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A Connection By Fate

Me (crying): “Please Jabu, don’t do this… You are my first, I’ll try to be opened minded towards our
sex life. Please be patient with me. Please don’t walk out of the beautiful relationship that we have…
I’m following Jabu around the house while he’s packing everything that belongs to him.

Jabu: that’s the thing Peli! My heart is no longer in this relationship. You are too formal and too
uptight for me. It’s been three years Peli, three fucken years!!! You don’t want to try any foreplay;
you don’t want to be spontaneous. You refuse to have sex anywhere else except in the bedroom.
Our relationship is so boring; you still get uncomfortable to even get dressed in front of me. You are
a really great person Peli, but not for me.

Me: These issues have never bothered you before, why now Jabu?

Jabu: I’ve met someone. Everytime, I’m with her I feel complete. Hell, I don’t even have to beg her to
suck my cock!

Me: Is that it? You are throwing our love away for good sex!!! Do you even really know her Jabu or
for you it’s all about the sex? (Jabu then grabs his car keys and bag and then looks at me)

Jabu: I think I know all I need to know about her. Look Peli, I’m sorry for breaking up with you this
way, but Nobuhle needs me as well. This was long overdue. One thing you need to know about us
guys is, Sex plays a big role in a relationship. We enjoy experimenting and trying new things. Love
alone is not enough. Look Peli, you are really a great woman, but sexually I’m frustrated. We are
young, but you behave like you are 50. Word of advice for you next relationship. Have fun in your
relationship and explore and play around with the poor guy, otherwise eventually you will lose him
as well. (then he walked out the door, closing it behind him. I just broke down and cried on the
couch, asking myself questions, like what is wrong with me, why am I like this?..............

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alupheli Hlubi, I’m 25 years old and an only child. I’m from a
place called Maxaki, in Port Elizabeth. I was raised by my mother, a teacher and a single parent. I was
never a rebellious child, I kept to myself. The irony is my best friend Ayanda (Yaya) is the exact
opposite of me, She was wild and a carefree soul, very intelligent though. We went to the same high
school and varsity. We are both based in Joburg. She is a Public relations officer and I met Jabu
through her at one of the events I went to with her. Jabu is a graphic designer and he was my third
boyfriend. I on the other hand am a junior architect, I must say, I’m very good at what I do and
hence recently went for a job interview for a senior post at NK (Nkabinde) architects. My social skills
on the other hand are a problem. I’m slightly tall, fair in complexion and am a size 38 curvy with a
tight ass, medium size breast and a flat stomach. Yaya is a size 32, dark in complexion and extremely
attractive. She has that unique look that just turns heads.

I reached for my phone that was on the table and called my best friend….

Yaya: Friendo

Me (sobbing): Eish Shlobo, Jabu dumped me and walked out on me… You won’t believe half the
things he said…. Then I told her everything.

Yaya: Wow that was cold of him… Kanjalo nje? I never thought that Jabu can be such an ass.

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Me: Me too my friend.

Yaya: Jonga nono, I’m finalising plans for an event. I’ll come by later for a sleep over. I’ll bring wine,
food, junk, the works.

Me: ok

Yaya: I love you mannnnn!

Me: love you too my friend. (Then hung up and sighed)

I decided to freshen up, took a shower then wore my PJs then took a nap. Oh, thank God its Friday
today. I’ll nurse my broken heart….

I woke up when my intercom rang, then looked at the time on my phone and it was 19h15, got out
of bed and answered my intercom.

Me: Hello…

Yaya: Open up my love, it’s me.

I opened up for her then went to sit down.

She came in put the plastic bags in the kitchen and came to give me a warm hug. She went to dish up
for us and poured me a glass of wine. We got to talking…

Yaya: Peli, I’ve known you for a long time and love you like a sister. But I’ve got to be honest with

I looked at her with a concerned look when she said that. Me: Ohk…

Yaya: What Jabu said to you was harsh, but somehow also truthful. You are young, hot and beautiful
and living in a shell. You need to have fun, especially with the opposite sex without really getting

Me: What do you mean?

Yaya: I mean you must have meaningless sex, with no strings attached but also be responsible, by

Me: WHATTT!!!!! Absolutely not! How can you even suggest something like that?

Yaya: See Peli, when you sleep with a guy, you have high expectations and you want commitment
early in a relationship and that puts guys off and it scares them away.

Me: Yaya! Jabu and I were in a relationship for three years, so I don’t really get what you mean. Of
course after all that time together, I’d expect commitment.

Yaya: See what I mean, You are young my friend and you should be having fun without expectation
then automatically things will fall into place without you trying too hard. Another thing, you need to
loosen up in the bedroom. Four play is very important and remember sex is not only meant to be
done in the bedroom.

Me ( covering my eyes with my hands) : My friend, I would really like to open up more sexually but I
really don’t know how.

Yaya: What do you mean?

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Me: I don’t know what it is I need to do and therefore I’m afraid of embarrassing myself.

Yaya: Why don’t you watch porn? You will learn a lot on what and how needs to be done. I’ll arrange
movies for you, let’s start there.

Me: Ok (looking down).

Yaya: Good, now give me the remote and lets watch movies.

While channel hopping, we came across a movie called 50 shades of grey then watched it. My Gosh,
some of the things I saw there were both enticing and scary at the same time. I must say, I was
fascinated. When the movie ended, Yaya asked me what I thought about the movie. I told her it was

Yaya: would you ever try something like that?

Me: If I had a man that was patient enough to teach me those things then yeah…

Then we both giggled and went to sleep……

Saturday morning, I woke up first. I went to the bathroom to freshen up then I went to make
breakfast. Yaya walked in greeted me then sat on the bar stool.

Her: My friend, can I tell you something. But I don’t want any judgement.

Me: Sure friendo, you know I’ve never judged you.

Her: You know I’m into casual sex right without commitment.

Me: Yes, I know you prefer that.

Her: Well, there’s this club I usually go to when I want a good fuck. It’s called club Pluto around
Fourways. It’s very exclusive and the people that go there are discreet. We don’t even know each
other’s names and we don’t contact each other or meet outside the club.

Me: Wow!!! What happens there? How do you sleep with someone you don’t know?

Her: That’s what casual sex is about. This club is safe because there’s a doctor that us the members
we go to, only on appointment. We get screened and tested for HIV/Aids and STIs but it’s
compulsory that you condomise. The testing is to reassure members in case the condom breaks. No
one is allowed to have sex in a drunken state, you are allowed to drink, but not get wasted
otherwise the bouncers will escort you out. No form of drugs are allowed at the club because that’s
when most mistakes happen because people tend to be careless when they are high. You can sleep
with anyone in the club as long as it’s consensual. Reason why I’m telling you this, I think now that
you are single you must join me for the experience.

I popped my eyes out and told Yaya she’s out of her mind!

Yaya: think about it friend. You will learn and experience a lot without judgement. I’m going there on
Thursday in case you change your mind.

Me: I doubt it, can we please change this subject…..

Besides her crazy proposal, Yaya and I had a great weekend despite me getting dumped, just
watching movies and eating. Lol!

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Monday morning I woke up, made my bed, bathed, made a smoothie and went to work. It was a
quiet day, so I sat in the my office and thought about what Yaya said, I thought about the last time I
had sex. GEEZ! It’s been like 8 months and I didn’t even notice. Wow was I so no interested in sex
that I didn’t even notice that I was starving Jabu. The way he loved it so much, I’m shocked that he
never attempted to touch me in the last 8 months. Unless that’s when he’s relationship with his
bitch started. NXA! Oh well no use crying over spilled milk…. Maybe I really need to lighten up, and
let loose. I picked up my phone and made a call

Yaya: Friendo

Me: Friendo I’m in. I’ll join you on Thursday.

Yaya: Trust me my friend after Thursday, you’ll get over Jabu. I need to make you an appointment
with the doctor for screening and testing. I’ll get back to you.

Me: Ok

As I hung up a call came through and I picked up.

Me: Miss Hlubi Good Day

Caller: Good Day Mam, You are speaking to Sandra from NK Architect. How are you?

Me: I’m fine thanks and you Sandra.

Caller: I’m fine thanks, thanks for asking. I wanted to inform you that you got the job for the senior

I screamed in the poor womans ear out of excitement.

Me: Oh Sorry about that Sandra, I’m just so excited

Sandra (laughing). It’s ok mam, I understand. So you are expected to report for duty in a months’
time. In the meantime, I’ll send you all the paperwork that you need to fill out and then you can
send it back to me.

Me: Ok thank you so much, have a great day

Sandra: You too mam.

I’ve never been so happy in my life. At least there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Yaya called and said I must meet her in Midrand at the doctor’s surgery at 16h30. She then after
send me the coordinates. I then called my mother to tell her the great news.

Mama: baby girl yam

Me: Hi Mama, unjani?

Mama: I’m fine Mtanam, just busy preparing for the exams and wena unjani?

Me: Ndi ryt wethu, mama I have great news!! I got the job at NK Architects. I’m gonna be travelling a
lot but The Salary package is extremely good.

Mama (ululating): O mtanam! I’m so proud of you! When do you start? Will I see you before you
start your new job? I’m sure Jabu is happy for you ne!

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Me (Chuckle): Easy mom, one question at a time. I start next month on the 15th of June. Jabu broke
up with me on Friday, he said he was in love with someone else. (I couldn’t really tell her it was
because he said I sucked in the sack.)

Mama: Haai sana lwam. How does Jabu do something like this? I thought he was invested in you
guys’ relationship. I think you should come home so that your mom can give you comfort.

Me: I’m really ok mama, uYaya was there for me. I will come home though, before I start my new

Mama: Hows that crazy child of mine doing? That child was a problem jong, but she’s a good person.

Me(laughing): She’s good mama, still crazy but good.

Mama: send my love to her

Me: I will mama. I love you, take care of yourself ok.

Mama: Always my baby. I love you too, be good va. Bye

Me: Bye mama. (Then hung up.)

I always feel good every time I speak to my mother. I finalised a plan that I was working on and
before I knew it, it was home time. I went to my car and I punched in the coordinates on my phone
and off I went.

I arrived at the business park and Yaya was already there waiting for me. I went to her and we
exchanged hugs then we entered the building. For some reason I was so nervous, my heart was
beating so fast and my palms were so sweaty. We went into the lift and Yaya pressed on the 3 and in
the lift she said, “Don’t worry Dr Wesley and the owners of the club are the only ones who have
access to our private information and Identity details. I nodded, I couldn’t utter a word because I
was so nervous.

We got to the 3rd floor and we entered Dr Wesley’s surgery. The receptionist gave us a warm
greeting and ushered us to Dr Wesleys’ office. When we got inside, My jaw dropped. Dr Wesley was
not the way I imagined him to be. He had blond hair and blue eyes that sparkled every time he
spoke. He was drop dead gorgeous. He stood up and gave Ayanda a hug and then gave me a hand
shake then directed us to sit. OOH, some parents make beautiful babies shem….

Him: How can I help you beautiful ladies today?

Yaya: Doc, this here is my friend Peli. She wants to join us at the club.

Him (looking at me with a smile then looked at Yaya): Did you explain to her what happens at our
club? Will she be comfortable with the things that are done to the club? Reason being why I’m
asking all these questions is that she seems shy and reserved, I mean she can’t even look at me.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s got great potential after all we don’t discriminate at our club.

Yaya: That’s why I want her to join the club, believe you me. She really needs to learn to loosen up.

Him ( looking at me): Peli, stand up and come to me.

I stood up nervously went to him. He spun his chair around to face me . Him: “ sit on top of me and
when you do so you must look straight into my eyes and not lose eye contact”.

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WTF!!! I looked at Yaya and she was giggling so hard that I wanted to punch the shit out of her. What
kind of doctor was this?.... I looked back at Dr Wesley, his face was now hard. Him: “well?)

I took a deep breathe and sat on him. I was facing him and my legs were apart. I could smell the
scent of his cologne and his face was close to my face. Please tell me he’s not gonna do what I think
he is about to do. He whispered “remember not to lose eye contact. Do not close your eyes.” He
bought his lips to mine and we were staring in each other’s eyes. My heart was beating fast. We
opened our mouths and our tongues wrestled each other slowly, passionately and deeply. We are
staring in each other’s eyes as all this is happening. I began to relax and let loose. He then pulled
back and our kiss ended.

You can get off me now, he playfully said. I got off him and went to sit next to Yaya.

Yaya: I was getting turned on from watching you guys kiss… He smiled and told me to get on the bed,
where he conducting all the necessary tests and screening. Its weird how he changed into a
professional doctor when he was examining me. When he was done, he explained that I will receive
my results via sms in which I must put in a pin to access them. He further said that pin is my
membership and access number to the club. If I failed the tests than automatically the pin will be
deactivated and I won’t be permitted to go to the club. He wished me luck and off we went.

What was that!!! I said to Yaya when we got outside. Yaya: “ It was a test”. He was testing you to see
if you’ll be able to handle the pressure at the club. He is a stranger to you, so he was testing if you’ll
be able to have casual contact or intercourse with a stranger without you freaking out. Damn; Yayas
world is just crazy. We parted and I went to get myself take aways and then I went home.

The house was so quiet without Jabu, I began to cry. I thought about calling him and then I
remembered all the hurtful things he said to me. Was I really that bad of a girlfriend though. Instead
of him criticizing me, why didn’t he somehow introduce the things he wanted us to try. He didn’t
even tell me how he was feeling until Friday. I ate and poured myself some gin and tonic and I played
all the heartbreak songs. The one that made me cry the most was Stupid by Toni Braxton and the
one that gave me strength was One day you will by Deborah Cox. Lol…. Then I went to bed.

I woke up Tuesday morning , got ready, had breakfast and then went to work. I handed in my
resignation letter, my boss wasn’t happy that I’m leaving but I need change and growth. So now that
I’m serving notice, I had to finalise all the projects I was working on. I wanted us to part on good
terms because you’ll never know what tomorrow will hold. After work I decided to go to the zumba
class then I went home took a shower then made myself a small light meal. I watched a bit of TV
then I went to bed.

I woke up and got ready on Wednesday morning got dressed, went to work. While at work I received
my results from Dr Wesley and I was good to go. After work I met Yaya at the mall. She insisted that I
get a classy but slutty dress. Lol!! I love my friend though. We saw a beautiful red number at one of
the boutiques. It hugged me and shaped me in all the right places. Gosh I looked and Felt Sexy. I got
nice comfortable heals to match the dress. We went to a spa and got a wax and then had something
to eat. We parted and I went home. That night I thought about the next day. I was excited and
nervous at the same time. I didn’t know what tomorrow had in store for me. I dozed off.

Thursday morning I woke up and prepared myself for work, I was nervous as fuck that I could barely
eat. Strangely, the day went by quickly. I left work just after 14h00, went to the hair salon and got
myself a nice Malaysian weave and I sommer did my nails as well. I was running late so my hair

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stylist gave me a quick facial and then applied my make-up. Wow, I looked gorgeous! If Jabu could
see me now, he’d eat his heart out. For some reason I walked out of that salon with great
confidence. Was already 18h30 when I got home and Yaya said we are leaving at 19h30. I quickly
took a bath, making sure my make-up doesn’t smudge. I got dressed and had a fruit salad after that I
quickly had a glass of wine. We were using Uber to get to the club. I put on some perfume then took
my clutch bag and phone. Yaya was already waiting for me outside. I got inside the Uber and off we
went. The Club was not what I expected. The Uber dropped us off at the gate and there were black
Jeep Cherokee wranglers parked inside the gate and they were transporting us to the venue. We
passed a whole lot of tree and the garden was beautifully land scaped. We reached a beautiful 3
story mansion. People were walking in. Most people were wearing coats and I noticed that Yaya was
wearing a coat too. When we got to the door, the security personnel wanted our pin numbers. We
gave them the Pins, they punched it in some tablet and the tablet had access granted on the screen,
then they gave us arm bands and it was explained to me that if I want any alcohol to drink the bar
man will scan my arm band each time he gives me a drink, to make sure I don’t have more than 3
drinks. We then walked down the entrance hall where we had to leave our phones and personal
belongings and were locked away. We were then searched, and I mean SEARCHED! Then Yaya and
some ladies and Gentlemen took off their coats. WTF!!!! Yaya was wearing black lingerie that
exposed both her back and butt. She looked super sexy though. Some ladies were also wearing
lingerie, some were wearing those black dominatrix costumes. Some people were nude. I saw dicks
of all different shapes and sizes. There were men and women there of different races, different body
shapes and sizes. As shocking as it was it was fascinating to see how comfortable people were to
walk around nude and in lingerie. I Felt a bit out of place and overdressed. There was intoxicating
music and lighting that set the whole mood right. Then we walked to the bar area, the bar men and
women were nude. Yaya explained to me that the entire house is sound proof. You can only hear the
music from the inside and not from outside.

Me: Yaya I feel so out of place and so overdressed. .

Yaya (laughing): relax my friend. No one judges anyone here. Let’s grab a drink.

We ordered two glasses of wine, and I gulped mine in one go. Then ordered another. On the stage
there were girls swinging on swings that were hanging from the ceiling and they were naked with
their legs wide apart and men were watching them and mastubating. Some good looking guy
approached Yaya and whispered something in her ear, she got up and told me to relax and have fun
then she left with the guy going up the stairs. I turned around and drank my wine.

Him: Fancy anything you like?

I turned around and saw the most gorgeous face I’ve ever seen. He had caramel skin, his head was
bald and had broad shoulders. He was buff in a sexy way with beautiful abs. He had a tattoo on his
right shoulder that went to his back. He was wearing black shorts that were just below his knees and
was rocking them with black sneakers. He was topless. He had those eyes, you know the kind of eyes
that can see right through your soul. DAMN. I became wet instantly.

Me: Not really, I’m a first timer.

Him: Yeah, I know. I’ve never seen you here before.

Me: So you’re a regular here.

Him: Something like that. So would you like for me to show you around?

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Me: Sure

I got up from my chair then he escorted me holding my waist. We got to a door and he opened it.
There were two ladies playing with each other. The one was licking the others vjayjay while inserting
a vibrator in her. I was so uncomfortable the ladies didn’t seem to care that we were watching them.

We moved on down the passage to another door, it was written the 3 sum room. These two guys
were having their way with one woman. She was blowing the one while the other was screwing her
from the back.

Then there was an indoor pool area where couples were just having sex everywhere. We then went
upstairs and he opened a door. One of the ladies that I met earlier in a black leather costume had a
whip like thing and the guy was on his knees. With his hands cuffed at the back. Wait, O my word…
the guy on his knees is Dr Wesley. He looked up, saw me and winked. Then my mystery man took me
to another room. What was happening there was beyond crazy!!!! People were having group sex
there were buckets of condoms everywhere. Mystery man saw I was trembling and traumatised and
he quickly closed that door and led me to a quiet room that had many mirrors, chairs and a bed. It
was just us in here.

Him: Are you ok?

Me: I’m not sure, I thought I can do this but I don’t think I can.

Him: What do you mean?

Me: Look, I’ve never done anything like this before. I haven’t experienced half of the things I saw

Him (looking worried): Its’ ok. I could tell from when you walked in here that this is not your kind of

Me: I would really like to try some of the things, please be patient with me and teach me by showing

Him: Are you sure? I nodded.

