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Aliyah Tri Suci Damanik
Department of Arabic Literatur, Faculty of Humanities, University of North Sumatra


Arabic is one of the international languages, in which more than 200 million
speakers are spoken, most of whom are in the Middle East. Arabic has been a world
language since the seventh century AD. Arabic is a language that is constantly
evolving and dynamic. The development of the Arabic language is heavily influenced
by factors, including technological, cultural, and customs factors.
Therefore, to learn this language, translation is needed. Translation is a process
of transferring the meaning from a source language (SL) to the target language (TL).
The equivalence of a translation must be expressed appropriately so that the reader ca
n understand the contents of the reading. If the translation is not done seriously, it will
cause misunderstanding in the delivery of the message. In the translation process there
are several important aspects, including the method of translating.
Vinay and Dalbernet (in Hatim and Munday (2004:148) introduce several
procedures in translation which are divided into two strategies; direct and oblique
translation. Direct or literal translation is used when a source language message can
be transferred perfectly into a target language message. This strategy consists of three
procedures that is : 1) Borrowing, 2) Calque, 3) Literal Translation.
In this study, the data was taken from one of the online news sites in Arabic, na
mely CNN Arabic which was launched in Dubai in January 2002. There are several si
tes in CNN Arabic which consist of world news sites, the Middle East, science and tec
hnology, economics, entertainment, and social media. sport.
The reason researchers use the online magazine CNN Arabic as the object of res
earch is because CNN Arabic is a well-known news site and is always up to date ever
y day. Also in CNN Arabic there are many Arabic vocabularies that intersect with En
glish, especially in the economic section (rubric).
From the background described above, in this paper the author will examine ho
w the translation method is applied in translating Arabic words into English from the
CNN Arabic online magazine on the economic rubric with a time span of 09 Novemb
er 2022 - 11 November 2022 and how the trend is the translation method used in the
CNN Arabic online magazine. The method used in this research is the method propos
ed by Vinay and Dalbernet (in Hatim and Munday (2004 : 148)).

Riview of Literature are researchers' efforts to find references that serve as new i
nspiration for research. So, in this previous study the researcher attached several resea
rch results that were relevant to this study, namely:
Abdelwahab (2002) research with the title "Translation Strategies Applied in En
glish-Arabic Translation: A Case of a Website Article". This study examines the appli
cation of Baker's translation strategy to English texts from websites about Arabic and
its translation. The results of this study have 8 strategies. The most dominant strategy
in this study is the neutral strategy. This strategy does not cause a change in the meani
ng of the target language compared to finding meaning in the source language.
The research conducted by Abdelwahab is relevant to this research because the
Baker's strategy used is not much different from the strategy proposed by Vinay and
Hadithya (2014) with the title "Translation Procedures used in translating comp
uter terms form English into Indonesian". This hadithya research examines the proced
ure for translating computer terms in the book Wireless Networking in the Developing
World 2 Edition. In his research, he uses the theory put forward by Vinay and Dalbern
et in Hatim and Munday (2004:149). the results of his research show that the loan pro
cedure is the most dominant procedure used.
The research conducted by Hadithya contributed to this research. Because this re
search was inspired by the theory it uses. And became the foundation in this research.
Awang and Salman (2017) with the title "Translation and Arabicization Method
s of English Scientific and Technical Terms into Arabic". This study aims to identify t
he translation and arabization strategies used by the Cairo Arabic Language Academy
(Cairo ALA) in translating new terms from English to other languages including Arab
ic. in this study the methods used are Borrowing, Calque, and Literal translation. The
arabization method used is the method of direct phonetic loan, loan translation, deriva
tion, and composition.
The research conducted by Awang and Salman contributed to this research, espe
cially regarding the translation strategy applied.
Through some of the research above, it is concluded that researchers have not fo
und any research on translation methods on the CNN Arabic online magazine. Theref
ore the researcher took the title "Translation Strategy in CNN Arabic Online Magazin
e in the Economic Rubric from Arabic to English".

