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Rahimova Barno

Tashkent State Economics Lyceum

Tashkent State, Gafurov183
Postal Code: 100012
Recommendation Letter for Qobilov Jaloliddin
Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to highly recommend Qobilov Jaloliddin for admission to Lawrence University. As his math
teacher for almost two years, I have had the pleasure of witnessing his exceptional academic abilities,
and can adamantly say he is one of the most outstanding candidates that I have ever witnessed.

Beyond their academic achievements, Jaloliddin possesses excellent leadership qualities and a strong
work ethic. He actively participates in class discussions and collaborative projects, often taking the
initiative to guide and assist their peers. What really sets off of him, is his willingness to help his
groupmates; once he sees someone struggling with their tasks he is always ready to assist them even
though it takes a lot of time and nerves.

I would like to highlight a specific example that showcases Jaloliddin's exceptional abilities. During a
challenging calculus project, he demonstrated remarkable analytical thinking and creativity in developing
a unique solution leaving me with a sense of shock. His solution not only impressed me but also inspired
other students to think outside the box and approach problems from different angles.

It would also be prudent to mention his active involvement in various math Olympiads. Consistently
attaining outstanding results showcased his exceptional mathematical abilities and dedication to the
field. His consistent participation and impressive performance in these competitions demonstrate his
strong problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, and profound understanding of advanced mathematical

Thank you for considering Jaloliddin’s application. I believe he possess the qualities and potential to
blossom at your institution.
If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me


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