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Virginia Paul <virginia.m.paul@gmail.


2 messages

virginia.m.paul <> Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 3:37 PM


Hi Renee,

I was thinking of you today because I was telling my high school students about the time I gave a presentation
about saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in a cow costume. I did lose points but I have no regrets.

I am teaching at CAPA in downtown Pittsburgh. I’ve been teaching middle school and biology for 10 years and
I finally got the chemistry position. I am so so thrilled to be teaching chemistry. My school is a creative arts
school and the students are incredibly creative and smart. So far, my favorite part of the year was teaching the
development of the atomic model. It’s the first time the students are able to situate themselves in the history of
construction of knowledge. Their brains warp and expand and I love being along as they come to understand
the nature of science. I’m sure you’ve had that experience and it is one that I have wanted for so long.

I think of you often, in fact. The chemical room, the key on the retractable keychain, prepping chemistry labs,
colorful tape, having minions, all of that. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work for you at
Chatham. I am the only chemistry teacher in my building so I don’t have handy colleagues to seek chemistry
advice from. My experience at Chatham, however, prepared me incredibly well for the situation. I use the skills
you taught me every day. Thank you.


Renee Falconer <> Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 1:07 PM

To: "virginia.m.paul" <>

Dear Virginia,

So wonderful to hear from you! You must be a saint to teach middle school - that is a challenging age! And
you have to deal with parents. I don't think I could handle either!! Glad to hear you are finally able to teach
chemistry. It must be interesting to teach science to students using their right brain more. Being at a STEM
only school, I don't see much right brain thinking and I miss it. When teaching gen chem conceptual things, I
hear a lot of "can't you just give us an equation for that?". ☹

I have so many fond memories of Chatham. I enjoy my new job - students are fun wherever they land - but I
do miss the family atmosphere at Chatham among faculty and students. And having all females (now I've got
70% male - big reversal!). I'm glad you feel prepared and are using your knowledge and skills from Chatham.
But you also need to give yourself credit - you have grown and learned a ton since you finished (where have
the years gone???) all on your own because you are smart, hardworking, caring and amazing. I was lucky to
have you for a student - you always made me laugh and remember there are other things in life than

Good luck in this new endeavor. I know you will excel and your students are very lucky to have you. Thanks
for reaching out - it really was wonderful to hear from you.

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