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Project Report

“Hospital Management System”
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Year 2023-2024
Jaimish Narola Prof. Bipin Jadhav
Fenil Rokad
Harsh Nakrani
Submitted to:


Affiliated to

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to several individuals who have
contributed to the successful completion of this project:

First and foremost, we extend our sincere appreciation to our project guide,
Prof. Bipin Jadhav, for his invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and
insightful feedback throughout every stage of this endeavor. His expertise and
encouragement have been instrumental in shaping our project and enhancing
our understanding of the subject matter.

We are also indebted to the faculty members of S.V. PATEL COLLEGE,

whose teachings and mentorship have equipped us with the knowledge and
skills necessary to undertake this project.

Additionally, we extend our thanks to our classmates and friends for their
encouragement, feedback, and assistance in various aspects of this project.

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our families for their patience,
understanding, and unwavering support throughout this journey.

This project would not have been possible without the collective efforts and
support of all those mentioned above.

Thank You.
 Project Profile

Project Title

Front End HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Back End PHP, MySQL

Internal Guide Prof. Bipin Jadhav

Submitted To Shri Shambhubhai V. Patel College Of Computer Science

& Business Management, Surat.

Developed By Jaimish Narola

Fenil Rokad
Harsh Nakrani
 Project Introduction
In today's fast-paced world, the efficient management of healthcare facilities is
paramount to ensuring quality patient care and operational effectiveness. With
the advent of technology, the traditional methods of managing hospitals are
being transformed to meet the demands of modern healthcare systems.

In line with this, our project aims to develop a comprehensive Hospital

Management System (HMS) website to streamline the various administrative,
clinical, and financial processes within a healthcare facility.

The Hospital Management System website serves as a centralized platform that

facilitates the seamless coordination of different departments, healthcare
professionals, and administrative staff.

By leveraging a combination of front-end and back-end technologies, including

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQL Server, and PHP, our system offers an
intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing a wide range of hospital

Key features of our Hospital Management System include:

Patient Management: Registration, appointment scheduling, medical records

management, and billing.

Doctor Management: Profiles, scheduling, and performance tracking.

Inventory Management: Tracking and managing medical supplies, equipment,

and pharmaceuticals.

Billing and Finance: Generating invoices, managing payments, and financial


Our project is not only aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
hospital operations but also at enhancing the overall patient experience. By
automating routine tasks, reducing paperwork, and ensuring timely access to
critical information, our Hospital Management System empowers healthcare
providers to focus more on delivering high-quality care to patients.

In collaboration with our project guide, Prof. Bipin Jadhav, and leveraging the
latest technologies, we have endeavored to create a robust and scalable solution
that meets the evolving needs of healthcare organizations. Through this project,
we aspire to contribute to the advancement of healthcare management practices
and ultimately, to the betterment of patient care.
Aims & Objectives
1.Enhance Operational Efficiency: Develop a user-friendly Hospital
Management System (HMS) website to streamline administrative tasks and
enhance operational efficiency. This system aims to automate routine processes,
reduce paperwork, and improve overall workflow management within
healthcare facilities.

2.Centralize Information: Improve the overall management of healthcare

facilities by centralizing critical information. The HMS will serve as a
centralized platform for storing and accessing patient records, appointments,
inventory data, and financial information, making it easier for healthcare
professionals to collaborate and make informed decisions.

3.Optimize Patient Care: Provide healthcare professionals and administrators

with a comprehensive platform for managing patient-related tasks. By
integrating functionalities for patient registration, appointment scheduling,
medical records management, and billing, the HMS aims to optimize patient
care delivery and enhance the overall patient experience.

4.Leverage Modern Technologies: Contribute to the advancement of

healthcare management practices through the utilization of modern
technologies. By leveraging technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Bootstrap, SQL Server, and PHP, the HMS will incorporate innovative features
and functionalities to address the evolving needs of healthcare organizations.

5.Improve Patient Care Quality: Enhance the quality of patient care by

optimizing workflow processes and ensuring timely access to essential
information. The HMS will streamline administrative tasks, reduce errors, and
improve communication among healthcare professionals, ultimately leading to
better patient outcomes and satisfaction.

1. User-Friendly Interface: Design and implement an intuitive user interface
using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to ensure ease of use and
accessibility for healthcare professionals and administrators.
2.Robust Back-End System: Develop a robust back-end system with SQL
Server and PHP to handle data storage, retrieval, and processing securely. This
includes designing efficient database schemas, writing optimized SQL queries,
and implementing server-side logic to ensure smooth system operation.

3.Patient Management Functionalities: Implement functionalities for patient

management, including registration, appointment scheduling, and medical
records management. This involves creating user-friendly forms, implementing
validation checks, and ensuring data accuracy and integrity.

