chains are the
Pennine Chain*, the Northern Highlands which contain Ben Nevis, the highest point of
the British Isles.
Britain has a temperate climate due to the influence of Gulf Stream *. The weather
is very changeable and it is the favourite topic for conversation in Britain.
The population of the United Kingdom is more than 63 mln people. Greater Lon-
don , the South-East and the South are the most densely populated areas of Britain. Four
out of every five people live in towns.
The United Kingdom is the constitutional monarchy. The legislative body is the
Parliament which consists of two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Com-
mons. The executive body is the Cabinet of Ministers which is the government. It is
headed by the Prime Minister. The head of the state is a king or a queen since 1952. In
general the queen reigns but does not rule. She has many duties, among them she has to
make regular visits to foreign countries, to signify the formalities of the monarchy and
many others.
It is necessary to add some words about British character. Englishmen are naturally
polite and are never tired of saying "Thank you" and “I’m sorry”. They are generally
disciplined; you will never hear a loud talk in the street. Englishmen do not show their
emotions even in tragic situations. They seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful
under difficulties. They like animals very much. There are 4 mln dogs, 6 mln cats, 8
mln caged birds and lots of other animals in Britain.
The inhabitants of Great Britain are famous for their customs and traditions. "Cus-
tom is almost a second nature", said Plutarch. It's true as for the British.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the official name of the country?
2. What is the anthem of the country?
3. Is the pound or the dollar the currency of Great Britain?
4. What is the population of the UK?
5. What are the longest rivers in Great Britain?
6. What are the well-known mountains and chains of Great Britain?
7. Has Britain a temperate climate or a tropical one?
8. Who is the head of the state?
9. Englishmen are polite, aren't they?
10. Why do you think that the English are fond of animals?

4. Translate word-combinations into Ukrainian.

Abbreviated from, official name, geographical name, in everyday speech, red
cross, anthem "God save the King", currency, many invasions, descendants of the in-
vaders, legal system, most obviously, north-west coast, to be washed by, to be separated
from the continent, chief rivers, can roughly be divided, highest point, due to the influ-
ence of, favourite topic for conversation, four out of every five people, royal family, to
be headed by, duties, among them, to be naturally polite, to be never tired of saying, to

be generally disciplined, a loud talk, to show emotions, caged birds, to be famous for
customs and traditions, custom is almost a second nature.

5. Form as many names of the towns as you can using the following parts of the

chester pool fast Brad New

Brigh ford field Liver diff

Bel tol Birming Strat Glas

Ro bridge Edin Man ford

Castle Lon ton Ox Shef

Car Bris Cam ham gow

burgh don ford chester

6. Choose the correct meaning for the word using the hint.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of Е... , S... ,
W... and N... I...
2. The most d... populated a... of Britain are G... London, the South ... and the S...
3. The island of Great Britain can be r... divided into two main regions - L... Britain and
H... Britain.
4. The currency is the p...
5. The a... is "God Save The Queen".
6. The flag has the red c... , the white c... all on the blue b...
7. The Severn, the Thames, the Clyde, the Trent, the Mersey are c... rivers in the coun-
8. Britain has a t... climate due to the i... of Gulf-Stream.
9. The Queen r... but does not r...
(pound, anthem, England, cross, chief, temperate, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ire-
land, reigns, areas, densely, Greater, East, influence, rule, South, roughly, Lowland,
Highland, background).

 7. Translate sentences into English.
1. Британські острови – це географічна назва всіх островів північно-західного уз-
бережжя Європейського континенту.
2. Гімн Великобританії – «Боже, бережи Королеву / Короля».
3. Вікінги прийшли з Данії та Норвегії.
4. На півночі Великобританія омивається Атлантичним океаном.
5. Англійці дуже ввічливі та дисципліновані і ніколи не показують свої емоції.
6. Жителі Великобританії дуже люблять домашніх тварин.
7. Оскільки країна оточена морями, кілька великих портів лежать на морському
8.Великобританія- дуже красива країна з давніми традиціями і гарними людьми.

Lesson 2


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered

suburbs (n) [ˈsʌbɜːb] – передмістя, околиці
uneven (adj) [ʌnˈiːvən] – нерівномірний
sparsely populated (adj) – рідко заселений
constitute (v) [ˈkɔnstɪtjuːt] – складати
succession (n) [səkˈseʃən] – послідовність
in search of (n) [sɜːtʃ] – в пошуках чогось
revival (n) [rɪˈvaɪvəl] – відродження

2. Read and translate the text.

The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is
over 63 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their sub-
urbs. Four out of every five people live in towns.
The distribution of the population is rather uneven. Over 53 million people live in
England, over 3 million in Wales, a little over 5 million in Scotland and about 2 million
in Northern Ireland.
Greater London, the south and the southeast are the most densely populated areas.
London's population is nearly 8,5 million. Most of the mountainous part of the UK in-
cluding much of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the
Pennine Chain in northern England are very sparsely populat-
The UK is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh
and the Irish who constitute the British nation. The British are
the descendents of different peoples who settled in British
Isles at different times.
The earliest known people of Britain were of Iberian *
origin. Then followed the long succession of invaders includ-
ing the Celts, the Romans,
the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes and at last in 1066 the
Normans. It was the last time Britain was invaded.
Now there are also many people of all colours
and races in the UK. These are mostly former inhabit-
ants of the former British colonies. These people,
called 'the coloureds'*, came to the UK in search of
better living standards.
English is the official language of the UK. Besides standard literary English there
are many regional and social dialects. A well-known example is the cockney* of East
Londoners. The Scottish and Irish forms of Gaelic* survive in some parts of Scotland
and Ireland.
Wales is officially bilingual. Welsh is spoken by about a fifth of its population.
Welsh is the first language in most of the western counties of Wales and at least formal-
ly has the same status as English. Nowadays there is a growing movement in Wales and
Scotland for a revival of national culture and languages.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the population of the UK?
2. Does the population live mostly in villages or towns?
3. How many people live in England and in Scotland?
4. What is the UK inhabited by?
5. Who were first known people of Britain?
6. What invaders of Britain do you know?
7. When was Britain last invaded?
8. Who were called 'the coloureds'?
9. What is the cockney?
10. How many languages are spoken in Wales?

4. Fill in the gaps.

1. The population lives most in towns and their ...
2. The ... of the population is rather uneven.
3. Greater London, the south and ... are the most densely populated areas.
4. Most of the ... parts are sparsely populated.
5. The English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish ... the British nation.
6. The people of Britain are the ... of different invaders.
7. In 1066 ... was invaded for the last time.
8. 'The coloureds' came to Britain in ... of better life.
9. Welsh has the same ... as English.

5. What do you know about ... Give the full answer (2 or more sentences)
- the distribution of the population in the UK?
- the reason why Scotland is not densely populated?
- the reason why the Highlands is the most underpopulated area of Scotland?
- the first people in the UK?
- the languages spoken in the UK?

 6. Put questions to get these sentences as answers.
1. 8,5 million people.
2. Four out of every five people.
3. Greater London, the south and the southeast.
4. 53 million people.
5. The English, the Scots, the Welsh, the Irish.
6. The Normans.
7. The cockney.

Lesson 3


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

executive (adj), (n) [ɪɡˈzekjətɪv] – виконавчий, посадова особа
support (v) [səˈpɔːt] – підтримувати
the House of Lords (n) – палата лордів
the House of Commons (n) – палата громад
limit (v) – обмежувати
appoint (v) – призначати
judiciary (adj) [dʒuːˈdɪʃəri] – судовий
hereditary (adj) [həˈredɪtəri] – спадковий
derive (v) [dɪˈraɪv] – одержувати, відбуватися, виводити
approve (v) [əˈpruːv] – схвалювати, затверджувати

2. Read and translate the text.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional
monarchy. The power of Queen Elizabeth II is not absolute. It is limited by Parliament.

The legislative body, Parliament, consists of two chambers: the House of Lords
and the House of Commons.
The executive body consists of the central Government – that is the Prime Minister
and the Cabinet of Ministers, who are responsible for initiating and directing the nation-
al policy.

The judiciary body is independent of both the legislative and the executive ones.
The Government derives its authority from the elected House of Commons.
General elections are held in the House of
Commons at least every five years. The House
of Commons is presided over by the Speaker.
The Speaker is appointed by the Government.
There are few political parties in Britain
thanks to the British electoral system. The main
ones are: the Conservative Party, the Labour
Party and the Liberal/Social Democratic Alli-
The Government is normally formed by
the political party which is supported by the
majority in the House of Commons.
The leader of the party is appointed the Prime Minister by the Queen who also
chooses a team of ministers.
The second largest party becomes the Official Opposition with its own leader and
the “Shadow Cabinet”*.
The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers*. It is presided by the Lord Chan-
cellor*. The House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory council. The
House of Lords is a hereditary chamber.
In Great Britain there is no written constitution, only customs and traditions.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What can you say about the power of the Queen in Great Britain?
2. Is there a constitution in Great Britain?
3. What houses does the legislative branch consist of?
4. Who is the Queen of Great Britain?
5. The House of Commons is a hereditary chamber, isn't it?

4. Translate word-combinations into English.

Конституційна монархія, призначати прем’єр-міністром, політичні партії, офі-
ційна опозиція, проста система множинності, загальні вибори, виконавча влада,
лідер партії, мажоритарний, палата Лордів, кількість голосів, представник вибор-
чого округу.

5. Put all kinds of questions to the sentences.

1. The leader of the party chooses a team of ministers.
2. The newspapers carried different reports about elections.
3. The most important function of Parliament is making of laws.

6. Complete the sentences and tell about political system of Great Britain.
1. The head of the state is…
2. The legislative power belongs to…
3. The parliament consists of…
4. The executive power is exercised by…
5. The judicial power belongs to…
6. The power of the Queen is limited by…

 7. Fill in prepositions and translate the sentences.

1. The British Isles include Great Britain, Ireland and a number … small islands.
2. The southern two thirds … Ireland are occupied … the Irish Republic which borders
… Northern Ireland.
3. Great Britain consists … England, Scotland and Wales.
4. The British Isles are washed … the Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian, North and Irish
seas and two big channels.
5. There are the famed chalk hills…the extreme south … England.
6. The rivers … the region are short and … general flow … the central and southern
lowlands … the surrounding seas.
7. Great Britain is a region … varied lowlands, rolling hills and few mountains.

Lesson 4


1. Read and remember new words and word-combination.

invade (v) – захопити
invincible (adj) [ɪnˈvɪnsɪbl̩ ] – непереможний
rush (v) – кидатися
chariot (n) [ˈtʃæriət] – колісниця
drain (v) [dreın] – осушувати
conquest (n) [ˈkɔŋkwest] – завоювання, підкорення
approach (v) [əˈprəutʃ] – підходити, наближатися
impression (n) [ɪmˈpreʃn] – враження
drive off (v) – відвадити
defeat (v) [dɪˈfiːt] – розбивати, завдати поразки
splendid (adj) [ˈsplendɪd] – чудовий, розкішний
swamp (n) [swɔmp] – болото
moustache (n) [muˈstɑːʃ] – вуса
estate (n) [ɪˈsteɪt] – маєток, майно

2. Read and translate the text.

The Roman Empire became extremely strong in the 1st century B.C. * This Empire
was the last and greatest civilization of the ancient world.
At that time two thousand years ago the Celtic people were still living in tribes.
And Roman society, of course, was very much different from the Celts in many ways.
In 55 B. C. a Roman army of 10000 men crossed the Channel and invaded Britain.
The Celts who inhabited Britain saw
their ships approaching and rushed to at-
tack the invaders in the sea as they were
landing. The Celts made a great impression
on the Romans, who saw them for the first
time in the battle. On the occasion of the
battle hair and moustaches were painted
red and their legs and arms were painted
blue. With loud shouts they attacked the Romans in chariots and on foot.
The well-armed invincible Romans under one of the greatest generals of that time
had to return to France.
Next year, in 54 B. C., Caesar* came to Britain again, this time with larger forces
(25 000 men). The Celts fought bravely for their independence but they were not strong
enough to drive the Romans off. The Romans who had better arms and were much bet-
ter trained defeated the Celts in several battles.
This is how the Roman invasion of Britain started. This invasion lasted till the year
of 407 A. D.*
To protect themselves from the attacks of the Picts, the Romans built the wall
known as Hadrian's Wall. Hadrian's Wall (117 kilometres long and four metres high)
was built by Emperor Hadrian* and is well-known all over the world.
As a result of the conquest signs of
Roman civilization spread over Britain.
There had been no towns in Britain be-
fore the Romans conquered it. Soon they
began to build towns, splendid villas,
public baths as in Rome itself. York*,
Gloucester*, Lincoln and London be-
came the chief Roman towns. In most
towns there were market-places where
merchants sold their goods. The rich merchants and officials had luxurious houses
which contained many rooms, with mosaic floors and central heating. Every Roman
town had a drainage system and a good supply of pure water. Temples and public baths
could be found in most towns. The Roman towns were military stations surrounded by
walls for defence which were guarded by the Roman warriors.
The Romans were great road-makers and soon a network of roads connected all
parts of the country. The forests were cleared, swamps were drained, and corn-fields
took their place. Today there are many things in Britain to remind the people of the
Romans. The wells which the Romans dug give water today, and the chief Roman roads
are still among the highways of modern England. Many of such remains as glass, stat-
ues, and coins may be seen
in the British Museum.
But together with a
high civilization the Romans
brought exploitation and
slavery to the British Isles.
Rich Romans had villas in
the country with large es-
tates, which were worked by slaves. Prisoners of war were sent to the slave-market in
the Roman Empire. The free Celts were not turned into slaves but they had to pay heavy
taxes to the conquerors and were made to work for them.

3. Answer the questions
1. When did the Romans come to Britain?
2. What was the result of their first battle?
3. When did they come for the second time?
4. How did the Roman way of life influence the life of the Celts?
5. Are there any things in Britain to remind the people of the Romans?
6. How did the Roman cities look like?
7. Were the free Celts turned into slaves?

4. Name the outstanding features of Great Britain filling the blanks with the super-
lative form of the adjective. Translate the sentences.
1. Ben Nevis is the (high) mountain in Britain.
2. The (wet) place in Britain is the Lake District. It has about 440 cm of rain a year.
3. Penzance* in Cornwell is the (warm) place in Britain.
4. The (long) river in Britain is the Thames.
5. The (famous) poet, who wrote poems in Scottish dialect is Robert Berns.
6. The (old) university in Britain is Oxford. It was founded in 1167.
7. Hampden Park in Glasgow is (large) football stadium in Britain. It can hold 64100

5. Use the articles with these proper names where necessary.

1._______ Lake District
2.________ North of England
3._________ Midlands
5._________ Northern Ireland
6._________ Thames
7.________ Southwest
8.__________ Heathrow Airport

6. Read the following text. Give a title to the story and retell it.
The weather in England can change very quickly. One day last week I went for a
walk in the country. When I started early in the morning the weather was beautiful. The
sun was shining, the sky was blue and there were no clouds at all. In the middle of the
morning a sudden change came. A cool wind started to blow, black clouds covered the
sun and in a very short time it started to rain heavily. There were no houses in sight and
I had no coat with me. So I got very wet indeed and very cold too. After about an hour I
managed to catch a bus which took me home. But when I arrived I was shivering and

sneezing and I’ve had a cold ever since. We sometimes say that England is the only
country where you can have four seasons in one day.

 7. Translate into English.

1. Кельти дуже вразили римлян у бою.
2. Добре озброєним римлянам довелось повернутись назад.
3. Наступного року Цезар знову прийшов у Британію із більшим військом.
4. Римляни були краще озброєними та більш тренованими.
5. Головні римські дороги і зараз є сучасними автомагістралями Англії.
6. Щоб захистити себе від нападів Піктів, римляни збудували стіну, відому як
Стіна Адріана.
7. Лондон досяг свого значення під римським правлінням.
8. Британська провінція стала однією з зерносховищ Римської імперії.
9. Благородні кельти прийняли спосіб життя своїх завойовників.

Lesson 5


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

ancient (adj) [ˈeɪnʃənt] – стародавній
daily (adv) [ˈdeɪli] – щоденно
square (n) [skweə] – площа
particularly (adv) [pəˈtɪkjələli] – особливо
impress (v) [ɪmˈpres] –вражати
chapel (n) [ˈtʃæpəl] – каплиця
stretch (v) [stretʃ] – простягатись
bury (v) [ˈberi] – ховати
cathedral (n) [kəˈθiːdrəl] – собор
attraction (n) [əˈtrækʃn] – атракціон, привабливість

2. Read and translate the text.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It stands on the river Thames and stretches
for over thirty miles from east to west. London is an ancient city. It was founded more
than two thousand years ago.
Its population is nearly 9 million people. London is the biggest industrial and
cultural centre of Great Britain. London is a great port. Today over 50,000 ships come
to London daily.
Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City*, the West End*, the
East End* and the Westminster Abbey*.
In London one can meet the past and the present, the old and the modern. It is a
city of contrasts. It has many wonderful places of interests.
Trafalgar square* is the centre of London. The Nel-
son Column* in the middle of the square particularly im-
presses tourists. It is 185 feet* high. From Trafalgar Square
you can go down the Whitehall * and see the Houses of
Parliament which stand in Parliament Square. The Houses
of Parliament is a
long building that stretches for about 1000 feet. At
one end is the famous Big Ben*.
Behind it there is the Thames and the
Westminster Bridge. Opposite the Houses of Par-
liament stands the Westminster Abbey*, famous for
its architecture and history. Nearly all kings and
queens have been crowned in the Abbey. G. Chaucer*, Ed. Spencer, Lord Tennyson, Ch.
Dickens and many other famous men and writers were buried there. In the Poet's corner*
there are memorials to W. Shakespeare, J. Milton, R. Burns, G. G. Byron and many oth-
er poets and writers. The Westminster Abbey is a beautiful chapel.
Another place, which can impress you most, is Buckingham Palace *. It is the resi-
dence of the Queen.
The other parts of London are the rich West End, the poor East End and the City
– its financial centre. The City of London is in size very small, it is only one square mile
in area but is the most important banking and
commercial centre of the country. The Tower of
London* is situated in the City, and it comes first
among the historic buildings of London. St Paul's
Cathedral*, the greatest of English churches, is
situated not far from the Tower. Sir Christopher
Wren* rebuilt it after the Great Fire of London.
One of London's attractions is its parks. The most famous among them is the
Hyde Park.
We can't describe all the places of interest. The best way to know London is to
visit it.

3. Answer the questions.

1. Where is London situated?
2. What is the City famous for?
3. What is the Westminster Abbey famous for?
4. What is the population of London?
5. What places of interest are there in London?
6. What parts does London consist of?
7. What is the present name of Big Ben?
8. What was the Tower of London used for?

4. Read and dramatize dialogues.

а) - Are you for the first time going to London?
- Yes, I have always dreamt to visit this city.
- I believe there are many attractive places.
- Certainly. I’ll be able to see with my own eyes everything I’ve read and heard
b) - What would you like to visit in London?
- Oh, there are so many places I want to see. But first I’ll start with the Tower of
- I’ve heard it has a great history.
- I’d like to see the Ceremony of Keys.
c) - You see, the English are very proud of their traditions and carefully keep them.
- You are right. When you come to England you’re struck by quite a number of cus-
toms at once.
- One of the most interesting is Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.
- Sure.
d) - In London there are so many unusual things which can not be found in any other
city of the world.
- What do you mean?
- I mean double-decker buses.
- I’d like to make a double-decker bus tour about London and see much of the city
from its top.

5. Match the words in columns to say what these places are famous for.
1) London a) the biggest airport in England
2) the Lake District b) the fact that - it was built by Romans
3) Oxford c) the fact that Oliver Cromwell was born there
4) Hadrian's Wall d) its 12th century university
5) Heathrow e) its lakes and beautiful scenery

6. Correct the sentences.

1. The population of London is about 10 million people.
2. London is situated on the both banks of the river Severn.
3.Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End and the East
4. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated in Westminster.
5. The East End is the heart of London.
6. The City is the historic center of government.
7. The East End is the richest and most beautiful part of London.
8. Westminster is the poorest part of London.
9. The East End is populated by rich families.

7. Choose the right variant:

1) The Tower of London is: 2) The Queen lives in:
a) a trade center a) the Tower of London
b) a museum b) the Houses of Parliament
c) a shop c) the Buckingham Palace

3) Big Ben is the name of: 4) The Parliament consists of:
a) the clock tower a) two Houses
b) the architect b) three Houses
c) the bell c) four Houses

5) Which bridge is in London? 6) The Whispering Gallery is in:

a) Brooklyn Bridge a) Westminster Abbey
b) Tower Bridge b) St. Paul’s cathedral
c) Boston Bridge c) St. Paul’s church

7) You can see dinosaur’s skeletons in: 8) The Tower of London was also:
a) Natural Museum a) a market-place
b) Science Museum b) a cinema
c) Madam Tussaud’s c) a zoo

8. Make up sentences of the given words.

1. heart, City, the, is, London, of, the.
2. the, Westminster, is, of, government, historic, centre.
3. Abbey, queens, crowned, nearly, have, the, and, been, kings, all, in.
4. London, the, End, East, the, is, part, poorest, of.
5. the, London, population, of, nearly, is, million, nine, people.
6. narrow, in, of, End, are, the, streets, East, there, lots.
7. different, are, rather, they, one, from, another.

 9. Translate into English:

1. Лондон був заснований більше 2000 років тому.
2. У Вестмінстерському абатстві знаходяться могили багатьох великих державних
діячів, вчених та письменників.
3. В Іст-Енді немає парків або садів і не можна побачити красиві будинки.
4. Англійці пишаються Трафальгарським сквером, який був названий так у честь
перемоги в битві. Тут в 1805 році англійський флот розгромив флот Франції та
5. Британський музей знаменитий своєю бібліотекою – однією з найбагатших у
6. На північній стороні Трафальгарської площі розташована Національна портре-
тна галерея.
7. Лондон – це портове місто, його водні шляхи грають важливу роль для країни.

