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Some students leave an enduring legacy wherever they go, and Hardik is one such student.

As his
Accountancy teacher, it brings me utmost joy in recommending Hardik Kalra for your University’s
Undergraduate Business program. Over the years that I’ve taught Accountancy, I’ve seen bright students
come and go, but Hardik is someone who clearly stands out.

Throughout grades 11th and 12th, Hardik has been a straight A student in the subject. The enthusiasm
with which he approaches academics in general, and Accountancy in particular, is highly impressive. He
has a positive, can-do attitude that helps him tackle adversity with composure. Hardik enjoys tackling
the hardest Accountancy problems as a challenge, and this has helped him attain second-to-none
conceptual clarity. He takes a highly logical and intuitive approach to solving, which will undoubtedly
help him excel in his academic endeavours in the future as well. Hardik is always chasing after new ways
to push himself and enhance his skillset, and goes out of his way to gain constructive feedback from
myself and his peers and imbibes it. His dedication to self-improvement, and stand-out work ethic truly
makes him a teacher’s dream. He is always eager to push his intellectual boundaries, and further his
Business and Accountancy expertise through external competitions. I have heard nothing but glowing
opinions of him from my peers in other Commerce subjects such as Economics, Business Studies and

He also commands the respect and admiration of his peers for being an excellent leader in the student
governance space, having taken up the role of a Student House Council Leader several times throughout
his school years and proving his mettle as a leader. Outside the domains of academics and student
leadership, Hardik also demonstrates his individual qualities in several extra-curricular activities. Hardik
is a team player through and through, and has played a leading hand in the success of the school’s
Cricket and Tennis teams over the years.

I have also had the pleasure of speaking to Hardik in detail about his long-term academic and career
aspirations. His undying enthusiasm for Business and leveraging a degree in the subject to make a mark
in the Finance world only assures me that his ambition and astounding potential will surely help him do
wonders, if given the right environment to blossom. I am certain that a chance to pursue a Business
degree at your esteemed University would allow Hardik to maximise his capabilities. I also believe that
the innovative bent of mind, ingenuity of ideas and diligence that Hardik brings to the table would make
him a great asset for your University.
Due to all these reasons, it is my pleasure to recommend Hardik for further studies at your esteemed
University. If you have any queries about Hardik and his academic work, I would be glad to answer them.



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