The theory of translation put forward by Vinay and Darbelnet is the main theory
used in this research. They explained about the processes in translation. In essence, tra
nslation includes the use of two languages with the same idea or meaning (Baekman a
nd Callow, 1974: 58-59).
Larson (1984:15) the ability to translate not only related to the ability of
mastering vocabulary, but also must be able to understand language structure,
communication situation and cultural context of source language, so it can transfer
vocabulary, structure and context to the target language culture.
Nida and Taber in Widyamartaya (1989:11) also state that translating consist of
reproducing the massage to the recipient language through natural language style
which equivalent to the source language text, particularly in tems of meaning and
style .
Newmark (1982 :7) also believes that making the translation is an art and a skill.
He stated that the translation is a skill that consists of effort to change the massage or
statement from one language to the message and or similiar statement in other
language. Thus, the translator encounters problem not only revolve around the search
for an equivalent translation.
From the several definitions of translation above, it can be concluded that
translators are not only capable of mastering vocabulary but also must understand the
structure of the language. Translation is an attempt to convey the message contained
in the source language by paying attention to the equivalent aspects of the source
language so that the reader can understand and accept the message.
Vinay and Dalbernet (in Hatim and Munday (2004:148) introduce several
procedures in translation. This strategy consists of three procedures:
1. Borrowing
The borrowing method is the simplest method. The borrowing method is a
method that borrows words or expressions from the source language. According to
Molina and Albir in Srikandi (2010:4) the borrowing method is divided into two
types, namely:
a. Pure Borrowing
Pure borrowing is a method of borrowing terms directly from the source
language without changing them.
Example :
‫بنك‬ Bank

It can be seen in this example that the replacement of letters in the word 'bank'
immediately imitates the source language as it is. The letter b is transliterated into the
letter ‫ب‬. the letter a is transliterated as a fathah marker, the letter n is transliterated
into the letter ‫ ن‬and the letter k is transliterated as the letter ‫ك‬.

b. Naturalized Borrowing
Naturalized borrowing is a method of borrowing foreign terms but adapted to
the target language.
Example :
‫بيتكوين‬ Bitcoin

From the example above, there is a transcription process. The letter i is

transliterated into the letter ‫ي‬, the letter c is transliterated into the letter ‫ك‬, the letter o
is transliterated as ‫و‬. this is done to equalize the sound of the letters.

2. Calque
Calque is a special type of borrowing in which borrowing another expression
every element of which is translated literally. Calque is used when the word still has
equivalent words but the interference of the source language structure is still
maintained in the target language.
Example : Cryptocurrency
‫عملة مشفرة‬ Cryptocurrency
"Cryptocurrency" comes from the words "cryptography" and "currency" which
means digital currency used for transactions. In Arabic it is translated as " ‫"مشفرة عملة‬.
the word ‫ عملة‬is translated from the word cryptgraphy which is translated literally, and
the word ‫ مشفرة‬is translated from the literal translation currency.

3. Literal Translation
Literal translation or word-for-word translation is a direct translation from the
source language into the target language according to the grammar. Or it can also be
called translation according to the meaning of the dictionary. Like the word ‫ غزو‬in
Arabic and translates to invasion in English.

1. Type of Research
The research method is a way or way to get back the solution to all problems. In
research, it is known that there are several kinds of theories to apply one of the
relevant methods to certain problems, bearing in mind that not every problem
associated with the ability of the researcher, cost and location can be solved by any
research method.
Research on "Translation Strategy in CNN Arabic Online Magazine in the Econ
omic Rubric from Arabic to English". using a qualitative descriptive research method.
According to Creswell in his book Educational Research qualitative research is a type
of research in which the researcher is very dependent on information from the
object/participant on: broad scope, general questions, data collection which mostly
consists of words or text from participants, explains and analyze words and conduct
research subjectively (Creswell, 2017:46).

2. Research Data
In collecting data in accordance with the objectives of this study was done
deliberately. The data from this study were taken from the CNN Arabic online
magazine from 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022.