He went and locked the door, then he took both my hands in his. He put my hands around his
topless waist and I gasped. Him: look at me. I looked at him. He slowly took my hands and made me
explore his upper body with them. Him: touch me whichever way you like, tonight I’m all yours. I felt
my pussy vibrating instantly and my heart racing. He took my hand and slowly navigated it down to
his dick. Oh my, he was huge. Mind you he hasn’t touched me he’s just staring at me and me at him.
He made me rub his dick, I could feel it growing hungrily in my hand. He took my hand out, pulled
me close and put his lips on mine. His lips were sweet and tender. I felt like I was one with him from
that kiss. It was intoxicating and thrilling I was enjoying tasting him. He then turned me around and
made me face the mirror without uttering a word. He was standing behind me looking at me on the
mirror. He unzipped my dress slowly, and it fell at my feet. He breathed heavily, then kissed my ear,
then my neck, he moved his hands around my body then he unclipped my bra, he moved his hands
down to my hips and he took off my underwear then he removed his shorts. His eyes were piercing
mine on the mirror plus the room was a bit dim. He took my hand and made me touch his hard dick
again. I could feel its fullness and thickness. He touched my pussy and began playing with my clitoris,
then he slid his finger in my wet pussy then we both moaned at the same time. Him: Look at yourself
in the mirror” he whispered. Lawd you are sexy. He kissed the side of my face, then my neck. What
made this whole experience intoxicating is the way he was staring at me in the mirror, and the way

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he was touching me. I started get flushed and something weird and foreign was happening to my
body as his finger was working inside of me. The next thing I felt my body exploding but in a good
way. I began moaning out loud. My legs were shaking and he picked me up and put me on the bed
and he was lying in between my legs. Him: are you ok? I nodded. He took out a condom and placed
it on his dick. He entered me slowly and I moaned and he groaned. He began moving slowly and I
could feel every inch of him in me as he moved. It was like his dick is searching for something deep
within me, He began moving fast and moaning and I could feel myself having a build-up of the
explosion again. I began digging with my nails on his butt cheeks as I released and then he came and
collapsed on me. He pulled out and wiped himself and then he gave me some wipes and I wiped
myself. None of us are talking at this point. He pulled me by my legs to the corner of the bed, and
pulled my hands until I was in a sitting position. Him: You and I have now been introduced. You know
my body and I know yours. I’m now gonna do things to you that you have never tried before, don’t
be afraid I won’t hurt you, but you need to trust me ok, me: Ok.

He bought his dick to my mouth and I looked at him and shyly said: I have never done this before, I
don’t know what it is I need to do. Him: Don’t worry I’ll direct you.

I slowly put his dick in my mouth and sucked it and licked it the way I saw the lady in the other room
doing it. He smiled and closed his eyes while moaning in between. This wasn’t so bad shem and I
was kind of enjoying it. The more he moaned the more I enjoyed sucking him. He pulled out and
directed me to a lounger then told me to go into doggy style position. He poured this warm oil on my
butt and he started rubbing the oil on my butt cheeks. He grabbed onto my cheeks and then
spanked me, I gasped. He kissed my butt cheeks then open me wide. He stuck his finger in my pussy
moving it up and down, in and out. My bum was up in the air in doggy style position. I breathed
loudly and moaned while he fingered me and then I went crazy when I felt his lips on my pussy lips.
He played around with his tongue on my clit and his lips were pulling my lips, I felt like I was losing
my mind because I had never experienced anything like that before. While licking my clit he put on a
condom then he stood up and he slammed into me. I cried out from pleasure as I felt the movement
of his dick and my legs began vibrating, then he finished me off when he put his thumb in my ass. I
felt both pleasure and pain and we both climaxed at the same time and then I collapsed on the

The way I was so finished and fatigued. He carried me and placed me on the bed. All I wanted to do
was sleep. He kissed me on my forehead. I really enjoyed being with you” he said.

Him: Look, I know you are tired but you gotta get up. If you sleep now, you won’t wake up until
tomorrow morning. Here have some water and lets go home.

I drank the water and got dressed. He wore his shorts and we walked out of the room. He had his
hand around my waste and I was somehow balancing on him. We handed in our arm bands at the
reception. I received by bag and he received his coat. Then we walked out.

Me: ‘I need to call Uber and my friend.

Him: You are too tired to wait for Uber. Let me tell my driver to take you home. Then, he’ll come
back to pick me up.

Me: “Thank you, let me send my friend a sms that I’ve gone home.”

Him (talking to one of the guys driving the black jeeps): John, please take this beautiful lady home.
Make sure she’s safe and that you leave her at her door step. John: “Yes sir”.

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Him: When you get in the car, give John your address so that you can take a nap. He’ll wake you up
when you get home…… I really had a great time tonight.

Me: Yeah, me too. (I smiled shyly)

He came and kissed me then gave me a small peck on my nose.

Him: Bye

Me: Bye

I got in the car and gave John my address and indeed I fell asleep in the car……. John woke me up
when we got to my place. We said our goodbyes, I went into my house I took off my dress and shoes
and I threw myself on the bed and I slept…….

Friday morning I was still beat, so I phoned my workplace and called in sick. Then I slept until I
received a call from Yaya.

Yaya: Choms

Me: Hey

Yaya: No way!!! Are you sleeping? Kanti what happened to you last night?

Me: Eish, we gonna have to talk about that later over drinks. I’m craving braaied vleis. Lets meet at
Centurion Chisa Nyama around 19h00.

Yaya: Ok cool, See you later.

After the call, I got up and made my bed. Then I ran myself a nice warm bath with bath oils and stuff.
I got in, relaxed and closed my eyes. Then everything that happened the night before played in my
mind. My body felt alive and I knew that I was no longer the same Peli I was yesterday morning. I
wanted more, I was craving more. I was craving no one else but him. I wonder who is he, and where
he lives. I kept seeing his smile and right dimple. I wonder if he’s married or in a relationship. But if
so, why was he at the club. (Sigh)

I got out of the bath, dried myself and put lotion on. I wore my gown and I went to the kitchen and I
made myself something greasy to eat. I caught up on my favourite Series, then I went to take a quick
shower, got dressed and drove to Centurion Chisa Nyama. I got there before Yaya, so I bought some
meat and drinks, and then she arrived as I was looking for a place to sit.

Yaya: Ooh my Friend!!! You are looking good and radiant (then she burst into laughter)

Me (Smiling and Blushing): Voetsek wena! What can I say, my car was well serviced. The mechanic
got rid of all the rust and spider webs that were down there (you know when a place hasn’t been
cleaned or touched in a long time, that place starts having spider webs.) We laughed out loudly and
high fived.

Yaya: So who was the mechanic that cleaned you up so nicely?

Me: Some guy who is tall, caramel and handsome. He’s bald and has these beautiful big like eyes and
a killer smile. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder that goes across his back.

Yaya: Wait!!!! Does he have a tattoo of a phoenix in orange flames?

Me: Yep, that’s the guy.

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Yaya: WHAT!!! My friend, do you know how many women at the club want to get with that guy and
he’s just not interested. Every time he’s at the club he just chills at the bar area, or he chills with the
security guys outside. I know he’s very close with Dr Wesley and the owners of the club. The guy I
left with yesterday, he’s my regular dude and every time I meet him at the club he’s always with
him. It’s only once in a while, where your mechanic fucks someone at the club.

For some reason I was stung with a bit of jealousy when Yaya mentioned the last part.

Me: My friend, he showed me flames. My body was reacting differently when I was with him. I had
multiple explosions, but in a nice way that left me extremely weak when he was done with me.

Yaya (laughing) : You had multiple orgasms my friend. A person only gets those when the sex is too
good. Ooh, it means the mechanic knows his story. You mean you never got that feeling when you
were with Jabu?

Me: No, never. I mean that’s why I never understood why the issue of sex was such a big deal to him.
All I can tell you though, is that I feel like a different woman. I mean the way he handled me and the
way he made me feel so sexy, boosted my confidence a lot. When he was done with me, I just
wanted to sleep. He arranged one of the drivers of the Jeeps to take me home.

Yaya: Lawd, do you know what that means! He’s into you.

Me: Don’t be ridiculous Yaya, how did you get to the conclusion that the guy is into me from a mere
gesture of him arranging transport for me. He was just being a gentlemen.

Yaya: Gentlemen my ass, that dude broke some rules for you. He broke the confidentiality clause.

Me: How so?

Yaya: He knows where you live………

The rest of my weekend was quiet, I spent it indoors doing my laundry and spring cleaning. The
following week was my last week at work. They promoted one of the interns that I was working
closely with. He was now a junior architect, so instead of serving a months’ notice, I served two
weeks’ notice. After my farewell party on Friday, I went to my place and packed a bag because
Saturday morning I was flying down to PE. I couldn’t wait to see my moms. I missed her so much.
While lying in bed, I thought about what Yaya said and I thought about my mystery man. I got horny
on the spot. I thought about waking up and driving to the club, then I thought against it. Aag, I must
get over myself. There’s a reason why it’s called casual sex, it’s exactly that. I need to acknowledge,
that that man was there to help boost my confidence and to show me there is more to be explored
when it comes to sex. I smsed Yaya and told her to arrange sex videos for me. I will watch them
when I get back. I’m open to learning.

I woke up Saturday morning, got ready and headed to the airport. At the airport, I sat down and had
breakfast. While having breakfast, I had this heavy feeling that someone was watching me. I looked
around and saw no one. Today I’m gonna surprise my mother, she’s actually expecting me next
weekend. So instead of one week at home, I’ll spend two weeks. I boarded the plan and an hour and
30 minutes later, I was in PE. One thing I hate about my home town, is the way the weather changes.
You can experience all seasons in a day. I took a meter taxi to the Mercedes Benz dealership. During
the week, I bought my mother the new C class in white. She’s always dreamed about driving a Merc,
so today I want to surprise her with it, just to say thank you for raising me well and for loving me.

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God, I love that woman. Mind you, I drive a VW Tiguan and live in a 2 bedroom apartment in
Centurion. I just believe my mom deserves the best. I signed all the paperwork, and drove home. I
parked the car in the drive way, and took out my house keys from the bag and unlocked the door
and went in the house…. WTF!!! I was never prepared for what I saw. My mother was having sex
with Tatu Jola. I literally froze and when she saw me, she pushed the poor guy off and he hit his head
on the table and the table broke, I saw blood and I ran outside, and called the ambulance. I stood by
the door and shouted to my mother that she should get dressed, the ambulance was on the way…
Before you start judging my mother, my mother is 50 years old and she too has needs.

The paramedics arrived and they went inside. I still stood outside until they carried Tatu Jola out on
a stretcher. I told my mother to go with the paramedics and that I’ll fetch her later. Poor woman
didn’t respond and she could barely look at me. She got in the ambulance and off they went. I went
inside and stood in the lounge and I just laughed. I went to put my bags in my room, then grabbed a
dustbin, bucket, gloves the works. I went to go tidy up the lounge and picked up the broken glass.
The lounge was now clean. Then I took Tatu Jolas’ clothes and put them in my mother’s laundry
basket. While there, I noticed that Tatu Jola has his own shelf and space in my mother’s cupboard.
SPEECHLESS!!!! It goes to show, you can never really know someone.

I packed a bag for Tatu Jola, he was in the nude when the “accident” happened. The paramedics just
covered him with a sheet. I went to the kitchen and luckily my mom had cooked. I sat down and
watched a bit of TV until my mom called to say I must pick her up. She told me the name of the
hospital and ward she was at. I drove to the hospital in my mother’s Merc that she didn’t even know
she had. I went up to the ward and stood by the door and called my mother out to the passage and
gave her the bag with Tatu Jolas’ close. I wasn’t ready to face the both of them yet. Too soon. I went
back to the car until my mom joined me. Shame, she looked like a little girl who was caught stealing
candy. I decided not to make it more awkward for her, so we drove in silence.

When we got home, she dished up for us and placed our food on the dining table. While we were
having our meal she broke the silence,

Mom: “My baby, I’m really sorry about what you saw. I wasn’t expecting you today”

Me: So how long have you guys been seeing each other? It’s been years that he was asking you out
and you weren’t giving him the benefit of a doubt.

Mom (smiling): It’s been a while now. Remember how you and Loyiso (Tatu Jolas daughter) were
always pushing for us to be together. I finally gave in.

Me: I’m just happy you gave him a chance. He’s a good man. He has always been there for us even
though you were rejecting him. I’m just happy that you are happy ma, I just wish I didn’t find out the
way I did.

Mom (embarrassed): Eish, sorry about that baby. Nawe kodwa, you should have told me you were
coming. You would have saved yourself from trauma. (We both burst out laughing.)

Me: How is Loyiso by the way? I must call and tell her I’m around.

Mom: She’s good, I know she misses you too. I see you decided to hire my dream car this time
around. It’s really comfortable yazi. Can, I borrow it tomorrow when I go fetch Tatu Jola from the

Me: Sure mom, and while you at it you can keep it.

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Mom (Face beaming): So you going to let me drive it while you are home?

Me: No ma, it’s yours. I bought it for you.

Mom (tears of joy): You are joking right, say you are joking!

Me(teary): its seriously yours mamam

Mom: ululating! Thank you so much my baby. You are really a blessing in my life!

Seeing my mother so happy was a priceless moment. The next day, she went to fetch Tatu Jola from
the hospital. It was kind of awkward, but I carried on like I didn’t see anything. Then Loyiso came by
and we all had a good time. My mother wanted us to discuss the Jabu issue and I didn’t want to talk
about it. I told her I was looking forward to starting my new job and focusing on my career. When
the right time comes, God will bless me with a man…. Before I knew it, two weeks was over, and the
Sunday I flew back to Joburg because the next day I was starting at my new job…

Monday morning, I got up earlier than usual to make sure I look good for my first day at work. You
know what they say, first impressions last. I met with Sandra and I was introduced to the staff. I was
told that I’ll be reporting directly to the CEO and I’ll be working closely with him. From what I hear
from my colleagues, they say he’s a handsome, arrogant dick. Everyone is apparently scared of him
except his gay PA. I must say I’m not looking forward to meeting him. Thank God he’s not here this
week because he’s in Cape Town.

I must say, this has been a good week for me so far. I’m just flowing in this place. You’d think I have
been working here for years. My colleagues are great, but call me weird. I’m not one to make friends
in the work place. I prefer to have acquaintances. Anyway, it was now Thursday Morning and
Everyone is running around like headless chickens. I ask Isabella our receptionist what the hell is
going on.

Bela: Mr Nkabinde is back and is demanding to meet everyone in the boardroom at 10h30. He
seems to be in a very bad mood and wants to see progress in the drafting of the Clifton Apartments

Me(sighing): Great, now I’ll be meeting our CEO for the first time when he is in such a mood. I hope
he likes what I and my team have come up with. I’m not in the mood for my head to be bitten off.
Anyway let me get busy with the presentation. I hate been seen as incompetent.

10h30 we are in the boardroom waiting for Mr Nkabinde. There is so much seriousness in here.
You’d swear this is not the crazy bunch that was cracking jokes during the week. All the jolly mood
has died down. Everyone is now in serious mode. Then suddenly, the door opens and he walks in.
My eyes pop out and my heart accelerates. No No No, this cannot be….. Then he sits down and
greets everyone. Then our eyes meet, and he gulps……..

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Siviwes’ POV
Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Siviwe Nkabinde and I am 34 years old. I’m from
Spruitview in the East Rand. But I grew up in Parkhurst. I’m a natural nerd when it comes to
I.T and hacking, and by profession and passion I have a Masters in Architect. My dad is zulu
and my mother is xhosa. My mother and I lived in Spruitview and we were very close. My
parents were never married. Don’t get me wrong, my parents were very much in love, is just
that my dad was a drug lord and my mom a devoted Christian. She refused to get married to
my dad because he didn’t want to give that part of his life up and change his ways. My mom
refused to stay with him fearing that our lives will be in danger and she didn’t want me to
grow up looking over my shoulder. My mother passed away from cancer when I was 10
years old and when she passed away I went to live with my dad in Parkhurst. My dad took
my mothers’ passing very hard. He was never the same after that. He then decided to quit
the drug business and raise me to be a better man than him. We became very close after
that. One day when I was 13 years old, my dad dropped me off at school and on his way
home, he stopped at the red robot and he was gunned down and murdered. His killers were
never found. That’s when his white best friend Mr Xavier Wesley and his wife Ingrid Wesley
adopted me and raised me together with their son, Sean Wesley (Dr Wesley). Sean and I are
close exactly how blood brothers would be. He’s always had my back and I have always had
his. Then there is my best friend Romeo, he’s coloured and two years younger than me. We
met in High school in a detention class (chuckles)… He is an I.T Specialist and hacker like me.
Like most rich people, the Wesleys, Romeo and I made our millions illegally. We hack into
banks both nationally and internationally and steal R1 in everyone’s account in the banks’
data base. It doesn’t seem like much but believe me the millions we make on a monthly
basis are just ridiculous. Tell me, do you notice when a R1 gets missing from your bank
account? To you as an individual it is nothing, but imagine getting it from billions of people
on a monthly basis, now that is something. Anyway back to my story…… I was married and
had a daughter whom I love with my body and soul. My wife decided to go visit her parents
in the vaal. She left with my daughter and nanny and on the way they were involved in a
terrible car accident on the R24, they all died on the scene. My life was never the same after
that day. That was 10 years ago, but the wound of it all is still fresh like it was yesterday.
Where I am right now I am bitter when it comes to love. Love hurts, and love has taken all
the important people in my life. I have put up walls of defence when it comes to love. Well,
that is until I saw her…. Fuck!!!!

She was wearing a red dress that fitted and hugged her perfectly, exposing every bit of her
curves. She looked so out of place, I could tell that she’s a first timer. Her innocence is what
attracted me to her. Looking at her, I told myself that tonight I want to bury my dick deep in
her…. Strangely, she is not my type. I usually go for the slender, model type kind of girls.
She’s the opposite of that and thick in all the right places. I was standing in the corner with
Romeo when he saw his usual fuck. Romeo is actually attracted to “Lady Reds” friend.
Hence why he always comes to the club, its so that he can be with her. Beats me why he just
doesn’t break the rules and just ask her out. He walked up to them at the bar and then he

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left with his lady. I stood aside, watched and smirked at the trauma lady red was in as she
watched those guys masturbating to the girls on the swings. One thing I love about this club;
it allows each person to explore their sexuality. This club is the family business (I and the
Wesleys). Once in a while I just come to check the scene and I sometimes come for a fuck. I
decide to walk up to lady red because from just looking at her I can feel my dick is about to

A couple of weeks later, Lady Red is still on my mind. I keep picturing her beautiful innocent
face and her moans when she’s about to come and how she goes out of breath and her
body vibrates when she climaxes…. Mmmmm, Priceless!! I did mention earlier that I’m also
a hacker, so when John came back from dropping her off I asked him to give me the
coordinates of her place. Now, I’m sitting in my kitchen with my laptop on the high chairs,
and I’m doing what I do best. I now know that her name is Alupheli Hlubi, she lives in
Centurion and I have her phone number. I dial her number, then I delete it. I remind myself
that I don’t do love and relationships. I do casual relations. I put my phone down, take a
shower, get dressed and take my bags. I’m going to Cape Town for a month, I have a big
project there in Clifton and the client has requested that I oversee this project personally. I
don’t usually do this but this is a billion-rand project that will up our demand as a company.
I’m rather late for my flight, as I make my way to the boarding gate, I see her having a meal
and she seemed so lost in thought. If I wasn’t in a hurry, I would have gone to her. As I’m
sitting in the plane I realise that I want to get to know her better. I tell myself when I come
back from Cape Town, I will give her a call. I then feel this warmth in my heart and my
excitement builds from just seeing her face… Then the inner voice in me says to me: “what
are you doing, let this woman go. You know once you love, you lose the person. Don’t go
there man”. I sigh and listen to my inner voice. Maybe its best that I don’t pursue anything
with her, After all. I don’t do love and relationships.
When I landed in Cape Town, I told my driver to take me to Water front. I had a meeting
with the MD of Mabunda Corporate Inc. I was meeting her at Belthazer Restaurant and
Wine Bar. Her name is Khensani Mabunda. She works in the family business and she is
highly attractive. You know, your model types with a cute ass and perky tits. She’s definitely
my type except she is a rich spoiled brat who things the world owes her everything. Another
thing she looks like the clingy type and I’m not about to jeopardise my company’s’ image
cause of a piece of ass. Besides, there is nothing that turns me off like a woman who throws
herself at me…. I’m a man, I wanna do the chasing. She makes it so obvious that she’s into
me, but I just play dumb like I don’t see her intentions.
I make my way inside the restaurant and I immediately spot g. She gets up and has a million-
dollar smile and opens her arms for a hug. I embrace her, then she gives me a peck on my

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Khensani: ‘Siviwe, it’s always a pleasure seeing you.’
Me: Hi Khensani, it’s good seeing you too. You looking hot as always.
Khensani (blushing): Oh, flirting will get you everything.
Me (smiling): Oh No, I wasn’t flirting, I was just giving you a compliment.
Khensani (slightly embarrassed): Oh, anyway thank you. Please have a seat and let’s
continue with our meeting. Before we continue, for your stay I would like to offer you our
penthouse at the hotel. It will work to you advantage because there will be daily cleaning
and Laundry services, plus you will order all of your meals when requested. This is the
companys’ way of building relations with NK Architect.
Me: Thanks for the offer, I actually have a house in Clifton. Let me stay there for now, and
when I come back with the company’s senior architect, then we can stay at the hotel.
Khensani: Its’ a one-bedroom suit unless we give your Senior Architect the Executive Suite.
Me: That will be fine. Lets’ continue with our meeting.
We continued with our meeting, then I went to my house in Clifton. I can never get enough
of my house there. I’m in love with the view, plus it’s a 4 bedroom with ensuite house, with
an open plan of the kitchen, lounge, dining room and entertainment room with a view of
the swimming pool and the ocean. All the bedrooms are upstairs.
I take a shower, then I wear my sweat pants. I go downstairs and I go through my emails. I
see an email from Sandra informing me that our new Senior architect is starting in three
weeks’ time. I feel sorry for whoever it is because I’m a slave driver and strive for perfection.
I hope the person can deliver. Then I start thinking of Alupheli, talk about a unique name. (it
means doesn’t end’.) I wonder where was she going, I just realised that I didn’t check if she
has a boyfriend or not. Every time I think about this girl, my heart accelerates and then I get
a warm fuzzy feeling inside. This is the kind of shit I hate. I decide to distract myself by
calling my regular fuck buddy Thandeka. Thandeka is classified in the slay queen category,
she is super-hot. One thing I love about Thandeka Aka Tasty. She is bisexual and is hectically
in love with her girlfriend. Her and her girlfriend are in an open relationship. The girlfriend is
hard core lesbian but knows about me, and doesn’t feel threatened about me. I call
Thandeka, and I tell her I’m around and that she must come to my place. She comes within
an hour an immediately when she walks in, I fuck her senseless…….
Three weeks later I’m back in PTA (Pretoria). I’m at the office and I’m in a bad mood because
I just can’t seem to get Alupheli out of my mind. No matter who I screw, she remains in my
thoughts. She has become the last thing I think about when I go to bed at night. That’s
exactly whats pissing me off. Who the hell is this girl that’s invading my private space so
deeply. I miss the care free me. I call for a meeting in the boardroom at 10h30 because I
want to see the progress in the designs of for the Apartment project in Clifton. Plus, I must
meet my new Senior architect and inform him/her that Sunday evening we are flying out to
Cape Town. As I make my way to the boardroom, I get a call from Romeo that he wants to
see me later.

