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Visayas State University

College of Education
Department of Teacher Education
ViSCA, Baybay City, Leyte

Enhancing Electrostatics Problem

Analysis for Improved Problem
Solving Skill



I. Context and Rationale

Electrostatics deals with the study of electric charges at rest. It investigates the

behavior, interactions, and potentials and electric fields produced by stationary electric

charges. Physics, engineering, electronics, and many other disciplines and applications

all depend on an understanding of electrostatics. It offers the starting point for

understanding basic concepts like electric charge, electric fields, and electric potential.

Electrostatics is also necessary for the analysis and design of systems and devices

involving the manipulation and control of electric charges, like integrated circuits,

sensors, transistors, and capacitors. Moreover, a number of natural occurrences and

processes, such as atmospheric electricity, lightning, and the behavior of charged

particles in space, depend critically on electrostatic phenomena. A thorough grasp of

electrostatics is necessary for technological advancement and problem-solving in

real-world situations.

However, electrostatics remains a challenging subject for many students due to

its abstract nature and complex problem-solving demands. As a result, there is a

growing need to enhance the analysis of electrostatic problems to facilitate better

problem-solving skills among students. There are various factors contributing to

students experiencing difficulties in solving electrostatic problems namely: Difficulty in

manipulating formulas, difficulty in analyzing the problem, and the poor impression in

solving problems involving electrostatics. The difficulty encountered by the students in

manipulating the formula arises from a lack of knowledge of algebra, which is an

essential foundation of electrostatics. As a result, transposing the given variable,


canceling common terms, and the proper substitution of formulas have become

common hindrances to solving given problems. Additionally, in solving electrostatic

problems, units should be considered, and with students' lack of understanding of SI

units and being unfamiliar with the equivalent values of those units, they are having

difficulty with unit conversion. Furthermore, students' inability to sketch and make

diagrams related to given problems due to the difficulty in organizing the given data

contributes to their persistent challenge in visualizing the problem. Moreover, lack of

knowledge with the Given-Required-Equation-Solution-Answer (GRESA) framework

stems from students' inability to identify key terms and appropriately apply formulas,

especially with problems given two unknowns. The complex nature of electrostatics

leads to students having a lack of focus and interest. Alongside the students' personal

preferences and priorities, there are factors that they don't have control over, which also

contribute to the continuing challenge they are facing in electrostatics. One of the

factors is the misalignment of students' learning styles. Some of the teachers’

approaches to teaching are more teacher-centered, which sometimes contradicts the

learning styles of the students since some would prefer to have more hands-on

activities. Another factor is that students are bombarded with other school work, leaving

them with little to no time to practice solving problems involving electrostatics. Those

three previously stated factors are all contributing to the poor problem-solving skills of

the students in electrostatics, resulting in low scores and low grades among students in

the subject.

Nevertheless, this study only focuses on the two factors: difficulty in visualizing

the problem and lack of familiarity with the GRESA framework. The challenges in terms


of visualizing the problems stems from difficulty in sketching them, organizing the given

information, and associating numbers with illustrations. Additionally, the lack of

familiarity with the GRESA framework contributes to the persistent challenge of the

students in solving electrostatic problems. These factors stem from issues in identifying

key terms, applying formulas, and handling multiple unknowns. Addressing these

challenges requires interventions such as incorporating technological simulations like

Phet, which provide visualizations and teaching aids to enhance content understanding,

ultimately improving academic performance and motivation (Banda & Nzabahimana,

2023). Integrating diagrams such as free-body diagrams aids in problem analysis,

helping students identify given information and visualize illustrations. These

interventions also assist in appropriately selecting and applying formulas, enabling

students to solve for unknowns. With improved visualization and problem-solving

strategies, students can more effectively apply the GRESA framework in solving

electrostatic problems.


Figure 1. Problem Tree


Figure 2. Objective Tree


This research aims to enhance students' analytical skills, thereby improving their

problem-solving abilities in electrostatics through six proposed interventions to be conducted

over a month. Prior to these interventions, participants will undergo a pre-test designed by the

researchers to assess their baseline understanding of electrostatics, independent of interventions

and other resources. This pre-test will serve as a baseline measure of participants' analytical and

problem-solving skills. Subsequently, participants will engage with the interventions for six


identified problems related to electrostatics. Following the completion of all interventions, a

post-test will be conducted to assess any changes or improvements in their understanding of

real-world physics problems. This post-test will serve as a comparative measure against the

previous test, enabling researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies. Lastly, an

interview will be conducted to gather students’ perception towards the implemented


The process of administering these strategies are the following:


1 1 hr 30 min Identifying key terms Collaborative learning (Copper et
al., 2007)

Vocabulary-building Activities
(e.g fill-in-the-blank exercises,
creating flashcards with key terms
and their definitions.

