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World Mythology (LITT10918G)

Reflection Assignment #2

Choose one (1) myth from pages 117-139 (The God as Archetype section – The Supreme Being and
the Great Goddess) of the textbook and write a one (1) page reflection in which you connect the
myth to a contemporary story of your choice. The story may come from a book, film or television
show. Be sure to include the following items:

• a brief description of the myth you have chosen

• a brief description of the contemporary story
• a discussion of any character archetypes or story patterns that appear in both
• any similarities or differences in the two tales
• any reflections that arise from your analysis

It may be helpful to review the definition of archetype provided by Leeming as well as the Week 5
PowerPoint posted on SLATE.
Your reflection should be written in paragraph form and should be double spaced. Please include
your name and the title of the assignment at the top of the page. Submit the assignment in the
Assignment Dropbox on SLATE by the end of the day of class (11:59 p.m.).
For evaluation criteria, please see the Reflection Assignment Rubric posted on SLATE.

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