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I absentmindedly make my way into the boardroom, I greet everyone and sit down then I
look up and I look around the table and that I see the face that has been invading my
thoughts as I look into her eyes, the picture of her moaning and me thrusting in her comes
to play and then I gulped…….

Phelis’ POV
He immediately composed himself and I looked down.
Him: Oh I see a new face (he said looking at me)
Sandra: Mr N, this is Alupheli Hlubi. She has joined our company and is our Senior Architect.
Him: Hi there, Welcome on board, I’m Mr Nkabinde and I hope you will enjoy working with
Me: Thank you sir.
Him: Alright everyone, I want to see the progress of the drawings, design, models and the
proposed materials and intended building services on the Clifton project. I also want to see
the budget and the cost involved. You may proceed with the presentations.
All our different departments presented on their progress and Mr Nkabinde seemed to be
impressed with our work…
Him: Good Work to all of you. Miss Hlubi, on Sunday you and I will be going to Cape Town
for two weeks. As the Senior Architect you will be presenting to the client and going to site
to advice the construction company further. Hope you will be able to keep up Miss Hlubi, it
will be a challenging and extremely exhausting two weeks.
Me: Don’t worry about me sir, I’m good to go.
Him: Good, I like your enthusiasm. Tell me Miss Hlubi, what do you want to achieve from
the company?
Me: Mostly experience Sir.
Him: Well, since you will be working closely with me, There’s a lot you can learn if you are
truly determined. I just hope the pressure doesn’t overwhelm you….
With that being said, the meeting was adjourned he got up and left. What just happened….
For some strange reason, I don’t think the conversation we were having is about work….
I immediately called Yaya when I got to my office
Yaya: Choms
Me: Yaya, you won’t believe who is my new boss.
Yaya: Who

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Me: The mechanic from the club.
Yaya: WHAT!!!!!
Me: Yhoooo, I feel like such a slut I’ve slept with the boss (covering my eyes with my hand)
Yaya (laughing): Kinky, think of all the office sex you gonna be getting….
Me: It’s not funny Yaya, how do I face and work with someone who knows what my pussy
tastes like. This is a fucken disaster.
Yaya: You are a professional my friend. Remember what you had with him was just casual
sex. Act like his presence doesn’t get to you. When you are with him behave like you are not
intimidated by his presence.
Me: I here you friend, What’s worse is I’m leaving with him on Sunday Afternoon to Cape
Town for two weeks.
Yaya: Yhoooooo! my friend I wish I can be a fly on the wall. Shit is going to go down, I bet
Me: No friend, Shit is not going to go down. He is my boss. I have to draw the line.
Yaya (laughing): Good luck my friend. You really going to need it. Look, I won’t be seeing you
this weekend. I have a busy weekend. When you come back there is something I want to tell
you, and I know you’ll be so proud.
Me: You see now you have me all curious. Ok, I’ll see you in two weeks’ time. Love you,
Yaya: Love you too, bye
Me: Bye.
I spend the rest of my day working in my office, just to avoid seeing him. After all, I was
never ready for this. When I got home, I took a bath, wore my PJs ordered in and had some
wine. My head was all over the place. I decided to have an early night then I slept.
Saturday morning, I woke up took a bath, got dressed and grabbed my car keys and phone. I
have been restless since yesterday. I kept reminding myself that I’m a professional, I can do
this. I went to the spa and got a full body massage, facial, and a wax. I drove to the hair
salon and did long twist braids. It was already late, so I quickly went to the mall and bought
myself clothes and lace underwear. I went home and made myself a nice juicy fillet with
mashed cauliflower, I had my meal then poured myself some gin and tonic and grabbed my
laptop and started preparing a presentation for the client for the coming week then I went
to bed.
Sunday morning, I went to church, took myself out for lunch then I went home and packed
for my Cape Town trip. When I was almost done with my packing, my phone rang and it was
a number that I didn’t know so I ignored it. Then it rang again and this time I picked it up.

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Me: Miss Hlubi good day
Caller: Even on a Sunday, you choose to be so professional.
I knew that voice very well, but I decided to play dumb…
Me: I’m sorry, but who am I talking to?
Caller (chuckling): So, it’s like that ha. Ok Lady Red, play it like that. It’s Siviwe speaking.
I blushed when he called me Lady Red. This man has THAT effect on me.
Me: I’m sorry, but I don’t know any Siviwes. I think you called the wrong number. (I said
biting my lower lip)
Siviwe(sighing): It’s Mr Nkabinde Lady Red.
Me (silently smirking): Oh, I’m so sorry sir. I didn’t mean to sound rude, it’s just I didn’t know
your first name.
Siviwe: It’s fine. Should I come pick you up and drive with you to the airport or we will meet
Me: It’s fine sir, you can come and pick me up.
Siviwe: Great, I will be there within an hour.
With that said he hung up. Wait, I didn’t tell him where I live………
After a short while, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was John
(Siviwes’ driver)
John: Good Afternoon mam
Me: Hi John, how are you?
John (smiling): I’m well and youself?
Me: I’m good thanks. Ok, let me get my luggage and then we can go.
I took my bags and John helped me carry them out. I locked up and got to the car. It was a
BMW 7 series. John then opened the door for me and I found Siviwe inside busy on a call,
then we drove off. Siviwes’ cologne was intoxicating, just from the scent I could feel my
pussy vibrate. It’s not helping that we are sitting so close to each other, I couldn’t help but
stare as he spoke on the phone. I kept looking at those lips that did wonders to me. Then I
looked ahead.
Siviwe: Father (Mr Wesley), let us finish this discussion later. Yes, I hear you. Ok bye.
Then he turned and looked at me. I could feel my breathing pattern changing, and all of a
sudden I became hot and flushed. I calmed myself that he is now my boss and I need to
breathe. I took slow deep breathes then I looked at him as well,

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Siviwe: Lady Red, it’s always good seeing you.
Me: Good Afternoon to you too Mr Nkabinde
Siviwe: Please cut the formality bulshit, after all I do know what you taste like, then he
Me (blushing): With all due respect Mr Nkabinde, you are now my boss. Let’s leave what
happened between us at the club. Had I known it would have come to this, it wouldn’t have
happened. So, can we please address each other as work mates.
Siviwe: Ok, I respect your decision. But please call me Siviwe and I will call you Alupheli. It’s
a beautiful name by the way.
Me: Thank you, it’s actually Alupheli Luthando (love never ends) in full.
Siviwe (smiling): Your parents must be seriously in love.
Me (sighing): They were, until my dad passed away.
Siviwe: I’m sorry to hear that, if it’s any consolation my parents passed away too.
I looked at him intensely and I could see the pain in his eyes when he said that.
Siviwe: Anyway, enough about the depressing stuff. So, do you have a boyfriend?
Me (smiling): That’s rather personal, don’t you think?
Siviwe (smiling): Come on, I’m making conversation here. I’m curious because this job is
going to take a lot of your time, which a boyfriend will not be able to understand.
Me (laughing): Really??? And no, I don’t have a boyfriend.
Siviwe: A beauty like you, never…
Me: Well, I had a boyfriend and he left me for someone else.
Siviwe: What a bummer. If you were mine, I would never let you go…
He said staring in my eyes like they can see through my soul.
John: We have arrived at the airport.
We both quickly snapped out of our thoughts, got out and made our way into the airport……
We were in first class and now I was more relaxed around Siviwe. He became the guy I met
at the club instead of the boss…
Me: So, you have been asking me all these questions. You, do you have someone in your

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Siviwe (dimpled smile): No, I don’t have anyone in my life.
Me (shocked): A good looking man like you…. That’s impossible, unless something is wrong
with you. Well’ I definitely know you are not gay, so that means you are a women basher.
Siviwe (laughing out loud): I’m not a woman beater, and you know I’m definitely not gay… I
just don’t do relationships. Relationships are a whole lot of work.
Me (smiling): Oh, so you scared of commitment ha?
Siviwe (smiling): I don’t know, maybe I am hey.
Me: So, you go to the club to blow off some steam ne.
Siviwe: Something like that.
Me: Interesting. But doesn’t that life get lonely at some point.
Siviwe: It does, but I kind of got used to that.
Me: That is sad Siviwe, imagine such looks going to waste.
Siviwe (biting his lower lip): Mmm, so you find me attractive ha.
Me (blushing): Maybe.
Siviwe: So, you are a relationship type of gal?
Me: I actually am. But for now, I just want to explore a bit. I want to learn a couple of things
before I settle into a relationship.
Siviwe (whispering in my ear): You can explore with me
Me (flushed): Maybe in another life Siviwe, you being my boss changes everything. I don’t
want to be labelled as the woman who sleeps with her boss, or a woman whose sleeping
her way to the top. I worked really hard to be where I am.
Siviwe: I hear you. I’ll tell you what. Since we will be alone in Cape Town, how about we
enjoy each other, no strings attached. Whatever fantasy, you’ve ever had, you can do it to
me, and whatever fantasy that I have I’ll experience it with you. After these two weeks,
you’ll go your way and I’ll go mine. We will just have a professional working relationship.
Me: I don’t know Siviwe, that sounds complicated and heavy.
Siviwe: lets’ just give it a try. Tell me what is your most embarrassing fantasy?
Me (laughing out loud): Girl on girl action. I’ve always been curious on what is it that turns a
woman on from the same sex.
Siviwe: Mmm, interesting. What makes it more interesting is that you have this innocent
angelic face. I’m just seeing your moans when she pleases you.

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Me (blushing and I playfully hit him): You and your mind kodwa. What’s your sexual fantasy?
Siviwe: You know, I am a boss and I have power. My fantasy is to have a woman dominate
me completely, where I find myself at her mercy.
Me: Wow, that is definitely not me.
Siviwe: Why not you?
Me: Dude, I’m an amateur when it comes to sex. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to
it. Even talking about it now, with you, makes me uncomfortable.
Siviwe turned on his seat and looked at me with a straight face.
Siviwe: you know why you get uncomfortable when you talking about it now? It’s because,
your mind goes back to the day we met. (he then took my hand and put it on his hard dick, I
gulped and opened my legs slightly, to stop the vibrations in my pussy.) You miss this, and I
When he said that, I lost all my senses. I was craving him badly and deeply. I wanted to feel
him in me. Then the air hostess told us to buckle up. We have landed in Cape Town. After
the intensity in the flight, we remained mum. I know we were supposed to stay at the Cape
Grace Hotel. He then told the driver to take us to his place. I looked at him and said nothing,
I wanted him as much as he wanted me. He kept rubbing my thighs while he was tapping his
legs. It felt like the driver was driving slow and taking forever to arrive. We arrived at
Siviwes’ place. All I can say is WOW! He opened the door for me and told me to be
comfortable, then he went back outside. I looked at this beautiful house and its design and
interior. I took of my shoes and jacket. Then I felt the heaviness of someone staring at me
then I turned around and Siviwe was topless standing behind the kitchen counter just
staring at me, and I blushed.
Siviwe with a deep husky voice: I want you to take off all of your clothes, then walk towards
me slowly. Then he took the remote next to him and pressed it, the music came on. Sades
love is stronger than pride was playing and I just looked at him debating with myself
whether to do this or not. He stood there patiently with his hands in his pockets not saying a
thing but just looking at me. Lawd, this man is sexy!!! His sexiness was enough to make me
take off my clothes. I took them off slowly, still looking at him. Then I took off my bra and
underwear. Then the song changed to Sades slave song. The love I have for that song, in
that moment I forgot that I was nude in from of Siviwe. I started swinging my hips and I got
so lost in the song I danced. I’m shy ne, but best believe I can dance. I dipped low in a
squatting position and I began twerking, opening and closing my legs… Only when I heard
him cursing, I zoned out and remembered where I was. Then I saw him walking towards me
jerking his dick. I stood up and he smashed his lips on mine. The kiss was filled with so much
hunger and passion I was extremely turned on and wet. I pulled out from the kiss and I
rested my lips on his earlobe and I breathed in his ear and I whispered.

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Me: Please, I want you so badly inside of me.
It was like I turned on a high voltage switch, He picked me up and placed me on the kitchen
counter. He pulled me to the edge of it and took out a condom from the pants he was
wearing and put it on, he kissed my stomach and kissed and pulled my pussy lips gently….
AAAhhhh, this man is gonna be the death of me. Then he smashed into me and immediately
my pelvis jerked. He pressed it down and he moved deeper and harder with each thrust. I
moaned out loud and he was groaning and cursing…..

Siviwes’ POV
Fuck!!! Pheli has a warm, tight pussy. If it was up to me, I’d make this my permanent
residence. The cherry on top is this deep connection I feel when I’m in her… The moans and
her pouted lips are driving me off the edge. I can feel her muscles contracting and then she
screamed and called out my name, I could feel my own release building up and then I go
faster, harder and then I groaned and released. I stopped to catch my breath and then I
looked at her. Oh my! She’s crying… No No No No, I hope I didn’t hurt her.
Me: Pheli, did I hurt you? (I start feeling like shit)
She then looks at me, covers her eyes and laughs through her tears.
Pheli (laughing): sorry about that, when I had my orgasm this time around, it was
accompanied by tears. I didn’t mean to scare you (she continued laughing)
Me (laughing as well): I was starting to feel like shit hey, I thought I hurt you or something.
Pheli: Trust me you have a killer dick, in a good way. (she continued to laugh
I swear for a moment I thought she was high. I pulled out and carried her bridal style and I
put her on the sofa. I went to the bathroom downstairs, flushed the condom and then I put
the clean towel in warm water and I went to wipe her. I love her after sex eyes, they were
small and glowing. Damn! She’s beautiful….
A while after lazing nude on the sofa.
Me: We need to get up, shower and get something to eat.
Pheli: Or, I can prepare something quick if there’s groceries here.
Me: Luckily I was here last week so there are some groceries. I’ll only agree that you cook
under one condition.
Pheli: Which is?
Me: You cook in the nude and let me admire you.
Pheli: Oh hell no! What if I burn myself in the process?
Me: Cum on…. You won’t, I’ll be helping you cook, also in the nude.
Pheli (giggling): Oh, in that case sure why not.

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We prepared roasted lamb, butternut, broccoli and baked potatoes. After cooking, we had
two more rounds in the bedroom then we showered, got dressed and had our meal. I don’t
know when last I actually enjoyed the comforts of being with a woman. She’s igniting a
spark that I thought I had buried with my wife and daughter. We then got some work done
and prepared for the next days’ meeting with the client.
Pheli: Ok boss, goodnight. I’m bushed (she said walking towards the guest room)
Me: Now why are you going to the guest bedroom?
Pheli: Come on Siviwe, you and I are not a couple. Lets’ not complicate a good thing here.
You don’t do relationships, and I’m not ready to be in one right now. We are just fucking
and enjoying each other’s company right now.
Me: Ok, if you’ll be more comfortable with that then fine. I do have one request though. I
think it’s’ best for us in case of any mishaps. In ten years, I’ve never asked this from any
Pheli: Ok, let’s hear it. What is your request?
Me: I would love for us to go tested tomorrow. You and I are just too spontaneous. I’m just
scared that we’ll be caught up in a moment and I won’t have any protection with me. I just
want us to be safe.
Pheli: Now you are pushing it Siviwe. You and I agreed that this will be a two weeks
‘arrangement, where you teach me things while we enjoy each other. I know you have your
random women; I cannot risk having unprotected sex with you.
I must say, when she said that it stung a little because she was telling the truth.
Me: Look, I understand your fears but trust me. You and I will get to the point where we
want to screw and sometimes a condom is not always available.
Pheli: I’m not comfortable with that. If we won’t be able to control ourselves then let’s just
drop this whole arrangement. YOU ARE MY BOSS!!!!! Already that on its on is wrong and I’m
trying to wrap my head around this. Please, don’t complicate this.
Me (Sighing looking down): Ok, I’ll respect your decision. Even though I don’t agree with it.
(then I looked at her). Listen to me carefully. If you and I don’t agree about anything, never
ever raise your voice at me. Make your point without yelling at me. I am a man, and not
your child. Same rule applies to me. I won’t yell at you. Respect goes a long way.
Pheli (sighing): I’m sorry ok, I just got freaked out from what you are asking me.
Me: I understand, I’m sorry about that. Have a good night.
Pheli: Goodnight to you too.

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Shit, what the hell was I thinking. I just should have kept my thoughts to myself. I just hope
that her and I will be ok tomorrow. Last thing I need is for us to have two weeks of

Phelis’ POV
The next day we were on our way to Mabunda Corporate Inc. Siviwe was driving his Jaguar
XK. There was a bit of tension in the car. He was playing some good music. There’s a track
called “ready by jagged edge’’ he repeated it twice. I made a mental note to go on you tube
to hear what the song is about.
Siviwe (sad face): Are we good.
Me (smiling at him): Of course.
Then he did the unthinkable, he held my hand until we reached our destination, he let go
then we made our way into the building. We got into this office and a beautiful flawless
woman was seated there. She stood up when she saw us, or rather when she saw Siviwe.
Her: Hey Siviwe, its’ always good seeing you.
I could tell that she has a thing for Siviwe or they sleeping together.
Siviwe: Hi Khensani, I would like to introduce you to our Senior Architect. Her name is
Alupheli Hlubi and Miss Hlubi, this is Khensani Mabunda the MD of Mabunda Corporate Inc.
(Oh wow, he called her by name and I’m Miss Hlubi Hmm)
Khensani (stretching her hand with a dry smile): Hi Miss Hlubi, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Me (shaking her hand and smiling): It’s a pleasure to meet you too.
Khensani: Siviwe, I came to the penthouse last night, I wanted us to have dinner together.
Siviwe: Oh, I was deeply occupied last night. There was a family emergency back home that
left me distraught, I wouldn’t have been good company last night so I slept at my place.
I looked at him very amused and decided to tease him a bit.
Me: I’m sorry to hear that sir, if you want I can handle everything and you can attend the
emergency back home.
Siviwe: Thank you for the offer Miss Hlubi, but there’s still a whole lot of work to be done
this side. I want to give this project my all and make sure I’m satisfied with the progress, so
that when we get back home I just polish everything out and do the finishing touches. (he
said that looking at me intensely)

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I got wet instantly and bit my lower lip and he smirked, luckily Khensani was looking at him
with a big smile.
Khensani: I’m so happy that you are giving our company this much attention.
Siviwe (looking at me): Oh, I always aim to please.
I blushed, and looked down.
Khensani: Well guys, let’s go to the meeting room and get the meeting started. We going to
have refreshments and sandwiches before the meeting starts.
We had our meeting and the Mabunda Corporate Incs’ team was impressed with our
presentation and recommendation. We decided that we will all meet at the site tomorrow
for our meeting with their construction contractor. We were going to the parking lot and
Khensani was walking us out.
Khensani: So Siviwe, I’ll meet you later at the hotel for dinner and to catch up.
Siviwe: Actually, I think Miss Hlubi and I will stay at my house since the construction site is
ten minutes from my place. I have lots of space and she can occupy one of the guest rooms.
Plus, we are only here for two weeks, we have a whole lot of work to settle before we head
back to Pretoria.
Me: Actually Sir, there are some drawings I need to complete and I have everything covered
for tomorrow. So please avail yourself for Miss Mabundas’ request. (I said that with an
innocent smile and amused eyes),
Him (Giving me the “I’m gonna get you for this eye”): In that case, See you at seven.
Khensani (Excited): Great!! Bye Alupheli, it was great meeting you.
Me (smirking): Likewise,
In the car I kept giggling, Siviwe was annoyed,
Siviwe: What was that?
Me (teasing him): Hao, the client made a special request, and we have to keep the client
Siviwe: By pimping me out?
I laughed out loud. He ended up laughing too.
Siviwe: I’m going to get you for this, you better deliver and not chicken out…
Me: Mna, never. Bring it on.
Siviwe: I love your confidence and girl; you are going to pay……..