4.Doctor Management: Include features for doctor and staff management, such
as profiles, scheduling, and performance tracking. This requires designing
administrative interfaces for managing user accounts, assigning roles and
permissions, and tracking staff activities.

5.Billing and Finance Functionalities: Develop billing and finance

functionalities for generating invoices, managing payments, and financial
reporting. This includes integrating payment gateways, calculating billing
amounts, and generating financial reports to track revenue and expenses.

6.Data Security Measures: Ensure data security through user authentication,

authorization, and encryption mechanisms. This involves implementing secure
login systems, role-based access control, and data encryption techniques to
protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and data breaches.

7. Comprehensive Testing: Conduct comprehensive testing to validate the

functionality, usability, and performance of the HMS. This includes conducting
unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests to identify and address any
issues or bugs before deployment.

10.Documentation: Document the project thoroughly, including requirements,

design decisions, implementation details, and user manuals, for future reference
and maintenance. This involves creating detailed documentation that outlines
the project scope, objectives, architecture, and functionality to facilitate ongoing
support and updates.
Hardware & Software Requirement

Client Side:
 Operating System
 Browser

Server Side:
 Disk Space
 Operating System
 Server

Tools & Technology

Technology Used:
To develop this website
 Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
 Back-End: SQL Server, PHP

Documentation Tools
Features Of PHP:

Server-Side Scripting: PHP is a server-side scripting language, meaning it runs

on a web server and generates dynamic web pages. This allows developers to
create interactive and data-driven websites by embedding PHP code within

Cross-Platform Compatibility: PHP is compatible with various operating

systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix. This enables developers
to write PHP code on one platform and deploy it on another without significant
modifications, increasing flexibility and portability.

Large Standard Library and Ecosystem: PHP comes with a large standard
library and has a rich ecosystem of frameworks, libraries, and content
management systems (CMS) that streamline web development tasks. This
extensive ecosystem accelerates development, reduces the need for reinventing
the wheel, and facilitates the creation of robust and feature-rich web

Xampp Server:

XAMPP is an abbreviation where X stands for Cross-Platform, A stands for

Apache, M stands for MYSQL, and the Ps stand for PHP and Perl,
It is an open-source package of web solutions that includes Apache distribution
for many servers and command-line executables along with modules such as
Apache server, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.

XAMPP helps a local host or server to test its website and clients via computers
and laptops before releasing it to the main server.

It is a platform that furnishes a suitable environment to test and verify the

working of projects based on Apache, Perl, MySQL database, and PHP through
the system of the host itself.

Among these technologies, Perl is a programming language used for web

development, PHP is a backend scripting language, and MariaDB is the most
vividly used database developed by MySQL.


Relational Database Management: MySQL is a powerful relational database

management system (RDBMS) that organizes data into tables with rows and
columns. It supports complex queries using Structured Query Language (SQL)
for data manipulation and retrieval.

High Performance: MySQL is optimized for high performance, with features

such as indexing, caching, and query optimization. It can efficiently handle
large volumes of data and concurrent user connections, delivering fast response
times even under heavy workloads.
Scalability: MySQL is designed to scale both vertically and horizontally to
accommodate growing data and user requirements. It supports features like
replication, clustering, and partitioning for scaling databases across multiple
servers and improving performance and availability.

Security: MySQL provides robust security features to protect data integrity and
confidentiality. This includes access control mechanisms, encryption support,
and secure communication protocols like SSL/TLS, ensuring that sensitive data
is protected from unauthorized access and manipulation.

Open Source and Community Support: MySQL is open-source software

distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), making it freely
available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It benefits from a large and
active community of developers and users who contribute to forums,
documentation, and open-source projects, providing support and resources for
MySQL users worldwide.


Interactivity: JavaScript enables interactive web pages by implementing

features such as buttons that change when clicked, menus that appear when
hovered over, and data validation forms that alert users to mistakes.

Client-Side Execution: JavaScript runs on the client side of the web, allowing
it to be used for tasks such as data validation, form submission, and creation of
interactive effects without requiring server-side processing.

Web Browsers: JavaScript is supported by most web browsers, including

Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, among others. This widespread
support makes JavaScript a key technology for web development.
ECMAScript Standard: JavaScript follows the ECMAScript standard, which
defines the scripting language specifications. This standardization ensures
consistency and interoperability across different web browsers and platforms.

Libraries and Frameworks: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of libraries and

frameworks that extend its capabilities and simplify development tasks.
Examples include jQuery, React.js, AngularJS, and Vue.js, which provide pre-
built components and tools for building web applications.

Server-Side Usage: With the advent of technologies like Node.js, JavaScript

can now be used for server-side programming as well. This allows developers to
use a single language (JavaScript) for both client-side and server-side
development, streamlining the development process and enabling full-stack
development with JavaScript.