Lesson 6


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

fashionable (adj) [ˈfæʃnəbl] – модний, популярний
hire (v) [ˈhaɪə] – найняти, брати напрокат
execution (n) [ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃən] – страта
whale (n) [weɪl] – кит
waxwork (n) [ˈwækswɜːk] – воскова фігура
horror (n) [ˈhɔrə] – жах, страх
contain (v) [kənˈteɪn] – містити
display (n) – виставка
Royal Mint (n) [ˈrɔɪəl mɪnt] – Королівський монетний двір

2. Read and translate the text.

The Houses of Parliament
Its official name is the Palace of Westminster.
Most of the building was built in 1840 after the fire of
1834 that destroyed the old palace. At the north end of
the building, by Westminster Bridge, there is the fa-
mous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really
the name of the bell in the tower, not of the clock.

Downing Street
Number 10, Downing Street has been the home of
the British Prime Minister since 1735.

The Tower of London

It's the London's oldest building. Since it was
built by William the Conqueror* in the 11th centu-
ry, this castle has been a Royal palace, a prison, a
place of execution, a zoo, the Royal Mint, and an
observatory. Today it's a museum and houses the
Crown Jewels*. There is a gift shop.

Hyde Park
It's the London's largest and most fashionable
park. It was once a royal hunting forest. There are
restaurants and bars at each end of the Serpentine
Lake*. You can hire a boat here.

The Natural History Museum

It's situated in Kensington and is one of
London's greatest museums. There is a huge
collection of animals and plants, including a
quarter of a million butterflies, a blue whale
and the famous dinosaur skeletons. There is a
cafeteria, a gift shop, and a book shop.

Madame Tussaud’s*, Marylebone Road

The famous Waxworks Museum has the models
of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers,
displays of battles and a Chamber of Horror.

The Royal Observatory, Greenwich

It is situated 10 miles outside London on a
hill above the River Thames. The Observatory
contains telescopes and displays about astrono-
my, including Halley's Comet and Black Holes.
There is a video theatre and a souvenir shop.
You can have a picnic in Greenwich Park. You
can also take a river boat to Greenwich from
Westminster Bridge.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What is the London's largest and most fashionable park?
2. What street has been the home of the British Prime Minister since 1735?
3. What is one of London's greatest museums?
4. Where can you see the famous waxworks?
5. Where is the Royal Observatory situated?

4. London is full of parks and gardens. Here are the mixed names of some of them.

5. Correct the sentence.

 London is the capital of Scotland.
 Big Ben is an old palace.
 Trafalgar Square is in the suburbs of London.
 The Natural History Museum is in Edinburgh.
 Westminster Abbey is not near Big Ben.
 London is not very rich in parks and gardens.

6. Read and translate dialogue.

- Chris, how do you like London?
- Oh, it’s very beautiful. I have already visited some famous places and I was very im-
- What places have you visited?
- I’ve already visited Westminster and saw Big Ben. I always wanted to see Big Ben be-
cause I read a lot about it.
- And have you visited the Tower of London?
- Yes, yesterday we went on the excursion to the Tower. We knew a lot of interesting
facts about the history of the Tower. For example, that it was a palace, a fortress and a
- Yes, the Tower is one of the most interesting places in London. And have you visited
Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament?
- Of course, Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s residence and the House of Parliament
is her working place.
- That’s right. I recommend you to visit Trafalgar Square and the Tower Bridge. These
are our historical places.
- Oh, it’s great. I think I’ll go there tomorrow.
- I can show you these places.

- It would be great. See you tomorrow then.
- See you.

 7. Translate into English.

1. В центрі Сіті, навпроти головного банку Англії, стоїть пам’ятник Веллінгтону.
2. Букінгемський палац – резиденція англійських королів.
3. Мелл – це широкий проспект, обсаджений деревами та квітами.
4. Трафальгарська площа – це центр Лондона.
5. Тауер Лондона був заснований Юлієм Цезарем.
6. Музей науки в Лондоні варто відвідати.
7. В музеї Мадам Тюссо ви зустрінетесь віч-на віч з деякими найвідомішими в
світі обличчями.
8. Кенсінгтонський палац пропонує поглянути на життя своїх колишніх королів-
ських жителів.

Lesson 7


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

medieval (adj) [ˌmediˈiːvəl] – середньовічний
renowned (adj) [rɪˈnaund] – прославлений, відомий
scholar (n) [ˈskɔlər] – освічена людина, вчений
county (n) [ˈkaunti] – графство
revere (v) [rɪˈvɪə] – шанувати, глибоко поважати
monk (n) [ mʌŋk ] – монах
cleric (n) [ˈklerɪk] – священнослужитель
evolve (v) [ɪˈvɔlv] – розвивати
boost (n) [buːst] – підтримка, поштовх
congregate (v) [ˈkɔŋɡrɪɡeɪt] – згуртуватися, збиратися
associated (adj) [əˈsəuʃieɪtɪd] –взаємодіючий, об’єднаний
grandeur (n) [ˈɡrændjə] – велич, пишнота, грандіозність
rioting (n) [ˈraɪətɪŋ] вчинення бунту

2. Read and translate the text.

England is famous for its educational institutes. There were many different kinds
of schools in Medieval England and the English universities were one of the most sig-
nificant creations. The students who attended either Oxford or Cambridge Universities
set an intellectual standard that contrasted markedly with the norm of Medieval Eng-
land. Today both Universities are internationally renowned centres for teaching and re-
search, attracting students and scholars from all over the world.
The University of Oxford, located in
the city of Oxford is one of the oldest and
most highly revered Universities in Eu-
rope. It was the first university estab-
lished in Britain. Oxford is situated about
57 miles (90 km) north-west of London in
its own county of Oxfordshire.
According to legend Oxford Univer-
sity was founded by King Alfred the Great* in 872 when he happened to meet some
monks there and had a scholarly debate that lasted several days.
Long after Alfred, during the late 11th or early 12th century, it is known that Ox-
ford became a centre of learning for clerics, from which a school or university could
have evolved. The university was given a boost in 1167 when, for political reasons,
Henry II of England ordered all English students at Paris to return to England. Most of
the returning students congregated at Oxford and the University began a period of rapid
development. Oxford, like Cambridge, differs from many other universities in that there
is no central university campus. Instead, the University consists of a large number of
colleges and associated buildings, scattered throughout the city.
Today Oxford University is comprised of thirty-nine colleges and six permanent
private halls, founded between 1249 and 1996, whose architectural grandeur, together
with that of the University's libraries and museums, gives the city its unique character.
Each college is practically autonomous with its own set of rules. There is central admin-
istration, providing services such as libraries, laboratories, lectures and examination.
University of Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking
world (after Oxford). The start of the University is generally taken as 1209, when some
masters and students arrived in Cambridge after fleeing from rioting in Oxford.
Cambridge is situated about
50 miles (80 km) north of Lon-
don. The university was basically
established to study for religious
purposes. The earliest teaching
sessions of the University were
carried out in churches or private
houses. This was obviously unsat-
isfactory, and so the University
authorities began to establish
buildings for their own use. Some of these early “schools” still exist on the site known,
appropriately, as the “Old Schools'”. During the 14th and 15th centuries, the University
gradually gained its independence from the church.
Cambridge University is composed of more than thirty colleges, one of the most
famous of which is Emmanuel College.
The University at present has more than 16,500 full-time students. About 17% of
the student body is from overseas, coming from over 100 different countries. Because of
its high academic reputation, admission to the University is highly competitive, and
most overseas students already have a good degree from a university in their own coun-

3. Answer the questions.

1. What was the first university established in Britain?
2. Who founded the University of Oxford?
3. How Oxford differs from other universities?
4. What is the second-oldest university in England?
5. Where is Cambridge situated?
6. How many colleges is Cambridge University composed of?
7. Who founded the largest college in Cambridge?

4. Fill the gaps in the sentences, using the words and phrases below.
(evolved, teaching sessions, attended, constituent colleges, boost, highly competitive,
congregated, revered, renowned)
1. The students who … either Oxford or Cambridge Universities set an intellectual
standard that contrasted markedly with the norm of Medieval England.
2. Today both Universities are internationally … centres for teaching and research, at-
tracting students and scholars from all over the world.
3. The University of Oxford, located in the city of Oxford is one of the oldest and most
highly … Universities in Europe.
4. During the late 11th or early 12th century, it is known that Oxford became a centre of
learning for clerics, from which a school or university could have sprung or … .
5. The university was given a … in 1167 when, for political reasons, Henry II of Eng-
land ordered all English students at Paris to return to England.
6. Most of the returning students … at Oxford and the University began a period of rap-
id development.
7. The earliest … of the University were carried out in churches or private houses.
8. Cambridge University is composed of more than thirty … .
9. Admission to the University is … .
5. Put these geographical names in right column: cities, rivers, lakes, mountains
The Mersey, London, Windermere*, Ben Nevis, the English Channel, the Cambri-
an Mountains, the Trent, Cardiff, the North Channel, the Cheviots, Edinburgh, the
Thames, Belfast, the Tyne, Snowdon*, the Clyde, Loch Ness.

6. Put all kinds of questions to the sentences.

1. My brother is a freshman* at Cambridge University.
2. We don’t translate texts from English into French.
3. Ann goes to college every day.
4. Mr. Smith works at Oxford University.

 7. Translate into English.

1. Існує кілька типів університетів у Великобританії.
2. Коледжі в Оксфорді пропонують лише ті предмети студентам, які залежать від
сфери їхнього навчання, але коледжі Кембриджу дають можливість вибрати
предмети зі списку відповідно до ваших уподобань.
3. Оксфордський університет був заснований у 1096 році, і зараз його відвідують
понад 20 000 студентів.
4. Кембриджський університет також відомий як найбільший державний дослід-
ницький центр і був заснований в 1209 році вченими, які втекли до Кембриджу
з Оксфорда.
5. Тут є понад 18 000 студентів, а в деяких коледжах допускаються лише жінки.
6. Кожен з випускників залишається членом коледжу назавжди.
7. Британські університети підтримують своїх студентів, нагороджуючи їх гран-
тами, спеціальними стипендіями чи іншими перевагами.

Lesson 8


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

take the origin (v) [ɔrɪdʒɪn] – походити
snooker (n) [ˈsnuːkə] – снукер (вид гри на більярді)
compete (v) [kəmˈpiːt] – змагатись
tournament (n) [ˈtuənəmənt] – турнір
goal post (n) [ɡəul] – ворота
violent (adj) [ˈvaɪələnt] – насильницький, різкий
helmet (n) [ˈhelmət] – шолом
requirement (n) [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt] – вимога
padding (n) [ˈpædɪŋ] – захисна підкладка
wicket (n) [ˈwɪkɪt] – ворота («калитка»)
new-mown grass (adj) [məun] –свіжоскошена трава

2. Read and translate the text.

Most people in Great Britain are real sport-lovers. Even if they don't go in for
sport, they like to talk about it. Perhaps, you didn't know, but many kinds of sport have
taken the origin in Great Britain. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badmin-
ton, squash, canoeing and snooker were invented in Britain.
Britain's national sport is football or soccer. It was played there as far back as
medieval times. Nowadays it has become the most popular game all over the world.
There is no national football team in Great Britain. England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland have their separate football clubs, which compete in European and
World Cup matches.
English football fans are fond of most exciting games which are held between
teams from the same city. For example, between Manchester United and Manchester
City, Arsenal and Chelsea from London.
There are plenty of amateur association football clubs. Many schools form their
own football teams, offering students an opportunity of entering prestigious universi-
ties according to their sport achievements.
There is a certain type of football called rug-
by. The game is called so because it was originated
at Rugby – a well-known English public school.
As well as common football it is a game played by
two teams of fifteen players each. The game takes
place on a field 100 metres long and 80 metres
wide. There are goal posts at both ends of the field.
Rugby is played with an oval or egg-shaped ball
which can be carried by hands and kicked. The ball is passed from hand to hand in or-
der to be thrown across the goal line. It is a rather violent game that is why the players
must be big and strong. Another requirement for the players is to wear helmets, masks
and chest and shoulder padding.
Cricket is a popular summer sport in Brit-
ain. There are many cricket clubs in the country.
Cricket players wear a certain uniform — white
boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. One
cricket game takes a terribly long time. There are
two teams of 11 players each and test matches
between national teams can last up to 5 days.
The spectators have to be very patient. The game
is played on a pitch with a wicket at each end. The rules of the game have changed
over the years. It is a game which is associated with long sunny summer afternoons,
the smell of new-mown grass and the sound of leather ball beating the willow cricket
bat. Cricket is more popular among men, but it is also played by women and girls.
Tennis is another favourite sport of the Englishmen. People all over the world
know Wimbledon which is the centre of lawn tennis. It is the oldest tennis tournament
in the world considered by many people to be the most prestigious. It takes place over
two weeks in late June and early July. Wimbledon is known for its traditions — strict
white dress code for competitors, the absence of sponsor advertising around the courts
and some others. Every tennis player dreams of taking part at this tournament.
Golf is a game of business community. In Great
Britain it is very common to establish good business
relations playing golf. The equipment for this game is
quite expensive as well as the entrance to a prestigious
golf club, so not everyone can afford it. Golf is a ball
and golf stick game played on a natural field. In this
game one has to knock a ball into a hole.
There are a lot of other popular sports in Great Britain, for example, horserac-
ing, croquet, swimming, running, cycling and rowing.

3. Answer the questions.

1. The Englishmen love sports, don’t they?
2. Which sport do you associate with Britain? Why?
3. What sports have taken the origin in Britain?
4. Do you know any English football clubs?
5. What is rugby?
6. What equipment do you need to play rugby?
7. Cricket is a popular winter sport in England, isn't it?
8. Have you learnt any interesting information about cricket?
9. Why does every tennis player dream of taking part at Wimbledon?



Lesson 1


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

border (v) [ˈbɔːdə] – межувати
prairie (n) [ˈpreəri] – рівнини
desert (n) [ˈdezət] – пустеля
occupy (v) [ˈɔkjupaɪ] – займати
snow-capped (adj) [ˈsnəukæpt] – засніжений
deposit (n) [dɪˈpɔzɪt] – родовище
rock (n) – камінь
non-ferrous (n) [ˈnɔnˈferəs] – кольоровий
elucidate (v) [ɪˈluːsɪdeɪt] – з'ясувати
gemstone (n) [dʒem stəun] – коштовний камінь
coined (adj) [kɔɪnd]– вигаданий
ally (n) [ˈælaɪ] – союзник, спільник

2. Read and translate the text.

The USA occupies the central part of the North American continent. It borders on
Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the
east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Gulf of Mexico * in the south. The pre-
sent territory of the USA consists of three separate parts. The USA proper and Alaska
are situated in North America. The Hawaii* are situated in the central part of the Pacific
Ocean. The area of the country is about 9,834,000 km2. Its population is almost 330 mil-
lion people. No general statement can be made about the landscape of the USA. It is a
country of mountains and prairies, valleys and deserts. About one half of the territory in
the west is occupied by the Cordilleras. In the east there are the Appalachian Moun-
tains*. Between these great mountain chains central and large valleys lie.
The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through Canada and the USA to Mexi-
co. Together with the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California they have snow-capped
peaks and clear mountain lakes. The Great Lakes are situated in the north-east of the
country. They are Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Superior and Lake Mich-
igan. The largest rivers of the USA are the Mississippi *, the Missouri, the Columbia, the
Colorado, and the Yukon. American rivers have very expressive names: the Snake Riv-
er, the Milk River, the Green River, the Sweetwater River and the White River. The
USA has rich deposits of coal, oil, iron, zinc, copper, silver, phosphate rock, natural gas,
uranium and non-ferrous metals. The country has one fourth of the world’s coal depos-
3. Answer the questions.
1. What is the territory of the USA?
2. Where is the country situated?
3. What is the population of the USA?
4. What are the Great Lakes?
5. Where are they situated?
6. What is the longest river in the USA?

4. Read and remember the origin of names of some American states.

Origin is not fully elucidated. It is believed that this word comes from the Indian
language and means “City of the tribe”
Means “great land” or “peninsula”
Spanish word which means “the one that carries silver”.
French version of the Sioux* word “Acansa”, which means “the place down-
Comes from the Spanish conquistadors*. Adapted from the novel 1510 which de-
scribes the paradise island with the same name.
It is based on the Spanish phrase “colored red”.
Comes from the Indian “in a large turbulent river”.
Named after Sir Thomas West (Lord De La Warr), governor of Virginia, 1610.
Named by the Spanish on Easter Day 1513. The name means “Flower Easter”.
Named after the British King George II
Comes from the local word Owhyhee, which means Motherland.
In the language of the local Indians – “gemstone of the mountains”.
The French version of the Indian word that means “warriors” or “tribe of the best
Coined word meaning something like “Land of the Indians”.
The name of an Indian tribe, belonging to a group of Sioux tribes.
Comes from the Indian language and means “the great hill”.
New York
Named after the English city of York.
Indian word that means “Good River”.
Comes from the Caddo*. Indian word meaning “friends” or “allies”.
Comes from the French Verd Mont, which means “Green Mountain”.

5. Open the brackets and translate the sentences.

1. New York is the (large) city in the USA.
2. The sun shines (bright) than the moon.
3. The weather becomes (bad) from day to day.
4. Washington is (old) than Las-Vegas.
5. The USA is one of the (large) countries in the world.
6. Washington is (important) city and the capital of the USA.
7. Winter is (cold) season in the year.

6. Translate into English.

1. Сполучені Штати Америки межують з Канадою та Мексикою.
2. Атлантичний океан омиває країну на сході.
3. Сполучені Штати Америки складаються з трьох окремих частин.
4. Гавайські острови знаходяться в центральній частині Тихого океану.
5. Однією з найбільших річок країни є Міссурі.
6. Штат Джорджія названий в честь англійського короля.

Lesson 2


1. Read and memorize the words.

equal (v) [ˈiːkwəl] – дорівнювати
poppy (n) [ˈpɔpi] – мак
scrape (v) [skreɪp] – шкребти
stripe (n) [straɪp] – смуга
quail (n) [kweɪl] – перепела
wonder (n) [ˈwʌndə] – диво
harvest (n) [ˈhɑːvɪst] – урожай
raw material (n) [rɔː məˈtɪəriəl] – сировина
site (n) [saɪt] – місце
wilderness (n) [ˈwɪldənəs] – дика природа
sagebrush (n) [ˈseɪʤbrʌʃ] – полин
pottery (n) [ˈpɔtəri] – кераміка, гончарні вироби

2. Read and translate the text.

At present the USA is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country. It is
rich in coal, oil, iron and natural gas. It exports a lot of raw materials, industrial and ag-
ricultural products.
People enjoy the wonders of nature practi-
cally in every state. The Appalachians and the
Rocky Mountains, forests, plains, prairies and
even deserts, wonderful lakes, waterfalls and
rivers cover the American territory that equals
about 9.8 million square kilometers. Among the
most famous sites of interest are the Great
Lakes, Niagara Falls, the Golden Gate Bridge*
in San Francisco and others. There are many beautiful National parks and protected are-
as of wilderness in America.
The population of the USA is almost 330 million people of many nationalities.
Some of the biggest cities are New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and oth-
ers. There are many very tall buildings in them that really scrape the sky, that’s why
they are called skyscrapers.

The capital of the country is Washington D.C. (the District of Columbia). The
USA is a federal republic. The American Parliament (called Congress) has two cham-
bers: the House of Representatives * and the Senate*.
The flag of the United States has 13 red and
white stripes representing the original 13 states and
50 stars – for each of the 50 states of the country.
Each state has its national motto, bird and flower as
its symbol. For instance, California’s motto is “I’ve
found it! (Eureka).” Its state bird is Valley Quail
and flower – Golden Poppy.
America as any other country has its own customs, traditions and holidays. For in-
stance, on the 4th of July they celebrate Independence Day that gave birth to the Ameri-
can nation. At the end of November there is Thanksgiving Day which was celebrated
for the first time in 1621 when the first colonists from England got their first good har-
vest. Young people enjoy two other holidays – Halloween (on October 31) and St. Val-
entine’s Day (on February 14).

3. Name each paragraph of the text.

4. What are the following numbers and dates connected with?

1. 4th of July
2. 50
3. 31st of October
4. 13
5. 9 834 000
6. 14th of February
7. 330 000 000
8. November 1621

5. Put questions to get these sentences as answers.

1. A lot of raw materials, industrial and agricultural products.
2. About 9.8 million square kilometres
3. The Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, the Golden Gate bridge
4. About 330 million people
5. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and others
6. Skyscrapers
7. Washington D.C.
8. Congress and the House of Representatives

6. Read more about the USA.
If you want to go from San Francisco to New York in a car, you must ride more
than three thousand miles. It takes over three days and nights.
In California, where you begin your trip, the climate is usually mild all year.
“California” is a Spanish word meaning “heat of the ovens”. Slightly south of the route
that your car follows is the famous fruitful area. Californian oranges, grapefruit and
lemons, as well as many other fruits and vegetables are shipped all over the USA and to
the other parts of the world.
Soon, however, you leave these fertile plains and go up into the Sierra Nevada
Mountains, with their snowcapped peaks and clear mountain lakes.
As your car goes further east, you cross the
Salt Lake desert*. For miles and miles you will see
nothing but salt and salt. Your car crosses the flat
plains of Wyoming, which stretch out for miles and
miles, covered with short grass and sagebrush. This
is mainly sheep and cattle country, the land of the
cowboys. As you cross it, you may wonder where
the people of America are. From time to time you
may see a few cattle scattered over the plain, or the wagon of a sheep herder, but most
of the country is empty.
As your car crosses Nebraska, you gradually leave this empty country and enter
the rich farming region of America. The land becomes fertile and well watered, and
more trees appear. Nebraska has many golden wheat fields. In Iowa and Illinois, wheat
is important product, and much livestock is raised.
After two days, your streamlined, air-conditioned car arrives in Chicago. Chica-
go, with population of more than three and a half million, is the second largest city in
the USA. It is a centre of industry for the middle part of the country.
In Pennsylvania and New Jersey you
can find factories of nearly every type – tex-
tile and pottery, steel and chemical. This is
the richest industrial region of the country,
with more city dwellers and a larger foreign-
born population than anywhere else in the
United States. Finally you arrive in the City
of New York, which is one of the largest in
the world.