3. Data Collection Techniques

a. Library Studies
This research is classified as a literature study because researchers are looking
for various secondary data sources related to Arabic vocabulary translated into
English in the CNN Arabic online magazine. Sources of data can be in the form of
articles, books, notes related to research.

b. Observation
Observation is a technique that involves systematically selecting, observing, and
recording the behavior, characteristics of living things, objects, or phenomena.
Participant observation is the process enabling researchers to learn about the activities
of the people under study in the natural setting through observing and participating in
those activities. It provides the context for the development of sampling guidelines
and interview guides (Dewalt & Dewalt, 2002). This technique was carried out to
obtain primary data by observing articles published in the CNN Arabic online
magazine from 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022. To find out which
vocabulary was used as the object of research.


The translation method is an attempt to convey the message contained in the
source language by paying attention to the equivalent aspects of the source language
so that the reader can understand and accept the message. The translation technique
put forward by Vinay and Darbelnet (in Hatim and Munday (2004: 149) states that
there are three methods of translation, namely: Borrowing, Calque, Literal
1. Borrowing Method
a. Pure Borrowing
The vocabulary contained in the CNN Arabic online magazine for the period 09
November 2022 to 11 November 2022 using the Pure Borrowing method is contained
in the data:

Table 1. Vocabulary data using the Pure Borrowing method

Data Arabic Translation English Translation
1 ‫بنك‬ Bank
2 ‫سهم‬ Saham
In the CNN Arabic online magazine in the economic rubric for the period 09
November 2022 to 11 November 2002 there are 2 vocabularies translated using the
Pure Borrowing method.
In data (1), the word "‫ "بنك‬is then translated into English to become "Bank"
which in the translation process directly imitates the source language as the original.
The letter b is transliterated as ‫ب‬, the letter a is marked as a fathah marker, the letter n
is transliterated into the letter ‫ن‬, and the letter k is transliterated as the letter ‫ك‬.
Furthermore, in data (2), the word "‫ "سهم‬is translated into English as "shares".
The letter s is transliterated as ‫س‬, the letter a is marked as a marker of fathah, the
letter h is transliterated as ‫هـ‬, and the letter m is transliterated as the letter ‫م‬.

b. Naturalized Borrowing
In the Naturalized Borrowing method, 3 vocabularies were found which were
translated into English from CNN Arabic magazine with a time span of 09 November
2022 to 11 November 2022, which are as follows:

Table 2. Vocabulary data using the Naturalized Borrowing method

Data Arabic Translation English Translation
3 ‫بيتكوين‬ Bitcoin
4 ‫دوالر‬ Dollar
5 ‫إيثريوم‬ Ethereum

In data (3) the word "‫ "بيتكوين‬is translated into "Bitcoin", the c pronunciation is
transposed into ‫ك‬, the o pronunciation becomes ‫و‬, and the i pronunciation becomes ‫ي‬.
data (4) the word “‫ ”دوالر‬is translated as “dollar”, the o pronunciation is transcribed as
‫أو‬, and the ll pronunciation is transcribed as ‫ال‬. data (5) the word “‫ “ إيثريوم‬is translated
as “ethereum”, the e pronunciation is transcribed as ‫ي‬/‫إ‬, and the eu pronunciation is
transcribed as ‫يو‬.
The pronunciation of the economic rubric is formulated in the following table:

Pronouncation Arabic Font Pronouncatio Arabic Font

C ‫ك‬ Ll ‫ال‬
O ‫و‬ E ‫إ‬
O ‫أو‬ E ‫ي‬
I ‫ي‬ Eu ‫يو‬

2. Calque
Calque is a special type of borrowing in which borrowing another expression
every element of which is translated literally. Calque is used when the word still has
equivalent words but the interference of the source language structure is still
maintained in the target language.
The Arabic vocabulary translated into English in the CNN Arabic online
magazine for the period 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022 using the Calque
method is contained in the data:

Table 3. Vocabulary data using the Calque method

Data Arabic Translation English Translation
6 ‫عملة مشفرة‬ Cryptocurrency
7 ‫بنية تحتية‬ Infrastruktur
8 ‫ربع سنة‬ Kuartal

