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ETLE 110:Technology For Teaching and Learning 2
Activity :
All good digital citizen. Fill out the below, which you think are the meta-circles Roles and
responsibility of being a good digital citizen.

All Good Digital


Protect Private information 2. Balance the time they spend
themselves and others
Stay Safe Online online and using media

4. 6.
Stand up to cyberbullying when
they see it happening Respect Copyright and
Respect Themselves and Intellectual property.


Carefully Manage their

Digital Footprint
1.)What did you understand about the digital Citizenship?
Digital citizenship refers to the responsible and ethical use of technology, particularly the
internet, by individuals. It encompasses aspects such as online etiquette, privacy, security,
digital literacy, and responsible online behavior. It's about using technology in a way that
promotes positive interactions, safety, and respect for others in the digital world.
2.)What is your idea about Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs online or through digital devices. It involves using
technology, such as social media, text messages, or email, to harass, intimidate, or harm others.
Cyberbullying can take many forms, including spreading rumors, posting hurtful messages or
images, or impersonating someone else to damage their reputation. It can have serious
consequences for the victim's mental health and well-being. Preventing cyberbullying involves
promoting digital citizenship, teaching empathy and respect online, and providing support for
those who experience it. Cyberbullying is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on
individuals' mental and emotional well-being. It involves using technology, such as social media,
to harass, intimidate, or harm others. I believe cyberbullying is completely unacceptable and
should be strongly condemned. It's important to create a safe and inclusive online environment
where everyone can express themselves without fear of being targeted or harassed. If you or
someone you know is experiencing cyberbullying, it's essential to reach out for support and
report the behavior to the appropriate authorities or platforms. Remember, kindness and
respect should always be the guiding principles in our online interactions.
3.)As one of the nitizen’s how can you promote digital Citizenship?
As a Nitizen’s you can promote digital Citizenship by :
1. Practicing and modeling positive online behavior, such as being respectful, kind, and
empathetic towards others.
2. Educating yourself and others about digital literacy, including how to critically evaluate online
information and identify misinformation.
3. Protecting your privacy and security online by using strong passwords, being cautious about
sharing personal information, and using privacy settings on social media platforms.
4. Being mindful of your digital footprint and the potential impact of your online actions on
yourself and others.
5. Speaking up against cyberbullying, harassment, and other forms of online abuse, and
supporting those who experience it.
6. Engaging in constructive discussions and promoting a culture of civil discourse online, even
when you disagree with others.
7. Encouraging others to be responsible digital citizens and advocating for policies and practices
that promote a safe and inclusive online environment.
4.)How do you Value personal information?
1. Recognize its sensitivity: Understand what types of information are considered personal, such
as your name, address, phone number, social security number, financial information, and online
account credentials.
2. Understand the risks: Be aware of the potential consequences of your personal information
being compromised, including identity theft, financial fraud, and invasion of privacy.
3. Practice good security habits: Take steps to protect your personal information, such as using
strong, unique passwords for your accounts, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping your
software up to date, and being cautious about sharing sensitive information online.
4. Limit sharing: Be mindful of who you share your personal information with and only provide it
to trusted sources when necessary. Avoid oversharing on social media and other online
5. Stay informed: Keep up to date on the latest privacy threats and best practices for protecting
your personal information online.

5.)As a Teacher ,how can you apply this information to maximize 21st Century learning?
As a teacher, applying the principles of valuing personal information to maximize 21st-century
learning involves integrating digital citizenship education into the curriculum. This includes
designing lessons that teach students about the importance of protecting their personal
information online, understanding the risks associated with sharing it, and developing critical
thinking skills to evaluate online sources. By incorporating real-world examples and discussions
into lessons, teachers can help students grasp the relevance of digital citizenship in their daily
lives. Additionally, fostering a culture of responsible technology use in the classroom, setting
clear guidelines for online behavior, and providing opportunities for hands-on learning
experiences will empower students to navigate the digital world confidently and ethically.
Through these efforts, teachers can equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to
thrive in the digital age while promoting a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Submitted by:
Pricilla yamo

Submitted to:
Sir Winston domingo

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