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1. The Dangers of Climbing a Mountain

Cause and Effect Pattern

Mountain climbing is a fun but extremely dangerous activity. There are many risks that
can occur when climbing a mountain, such as falling into a slip and getting lost. It can happen if
climbers are not careful and lose focus. In addition, active mountains can also erupt at any time
and endanger climbers. Recently, a volcano in West Sumatra erupted and took a toll. The
unpredictable weather is also one of the danger factors when climbing mountains. Heavy rainfall
can cause avalanches and harm climbers.

2. Sendratasik Department and English Department

Comparison and Contrast Pattern

The Sendratasik Department and the English Department have a number of similarities
and differences. The similarity is that both majors are in the same faculty, namely the Faculty of
Language and Arts. In addition, sendratasik and English majors both demand student creativity.
In the sendratasik department students can express themselves through dance and music painting,
while in the English department students can express ideas through writing, poetry and stories.
Furthermore, the two majors also have differences, such as different career goals. In sendratasik,
students can choose specializations such as fine arts, music, theater and film. While majoring in
English, students can choose to focus on certain literatures such as linguistics, creative writing or
English as a second language.

3. My Struggle reached UNP

Chronolagical and Order Pattern

Entering and becoming a UNP student is not an easy thing. There were many obstacles
and challenges that I had to fight to become a UNP student. The first time when I graduated from
high school I registered for UTBK and chose UNP as my choice. But unfortunately I was
rejected because my UTBK score did not meet. After being rejected by the UTBK pathway I did
not give up. Finally I took an independent test and fortunately I was accepted into the English
Literature department. I am really grateful to be a UNP student.

4. Car Machine

Illustration and Example Pattern

A car machine is a very important part of a motor vehicle. It is like the heart that pumps
blood throughout the body. The car machine converts fuel, such as gasoline or diesel, into power
that makes the car move. Imagine that a car engine is a kitchen that cooks food. When we press
the gas pedal, the engine works like cooking food on a stove. For example, when we press the
gas pedal, more fuel is burned by the engine, just like more fire is used in cooking. A car
machine has many parts, such as cylinders, pistons, and valves, that work together to produce the
power needed to move the car. Just like a kitchen needs maintenance to keep it functioning
properly, a car machine also needs to be maintained regularly to keep it running smoothly and

5. Padang City

Spatial Pattern

The city of padang offers several interesting places to visit. In the west there is the
Pondok area and Kampung Cina. The area is famous for its diverse economic activities and
interesting architecture. In the east there is Lubuk Begalung which is famous for its agriculture
and residential areas. Then in the north there is Lubuk Minturun. The area has an attractive
natural beauty that has become a tourist attraction. While in the south of Padang there are
highland areas such as Pauh and also the main campus of UNAND.

6. The Guitar

Definition Pattern

The guitar is a musical instrument with a long body and neck. The guitar has thin strings.
The guitar is played by plucking and strumming the strings. The guitar is often played in various
types of music. Usually the guitar is played in jazz, pop and folk music. The guitar is also often a
musical instrument to accompany singing along. Usually one person plays the guitar and the rest
sing along.
7. Types of Beast Species

Classification Pattern

Wild animals are predators that prey on other animals. In general, there are many wild
animals in the world. But there are three most ferocious animals in the world. First there is the
Lion. Lions are apex carnivores, usually preying on animals such as zebras, gazelles and young
elephants. In second place is the tiger. Tigers can attack prey larger than their own bodies such as
deer and bulls. Last but not least is the gray wolf. This animal can also prey on animals larger
than its own body such as deer and bison. These types of beasts are just some of the many
powerful predators in nature.

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