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Title: The Etiquette Expedition

[Scene: A cozy living room, decorated with warm colors and comfortable furniture. Afsah
stands in the center, holding a book. Other characters are scattered around the room,

Afsah (Narrator): Once upon a time in a bustling town, there lived a group of friends -
Ananya, Avneet, Agriya, Arya, Archana, Arushi, Aarya, and Prisha. They were known for
their bond and their zest for life. However, they were about to embark on a journey that
would teach them the importance of manners and etiquette.

Ananya: Hey everyone, have you heard about the manners and etiquette workshop
happening in town? I think it could be fun!

Avneet: Oh, I've been meaning to brush up on my manners. Count me in!

Agriya: Sounds interesting. I'm always up for learning something new.

Arya: I suppose it couldn't hurt to attend. Plus, it might be amusing.

[They all agree and head to the workshop. Scene transition to the workshop.]

Archana (Instructor): Welcome, everyone, to our manners and etiquette workshop.

Today, we will explore the significance of good manners and soft words.

[The group listens attentively as Archana explains various aspects of manners and
etiquette, such as table manners, polite communication, and social etiquette.]

Arushi: (Whispers to Aarya) Did you know it's impolite to interrupt someone while
they're speaking?

Aarya: (Whispers back) Really? I had no idea.

Prisha: (Raises hand) Excuse me, could you please elaborate on the importance of
greetings and introductions?

Archana: Of course! Greetings and introductions are the first impression we make on
others. They set the tone for the interaction and show respect for the person we're
[The workshop continues with interactive activities and discussions, and the group learns
valuable lessons about manners and etiquette.]

[Scene transition back to the living room.]

Afsah (Narrator): After the workshop, the friends realized the impact of good manners
on their relationships and interactions. They began implementing what they had learned
in their daily lives.

Ananya: (Smiling) I must say, practicing good manners has made a noticeable difference
in how people respond to me.

Avneet: Absolutely! It's amazing how a simple "please" and "thank you" can brighten
someone's day.

Agriya: I've found that being mindful of my body language has helped me convey
respect and attentiveness during conversations.

Arya: I never realized how much I used to interrupt others until I started paying
attention. Now, I make a conscious effort to listen before speaking.

[The group shares stories of their experiences implementing manners and etiquette in
various situations, laughing and nodding in agreement.]

Afsah (Narrator): And so, the friends continued to support and uplift each other on their
journey to becoming more courteous and considerate individuals. Remember, good
manners and soft words have the power to transform not only our interactions but also
our lives.

[The group shares a heartfelt moment of camaraderie, reaffirming their bond and
commitment to practicing good manners.]

[End of role play.]

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