7. Translate into English.
1. На території Америки можна побачити рівнини, гори, пустелі, ліса та озера.
2. Площа Сполучених Штатів дорівнює 9,8 млн. квадратних кілометрів.
3. Символи Каліфорнії – золотий мак та перепела.
4. Хмарочоси Америки настільки високі, що здається вони шкребуть небо.
5. На державному прапорі Америки 13 білих та червоних смуг.
6. Одним з найпопулярніших див світу серед туристів є Ніагарський водоспад.
7. На честь великого урожаю перші іммігранти заснували свято День подяки.
8. Філадельфія, штат Пенсильванія – п'яте за величиною місто в США.

8. Write down a small paragraph about states of America (names, capitals, im-
portant products and industries, places of interest).

Lesson 3


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

national government (n) [ˈɡʌvənmənt] – уряд країни
state government (n) – уряд штату
pattern (n) [ˈpætn] – взірець
proclaim (v) [prəˈkleɪm] – проголошувати
term (n) [ tɜːm ] – строк
native-born (n) [ˈneɪtɪv bɔːn] – уродженець, корінний житель
the House of Representatives (n) [ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv] – палата представників
the Senate (n) [ˈsenət] – сенат
serve (v) [sɜːv] – служити, працювати в якості
election (n) [ɪˈlekʃn] – вибори
re-elect (v) [ˌri əˈlekt] – переобирати
resident (n) [ˈrezɪdənt] – постійний мешканець

2. Read and translate the text.

The United States of America is a federal union, consisting of fifty states, with the
District of Columbia* as the seat of the national government. Each state has its own
government and the state governments follow much the same pattern as the federal gov-
ernment. The present constitution was proclaimed in 1878 in Philadelphia. Since then,
the basic document has not been changed.

The president is the head of the state and the government and he chooses the minis-
If you want to be a president of the United States of America you must be thirty-
five years old or older and you must be a resident of the United States for fourteen years
or longer.
President can serve two terms. A term is four years. This means that one can be
president only twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In
fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. He was still president when he
died in 1945. He was president for twelve years. No one was president longer than he
Presidents of the United States are very different people. Twenty-eight of them
were lawyers, two sheriffs*, four farmers, three teachers*, two writers, three business-
men*, one tailor*, and two actors*.
Congress consists of two houses, The House of Representatives and the Senate.
Elections to the House of Rep-
resentatives take place every two
years. The house has 435 members.
A member must be an American cit-
izen for more than seven years and
at least 25 years old.
Each of the 50 states elects two
Senators to the Senate. There are
100 members in the Senate. They are elected to serve for a period of six years, but every
two years elections to the senate take place when one third of its members may be
changed or re-elected.
A Senator must be over 30 years old and a citizen of the USA for at least nine
Election Day is always in the month of November, on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday.
In the USA there are two main political parties, the Democratic Party and the Re-
publican Party. The Democratic Party is the oldest of the two. Its history began back in
the 1820s. The Republican Party was organized in the 1850s.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do we call America a federal union?
2. Where is the seat of the national government?
3. How often is the president elected in the USA?
4. Who can be the president of the country?
5. Who can be elected to the House of Representatives?
6. How many senators are there in the Senate?
7. What is the period of service for a senator?
8. Who can be a senator?
9. When is the Election Day in the USA?
10. Can you name the main political parties in the USA?

4. Find the wrong word in each sentence and change by the correct one.
1) To be president, you must be forty-five years old or older.
2) To be president, you must be a lawyer in the United States for fourteen years.
3) A term is eight years.
4) There are five main political parties in the USA.
5) Election Day is always in the month of April.
6) Franklin D. Roosevelt was president for two terms.
7) A Senator must be over 25 years old and a citizen of the United Kingdom for at least
nine years.

5. Translate the following into English.

1. В кожному штаті є власний уряд, який сформовано за зразком державного.
2. Президент – глава держави та уряду, він призначає міністрів.
3. Кожні 2 роки проводять вибори в палату представників.
4. Сенатори обираються терміном на 6 років, але кожні 2 роки одна третина сена-
ту може бути замінена або переобрана.
5. В США є дві основні політичні партії: партія демократів та республіканська
6. Президентами сполучених штатів були дуже різні люди.
7. Томас Джефферсон був різнобічним вченим-агрономом, архітектором, археоло-
гом, винахідником, колекціонером та письменником.
8. Єдиним президентом США, який чотири рази обирався президентом Америки,
був Франклін Рузвельт.

Lesson 4


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

found (v) [faund] – засновувати
choice (n) [tʃɔɪs] – вибір
accept (v) [əkˈsept] – приймати, схвалювати, визнавати
establish (v) [ɪˈstæblɪʃ] – засновувати, утверджувати
complete (v) [kəmˈpliːt] – завершувати
marble (n) [ˈmɑːbl̩ ] – мармур
forbid (v) [fəˈbɪd] – забороняти
vast (adj) [vɑːst] – великий, величезний, широкий
equipment (n) [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] – обладнання
headquarter (n) [ˌhedˈkwɔːtə] – штаб-квартира
huge (adj) [hjuːdʒ] – величезний, велетенський, колосальний
pentagon (n) [ˈpentəɡən] – п’ятикутник
honour (n) [ˈɔnə] – честь

2. Read and translate the text.

Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. It was founded in
1790. The site of the city was chosen by George Washington as the national capital
when he was the President. His choice was accepted by the Congress in the act of 1790
having established the Federal District of Columbia. The District of Columbia was
named in honour of Christopher Columbus* who discovered America. It is a piece of
land ten miles square which does not belong
to any state. By 1800 the north section of
Washington was completed and the Congress*
moved from Philadelphia to the new capital.
The city was named in honour of the first
President George Washington.
Washington is a beautiful city. The
houses of marble and white stone make a
great impression on those first visiting it. The
city was planned carefully and differs from
some other cities of the USA with their sky-
scrapers. The buildings are not very high be-
cause of the law forbidding to build houses

more than 90 feet high. The wide avenues are lined with old shady trees and in parks
there are many beautiful flowers.
Washington is the residence of the President and the Congress of the USA, of all
government departments and other important institutions. The Congress seats in the
Capitol. Washington is known to be the centre of culture and science as there are many
research institutes, some universities and the National Academy of Science.
The Library of the USA Congress, built to hold five million books, is as known
all over the world as the Library of the British Museum. It is famous for its vast collec-
tion of books, documents and modern scientific equipment.
Washington is the headquarter of the USA
Military Department – the Pentagon*. Pentagon is a
huge building in the shape of five pentagons. It is
situated in the south of Potomac River. Washington
is the centre of atomic, electronic, light and food in-
dustries. The places of interest in Washington are
the Washington monument; the Thomas Jefferson
Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, there are many museums and theatres.
In the political scene Washington is the centre and the most important city in the
United States. It is the centre of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the
Federal Government of the United States of America.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the capital of the USA?
2. When was it founded?
3. Where is the capital situated?
4. What differs Washington from other cities of the USA?
5. What is the Library of USA Congress famous for?
6. What is the Pentagon?
7. Where does the President of the USA work and live?
8. Where does the Congress of the USA seat?
9. Why is Washington the most important city of the USA?
10. What are the places of interest in Washington?

4. Say whether each of the following sentences is true or false. Correct the false
1. Washington was founded in 1793.
2. Pentagon is a huge and the richest hotel where famous people stay for a night.
3. In 1800 the Congress moved to the new capital.
4. The Congress seats in the White House.
5. The total area of the District of Columbia is 10 square kilometers.
6. There are many parks full of trees and flowers there.
7. Washington is the headquarter of the Pentagon.
8. The capital of the USA is named in honour of the 2nd President George Washington.
9. The Library of the USA is famous for modern scientific equipment.
10. Washington differs from other cities of the USA.
11. The library of the USA contains more than 3 mln books.
12. There are no skyscrapers in the city.

5. Put the missing words and translate the text.

Washington is the ... of the United States. It is also one of the country's most beau-
tiful and historic ... and the site of many of its most popular tourist ... . The capital is ...
to the American people as the symbol of their country's ..., history and democratic tradi-
tions. Many visitors to Washington enjoy the rich and varied ... of the city's buildings
and monuments. But a law ... the height of buildings in the city. As a result, Washington
- unlike most other large cities - has no ... .Visitors tour the city's many ..., which to-
gether ... the world's largest collection of items from America's past. At the same time
Washington ... problems common to all cities, including crime, drug abuse, ... and traf-
fic jams.
(limits, cities, architecture, poverty, skyscrapers, capital, faces, attractions, unity, im-
portant, house, museums)

6. Read more information about Washington.


There are at least five different Washingtons and each has its supporters who ear-
nestly believe that theirs is the only true Washington.
The first is Washington-the-Capital, an official city of great monuments and me-
morials. This is the Washington of the Federal reservation.
The second is Old Washington, the sleepy Southern town of ceiling fans and sleep-
ing porches. Old Washington is dying off now.
The third is Washington-the-Town-Terror,
"The Crime Capital of the World", a horror of ra-
cial mixing producing violence too terrible to
speak of.
The fourth Washington is University-
Washington, the north-west section of pleasant
homes on tree-lined streets, where almost every-
one is well-educated, and has a high income.
The fifth Washington is largely low-income and
low-educated, though the city has a relatively large
number of professional and middle-to-upper-income
families. But the majority of population lives in bad-
ly overcrowded row houses.
Rock Creek Park is a symbol of the town's deep
division. It is a wooded area of 2,000 acres that runs
from the centre of the city to its northern border.

7. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word-combinations.

Чесно вірити, расова суміш, сильно переповнені, зараз вимирає, «злочинне
місто», вулиці з висадженими в ряд деревами, прибуток вище середнього, глибока
різниця, відносно велика кількість, високий прибуток, символ глибокого розділу.

8. Translate into English:

1. Вашингтон не найбільше місто в США.
2. У Вашингтоні немає хмарочосів, тому що жодна інша будівля не повинна бути
вищою, ніж Капітолій.
3. Недалеко від Капітолію знаходиться пам'ятник Вашингтону, який виглядає як
дуже великий олівець.
4. Вашингтон має довгі широкі проспекти, сади, красиві парки та жодного хмаро-
чосу взагалі.
5. Вашингтон є великим науково-культурним центром, де є багато дослідницьких
інститутів, п'ять університетів, Національна академія наук та Бібліотека Кон-
6. Промисловість міста недостатньо розвинена.
7. Білий дім має 132 кімнати.

Lesson 5


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

impressive (adj) [ɪmˈpresɪv] – вражаючий
basin (n) [ˈbeɪsən] – басейн
borough (n) [ˈbʌrə] – містечко, район
coastline (n) [ˈkəustlaɪn] – берегова лінія
stock exchange (n) [stɔk ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] – фондова біржа
landmark (n) [ˈlændmɑːk] – пам’ятка, орієнтир
destination (n) [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən] – місце призначення
comprise (v) [ kəmˈpraɪz ] – містити, включати до кладу
manufacturing (n) [ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərɪŋ] – виробництво, обробна промисловість
entertainment (n) [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt] – розваги
metropolitan (adj) [ˌmetrəˈpɔlɪtən] – столичний
focus (v) [ˈfəukəs] – фокусувати
span (v) [spæn] – охоплювати

2. Read and translate the text.

There are a lot of interesting and impressive cities in the USA but the heart
of a nation is Washington D. C., its capital. The centres of all three branches of the US
federal government are in Washington D. C., as well as the headquarters of most federal
agencies. Washington also serves as the headquarters for the World Bank, the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund and the Organisation of the Monetary Fund among other interna-
tional (and national) institutions. Washington is also the site of numerous national
landmarks, museums, and sports teams, and is a popular destination for tourists.
New York City, officially named the City
of New York, is the most populous city in the
United States, and the most densely populated
city in North America. New York City has a
population of 8.2 million people within an area
of 830 km2. The city comprises five boroughs:
the Bronx*, Brooklyn*, Manhattan*, Queens*, and
Staten Island*.
The city is at the centre of international fi-
nance, politics, manufacturing, entertainment, and culture, and is one of the world's ma-
jor global cities (along with London, Tokyo and Paris). It has a unique collection of mu-

seums, galleries, international corporations, and stock exchanges. The city is also home
to the UN* and all of the international missions associated with it.
New York City attracts large numbers of immigrants from over 180 countries, as
well as many people from all over the United States, who come to the city for its culture
and energy. New York City is home to more than 500 companies.
New York is a city of great
museums with the Metropolitan
Museum of Art's collection of his-
toric art, the Museum of Modern
Art and Guggenheim Museum's
20th century collection, and the
American Museum of Natural His-
tory and its Hayden Planetarium
focusing on the sciences.
Los Angeles spans a widely diverse geographic area. Primarily a desert basin, the
area is surrounded by the San Gabriel Mountain range and divided by the Santa Monica
Mountains. Los Angeles County has 81 miles of coastline. There are such rivers as the
Los Angeles, the Rio Hondo, the San Gabriel and the Ventura rivers.
The name Los Angeles is Spanish for the
Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of
the world, a cultural centre which has more than
300 museums and a paradise of good weather.
It is the only city in the world to host the
Summer Olympics twice.
Los Angeles has the only remaining wooden lighthouse in the world. It is located
in Fermin Park in San Pedro. Los Angeles has the largest historical
theatre district, located in Downtown on Broadway.
Los Angeles is on the leading edge of the growth industries.
The Los Angeles has more multimedia jobs than Silicon Valley*
and New York City combined.
The population of Los Angeles is about four million people.
Los Angeles ranks as the second largest city behind New York
City. In Los Angeles there are people from about 140 countries
speaking approximately 86 different languages and currently call Los Angeles home.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. What city is the headquarter of most federal agencies?
2. What is the most densely populated city in the USA?
3. What can you say about museums in New York?
4. What is the origin of the name Los Angeles?
5. How many museums are there in Los Angeles?
6. How many people live in Los Angeles today?
7. Is Los Angeles the largest city of the USA?
8. Is Los Angeles a multinational city?

4. Form as many names of the towns as you can using the following part of the
Pasa Sacra mond field
Los New land mento
Diego Francisco nta San
Green Oak Atla Mia
Monica mi Angeles York
Rich San Santa dena

5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вашингтон, округ Колумбія – столиця США, політичний центр країни і місце
розташування центральних установ усіх трьох гілок влади федерального уряду
США, центральних офісів більшості федеральних установ.
2. У Вашингтоні часто проводяться великі політичні демонстрації та акції проте-
3. Вашингтон – це також місце, де знаходяться численні пам'ятки країни , він по-
пулярний серед туристів.
4. Нью-Йорк – найбільш населене місто США і найбільш густонаселене місто Пі-
внічної Америки.
5. Нью-Йорк – центр міжнародної торгівлі, виробництва, розваг, і один з глоба-
льних міст світу.
6. Там знаходяться міжнародні корпорації, фондові біржі, Організація об'єднаних
націй і пов'язані з нею міжнародні організації.
7. Місто приваблює велику кількість іммігрантів, які приїжджають туди, щоб до-
могтися успіху.

Lesson 6


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

common (adj) [ˈkɔmən] – загальний
perhaps (adv) [pəˈhæps] – можливо
neighborhood (n) [ˈneɪbəhud] – райони, околиці
enjoyment (n) [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt] – насолода
annual (adj) [ˈænjuəl] – річний
cranberry (n) [ˈkrænbəri] – журавлина
pretend (v) [prɪˈtend] – робити вигляд, вдавати, симулювати
bucket (n) [ˈbʌkɪt] – відро
affection (n) [əˈfekʃn] – прихильність

2. Read and translate the text.

Each of 50 states establishes its own legal holidays. But there are holidays, which
are common to all federal offices. They are the New Year Day, Washington Birthday –
“President's Day”, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Thanksgiving Day.
There are also many traditional holidays such as St. Valentine's Day, Mothers' Day
and Halloween.
Perhaps the two most American hol-
idays are the 4th of July and Thanksgiving
The Independence Day is like a big
national party. It takes place through over
the country: in neighborhoods, beaches
or in parks. Some towns and cities have
parades with bands and flags and many
politicians try to give a patriotic speech if there are any listeners. But what makes this
holiday exciting is the atmosphere of enjoyment. Families have parties with hot-dogs
and hamburgers, volleyball, fireworks and rockets at night. The national birthday is also
the nation's greatest annual summer party.
Like Christmas Thanksgiving Day is the day for families to come together. Tradi-
tional foods are prepared for the feast – turkey or ham, cranberry sauce and corn dishes,
breads and rolls, pumpkin pies.
St' Valentine's Day, February 14th, is sweethearts' day when people who are in love
express their affection for each other in gay and merry ways. The cards may be different
but the message is the same: “Will you be my Valentine?”
Halloween means “holly evening”. On the night of October 31st is Halloween,
ghosts and witches are free, and you can expect to meet them. A long time ago people
were afraid and stayed at home on Halloween. But now in USA it's a day for fun. There
are always a lot of parties on that night. Some people wear masks, others dress up in
strange costumes and pretend they are witches. Everybody is happy. At the parties both
adults and children have fun. They cut horrible faces in potatoes and pumpkins and put
a candle inside which shines through the eyes.
People may play different games such as try-
ing to eat an apple from a bucket of water without
using their hands.
In recent years children dressed in white
sheets knocked on doors at Halloween and ask if
you like trick or treat*. If you give them some-
thing nice – a treat – they go away. But if you
don't they play a trick on you, such as making a lot of noise or pilling floor on your
front doorstep.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. Which holidays are common to all federal offices?
2. What are the most American holidays?
3. Who try to give a patriotic speech on the Independence Day?
4. What are the traditional foods for Thanksgiving Day?
5. What does Halloween mean?
6. What children do, if you don't give them something nice?

4. Solve the crossword.

1 Across:
1. We send … to our friends.
2 2. We have a … tree in the house.
3. People give each other … on Christmas Day.
2 4. Santa Claus’s coat is…
3 5. The day before Christmas Day is called …
4 1. The songs people sing at Christmas are
5 2. We put a … on top of the Christmas tree.
3. People eat … on Christmas Day.

5. Insert modal verbs – can, may, must.
1. Everybody … know the grammar rules of English.
2. You … do it.
3. I … translate this text.
4. You … write a letter to your friend from Chicago.
5. You … answer my question.
6. You … use all my English books.
7. You … get up in time to catch a plane to Miami.
8. He really … do it without my help.

6. Translate the following into English.

1. Два найбільш американських свята це 4 липня та День Подяки.
2. Деякі міста проводять паради з оркестрами і прапорами.
3. Як і Різдво День Подяки – це день, коли всі родини збираються разом.
4. Раніше в цей день люди не виходили з дому, тому що боялися зустрітися з при-
видом або відьмою.
5. Одні вдягають маски, інші вдягаються у дивні костюми і вдають, що вони відь-
6. На вечірках радіють і дорослі і діти.
7. День Св. Валентина широко святкують серед людей будь-якого віку, обмінюю-
чись "валентинками".
8. Конгрес США відзначає день народження Джорджа Вашингтона з промовами
та читаннями його творів.
9. День подяки – це день сім'ї, адже за звичай всі члени родини збираються у домі
своїх батьків.

Lesson 7


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

bring up (v) [brɪŋ ʌp] – виховувати
cheerleader (n) [ˈtʃɪəˌliːdə] – капітан вболівальників, чірлідер
cheer (n) [tʃɪər] – схвальний вигук, «кричалка»
squad (n) [skwɔd] – команда, група
spectacular (adj) [spekˈtækjulə] – видовищний
callisthenics (n) [ˌkælɪsˈθenɪks] – гімнастика
violent (adj) [ˈvaɪələnt] – несамовитий, шалений
traction (n) [ˈtrækʃən] – зчеплення, тертя
merge (v) [mɜːdʒ] – об’єднуватися
track-and-field (n) [træk ənd fiːld] – легка атлетика
endurance (n) [ɪnˈdjuərəns] – витривалість
tie (n) [taɪ] – нічия
stunt (n) [stʌnt] – трюк
run (n) [ rʌn ] – очко
score (v) [skɔː] – зараховувати

2. Read and translate the text.

Sport is an integral part of education in American schools and universities. Students
usually learn two or more ball games, like football, rugby or basketball. The most popu-
lar sports in the USA are football, which is played from April to October, baseball,
played from September to December, basketball, played from October to April and ice
hockey, played in most northern cities from October to March.
At high school the best players in every school form teams. Every team has its own
symbol and a supporting group which is called cheerleaders. Girls who are cheerleaders
usually wear clothes in the same colours as the
students of their team. They learn different danc-
es, jumps, acrobatic stunts and cheers. It takes a
lot of time, practice and energy to be good at
cheerleading. But today the world of cheerlead-
ers no longer means sideline squads that exist
just to support other teams. They are teams en-
joying full rights, teams of the same importance
as those football and basketball ones which they traditionally cheer. College and high
school cheerleaders compete at national championships.
American football derives from the English game – rugby. It isn't similar to soccer
except some details, like the number of players and the size of the field. It is a far more
violent game which requires great physical power and endurance.
Baseball is one of the most popular American team games. The first American
baseball match was held in 1839 in New York. Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played
by two teams of nine players each. The aim is to
score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and
touching a series of four bases arranged at the cor-
ners of a ninety-foot square. American children of 8
years old can join certain leagues where they are
taught by coaches. Every player and coach must
wear a particular uniform: a shirt, pants, baseball
cleats* (specific shoes worn by the player for better
traction with the earth) and a baseball cap designed
to shade the eyes from the sun. Nowadays baseball caps are widespread in our everyday
life. Catchers have to wear protective helmets with face masks and a special catcher's
Basketball is a game which was invented in America in 1891. It is a team sport in
which two teams of five players each try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a
ball through the top of a basketball hoop while
following a set of rules. Basketball is one of the
world's most widely viewed games nowadays.
In 1946 the Basketball Association of America
(BAA) was formed. Three years later the BAA
merged with the National Basketball League to
form the National Basketball Association
(NBA). The NBA is famous for many outstanding players, including Larry Bird, Earvin
Johnson and Michael Jordan.
A healthy way of life is in fashion now everywhere around the world. There are also
many other sports that attract millions of the Americans. Such sports as swimming,
track-and-field, skiing, skating, rowing and sailing enjoy great popularity in the USA.

