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The People Bossless workplace

Big data anyltytics The Technology
Driven Workpace Engagement
Supply chain management Driven Workplace

2000 Social Use social media technologies for interacting

Every situation is unique Contingency Business Social media programs
People > engineering techniques
Organization interactions
Mary Identify important contingencies View
Total Quality
Advocates 1980
Informal organization Chester
1970 Management
choose management orders Acceptance theory of authority
the distinct elements of a system or situation
Human relations (key) See both
Treat employees positive Human Relations Humanistic 1950 Systems the complex and changing among these
Hawthorne studies Movement
Money is not the cause of the increased output Perspectives Thinking
Systematical and understand subsystem interdependence and synergy

Money is not cause Peter Circle of causality

Satisfied workers
Human Resources
Hierarchy of needs Maslow Perspective
Theory X and Theory Y about worker’s motivation
1930 1940
Science method + sciology, psychology, .... Behavioral Sciences
Organization development (OD)
Taylor Precise procedures

Scientific Henry Gannt Gantt chart

The Gilbreths Time and motion studies
1890 Classical Bureaucratic
1880 Max Weber Impersonal and rational basis
principles of management
Administrative Henri Fayol
5 functions
Charles 8 fundamental necessities
World War II quantitative perspective

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