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Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that build on ideological and technological

foundations of Web 2. 0, and that allows creation and exchange of user generated content. Free riders
constantly seek to make money off well-known brands, and social media gives them fresh opportunities
to succeed. The theories above mentioned limit the ambiguity of a person using a social media with
respect to the purpose he is there. Sometimes firms use social media for interminable conversation using
blogs and discussion platforms for particular product or service. Social media communication is often
potentially interactive, rather than being one way. User generated contents in the form of audio and
video are also disseminated through social media websites. Tarnishment occurs in social media when a
user associates a famous mark with substandard goods/services, profit grabbing, counterfeit products
and impostors. The UDRP panel,if satisfied that the username has been used in bad faith in social media
sites, can ordered to be removed. In general the functions of social media range from establishing
individual identity to marketing strategies. The social media sites have become a hostile environment for
brands and trademarks. But the problem here is about what will happen where works are duplicated and
distributed freely and illegally by people through social media? As a starting point, advertisers must
ensure that all marketing claims (even sponsored or encouraged social media marketing claims) are
truthful and accurate. used identical mark on its educational handheld device via social media platforms
and created customer confusion. Theoretical classification The classification of social media cannot be
considered exhaustive. The Act prohibits a number of activities, including trademark infringement,
trademark dilution, and false advertising. Legal action was also initiated against thirty persons working
for social sites that illegally hosted Malayalam movies. Communication media differ in their ability to
facilitate understanding.A rich medium facilitates insight and rapid understanding. Copyright and
Trademark infringement in social media The trailblazing impression of social media has kindled

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