3. Answer the questions.

1. Have you seen any films about American cheerleading?
2. What can you say about American cheerleaders?
3. What are the most spectacular sports in the USA?
4. What is special about American football?
5. When was the first American baseball match held?
6. Describe the way of playing baseball.
7. When was basketball invented?
8. Do you know any famous American basketball players?
9. How many players are there in a basketball team?
10. Name some other sports popular in the USA.

4. Guess the game using prompts.

 This game was invented in the USA in 1891.
 Each team moves the ball across the court by dribbling it. The players can also pass
the ball to each other.
 There are five players in each team on the field.
 This game is played with a large orange ball.
 Players try to shoot the ball into the basket.
 It is the popular American sport.
 It is a game between two teams. Each team consists of nine players. They have 9
 The object of the game is to score more “runs” than the other team.
 The pitcher throws the ball to the catcher. The batter tries to hit the ball and runs the
 This game is famous from the beginning of the 19th century when a teacher while
playing football decided to pick up the ball and run with it.
 There are 15 players in each team.
 The goal is like the letter “H”.
 This game is played with an oval ball.
 It is a type of football.

5. Read, translate and act the dialogs.

After the Cup Game
Andrew: The stadium was crowded yesterday, wasn’t it? I watched the first half on TV.
Ben: Yes, there were crowds in the stands. The game was very important – it was cup
Andrew: How did it end?
Ben: Two – zero in “Acron’s” favor.
Andrew: And what about the University basketball team? Is their captain a friend of
Ben: Yes, we were at school together.
Andrew: Did the team lose the game yesterday?
Ben: No, it didn’t. It was a tie.

Ann: You look happy, Jim. Did the Georgetown team win? What’s the score?
Jim: Five to three (5:3) in their favor.
Ann: Congratulations! How was the game?
Jim: It was the most exciting game I’ve ever seen. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Ann: I’ve read in today’s paper the Georgetown team is as good as it was last year. Is
that true?
Jim: Oh, yes. It’s a very good football team. I think it’s one of the best in the country.
They have an excellent goalkeeper and their captain is very good too. By the way, the
captain is a friend of mine.

6. As you know there are many kinds of sports in the world. Look at the crossword
and find 12 words there.
f e n c i n g a m b
o c f j u d o r h a
o h u o c x l w l s
t e n n i s f p r k
b s w z v b n m u e
a s w i m m i n g t
l u s l a l o m b b
l r t y i p a s y a
d b o x i n g f g l
b a c e b a l l j l

7. Translate into English.

1. Хокей із шайбою більш небезпечний ніж хокей із м’ячем.
2. Бейсбол популярніший ніж гольф та теніс в США.
3. Я сподіваюсь, що сьогоднішній матч буде цікавіший ніж вчорашній.
4. Матч між "Brooklyn Dodgers" та "Philadelphia Eagles"– найцікавіший матч, який
я коли-небудь бачив.
5. Гольф менш популярний ніж бейсбол в США.
6. Їхня команда така ж гарна, як і наша.

Lesson 8


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

advice (n) [ədˈvaɪs] – порада
fail (v) [feɪl] – терпіти невдачу
fame (n) [feɪm] – слава, популярність
humorous (adj) [ˈhjuːmərəs] – гумористичний
join (v) [dʒɔɪn] – приєднуватись
masterpiece (n) [ˈmɑːstəpiːs] – шедевр
sketch (n) [sketʃ] – нарис, нотатки
miner (n) [ˈmaɪnə] – шахтар, рудокоп
boyhood (n) [ˈbɔɪhud] – отроцтво, юнацькі роки
periodical (n) [ˌpɪəriˈɔdɪkəl] – періодичне видання
adopt (v) [əˈdɔpt] – приймати

2. Read and translate the text.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in a small village
of Florida*, on November 30, 1835. Sam spent his boyhood
on the west bank of the great Mississippi River. He left
school at an early age, because he had to work for a living.
For a few years he worked as a printer for his brother Orion's
paper. During those years he wrote a few humorous stories.
A New York periodical published one of them.
Sam tried to learn the trade of piloting steamboats on
the Mississippi river.
When the Civil War broke out in 1861 Sam left for the
West because he did not want to fight for the Confederate Army *. Later he joined min-
ers searching for silver but failed to become rich.
In 1862 he began to work for the Virginia City paper as a reporter and a humorist.
In February 1863 he adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain. In 1865 “The Jumping
Frog”, his first book of humorous stories was published.
In 1867 Twain took a trip on the ship “The Quaker City”. The collection of sketch-
es “Innocents Abroad”* which he wrote about the journey brought him fame.
In 1876 he published his world famous book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
and only eight years later he finished his masterpiece “Huckleberry Finn”.

In 1935 Ernest Hemingway wrote that “Huckleberry
Finn” was the first and the best book in American literature.
William Faulkner* said the same in 1955. Before Mark Twain,
they said, there was only an American dialect, but after him
there was an American language.
Many critics say that Twain's books give a better picture
of the period than history books.
Mark Twain died in 1910.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What was Mark Twain's real name?
2. When was he born?
3. Where did he spend his boyhood?
4. Why did he try to learn the trade of piloting steamboats?
5. Why did Sam leave for the West when the Civil War broke out in 1861?
6. When did he begin to work for the Virginia City paper?
7. What pseudonym did he adopt in 1863?
8. What was the title of his first book of humorous stories?
9. When did he publish his world famous book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
10. What's the title of his masterpiece?

4. Choose the right answer.

1. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born
a) in Washington, D. C.;
b) in the small village of Florida.
2. A New York periodical published
a) three of them;
b) one of them.
3. Sam left for the West because
a) he didn't want to fight for the Confederate Army;
b) he wanted to join the Confederate Army.
4. In 1862 he began to work for
a) the New York Times;
b) the Virginia City paper.
5. The collection of sketches "Innocents Abroad" which he wrote about the journey
a) made him famous;
b) brought him fame

6. Twain's books give
a) a worse picture of the period than history books;
b) a better picture of the period than history books.

5. Say whether each of the following sentences is true or false. Correct the false
1. He left school at an early age, because he had to work for a living.
2. Sam didn't try to learn the trade of piloting steamboats on the Mississippi River.
3. Later he joined miners searching for silver and became rich.
4. In 1865 “The Jumping Frog”, his first book of humorous stories was published.
5. Mark Twain did not take a trip on the ship “The Quaker City”.
6. In 1935 Ernest Hemingway wrote that “Huckleberry Finn” was the first and the best
book in American literature.

6. Ask questions to the selected words.

1. Sam spent his boyhood on the west bank of the great Mississippi River.
2. During those years he wrote a few humorous stories.
3. Sam tried to learn the trade of piloting steamboats on the Mississippi River.
4. Later he joined miners searching for silver.
5. In February 1863 he adopted the pseudonym Mark Twain.

7. Insert prepositions or adverbs and translate sentences.

1. People all … the world read and enjoy Hemingway’s books.
2. William Saroyan left school … the age … sixteen because he had to work … a living.
3. … six years he worked … a journalist … New York City.
4. … the Spanish Civil War Hemingway fought … the Revolutionary Army.
5. Theodore Dreiser was born … 1871.
6. What does Mr. Smith do … a living?
7. He works … a reporter … “The New York Times”.

8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Сем кинув школу в ранньому дитинстві.
2. У ті роки він написав кілька гумористичних оповідань.
3. Він спробував навчитися водити пароплави.
4. Сем почав працювати репортером в міській газеті в м. Вірджинія.
6. Він здійснив поїздку на пароплаві «Місто квакерів».
7. І лише через вісім років він закінчив свій шедевр.
8. Книги Марка Твена краще описують той період, ніж підручники з історії.
Lesson 9


1. Read and remember new words and word-combinations.

sociability (n) [ˌsəuʃəˈbɪlɪti] – комунікабельність, товариськість
hospitality (n) [ˌhɔspɪˈtæləti] – гостинність
spirit (n) [ˈspɪrɪt] – дух, натура
object (v) [ˈɔbdʒɪkt] – заперечувати, протестувати
overwhelming (adj) [ˌəuvəˈwelmɪŋ] – переважний, величезний
pattern (n) [ˈpætən] – зразок, шаблон
fall (n) [fɔːl] – осінь
concern (v) [kənˈsɜːn] – стосуватися
date back (v) – датуватись, сходити корінням
carve (v) [kɑːv] – вирізати
annual (adj) [ˈænjuəl] – щорічний
diverse (adj) [daɪˈvɜːs] – різноманітний, неоднаковий

2. Read and translate the text.

The culture of the United States of Ameri-
ca is primarily of Western culture (European)
origin and form, but is influenced by
a multicultural ethos that includes African, Native
American, Asian, Polynesian, and Latin
American people and their cultures. It also has its
own social and cultural characteristics, such
as dialect, music, arts, social habits, cuisine,
and folklore. The United States of America is an ethnically and racially diverse country
as a result of large-scale migration from many countries throughout its history. Many
American cultural elements, especially from popular culture, have spread across the
globe through modern mass media.
Every nation has different customs and tradi-
tions, its own way of life. In Europe there are peo-
ple who have lived in the same house and been in
the same job for 20, 30 or more years. That's not
the American way of life.
The Americans love change, they call it the
spirit of adventure, a spirit that they think is more
characteristic of America than of Europe.
They like to move away, to change houses and jobs.
While the Englishman thinks it is ill-mannered to ask private questions, the Ameri-
can doesn't feel that at all. He will tell you all about himself, his wife and family, and
ask where you have come from, what your job is, how you like America and how long
you are staying.
The American prefers sociability. In his home he doesn't object to being seen by
everyone – he actually likes it. With this sociability goes overwhelming hospitality.
A national Thanksgiving Day is perhaps the only holiday spent by the Americans
at home. Table decorations follow a traditional pattern – a harvest of Indian corn, ap-
ples, oranges, walnuts and grapes. Flowers also bring the fall scene indoors. The centre-
piece is the traditional roast turkey.
Still another American tradition concerns
Halloween. Its origin dates back hundreds of
years to the Druid*festival. The Druid New Year
began on November 1, marking the beginning of
winter and the reign of the Lord of Death. The
custom of telling ghost stories on Halloween
comes from the Druids. On this occasion children
usually wear ghost costumes or false faces. They
also carve out rounded eyes in pumpkins and put burning candles inside them to make
them visible from far away.
In Texas, where the West begins, the biggest
annual festival – the Fat Stock Show* – is held. Its
rodeo, hold together with the stock show, is the big-
gest indoor rodeo on the earth.
And, of course, no nation can exist without
humour. As they themselves say, an American must
have one wife, two cars, three children, four pets,
five suits, six acres, seven credit cards – and is
lucky to have eight cents in his pocket.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What are the most popular American holidays?
2. When do they celebrate Halloween?
3. In what way do Americans celebrate it?
4. When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
5. What is the most important event of the day?
6. What do you know about the Fat Stock Show?

4. Read and retell the joke.
The Poet and the Lady
Poet. I hope you have received the little volume of poems I sent you.
Lady. Oh, yes, I have – it is charming. I wonder where I have put it.
Her little son. Under the leg of the table, mamma, to make it steady.

5. What were these people? Match A with B.

1. Abraham Lincoln a) the ruthless gangster
2. Charlie Chaplin b) the man of letter and adventure
3. Al Capone c) the man who freed the slaves
4. Marilyn Monroe d) the president whose murder shocked the world
5. Ernest Hemingway e) the man who makes you laugh
6. Martin Luther King f) the sex symbol
7. John Kennedy g) the man who was proud to be black

6. Open the brackets. Use the Passive Voice.

The American democratic government (establish) in March 1789 in the Constitution
of the United States. In this system, rights and powers (divide) between the individual
states and the central - or federal - government. The federal government has three
branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. The power of each branch
(balance) carefully by the powers of each of the others.
The Constitution (change) twenty-six times since 1789.
The President (elect) for four years.

7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Кожна нація має свій власний спосіб життя.
2. Американці люблять переїжджати, змінювати будинки та роботи.
3. Американці люблять розпитувати про вашу сім’ю, роботу, країну.
4. День Подяки – єдине свято, яке американці проводять вдома.
5. Жодна нація не може існувати без гумору.



Lesson 1


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

fur-bearing (adj) [fɜː ˈbeərɪŋ] – хутряний
hold (v) [həuld] – займати, тримати
amount (n) [əˈmaunt] – обсяг
glacier (n) [ˈɡlæsiə] – льодовик
resource (n) [rɪˈsɔːs] – ресурс
timber industry (n) [ˈtɪmbə ˈɪndəstri] – лісова промисловість
mining industry (n) [ˈmaɪnɪŋ] – добувна промисловість; шахта
barley (n) [ˈbɑːli] – ячмінь
flax (n) [flæks] – льон
prosperous (adj) [ˈprɔspərəs] – процвітаючий
vessel (n) [ˈvesəl] – судно

2. Read and translate the text.

Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed coun-
tries. Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories. It is situated in the North
American continent. It borders on the USA. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean
in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the

north. In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. Its area is almost
10000000 km2. About 2 per cent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice. The
eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are
occupied by the Cordilleras. The Cordilleras region is composed of numerous mountain
groups: the Rocky Mountains, the Coast Mountains and others. There are a lot of rivers
and lakes in Canada. Among them there are the Great Bear Lake, the Great Slave Lake
and the Great Lakes District. The largest rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Macken-
zie and the Yukon.
The population of the Canada is about 25 mln people. It is mainly concentrated in
large cities.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa*, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa Riv-
er. It is famous for its beautiful parks. It is also known as the city of bridges.
Canada is very rich in forest,
minerals and fur-bearing animals.
It holds the first place in the world
in the amount of forests.
It is rich in the following natu-
ral resources: non-ferrous metals,
uranium, oil, natural gas, coal. Ca-
nadian industries produce cars, air-
liners, locomotives, sea vessels,
snow-removal machines and agri-
cultural equipment. The most de-
veloped industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries.
Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Fishing is also
one of the prosperous industries.
Official languages of Canada are English and French. Nearly 60 per cent of the
population speaks English and 27 per cent speaks French. The rest speaks other lan-
guages, such as Eskimo, Indian, German, Ukrainian and Italian.

3. Answer the questions

1. What kind of country is Canada?
2. What is it washed by?
3. What are the main mountains in the country?
4. What are the largest rivers and lakes?
5. What is the capital of Canada?
6. What are the main industries of Canada?
7. What are the official languages of the country?
8. What place does Canada hold in the world in the amount of forests?
9. What is the total area of the country?
10. What does it consist of?
11. What is the population of the country?
12. What does Canada produce?

4. Put all kinds of questions to the following sentences.

1. Canada is an independent federative state.
2. It holds the first place in the world in the amount of forests.
3. Fishing was also one of the prosperous industries.
4. Canada grew wheat, barley, vegetables and fruit.

5. Translate into English:

Економічно важливим районом Канади є її західна частина. Країна багата мі-
неральними ресурсами – кольоровими металами, ураном, нафтою, природним га-
зом та вугіллям. Вона також незвичайно багата лісами та хутряними тваринами.
Всі ці фактори призвели Канаду до положення високо розвинутої держави. Крім
того, Канада є однією із засновників Організації Об’єднаних Націй. Вона активно
працює в основних агентствах ООН.

Lesson 2


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

varied (adj) [ˈveərid] – різноманітний
cover (v) [ˈkʌvə] – покривати
bay (n) [beɪ] – пролив
average (adj )[ˈævərɪdʒ] – середній
degree (n) [dɪˈɡriː] – ступінь, градус
rest (n) [rest] – решта, залишок
moderate (adj) [ˈmɔdərət] – помірний
rainfall (n) [ˈreɪnfɔːl] – опади
heat (n) [hiːt] – тепло
fertile (adj) [ˈfɜːtaɪl] – плодючий
humid (adj) [ˈhjuːmɪd]– вологий

2. Read and translate the text.

Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American continent. It is
washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the
Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. That is why the climate and the nature of Canada
are much varied.
The northern parts lie subarctic and arctic climatic
zones. Most of the northern islands are covered with
ice. The bays between them are covered with ice for 9-
10 months a year. This territory has a climate with very
cold winters and short, cool summers. The average
winter temperature is about 35 degrees below zero.
The average summer temperature is about 4 degrees
above zero. It contrasts with the rest of the territory, where the climate is moderate.
This part gets enough amount of rainfalls and heat. In the south there are large are-
as of fertile soils. The west of the country has a mild and
humid climate thanks to the warm Pacific current. The
average winter temperature is about 4 degrees above zero
here. The average summer temperature is 21 degrees
above zero.
The region of the Cordilleras is famous for its beau-
tiful forests. Canadian west is the most attractive part of

the country. The snow-capped mountains and ocean bays create a surprisingly beautiful
Besides, Canadian south is known for its changeable
weather. Sometimes it is too humid, and sometimes it is
too dry: the weather can change very quickly. The Niaga-
ra Falls* situated in that part of the country attracts people
from all over the world by its unusual beauty.

3. Answer the questions

1. Where is Canada situated?
2. Where are the northern parts of Canada situated?
3. What is the average temperature in summer and in winter?
4. What kind of climate is it in Canada?
5. Why is there a mild and humid climate in the west of the country?
6. What is the region of the Cordilleras famous for?
7. What is Canadian south known for?
8. What do you know about the Niagara Falls?

4. Put questions to get the following sentences as answers.

1. Canada is washed by the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans.
2. They are covered with ice.
3. It is about 35 degrees above zero.
4. It is moderate.
5. Thanks to the Pacific current.
6. Canadian west.
7. Very quickly.
8. The Niagara Falls.

5. Translate into English:

1. Сучасна Канада з’явилась як країна емігрантів.
2. Вся Канада проголошена Британською власністю.
3. До 15 століття Канаду заселяли різноманітні індійські племена.
4. Тільки після Першої світової війни Канада стала більш незалежною.
5. Найбільше число людей українського походження проживає в Канаді та США.
6. Канадські українці намагаються зберегти свої культурні традиції.
7. Українська мова викладається в 12 університетах та в деяких школах.
8. В Канаді є пам’ятники видатним українським письменникам та поетам.

Lesson 3


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

Governor General (n) [ˈɡʌvənə ˈdʒenrəl] – генерал-губернатор
province (n) [ˈprɔvɪns] – провінція
peoples (n) – народності
unite (v) [juˈnaɪt ] – поєднувати
authority (n) [ɔːˈθɔrəti] – влада, повноваження
majority (n) [məˈdʒɔrəti ]– більшість
disappear (v) [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə] – зникати
follow (v) [ˈfɔləu] – слідувати
influential (adj) [ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl]– впливовий

2. Read and translate the text.

Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state. The Queen of Great Britain,
Elizabeth II, is the official head of the state, but the Governor General acts as her repre-
Canada combines the American form of government with the British cabinet sys-
tem. As a federation, Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories. Canadian
central government in Ottawa represents all the peoples of Canada. Each province has
its own government and parliament.
Parliament of Canada consists
of two houses: the Upper House
called the Senate, and the Lower
House called the House of Com-
mons. The Senate has 104 mem-
bers. Senators are appointed by the
Governor General on the recom-
mendation of the Prime Minister.
The Senate has less power than the
House of Commons. Members of
the House of Commons are elected
for a term of five years.
The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative and the executive branches.
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are usually members of the House of Commons,
which is the highest authority in the government. The Cabinet consists of 20 or more

ministers, chosen by the Prime Minister from leaders of the majority party in the House
of Commons.
Today most of the Governor General’s powers have disappeared and he follows the
directions of the Cabinet.
The two leading political parties in Canada are the Progressive Conservative Party
and the Liberal Party. The New Democratic Party is also rather influential. The Consti-
tution of the country was only adopted in 1982.

3. Answer the questions

1. Is Canada an independent federal parliamentary state?
2. Who is the head of the country?
3. Who is the representative of the Queen Elizabeth II?
4. What does Canada’s political system combine?
5. Where is the government situated?
6. How many provinces are there in Canada?
7. What does Parliament of Canada consist of?
8. What House has the bigger authority?
9. How many members does the Senate include?
10. How many leading political parties are there in Canada today?
11. When was the Constitution of the country adopted?