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Siviwes’ POV
We went to the V & A waterfront we had a chilled day there with lunch and all. Then later in
the afternoon. We went home and we took a walk on the beach. The way I am so
comfortable with Alupheli, you would think I have known her for a long time. There is never
a dull moment with her. She has a really great sense of humour. We went back to the house
around six, and I was sulking.
Pheli (laughing at me): What the deal between you and Khensani anyway?
Me: To sum it up, she wants me to fuck her and I’m not interested. After the fucking, she’ll
start labelling herself as my girlfriend and feel some form of entitlement over me then she’ll
expect commitment and all that baggage that comes with it and I’m just not prepared to
give her that or have that with her. The worst part of it all, she is my client.
Pheli: So, you are my boss and you are screwing me.
Me (grinning): and believe me, I want to screw you now. On the real though, with you the
situation is not the same. I met you as me, before meeting you again as your boss. You
already know one of my secrets because of where we met. I don’t have to pretend with you
and you don’t have to pretend with me, so it makes our relationship easy and automatically
things just happen naturally between us without the formalities and having to lie to each
Pheli: Our relationship ne??
Me: Ag, you know what I mean. Let me take a shower quickly and get ready.
I went upstairs, freshened up and got ready. Truth is, I am not really up to having Dinner
with Khensani. I’d rather just chill here with Pheli. I made my way down stairs.
Pheli (whistling): You clean up very nicely.
I chuckled. “Well, thank you very much mam. Should I bring you something to eat?”
Pheli: No, I will be ok. Besides, the tigress might put her claws on you and you might not
come back.
Me: Not a chance, if it wasn’t for you pimping me out. I’d be staying put. Anyway, I’ll see
you later. (I went to her and I kissed her forehead and made my way out.)
While driving, I sighed. I thought how crazy this whole thing is. Look at me now, I’m going to
another woman while my heart is yearning for the one I left behind. I’m in love with Pheli,
and that road will not end well. I better get a grip. While thinking about Pheli another
thought crosses my mind and I smile. I picked up my phone and called Thandeka.

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Thandeka: Luva
Me: Tasty, I need a favour and I’ll make it worth your while.
Thandeka: In that case, I’ll deliver.
Me (smiling): Excellent……

I got to the hotel restaurant and I looked around for Khensani and I couldn’t find her. So I
gave her a call.
Khensani: Hey. We’re going to have dinner in my suite at the tenth floor. She then gave me
her suite number.
Me: Ok, see you soon.
I stood at the reception area debating with myself, whether to go up or not. I decided “fuck
it, let me put Khensani in her place once and for all. I went up, and knocked at the door.
Khensani: Come in
I opened the door and walked in and I froze. Lawwwd!!! I was not prepared for such a sight.
She was wearing nothing but heels. She was seated at the dining table, with one leg up on
the next seat and her other leg was spread wide open. Her pussy was staring at me and she
was drinking champagne. I instantly got a hard on. Shit, what do I do now? I began to sweat
because my dick was throbbing. She stood up and walked to me. She was sexy as HELL!!!! I
felt like grabbing her and fucking her right there on the spot.
Khensani: Do you like what you see?
Me: Mute! I couldn’t even answer her. All I could do was stare. She smashed her lips on
mine and I responded and deepened the kiss. She felt so good and I grabbed her ass and
lifted her up and she had her legs wrapped around my waist. I walked towards the dining
table and placed her there and I held her breast in my hand and she began to moan. Just
then, Phelis face came into my mind and I pulled back from the kiss and I held her hands and
stared at her. God she’s sexy.
Khensani: What’s wrong?
Me: Nothing is wrong, but I can’t do this.
Khensani looked disappointed and asked, “What do you mean?”
Me: Look Khensani, you are a remarkable woman and any guy will be lucky to have you, but
I have someone in my life, and I love her very much. I can’t risk disappointing her.
Khensani: This can just be a once off, she doesn’t have to know.
Me: Khensani, if you were my girlfriend and you are trusting me to do right by you and I go
and mess around with another woman and you find out, how will that make you feel?

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Khensani looked down: Yeah, I hear you. She must mean so much to you for you to choose
to be so loyal to her. I wish I was her.
I sighed: “She really means a lot to me, and believe me you will also find a guy that will love
you the way I love her. Look, I’ve got to go. I hope you and I can still remain good friends.”
Khensani: I respect you Siviwe, we can remain friends. Treat her well, I hope she treats you
well like the king you are.
I chucked, Thanks Khensani. Bye.
Khensani: bye.
I made my way out and when I got in the elevator I had a mini panic attack. Shit Pheli, what
have you done to me. I breathed in and out until my breathing came back to normal. I went
to the hotel’s restaurant and ordered two take away meals. I got into my car and drove
home, and then I realised that I’m fucked…

Phelis’ POV
After Siviwe left, I took the jaguar keys and went and took out the disc that he was playing
earlier on. I played that “ready” song and I had it on repeat, listening to it word for word.
(Don’t judge me most women do this too). I poured myself some gin and tonic and I sat on
the couch and I got so emotional because I have fallen for Siviwe deeply and it was not
supposed to be this way and especially so soon. A tear dropped as I thought of what he
could be doing right now with Khensani. I know he’s not mine and all, but why do I feel so
sad. While lost in my thoughts, I heard the door opening and Siviwe walked in. I looked at
the time and it was 20:15. I must say I was I bit relieved when I saw him. I just smiled at him,
and he smiled too as he made his way and sat next to me holding take away bags.
Siviwe: “I bought some food” he said as he handed me my food.
Me: “Thanks”, I said and then I looked down embarrassed because of the song that I’m
playing on repeat. He took the remote and changed the song.
Siviwe: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah, You?
Siviwe: I’ve been better.
Me: Do you want to talk about it?
Siviwe: I rather not.
Me: Ok

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Siviwe: Listen, I’ve got plans tomorrow. I have to go somewhere after our meeting at the
site. I suggest we drive separately.
Me (disappointed): Ohh, ok. I’ll just come back home and I’ll just read and cook later on.
Siviwe was smiling
Me: what???
Siviwe: You called this “home”
I blushed, “Aag Siviwe. You know what I mean”
Siviwe: I won’t take long though. I’ll be “home” around five. So which car do you prefer? The
Jaguar or the G63?
Me: Any car is fine.
He smirked: “Ok, do you find comfort in the big or the small?”
I laughed out loud: “Screw you Siviwe!”
Siviwe: Anytime Lady Red... Well which car?
Me: I’ll use the G63.
He stood up and laughed: “Ok cool, I see you like them big. Good night babe. I have a long
day tomorrow.” then he turned and walked upstairs.
I smiled: “Good night Siviwe….
That night, I was tossing and turning. I mean Siviwe didn’t touch me today. I was debating
with myself whether to go to his room or not. I sighed and drifted off to sleep.
In the morning I woke up made the bed, took a bath and all, got dressed and I went
downstairs and Siviwe was having breakfast and reading a newspaper.
Me: Morning
Siviwe: Good morning, I ordered breakfast and I didn’t know what you like so I ordered a bit
of everything.
Me: Shoo, what are we gonna do with so much food.
Siviwe: The cleaning company comes twice a week when I’m here for cleaning and laundry,
so they are coming today. So, they’ll eat it when they get here. I have to go” and he came
and kissed my forehead and left.
I made a very important phone call, and took my back and keys and left……
Our meeting went well, but I noticed that there was a bit of tension between Khensani and
Siviwe, even though they were acting civil towards each other. Anyway, just when I got into
the car, I received a call.

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Caller: Hi Pheli, this is Laura. I hear from our mutual friend that you need my help with
Me: Hi Laura, thanks for getting back to me. I’m in Cape Town right now and our mutual
friend said you live here. How soon can we begin with the classes? I’ll be leaving next
weekend and I need to wrap everything up before I go home.
Laura: Its fine, when do you want to start?
Me: Tomorrow please around 15:00.
Laura: It’s fine, I’ll see you then. Bye
Me: Bye
I hung up and drove home…
When I got home I caught up on my favourite series and later I made steak with wine sauce
and potato gratin for dinner. I took a shower and wore a dress, then sat in the lounge and
read a book while sipping on red wine. Siviwe arrived when I was half way through the
bottle just after five, he greeted and went upstairs to take a shower. He came downstairs
looking sexy as hell dressed in all black. Black t shirt, black ripped jeans and black timberland
boots. He looked like he was going to a photo shoot. I felt myself getting wet instantly and
my pussy vibrate. “Oh Siviwe, what are you doing to me,” I thought to myself.
Me: Are you going somewhere?
Siviwe: No, we have a visitor.
I was confused: “oh…. “And on cue, the doorbell rang and he opened the door and in came
this beautiful Nubian looking woman. I was charmed and intimidated on the spot. I’ve never
felt so small. She looked perfect in every way. She looked at me and smiled, like a genuine
smile. Siviwe was standing next to her and she gave Siviwe a gift bag and he looked inside of
it and smiled…. Shit, they looked good together. I became jealous and overwhelmed at the
same time.
Siviwe looked at me: “Pheli, this is Thandeka and Thandeka this is Alupheli.”
Me: Hi, Thandeka it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Thandeka smiled: “The pleasure is all mine.”
I looked at them, and I could feel the tears starting to form. Why am I hurt, he is not my
Me: Please excuse me guys, I have to catch up on some work.
I turned to go upstairs, and all of a sudden, someone held my arm and I turned and
Thandeka was the one holding my arm.

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Thandeka: “Where are you going? I came here for you.”
I was confused: “For me?” I looked at Siviwe behind her and he was silently laughing.
“Yeah” she replied and then she did the unthinkable, she smashed her lips on mine. I stood
there frozen, trying to digest what is happening. She pulled back and looked at me, then she
took my hand and walked to the lounge. I looked at Siviwe and he smirked and winked at
me, then he went to the bar area and came back with tequila and vodka and he poured
himself a shot of the vodka, downed it and sat seductively on the chaise lounge chair and he
was looking at us. I began understanding what was happening here.
Thandeka: “Just relax and go with the flow ok.” She handed me a tequila shot and I
immediately downed it, then she poured me another shot. I drank that too.
Thandeka: don’t mind Siviwe this is about me and you.
Siviwe relaxed on the lounger, with his hands behind his head. I looked at him sitting there
looking like a proud king. Thandeka cupped my face and she kissed me again, this time I
responded. We deepened the kiss and gosh, this felt so good. She put her hands on my
thighs and she lifted up my dress and took it off, then she removed my bra…. She stepped
back and she looked at me.
Thandeka: “Gosh, you look so beautiful”.
She went down on her knees and she separated my legs… She took off my lace underwear
and she sniffed it and threw it to Siviwe, who then caught it looked at me and sniffed it too
while biting his lower lip, then he put it in the gift bag. She pulled me down onto the carpet
and she balanced my upper body with cushions. She then took off her coat and she was
stark naked. She came on top of me and we kissed, then she cupped my breast, nibbled on
my neck and then sucked my breasts. Ooh, the feeling of what her tongue and mouth were
doing to me was out of this world. I was moaning and biting my lower lip with my eyes
closed. She went down on me, licking, sucking and pulling on my pussy lips. She played on
my clit with her tongue at the same time she was finger fucking me. I was lost in this
sensation and I opened my eyes and I turned my face to see Siviwe. His t-shirt was off and
his jeans were unbuckled and he was touching himself while looking at me. His grey, intense
eyes were red and small and full of lust.
Me: “OH GOSH!!!” Then I felt my muscles tensing up and then I came. Thandeka cleaned me
up with her tongue and after I recovered, I instinctively flipped Thandeka around and I was
on top of her. I kissed her and then went down with my kisses to her breast, stomach and I
was kissing her inner thighs, when I seductively looked at Siviwe.
Siviwe cursed and groaned: FUCK,SHIT!! And he too came from jerking off and he wiped his
dick with my’ underwear, and he looked at them.

Siviwes POV
I’ve never been turned on like I was today…. Seeing Alupheli flip Thandeka over and take
control like that made me come hard… Alupheli is full of surprises I tell you. I’m watching as

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she’s licking and pleasuring Thandeka, I can tell she’s enjoying it. Judging from Thandekas’
reaction and the way she touching her breasts, I knew she’s about to come too….
Initially, the plan was to have a threesome and I fuck them both. But because of the feelings
I have for Pheli, I’ve reserved the fucking part for her only. After all, this night is about her
and pleasuring her.
After Thandeka came she asked me to give her a vibrator from the gift bag. I obliged and
gave it to her. After that, they started scissoring each other, with Thandeka leading and
showing Alupheli what to do. That right there was a dream come true. Seeing two women in
action like that and the way their pussies were rubbing and grinding on each other made my
dick throb real hard. Then Thandeka took the vibrator rubbed it on both their clits and as if
on cue they both screamed as they both climaxed. That scene right there was just
After they recovered, Thandeka wore her coat and shoes. She came to me and gave me a
peck on my lips and she whispered in my ear.
Thandeka: “Enjoy” then winked at me. She went to Alupheli who was now getting dressed
as well and gave her a deep kiss then told her it was nice meeting her, then she walked out.
I looked at Pheli and she looked at me with so much lust in her eyes.
Me: Are you ok? Did you enjoy yourself.
Pheli was slightly embarrassed. “yes, thank you I had a great time and enjoyed every minute
of it.” She said sitting next to me.
I nodded and I was slightly amused then I got up because being close to her was turning me
on. She then held my hand and I turned and looked at her.
Pheli: Please Siviwe” she said looking up at me.
Me: “what do you want Pheli?” she looked down and then back at me.
Pheli: “I want to feel you inside of me” she whispered. I heard her perfectly and that turned
me on again,
Me: “what was that?
Pheli: I said I want you inside of me Siviwe, now please.” I chuckled.
Me: Only if you agree that we gonna do this my way” she nodded
Pheli: Ok, we’ll do it your way.
Me: Good, now let’s go and have something to eat first. I’m starving.” She looked at me like
she was about to cry. Shame, she looked so cute pouting and all.
I set the table, while she dished up. We ate our food and had a bottle of red wine. Our
bodies were doing the talking, while we sat in silence eating and looking at each other.
Me: Mmmm, this was really good. Thank you.”

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Pheli: Thank you” she said dryly.
I gave her a serious look, “go upstairs to my bedroom. I’ll meet you there.” She looked at me
like she wanted to say something, then she just turned and went up to my bedroom.
I tidied up the table, grabbed another bottle of wine, glasses and my gift bag and I made my
way upstairs. I found her sitting on the bed, looking around.
I stood by the door just looking at her. She belongs there I thought, right there on my bed. I
walked in and I put everything on the stand next to the bed. I poured the wine and I gave
her her glass. “Drink up” I said, “you gonna need it.” She swallowed hard and drank her wine
and I drank mine. I took the glasses and put them aside. I pulled her up and I kissed her
hungrily and passionately. I groaned when she pulled me close and she discarded my top
and my pants. I loved how hungry she was for me. I took off her dress and her bra and I
nibbled on her ear and neck, then I cupped her breasts and flicked my tongue on them one
by one and played with them. She held my hard dick and stroked it and played with the tip
and then my balls, then she went down on me and sucked me so hard, trying to take all of
me in. It felt so good, and the cherry on top is that it was being done by her. I groaned as I
came in her mouth and she swallowed and licked me up clean. I look at her and I saw the
triumph in her eyes. I put her on the bed and spread her legs wide open. I buried myself in
her pussy, smelling it and teasing it with my tongue. I played around her clit and it started
pulsing and I knew that she was about to come, and then I pulled back. I heard her moan in
frustration, I then tongue fucked her while rubbing on her clit and again I felt her build up, I
pulled back. This time she cried in frustration like a child who was being deprived of their
favourite toy.
Pheli pouting in frustration, “why are you doing this Siviwe, why do you pull back every time
I’m about to come?
I didn’t answer, after all I had bigger plans for her. I kissed her lips, she didn’t want to
respond because of her frustrations. I bit her bottom lip a bit and she gasped and that when
I shoved my tongue in and deepened the kiss… I slowly positioned myself to enter her. Yes, I
slowly went in her without no rubber, Shit!!! I could feel all the folds in her pussy hugging
my dick as I deepened in her, that on its’ own got me close to bursting because she is so
fucken tight. I stilled in her and I looked deep in her eyes. This was it, my comfort zone, my
home, my paradise. I saw love in her eyes and trust. I began moving slowly and passionately
She tilted her head back as I kissed her neck and then I went to her ear and whispered “do
you trust me” she slowly nodded her head. “I want to hear you say it.”
Pheli: “I trust you”.
I went into her deeper and harder, while kissing her. I could feel that she was about to come
and I was close too and I pulled back.
Pheli shouted in frustration, “that’s it if you don’t want me to cum and just enjoy torturing
me, then let’s just stop this right now”

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I again didn’t answer her, I just flipped her over doggy style position. Her upper body down
and her ass up in the air. “stay like this” I said and went to get my gift bag. I took out the
lubricant and I massaged it on her butt, I licked my tongue as I was doing so. I put some in
her butt hole and I lubricated it inside with my pinkie finger, she gasped and I entered her
pussy hole and I thrust in her slowly and deeper, I kept playing in her butt hole with my
finger, then I took out the small vibrating anal beads from the gift bag and I switched them
on and I put lubricant on them, with my dick still hard in her pussy, then I put the beads in
her butt and she moaned loudly,
Pheli: “oh gosh that feels so fucken good!!!
I smirked because I’ve never heard her cuss before. I spanked both of her butt cheeks and
she screamed. I rubbed both of her butt cheeks and I spanked her again and she screamed
Pheli: “Siviwe, I need the bathroom, I’m about to pee on myself”
I ignored her, and I spanked her again and she cried out from pleasure. She was
experiencing vibrations in her ass, a dick in her pussy and me spanking her…… She did say
she wants to cum right, I’m granting her her wish. I began rubbing her butt cheeks
Pheli: “Oh God I’m about to pee” and just like that I felt heavy wetness and pressure on my
dick, then I pulled back. She squirted, like heavily so. After she was done I put my dick back
in her and I fucked her long and hard. I felt her pussy muscles vibrate and she moaned
calling my name, as she climaxed. I fucked her through her climax and I groaned and roared
while slamming in her as I let out my own release… After I composed myself, I pulled out,
then I removed the beads from her butt hole, and I went to the bathroom, cleaned myself,
washed the beads and got a wet cloth and went to clean her up. Shame, she was finished. I
felt pride for a job well done. I pecked her lips. “Are you ok?” I asked her. She smiled
through her exhaustion “I’m super fantastic” she replied. I laughed and then picked her up
and put her on the lounger in my room. I changed the bedding, put her in bed and I lay next
to her. We were facing each other and she looked at me and I looked at her. Before I could
stop my mouth I heard myself say “I love you” and she replied, “I love you too.……..

