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What is Public Speaking?

Public speaking is a public speaking activity, where a person convey a message or
information to a group of people. This can include a variety of situations, ranging from
presentations in front of a class, speeches at formal events, to business meetings or
conference. The purpose of public speaking can vary, including providing information,
convince the audience, entertain, or inspire. Public speaking skills include: the ability to plan
and structure presentations well, using language Effective body, speaking in a clear and calm
voice, and interacting with Audience. This ability is important in a variety of contexts, both in
academic life, professional, as well as social. Some of the key elements in public speaking
1. Preparation: Preparation of presentation materials with a logical framework.
Understand your audience and purpose of presentation.
2. Execution: The use of body language that supports the message conveyed.
Appropriate sound emphasis to highlight important points. Utilization of visual aids,
such as presentation slides or supplementary materials.
3. Interaction: Interact with the audience, such as providing opportunities for questions
or responses. Respond effectively to audience responses.
4. Self-Control: Maintain composure and self-control, especially in situations that
challenging. Managing stress or nervousness that may arise.
5. Adaptability: Able to adapt to changing situations or audiences that diverse. Flexible
in delivering messages according to needs and responses audience.

Examples of Public Speaking Application

The application of Public Speaking in accordance with the following are some examples of
application Public speaking in a variety of contexts:
1. Business Presentation: A project manager gives a presentation to a client to describe
project progress and provide updates. An entrepreneur Presenting the business idea
to potential investors to get support Financial.
2. Education and Training: A teacher gives a talk in front of the class about specific
topics. A trainer provides training to company employees about the use of new
3. Conferences and Seminars: An expert in the industry gives a keynote speech on
national conference. A researcher presented his findings in a scientific seminars.
4. Political Speech: A politician gives a campaign speech to introduce himself and his
political platform. A government official gave a speech on proposed public policy.
5. Social and Charity Events: A charity ambassador gives a presentation at an event to
ask for support for his charity project. An inspiring speaker participant at a public
welfare event.
6. Business Meeting: A team leader chairs the meeting to discuss project strategy. A
manager delivers updates to staff at regular meetings.
7. Official Ceremony: A diplomat gives a speech at the reception ceremony embassy. A
student gives a farewell speech at the graduation ceremony.
8. Job Interview: A prospective employee gives a presentation about himself and why
he is suitable for a particular position. A human resources manager provide
orientation sessions to new employees.
9. Media Release: A company spokesperson gave a press statement at press
conference. A public figure gives an interview on television or radio to discuss
important issues.

How to make Speech/ Presentations

1. Choose a good/ interesting topic
2. Know your topic/ content
3. Know your audience
4. Use props/slide/picture
5. Start with question
6. Grabs the audience’s attention

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