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1. what is the term used to describe the overall cognitive ability that underlies all mental tasks?

a. Primary Mental Abilities

b. Multiple Intelligences

c. General Intelligence

d. The Triarchic Approach to Intelligence

Answer: c. General Intelligence

2. According to the information provided, which theory of intelligence emphasizes distinct abilities for
various tasks, such as reasoning, memory, and verbal ability?

a. Primary Mental Abilities

b. Multiple Intelligences

c. General Intelligence

d. The Triarchic Approach to Intelligence

Answer: a. Primary Mental Abilities

3. Who proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, suggesting that intelligence is not a single, fixed
attribute but is comprised of various independent abilities?

a. Charles Spearman

b. Howard Gardner

c. Raymond Cattell

d. Robert Sternberg

Answer: b. Howard Gardner

4. Which approach to intelligence theory suggests three separate but interrelated forms of intelligence:
analytical, creative, and practical intelligence?

a. Primary Mental Abilities

b. The Triarchic Approach to Intelligence

c. General Intelligence

d. Multiple Intelligences

Answer: b. The Triarchic Approach to Intelligence

5. According to the information, who proposed the concept of General Intelligence and introduced the
idea of a "g factor" representing an individual's overall cognitive ability?

a. Howard Gardner

b. Charles Spearman

c. Raymond Cattell

d. Robert Sternberg

Answer: b. Charles Spearman

6. What does the term "IQ" stand for in the context of intelligence testing?

a. Intelligence Questionnaire

b. Intellectual Quotient

c. Intuitive Quotient

d. Intelligent Quotient

Answer: b. Intellectual Quotient

7. According to Charles Spearman's theory of General Intelligence, what does the "g factor" represent?

a. Specific cognitive abilities

b. Multiple intelligences

c. Overall cognitive ability

d. Emotional intelligence

Answer: c. Overall cognitive ability

8. Who proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences, suggesting that traditional IQ testing is limited in
assessing a person's abilities?

a. Charles Spearman

b. Louis L. Thurstone

c. Howard Gardner
d. Robert Sternberg

Answer: c. Howard Gardner

9. According to Robert Sternberg's Triarchic Approach, which component of intelligence involves the
ability to come up with new ideas?

a. Analytical intelligence

b. Creative intelligence

c. Practical intelligence

d. Emotional intelligence

Answer: b. Creative intelligence

10. What are the three factors included in Robert Sternberg's concept of "successful intelligence"?

a. Analytical, Logical, and Emotional intelligence

b. Creative, Spatial, and Verbal intelligence

c. Analytical, Creative, and Practical intelligence

d. Social, Emotional, and Interpersonal intelligence

Answer: c. Analytical, Creative, and Practical intelligence

11. According to the information on the relationship between intelligence and education, what did a
study in Germany find regarding education and intelligence?

a. Education has no impact on intelligence.

b. Higher education leads to lower intelligence levels.

c. Higher education leads to higher intelligence levels.

d. The relationship between education and intelligence is inconclusive.

Answer: c. Higher education leads to higher intelligence levels.

12. In the study conducted by Plug and Silverberg, what was observed regarding the impact of parental
IQ on the child's IQ?

a. No correlation between parental and child IQ.

b. High parental IQ results in high child IQ.

c. High parental IQ results in low child IQ.

d. Low parental IQ has no impact on child IQ.

Answer: b. High parental IQ results in high child IQ.

13. What did the study conducted by Campbell and Ramey focus on regarding intelligence and
socioeconomic factors?

a. The impact of parental education on intelligence.

b. The effect of early intervention on intelligence.

c. The correlation between foster care and intelligence.

d. The influence of genetics on intelligence.

Answer: b. The effect of early intervention on intelligence.

14.What does aptitude measure?

a. Current skills set

b. General potential for learning

c. Mastery of knowledge on various subjects

d. Annual exams performance

Answer: b. General potential for learning

15. Which test assesses specific types of mental abilities?

a. SAT

b. Annual exams

c. Intelligence test

d. NTS

Answer: c. Intelligence test

16. What does achievement gauge in a person?

a. General potential to solve problems

b. Mastery of knowledge on various subjects

c. Adaptability to changing circumstances

d. Specific types of mental abilities

Answer: b. Mastery of knowledge on various subjects

17. Which is an example of an achievement test?

a. NTS

b. SAT

c. Annual exams

d. Intelligence test

Answer: c. Annual exams

18. What does intelligence refer to?

a. Current skills set

b. General potential to solve problems

c. Mastery of knowledge on various subjects

d. Annual exams performance

Answer: b. General potential to solve problems

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