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The next day I woke up, my head felt heavy and I tried to move, then I felt strong arms
pulling me closer. I looked around the room then the events of last night came into my
mind. I blushed and I turned to face him. I never thought in my life that a girl like me would
find myself being in the company of a man like him, let alone be in his bed. His eyes were
closed and I stared at that beautiful face and those luscious pink lips.
“Morning beautiful,” he said with his eyes still closed.
“Hey you” I replied with a smile. He came closer and kissed my lips. When he attempted to
deepen the kiss, I pulled back and he opened his grey like eyes. He gave me a questioning
look and I said, “morning breathe” he chuckled and then I sat up and got out of the bed and
I went to the bathroom. I went to pee and my vjayjay was burning like hell, then I washed
my face. There was a new toothbrush by the sink, and so I brushed my teeth. I didn’t feel
too good though, I guess I had a hangover. I need to get tablets for this pounding headache.
I decided to take a bath and after bathing, I grabbed a towel and I made my way to the
bedroom. I found the bed made and he was walking around nude. I swear, if it wasn’t for my
painful vagina and the headache I would have seduced him into shagging me.
He looked at me while I was lost in thought looking at him.
Siviwe: “are you ok.”
“I have a massive headache and my pussy hurts,” I answered.
Siviwe: “I’m sorry about that, I might have gotten a lil carried away.”
“Trust me, I’m not complaining, I enjoyed the experience very much, I’m just irritated by this
headache and nausea feeling. I know it’s because of those tequila shots. You see vodka and
tequila are not my friends. My best friends are gin and red wine,” I said.
Siviwe: “I’ll bear that in mind, next time we play.” When he said that his dick hardened.
Me: “Haai Siviwe, my pussy hurts.
Siviwe: “I didn’t do anything. It’s got a mind of its own. Let me go take a shower and then
we’ll go to the chemist to get you something for that headache and we need to get morning
after pills.”
Me: “oh, I forgot about that. While you at it, we need to go get tested.”
He playfully smacked my bum, “What? does it sound better when you say it? You bit my
head off when I suggested the very same thing. Let me go shower, before I have my way
with you for being so stubborn.” He winked at me and then he walked away and I went to
get dressed.
We went to the chemist and bought the pills and I just took them at the chemist. Then we
went and had breakfast at wimpy. He decided we going to skip work for the next two days
and just work from home. We went to the doctor to get tested. While we were waiting at
the reception area he said, “you do realise at the club we get tested quarterly right?”

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“Yeah, I know Dr Wesley did explain that to me. He said I will get a reminder via sms,” I
Siviwe: “while we are here, I think you should go on contraceptives”
Me: “wait what? I will do no such thing Siviwe. The last thing I need right now is another
man dictating my life.”
Siviwe: “wow, slow down. I just think it’s best for us because of what happened last night
and in the early hours.”
Me: “No Siviwe, you slow down. You and I will still carry on using condoms. Look, I really
enjoy every moment with you and I am into you but everything is happening too fast for me.
I just come out of a relationship and I am not ready to be in one right now. Can’t we just
enjoy each other without the complications?
Siviwe eyes became glossy and he said “is that what you really want Pheli?
I answered swallowing the lump in my throat, “Yes, I want us to enjoy each other without
the complications.”
Siviwe looked upset and saddened: “how will that work ha? you want us to fuck with no
strings attached? Will it sit well with you when you see me with someone else?”
Me: “I still want to be with you and sleep with you, but I also think we should explore being
with other people as well. You’ve lived and explored Siviwe. I just want to do the same.”
Before he could respond, we were called in. We did the test and we both came out
negative. The drive home was quite tense. When we got home, I went straight to bed. I was
tired from the events of last night. Before I drifted into sleep, I was overcome by panic and I
was overcome by regret of, what did I just do.

Siviwe POV
While Pheli was asleep, I went down to the beach and took a stroll there. I sat down broken
and hurt. My mind kept saying “you see, I warned you about this love business. You just
couldn’t keep your mouth shut, now you scared the poor girl away. What were you
thinking? Do you think she will take you seriously considering how you met? Then an inner
voice deep within said, don’t listen to your mind. Just be patient with her and talk to her.
She loves you, she told you that herself. And that on its own is greater than your doubts. I
sat there until the sun set, I only went back to the house when I felt the cold breeze.
When I got to the house I prepared a light meal for the both of us. I went to the bar and
grabbed a bottle of vodka. I drank it because I wanted to numb this feeling that has taken
over my heart. I thought about calling Romeo, because I really didn’t know what to do, then
I thought against it because I didn’t want him to see me as being weak. The difference
between Romeo and I is that he’s vocal about his feelings and I choose to keep mine inside,
after all I’m a man and as a man in the African culture you may not show your weakness and

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vulnerability. We don’t have room for that. Then I just thought of calling Sean, because Sean
is crazy and lives in the fast lane and I know he will say something stupid that will crack me
up…... Dammit, his phone is on voicemail. Let me do some work, and get my mind off things
that I have no control over.

Phelis POV
I woke up and went to freshen up than I went downstairs. I found Siviwe drinking and
staring at his laptop screen. I stood there staring at him and he looked up and said, “oh, you
are awake. I prepared something light. Your plate is in the microwave.”
“Thank you,” I responded. I warmed the food up and I ate in silence looking at him and he
was just concentrating on whatever he was doing. “why would he want someone like me? I
mean I’m thick, I have stretchmarks here and there, and he’s surrounded by beautiful
women who are flawless and they throw themselves at him. Why me? What is he playing at,
I thought to myself. This is all too good to be true. For all you know, I could be the flavour of
the month.
Me: “Siviwe” he looked at me. “I think its best that tomorrow I move to the hotel.” He just
looked at me without saying a word for a while, then he went back to what he was doing.
After a while he said “take one of the cars, so that you are at least mobile.”
Me: “ok.” I then washed the dishes and I took my laptop, and also got some work done.
After a while, he took my hand and pulled me to the cinema room. “Come, lets enjoy our
last night together watching movies and eating junk.” I packed my things away without
protesting and we watched two movies that were playing on DSTV, the one was called the
‘Adjustment Bureau’ and the other was ‘If Only’. Those movies made me think long and
hard. Am I sure if this is what I truly want? He looked at me and pulled me into a cuddle and
he kissed my forehead.
Siviwe: “I’m going to sleep now. I’m a bit tired. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’ll see you on
Friday at the site. Take care.” Then he stood up and walked away. I switched of the tv and
lights and I went to sleep as well. That night I slept, but I was very restless.
The next morning, I packed everything of mine, bathed, got dressed then took the jaguar
keys and I left to the hotel. While driving, I made a mental note to go see Laura today…

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Siviwes POV
The house felt so empty and big without Pheli. The decision she took is best for the both of
us. My life makes more sense when I have casual sex without complications anyway. I went
to my office here in Cape Town and I spent a day finalising other deals and projects. Then it
dawned on me that I’ve been so consumed in Pheli that I didn’t bring her and introduce her
to our team here in Cape Town. I sent her a message with the address of the office and I
told her to come here tomorrow morning. At around 18:00, my phone rang and I answered
it without looking. “Hello”
Khensani: Hi Siviwe, how you doing?
Me: Hey Khensani, I’m good thanks and you?
Khensani: I’m fine thanks, I was at the site yesterday and today. I didn’t see you guys on
both days, and I was wondering if everything is ok?
Me: We don’t work on sites Khensani, we have juniors for that. Not that it’s any of your
business, but we are busy at our branch here.
Khensani: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it must have sounded. I was just checking up on
you guys. Anyway goodnight.
Me: “Wait, where are you?”
Khensani: I’m in my suite.
Me: “Ok, order something to eat for the both of us, I’m coming over.”
Khensani got excited: “really”
Me: “yeah, and Khensani whatever happens remember no strings attached.”
Khensani: “I understand.”
Me: “Good, I’ll see you soon.” Then I hung up.
I locked up, got into my car and drove to my place. I took a shower and got dressed and
then drove to the hotel. When I was in the elevator, I remembered what happened to me
the last time I was here. I reminded myself to get a grip.
I knocked on her door and Khensani opened it and was just wearing a robe.
“Come in and have some wine so long while I quickly get dressed,” she said while walking
I quickly grabbed her and pinned her against the wall, she gasped and I looked into her eyes
and I kissed her. We deepened the kiss and she moaned in my mouth, and I grabbed her ass
and lifted her up. She had her legs wrapped around me. With my one hand, I took out a
condom, unzipped and dropped my pants then placed the condom on my dick and she
rolled it down my shaft. I entered her slowly and she moaned loud and I pounded in her
deeper and faster. A month ago she would have been a good fuck, but my mind wasn’t here.

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I just wanted to release all this tension I was feeling within. I released before she did.
Actually at this point I didn’t care about pleasing her, it was all about me. After my release I
pulled out and she dropped her legs. I could see the disappointment in her face. Yep, I know
after this she might label me as a ‘disappointment fuck’, I actually didn’t care about how she
viewed me. I got dressed and went to her bathroom to clean myself up and to wash my
hands. I was consumed by guilt and yet I questioned myself what exactly am I feeling guilty
for. She did say she wants us to see other people. Khensani and i had our meal in awkward
silence, I could see the pain in Khensanis’ eyes and I just decided that fuck it, I’m not this guy
who does hit and runs, and make women feel like shit. After eating she took the plates to
the kitchen and I stood up and I stood in front of her, picked her up and put her on the
table. I kissed her then the kiss intensified, I lowered my hand and I played around her pussy
and rubbed her gently, she moaned and I put my finger in her while rubbing my thumb on
her clit. Her breathing patterns deepened, I kissed her neck and then took off her robe and I
kissed and sucked her tits. I felt her muscles tightening up on my finger and the screamed
when she came. As much as I was turned on, I really wasn’t in the mood. I kissed her, then
went to wash my hands and she went to get dressed.
“I have to go,” I said in a low voice. She nodded and she walked me out. Everything was just
awkward. When we reached my car, I gave her a hug and pecked her lips.
“I had a great time” I lied.
“me too” she lied back. When I turned to open the door of my car, something told me to
look up and I did. My eyes locked with Phelis’, who was at a distance looking at us. She
stood there frozen and I frowned and got into my car, waved at Khensani and drove off
without even looking at her….

Phelis’ POV
After leaving Siviwe’s place I went to the hotel to check in. I left my bags in my suite and I
went to the hotel restaurant for some breakfast. I took a drive and went to Robben Island
and then after I went to Table Mountain. I had my late lunch there and I went to see Laura. I
must say she was not what I had expected. Laura was an african beautiful, middle age, classy
looking woman.
Laura smiled and said “I’m not what you expected ne.”
I smiled too, “not at all”, and we both burst into laughter.
“Welcome to my home Alupheli, I’ll make sure when you leave next weekend you will leave
a very confident woman, so what made you want to explore this type of pleasure? I mean
many African women shy away from exploring their sexual fantasies and desires. We are
killed by this stigma of ‘what will people think or society will see me as a promiscuous
woman. ‘We wait for the man to initiate and take control in sex.”
I sighed and explained to her “In truth, I’ve always shyed away when it comes to sex. I’ve
always been insecure about my weight and body. My previous partner used to crush my
spirit when it comes to my weight. What I don’t understand is, I’ve never been a thin

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woman. When he met me I was already thick, but he wanted to change me and make me
something I’m not and that eventually made me lose interest in the actual act, until
Laura raised her one brow “Go on”.
Me: “Well, I recently met a guy. His name is Siviwe,” I smiled at the thought of him. “He
extremely attractive, and every girls’ dream. He makes me feel so attractive and confident,
just from his gaze. It’s like when I’m in a room full of people, he sees no one but me.” I
sighed. “I messed up Laura, I drove him away. He said he’s not the relationship type and I
said I’m not ready for a relationship. The truth is, I have fallen for him deeply, and fear that
he will soon get tired of me and leave me because he will eventually think, I’m not good
enough for him.”
Laura smile, “I know Siviwe very well, and guess what he probably has the same insecurities
you have. Siviwe is not the type of man that has a wondering eye. Best believe that if you
have his attention, he sees something in you that you don’t see in yourself.” Many people
lose their soul mates because they left many things unsaid, and lacked to communicate.”
Talk to Siviwe openly and have a heart to heart with him. He’s a very mature man, trust me
you won’t regret it.”
After our heart to heart with Laura, I realised how sometimes it’s easier to open up to a
stranger without the fear of being judged. Laura also opened up to me and then my lessons
with her started. We cooked later after the lessons and had a delightful meal. Lets’ just say,
this is where my friendship with her started.
Around half 8, I drove back to the hotel and I was thinking of everything Laura has said.
What will I say to Siviwe, after everything I said yesterday. What if he’s changed his mind
about me? While asking myself all these questions, I arrived at the hotel and smelled the
seatbelt that smelled of his cologne. I sat a bit and got out of the car and I locked it. I then
looked up and my throat became dry instantly. I stopped and stared as he hugged and
kissed Khensani, then he said something to her and she responded looking down. Then he
turned to get into his car, then he looked up and saw me. I felt the lump in my throat when
he got into his car and drove off without even looking at me. The tears automatically flowed
down my face. I stood there waiting for Khensani to leave so that I can get back to my suite.
When I got into my suite. I broke down and cried. I was filled with regret. Does this mean
Siviwe has moved on and has decided to forget about me? What hurt the most was him
driving away without looking at me. I threw myself on the bed and I cried myself to sleep….
The following morning, I was woken up by my alarm clock. I got out of bed, took a shower
and got dressed. I tried to hide the bags under my eyes with make-up, then I took my bag
and keys and went to have breakfast at the hotel restaurant. I had my breakfast and then I
drove to work as per Siviwe’s instructions yesterday.

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I got to the parking lot and I got out. Already there were people looking at me and talking
amongst themselves. I sighed and walked in the building and greeted everyone I came
across. I told the receptionist who I was, and she escorted me to Siviwes’ office and left me
at the door. Before entering his office, I took a deep breath and walked in. He was standing
by the window, with his hands in his pockets looking outside.
“Good morning Sir,” I said.
He looked down before turning around. “Good morning Miss Hlubi”. I looked in his eyes
and my heart ached. It looked like he has aged within a day. He looked tired, and sad. He
didn’t have that glow in his eyes that I’m used to.
I sighed and looked down. I hate seeing him like this. “I need to introduce you to the team
here in Cape Town.” We are meeting them in the boardroom at 9. While in Cape Town, you
and I will share an office and if you are working this side and I’m not here, then this will be
your office. I’m about to order breakfast, Would you like anything?”
Me: “No thank you, I’ll just have some water and a fruit salad later.”
Siviwe: “ok”
Then I sat and got going with my work. I could feel his eyes on me, but I acted like I didn’t
notice. At 9’ o clock we went to the boardroom and he introduced me to the team, then we
went to the office and got on with our work in awkward silence. At lunch time my fruit salad
came with his steak and Veggies. I don’t even know when he ordered the food but I was
grateful. I looked at him when he was on a call and I realised how in love I am with him, and
that I cannot live without him. Yes, you heard me right. I decided that I will take Lauras’
advice but this was not the platform to raise this issue…... By the time we knocked off, I was
exhausted. It was a Friday afternoon, so I packed my stuff because I was rushing to my
appointment with Laura.
I stood up and said my goodbye, then went to meet up with Laura. After my lesson with
Laura I went to my suite and took a long bath while sipping on wine. I got horny instantly
while thinking of him. I began to touch myself. I masturbated so hard with the thought of
Siviwe going through my mind. The feeling got so intense that I ended up exploding from
the climax. I decided fuck it, I want to be with Siviwe tonight. I got out of the bath and put
on some lotion. I wore my black lace bra and matching underwear. I wore a maxi dress and a
bit of make-up and I had another glass of wine and I went to the car and drove to Clifton.
When I got to his house, the music was playing and I knocked on the door. There was no
response. I knocked and knocked until eventually I used the keys that I have, and I walked
into the house and I couldn’t find him in the rooms downstairs. I went upstairs to the
bedrooms, and he wasn’t there as well. He was playing soulful tracks. I checked the cinema
room, he wasn’t there and I made my way to the gym down by the basement.
He was there topless and doing push ups and he was full of sweat. He didn’t see me because
I was standing by the door drooling over him. His gym has mirrors everywhere. He stood up
and he went to the weight bench. He laid back on the bench with his feet planted on the

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floor, and he began lifting up the weights. I slowly made my way to him and I straddled him
while standing. He looked at me, put the weight bar back and he adjusted the weight bench
so he can be in a sitting position. His head was parallel to my pussy. He looked up and I
looked down at him. We stared at each other. So much was said but no words were spoken.
He stood up without removing his eyes from mine. He put his hands on the side of my hips
and he slowly lifted my dress up and he removed it. He sat down and took off my underwear
slowly. All this is happening with our eyes locked on each other. He separated my legs
further and he rubbed his finger gently on my slit while his thumb was rubbing my clit. I
opened up my mouth and I couldn’t make a sound. He lifted my one leg up and placed it on
his shoulder and he devoured my pussy and clit. I came so hard and he licked me up and
when he was about to stand I quickly sat on him straddling him and I stared at his grey
intense eyes, that I have grown to love. I placed my hand in his sweat pants and I took out
his hard, thick, long dick and I played with it and appreciated its fullness. I then moved up a
bit and I guided it to my entrance. I slowly sat on him enjoying as his dick was opening me
up, feeling it pushing through my layers and I gasped while he bit his lower lip. I began
grinding on him slowly and moving around in circles. What made this a breath-taking
moment was that neither one of us was making a sound, we were just looking into each
other’s eyes and his were burning with desire and so full of love. I began going up and down
and I started to increase my pace. My tears flowed from my eyes. I felt naked and
transparent to him, I didn’t care all I know is, I love this man and he’s become the biggest
part of me and I don’t want to live without him……

Siviwes POV
This moment right here, right now completed me. I felt full, body mind and soul. I saw the
fear, pain and love in her eyes as her tears kept flowing down. Then she repeatedly said in
her low voice, “I’m sorry”. As she kept repeating that, I felt a lump on my throat and I felt a
tear flow down my cheek. In that moment we both came at the same time and after our
bodies stilled. We embraced each other in a long hug, she had her face buried in my neck.
“I’m sorry too” I responded.
After a while I picked her up and we showered together in the gyms’ bathroom we wrapped
ourselves in towels and we made our way to the kitchen and cooked over light
conversation. It was getting chilly, so I went to my bedroom to get us sweaters and blankets.
We planned on chilling by the fire place. Moments later she got in, but looked very nervous.
“Can we talk?” she said while sitting down on the bed.
“Sure,” I replied.

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Pheli:” Ummm, there is no easier way to say this, so here it goes. Siviwe, I know what I said
two days ago. The truth is, I am so into you and it scares me. All I know is, every time I’m
with you I feel content, and when you are not with me I miss you a lot. You said you don’t
do relationships and so I thought to myself what will happen to me when you get tired of
me. I don’t think I can go through that kind of pain. What I am saying to you Siviwe is, I don’t
want a relationship that’s just based on sex with you. The more we get intimate, the more I
want you. I want us to have some form of a relationship or nothing. If you can’t give me
that, I’ll understand but there will be no more sex between us.
Me: “what exactly are you saying Pheli?”
Pheli: “I want us to be in an open relationship, where you and I are boyfriend and girlfriend
and do things that couples do together, but we can still be with other people but only at the
club through mutual agreement. You won’t be allowed to go to the club without me and I
won’t be allowed to go there without you. You won’t be allowed to entertain other women
anywhere else but at the club and same goes for me. That’s the compromise I’m willing to
make because I too want to experiment.”
I chuckled because I could not believe all that came from Phelis’ mouth. “Ok, we can give
that arrangement a shot if you are absolutely sure it’s what you want, under two condition
though. You have to move in with me.”
Phelis’jaw dropped and her eyes popped out.
Me: “Take it or leave it, that’s one of my condition. The other is if I feel like this arrangement
needs to be reviewed and changed, you will agree to that change. We are doing this your
way for now, later we going to do it my way.”
“Ok, I will move in with you,” she replied.
Inside I was jumping up and down, but I played it cool. “Great stuff. My house has just been
completed, and it needs the interior design. That will be your department, to make our
house homely.”
Pheli “Where are we moving to?”
“Pretoria East, I’ll send you all the details,” I replied.
“So,” I said getting on top of her and taking off her towel, kissing her neck and breasts.
“How about we celebrate our unique relationship on a high note.”
Pheli opened her legs wider and she took of my towel and grabbed my ass and pulled me to
her. “What did you have in mind,” she said

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“I was thinking that we should have sex in every room of this house before we leave next
Friday,” I said while I entered her slowly.
“Mmmm, that can certainly be done,” she said in a husky tone and then we exchanged a
long kiss…..