Styling Web Pages: CSS is used to style the visual presentation of web pages,
including elements such as text, colors, fonts, backgrounds, and layout.

Separation of Concerns: CSS promotes the separation of content (HTML),

presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript) in web development, leading to
cleaner and more maintainable code.

Selectors and Declarations: CSS uses selectors to target HTML elements and
declarations to specify the styling properties of those elements, allowing for
precise styling control.

Responsive Design: CSS enables the creation of responsive web designs that
adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring optimal user experience
across devices.

Markup Language: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the

standarmarkup language for creating web pages and web applications. It defines
the structure and layout of a web document using a variety of tags and

Document Structure: HTML documents are structured as a hierarchy of

elements, each represented by tags enclosed in angle brackets. Elements include
headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, forms, and more, defining the content
and layout of the page.
System Planning

Project Scope Definition:

- Define the scope of the hospital management system website, including its
objectives, features, and functionalities.
- Identify key stakeholders, including hospital administrators, healthcare
providers, patients, and IT staff, to gather requirements and expectations.

Requirement Analysis:
- Conduct a thorough analysis of requirements by interviewing stakeholders,
reviewing existing processes, and studying similar systems.
- Document functional requirements, such as patient registration, appointment
scheduling, medical record management, billing, and reporting.
- Identify non-functional requirements, including performance, scalability,
security, and usability criteria.

System Architecture Design:

- Design the overall architecture of the hospital management system website,
including the frontend, backend, and database components.
- Select appropriate technologies and frameworks for frontend development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap) and backend development (SQL Server,
- Determine the hosting environment and infrastructure requirements for
deploying the website, considering factors like scalability, reliability, and

Data Gathering and Analysis:

- Gather data relevant to the hospital management system, such as patient
demographics, medical records, appointment schedules, and billing information.
- Analyze the collected data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that
can inform system design and functionality.
Feasibility Study:
- Conduct a feasibility study to assess the technical, operational, and economic
viability of the project.
- Evaluate factors such as resource availability, technology constraints,
regulatory compliance, and budget considerations.
- Determine the feasibility of implementing the proposed system within the
given constraints and make any necessary adjustments to the project plan.

Risk Identification and Management:

- Identify potential risks and challenges associated with the development and
implementation of the hospital management system website.
- Assess the impact and likelihood of each risk and develop mitigation
strategies to address them effectively.
- Monitor risks throughout the project lifecycle and adjust plans as necessary
to minimize their impact on project success.

Flexibility Study:
- Assess the flexibility of the proposed system to accommodate future changes
and enhancements.
- Consider factors such as evolving business requirements, technological
advancements, and regulatory changes that may impact the system's long-term
- Design the system with scalability, modularity, and extensibility in mind to
facilitate future updates and expansions.

Documentation and Reporting:

- Document all findings, decisions, and plans generated during the system
planning phase, including requirements specifications, architectural designs,
feasibility studies, risk assessments, and flexibility studies.
- Prepare reports and presentations to communicate the system plan to
stakeholders and obtain their feedback and approval before proceeding to the
next phase of development.
Requirement Analysis & Data

Requirement Analysis:

1.Define Project Scope: Begin by clearly defining the scope of your college
project. Consider the functionalities and features that you aim to include in the
hospital management system. This might involve functionalities like patient
registration, appointment scheduling, doctor management, and basic inventory

2.Identify User Roles: Identify the different types of users who will interact
with the system. This typically includes administrators, doctors, and patients.
Understand the specific needs and responsibilities of each user role to ensure
that the system caters to their requirements effectively.

3.List Functionalities: Create a comprehensive list of functionalities and

features that the hospital management system should encompass. This could
range from basic tasks like patient registration and appointment scheduling to
more advanced features like generating reports and managing medical records.

4.Prioritize Features: Prioritize the features based on their importance and

complexity. Identify the must-have features that are essential for the core
functionality of the system, and consider adding optional features that would
enhance the user experience if time permits.

5.Document Requirements: Document the gathered requirements in a

structured manner. Provide detailed descriptions of each functionality, including
input/output requirements, validation rules, and any dependencies or
constraints. This documentation will serve as a reference for the development
phase and help ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on the project scope.

Data Gathering:
1. Identify Sample Data: Gather sample data that can be used to populate the
system during development and testing. This could include mock patient
records, appointment schedules, and inventory items. Ensure that the sample
data is representative of real-world scenarios but simplified for the scope of
your project.

2.Understand Data Structure: Take the time to understand the structure and
format of the sample data. This will inform the design of your database schema
and help you develop data entry forms and interfaces that align with the data
requirements of your project.

3.Determine Data Needs: Determine the specific data needs of your project
based on the identified requirements. Focus on capturing the data that is
essential for demonstrating the core functionalities of the hospital management
system. This may include patient demographics, medical history, appointment
details, and inventory information.