4. Correct the sentences.

1. Canada’s Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
2. The government of Canada is situated in Toronto.
3. Canada is made up of 10 provinces.
4. The Speaker of Britain is the representative of Elizabeth II in Canada.
5. In 1982 ten amendments to the Constitution were adopted.
6. The Senate has more power than the House of Commons.
7. Members of the House of Representatives are elected for a term of five years.
8. The cabinet system of Canada unites the legislative and the judicial branches.

5. Make up the sentences from the given words:

1. Christmas, Canada, own, Easter, set of, besides, holidays, its, has, and.
2. status, their, Canada Day, celebrate, at, semi-autonomous, Canadians.
3. very, Thanksgiving, Canadians, popular, among, also, is.
4. carnival, events, with, outdoor, winter, many, are, winter, associated.
5. the, is, in, second, the, Canada, largest, world, country.
6. Canada, an opportunity, bears, you, to see, in, can, wild, in, polar, have, north, the.

6. Translate into English:
1. Ніагарський водоспад - найвідоміша природна чарівність Канади, що приваб-
лює мільйони відвідувачів щороку.
2. Відвідувачі можуть бачити падіння на близькій відстані.
3. Перлиною парку є озеро Луїза, де зелені води відображають навколишні гори.
4. На березі озера Онтаріо є вежа, одна з найвідоміших пам'яток Канади.
5. Вежа - одна з найвищих у світі споруд, висотою 553 метри.
6. Вночі вежа світиться різними кольорами.

Lesson 4


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

appear (v) [ə'piə] – з’являтись
navigator (n) [ˈnævɪɡeɪtə] – мореплавець
explore (v) [ɪkˈsplɔː] – досліджувати
set up (v) – встановлювати
possession (n) [pəˈzeʃn ]– володіння, власність
rebellion (n) [rɪˈbeliən] – повстання
consider (v) [ kənˈsɪdə] – вважати, рахувати
settlers (n) [ˈsetləz ]– поселенці

2. Read and translate the text.

Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants.
Before the 15th century Canada was populated by different
Indians tribes. In the far north there were tribes of Eskimos.
An English seaman, John Cabot*, discovered the Ireland of
Newfoundland in 1497. Then many settlements of Spanish,
English and French fishermen appeared on the coasts of New-
In the 16th century Jacques Cartier*, the French navigator, ex-
plored the Saint Lawrence River, and later French colonies were
set up. The long struggle for Canadian territory between England
and France finished in 1763 after the Seven-Years’ War. The
whole Canada was proclaimed a British possession. Only some
small parts of the country remained French.
After the War of American Independence a lot of English col-
onists immigrated to Canada. In 1837 there were rebellions in both
parts of the country. The English and French settlers wanted to have the government
and the state of their own. At last, in 1867, after long discussions, a federation was
formed out of four provinces. Later the rest provinces joined this federation.
Thus, 1867 is considered to be the birth year of the modern state of Canada. But
only after World War I Canada became more independent.

3. Answer the questions

1. Who was Canada populated by before the 15th century?

2. Who discovered the island of Newfoundland?
3. What nations and settlements appeared first in Newfoundland?
4. Who explored the Saint Lawrence River?
5. How long was the struggle for the Canadian territory between England and France?
6. What was the main aim of the rebellions in 1837?
7. When was Canada founded?
8. When did Canada become more independent?

4. Correct the sentences.

1. Canada is washed by the Indian and the Atlantic Oceans.
2. Modern Canada originated as the country of invaders.
3. The climate and the nature of Canada are much the same.
4. A lot of tourists are attracted to Canada by its old and ancient architecture.
5. The far north of the country was settled by the Normans.
6. After the Seven-Years’ War the whole Canada was proclaimed a French possession.
7. Canada is a federation of six provinces.
8. After the World War II Canada became more independent. .

5. Insert the missing words: to mention, countries, sights, to discover, tourists, ice-
rink, picturesque, skyscrapers, bushes, ordinary

Canada is one of the largest

……….in the world and a popular English-
speaking country for tourists. Every year
millions of ………visit it with different rea-
sons. Some want to study English there,
some to visit their friends or relatives, but
the majority arrives …………numerous
Canadian attractions. The country is full of
………indeed. There are architectural, natural, cultural, historic and other types of
sights. One of the most interesting places in Canada is its capital - Ottawa. The main
sights of the city are the Parliament, where even ………..people are welcome, the Tow-
er of Peace with 53 bells, ……..quarters around the Market Hall Bayvord, Rideau Ca-
nal, which turns into the longest …… the world in winter, Canadian Museum of Na-
ture and numerous other sights. The city is a huge megalopolis with lots of ……….and
office buildings. At the same time Ottawa is a quite green city, full of trees, …….and
flowers. Speaking about Canadian sights it’s important ……..the Agawa canyon area,
and of course, the famous Niagara Falls.

6. Translate into English:
1. Отава – це двомовне місто країни.
2. Перші поселенці Канади займались торгівлею хутром.
3. Сьогодні Отава продовжує розвиватись як головний адміністративний центр.
4. Клімат столиці – континентальний, з теплим та вологим літом та холодною та
сніжною зимою.
5. Отава ділиться на дві частини: Верхнє місто та Нижнє місто.
6. Нижнє місто історично є районом робочого класу.
7. Багато комерційних та фінансових інститутів, а також посольства мають свої
штаб-квартири в Отаві.

Lesson 5


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

Commonwealth (n) [ˈkɔmənwelθ] – Співдружність
minor (adj) [ˈmaɪnə] – незначний, маленький
criminal (n) [ˈkrɪmɪnl]– злочинець
quite (adv) [kwaɪt] – доволі, досить
useless (adj) [ˈjuːsləs] – непридатний, непотрібний
bauxite (n) [ˈbɔːksaɪt] – боксит
lead (n) [liːd] – свинець
eucalyptus (n) [ˌjuːkəlˈɪptəs] – евкаліпт
acacia (n) [əˈkeɪʃə] – акація
mimosa (n) [mɪˈməusə] – мімоза
significant (adj) [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] – значний, показовий
feature (n) [ˈfiːtʃə] риса
draw (drew, drawn) (v)– принаджувати, притягати
relatively (adv) [ˈrelətɪvli] – відносно

2. Read and translate the text.

Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is situated on
the island continent. It also occupies the Island of Tasmania and some minor islands
round the coast of the continent. It is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country.

Its area is about 8000000 km2. It is the only state in the world that occupies the ter-
ritory of the whole continent. The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the
capital only in 1927. From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a place where criminals were
sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English.
Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.
For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic develop-
ment. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral re-
sources. For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of
the economy of the country. Now the most important in-
dustries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radio electronics
and food industry. The country exports agricultural prod-
ucts and raw materials.
As for the nature, the commonest trees of Australia
are the eucalyptus and the Australian acacia or mimosa,
the national emblem of the country.
Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia. Aus-
tralia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries of the world. A significant feature
of modern Australian society is the representation of a lot of cultures drawn from many
lands by its people.
Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of a Commonwealth of
Nations, it is relatively prosperous and independent nation.

3. Answer the questions

1. What is the official name of Australia?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What kind of country is it?
4. What is it total area?
5. What is the capital of the country?
6. What is the national emblem of the country?
7. Why is English an official language of Australia?
8. What are the famous animals of Australia?
9. What is Australia rich in?
10. What does the country export?
11. Why is Australia an intercultural country?

4. What do you know about…. Give the full answer (2 or more sentences).
 the geographical position of Australia?
 the capital of the country?

 the surface of the country?
 the rivers and lakes?
 the most important industries and mineral resources?
 the fauna and flora of Australia?
 the big cities of the country?

5. Read the text and insert the articles where necessary.

Australia occupies … continent of Australia, which lies south-east of … Asia and
… island of Tasmania with … number of small islands. It is washed by …Timor Sea in
… north, by … Coral and Tasman Seas in … east, and by … Indian Ocean in … south
and west. Australia is … most droughty continent on … earth. It is also … land of great
December, January and February are summer months in … Australia. … average
summer temperature is from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. Winter comes in … June, …
July and … August. Then … average temperature is from 12 to 20 degrees above zero.
…largest rivers in Australia are … Darling and … Murray. In … middle part of
Australia there are salt lakes, such as … Lake Eyre and … Torrance.
Australia is … agricultural country. Cattle-breeding is highly developed in Aus-

6. Translate into English:

1. Австралія – це велика країна, що лежить між Індійським та Тихим океанами.
2. Австралія – це єдина країна-континент.
3. Населення Австралії дорівнює близько 18 млн людей.
4. Першими європейцями, які висадились в цій країні, були голландські моряки.
5. Сьогодні Австралія є незалежною федеративною державою, що складається з 6
держав і 2 територій.
6. Вона є членом Співдружності на чолі з британською королевою.
7. Назва країни походить від латинського слова "australis", що означає південь.
8. Австралія є конституційною монархією, як Великобританія.
9. Найважливішими торговельними партнерами Австралії є Японія та США.

Lesson 6


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

droughty (adj) [ˈdrautɪ] – посушливий
isolation (n) [ˌaɪsə'leɪʃən] – ізоляція
explain (v) [ɪkˈspleɪn]– пояснити
preserve (v) [prɪˈzɜːv] – зберігати
wombat (n) [ˈwɔmbæt] – вомбат
trunk (n) [ trʌŋk] – стовбур
similarity (n) [ˌsɪmɪˈlærɪti] – подібність
relate (v) [rɪˈleɪt] – мати відношення, встановлювати зв’язок
fume (n) [fjuːm] – дим
poisonous (adj) [ˈpɔɪzənəs] – отруйний
jellyfish (n) [ˈdʒelifɪʃ] – медуза
possum (n) [ˈpɔsəm] – опосум
harmless (adj) [ˈhɑːmləs] нешкідливий
lizard (n) [ˈlɪzəd]– ящірка
hefty (adj) [ˈhefti] – здоровенний, дужий

2. Read and translate the text.

Australia is situated to the southeast of Asia. It is washed by the Timor Sea in the
north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in the south
and west. Australia is the droughtiest continent in the earth. It is the extremely hot coun-
Summer months are December, January and February. The average summer tem-
perature is from 20 to 30 degrees above zero. Winter months are June, July and August.
The average winter temperature is from 12 to 20 degrees above zero. The most part of
the territory lies in tropics. Its southwestern territories lie in subtropics.
As droughts are rather common and the amount of rainfalls is rather small there are
not many rivers in Australia. The largest rivers are the Darling and the Murray.
The isolation of Australia from other continents explains
much of the unusualness of Australian plant and animal life.
There are forests in the southern and eastern parts of the country.
The most common tree of Australia is the eucalyptus. In the drier
areas there is the Australian acacia or mimosa. In those areas one
can also find strange bottle trees. They preserve water in their
Australian animals are also very unusual. There
are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are
the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres
tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Wombats
and koalas have many similarities and are probably
related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store
food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is
getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires.
There are many dangerous animals including poisonous spiders and snakes, sharks
and jellyfish. However there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to
stop sharks. And of course, people do not swim when there are many jellyfish in the wa-
ter. There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia, ranging from
the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller harmless varieties.
This is only a small selection of the creatures of the country. Others include pen-
guins, turtles, seals and possums. In the dry areas, you can see an amazing variety of
lizards; some grow to a very hefty size.

3. Answer the questions

1. How many seas is Australia washed by?
2. What are winter and summer months in Australia?
3. What is the average winter and summer temperature?
4. What are the longest rivers?
5. What are the most common trees in Australia?
6. What animals are dangerous in the country?
7. What animals have pockets inside their mouths?
8. How big can be a kangaroo?
9. Why is the number of koalas getting smaller?
10. What other animals live in Australia?

4. Find in the text the names of Australian animals and reptiles. Write them in al-
phabetic order.

5. Copy out from the text adjectives. Form comparative and superlative degrees.

6. Read the text and insert the necessary word from the table.

the world residents increasingly

percent Australia density
immigrants urban concentrated

The population of ……. is a little more than 25 mln with a population ……… of
about 3.2 people per square kilometre. Most of the population is ………. along the
southeast coast of the country. Australia is the 52nd most populous country in ……….
and the most populous Oceanian country. Australia's population is mostly urbanized,
with about 88 ……….. of its people living in an ………. area. Sydney alone has over
20 percent of the country's people. Australia's population has become ……….. multicul-
tural. It is still a land of ………… and each year attracts new ………. from all over the

7. Translate into English:

В Австралії багато «непопулярних» тварин, включаючи павуків, які є небез-
печними. Їх можна зустріти в Сіднеї. Якщо вони голодні вони атакують все, що
рухається. У них гострі зуби і вони отруйні. На щастя є протиотрута. З 1927 року
від укусів павуків загинуло 15 чоловік. Іншою «непопулярною» твариною є дінго.
Це помісь волків і собак. Їх не люблять, оскільки вони їдять домашніх тварин. Ве-
лику проблему представляють австралійські очеретяні жаби. Їх дуже багато і до
того ж вони також отруйні. Не дивлячись на це, деяким людям вони подобаються:
їх тримають вдома як своїх улюбленців і пишуть про них вірші.

Lesson 7


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

Council (n) [ˈkaunsl] – рада
advisory (adj) [ədˈvaɪzəri] – консультативний
direct (adj) [dəˈrekt]– прямий
vote (n) [vəut] – голосування
coalition( n) [kəuəˈlɪʃən] – коаліція
political affairs (n) [ əˈfeəz] – політичні справи
curricula (n) [kəˈrɪkjula] навчальні плани
obligatory (adj) [əˈblɪɡətərı] обов’язковий
primary schools (n) [ˈpraɪməri] початкові школи
junior high schools (n) [ˈdʒuːniə] молодші середні школи
private (adj) [ˈpraɪvət] – приватний
fee (n) [fiː] – гонорар, плата

2. Read and translate the text.

Australia is a constitutional monarchy, with the Queen
of Great Britain at its head. It consists of six states and two
territories. The Queen is represented by the Governor Gen-
eral, who is appointed by the Australian government. The
Governor General appoints members of the Executive
Council, his advisory cabinet.
The main legislative body in the country is Federal
Parliament. It consists of the Queen, the Senate and the
House of Representatives. The members of the Senate are
elected for a six-year term. There are ten senators from
each state and two from each territory in the Senate. The
House of Representatives is elected by general direct vote
for a three-year term.
The executive power belongs to the Queen and the government. It is headed by the
Prime Minister. The ministers are chosen from members of Parliament and the Execu-
tive Council.
There are two major political parties in Australia: the Australian Labour party and
a coalition of the Liberal and the Agrarian parties.
Till the 1930s Australia mostly depended upon Great Britain in its political affairs.
But in 1931 Australia became fully independent from Great Britain.
3. Answer the questions
1. What is the political system of Australia?
2. How many states are there in it?
3. Who is the head of the country?
4. What are the authorities of the Governor General?
5. What is the main legislative body of the country?
6. What does it consist of?
7. How are the members of the Senate elected?
8. How many senators are there in the Senate?
9. How are the members of the House of Representatives elected?
10 What political parties of Australia can you name?
11. When did Australia become independent from Great Britain?

4. Read and correct the following sentences

1. Australia is a parliamentary monarchy, with the Governor General at the head.
2. The main legislative body of the country is the Queen.
3. The Senate comprises five senators from each state and two more representing two
territories of Australia.
4. Australia became fully independent from USA in 1930.
5. The Commonwealth of Australia consists of ten provinces and two territories.
6. The Governor General is appointed by the Queen Elizabeth II.
7. The Executive Council is elected for the six-year term.
8. The Judicial Council is a Governor General’s advisory cabinet.
9. The House of Representatives is elected as well as the Senate for a three-year term.

5. Read and translate the text, filling the propositions.

Education in Australia
There is a centralized national system … education … Australia. But there are
still many differences … the structure and the curricula … schools … different states.
80% … Australian children go … state schools, and only 20% attend private fee-paying
schools. School education is obligatory … all children … 6 … 15 years. Most children
begin primary schools … the age … about five. Primary schools include … 1 … 6 or 7
grades. … the primary school children pass … the secondary school without examina-
tions. Junior high schools comprise 3 or 4-year courses. … these courses students com-
plete two year senior high school. … senior classes … secondary schools students may
enter any higher educational institution … the country.

6. Put some questions to the text.

7. Translate into English:
1. На чолі освітньої системи Австралії знаходиться федеральне міністерство осві-
2. В країні є два типи шкіл: приватні та державні.
3. Навчання в державних школах – безкоштовне.
4. Сплата за навчання в приватних школах досить висока.
5. На сьогоднішній день з’явилась тенденція відміни від випускних іспитів в сере-
дніх та старших класах.
6. Не залежно від здібностей більшість дітей мають змогу отримати середню осві-
7 Сплата за навчання відрізняється в кожному штаті.

Lesson 8


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

geologically (adv) [ˌdʒiəˈlɔdʒɪkəlɪ] – геологічно
mark (v) [mɑːk]– позначати
reach (v) [riːtʃ] – досягати
investigate (v) [ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt] – досліджувати
bay (n) [beɪ] – залив
loss (n) [lɔs] – втрата
seize (v) [siːz] – захвачувати, захопити
convict (n) [kənˈvɪkt] – засуджений, ув’язнений
rapid (adj) [ˈræpɪd] – швидкий, стрімкий
charm (n) [tʃɑːm] – чарівність, привабливість
resemble (v) [rɪˈzembl] – нагадувати, бути схожим на когось
surround (v) [səˈraund] – оточувати, охоплювати

2. Read and translate the text.

Geologically Australia is the most ancient of the continents. But for many centuries
it was marked on the maps as “terra incognita”. The first man who reached the Australi-
an coasts was Willem Jansz, a Dutch seaman. He landed on the northern coast of the
continent in 1606. The northern and western coasts were investigated by the Dutch in
the 17th century. The sailors named the continent New Holland.
In 1770 James Cook, a British navigator, reached the coasts
of Australia. He was the first to investigate the Australia and
named a lot of its mountains and bays.
The beginning of the British colonization of Australia was
connected with the loss of the thirteen American colonies during
the War of Independence. The British government lost the right to
send criminals from England to North America. The loss was
compensated by seizing new territories. The first group of crimi-
nals arrived in Australia in 1787 and founded a settlement named Sydney. And only in
1793 the first group of settlers who were not convicts came to Australia
The 50s of the 19th century were the turning point in the history of Australia. The
deposits of gold were found then and it led the country to the rapid economic develop-
ment. Till that time Australia had held the first place at the world wool market. Since

that time the industry started to develop in the country.
The discovery of gold also led to a large wave of im-
migrants to the country.
In 1900 the British colonies got the rights of
states. In 1901 they united in a single state. That was
the beginning of modern Australia.

3. Answer the questions

1. How was Australia named for many centuries?
2. Who was the first man who reached the Australian coasts?
3. When was it?
4. Who named the continent New Holland?
5. When did James Cook reach Australia?
6. Who founded a settlement named Sydney?
7. Who came to Australia in 1793?
8. What years were the turning point in the history of Australia?
9. What deposits were found?
10. What did it lead the country to?
11. When did British colonies unite in a single state?

4. What are the following dates connected with?

1. 1793 5. 1900
2. 1606 6. 1787
3. 1901 7. 1850s
4. 1770

5. Read and translate the text. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right
tense form.
Australian cities
The capital of Australia, Canberra, _____(to be) a
young and comparatively small city. It _______(to found)
in 20th century and now ________(to have) a population of
about 260000 people. Special charm ______(to give) to
Canberra by an artificial lake in the centre of the city. A
fountain more than 100 metres high _______(to be) in the
western part of the lake. At night powerful lights
_______(to illuminate) the water. It _____(to be) the Cap-
tain Cook Fountain, one of the main places of interest in
Melbourne _______(to be) the second largest city in Australia. It ______(to be) the
capital of the country till 1927 and now _______(to be) the centre of Australian busi-
ness world. It _______(to be) a beautiful port-city with a numerous skyscrapers, large
parks and gardens for a long time. One of its attractions _______(to be) the house of
Captain Cook.
Sydney _______(to be) Australia’s largest
and oldest city. It ______(to be) the first British
settlement. It ________(to have) the oldest in the
country botanical gardens and the Zoo. One of the
main places of interest ________(to be) the Opera
House, which ________(to resemble) large white
shells in form. It _________(to surround) by sea on three sides.

6. Put some questions to the text.

7. Translate into English:

1. Австралію іноді називають «щасливою країною». Одна з причин – підземні ба-
гатства: золото, срібло, залізо, вугілля та багато інших цінних металів.
2. Королева Британії має обмежену владу в австралійському уряді і в основному
служить символом давнього історичного зв’язку між Британією та Австралією.
3. В Австралії є сучасні фабрики, високопродуктивні шахти і ферми та бізнес-
4. Більшість австралійців давно мріють про сніжне Різдво, оскільки в Австралії
воно припадає на літо.
5. Австралія – це країна, яка головним чином, складається з пустель та піщаних
6. За останні десять років великі зміни відбулись в австралійському способі жит-
7. В Австралії проводиться ряд важливих змагань по серфінгу.
8. Ви зустрінете тут різні види футболу, а також автомобільні гонки, гонки на мо-
тоциклах, кінські скачки, змагання парусної регати, крикетні матчі та інші види

Lesson 9


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

wage (v) [weɪdʒ] – здійснювати, вести
survive (v) [səˈvaɪv] – виживати
steam (n) [stiːm]– пар, потік
volcano (n) [vɔlˈkeɪnəu] – вулкан
geyser (n) [ˈɡiːzər] – гейзер
earthquake (n) [ˈɜːθkweɪk] – землетрус
several (adj) [ˈsevrəl] – декілька
pasture (n) [ˈpɑːstʃər] – пасовище
phenomena (n) [fəˈnɔmɪnə] – явища
wing (n) [wɪŋ] – крило
feather (n) [ˈfeðə] – пір’я
soap (n) [səup] – мило
footwear (n) [ˈfutweə] – взуття
brick (n) [brɪk] – цегла

2. Read and translate the text.

New Zealand, an independent
state and a member of the Common-
wealth, is situated to the south-east of
Australia. It’s a country consisting of
two large islands – the North Island
and the South Island – and several
dozen smaller islands. Most of the
smaller islands are hundreds kilome-
tres from the main ones.
The first to settle here were the
Maoris*. It was about 1000 years ago.
Maoris is a Polynesian people. And the
British came here at the end of the 19th
century. “The Aurora” was the first
British ship to come to New Zealand.
The British waged the real wars on the
Maoris. Thousands of the Maoris were killed, but their culture survived. Beautiful songs
and dances are as old as the Maori people itself.
Smoke and steam are characteristic features of New Zealand. They come from vol-
canoes and geysers. That’s why the Maoris called New Zealand the country of long
white clouds. So earthquakes are common here. Some-
times they have several quakes a day.
Now the forest are very thick and always green
because of the climate. It never gets too hot in summer
and there are no frosts in winter.
The mountain stream is also very unusual. Water
is ice-cold near one of its banks and is boiling hot near
the other. On the pastures one can see many sheep.
This small country holds the second place in the world in wool production.
Tourists like to see unusual phenomena here. They
are shown a kiwi. It’s a bird you can only find in New
Zealand. It has no wings and its feathers are like hair.
New Zealand has put it on its national emblem.
There are four large towns in New Zealand. One of
them is Wallington and it is the capital of this country. It
was built by the British. Its population is about 340000 people. It’s the chief industrial
centre in the country. Its industries include: woollen textiles, chemicals, soap, footwear
and bricks.

