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Little summary on the short role play

Mode of analysis:Compare and contrast

(We will be comparing modern art and postmodern art)

In art, postmodernism refers to a reaction against modernism. It is less a

cohesive movement than an approach and attitude toward art, culture, and
society. This play is about how Annie, a art student does a different
art(postmodernism art) than other students. While other students follow their
teacher’s art (modernism art) they feel weird seeing Annie’s art because it is
different from everyone. A argument happens where all the students’ doesn’t
agree with Annie’s artwork but annie doesn’t seem to be bothered with other
people’s reaction. All students present their artwork and finally Annie presents
her art work. Annie explains that art should not apply any specific rules. It can
be however it should be.


Syamil-teacher(my suggestion) im open to other suggestions


The role play is based on comparing modern art and postmodern art.

Teacher: Good morning students. How is everyone doing today? I hope you
are excited to learn art today. As I said today all of you are going to do a art
of your own interest. I hope all of you brought your own references for art. If
you don’t have a reference you can just use my reference for the art.

*everyone starts to paint.

Nadia: It is exciting to do art isn’t it? It’s such a stress reliving moment

nurul: Yes I agree….

Maryam:So what are you going to paint?

Annie: I don’t know, I will just paint something what comes in my mind.

Aina : But you need a reference to paint. Where is your reference? I see you
don’t have one . Are you using sir’s art as a reference.

Annie: Nope im not using anyone’s art reference. Im on my own. I have my

own idea.

Aina:*Looks at annie and gives some reaction.

*everyone starts doing their art

Nadia: Can I see your art?

Nurul:I havent finish yet. But you can see my progress of it…

Teacher:*walks around the class and sees other students work.nods the head
and says
“hmm good…nice

*Aina looks at annie’s art and feels weird and asks

Aina:Wait what kind of art is this? Who on earth does their art like that? are
you high or something?

Annie: Nope..not at all. This how I want my art look like

Nurul:God what a horrible art that is…

Maryam: Oh my God that’s not how a art should look like.

*Teacher comes and asks whats going on and looks in disappoinment of

annie’s artwork.

Teacher: Everyone please get back to their work.

*After few seconds

Teacher: Class is dismissed and I want everyone to finish their work and
present to me next week.

Nadia: I saw your art. I think it was very bold of you to pull that kind of art.
Im not that brave to actually do that kind of art.


Teacher: Good morning everyone, I hope all of you are done with your
art.Let’s start with…..Nurul? You wanna start first?

Nurul: okay sir…sure

*Everyone explains about their artwork…..Finally Annie presents her artwork

Annie:Explain about her art…..

*students starts to quarel that Annie’s artwork doesn’t follow the modernism

Maryam:This art is different. Sir I do not accept this art

Nurul: This doesn’t follow the references sir gave before…

Aina : I cannot believe you did this art??? it doesn’t make sense

Teacher: students, calm down. I think we should hear from Annie

Annie: Art doesn’t need to make sense. We don’t necessarily need to follow
modern art. This art is pop art. It was inspired by Richard Hamilton.

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