2 1 hr 30 min Formula Manipulation Conceptual Discussion (Algebraic


Scaffolded Practice exercises

(Kruiper et al., 2021)

3 1hr 30 mins Crafting Engaging Science

Organizing Information
Environments (CESE)
(Schneider et al., 2020).

Project-based learning (PBL)

(Krajcik & Shin, 2014).


Advance Organizers
( Barkley & Major, 2018)

4 1 hr 30 mins
Visualization (sketching) Digital Teaching approach: PhEt

1 hr 30 mins
Analyzing skills when Comprehensive discussion
encountering two (2) or
more unknowns

6 Enhanced Skills in Free body diagrams (Maries &

1 hr 30 mins associating numbers and
Singh, 2017)

Mathematical and Graphical




This study aims to develop problem analysis strategies that will aid the poor problem
solving skills towards electrostatics among the Second-Year BSEd Science students at Visayas
State University.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the question:

● How does implementing problem analysis strategies enhance students'

problem-solving skills in electrostatics?


This study only focuses on determining the impact of the applied interventions towards

the respondent’s problem solving skills in electrostatics. Additionally, the interventions made are

only suitable to the six chosen factors.


A. Research design

The researchers will utilize a purposive sampling procedure to select the

participants for the study. Purposive sampling involves deliberately selecting individuals

who can provide in-depth and detailed examination relevant to the research question.


B. Participants

The respondents of this study will be the second-year BSEd Science students at Visayas

State University who have encountered difficulty in analyzing and solving problems in


C. Data Gathering Method

Figure 3. Triangulation Method

In data gathering, the researchers will commence by introducing the respondents to

various interventions, such as, Physics Education Technology (PhET) simulation software, Free

Body Diagram (FBD's) diagrammatic representation. Prior to this, participants will undergo

pre-test designed by the researchers to assess their prior understanding of electrostatics.

Observations in the process of implementing the interventions will be made to determine the

effectiveness of the interventions. Following the conduct of the interventions, participants will be

taking a post-test to gauge any changes or improvements in their understanding of electrostatic

problems. A follow-up interview question will be conducted to the respondents to sort out their

experience towards the conduct of the various interventions.

D. Data Analysis Plan


In analyzing the data gathered, the T-test statistical tool through excel will be used to

determine if there is a significant difference between the scores obtained in pre-test and post-test

assessments. Through the results obtained using the T-test, the mean, variance, and standard

deviation will be gathered which will be interpreted by the researchers through statistics

distribution. Additionally, checklists will be utilized to record students’ responses to the

interviews towards the interventions made. The results from the checklists will be analyzed using

cluster analysis to categorize students’ responses.


Activities Timeline

Preparation of Materials 2 days

Conduct of the study 40 days

Data analysis 3 days

Data presentation, discussion of results, 2 days

writing of conclusion, and

Presentation of overall findings 1 day



Indicate activities, materials needed and the estimated budget per material to carry out the

Activities Cost Estimates

Printed materials 1000

Snacks for the participants 500

TOTAL 1,500


Banda, H. J., & Nzabahimana, J. (2021). Effect of integrating physics education technology
simulations on students’ conceptual understanding in physics: A review of literature. Physical
Review Physics Education Research, 17(2), 023108.

Barbara Schneider., &Kayla Bartz(2022) Improving Science Achievement—Is It Possible?

Evaluating the Efficacy of a High School Chemistry and Physics Project-Based Learning


Volume 51, Issue 2

Cooper, M. M., Stevens, R. H., Cox Jr, C. T., & Nammouz, M. (2007). Improving problem
solving with simple interventions. New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences, (3),

Kruiper, S. M. A., Leenknecht, M., & Slof, B. (2021). Using scaffolding strategies to improve
formative assessment practice in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher
Education, 47(3), 1-19.

Taale, K. D. (2011). Improving physics problem solving skills of students of Somanya Senior
High Secondary Technical School in the Yilo Krobo District of Eastern Region of


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