3. Answer the questions

1. Where is New Zealand situated?
2. What does the country consist of?
3. What is the capital of New Zealand?
4. Who were the first people of New Zealand?
5. Why did the Maoris call this country the country of long white clouds?
6. What can happen several times a day in New Zealand?
7. What is unusual in the nature of New Zealand?
8. What is a kiwi like?
9. What place does the country hold in wool production?
10. How many large cities are there in New Zealand?
11. What is the population of the capital?
12. What industries does Wellington include?

4. Put the words in the right order to make the sentences?

1. constitutional, New, a, monarchy, Zealand, is.
2. speak, English, many, native, own, their, in, language, addition, to, people.
3. belongs, a, New, large, Zealand, group, to, called, island, Polynesia.
4. gave, was, a, constitution, colony, 1852, New, in, Zealand, when, Britain, it, a, British
5. many, on, the, for, agriculture, years, of, the, economy, country, depended, largely.
6. the, was, Europeans, discovered, country, in, 1642, by

5. Read and translate the text. Insert the missing words

central heating government's extremely hot

concert halls in isolation electrical appliances
vegetable gardens rural areas keep the homes

New Zealand way of life

New Zealand has a high standard of living. New Zealanders eat more butter and
meat per person than do the people of any other country. The ________ medical pro-
gram provides excellent health care. About 70 % of New Zealand people own their
houses. Almost every family has a car.
Most New Zealanders live in single family
houses with a small _________. Almost in every
New Zealand home there are refrigerators, wash
machines, and other modern _________. But air
conditioning and _________ are rare because the
weather rarely becomes _________ or extremely
In summer, New Zealanders prefer to keep windows open. In winter, fireplaces or
electric heaters ___________ warm.
Large cities have excellent restaurants, milk bars, theatres, __________, and other
places of entertainment. City life in New Zealand tends to be, rather quiet.
Near a fifth of New Zealand's people live in_________. Some ranchers live al-

6. Translate into English

1. Нова Зеландія належить до великої групи островів, яка називається Полінезією.
2. Офіційна мова Нової Зеландії – англійська, на ній говорять по всій країні.
3. Нова Зеландія є конституційною монархією.
4. Країна входила до складу Британської імперії.
5. Перші люди, які заселились в Новій Зеландії, були людьми з коричневою шкі-
рою і називались Маорі.
6. Маорі складають близько 12 % населення країни.
7. В Новій Зеландії рівень життя – один з найвищих в світі.
8. Багато років економіка країни залежала від сільського господарства.
Lesson 10


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

sovereign (n) [ˈsɔvərɪn] – правитель, соверен
integral (adj) [ˈɪntɪɡrəl]– істотний, повний
involve (v) [ ɪnˈvɔlv] – залучити
chair of the Cabinet (n) – голова Кабміну
hold an office (v)– утримувати міністерство
on commission [kəˈmɪʃn] – за дорученням
accountable (adj) [əˈkauntəbl̩ ] – підзвітний, відповідальний
enrol (v) [ɪnˈrəul] – зареєструватись, записатись
eligible (adj) [ˈelɪdʒəbl̩ ] – правомочний, прийнятий

2. Read and translate the text.

New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy in
which a hereditary monarch – since the 6th of February
1952, Queen Elizabeth II—is the sovereign and head of
Executive power in New Zealand is based on the
principle that "The Queen reigns, but the government
rules". Although an integral part of the process of gov-
ernment, the Queen and her Governor-General remain
politically neutral and are not involved in the everyday
aspects of governing. The Governor-General does play
an important constitutional role in the calling of elec-
tions, the life of Parliament, and the formation of a
Government. Ministers are selected from among the democratically elected members
of the New Zealand Parliament. Most ministers are members of Cabinet, which is the
main decision-making body of the Government. The Prime Minister is the most senior
minister, chair of the Cabinet, and thus head of government, holding office on com-
mission from the Governor-General. The office of prime minister is, in practice, the
most powerful political office in New Zealand. The Government is accountable to Par-
liament for its actions and policies. So ministers are answerable to Parliament for their
own actions and policies and for the actions and policies of the departments and state
agencies for which they are responsible.
New Zealand has a single chamber of Parliament which consists of the House of
Representatives, which generally has 120 members, and the Governor-General (who
does not personally attend the House). The House is elected for a maximum three-
year term. Citizens and permanent residents, who are aged 18 years and over, are re-
quired to vote. Voting is not compulsory. Every New Zealand citizen who is enrolled
as an elector is eligible to be a candidate for election as an MP.
The country has a multi-party system in which
many of its legislative practices derive from the unwrit-
ten conventions and precedents set by the United King-
dom's Westminster Parliament. The two domi-
nant political parties in New Zealand have historically
been the Labour Party and the National Party.

3. Answer the questions

1. Who is the head of the state?
2. What kind of state is New Zealand?
3. What is the important role of the Governor-General?
4. Who actually rules the country the Queen, the Governor-General or the government?
5. What is the main decision-making body of the Government?
6. Who is the chair of the Cabinet?
7. What is the Government accountable to Parliament for?
8. How many Houses are there in New Zealand’s Parliament?
9. How long is the House elected for?
10. Who can be a candidate for election as an MP?
11. Is voting compulsory in New Zealand?
12. What are the main political parties in the country?

4. Correct the sentences

1. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with the Governor-General as the head of
the state.
2. The Governor-General hasn’t got all the powers of the Queen in relation to New
3. Ministers are not selected to the New Zealand Parliament as they are hereditary.
4. The main decision-making body of the Government is the House of Representatives.
5. The Prime Minister holds office on commission from Elizabeth II.
6. There are two chambers of Parliament in New Zealand: the House of Representatives
and the House of Commons.
7. The Governor-General attends the House of Representatives almost every day.
8. Citizens over 20 years old must vote as voting is compulsory in the country.
9. The country has a written constitution set by the United Kingdom's Westminster Par-
5. Read and translate the text. Insert the missing words

great place rubber industries geothermal attractions

cultural institutions a relatively Christchurch
rich in financial centre forestry and farmland

New Zealand way of life

New Zealand is _______ small country, with a population of little more than 4 mil-
lion people. Consequently, its cities and towns are mostly quite small with large
amounts of _________ surrounding them. If you are looking for a ________ to holiday,
then New Zealand is the perfect place. Throughout New Zealand you will find beautiful
scenery, adrenaline activities, world-class skiing, ________, towering Alps, cascading
waterfalls and vast glaciers.
New Zealand is ______ minerals. It has got heavy industry. There are many plants
in the country. Paper and __________ are developed
too. New Zealand exports wool, meat, butter. There
are some big cities such as Auckland, Wellington,
________, Dune-din, Nelson. Auckland and Welling-
ton are the main ports of the country. The capital of
New Zealand is Wellington. It is a __________ too.
The city was founded in 1840 and has been the capital since 1865. There are some edu-
cational and __________ in Wellington. New Zealand is a very interesting and beautiful

6. Translate into English

1. Нова Зеландія - це країна великих контрастів і різноманітності.
2. Активні вулкани, вражаючі печери, глибокі льодовикові озера, зелені долини,
довгі піщані пляжі - все це сприяє живописній красі Нової Зеландії.
3. Нова Зеландія також має унікальний масив рослинності та тваринного життя.
4. Економічно країна була залежною від експорту сільськогосподарської продук-
ції, особливо до Великобританії.
5. Вступ Великобританії в Європейську спільноту змусив Нову Зеландію розши-
рювати торгові зв'язки з іншими країнами.
6. Туризм відіграв дуже важливу роль у економіці, хоча цей сектор був фінансово
7. Клімат Нової Зеландії визначається її широтою, її ізоляцією та її фізичними ха-
8. Сучасна Нова Зеландія має більшість людей європейського походження, значну
меншість маорі, і дуже малу кількість людей з тихоокеанських островів та Азії.


Lesson 1


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

to stretch [stretʃ] – простягатись

a relation [rɪˈleɪʃn] – зв'язок, відношення
throughout [θruːˈaut]– всюди, через
a source [sɔːs] – джерело
a flat – рівнина
a crop-growing – рослинництво
a cattle-breeding [ˈkætl ˈbriːdɪŋ] тваринництво
over recent years [əˈkauntəbl̩ ] за останні часи
keen [kɪ:n] гострий, пронизливий
a heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] спадщина, традиція
to participate [ pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] брати участь
an attempt [əˈtempt]спроба, намагання
to facilitate [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] полегшувати, сприяти

2. Read and translate the text.

Ukraine is one of the largest countries of Eastern Europe. It occupies an area of

603700 km2. Its territory stretches for 893 kilometres from north to south and for 1316
kilometres from east to west. Ukraine is a sovereign state. It has its own territory, gov-
ernment, national emblem, state flag and anthem. The geographical position of
Ukraine is very favourable for the development of its relations with the countries of
Europe, as well as with the countries throughout the world.
It has state borders with Russia, Belarus and Moldova. It also borders on Poland,
Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In the south it is washed by the Black and the Azov
seas. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Donets and others. The Dnie-
per is one of the longest European rivers and one of the main sources of hydroelectric
power in the country. We have quite a lot of big sea ports, for example Odessa, Kher-
son, Mykolaiv, Ismail and Mariupol.
The major part of Ukraine is flat and only 5% of it is mountainous.
Ukraine has deposits of iron, manganese, coal, natural gas, oil and other mineral
resources. The main branches of industry are: coal and ore mining, iron and steel engi-
neering, machine and ship building. The country produces planes and ships, lorries and

buses, electronic equipment and agricultural machines, TV and radio-sets and other
Besides Ukraine has always been an agrarian country. Traditionally crop-growing
and cattle-breeding are being developed. Wheat, maize and other corns, vegetables, all
kinds of fruit are grown here.
The population of Ukraine is about 43 mln people. The biggest cities are Kyiv,
Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv and others.
Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts. Over re-
cent years people of Ukraine display a keen interest in the Ukrainian history and cul-
tural heritage.
Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations Organisation (UNO) and
participates in the work of many international organizations. But now Ukraine is going
through hard times – the war in the east of the country, connected with the attempts to
enter the European Union. Some steps have already been taken, including a visa-free
regime facilitating the border crossing procedure.

3. Answer the questions

1. Where is Ukraine situated?
2. Which country does it border on?
3. What seas is Ukraine washed by?
4. What natural resources is the country rich in?
5. What are the main products of Ukrainian industries?
6. What main cities do you know?
7. How much do the mountains make up of the whole area?
8. Has Ukraine an ancient history or a modern one?
9. What area does Ukraine cover?
10. How many people live in Ukraine?
11. What are the main rivers of Ukraine?
12. What are the main branches of industry?

4. Put the words in the right order to get the sentences

1. about, 603700, Ukraine, sq., covers, km.
2. is, region, our, a rich, country, farming.
3. 43, people, its, nearly, mln, is, population.
4. country, by, the, sea, our, Black, is, and, Sea of Azov, washed, the.
5. river, is, Dnieper, main, the.
6. Ukraine, two, into, it, parts, divides.
7. is, the, warm, climate, mild, and.
8. has, black, Ukraine, soil, fertile.
5. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Ukraine межує з Belarus and Russia on the north and on the west.
2. Ukraine is rich in природні ресурси, such as iron, gas and coal.
3. Сільське господарство України is very developed.
4. The main part of Ukraine розміщена in the басейні of the Dnieper River.
5. Besides Ukraine has many other судноплавних річок.
6. They сприяють the розвитку of торгівлі and culture.
7. Due to the Danube, Ukraine has доступ to European countries.

6. Imagine that you are giving interview to the English newspaper “Good Morn-
ing”. They are interested about the geographical position of your country. React
the dialogue.

7. Translate into English:

1. Береги Азовського моря та Чорного моря добрі для портів.
2. Географічне положення України дуже сприятливе тому, що країна лежить на
перехресті шляхів від Азії до Європи.
3. З часів Київської Русі українські дороги використовувались для торгових кон-
4. Говерла - найвища вершина Українських Карпат. Її висота 2061 метри.
5. Територія нашої країни має різноманітні ландшафти, оскільки вона розташова-
на в трьох основних зонах: змішаних лісах, лісостеповій і степовій.
6. Флора і фауна нашої країни дуже багаті.
7. Майже всі види тварин і птахів можна знайти на території нашої величезної зе-
8. Природа України особливо красива через ряд річок та озер.

Lesson 2


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

to determine [dɪˈtɜːmɪn] – визначати

a location [ləuˈkeɪʃn] – місцеположення
an interior [ɪnˈtɪəriə]– внутрішні райони
a belt [belt] – пояс
a range [reɪndʒ] – діапазон, розмах
to decrease [dɪˈkriːs] – зменшувати, убувати
rainfalls – дощові опади
to notice [ˈnəutɪs] – помічати, зазначати
a shower [ʃauə] – злива
to occur [ əˈkɜː] – траплятись, відбуватись
a hail [heɪl] – град
a sleet [sliːt] – дощ зі снігом
a fluctuation [ˈflʌktjueɪʃən] – коливання, плинність
alongside [əˌlɔŋˈsaɪd] – поряд з

2. Read and translate the text.

Ukraine occupies the territory that is situated in the eastern part of Europe. The
climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location: there are the Carpathian
Mountains in the west; and the country is washed by the Azov Sea and the Black Sea.
These factors influence the climate of Ukraine. As its territory lies in the temperate
belt, so its climate is temperately continental.
The climate of the country is characterized by considerable variations due to the
great range from north to south and from west to east, stretching from the areas under
the influence of the north-western Atlantic to the interior of the continent. This means
that the air temperature decreases not only from south to north but also from west to
east. The characteristic features of the climate are higher summer temperatures, lower
winter temperatures, and rare rainfalls.
But the Carpathian Mountains differ from the rest of the Ukrainian territory in the
amount of rains. The highest rainfall is noticed in this part.
Summer is usually dry and hot in Ukraine, but in the Carpathians showers and
thunderstorms often occur. Sometimes storms bring hail, which is very unfavourable
for agriculture.
Winter is usually mild, without sever frost. Sleet is quite usual for Ukrainian cit-
ies and towns in winter. Still winter snow cover is typical for the climate of Ukraine
except the southern part. Fogs are not frequent in the country, but they may happen in
autumn or spring.
The Ukrainian climate has considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from
year to year. Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, and alongside cold years
there are warm years.
The average yearly temperature in Ukraine varies between +5 0…+70 C in the
north and +110...+130 C in the south. January is the coldest month and July is the hot-
test one.
Due to its favourable climatic conditions, such as winter snow cover, enough
amount of rains and hot days during the summer, Ukraine is traditionally an agricul-
tural country. It grows wheat, maize and other corns, vegetables and nearly all kinds of
In general Ukraine can be divided into four different climatic regions: cool and
snow forest climate, steppe climate, Mediterranean climate and mountain climate.

3. Answer the questions

1. What is the climate of Ukraine determined by?
2. What kind of climate is dominant in our country?
3. What is the weather like in Carpathian Mountains?
4. What weather is usual for Ukrainian cities?
5. What do you know about winter and summer in Ukraine?
6. What are the characteristic features of the climate?
7. What is the average yearly temperature in Ukraine?
8. What are the coldest and the hottest months?
9. What climatic conditions are considered favourable for agriculture?
10. What four different climatic regions can be highlighted?

4. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Correct the wrong ones.
1. The climate of Ukraine is always constant from year to year.
2. The climate of Ukraine is determined by the climatic zone in which the country lies.
3. The country is washed by the Azov Sea and the Black Sea that influence the climate
of Ukraine.
4. The air temperature increases from south to north and from west to east.
5. The highest rainfall is noticed in Transcarpathia.
6. Summer is usually wet and hot in Ukraine while winter is severely frosty.
7. Sleet is quite usual for Ukrainian cities and towns in winter.
8. Ukraine can be divided into three different climatic regions.
5. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

rainy severe different

moderate dry freeze
average windy happens

Speaking about the climate of Ukraine I can't help saying that it is ______. Win-
ter is rather mild with no ______ frosts. Rivers and lakes ______ in winter. The ______
winter temperature is about 10-15 degrees below zero. But it often _______ that win-
ters are mild and _______ and this is the most unpleasant time.
In summer the weather is usually warm, sometimes hot and______ . The average
temperature is 25-30 degrees above zero. The weather in spring may be cold and _____,
rainy and sunny on one and the same day.
As Ukraine is rather a big country, its climate is _______ in various regions of it.

6. Translate into English:

1. Іноді часто дощить протягом року, а іноді дуже сухо.
2. На основній частині країни дощу випадає достатньо, щоб вирощувати різні
сільськогосподарські рослини.
3. Порівнюючи клімат в Україні з кліматом в інших європейських країнах, ми мо-
жемо сказати, що літо в Україні гарячіше, а зима холодніша.
4. У північній та західній частинах країни багато снігу.
5. У Запорізькій області клімат близький до континентального.
6. У нас гаряче літо і прохолодна зима без сильних снігопадів і морозів.
7. Кажуть, що клімат в Україні, як і в будь-якій іншій країні, стає м'якішим з кож-
ним наступним роком.

Lesson 3


1. Look at the picture and say what this man in the picture
is. Why do you think so?

2. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

to be in search for [sɜːtʃ]– шукати

harshness [ˈhɑːʃnɪs]– грубість, жорстокість
an insignia [ɪnˈsɪɡniə]– емблема
a kettle-drum [ˈketlˏdrʌm]– литавра
a landlord [ˈlændlɔːd]– поміщик
a mace [meɪs]– булава
a raid [reɪd]– наліт, облава
a seal [siːl]– печатка
a serf [sɜːf]– кріпак, раб
a standard [ˈstændəd]– прапор
to band – об’єднуватись
to be engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]– зайнятий
to date from – датувати
to flee [fliː]– тікати, спасатись втечею
to launch [lɔːntʃ]– починати, запускати
to cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]– плекати, високо цінувати

3. What do you know about Cossacks? Here is the short quiz. Choose the correct
1. The first Cossacks’ fortress (sich) in the region of Zaporizhia was built by:
a. Ivan Mazepa;
b. Dmitro Vishnevetsky;
c. Bogdan Khmelnitsky.
2. Zaporizhia Sich was founded
a. 500 years ago;
b. 400 years ago;
c. 600 years ago.
3. Zaporizhia Sich existed
a. more than 100 years;
b. more than 200 years;
c. more than 300 years.
4. If a Cossack lost his sabre (shablya)
a. he was given the new one;
b. he was said to get the new one;
c. he was turned out.
5. Cossacks’ ship was called
a. “Chaika”;
b. “Galera”;
c. “Lodya”.

4. In the 16 century Cossacks were given special attributes of power. They were
called “Kleinods”. Find them in the picture and say their names.

a) bulava b) korogva (flag) c)seal d) bunchuk

5. The most important historical dates and events in Ukraine. Check yourself if you
know them?

988 a) occupation of Ukraine by German Fascists

The beginning of b) the beginning of the establishment of the Soviet power in
XVI c. Ukraine
1648 - 1654 c) proclamation of State independence of Ukraine
1764 - 1775 d) formation of Central Rada in Ukraine
1917 e) Ukraine becomes the member of United Nations
1918, 22. 01 f) artificially induced Holodomor
1921, November g) the foundation of Zaporizhia Sich
1932 - 1933 h) liquidation of Zaporizhia Sich
1941 - 1945 i) the adoption of Christianity in Ukraine
1945 g) the establishment of a union between Western and Eastern
1991, August, 24 k) war of Ukrainian people against Poland

6. Read and translate the text.

The first news about Cossacks date from the 15-th century. The word “Cossack” is
probably of Turkish origin. It meant a free and independent man.The original Cossacks
were largely adventurous serfs who had fled from their masters and just ordinary people
who were in search for a better life, freedom and military fame. They banded together in
the South Ukrainian steppes near the Dnieper. The Cossacks were engaged in fishing,
hunting, bee-keeping and building their settlements. They had to protect themselves
against attacks by Tartars and Turks. The harshness of the conditions made those who
survived brave, strong, hardworking and independent.
In the 16th century the Cossacks united in a single military organization. They
built the first permanent fortress, the Zaporizhia Sich. The heart of Sich was the Island
of Khortytsya. It was founded in 1557 by Dmitro Vishnevetsky, who was the first Cos-
sacks hetman.
Cossacks lived in a strict military brotherhood. They had their own laws, insignia
and other symbols of rank and authority: the standard, the mace, the seal, the kettle-
drum, etc.
They launched their raids against the Crimean Khanate and the Turkish Empire
and defended the Southern Ukraine from Polish landlords and Tartars.
The Ukrainian Cossacks played an important role in the history. All Ukrainian
people cherish the Cossacks glory. In 1990 they marked the 500-th anniversary of Za-
porizhia Sich, the first democratic formation in Europe.

