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Để đến với phần thuyết

trình thì chúng ta sẽ chơi 1 mini game nhỏ!..
Qua phần mini game đó thì nhóm chúng mình muốn thuyết trình về chủ đề Music with
a message.
Mời mọi nguời đến với phần thuyết trình của nhóm mình. Bài thuyết trình của nhóm
mình gồm 3 phần introdution, conseversion, conclution (silde 4). Tiếp theo mình xin
mời bạn huy lên thuyết trình phần introduction.
Trần huy: (silde 5,6 ) The goal that my group chose for this topic is to help people
understand more about the importance of music in life as well as the messages that
music wants to send to everyone.
Music is a tool that reflects human thinking and intelligence, and it also has a strong
impact on human emotions. It vibrates emotions that linger in the soul. The art of
music is very popular, it helps people feel and love life more, bringing relief to those
who feel aesthetically stressed. It can be said that music is an effective means to
educate people for comprehensive development.
Tiếp theo xin mời bạn Van anh lên thuyết trình về phần conseversion.
Van anh: (silde 8,9)
Chiếu video.
Gia Bảo (silde 10,11)
Phần conclusion gồm 3 phần : The summary, Analysis, Message.
Đầu tiên là phần the summary
Question 1: Everyone listens to music regularly.
Question 2: Lyrics and melodies make listeners happy.
Question 3: Listening to music will make everyone happy and reduce fatigue after
Question 4: Most people interviewed think that a song needs a message.
Tiếp theo chúng ta sẽ đi sâu hơn vào phân tích các câu trả lời được phỏng vấn với
nhóm mình nhé.
xin mời bạn Trang Đài lên thuyết trình phần tiếp theo.
Trang Đài: (silde 12)
Analysis: ( Phân tích )
Question one: Most of the people interviewed regularly listen to music in their free
time and when sleeping because music helps them escape negative thoughts and
reduce stress. Listening to music while sleeping helps us feel comfortable and sleep
Second question: People think that what makes a song meaningful is that the message
in the lyrics makes them happy because the lyrics make people feel closer together
and the song matches their feelings them at that time.
Question 3: Most people's mood when lonely, sad, or stressed after listening to music
will become happy, calm, and reduce most negative emotions, but there are also some
people. think that their mood will not change when listening to a certain song
Last question: Most people think that a song needs a message because the message is
the soul of the song, it touches the listener's heart a lot, making them remember that
song. Without a message, the song will be empty, nothing worth remembering. Some
people think that a song doesn't need a message because they only care about whether
the song's melody is suitable to listen to or not, and rarely remember the song's
Xin mời bạn
Phan Huy (slide13)
“Music is the echo of emotions” We can immerse ourselves in the melodies and
lyrics of the music, which will help us relieve the stress and fatigue in life. This is
the most complete and wonderful aspect of conveying emotions. Music helps us feel
every deepest corner of our soul.
“With music, life is more beautiful” Music becomes meaningful and contributes to
building a better spiritual life. Music is colorful and depends on each person's
emotions and reception. With music, life is more beautiful. Indeed, music is magic
and also life. A peaceful life does not mean a life without noise, difficulties, or
fatigue. A peaceful life means that even when we are in storms, we still feel peace
in our hearts. And let music contribute to creating "a little peace" in your life.
Phần thuyết tình của nhóm mình đến đây là kết thúc. Cảm ơn cô và các bạn đã lắng

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