We spent the weekend indoors just making out and getting to know each other. She’s been
wearing my clothes because I just couldn’t let her go. Aah man, I’m whipped. So on Sunday
we drove to the hotel to fetch her clothes. I had my hand around her waist and we were
laughing and chatting away when we bumped into Khensani
Khensani: “Well well well, isn’t this cosy”
I frowned and looked at Pheli “babe, can you please give us a moment” then I kissed her
Pheli: “You’ll find me in the suite,” she said walking away.
Khensani smirked sarcastically looking at me, “babe ha.”
Me: “Khensani what exactly is your problem?”
Khensani: “I can’t believe you prefer all of that over this. A successful business man like
yourself should have a strong, attractive woman by your side. Just imagine being seen
around with her by your side. It’s embarrassing and degrading.”
Me: “The only thing embarrassing and degrading “thing” here is you. You see this right here,
exactly what you said is the reason I’m with her and not you. She’s beautiful inside and out
and doesn’t need a man to complete her so that she can feel good about herself. You are
beautiful no doubt, but shallow. Tell me something, with all your good looks and money
why are you still single?
Khensani: “Aag please, the only reason you with her is because of your low self-esteem. I
don’t blame you though, with a dick game as disappointing as yours you should settle for
the likes of that. Only real men can handle all of this...
I chuckled: Real men prefer SUVs for long lasting comfort especially when you are planning
on going on a long distance. We use attractive small fast cars to brag to our mates and when
we want to reach our destinations quickly. Anyway, stay lonely and petty. My woman is
waiting for me,” and I walked away.
I got to Phelis’ suite and she was finished packing.
Pheli: “Is everything alright?” she asked looking at me.
“Everything is just perfect,” I said while cupping her face and kissing her and she giggled.
Me: “Let’s get out of here” ………

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The rest of the week was good. Pheli kept going to some art classes every afternoon. When I
wanted to attend them with her, she said I’ll join her at the Centurion branch. I just want to
be introduced to her world so that I can understand her better. It was Friday and we were
now in our flight back to Joburg.
Pheli: “You said we are moving to Pretoria East. Where are you staying now?”
“I live in my father’s house in Parkhurst. I inherited it after he died, being the only child and
all. I just want something that is planned and designed by me and will belong to me. I will be
renting out my fathers’ house for the meantime, “I replied.
Pheli: “You never talk about yourself and your past much. Why is that?”
I shifted uncomfortably, “other things are best left in the past where they are dead and

Phelis POV
When Siviwe said that, I saw the pain on his face that was so deep. I didn’t want to probe, so
I told myself he’ll let me in when he’s ready. We arrived at the airport and John was already
there waiting for us and he greeted us. Ok, let me describe John quickly. When someone
mentions the word driver, you automatically imagine a man in a suit right… Well Siviwes’
driver is the muscle shirt, jeans and timberland boots and long dreadlocks kind of guy. Also
attractive and well-toned. When they are standing together you would think they are great
buddies, because they fist bump and shoulder bump. He was driving the Jeep wrangler
John: “Dude, Romeo said I should drop you off at his place. He has something very
important he wants to discuss with you.”
Me: “Speaking about meetings, babe (John gave me a surprised look in the rear view mirror
when I said that) I also have to meet up with Yaya. She has something she wants to tell me
and I promised her I’ll see her when I get back. In fact, let me call her to tell her I’m around,”
I said taking out my phone.
Siviwe: “So I’m spending my night without you,” he said giving me puppy eyes.
Me: “Hao love, I’m moving in with you on Monday, just enjoy these few days to yourself.”
John chuckled and shook his head.
“What are you laughing at? ”Siviwe playfully asked John.
John: “I never thought I will live to see this day, you Siviwe cohabiting.
Siviwe: “what can I say bro, she got under my skin”
John: “clearly”. Then they laughed out loud.
I shook my head and dialled Yayas’ number.

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Yaya: “Hi Friendo, I miss you so much man.”
Me: “Mxm, who are you lying to.”
Yaya: “I’m serious chomam, when are you coming back kanti?”
Me: “I’m around my love, just landed.”
Yaya: “Oh Good, perfect timing. I’m going to send you an address. Please come and meet
me there. There’s someone I would like for you to meet.”
Me: “seriously choms” you finally have a boyfriend.” I asked excitedly.
Yaya: “Mxm, uyabora shem. Just get your ass here.”
I laughed out loud. “See you just now.” Then I hung up. Then an sms came through with the
directions. I looked at Siviwe.
“Lover, can you please drop me off at this address (I gave them the address.)
Siviwe and John both looked at me looking all shocked.
Siviwe smiling: “Oh shit”
John: “Oh snap”
I looked at them both. “Am I missing something here”
Siviwe: “Yeah, the address you just called out. That’s Romeos house.”
I looked at him with my eyes popping out “as in in your best friend Romeo?”
Siviwe with a mischievous smile “Yep. Oh this is going to be interesting”
John: “Tell me about it, you don’t have to say that twice”
When we got to Romeos place indeed Yaya was with him. They were all cosy and giggling on
the sofa.
Me: Hee Yaya, uyajola? I said laughing and clapping once.
Yaya: Pheli, you are boring shem.
John looking at Yaya: “Don’t let her get to you. She has news of her own”
I gave John a dead stare and Siviwe and Romeo chuckled. Yaya looked at us looking lost.
Romeo looking at Yaya: “baby, these are my friends, Siviwe and John. Gents this is my
woman Ayanda.” They both shook Ayandas’ hand.
Siviwe: “It’s good to officially meet you. We have heard a lot about you.”
Romeo blushed looking down: “You just had to bro” Siviwe and John laughed.

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“Well gents since we are busy with Introductions. This is Alupheli, and she’s officially my
woman,” said Siviwe and I immediately blushed and looked at Yaya who was jumping up
and down. Eish, this one is crazy I tell you. The guys were cheering loud and whistling.
Romeo was a lil emotional shoulder bumping with Siviwe: “ Svig, after all this years, you
don’t know how proud I am of you man. This was long overdue.”
Siviwe getting emotional too: “Thank you man. I didn’t plan on it man, but the heart wants
what it wants.” He said that looking at me.
I got a little emotional, because I realised something emotionally deep and painful must
have happened in Siviwe’s life for his friend to be so emotional about him dating.
John: “enough with all the emotions, I’m hungry and I need a drink.”
We all laughed, then Romeo led the way to the dinner table. We had dinner over light
conversation and drinks…. We were all going to spend the night at Romeos. We played
board games and stuff. It was truly a beautiful evening. Then Romeo called Yaya, and they
stood up with their hands wrapped around each other.
Romeo: “Guys, we have something to tell you.”
Ayanda: “we are getting married” the rest of us, our jaws dropped……..

I was now alone with Yaya sitting in the bedroom that Siviwe and I will be occupying tonight.
I was looking at her still stunned by their announcement. Bear in mind that I am supposedly
Yayas’ best friend and I didn’t even know that she had a boyfriend….
Yaya: “Pheli, please say something”
“Honestly, what do you expect me to say except congratulations,” I said shrugging my
Yaya: “Come on my friend, don’t be like that. Please let me explain.”
I looked at her waiting for her to continue.
Yaya: “Romeo and I met three years ago at Club Pluto. When we met we immediately hit it
off. We would share a drink and later go and do the deed. As time went on, he became my
regular fuck, and I would get jealous when I saw him with other women. Somehow, he
noticed this and he didn’t say anything to me. Sometime time later I met him at the Kitchen
Bar in Fourways, and he asked for my number and because I liked him, I gave it to him. He
never called. Then we met again at Club Pluto and he saw me with a guy and we were going
to the orgy room. He immediately stopped me and he took me to the seduction room that’s
when he asked if that him and I be in an exclusive relationship when we are at the club. So I
agreed. He ended up calling me and asking to see me outside the club and we would go out
on dates and stuff. So, because of how him and I met and our arrangement. I didn’t know
how to label what him and I have, because it confused me as well because I didn’t know
where exactly I stood with him. So, him and I have been having this unlabelled relationship

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for two and a half years, and I was comfortable with that at the time because neither one of
us had the courage to sit down and ask what him and I are to each other exactly. The day
when you and I were at Centurion Chisa Nyama, he sent me a text that I should please come
by his place later and that we had something we needed to discuss. So when I got to his
place, that’s when we formally labelled ourselves as a couple. After that, he took me to his
Parents place so that I could meet his family and that’s where he popped the question, and I
said yes because I love him. I feel if I want to explore and experience this marriage thing, I
want it to be with him. I know, I should have told you about him but I was ashamed. I mean
you were in a stable relationship and I didn’t know how to define mine. I mean if I had to
introduce him to you, what was I going to introduce him as when I myself was afraid to label
it. I’m sorry my friend, please forgive me for not letting you in on this whole thing.
Me: “Knowing you and the fear you had when it comes to relationships, I kind of understand
where you are coming from. But my friend, are you sure about this? Are you ready to be
She looked at me and smiled, “I’m very sure my friend you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll
be in good hands.
“in that case, then I’m happy for you my friend,” I said standing up and giving her a tight
“So, You and Siviwe haa. My friend, you are officially a slut. You are sleeping with the boss,”
She said and we were both laughing hard.
“I guess I am hey and to put the cherry on the cake, I am moving in with him so I’ll be
working overtime in the office and out,” and we laughed out loud.
Yaya: “Wow, my friend that is big. So you guys are in a serious relationship.”
Me: “I wouldn’t say that, it’s part of the agreement that him and I have.”
Yaya: “Oh, and what agreement is that?”
Me: “That him and I be in an exclusive relationship and we are only allowed to sleep with
other people only at the club.” She looked at me with her eyes popping out”
Yaya: “WOW!!!! Whose idea was that???”
Me: “Mine,” I said looking down.
Yaya: “YOU DID WHAT”, do you realise what you’ve done? Pheli, no offence but you are not
like me. You are too fragile and you easily get hurt. Would you stomach seeing Siviwe
fucking another woman in your presence, or would you feel comfortable to fuck another
man while Siviwe watches. It’s not as easy as you this my friend. Sure, when you are in that
environment and zone you can pull it off but what happens when you guys get home? How
will you face each other? You don’t want that my friend. Please don’t open Pandora’s box.

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I was lying on the bed, thinking about what Yaya has said. The truth is I have deep feelings
for Siviwe. If I didn’t then why did it hurt, seeing him kiss Khensani. I sighed and Siviwe came
in and took off his clothes. I stared at him and drooled as I looked at his body. He looked
back at me and chuckled. “I’ll make you a deal. If you join me in the shower, I’ll let you touch
every part of me that you want,” he said.
I smiled at him, “and what do you want in return.”
Siviwe: “believe me you have given me all I want and you will still give me more when the
time comes.”
Me: “Ok, I’ll come and wash your back.” I stood up and took off my clothes and he watched
me then I turned and made my way to the bathroom and he followed me in the shower. We
were facing each other and I was smearing the body wash on his neck, chest and abs and he
was doing the same to me. and he was gently pinching my nipples. He rinsed his hand and
he cupped my pussy while playing with the slit. I gasped as he split the folds and he made
his way in me with his finger.
Siviwe: “Are you good? You seem a bit distracted.”
“I’m just thinking about the move and the work that comes with that,” I lied. He looked at
me intensely like he didn’t believe me but he didn’t push further. To distract him a bit I
decided to tease him a bit. I stood by the shower and had the water flowing on my back
then I turned him around so that he faces the wall and I rubbed some shower gel on his
back and I moved my hands to his abs and down to his dick. He stretched his hands
backwards and was feeling me up, while I stroked his lengthy thick shaft. I became turned
on instantly. It’s weird how our bodies instantly react to each other’s touch. Everything I do
with him happens naturally. There’s a sense of belonging. My hand couldn’t fit all around his
shaft so I made sure my grip on it was firm and hard and he groaned in appreciation. My
other hand was playing with his balls gently and I was kissing his back. I enjoyed the way I
was hugging him from behind and having the feel of his ass rubbing against my pussy. After
a while I could feel that his close to coming and I let go, “fuck” he mumbled, I took his hand
and pulled him to the shower bench and I sat down facing him. He bit his lower lip as he
scanned my open legs. Before he starts getting ideas of his own, I pull him towards me and
rubbed some shower gel in between my breasts. I started rubbing myself and he came
closer and bent his knees a bit while I sandwiched his dick in between my breasts. “Shit,” he
groaned. “This feels so fucken good.” While he was fucking my breasts I was licking and
pulling on his tip. I enjoyed how he tasted. “Damn Pheli, I’m gonna cum” he groaned. “Cum
for me baby,” I said. He pulled my shoulders towards him and I tightened the grip on my tits
around his shaft… “Ohhhhh babe!!!” he groaned as he came on my chest and I let go of my
breasts and I sucked him dry. At this moment his eyes were closed. He opened his one eye,
looked at me, closed it and smiled. When he was back to his senses he pulled me up and
smashed his lips on mine after a while he pulled back and grinned at me. “Baby, where have
you been all my life.” I laughed out loud and he pulled me and pinned me against the wall.
“Don’t even think about it, let me enjoy my proud moment. This was about you, no sex
tonight.” He looked at me like I was crazy. “I mean it, you said I can do to you what I

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wanted. So suck it up.” He gave me a naughty grin, “believe me that’s exactly what I want
to do.” I smacked him playfully. “Let’s quickly shower and get out of here. The water is quite
cold,” I said.
We finished showering, put lotion on each other and got into bed. He was holding me from
the back and I could feel his stiffness rubbing on my butt. I wanted him so badly but I was
trying to have a bit of control. Then out of the blue we heard Yaya screaming.
“YES, YES, YES,” and Romeo was groaning and roaring. Siviwe and I looked at each other and
burst into laughter.
“That’s it, There’s no way I’m not getting some,” I giggled and he got on top of me. We
kissed and made slow passionate love…….
The next morning, we were all having breakfast. John kept looking at us one by one.
“and then??” said Romeo looking at John.
John: “remind me not to stay over when your women are around. Damn, the one room
there was screaming and the headboard was hitting the wall, in the other room there was a
lot of murmuring and I had to be the sad lonely bastard occupying the room in between.”
I looked down embarrassed and the rest just laughed at him.
Siviwe: “you should bring someone as well, then we can all create a melody.” They carried
on with their laughter while I smiled and looked at Siviwe and I just shook my head.
Romeo: “so how about we chill and have a mini party today, and John will fetch his person
and we call Sean to come thru.”
Siviwe: “Not today Homs, Pheli and I are moving so we need to make arrangement for the
move and plus she has to arrange the furniture for the house. When we have settled, we
can have that mini party at our place.”
Yaya: “OOOOH my friend, I’m going with you shopping. This is going to be so much fun.” My
friend though, I love her bubbly personality.
“Sure, we’ll go tomorrow and Monday,” I said looking at Siviwe.
He smirked “It’s nice dating the boss ne”
Me: “Very, especially when he’s not giving me proper time to make arrangements for this
Siviwe: “we becoming cocky ne”
Me: “It depends, where I have been swallowing”
He laughed out loud and so did the others.

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John: “Ohk, that’s enough you too. Before you end up ripping each other’s clothes because
of your dirty talks.”
Romeo: “You’ve met your match bro”
“Definitely,” he answered looking seductively at me…
On the way to my place, I decided I will have my furniture and stuff stored at the storage
facility and I will take only what I needed. Siviwe decided to leave everything the way it was
at his “fathers place” and he asked John to move live at the house and John was more than
excited to do so, because he apparently loves that house. John was going to rent his place
When we got to my place, they were supposed to drop me off and Siviwe decided to stay
with me. John dropped us off and we spent our day bonding and making out. Later, we
drove in my car to “our” new home. My jaw dropped when I saw the house. It was breath-
taking, it was so me. It had six ensuite bedrooms. The main bedroom was almost the size of
my apartment and it was sound proofed and so was the cinema room. It had underfloor
heating throughout the entire house. The gym had a steam room and next to it a massage
room. There was this room made of wood and fibre glass with a beautiful view of the
extraordinary landscaped garden. I can’t even begin to describe the kitchen, entertainment,
lounge and dining areas. This house was like a dream come true. A whole lot of thought and
details went into designing this house. Outside there was a three-bedroom house. He said
his housekeeper and husband have been with him for many years. Their children have all
grown up, so he wants them to have their privacy and space for when their children come
around. Apparently their children are all boys and the husband is in charge of the garden
and the grounds, but the garden service will come around once in a while to help him
because that garden is extremely big. That’s another factor why I love Siviwe, he’s very
humble, thoughtful and considerate.
“Do you like it?” he asked
“Like? I absolutely love it!” I beamed…...

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Siviwe’s POV

Seeing her glow like that was warming to my heart. Then suddenly her glow turned into a
“what’s wrong?” I asked in concern.
“Siviwe, I’m worried. I mean all of this is too much and everything is happening so fast.
What if I get attached to all of this and we don’t work out? I mean …
“Hey,” I interrupted her. “Don’t even think or worry about that ok. No matter what, we will
make this work. Trust me, I’m not planning on letting you go.”
Pheli: “You promise?”
“I give you my word” and I embraced her in a hug……

While I embraced her in a hug, my phone rang and I looked at it and saw that it was Mr X
(Xavier Wesley) calling and I answered.
Me: “Pops”
Mr X: “Son, where are you I need a favour.”
Me: “At my new place Pops, What’s up”
Mr X: “Have you moved already?”
Me: “Not yet, there are a few things that I needed to check out here before I move.”
Mr X: “Ok, listen there’s a couple going to the club tonight that is from France. They are my
special guests. I’m held up somewhere and I will only be back tomorrow. I need you to go
take care of them. Just make them feel welcomed and comfortable. Show them around and
take them to the swingers’ room.”
Me: “Sure Pops, I’ll take care of it.”
Mr X: “Thanks son, bye”
Me: “Bye”
I hung and looked at Pheli. “Babe, there is something very important I forgot to mention to
you. “My family owns the club and once in while I go there to check things out.” Her eyes
widened in confusion
Pheli: “Family?”

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Me: “Yeah umm, the Wesleys and I own the club. I was adopted by them after my dad died.
Usually Pops and his wife take care of things, so now they are not around and there are
some guests from France that need to be entertained, so I have to go there.”
Pheli: “Oh, ok”
Me: “You know what, I think you should come with me.”
“Now? Look at how I’m dressed, I can’t go there dressed like this.” She said panicking.
Me: “Look love, you look gorgeous, but if you want to change there are outfits we sell there
to meet people’s sexual fantasies. Let me make a recommendation, because of your
innocent looks I suggest you get dressed as a school girl.”
She laughed out loud, “Wow, this is going to be interesting. So, what’s going to happen
tonight? Are we going to play?”
Me: “Well, that is all up to you. Are you ready to play?”
Pheli: “Tell me what the options are first.”
Me: “It’s going to depend on what you are comfortable with. There is the stage
performance, where you are in the nude and you will be riding on the swing and time to
time you’ll open your legs and men will be masturbating over you.” She chuckled shaking
her head. “Then there’s swinging, where we and another couple swop partners and we all
get busy in one room with this one there is a choice between a soft swap which is a term we
use when we swop partners and play around like foreplay and stuff but we don’t go all the
way and a hard swop where we swop partners and we are down for full on sex. Then there’s
the fantasy room where you pick a partner in a crowd at the bar and you tell them what
your fantasy is, if they are down and comfortable with your request, you go fulfil that in the
fantasy room. There’s also the dark room, where each of us has sex with a stranger in the
dark. We will be in one room, but we won’t see each other in the act, only thing you will
hear will be moans. There you will rely on your other senses and touching by making sure
he’s wrapped up in a condom. I suggest you pick one of these first for starters before you
get into the heavy stuff.”
Pheli: “Mmmm, ok how about we watch and observe tonight and then the next time we can
Me: “Are you sure? In order for this to work you have to be completely honest with me. We
will leave the house with a mutual agreement on what we will be doing when we get to the
club and we will stick to that agreement.
Pheli: “That’s fair enough”
I must say I was amused at Phelis’ fascination in this stuff. Call me fucked up, but I enjoy a
woman whose comfortable in exploring her sexual fantasies but only when I’m aware of it
or I am around. If she does shit in secret, I would regard that as cheating.

