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Performance Task 2

Individual Task
Taking Telephone Messages
Fill out a telephone message form for each situation. A blank form is provided on your
course page.

When your manager, Mr. Garcia, is in his office, he takes some important calls for himself.
However, today, _______ (indicate current date), Mr. Garcia is not in his office.

Using the telephone message forms, record messages for the following telephone calls:

1. At 9:15 a.m. from Mr. Robert Alvarado. He has heard the quarterly budget meeting is to
be postponed. He wants to know if the meeting will be postponed so he can schedule
another meeting. He will follow up with an e-mail.

2. At 10:30 a.m. from Mr. Leviña regarding the new product brochure. He will discuss this
with Mrs. Quevedo on their next conference call.

3. At 11 a.m. Mr. Llamarez of 8366-8184, a speaker for the January Sales Seminar called.
He has a business conflict and cannot attend the seminar on Wednesday. Please call.

4. 11:15 a.m. for Mr. Garcia from Human Resources, Extension5738, asking “When can
Mr. Garcia see an applicant?” The HR is expecting Mr. Garcia to call the HR.

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