In the table above there are 3 vocabularies found in the CNN Arabic online
magazine for the period 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022 which used the
calque method.
Data (6) "Cryptocurrency" comes from the words "cryptography" and
"currency" which means digital currency used for transactions. In Arabic it is
translated as " ‫"مشفرة عملة‬. the word ‫ عملــة‬is translated from the word cryptgraphy
which is translated literally, and the word ‫ مشفرة‬is translated from the literal translation
Data (7) the word "‫ "بنية تحتية‬comes from the word ‫ بنية‬which means 'structure'
and the word ‫ تحتية‬which means 'infra or below / below'. The vocabulary is unified
into ‫ بنية تحتية‬and translated into infrastructure.
Data (8) the word "‫ "ربع سنة‬comes from the words ‫ ربع‬which means 'quarter' and
‫ سنة‬which means 'year' and is translated as a quarter of a year. In the dictionary
quarter is also defined as 'a quarter of a year'.
3. Literal Translation
The vocabulary contained in the Literal Translation method in the online
magazine CNN Arabic from 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022 is in following
data :

Table 4. Vocabulary data using the Literal Translation

Data Arabic Translation English Translation
9 ‫سند‬ Obligasi
10 ‫مستثمر‬ Investor
11 ‫تضخم‬ Inflasi
12 ‫استيراد‬ Impor
13 ‫االستثمار‬ Investasi
14 ‫سيولة‬ Liquiditas
15 ‫يانصيب‬ Lotre
16 ‫ركود‬ Resesi
17 ‫منصة‬ Platform
18 ‫تصنيع‬ Manufaktur

In the CNN Arabic online magazine, from 09 November 2022 to 11 November

2022, the economic rubric contains 10 vocabularies which are translated literally.
Data (9) the word “‫ ”ســند‬is defined as “bond”, which literally has the same
definition as a binding note, support, buffer.
Data (10) the word “‫ ”مستثمر‬is defined as “investor”. Literally directly defined
by the word 'investor, financier'.
Data (11) the word "‫ "تضــخم‬is defined as "inflation", literally interpreted as
'swelling, inflating, cost overrun', compared with the word 'inflation' because inflation
is defined as a continuous increase in prices.
Data (12) the word "‫ "اســتيراد‬is defined as "import", which literally means
'imported goods, imported work'.
Data (13) the word "‫ "االستثمار‬is defined as "investor", literally interpreted as
investment, fertilization. Investors are equated with investment because investors are
people who carry out a transaction with the aim of making a profit.
Data (14) the word "‫ "ســيولة‬is defined as "liquidity", which literally means
'liquidity, level of liquidity, liquidity'.
Data (15) the word "‫ "يانصيب‬is defined as "lottery", literally directly interpreted
as 'lottery, lottery'.
Data (16) the word "‫ "ركــود‬is defined as "recession", which literally means
'stagnation, slump, halt', a recession is compared to a slump because literally the word
recession is a downturn in an economy that can make a company go bankrupt.
Data (17) the word "‫ "منصة‬is defined as "platform", which literally means 'stage,
pulpit, podium, stage', which is matched with the word platform because platform is a
place to run software.
Data (18) the word “‫ ”تصــنيع‬is defined as “manufacturing”, literally means
From the data above, it can be concluded that the researcher found several
Arabic vocabularies which were translated into English using the method proposed by
Vinay and Darbelnet (in Hatim and Munday (2004: 149) which is divided into 3,
namely: 1) Borrowing method which is further divided into two kinds, the first is Pure
Borrowing and the second is Naturalized Borrowing in which there are 5 Arabic
vocabularies which are translated into English. 2) Calque method in which there are 3
Arabic vocabularies translated into English, and 3) Literal Translation Method in
which there are 10 Arabic vocabularies translated into English.
From each of the methods used, the researchers found that there is one method
that tends to be used in translating the CNN Arabic online magazine from November
09, 2022 to November 11, 2022, which is the Literature Translation method, in which
there are 10 Arabic vocabularies translated into English. England.

The conclusions of this study are:
1. The translation methods applied in this study include: the Pure Borrowing
method, the Naturalized Borrowing Method, the Calque Method, the
Literature Translation Method, proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (in Hatim
and Munday (2004: 149)
2. The translation method that tends to be used in the CNN Arabic online
magazine from 09 November 2022 to 11 November 2022 is the Literature
Translation method.

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