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‭(Dặ n dò )‬
‭Sat, Dec 9 - 2023‬ ‭Classcode‬‭(Mã lớp)‬‭:‬ ‭H14YS-5B-2308‬
‭Teacher(s)‬‭(Giáo viên):‬ ‭ eaching Assistant(s)‬‭(Trợ giảng):‬
‭Ms. Katherine‬ ‭Ms. Nhi Le (0353712037)‬
‭Ms. Dieu Dang (cover)‬
‭Today’s Lesson (Nội dung bài học ngày hôm nay)‬


‭Persist‬‭/pərˈsɪst/‬ ‭(v)‬ t‭ o continue to do something despite‬ ‭ hă ng khă ng,‬

‭difficulties or opposition, in a way that‬ ‭mộ t mự c‬
‭can seem unreasonable‬

‭Achieve‬‭/əˈtʃiːv/‬ ‭(v)‬ ‭ chieve something‬‭to succeed in‬

a ‭ ạ t đượ c, gặ t‬
‭reaching a particular goal, status or‬ ‭há i đượ c‬
‭standard, especially by making an effort‬
‭for a long time‬

I‭ nspired‬ ‭(adj)‬ -‭ inspired‬‭used with nouns, adjectives and‬ Đ

‭ ượ c gợ i cả m‬
‭/ɪnˈspaɪərd/‬ ‭adverbs to form adjectives that show how‬ ‭hứ ng‬
‭something has been influenced‬

‭ ointless‬
P ‭(adj)‬ ‭having no purpose; not worth doing‬ ‭ hô ng có mụ c‬
‭/ˈpɔɪntləs/‬ ‭tiê u, vô nghĩa‬

‭ mbitious‬
A ‭(adj)‬ d
‭ etermined to be successful, rich,‬ ‭ ó hoà i bã o,‬
‭/æmˈbɪʃəs/‬ ‭powerful, etc.‬ ‭khá t vọ ng‬


‭ ith multiple-matching questions, read all the statements and underline the‬
‭important words.‬
‭The first time you listen, try to identify the main points each speaker makes and‬
‭take notes.‬
‭ he second time you listen, compare your notes with the statements to find the‬
‭best match.‬


‭ oologist‬
Z ‭(n)‬ ‭a scientist who studies zoology‬ ‭ hà độ ng vậ t‬
‭/zoʊˈɑːlədʒɪst/‬ ‭họ c‬

‭ oology‬
Z ‭(n)‬ t‭ he scientific study of animals and their‬ ‭Độ ng vậ t họ c‬
‭/zoʊˈɑːlədʒi/‬ ‭behaviour.‬


‭Express certainty‬ ‭Express uncertainty‬

I‭ t’s clear that…‬ I‭ t’s hard to say, but…‬
‭I’m certain that…‬ ‭I’m not sure.‬
‭I’m sure that…‬ ‭I suppose (that)…‬
‭There’s no doubt in my mind that...‬ ‭It’s possible that…, but...‬


‭ hen you discuss a problem, talk about all the options first before you decide on‬
‭the best solution.‬
‭Try to explain why you think each option is good or bad.‬
‭It’s good idea to talk about the options which you are uncertain about first.‬
‭Homework (Bài tập về nhà)‬
‭2)‬ ‭Which of these sentences are correct and incorrect? Correct the wrong‬

‭2.‬ Y ‭ ou needn’t read this if you don’t‬ ‭ .‬ H

3 ‭ e ought to eating more fruit.‬
‭want to.‬ ‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬
‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬ ‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬

‭ .‬ P
4 ‭ eople can be happy and poor.‬ ‭5.‬ W ‭ e must to try our best at all‬
‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬ ‭times.‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬ ‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬

‭6.‬ S ‭ he may be succeed in the world‬ ‭ .‬ H

7 ‭ e can’t be 18!‬
‭of finance.‬ ‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬
‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬ ‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬

‭ .‬ I‭ think she might be right.‬

8 ‭9.‬ C ‭ ould you speaking a little bit‬
‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬ ‭louder, please?‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬ ‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬

‭9.‬ N
‭ o, you mayn’t eat the last‬ ‭11.‬‭We were able to get tickets at‬
‭biscuit.‬ ‭the last minute.‬
‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬ ‭C.‬ ‭Correct‬
‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬ ‭D.‬ ‭Incorrect‬
‭2) Complete the sentences with suitable words‬

‭1. Tim is a(n)‬‭_________________‬‭author who has written over a dozen‬‭_________________‬

‭novels in the last ten years.‬

‭2. Many said that Steven would never achieve his‬‭_________________‬‭, but after overcoming‬

‭many‬‭_________________‬‭, he is now a famous record producer.‬

‭3. Wearing his‬‭_________________‬‭around his neck, the proud team captain carried the‬

‭championship‬‭_________________‬‭o ff the pitch.‬

‭4. Reports say the family‬‭_________________‬‭was greatly increased when they sold the‬

‭property, making a‬‭_________________‬‭o f over a million pounds.‬

‭5. Being a millionaire, he owns‬‭_________________‬‭all over the country, and his wife wears‬

‭designer clothes and‬‭_________________‬‭.‬

‭6. The actor succeeded in becoming famous because he was‬‭_________________‬‭and he had‬

‭learnt‬‭_________________‬‭lessons at drama school.‬


‭3) Complete the sentences with 'can’t be' or 'must be'.‬

‭ .‬ D
1 ‭ an _________________ at home. I’ve called and there’s no answer.‬
‭2.‬ ‭That café _________________ very good. There’s never anybody in it!‬
‭3.‬ ‭Susan is going to New York tomorrow. She _________________ looking forward to it.‬
‭ .‬ I‭ hear Dave failed all his exams. He _________________ very happy about that.‬
‭5.‬ ‭Nobody has bought that house yet. It _________________ too expensive.‬
‭ .‬ I‭ t _________________ a great show, because it’s nearly impossible to get tickets for it.‬
‭7.‬ ‭That _________________ Jack at the door – he’s still in Germany.‬

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