7. Puzzle (comprehension check). Try to fill the words in the grid using the clues.
The answers are all in the passage above.
Across clues
a k j l

1. The a Cossacks were largely __b__ who es- n

caped from their masters. e h m
2. Many people wanted to find a better life and
f i
__c_ in the South Ukrainian steppes.
3. The Cossacks __d__ their Motherland from the b g
4. The __e__ of the conditions made Cossacks
strong and brave.

Down clues
5. The first __f__ fortress was built by Dmitro
6. Zaporizhia Sich was __g__ in 1557.
7. Dmitro Vishnevetsky was the first Cossack

8. The Cossack host (army) was strong enough to __i__ Ukrainian people against Polish
__j__ and Tartar __k__.
9. More and more __l__ people came to Zaporizhia Sich in __m__ of a better life.
10. Zaporizhia Sich was the first democratic __n__ in Europe.

8. Make up the sentences using the following expressions:

To be proud; to remember the history; to lose the great number of its sons and daugh-
ters; to honour the deeds of the soldiers, to give one’s life for peace and happiness; to
defend the Motherland; a rich and varied historical pass; to preserve cultural heritage.

Lesson 4


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

to undergo [ˌʌndəˈɡəu] – витримувати, зазнавати

according to [əˈkɔːdɪŋ] – відповідно до
indivisible [ɪndɪˈvɪzɪbl̩ ]– неподільний, нероздільний
a ballot [ˈbælət] – голосування, бюлетень
decision [dɪˈsɪʒn] – рішення, вирок
to veto [ˈviːtəu] – накладати вето, забороняти
a commander-in-chief [kəˈmɑːndə ın tʃiːf] – Головнокомандувач
armed forces [ ɑːmd 'fɔːsıs] – Збройні сили
to root [ruːt] – укорінюватись, уходити корінням
meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] – значення, зміст
a trident [ˈtraɪdənt] – тризубець

2. Read and translate the text.

The government of Ukraine underwent rapid change in the early 1990s. The in-
dependence of Ukraine was proclaimed on the 24th of August, 1991. Its sovereignty is
now recognized by all the countries of the world.
Ukraine has its own state symbols, Constitution, currency and government. Ac-
cording to the Constitution of Ukraine its territory is one and indivisible. Only the laws
of Ukraine act on its territory.
The power in the country is divided into legislative, executive and judiciary. The
main legislative body of Ukraine is the Verkhovna Rada, which consists of 450 depu-
ties. The elections to the Verkhovna Rada are held every 4 years on the last week of
March. The deputies are elected by equal, secret or direct ballot.
The highest executive body is the president. He can veto any decision of the
Verkhovna Rada. The president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of
Ukraine. He also represents the state in the international relations.
Another part of the executive branch is the Cabinet of Ministers, which is headed
by the Prime-Minister. The Cabinet of Ministers coordinates the daily administration
of the government and may introduce bills to the Verkhovna Rada.
The judiciary power belongs to the Constitutional Court and regional courts.
The state symbols of Ukraine are the national flag and emblem. They root deeply
in ancient times and have symbolic meaning. Azure-yellow state flag symbolizes the
unity of blue sky and yellow wheat field. The little state emblem – trident – appeared
first on the seals in times of Volodymyr the Great.
The largest parties are the Communist party, the Socialist, the Democratic and the
Green parties.

3. Answer the questions

1. When was the independence of Ukraine proclaimed?
2. How many administrative districts do you know?
3. What district do you live in?
4. Who is the head of the state?
5. What is the highest legislative body of Ukraine?
6. What is the supreme judicial body?
7. What are the state flag and emblem?
8. What do the colours of the state flag symbolize?
9. How many deputies are there in the Verkhovna Rada?
10. How are they elected?
11. What are the authorities of the President?
12. What are the largest political parties of the country?

4. Ask the questions to the following statements.

1. The powers of Ukrainian government are divided into 3 branches: the legislative,
the executive and the judicial.
2. The Verkhovna Rada is at the top of the legislative power.
3. There are 450 people’s deputies in the Verkhovna Rada.
4. The President and the Cabinet of Ministers are the head of the executive power.
5. The highest judicial body of general jurisdiction is the Supreme Court.
6. Its function is to manage justice.

5. Look at the scheme and speak about the state system of Ukraine.
State Power

Legislative Judicial
The Verkhovna Rada Executive The Constitutional Court
(450 deputies) The President,  to manage justice
 to make laws The Cabinet of Ministers
 to veto decisions;
 to represent the state;
 to fulfil the Constitution;
 to execute the national pro-

6. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

campaign organization Presidency

polls vote ballot-paper
nominated simultaneously mass media

All citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to
_____. The candidates to the _________ must be not younger than thirty years of age.
The candidates to the Presidency or to the Verkhovna Rada can be _________ by a
political party or any other political or social _______ or even by a group of voters.
During the election ________ the candidates make their programs public. These politi-
cal programmes are widely discussed in the ________ and on television.
When Election Day comes the people in Ukraine go to the _______ to elect the
members of the Verkhovna Rada or the President of Ukraine. A voter gives his name
and shows his passport. Then he receives his _________ and may go to a cubicle to
vote. Voting is secret. Then the voter casts his ballot-paper in the ballot box. Often the
elections of the local government take place _________ with the elections to the
Verkhovna Rada.

7. Translate into English:

1. І Президент, і члени Верховної Ради обираються голосуванням.
2. Вибори проходять кожні чотири роки.
3. Економічна криза та бойові дії на Сході України сильно впливають на політич-
ну ситуацію в країні.
4. Багато політичних діячів критикують уряд за проведені реформи в системах
освіти та охорони здоров’я.
5. Українські засоби масової інформації розповідають про роботу Верховної Ради
та уряду.
6. У нас є спільні проекти по дослідженню космосу з Канадою та США.
7. Співпраця в сфері культури, освіти і спорту з іншими країнами має велике зна-
8. В Україні також працюють програми з обміну студентами та школярами.
9. програми з обміну допомагають краще зрозуміти один одного, вивчити культу-
ру і традиції інших країн.

Lesson 5


1. New words and word-combinations to be remembered.

governed by [ˈɡʌvənd] – керуючись

to adopt [əˈdɔpt] – приймати
to assure [əˈʃʊə] – гарантувати, забезпечувати
single citizenship – єдине громадянство
gender – стать
ownership [ˈəʊnəʃɪp] – майновий стан
inviolability [ɪnˈvaɪələbɪl̩ ɪtɪ] – недоторканість
dwelling [ˈdwelɪŋ] – житло
medical care – медична допомога
insurance [ɪnˈʃʊərəns] – страхування
to specify – точно визначити
Supreme Court – Верховний Суд
suffrage [ˈsʌfrɪdʒ] – виборче право
law drafting work – законопроектна робота
voter – виборець
to exercise – здійснювати, виконувати

2. Read and translate the text.

Governed by the Act of Ukraine’s Independence of August 24, 1991, the

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Constitution on June 28, 1996.
The Constitution consists of 15
chapters, 161 articles. It establishes the
country’s political system, assures rights,
freedoms and duties of citizens. The Con-
stitution asserts that Ukraine is a sover-
eign and independent, democratic, legal
state with single citizenship. The state
language is Ukrainian. The capital is Ky-
iv. The monetary unit is Hryvna.
The State Symbols of Ukraine are
the State Flag, the State Emblem and the

State Anthem. The State Flag is a blue and yellow banner made of two horizontal
The Constitution states that every person has the right to free and full develop-
ment of his/her personality and has obligations before the society. Citizens have equal
Constitutional rights and freedoms, and they are equal before the law. There are no priv-
ileges or restrictions based upon colour of skin, gender, social origin, place of residence,
ownership, language and religion.
The articles of the Constitution guarantee the rights to life, work, rest, education,
free choice of residence, personal inviolability and inviolability of dwelling, medical
care and medical insurance, safe and healthy environment.
Defence of the Motherland is the duty of citizens. No person may damage the en-
vironment. Every person shall pay taxes and duties.
The Constitution specifies the structure of the national government, its powers
and duties. The powers are divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
There are 450 people’s deputies in the Verkhovna Rada. They are elected for a
term of 4 years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. The
main function of the Verkhovna Rada is making laws. Law drafting work is performed
by its Committees.
The President is the head of the executive power. He is elected directly by the
voters for a term of 5 years with no more than 2 full terms. The highest body of the ex-
ecutive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It fulfils national programs on the economic,
scientific, social and cultural development of Ukraine.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised by courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court
of general jurisdiction in the country. The Constitutional Court is the sole body of con-
stitutional jurisdiction in the state.
The day of the adoption of the Constitution is celebrated as a state holiday.

3. Answer the questions

1. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
2. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase “a sovereign state”?
3. What does the Constitution establish?
4. What objects of the property right of Ukrainian people do you know?
5. What are the state symbols of Ukraine?
6. What does the Constitution state?
7. What do the articles of the Constitution guarantee?
8. Which duties of Ukrainian citizens do you know?
9. Who is the head of the state?
10. How long is his term of office?
11. What are the three branches of power in the country?
12. How many articles and chapters does the Constitution consist of?
13. How do Ukrainian people celebrate the Constitution Day?

4. Match the given English noun phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1. sovereign state 1.законопроектна робота
2. single citizenship 2.місце проживання
3. anthem and banner 3.податки і збори
4. equal rights 4.медична допомога
5. full development 5.виконавча влада
6. gender and origin 6.єдине громадянство
7. place of residence 7.гімн і стяг
8. medical care 8.майновий стан
9. ownership 9.стать і походження drafting work 10. всебічний розвиток
11.taxes and duties 11. суверенна держава
12.executive power 12. рівні права

5. Match the given verbs and English verbal phrases with their Ukrainian equiva-
1. to assert 1. приймати документ
2. to exercise 2. гарантувати, забезпечувати
3. to guarantee the rights 3. здійснювати програми
4. to state 4. встановлювати
5. to adopt the document 5. гарантувати права
6. to specify the structure 6. затверджувати
7. to establish 7. заявляти, констатувати
8. to fulfil programs 8. точно визначати структуру
9. to assure 9. здійснювати, виконувати

6. Translate the following words and word combinations:

to adopt the Constitution, to assure rights, freedoms and duties, to have obligations, to
pay taxes and duties, governed by the law, based upon colour of skin, monetary unit,
single citizenship, state symbols, the right to free choice of residence, the head of the
executive power, universal, equal and direct suffrage, the environment, voter, secret bal-
lot, personal inviolability.

7. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

court freedom property constitution

officials guarantees running local
to appeal dignity adopting

The ________ of Ukraine provides legal ________ of the social, economic and politi-
cal rights. It confirms ________ of speech, of the press, of meeting and demonstrations
and ________ the rights to submit proposals to government agencies and public organ-
izations, _________ against the actions of _________by going to _________ , and to
seek court protection against encroachments upon life, health and _________, sense of
honour and _________ .
The Constitution endorses everyone’s right to take part in state and public affairs, in
________ laws and deciding various questions of national and _____importance.

8. Translate into English:

1. Конституція України була прийнята 28 червня 1996 року.
2. Вона складається з 15 розділів.
3. Конституція встановлює права, свободи та обов’язки громадян.
4. Україна - це незалежна демократична держава з єдиним громадянством.
5. Конституція гарантує, що усі громадяни рівні перед законом і мають рівні
конституційні права.
6. Статті Конституції гарантують право на життя, навчання, роботу, житло, ме-
дичну допомогу та медичне страхування.
7. Кожен громадянин повинен сплачувати податки.
8. Верховна Рада здійснює законопроектну роботу.
9. Прем’єр-міністр очолює виконавчу владу.
10.Судова влада здійснюється через суди.


The Royal Family

At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the
Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the
throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her
uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.
As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In
addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older
she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.
The marriage of the young Prin-
cess Elizabeth to Philip, Duke of Edin-
burgh took place in November 1947. She
came to the throne after her father's death
in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster
Abbey in June 1953.
Among Queen Elizabeth's many
duties are the regular visits she makes to
foreign countries, and especially those of
the Commonwealth, whose interests and
welfare are very important to her. The Queen has allowed the BBC to make a documen-
tary film about the everyday of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the
"walkabout", an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks
among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has
become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread cele-
brations and special programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.
The Queen's husband, Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the
Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young
people (he founded Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving raise
wild animals from extinction.
The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married
Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince
of Wales is well-known as a keen promoter of British interests.
In recent years he has become outspoken on such
controversial topics as modern architecture, violence in
films and on television, and the standard of English teach-
ing in schools. His wife Diana, Princess of Wales (often
called in mass media Princess Di), won the affection of
many people by her modesty, shyness and beauty. Unfortu-
nately, she died in a car accident in August, 1997.
The Queen's other children are Princess Anne (born
in 1950), Prince Andrew (born in 1960) and Prince Edward
(born in 1964). Anne, Princess Royal, has acquired a repu-
tation for being arrogant, but in recent years has become
quite popular with the general public.
The Queen is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is
now president of the Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London
and carries out many public engagements.
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In
1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters.
Prince Edward is keen on the theatre. This interest began while he was at univer-
sity. He quit the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a theatrical company.
The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her one
hundred birthday in 2 000 and died in 2002. The Queen's only sister, Princess Margaret,
Countess of Snowdon, is well-known for her charity work.

1. By whom is the British royal family headed at present?
2. When was the Queen Elizabeth crowned?
3. What did the Queen Elizabeth study as a child?
4. What tradition did she start?
5. When was the Queen's husband born?
6. What does he take a great interest in?
7. Who did Prince Charles marry?
8. What are the names of the Queen's other children?

Some Surprising Facts About The Romans.

The Romans are remembered for conquering vast territories, inventing underfloor
heating and developing a vast network of roads. But how much do you know about
them? Here are some interesting facts about them.
They did not all die young. The average lifetime was only about 25. However,
this did not mean that no one lived into their thirties or into old age. The average was
skewed by the number of women who died giving birth, and by high infant mortality. If
a Roman made it to maturity, they were likely to live as long as people in the modern
western world.
Like us, the Romans divided the day into 24 hours. But unlike us, their hours var-
ied in length. For the Romans there were always 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of
darkness. Thus, for example, a daylight hour in high summer was considerably longer
than one in midwinter.
What languages did they speak? Latin was the
language of the army and of Roman law. But many
peoples incorporated into the Roman Empire continued
to speak their native tongue instead of Latin. Thus vari-
ants of Celtic and Syriac languages survived. The Ro-
man elite was bilingual. For them, knowledge of Greek
was a badge of status.
The Roman Empire produced remarkable philos-
ophers such as Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. Yet some
Romans were hostile to philosophy for two main rea-
sons: first, it was a Greek invention, and the Greeks
were a conquered. Second, the study of philosophy,
with its insignificant definitions and its concentration on
the inner man, could be considered to unfit a man for an
active life that would serve the state.
Generals seldom fought in combats. Although in
art they liked to be depicted in heroic and warlike pos-
ture, Roman generals were ‘battle managers’, not warri-
ors. Only in the most exceptional circumstances they could fight hand-to-hand. If a bat-
tle was lost, the commander should pick his sword and either turn it on himself, or seek
an honourable death at the hands of the enemy.
From the end of the first century AD, Roman emperors had adopted the daily
habit of taking a small amount of every known poison in an attempt to gain immunity.
A drinking vessel made from the horn of the one-horned horses or donkeys was thought
to be an antidote to fatal poisons.
1. What was the average lifetime of the Romans?
2. Is the length of Roman hour the same as ours?
3. What languages did they speak?
4. What was their attitude to philosophy?
5. What can you say about their warlike generals?
6. What did the Roman emperors do to avoid poisoning?

Ceremonies In London

Old traditions and ceremonies have been preserved in London to a greater extent
than in other cities in Britain. Even a casual visitor to London can see without effort
many of the brilliant parades and spectacles.
The royal palace is guarded by special
troops. They wear scarlet tunics, blue trousers
and bearskin caps. One of the most colourful
and impressive displays of royal pageantry is
Changing of the Guard. It takes place at Buck-
ingham palace every day, including Sunday,
at 11.30.
Mounting the Guards is another pictur-
esque ceremony. It is held at the Horse Guards in Whitehall at 11 a. m. every weekday
and at 10 a. m. on Sundays. The Guard is a detachment of Cavalry Troops. It consists
of the Royal Horse Guards and the Life Guards.
The uniforms of the Royal Horse Guards are deep-blue tunics and white metal
helmets with red horsehair plumes. The horses have black sheep-skin saddles. The uni-
forms of the Life Guards consist of scarlet tunics and white metal helmets with white
horsehair plumes. The saddles are of white sheep-skin. The Royal Horse Guards and
the Life Guards wear steel cuirasses. At the beginning of the ceremony the trumpeters
sound the call. The new guard arrives and changes the old guard. The two officers on
horseback salute each other and stand side by side waiting for their soldiers. The cer-
emony takes 15 minutes.

1. Whom is the royal palace guarded by?
2. What do the special troops wear?
3. Where is Changing of the Guard held?
4. How often does Changing of the Guard take place?
5. Where is Mounting the Guards held?
6. What colour are the uniforms of the Royal Horse Guards?
7. What are the saddles made of?
8. What colour are the uniforms of the Life Guards?
9. How long does the ceremony take?

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Everybody coming to London for the first time

wants to see St. Paul’s Cathedral. This is the third
cathedral with this name which London has had. The
two others were burnt down, the first in 1086 and the
second in 1666.
Christopher Wren was an architect who had al-
ready built many buildings. In 1675 he started on his
greatest work. For 35 years the building of St. Paul’s
Cathedral went on, and Wren was an old man before it was finished.
From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and cross on the top.
The inside of the cathedral is very beautiful.
After looking around, you can climb 263 steps to
the Whispering Gallery, above the library, which
runs round the dome. It is called this because if
someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a
person with an ear close to the wall on the other
side can hear what is said. Then, if you climb an-
other 118 steps, you will be able to stand outside
the dome and look over London.
But not only can you climb up, you can also go down underneath the cathedral,
into the crypt. Here are buried many great men, including Christopher Wren himself,
Nelson and others.

1. Is St Paul's cathedral one of the most famous buildings in the world?
2. How many times it was destroyed?
3. What architect restored it?
4. How many years did it take Christopher Wren to rebuild the cathedral?

5. What do you think is special in cathedral?
6. Who is buried in the cathedral?

The Discovery Of America

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His

father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made
many sea voyages.
Most people in Columbus's days thought that the earth was flat and they did not
believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India. In 1492 the King and the Queen of
Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our
planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the
Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sail-
ing 4000 miles he reached some land.
The crew saw something like a white cliff
and cried out: "Tierra! Tierra!". Columbus
thought 'that it must be India but it was not. It
was a new land – a new continent. It was Ameri-
ca. Columbus named the land they had reached
San Salvador ("Holy Saviour"). People began to
speak about the land as "The new World".
European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find
gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the In-
dians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called
Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in
In 1620 on the ship "Mayflower" they landed in the north-east of America. They
set up a colony and called that part of the country "New England".

1. Who discovered America?
2. King and Queen of what country gave Columbus money for voyage?
3. How many caravels were there?
4. How did Columbus name the land he had reached?
5. What reasons did European come to New Land for?
6. What do you know about Pilgrims?

The First President Of The USA

George Washington (1732-1799) won a lasting place in American History as the

"Father of America". For nearly twenty years he guided his country much as a father
cares for a growing child.
Washington lived an exciting life in exciting times. As a boy, he explored the
wilderness. When he grew older, he helped the British fight the French and Indians.
Many times he was nearly killed. As a general he suffered hardships with his troops in
the cold winters.
He lost many battles, but led the American Army
to final victory. After he became President, he success-
fully solved many problems facing his country. Wash-
ington belonged to an old colonial family that believed in
hard work, in public service and in worshipping God.
George Washington was born in Westmoreland county,
Virginia, on a farm, on February 22, 1732. His first
American ancestor came to Virginia from England in
1657. Farming, land buying, trading, milling, and the
iron industry were the means by which the family rose in
the world. George's father, Augustine, had four children
by his first wife and six by his second wife, Mary Ball,
George's mother.
Of George's early life little is known. His formal
education was slight: no more than 7 or 8 years of school. Men, plantation life and the
haunts of river, field and forest were his principal teachers. His favourite subject was
arithmetic. He studied enough history and geography to know something of the outside
world. But he never learned very much about literature, foreign languages and history.
At the age of 14 he began to work as a surveyor, making many trips into the wil-
derness areas of Virginia and Pennsylvania. His military experience came in the French
and Indian War, when he was sent on two missions deep into the Ohio county. In 1759
Washington retired and married Martha Dandridge, a rich widow. He became a loving
stepfather to Martha's two children. He was a progressive farmer of that time.
In XVIII century American colonists grew angrier and angrier at the taxes placed
on them by Great Britain. In September 1771 the Continental Congress met, where
Washington had his first chance to meet and talk with leaders of other colonies. The
members were impressed with his judgment and military knowledge. He was sent to at-
tend the Second Continental Congress (1775) where he was elected a commander-in-
chief of the Continental Army. He proved himself a capable commander of the War of
In 1787 Washington was chosen president of the Continental Convention and lat-
er elected first president of the republic (1789), followed by re-election (1792).George
Washington died after an illness of two days on December 14, 1799.
No other American has been honoured more than Washington. The nation's capi-
tal, Washington D. C, was named after him. There the giant Washington Monument
stands. The state of Washington is the only state named after President. Many cities,
parks, streets, bridges, lakes, and schools bear his name. Washington's portrait appears
on postage stamps, on the $1 bill, and on the quarter.