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Me: “Ok, so we will now drive to Fourways and we will get ready at the main house that’s
situated behind the club. So, we are leaving the house with the agreement that we will only
be observing?”
Pheli: Yes
Me: “Ok, cool stuff. Lets’ go”
We got in her car and we drove to Fourways. When we got to the house I called Esmeralda
at the club to bring a couple of attires for Pheli. I wanted her to choose what she’s
comfortable with and because we were not participating tonight I was going to wear black
pants, black shirt and black shoes. We took a shower together and we got dressed. My oh
my she looked hot in her school uniform that was a red and white plaid miniskirt with a lace
hem and white shirt with a red plaid tie and with white lace thigh highs and black heels. Her
hair was tired up in a neat bun.
“So, how do I look,” she asked.
“absolutely perfect,” I replied. Then we made our way to the club.
It was busy tonight. I left Pheli at the bar and I showed Alexandre Bernas and his wife Maiya
Alexandre: c’est un bel endroit, je vais en profiter ici (It is a beautiful place, I’m going to
enjoy it here. He said shaking my hand.
Me: Merci beaucoup, J’espere que tu as le temps de ta vie (Thank you very much, I hope you
have a time of your life.)
They left and went swinging. I went back to my girl.
Pheli was amused and she said “I must say, this is an interesting life,” and she sipped on her
“I’m only beginning to enjoy it now because I’m sharing it with you,” I said looking at her
Pheli: “Entertain me.”
I chucked, “you said we are only observing tonight, remember?” I said teasing her.
She stood up and turned around slowly.
Pheli: “you mean you gonna let such a beautiful outfit go to waste?”
I bit my bottom lip and I took her hand and led her to the seduction room. I took her in the
private booth and I sat on the chair while she remained standing, took the remote and
scrolled for a song. I played “Miguel-Pussy is mine.”
“Dance for me. Slowly.” I said

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She began swaying her hips and dancing provocatively and biting her lower lip and licking it.
She was touching herself all over lifting up her tiny skirt. She wasn’t wearing underwear,
then she dipped her finger in her cookie and with her other hand she signalled for me to
come to her. I stood up and went to her, then she took her finger out of her cookie and
made me suck on it…… Shit!!! She tastes so fucken good… I pulled her out of the seduction
room, down the passage and we went in the dark room. Already there were people in there
and there were moans and groans all over. I led her to the end corner of the dark room and
made her touch the wall. I unbuckled my belt and zipper, dropped my pants and I entered
her from behind and I groaned…..

Phelis’ POV
Shit!!! Siviwe tastes so fucken good. The atmosphere in here is not doing me any justice.
The cries, moans and groans in here are making me drunk in desire. Just hearing those
moans and cries were enough to make me reach my climax. OH GOSH, and the way Siviwe
was moving in and out of me and tearing up my pussy made me jolt violently into another
orgasm, then he slammed hard into his orgasm. I could feel him breathing heavily. After a
while he pulled out took some wipes and wiped us up. I guess him being an owner and all
he's familiar with this environment. I mean who the fuck finds wipes and stuff in the dark in
a big room with people. He took my hand and we went outside, into the main house and we
went to his room where he fucked me the whole night…….
The next day Siviwe and I went back to the house in Pretoria waiting for the interior
designer. The house is just too big so we decided to include an interior designer who was
going to help me with the furniture and décor. She/he will be running their ideas past me
for each room because honestly there is no way I can do everything in a day. So after a bit of
arguing with Mr Man, we decided we will move in the next Saturday when the house is fully
furnished and so the next day I will be going to work. Our Interior designer Michael arrived
and we brainstormed some ideas and I must say, I was quite impressed with his vision. He
understood exactly what I want and my kind of taste. Mr Man just sat there smiling looking
at us, or rather at me with a sparkle in his eye. The only input he had was that he wants that
room with the fibre glass to be his meditation room. He told Michael exactly how he wants
it to be with a futon and all. Haai, Siviwe is a man of many mysteries’. When we were done
with our meeting with Michael, he took me to the Black Bamboo restaurant and had a
delicious meal. After, we went back to my place and John was already waiting for him. He
kissed me goodbye and left. I was tired from the night before so I took a bath, wore my
pyjamas and got into bed.
My mind drifted into my train of thoughts. I can’t believe so much has happened in a month
and half. I, for one am no longer that shy, timid woman. There is something about having a
man appreciate and see you the way you are, and still embraces you with those flaws by
also being patient with you. Let’s face it, many men have these fantasies they would like to
explore, but instead of communicating with their partners about them, they go and seek
that adventure out there. One thing men also fail to understand is that many women are
sexual creatures and in my opinion I think women love sex more than men. Many women
have wild sexual fantasies, like they would love to use toys and play around with their
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partners but are scared to initiate such. One thing I fail to understand is women who are
scared to tell their partners what they want. If you’ve seen him naked and he’s been inside
you, why is it difficult to tell him he must go down on you, go harder or deeper or that he
must rub your clit while he’s dick is inside you...
The difference between me and these women is that I was exposed to “traditional” sex. I
mean Jabu didn’t care whether I had an orgasm or not hence I didn’t know what that was.
He will always tell me to open up my fat thighs and he will do the deed. I always thought sex
is about satisfying the man, and not a mutual satisfaction. That’s way this whole thing
between Siviwe and I seemed too good to be true. But his eyes say it all, they say I can trust
him. I sighed and I went to sleep.
The next morning, I woke up, made my bed and went to bath and stuff. I wore my gown and
went to make myself a proper breakfast. I smiled as I ate and I realised how happy I was. I
washed my plate and I went to get dressed, then I drove to work.
I parked my car and went to the reception. The atmosphere was more relaxed. The crazy
Bela screamed slightly when she saw me. This girl though.
Bela: “Hi Pheli! Oh my God, look at you, you look great.”
I laughed. “Thank you Bella, you look great too.”
Bela: “So, how was Cape Town?” She came to whisper in my hair “it couldn’t have been easy
ne, everyone felt sorry for you because you had to spend two weeks with the devil himself.”
I laughed out loud as how everyone at work seemed to be so scared of Siviwe whereas he’s
such a soft bear.
Me: “Aah Bela, he wasn’t so bad, as long as the work was done he was happy.”
Bela: “Yah, if you say so. With time you will see what a slave driver he is.”
Me: “We shall see, anyway let me get to my office and get some work done before the slave
driver, drives me out of this place.” I laughed shaking my head.
Bela: “By the way, he’s called a meeting in the meeting room at 11:00 today.”
Me: “Ok, thank you.” Then I went to my office.
My office phone rang and I picked it up
Mr N: “Good morning Miss Hlubi, how are you?”
Me: “I’m good thanks and you sir.”
Mr N: “I’m fantastic, was just checking on you babe. I’ll see you later.”
I blushed “Ok, have a good day, bye”
Mr N: “Bye sweetness” and we hung up.

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We were now in the meeting room and Siviwe gave us an update of our new client in
“Before we all go back to work, I have an announcement to make.” He said with a serious
“I don’t like gossip and I believe in people getting their facts straight. With that being said, I
personally want to inform you all that Miss Hlubi and I are in a relationship. I don’t like to
disclose my person life but I felt this is necessary……………..
At that moment I wished the ground could open up and swallow me now!! Dammit Siviwe!!!

The tension in there you could cut it with a knife. I looked at Bela, her eyes popped out and
she was looking down. I could imagine how she’s feeling, especially after calling Siviwe a
slave driving devil.
Siviwe: “I hope I’ve made myself clear. If you gonna gossip, gossip on facts. Everyone’s
dismissed. Then everybody got up and they went to their designated places. They couldn’t
even look at me. I got up pissed off as hell and a walked briskly to my office. I sat down and
buried my face in my hands. I was shaking from anger and I counted down to calm myself
down. He walked into my office and stood in front of me and I looked at him.
Me: “what the hell was that Siviwe, how could you embarrass me like that. I worked hard to
be here and there you go telling everyone that I’m sleeping with the boss.”
Siviwe: “I know it looks bad. But it had to happen sooner than later. We gonna be living
together, obviously we gonna come to work in one car. Did you want people to speculate
then? Trust me, it was good that it came from me directly than from anyone else. It will
show them that I take you seriously and that you are not some random booty call.”
Me: “You were supposed to have discussed it with me first!!!! This relationship is not yours,
it’s ours. Such decisions we supposed to take them together. My reputation is on the line
here. I’m angry Siviwe and I don’t want to talk to you right now. Please just go, I’ll talk to
you later.
Siviwe: “I know you are angry, but please try see things from my point of view.”
Me: “Did you think to see things from my point of view before announcing to everyone that
you are basically fucking me.”
Siviwe: “Watch your tone!!!! I know you are angry, but watch how you speak to me!! No
matter how angry you are, RESPECT Pheli, RESPECT!” Then he turned and walked out.
I breathed in and out and I went to the bathroom. Shit!! My bloody period has started. Nxa!
I got myself sorted out and continued working. I’m not ready to face anyone after that
announcement. I left the office after everyone had left. I got home and took a bath, wore
my pjs and went and watched movies with a cup of coffee. My phone rang and it was him.

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Me: “Hey”
Siviwe: “Hi love, listen… I’m sorry for making that announcement without consulting you. I
sat here and I put myself in your shoes. Yeah, I’ll also be pissed as hell. I’m sorry ok. Do you
forgive me?”
Me: “because you acknowledged that you were wrong, I forgive you.”
Siviwe: “Thank you love, so what are you up to?”
I sighed, “I’ve started my period and now I’m cooped up on the couch. Speaking about that,
I should go for prevention pills tomorrow.
Siviwe: “Yeah, that’s a good idea. You and I fuck like rabbits. Mmm, me just saying that I just
got a boner.”
I laughed out loud: “down boy” I said naughtily. By the way, you going to pay for that stunt
you pulled today.”
He chuckled: Aw, I did say I’m sorry love. I wish I was there cuddling up with you. I can’t
wait for the weekend.
Me: “it will be worth the wait. Let me go sleep babe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Siviwe: “Ok, goodnight my baby.”
Me: “Goodnight lover”
We hung up and I went to bed and immediately I fell asleep.
The next morning, I got ready and I went to work. When I got there, I greeted Bela.
Bela: “Good morning mam”
Me: “Don’t be like that. I still want you and I to remain friends. Please don’t change how
things are between us. I’m still an employee here, and we can still gossip about that slave
driver,” I laughed.
She smiled nervously: “Ok, I will try be normal.”
Me: “Thanks, have a good day and I walked away.”
Everyone at the office seemed to be minding their business and the day went by quickly. At
14:00, I left the office and I went to the doctor and got my prevention pills. While in the car,
I got a call from Siviwe to meet him at the Crawdaddys’ in Centurion. I got there first and
chose to sit outside and where I was sitting I was facing the parking area. The waiter came
and I ordered my Gin and tonic. While sipping on my drink, I looked up and our eyes locked.
He was walking in with a beautiful woman and my heartbeat increased and immediately the
pain of him leaving me for her began to suffocate me. They seemed to be having a little
argument but when he saw me, he had guilt written all over his face. I could feel my eyes
building up with tears, I closed my eyes to block them from coming out and then suddenly

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the image of Siviwes’ handsome face came into play. I smiled with my eyes still closed and I
began to relax and I opened my eyes. Jabu and his girlfriend were standing by my table.
Jabu: “Hi Pheli, it so good to see you. You looking good and radiant” then his girlfriend
nudged him. “Oh, this is Nobuhle by the way.”
Nobuhle stretched out her hand to greet me, she had this “his mine now bitch” look and I
just looked at her hand and continued drinking and she smirked.
Nobuhle: “Hi Pheli, it’s nice to finally meet you. You see guys like Jabu deserve to be with
women like me and maybe if you lose a bit of weight, you will get a man too.”
Jabu: “NOBUHLE!!!” he reprimanded her.
Nobuhle: “What? It’s the sad truth. Enjoy your miserable life. Jabu, I’m hungry, let’s go.”
Then she went to sit a table away from me.
Jabu was embarrassed and ashamed: “I’m really sorry about everything Pheli” Then he went
to join her at their table.
Believe it or not, I was not even hurt or bothered about what Nobuhle said. Yep, Jabu got
what he deserved alright. I shook my head and smiled silently. I didn’t even bother talking to
them. They are non-factors in my life.
I could hear they silly conversation and comments from my table, I just rolled my eyes and
ordered another drink. A Bentley Continental GT drove in and parked.
Jabu: “Yesus baby, one day is one day. The love I have for this car, Eish.”
Nobuhle: “You are good at what you do baby. You will have it one day.”
While they are busy talking about “one day” out came my man and he locked the car. He
saw me and had this big smile on his face. Shoo, that was one of the proudest moments of
my life. To top it all, Siviwe is attractive and fucken sexy. As he walked in time froze for a
moment. I looked at him with so much hunger and he’s eyes smiled instantly and he bit his
lower lip.
Nobuhle: “Jesus Christ what a man!!”
I didn’t even hear Jabus’ response because I was mesmerized by this man of mine. He came
to me and gave me one hell of a kiss, filled with so much hunger and desire and I moaned
and he pulled out and smiled.
Siviwe: “I missed you.”
Me: “I missed you too. That was one hell of a kiss”
Siviwe: “That’s for drooling and fucking me with your eyes.”
I laughed out loud and he sat down next to me and held my hand. I’m definitely sure that
Jabu and Nobuhle could hear our conversation.

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Siviwe: “Are you ok?”
Me: “I am now.”
Siviwe: “Did you go to the doctor?”
Me: “Yes, I did. I took the pill option because I don’t want to gain more weight or anything
that’s going to interfere with my hormones.”
Siviwe: “Sweetheart, even if you gain weight you’ll still be hot as fuck. I love that booty,
especially when I’m hitting it from the back.”
I blushed and looked down and he smirked kissing my hand. One of the things I love about
Siviwe is that he’s very affectionate and touchy. We placed our orders and I could feel other
eyes on me and I looked up and saw Jabus eyes filled with rage.
In the meantime, on the other table Nobuhle was drooling over Siviwe. She failed to
understand what a man like Siviwe was doing with a woman like Pheli. Jabu on the other
hand, heard the conversation between the two love birds and he was angered by the fact
that Pheli has moved on so fast and that she was already sleeping with another guy. What
enraged him further was how the guy easily speaks about fucking Pheli and hitting it from
the back. The Pheli he knows, shys away from such talk and is not keen in exploring her
sexuality. But seeing her blush and respond to Siviwe’s comments. He couldn’t believe this is
the same Pheli who couldn’t satisfy him in three years and yet she’s satisfying this dude who
drives a Bentley. He could see from their body language, that these two have heated sex.
This left him questioning himself why Pheli was never like that with him, he was absolutely
Siviwe looked at where Pheli’s eyes trailed to.
Siviwe: “Who is that?”
Me: “My ex that left me for her.”
Siviwe: “The reason you ended up at the club?” I nodded.
Siviwe chuckled, “I must thank him then, for bringing me my treasure.”
Jabu must have heard that comment because, he stood up furiously.
Jabu: “Nobuhle, Let’s go!!!!”
Nobuhle: “But I’m still eating.”
Jabu: “NOW!!!” he went and paid then walked out to his car. Nobuhle asked the waiter to
pack up they food and then she followed.
Siviwe: “Shoo, talk about drama.”
I laughed and we carried on eating and enjoyed the rest of our meal.

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Hours later after having a good time with Mr Man, I went home all smiles. I tried unlocking
my door, and I began to panic because it was unlocked. I left it open and slowly made my
way in. I found Jabu seated with his head bowed down.
Me: “What Fuckery is this!!!! What are you doing in my house?!”
Jabu Smirked: “So now that you are being chowed by a new, rich dick you think you can talk
to me the way you want. I see you’ve developed a set of balls.”
Me: “Jabu, what do you want? How did you get into my house because you left your set of
Jabu: “I have my ways…. Look Pheli, I miss you. I regret leaving. I let go of a woman of
substance for a temporary fix. I want you back Pheli, I will be a better man for you.
I chuckled in disbelief. “Why the change of heart? I mean it won’t change the fact that I’m
still cold, uptight and stiff. Trust me Jabu, we are better apart. You are not the man for me.”
Jabu: “Is it because he has more money than me? Trust me Pheli, men like that have no
respect for women. He can have any woman he wants. Do you think he will settle with you?
You are my wife Pheli, to him you are a temporary fix.”
Me: “Wow!!! You know what, just get out Jabu! Get the fuck out of my house! I don’t ever
want to see you again.”
He stood up and walked to the door. He turned around and looked at me.
Jabu: “Truth hurts Pheli, think about what I said.” Then he left.
I sat down filled with rage, I took out a bottle of wine and I drank it one time. My phone
rang and it was Siviwe calling and I picked up.
Me: “Hi lover”
Siviwe: “Hi sweetheart, was checking if you got home safe.”
I mumbled: “Yeah, I got home safe. Thanks’ for checking up on me.”
Siviwe: “Are you ok babe? You sound a lil down.”
Me: “I’m good babe, just saw something upsetting on tv and you know my hormones are all
over the place because of these periods”
Siviwe: “Ncoooo, sorry my love. I wish I was there, with you in my arms.”
I smiled: “One more day, and I will be all yours everyday.”

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Siviwe’s POV

After my phone call with Pheli, I went back to sit with John and Sean at my place.
John: “Dude, you are so whipped” and they laughed.
Sean: “I don’t blame you bro, she’s a good kisser.”
John: “Oh yeah???” he said amused looking at me.
“Screw you guys,” I said laughing. “But in all honesty, I feel so alive bra. I suddenly feel like
my life has purpose again.”
Sean: “I’m happy for you man. She’s good for you. She looks all innocent and very humble.
Don’t take advantage of the poor girl, go easy on her,” He said winking at me.
I smirked, “I can’t help it hey. We just can’t get enough of each other, mmm the thought of
her just gets my dick hard.”
Sean laughed while John shook his head.
Me: “John, why don’t you give your attention to Palesa? That girl is so into you man.”
John: “She needs to get over it. I told her from the word go that I don’t do relationships. I do
not believe in human beings being in monogamous relationships, that is pure madness. Why
would you want ownership over someone else whereas you can just have consensual sex
with whoever person you want? I mean if we crave each other, why not fuck and then
afterwards let things be without having expectations?
Sean: “You’re a savage”
John shrugged his shoulders: “I know.”
Me: “Pheli wants us to be in an open relationship.”
Sean: “Say what??”
John: “Now, that’ s my kind of girl!”
I gave him a death stare and he chuckled. Sean laughed out loud.
Sean: “Aw Laawwwwd!!!” You really do love her. You are actually jealous and territorial.
Why don’t you tell her that’s not what you want?
John: “Yeah. Would you stand seeing her getting fucked by another man?”
I sighed: “I don’t know bros, but I’m scared if I common on too strong I’ll end up pushing her
away, I can’t risk that. I rather we do what makes her more comfortable. I mean, what she

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wants to experience I’ve already experienced it. It’s only fair that I don’t take that away
from her, even if it might kill me inside.”

John: “You see, if you were like me you wouldn’t be experiencing all these problems.
I looked at him and shook my head, then we carried on drinking.

The next day, I was in a foul mood. I buried myself in my work and I closed myself in my
office. I didn’t want Pheli to see me in this state, my phone rang and I picked up.
Me: “Bro”
John: “Are you good? After our chat last night your mood changed drastically.”
Me: “I have to be; I mean it is what it is.”
John: “Its’ Thursday bra. Let’s go unwind. How about we go to Bassline so that we can
Me: “Good stuff, It’s been a while since I smoked a blunt.”
John: “Invite your madam, introduce her a bit into your world.”
I smiled: “Yeah, I know she will enjoy herself, I’ll invite her.”
John: “Ok, Romeo and his woman are coming too. Sean is working tonight.”
Me: “and you?”
John chuckled: “you know me, every time I go there I never go home alone. I’m covered.”
I chuckled: “You and your life ne.”
John: “Yep, me and my life. Later bro.”
Me: “sho” and we hung up and I went to Phelis office. Shit, she’s looking sexy as fuck.
Pheli looked at me with seductive eyes. “Mr Nkabinde”
I smirked: “Miss Hlubi…. It’s always a pleasure seeing you.
Pheli was swinging in her chair, and she opened her legs slightly “likewise Mr N. How can I
help you?”
I chuckled: “I want to invite you to dancehall tonight. I want to welcome you into my world a
bit. One of the places where I let loose.”
Pheli: Mmmmm interesting…... In that case I accept your invitation. What time should I be
Me: “We’ll pick you up around half 7.”