4. Data Mapping: Map the sample data to the corresponding data entities and
attributes in your database schema. This ensures that your system captures and
utilizes the necessary data effectively. Pay attention to data relationships and
dependencies to maintain data integrity and consistency.

5.Data Privacy and Security: While data privacy and security may not be as
critical for a college project as they would be in a real-world system, it's still
important to consider basic measures to protect sensitive information. This
could include anonymizing patient data and implementing access controls to
restrict unauthorized access to the system.
Flexibility Study

Feasibility study plays very important role in the development of any system,
but when it is the case of development of any software then its importance
increases much more because in the case one should be very clear about
availability of the time and resources. Before starting the development of the
software one should give considerable amount of time for feasibility study
because the successful completion of project depends upon feasibility.

The feasibility of our project has been judged on the basis of time, technology,
resources available and project length.

This project takes at least 3 month to be completed if we take help of
reused components otherwise it will take 6 months to be completed.
We will not make use of components and therefore will be able to
complete the project in 6 months. Thus according to time the feasibility is not
that right.

The necessary technology, viz., front-end development tool, back-end
database technology and various other tools namely installation tools, etc. for
developing the system, are already available within the organization. So this
problem is feasible.

We need good knowledge software engineers and practitioners. We need
Net connection. We have all the resources in the desired amount.

Project Size:
The Project size might be large line of code. This is just the rough
assumption because we don’t have any basis of the past projects.
Thus the project overall feasibility is normal and therefore we have undertaken
this project.
System Model Architecture
 Flow Chart
 ER Diagram
Flow Chart
DFD typically stands for "Data Flow Diagram." It's a graphical representation
of the flow of data within a system, illustrating how data moves through
processes, stores, and external entities.

In a DFD, processes are represented by rectangles, data stores by parallel lines,

data flows by arrows, and external entities by squares.
DFDs are commonly used in software engineering and systems analysis to
understand and document the structure and behavior of a system.

Elements of DFD

 External Entity
 Process:
 Data Flow:
 Data Store:
 Data Source/Sink:

External Entities:

These represent sources or destinations of data outside the system being

modeled. They are typically shown as squares and represent entities like users,
other systems, or data sources.


Processes represent the transformations or operations performed on the data

within the system. They are usually depicted as rectangles with rounded
corners. Processes take input data, perform some function on it, and produce
output data.

Data Flows:
Data flows represent the movement of data between various elements of the
system. They are depicted as arrows and indicate the direction of data
movement from one element to another. Data flows show how data is input into
the system, processed, and output from the system.

Data Stores:

Data stores represent the places where data is held within the system. They can
be physical locations like databases or files, or they can represent temporary
storage within the system's memory. Data stores are depicted as parallel lines.

Data Sources and Sinks:

These are special types of external entities that either produce data into the
system (sources) or consume data from the system (sinks). They are similar to
regular external entities but have a specific role in data flow.
Zero level
First level
Second level
ER Diagram
Table Structure

Admin Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
username varchar 50 Not null
password Varchar 50 Not null

Appointment Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
pid int 11 Not null
ID int 11 Primary key
fname varchar 20 Not null
iname varchar 20 Not null
gender varchar 10 Not null
email varchar 30 Not null
contact varchar 10 Not null
doctor varchar 30 Not null
docfees int 5 Not null
appdate date - Not null
apptime time - Not null
userstatus int 5 Not null
doctorstatus int 5 Not null

Blog Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
id int 5 Primary key
subject varchar 75 Not null
description varchar 1500 Not null
image1 varchar 60 Not null
Contact Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
name varchar 30 Not null
email text - Not null
contact varchar 10 Not null
message varchar 200 Not null
subject varchar 50 Not null
time varchar - Not null
id int 5 Primary key

Doctor Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
username varchar 50 Not null
password varchar 50 Not null
email varchar 50 Not null
spec varchar 50 Not null
docfees int 10 Not null
image1 varchar 50 Not null
id int 5 Primay key

Gallery Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
id int 5 Primary key
heading varchar 50 Not null
image1 varchar 255 Not null
Health Package Table

Name Data Type Size Constrain

id int 5 Primary key
heading varchar 50 Not null
facility varchar 255 Not null
price varchar 10 Not null

Patient Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
pid int 11 Primary key
fname varchar 20 Not null
lname varchar 20 Not null
gender varchar 10 Not null
email varchar 30 Not null
contact varchar 10 Not null
password varchar 30 Not null
cpassword varchar 30 Not null

Prescription Table
Name Data Type Size Constrain
doctor varchar 50 Not null
pid int 11 Not null
id int 11 Not null
fname varchar 50 Not null
lname varchar 50 Not null
appdate date - Not null
apptime time - Not null
disease varchar 250 Not null
allergy varchar 250 Not null
prescription varchar 1000 Not null

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