1. When was George Washington born?
2. How big was his family?
3. What did George and his family believe in?
4. What is known about his childhood?
5. When was he elected the president?
6. When was Washington died?
7. What was named after him?

Thanksgiving Day

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat
a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day.
The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pil-
grims sailed to America on board the "Mayflower" ship for religious freedom. They
were among the first European settlers in America. There were people living in America
before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians.
The pilgrims first winter in the New World was very difficult. They had arrived
too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food half of the pilgrims died. The following
spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America.
The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were
thankful and decided to celebrate with
a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a
dinner of turkey, corn, beans and
pumpkins. They invited their Indian
friends to share this feast. The Indians
brought food for the feast too (they
even brought popcorn!)

Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the
fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most
popular dessert.

1. When was this holiday first celebrated?
2. For what purpose did the pilgrims sail to America?
3. How was the life of pilgrims in the New World?
4. What dishes were cooked for the feast?
5. What is the traditional dish for Thanksgiving Day today?

The Shock And Awe Of Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is one of the world’s leading tourist attractions. Millions of people
around the world visit it each year. Summers at the Falls are especially busy, with traffic
jams and parking problems. However, the Falls are beautiful in winter too.
Many have asked why people travel so far to see water falling over a cliff. The
size and beauty of Niagara Falls help to make it special. While many falls are higher
than Niagara, very few are as wide or have such a volume of water. It also helps that
Niagara is relatively easy to travel to.
When the first Europeans came to Niagara,
the Falls were surrounded by forest. The noise of
the Falls could be heard miles away, before they
were actually seen. The first visitors were filled
with horror at the sight. Later, fear stopped to be
the main emotion inspired by the Falls. Visitors
were impressed by the beauty and grandeur of the
Falls, which overwhelmed them with wonder.
There are two falls, separated by an island. Since the Niagara River forms the
boundary here between Canada and the United States, each country has one of the falls.
The Canadian Horseshoe Falls is wider and more impressive than the American Rain-
bow Falls. About nine times more water goes over the Canadian Falls. Nonetheless,
there is much to be seen on the American side. The island in the middle, Goat Island, is
one of the best places to view the falls and rapids. It is on the American side.
Newly married couples began coming to Niagara Falls when it was still a seclud-
ed, peaceful and romantic spot. It is still popular with newly-weds as a relatively inex-
pensive and convenient place to spend their honeymoon.
Besides being beautiful, Niagara Falls is also very useful. Their falling water is
the power behind several of the largest hydroelectric stations in the world. Much of the
electric power used in this part of North America comes from Niagara Falls.

1. Why do people travel to Niagara Falls?
2. What did the first visitors feel when they saw the Falls?
3. How do two falls differ from?
4. What’s the name of the island that separates the falls?
5. Why do the newly married couples come to Niagara Falls?
6. Niagara Falls is also very useful, isn’t it?

Sport In Australia

A lot of Australians think you shouldn't worry too much about life.
But some things in life are really important, and to many Australian men, one of
these things is sport. It's something they don't joke about. Sport matters. In pubs, clubs
and even at work you'll often find men who can talk about only one thing – sport.
Australians are lucky. They have a perfect climate, and an endless amount of
land. They have wonderful waves for surfers on their beaches. They also have a strong
wish to win. Put these together and you get a lot of good sportsmen and sportswomen.
In fact, Australia has a very high number of world champions, in all kinds of sports,
for a country of only 16 million people.
Around the country you'll find plenty of opportu-
nities for golf, squash, tennis, trail riding (horse or mo-
torcycle), fishing and so on. Surfing is almost a religion
for many Australians who follow the waves around the
country and there are a number of important surfing
You'll find football of assorted types including the unique Australian Rules
Football. Then, there's motor racing and motorcycle racing, horse racing, yacht racing,
cricket matches and lots more.
The best thing, of course, is to play sport yourself. But if you can't, or you don't
want to, then you can watch other people doing it. Every year, more than 100,000 peo-
ple go to the final of Australian Rules Football. Crowds of more than 90,000 watch the
big cricket matches against India, Pakistan, New Zealand and England.

There are sport happenings and holidays in Australia year round. Here are some
of them.
In February there's Re-
gatta Day with boat races and
other water activities.
In June in Darwin the
Beer Can Regatta takes place
when there are boat races for
boats constructed entirely out of
beer cans.
In August in the Northern Territory camel racing is on in Alice Springs, and
then the Apex Rodeo is held, one of the biggest rodeo in Australia – the town fills up
with cowboys.
Meanwhile in Sydney, Australian biggest race takes place with 25,000 competi-
tors running the 14 km from Hyde Park to Bondi Beach in the city race.
In September attention is attached to Melbourne where Australian Football Cup
takes place. Australian Football is played in Australia only. This is a game where two
teams of 18 players. The players are allowed to play with their legs and arms. The par-
ticipation in the game demands great physical strength and very often injured players
are carried away from the field or are replaced by other players. Grand Australian
Football Cup is the biggest sports competi-
tion of the year.
On the first Tuesday of November the
greatest horse race for Melbourne Cup is
held. It is a public holiday in Victoria but the
whole country shuts down for the three
minutes or so which the race takes.

1. What do a lot of Australians think?
2. Why are Australians lucky?
3. What is surfing for many Australians?
4. Where do more than 100 000 people go every year?
5. What takes place in June in Darwin?
6. When does Alice Springs fill up with cowboys?
7. When does sporting attention turn to Melbourne?
8. Where is Australian Rules Football played?


А. D. (anno Domini) – наша ера; в перекладі з латинської «рік Господа нашого»
Alfred the Great –Альфред Великий був королем Уессексу з 871 по 899 рік. Він був
першим монархом з Британських островів, який величав себе як "короля анг-
лосаксів", і тому він іноді вважається першим англійським королем. Альфред
заснував Королівський флот у 9-му столітті.
the Appalachian Mountains – Аппалачі, гірська система на сході Північної Амери-
ки, в США і Канаді. Довжина складає 2600 км. Північні Аппалачі - горбисте
плоскогір'я з окремими масивами висотою до 1916 м, мають сліди стародав-
нього заледеніння

B. C. (before Christ) – до нашої ери
Big Ben – Біг Бен, популярна туристична назва годинникової вежі Весмінстерсь-
кого палацу. Офіційна назва вежі з 2012 року – Вежа Єлизавети
(англ. Elizabeth Tower).
the Bronx – Бронкс, один з п'яти районів Нью-Йорка, єдиний, чия територія знахо-
диться на континентальній частині суші.
the Brooklyn – Бру́клін, один з п'яти районів Нью-Йорка, був незалежним від Нью-
Йорка до 1898 року. Офіційний девіз написаний голландською мовою і пере-
кладається як «Єдність породжує силу».
the Buckingham Palace [ˈbʌkɪŋəm ˈpælɪs] – Букінгемський палац; офіційна лон-
донська резиденція британських монархів. Розташований навпроти вулиці
Мелл і Грін-парку з біломармуровим і позолоченим пам'ятником королеві
Вікторії. Коли монарх знаходиться в палаці, над дахом палацу майорить ко-
ролівський штандарт.

caddo – кеддо, група з 5 індіанських племен в Техасі, Оклахомі, Арканзасі і Луїзі-
Caesar [ˈsiːzə] – Цезар, римський імператор
the Channel Islands – Нормандські острови – це архіпелаг в Ла-Манші біля фран-
цузького узбережжя Нормандії
G. Chaucer – Джефрі Чосер, англійський поет, «батько англійської поезії»
Christopher Columbus – Христофор Колумб, італійський дослідник, навігатор та
колонізатор, відкрив Америку в 1492 році.
the City – Сіті, історичний центр Лондона
cleats – шиповки, взуття з металевими або резиновими шипами на підошвах, яке
запобігає ковзанню.
cockney [ˈkɔkni] – кокні, лондонський говір
'the coloured' – червоношкірий; людина, яка цілком або частково не білого похо-
the Confederate Army [kənˈfedərət ˈɑːmi] – армія конфедератів, 11 південних шта-
тів, які боролись проти північної армії під час Громадянської війни 1861-65 р.
the Congress – Конгре́с, федеральний законодавчий орган США, що складається з
двох палат: Палати представників (435 депутатів, що обираються на термін 2
роки); Сенату (100 сенаторів, два від кожного штату, обираються на 6 років,
третина переобирається кожні два роки).
conquistador [kɔnˈkwɪstədɔː] –конкістадор; завойовник, особливо один з іспанських
завойовників Мексики та Перу в 16 столітті.
constituency [kənˈstɪtjuənsi] – виборчий округ
Crown Jewels – коштовності з корони; до королівських коштовних каменів Спо-
лученого Королівства належать 140 королівських церемоніальних об'єктів,
що зберігаються в Тауері, які включають регалії та речі, що носили британ-
ські королі та королеви під час їх коронації.

District of Columbia – округ Колумбія, територія столиці США, м Вашингтона, що
знаходиться під юрисдикцією федеральної влади
druid – друїди, жрецький прошарок у кельтських племен Західної Європи, що іс-
нував в 2 столітті до н. е. – 1 століття н. е. в дописемну епоху (кінець залізної

the East End – Іст-Енд, східна частина Лондона, район розселення бідноти.
the English Channel – Ла-Манш або Англійський канал, протока між узбережжям
Франції та островом Великобританія

the Fat Stock Show – показ великої рогатої худоби, щорічна виставка в Техасі
first past the post – мажоритарний
Florida – Флорида, штат на південному сході США
foot (feet) – фут, британська та американська міра довжини (1 фут = 12 дюймів =
30,48 см)
freshman – студент першого курсу в університеті, коледжі чи середній школі.
Gaelic [ˈɡeɪlɪk] – гельська мова, пов'язана з гойделічними мовами, зокрема кельт-
ською мовою Шотландії, і культурою, пов'язаною з носіями цих мов та їх
Gloucester – Глостер; місто на південному заході Англії, графство Глостершир;
населення 127 100 (ол. 2009).
Golden gate Bridge – міст «Золота Брама», підвісний міст через протоку Золота
Брама. Він з'єднує місто Сан-Франциско на півночі півострова Сан-
Франциско і південну частину мису округи Марін, поруч із містом Сосаліто.
Місцева визначна пам'ятка й один із символів США.
Greater London – Великий Лондон (близько 1,6км2), адміністративна одиниця в
Англії, зазвичай також відома як Лондон. Складається з 32 районів і Лондон-
ського Сіті.
Grontabricc ("Bridge on the River Granta" ) – "Міст на річці Гранта" (назва кельтсь-
кої річки, неясного походження). Зміна «Cante» на «Cam» була обумовлена
впливом Норманського завоювання Британії.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum – Музей Соломона Гуггенхейма , музей мистецтв
в США, створений меценатом і колекціонером Соломоном Гуггенхеймом.
Розташований на Манхеттені в межах т. з. музейної милі. Одне з найстаріших
і найбільш відвідуваних зібрань сучасного мистецтва в світі.
the Gulf of Mexico – Мексиканський затока, внутрішнє море західної частини Ат-
лантичного океану. Обмежене з північного заходу, півночі та східного узбе-
режжя США, на півдні і в південно-західному - побережжям Мексики, а та-
кож островом Куба. Зовні нагадує овал.
Gulf Stream – Гольфстрім, тепла морська течія в Атлантичному океані.

Hadrian – Адріан, Римський імператор 117-138 н.е.; повне ім'я Публій Еліус Адрі-
анус. Ухвалений наступник Траяна, він оглядав провінції імперії та забезпе-
чив кордони.
Hastings – Гастінгс, місто на півдні Небраски, безпосередньо на південь від Вели-
кого острова; населення 25 394.
the Hawaii - Гаваї, штат США, вулканічний архіпелаг в центральній частині Ти-
хого океану. Його острови відомі своїми скелястими берегами, водоспадами,
тропічними лісами і пляжами з золотим, червоним, чорним і навіть зеленим
Iberian [aɪˈbɪəriən] – іберійський; іберійці – стародавнє населення Британських ос-
“Innocents Abroad” – «Невинні закордоном», юмористична розповідь Марка Тве-
на про подорож, опублікована в 1869 році, заснована на його власній подо-
рожі на пароплаві в 1867 році до Європи, Єгипту та Святої Землі.
The Isle of Man – острів Мен, самоврядна залежність Британської Корони в Ірла-
ндському морі між Великобританією та Ірландією

Jacques Cartier [ʤæk ˈkɑːtɪə] – Жак Картьє́, французький мореплавець. Саме
Жаку Картьє світ зобов'язаний появою назви Канада. Під час висадки на ос-
трів Монреаль, Картьє відвідав ірокезьке село Ошлага. Ірокезькою мо-
вою слово «каната» означає «село». Картьє помилково вирішив, що
так індіанці називають свою країну.
John Cabot – Джон Кебот, італійський і французький мореплавець і купець на
англійській службі, вперше досліджував узбережжя Канади.

Lincoln – Лінкольн; державна столиця Небраски; населення 251,624. Засноване в
Ланкастері в 1856 році і перейменоване на честь Авраама Лінкольна.
Lord Chancellor – Лорд канцлер; (у Великобританії) найвища службова особа Ко-
рони, відповідальний за ефективне функціонування та незалежність судів;
колишній голова Палати лордів, Канцелярії або апеляційного суду.

Madame Tussaud’s – Мадам Тюссо; Музей воскових фігур у Лондонському районі
Мерілебон, створений в 1835 році скульптором Марією Тюссо. Має філії в 19
інших містах.
Manhattan [mænhætən] – Манхеттен, історичне ядро міста Нью-Йорка і один з йо-
го п'яти районів. Крім острова Манхеттен, район включає в себе кілька неве-
ликих островів.
the Maori – Маорі, корінний народ, основне населення Нової Зеландії до прибуття
європейців. Мовою маорі слово “māori” позначає «нормальні», «природні»

або «звичайні». У легендах, усних переказах, слово «маорі» відрізняло людей
від божества і духу.
W. Mildmay – Вальтер Мілдмей був англійським державним діячем, який працю-
вав канцлером казначейства Англії під час королеви Єлизавети I, і був засно-
вником коледжу Еммануїла в Кембриджі.
the Mississippi – Міссісіпі, річка в США, одна з найбільших річок світу. Міссісіпі -
головна річка найбільшої річкової системи в Північній Америці. Протікає ви-
ключно на території Сполучених Штатів Америки, хоча її басейн поширю-
ється і на Канаду.

the Nelson Column [nelsn ˈka:ləm] – Колона Нельсона; монумент, розташований в
центрі Трафальгарській площі в Лондоні (Англія)
Niagara Falls [naɪˈæɡrə] – Ніагарський водоспад, комплекс водоспадів на річці Ні-
агарі, що відокремлює американський штат Нью-Йорк від канадської провін-
ції Онтаріо. Ніагарські водоспади – це водоспад «Підкова», іноді ще званий
«Канадським водоспадом», «Американський водоспад» і водоспад «Фата».

Ottawa ['ɔtəwə] – Отава, столиця Канади, четверте за населенням місто країни.

St. Paul's Cathedral [seɪnt pɔ:lz kəˈθiːdrəl] – Собор Святого Павла; собор на Луд-
гейт-Хілл, Лондон, спроектований сером Кристофором Реном і побудований
між 1675 і 1711роками
peer – пер; член дворянства в Британії чи Ірландії, що складається з лав герцога,
маркіза, графа, віконта і барона; представник палати Лордів
the Pennine Chain – Апеннінський хребет, невисокі гори у Великобританії, що ро-
зташовані в північній Англії
the Pentagon – Пентагон, будівля Міністерства оборони США у формі п'ятикут-
ника. Знаходиться в штаті Вірджинія поблизу Вашингтона. Та-
кож Пентагоном називають саме Міністерство оборони США. Найбільша
офісна будівля у світі.
Penzance – Пензанс; місто, громадська парафія та порт у Корнуолі, Англія, Вели-
the Poet's corner – куток поетів; частина південної трансепти Вестмінстерського
абатства, де традиційно здійснюється захоронення і увіковічування поетів,
драматургів та письменників.
President-actor – президент-актор: Рейган Рональд, Дональд Трамп
President-businessman – президент-бізнесмен: Герберт Гувер і обидва Джорджа
President-sheriff – президент-шериф: Теодор Рузвельт і Стівен Гровер Клівленд
President-tailor– президент-кравець: Ендрю Джонсон
President-teacher – президент-вчитель: Вудро Вільсон, Білл Клінтон, Барак Обама

Queens [kwiːnz] – Квінс, найбільший за територією (280 км²) і другий за населен-
ням район Нью-Йорка. Розташований на острові Лонг-Айленд і омивається
Атлантичним океаном. Це сама неоднорідна за етнічним складом частина мі-
the House of representative – палата представників, членом палати представників
може бути обраний тільки громадянин США, що є таким не менш семи років
і досяг віку 25 років.

the Salt Lake Desert – велике сухе озеро в північній частині штату Юта, Сполучені
Штати Америки, між Великим Соляним озером та межею Невади, що відзна-
чається білими відкладеннями солей озера Бонневіль.
the Senate – палата Конгресу США, членами якої є 435 конгресменів, які обира-
ються строком на два роки кожен парний рік.
Serpentine Lake – озеро Серпентин; рекреаційне штучне озеро площею в 16 га
у Гайд-парку, Лондон, Англія, створене в 1730 році за наказом королеви Ка-
роліни. Серпентин (Змійовик) отримав свою назву завдяки формі, яка по-
зміїному вигинається, хоча озеро має тільки один вигин.
the “Shadow Cabinet” – «Тіньовий кабінет»; група членів основної політичної пар-
тії в опозиції, які обрані як опоненти членів уряду, які займають посади у ка-
Silicon Valley – Кремнієва долина, регіон у штаті Каліфорнія (США), що позначає
південну частину території затоки Сан-Франциско, входить до міської агло-
мерації. Відзначається значною щільністю високотехнологічних компаній
(комп'ютери та їх комплектуючі (особливо мікропроцесори), програмне за-
безпечення, мобільний зв'язок, біотехнології тощо).
the Sioux [suː] – Сіу, індійський народ групи сіу на півночі США і Південної Ка-
Snowdon – Сноудон, найвища гора Уельсу. Найвища вершина Великобританії пів-
денніше Шотландського високогір'я. Вершина Сноудона знаходиться на ви-

соті 1085 метрів над рівнем моря. Назва «Сноудон» походить від давньоанг-
лійського Snow Dun, що означає «сніговий пагорб».
Staten Island [ˌstætən aɪlənd] – Стейтен-Айленд, один з п'яти районів Нью-Йорка,
розташований на однойменному острові. Найбільш територіально віддалений
і найменш населений з усіх адміністративних округів Нью-Йорка.

the Tower of London – Вежа Лондона; фортеця, що стоїть на північному березі рі-
чки Темзи, історичний центр Лондона, одна з найстаріших споруд Англії та
один з головних символів Великобританії, що займає особливе місце в історії
англійської нації. Була фортецею, палацом, сховищем королівських дрібниць,
арсеналом, монетним двором, в'язницею, обсерваторією, зоопарком, місцем,
що приваблює туристів.
Trafalgar Square [trəˈfælgə skweə] – Трафальгарська площа; площа в центрі Лон-
дона, де сходяться три першорядні вулиці Вестмінстера - Стренд, Вайт і
Мелл. Спочатку носила назву площі короля Вільгельма IV, але остаточну на-
зву отримала в честь перемоги в Трафальгарській битві.
Trick-or-treat – «життя або гаманець», фраза, яку використовують на Хелоувін,
коли випрошують солодощі. Термін вперше став використовуватися в США
в 1934 року

Ulster [ˈʌlstər] – Ольстер; колишня провінція Ірландії, на півночі острова.
UN (United Nations) – ООН (Організація Об'єднаних Націй), це міжурядова органі-
зація, завданням якої є сприяння міжнародному співробітництву та створення
та підтримання міжнародного порядку.

the West End – Вест-Енд західна частина центру Лондона, на захід від стіни Сіті, в
якій зосереджені театральне і концертне життя, музеї, урядові установи, уні-
верситети і коледжі, а також елітна нерухомість і фешенебельні магазини.
the Westminster Abbey – Вестмінстерське абатство, готична церква у Вестмінстері
(Лондон), традиційне місце коронації і поховання монархів Великобританії.
the Whitehall [ˈwaɪthɔːl] – Уайтхолл; вулиця в Вестмінстері, Лондоні, на якій роз-
ташовані багато державних установ.

William the Conqueror – Вільям Завойовник, герцог Нормандії з 1035 року і король
Англії з 1066 року, організатор та керівник Нормандського завоювання Анг-
лії, один з найбільших політичних діячів Європи XI століття.
William Faulkner – Вільям Фолкнер (1897 - 1962), американський письменник,
прозаїк, лауреат Нобелівської премії з літератури (1949).
Windermere – Уїндермір, озеро на північному заході Англії, в південно-східній ча-
стині озерного округу. Близько 10 миль (17 км) завдовжки, це найбільше озе-
ро в Англії.

York – Йорк, місто в північній Англії, на річці Уз; населення 136 900


1. Михайлов Н.Н., Михайлов Н.М. Лингво-страноведение США - М.: Изада-

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3. Ощепкова В.В. Australia and New Zealand in brief/ Вкратце об Австралии и
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4. Рыбкина И. А. Новая Зеландия / New Zealand: Пособие по страноведению для
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