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Pheli: “Ok cool. Now please go away so I can finish my work. I have a boss from hell, he can
be a slave driver.”
I laughed out loud. “In that case, let me leave.” I winked at her and I went back to my office.

Pheli’s POV
When I got home, I made myself a light meal and I went to bath and then got dressed.
Strangely, my periods were finished. They were quick this time around, anyway I wore a
tight skirt, long sleeve top and knee high boots. I tied my hair up in a messy bun, and put on
a bit of make-up. Siviwe called to tell me they are downstairs. Siviwe and John were
standing outside the Jeep, leaning on the bonnet and having a conversation. I made my way
towards them, and they started whistling
Siviwe: “Awww Awww Awww, suka madoda! You look hot babe!” I blushed and he grabbed
my hands, pulled me in for a hug and gave me a passionate kiss…. I moaned and he groaned.
John: “ok, that’s enough you two. You’ll have plenty of time for that later.”
We laughed and got into the car and drove to Joburg. Yhooo, when we got to bassline it was
packed. The atmosphere was intoxicating because of the smell of weed. Everyone looked
happy and people were dancing and grinding on one another. Yaya and Romeo were
dancing and grinding and as usual when she saw me she screamed and gave me a tight hug.
Me: “Hey hun!”
Yaya: “Hey friend, tonight we must just enjoy the environment and just unwind.”
John came with the drinks and the weed. We found our little corner and we were all
dancing and grinding on each. Siviwe had a blunt in his hand and I was grinding on him. He
kept blowing the smoke at me and he gave me a pull or two.
Siviwe: “so this is the naughty me, when I unwind and let loose. Well, this is one of the
things I do sometimes to relax. This and meditating.”
Me: “you look like the serious type; I would have never pictured you smoking weed. But
again, if I had met you at the mall I would never picture you as the kinky type…. And mmm
your kinkiness is rubbing off on me.”
Siviwe had a wide smile: “so do you like the new changes in you or are they too much?”
Me: “because I’m absolutely comfortable with you, I love that I get to be naughty and
experience all this with you. Thank you for sharing and giving me a little bit of your world.”
Siviwe: “it’s my pleasure Lady Red” then he gave me the blunt and I smoked. After smoking,
I wrapped my hands on his neck and he wrapped his around my waist and we danced and
seduced each other. Yaya was dancing with Romeo; John was with some girl. I was so horny
and high and I couldn’t wait to have Siviwe in me…. It’s like Siviwe could read my thoughts.

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Siviwe: “Lets finish off at my place.” he said to the guys. John and Romeo grabbed their
partners and we all left……

When we got to Siviwe’s place. We had more weed and drinks. Then Sean and his partner
arrived. I was so drunk and so high, I felt like I was hallucinating…
Siviwe: “are you ok?”
I nodded, “I just need the toilet and some water and I will be fine.”
Siviwe: “ok”
I went down the long passage getting lost and I eventually found the bathroom. I finished
up, left the bathroom and I somehow got lost again. I heard the sound of a woman moaning
somewhere, the sound made me horny instantly. The high, curious me followed that sound
and it was coming from this room. I stood outside that door, debating whether to go in or
walk away.
Woman: “AAAAH Shit!!! You are doing me so fucken good!! AAAAHHHH!!!
Fuck it, I opened the door and walked in. They were naked and he was standing. His lady
friends’ hands were wrapped around his neck and her legs were on his shoulder. His whole
upper body was covered in tattoos. Mind you, the woman is almost the same size as me and
he had her bouncing up and down on his dick with so much ease at the same time he was
fucking her senseless. He looked at me with his cocky eyes and some of his dreadlocks were
in his face and had this naughty smile and he pounded in her harder and deeper. I felt my
pussy vibrate and I squeezed my thighs together and bit my lower lip. The more he fucked
her and the more he looked into my eyes my temperature increased. I couldn’t help but
I smelled his cologne as he stood behind me, then felt hands unzipping my dress and his
hands cupped my pussy and he rubbed my slit just before he tore my lace underwear. I
gasped, then he discarded the rest of my clothes and I heard him unbuckling his belt and
taking off his clothes. Then he inserted his finger in my pussy and rubbed my clit still
standing behind me. I looked at john and his eyes were filled with so much lust and want. He
groaned when Siviwe finger fucked me while grabbing my tits.
Siviwe kissed my neck and whispered in my ear: “Do you like what you seeing?” I slowly
nodded. He pulled me inside the room and he looked at John and John looked at him.
Siviwe: “Let’s play” ………………

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I woke up the next morning in a room that I didn’t know. Judging by the scent in it I assumed
it’s Siviwes’ bedroom. I was feeling nausea and I had a killer headache. I quickly got out of
bed and ran to the bathroom to vomit, then Peed. My nana was burning and I could tell it
was severely dealt with. I rinsed my mouth and used the mouth wash I found there. I got in
the shower and used his body puff sponge and shower gel. I started having flashbacks of
what happened last night….. All four of us naked in the other room, John whispered
something to Siviwe, an image of John standing behind me and him kissing my neck, while I
watched Siviwe kissing Johns’ girl. For some strange reason that didn’t sit well with me. I
tried to recall what happened afterwards but everything is a blur. I cracked my brain trying
to figure out what went down, then an image of me on top of someone and riding him
senseless came to play. “Oh God, I whispered and I sank into the shower thinking about
what I have done. An image of me bending over screaming “YES YES YES!!!!” as someone
was fucking me from behind. I sat there until the water became cold, then I got up wiped
myself and used his lotion. I went to his closet and looked for something that could fit me. I
found a long basketball vest and a pair of grey sweat pants and I wore them. The
sweatpants were kind of tight but nevertheless I looked cute. I straightened out my weave
with my fingers and tied it up again. I sat on the bed for a while, asking myself how was I
going to face both Siviwe and John. Worse of all, I remember agreeing to the whole thing
but I just can’t recall, who fucked me from behind and who I was riding like a possessed
woman, I sighed. I collected myself and I made my way to the kitchen. I found John making
breakfast and he was in sweatpants as well and he was topless. I was so embarrassed I really
don’t know how I am going to do this.
“Hi” I said to him.
“Hey” he said looking at me blankly and he looked down continuing making the omelette. I
saw that only two plates were laid out on the counter. I looked around.
“Where is everybody?” I asked. “Everyone left,” he replied. I started panicking at the
thought of Siviwe leaving without me. What did that mean? He saw the worry in my eyes,
and he just shook his head and finished up making breakfast. Mind you, I’m still standing on
the same spot and just don’t know what to do with myself.
“I’ve put some fruit, yoghurt and juice on the table in the veranda. Go sit there, I’ll come just
now with the plates. Please take this toast with you,” he said handing the toast to me.
I went to the veranda, put down the toast and poured myself some orange juice and I sat
down. He came shortly and handed me my plate and he sat next to me.
“So, where is your girl?” I asked
“She left. I took her home last night. I don’t do relationships and sleepovers,” he said.
“Oh,” I exclaimed and carried on eating. I looked at him and he looked at me as well with a
straight face.

Written by Rendani Kasita

“Did we, ummm, you know, ummm, do IT,” I asked him with my voice a bit shaky. He put
down his fork and placed his hands on the table and looked at me. “What do you think?” he
said. I gulped and I took the glass of juice and downed it one time.
“Let me ask you something, whose idea was it between the two to have an open
“It was mine,” I said in a low tone. “Haa” he said as he picked up his fork and carried on
eating. “So how is it working out for you so far, this silly arrangement? Did you enjoy what
went down last night?” he asked as I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.
“Where is Siviwe?” I asked him while looking at my food.
“He went to work. He said you must rest, and you mustn’t leave. You will leave together
later when you go to yols home.”
I sighed in relief that even after what went down last night, Siviwe still wants to live with
me. John saw the relief on my face.
“Can I tell you something, or more like advice you on something?” he said. “Sure,” I replied
and I looked at him intensely.
“Siviwe hasn’t loved anyone in years until he met you. You are IT for him, and seeing you
toying around with his feelings pisses me off because you are in love with him too but I
don’t know why you still want to explore and fuck other people.” I gulped and felt very
embarrassed as John said this. “Stop this open relationship shit, its’ for people like me and
not people like you. The one who will end up hurt and miserable here is you, and it will be
from all your doings. There is only so much a man can take, and believe you me I know
Siviwe, when he starts becoming distant you will be crying and begging him for his
attention. Stop doubting yourself, you are an incredible beautiful woman inside and out,
even though you sometimes make questionable choices.” By now I was silently crying
because I understood what he meant and I really do love Siviwe. He held my hand and gave
me a serviette and I wiped my tears.
“You too have a beautiful thing going on, don’t fuck it up by involving other people. Speak to
Siviwe, ask him what he truly wants and listen and respect that, and be honest with him too.
Despite where or how you met, he takes you seriously, please take him seriously as well.
You know, right now I can tell you how he feels from a man’s point of view. He feels like he
tries to do everything for you to make you happy, and he’s just not enough. You are not
content with him and that makes him feel like less of a man. Fix it Alupheli, before it’s too
late.” He then let go of my hand and stood up “I feel like having coffee, would you like some
as well?” he asked. “Yes please, I would like a cup,” I responded. He went to make coffee
while I sat pondering on what he said.
“Thanks” I said when he came back, handed me a cup and he sat down. I put two teaspoons
of brown sugar, took a sip and then I looked at him. “Please tell me what went down last
night. I remember bits and pieces and the rest is a blur.” He took a deep breath and I
immediately got nervous when he did that…

Written by Rendani Kasita

“Well, you walked in on Palesa and I having sex, you stood by the door and watched.” He
rubbed his chin and chuckled. “While you were watching, Siviwe came and stood behind you
and looked at what you were looking at. Then he took of your clothes and his then he
played with you down there while rubbing your tits.” By now I was looking down blushing
and embarrassed and I took a sip of my coffee. He looked ahead like he was replaying what
happened last night in his mind. “He whispered something to you, then you nodded and he
got in and pulled you into the room and closed the door. He then looked at me and said “let
play”. I knew exactly what he meant but I was uncomfortable with the whole arrangement
because of the feelings I know he has for you. On an ordinary day if you were just a random
chick to him, believe me I would have,” at that moment I wished the ground could open up
and swallow me. I couldn’t even look at him. I wanted to leave and close myself up
somewhere, but I needed to know and he continued to tell me…...
“So, I stopped what I was doing with my dick rock hard and I stood next to him and I
whispered to him and I told him to kiss Palesa and touch her breasts and that there’s
something I want to see. I then stood behind you and held your waist while I made you face
Siviwe and Palesa, I pecked your neck and I made you watch as Siviwe kissed Palesa and as I
predicted you couldn’t stand the sight of him kissing and touching another woman, you
immediately cried while shaking your head. Siviwe immediately stopped what he was doing
with Palesa and he came to you, and you pushed him on the bed and rode him like a
possessed woman and you were crying and screaming saying to him that he is yours and he
belongs to you and no one else.” John laughed out loud and shook his head and he
I continued with Palesa in the same room until I climaxed. Then I went to flush the condom
and Palesa and I got dressed and we left you and Siviwe fucking like rabbits and I took her
home.” I exhaled in relief and thanked John for making a sound judgement for the both of
us. I was more relaxed and comfortable around him now.
“John, you know so much about me and I don’t know anything about you. Who are you and
what is it that you do exactly.”
He gave me a side smile, “Well, I’m John Vilakazi. I’m 30 years old, Siviwe and I are actually
cousins. I’m a Mechanical Engineer by profession and an ex-military man and I specialize in
Robotics. I have a factory called Vilpro Robo. From that I opened up a security company.
Both my businesses, I got helped by Romeo and Siviwe. I own all the Jeeps at the club. I’m
single and I don’t do relationships, I enjoy casual encounters.”
“Forgive me, but I presumed you are Siviwes driver,” I said. He chuckled, “Just for him, I
actually am.” As tough as Siviwe is, he’s a bit broken, when he gets into that mode be
patient with him or call Romeo or Sean. When the time is right, he’ll explain to you why I
enjoy driving him around.” I nodded “Now tell me, why you don’t do relationships,” I said.
He looked at me, “I’m a savage kind of lover, and I just don’t know how to love in that kind
of way. I see it in other people, the connection and emotions. Just like what you and Svig
have. I don’t connect to women that way. I am attracted to them and enjoy fucking them,
but that’s how far it goes.”

Written by Rendani Kasita

“So you have never been in love before? “I asked him. “No, never and I’m comfortable and
content with that. I don’t think I can stomach being heartbroken or being in pain because of
someone else.” He said. “Shoo, that’s deep. I personally think you’ve built a wall around
yourself after you saw someone you care about go through a painful experience, and you
told yourself you never want to experience those kind of emotions and your way of living is
a coping mechanism because you never let things go far with any woman to develop any
form of feelings.” I explained. He laughed out loud. “Sean says the same thing, maybe it’s
the truth and maybe not,” he said.
“I think it is, and what a shame because it’s good to experience loving someone and them
loving you back. It’s a really warm and amazing feeling. You are really missing out,” I said.
“Says, the very person who can’t be honest about her feelings and open to tell the man she
loves that he has become her world,” he said and I immediately blushed and that
immediately shut me up. He smirked and shook his head. I immediately thought of
“John, there’s something I want to do for Siviwe tonight at our place. I need your help.”
“For Svig, sure anything,” he said and I let him in on the plan……….

Siviwes’ POV
It was in the afternoon and I sat in my office and laughed to myself. I actually felt proud that
Pheli claimed me as her man and only hers. I loved how she got jealous and cried when I
kissed that chick. The truth is, Pheli has to make up her mind. I love her without a doubt, she
on the other hand doesn’t seem to know what she wants. I’m glad that John was sensible.
Otherwise it would have been an uncomfortable situation. It’s strange how I have it all, but I
cannot seem to win when it comes to this girl. She sometimes makes me feel inadequate,
like I’m not enough. I know what I said to her, but I don’t think I’ll be able to share her. I
thought I can handle being in an open relationship with her as she suggested, but I can’t. I
want all of her or nothing at all. Whatever she decides, I’ll take it like a man and live with it.
Look, if she was any other woman I wouldn’t mind the open relationship suggestion, but
with her it’s different. She owns my heart. I sighed at that thought. My phone beeped and I
looked at the message. It was from John telling me that Pheli left in the morning and she
said I must meet her at our house. I smiled at the “our house” part. God knows how I love
this woman, I thought to myself as I packed my bag, took my phone and keys and drove
When I arrived at the house and walked through the door, I was welcomed by a warm
feeling. The furniture was absolutely beautiful with a feminine touch, it turned this house
into a home. To top it all, was the aroma of the food she has prepared and the scent of her
perfume was roaming in the air. My heart felt light and free, with that feeling of I’ve come
home to her……. There were sticky notes directing me to one of the rooms upstairs and
when I got into that room there was a pair of black leather pants and a spiked necklace and

Written by Rendani Kasita

no top on the bed, and a note on them that said shower and then wear me. I went into the
bathroom and on the mirror there was another note that said after getting dressed I must
go to the room that’s down the passage. I showered and got dressed with a bit of
excitement and anticipation of what’s to come next, then I made my way to that room.
When I got there the room was pitch black. I thought I was lost and I almost left it when I
heard her voice “Don’t think about it” it was very firm and full of authority. I stood there and
I went inside and I closed the door. Then she switched on the side lamp and I looked around
the room, it was in red and black only. The curtains and carpet were black, the bed was
covered in a red duvet and there were red scattered cushions on the floor. The wall paper
was black and red and the bathroom door was closed and there was that frequent flyer door
swing. When I saw that I immediately got a hard on and then I looked at her. “SHITT,
FUCK!!” I cursed. She was sitting on a red lounger, her hair tied back up in a high ponytail,
and her make-up was kind of gothic but in a sexy kind of way, she looked super-hot, sluty,
possessive and dangerous. She had fish net thigh high stockings and her legs were crossed.
On top she was wearing a black long leather corset dress and it was very short in front and it
took out her cleavage and it had a zip all the way down and black ankle boots, she had a
flogger in her hands, I groaned from that beautiful sight.
“Listen here, and listen good. You are my Play boy, and I am your mistress. With that being
said, who gave you permission to stand there and look at me?” She said
“No one, I’m sorry mistress” I said looking down.
“Good boy, now kneel down on those cushions and face me,” she said and I did as I was
told. “Now crawl to me slowly and look at me when you do so.” I crawled to her and she
opened her legs and her pussy was wide open and ready for me. “Shit” I said groaning.
“Who gave you permission to speak!!” she commanded and when I reached her she flogged
me on my back. “Fuck!!” I groaned and she flogged me again and I gritted my teeth. She
leaned closer to me and lifted my chin up so that I can face her. She had a serious look.
“Are we going to have a problem BOY!!” She hissed. Fuck the control and authority she had,
I wanted to kiss her and fuck her hard.
“No, Mistress. I apologies.” I said looking down.
“Good boy, now come here and bring out your hands.” I did so and she cuffed my hands
together in front. She looked at me while pulling my spiked necklace gently. “You are such a
good boy,” she said opening up her legs. “Now eat up,” she commanded then she balanced
her hands on the lounger.
I inhaled it first and appreciated its smell and I ate her up, licking, sucking and pulling her clit
and lips and I heard her moan out loud, I tongue fucked her and she grabbed my head with
one of her hands and pushed me deeper inside. She cried out loud as she climaxed and I
licked her up and pulled back then looked down then I looked at her. “Fuck, this whole
experience was exciting but was pure torture, my dick was throbbing and I could feel my
semen dripping.

Written by Rendani Kasita

After she composed herself, she looked at me with so much want and she licked her lips.
“You do wonders with your lips boy,” she said and I chuckled while shaking my head.
“Now, stand up and go lie on that bed.” I stood up with my hands still tied and I went and
lay on the bed, my dick was standing and hurting in my pants. “Good, you are ready for me,”
she said while taking of my pants and she got on top and she slowly directed my dick in her.
It was so warm and way tighter, I think it was from all the sex we had last night. I could feel
that I wasn’t going to last long… She rode me good and hard and I began to groan and she
pulled out. Dammit, I felt like swearing at her. She looked at me, “How dare you want to
cum without my permission.” To be honest, I was getting frustrated from all the teasing. She
took off the cuffs and she pulled me off the bed to the door swing.
“Take of my dress and shoes,” she instructed and I did so. I felt like cumin then and there.
She was only left with the fish net stockings. “Stand by the door,” she instructed while she
balanced herself on the swing I couldn’t take it anymore I grabbed her thighs and I entered
her. AAAAH LAAAWWWWD!!! This was heaven. The swing was doing wonders as she kept
going back and forth. I stopped and turned her around so that her upper body was well
balanced on the swing and I put her legs around my waist and entered her from behind, she
screamed and I could feel that I was deep inside her. This pussy makes me lose all senses
and makes me weak. I groaned as I came deep in her after coming my dick was still hard, I
pulled out and I made her sit on the swing facing me and her back was facing the door, then
I pulled the straps and I hooked them on her feet and I made her hold on to the handles and
I got in between her legs and I fucked her long and hard……. “OH BABY!!!! YES YES YES!!! She
screamed and her legs vibrated and her pussy pulsed on my dick and I felt a watery pressure
pushing my dick back and I pulled out and she squirted and I put my dick in and fucked her
hard I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my throat and I groaned “AAAHHHHH
PHELI!!! And I came hard and I tightened my grip around her and she released her feet and
her hands and she got off the swing and we both sank to the floor and lay on the carpet,
holding on to each other. I was still composing myself and my eyes were closed and she
kissed my forehead, chin, both my cheeks, my nose and then my lips. She brushed my cheek
with the back of her hand “I love you so much Siviwe, only you. I don’t want an open
relationship with you. You are IT for me and you are enough,” she said. My eyes were still
closed and I just smiled……

Written by Rendani Kasita

Written by Rendani Kasita
Written by Rendani Kasita
Written by Rendani Kasita

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