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Herramientas de trabajo

Herramientas = Tools

Taller de Tecnologia = Technology Worshop.

Caja de Herramientas = Toolbox.

Tornillo de Banco = Vice or Vise.

Sargento = Clamp.

Sierra de Arco (para metal) = Hacksaw.

Serrucho (madera) = Handsaw.

Pistola Termofusible = Hot glue gun or Hot melt Gun.

Taladro = Drill.

Taladro eléctrico = Electric drill.

Taladro de Columna = Drill press.

Destornillador = Screwdriver.

Alicates = Pliers.

Martillo = Hammer.

Mazo(a) = Mallet.

Tijeras = Scissors.

Llave Fija = Wrench.

Llave inglesa = adjustable wrench or monkey wrench.

Lima (metal) = File or lime.

Escofina (madera) = Rasp.

Papel de lija = Sandpaper.

Grapadora = Stapler or staple gun;

Nivel = Bubble level.

Formón o cincel = Chisel.

Punta = Nail.

Tirafondo = Screw.

Tornillo = Bolt.

Tuerca = Nut.

Arandela = Washer.

Cinta Métrica = Tape measure.

Cinta adhesiva = Duct tape.

Regla = Ruler.

Soldador = Soldering Iron;

Berbiqui = Bit brace.

Escoba = Broom.


Trabajar = to work-worked

My father goes to work

Tomorrow we work in the construction

Atornillar = to screw-screwed

My sister screwed the door

Apretar = to tighten-tightened

I am tightening the bolt

Aflojar = to loosen-loosened

I am going to loosen your head /

I am loosenning the screw

Pegar = to paste-pasted

My father pasted the banner

Pegar con Pegamento (encolar) = to glue-glued

we have to glue the chair

Unir = to link-linked

I am linking the nuts

Hacer un Agujero = to make an hole.

I make an hole in my bathroom/ bedroom

Perforar = to pierce-pierced

I pierce an hole in my house

Serrar = to saw-sawed
My father sawed the door

Cerrar= to close – closed

I am closing the door

Lijar = to sand-sanded
I sand the wall

Montar o Ensamblar = to assemble-assembled

I am assembling the machine

Encender = to turn on-turned on

I turn on the computer

Apagar = to turn off-turned off

I am turning off the electric drill
Conectar = to connect-connected
I am connecting to WiFi

Estropear o Dañar = to damage-damaged

He damages the hole in the sidewalk

Arreglar = to fix-fixed.
I am fixing the sidewalk

Limpiar = to clean-cleaned.
I am cleaning the car

Ensuciar = to dirty-dirtied.

I am dirtying the wall to my house

Lastimar lesionar = to injure-injured.

Yesterday I was injured

Manipular, manejar, encargarse de = to handle-handled.

I handle the toolbox

Quitar = to remove-removed.
I removed the dirty from the wall

Sostener; sujetar (con las manos) = to hold-held

I am holding the drill

Contener = to contain-contained.
The box contains the tools

Tener cuidado = to be careful.

I am careful with my hands
they/you/We are careful with the drill
He/she/ it is careful in the construction


Golpear = to hit-hit

Cortar = to cut-cut
Asegurarse = to Make sure- made sure

Sostener; sujetar (con las manos) = to hold-held

Más Vocabulario

Safety rules=Normas de Seguridad;

Equipment = equipo;

First-aid kit = botiquín de primeros auxilios;

Minor accidents = accidentes menores;

Sharp = afilado;

Safety = seguridad;

Efficiently = eficientemente;

Rules = reglas o normas;

Escalera = ladder;

Welding = soldadura;

Start switch = Interuptor de Arranque;

Stop switch = Interruptor de Parada;

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