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Crafting a Literature Review on Distributed Database System: A Challenging Endeavor

Undertaking a literature review on distributed database systems is a formidable task that demands
meticulous attention to detail, extensive research, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject
matter. It involves critically analyzing existing scholarly works, synthesizing information, and
presenting coherent insights into the current state of knowledge in the field. However, navigating
through the vast sea of academic literature can be overwhelming and time-consuming for many

The complexity of writing a literature review on distributed database systems stems from several
factors. Firstly, distributed database systems are a multifaceted domain that intersects various
disciplines such as computer science, database management, and distributed computing. Therefore,
one must possess a broad understanding of these areas to effectively evaluate and contextualize the
existing literature.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancements in the field presents a challenge in keeping
abreast of the latest research developments and trends. As new distributed database architectures,
algorithms, and methodologies continue to emerge, synthesizing and integrating up-to-date
information into a literature review requires continuous effort and vigilance.

Furthermore, the abundance of scholarly literature on distributed database systems poses a challenge
in identifying relevant sources and distinguishing between seminal works and peripheral
contributions. Navigating through numerous academic journals, conference proceedings, and
technical reports necessitates keen discernment and rigorous selection criteria.

Given the formidable nature of writing a literature review on distributed database systems,
individuals may find themselves in need of expert assistance and guidance. In such instances,
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In conclusion, while writing a literature review on distributed database systems presents significant
challenges, it is not an insurmountable task. With the right approach, resources, and support,
individuals can effectively navigate through the complexities of the literature and produce a
compelling synthesis of existing knowledge in the field. For those seeking professional assistance
and guidance, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution to facilitate the literature review writing
process, ensuring academic success and scholarly excellence.
For the databases that retrieved the most unique included references, we calculated the number of
references retrieved (after deduplication) and the number of included references that had been
retrieved by all possible combinations of these databases, in total and per review. And if you are
writing for an academic community more research would be needed than one for a general audience.
Data Known facts Database A collection of related data. Competency models from literature review
and survey Among the 12 competency models identified in the literature review, the majority were
from the US. It also includes detailed indexing information for journals in PubMed and other NCBI
databases, although not all materials in the NLM Catalog are part of NLM’s collection. Factors
influencing the implementation of clinical guidelines for health care professionals: a systematic
meta-review. Secondly, there is heterogeneity of the studies within the included systematic reviews
themselves. We find that the most insightful systematic reviews of MFIs engage in theoretical
generalisation — they attempt to go beyond the data of individual studies and discuss the wider
implications of the findings of the studies within their reviews drawing on implementation theory.
This step will help you work out the structure of your literature review and (if applicable) show how
your own research will contribute to existing knowledge. Performance was measured using recall,
precision, and number needed to read. It includes bibliographic metadata from many archives. In
other words, the database is split into multiple files. The views expressed are those of the author(s)
and not necessarily those of the NIHR, the Department of Health and Social Care or Research
England. All authors (AB, IS, JN, CH, FC) have given final approval of the version to be published.
Eur J Emerg Med. 2020;27(3):163-164. Hung KK, Walline JH, Chan EY. Open access to 700,000
references to the grey literature. They can provide a useful overview of the research which has been
carried out up until the time that the book was written. Healthcare worker competencies for disaster
training. In this edition, we again have a similar chapter where we cover stream data management
and cloud computing. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(7):3382. Gebbie K, Merrill J. Table 3
displays the number of unique results retrieved for each single database. Competing interests The
authors declare no conflict of interest. Figure 1 shows the percentages of reviews where a certain
database combination led to a certain recall. Even when taking into account that many searchers
consider the use of Scopus as a replacement of Embase, plus taking into account the large overlap of
Scopus and Web of Science, this estimate remains similar. Medical Library, Erasmus MC, Erasmus
University Medical Centre Rotterdam, 3000 CS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Wichor M.
Supplementary 3f. Gap analysis of survey curricula against selected WHO Health Emergency
Programme Core Competencies and health EDRM perspectives. MeSH for MEDLINE records, but
no other controlled vocabulary. When you’ve finished writing and revising your literature review,
don’t forget to proofread thoroughly before submitting. Cochrane Library A collection of six
databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare
decision-making. Because systematic review searches can be quite extensive and retrieve large
numbers of results, an important aspect of systematic searching is limiting the number of irrelevant
results that need to be screened.
Usually, academic institutions provide either access to Web of Science or Scopus on their campus
network for free. In updating the review, we anticipated a larger pool of reviews and an opportunity
to consolidate learning from more recent systematic reviews of interventions. The PubMed database
is available on independent platforms including Ovid SP, Web of Science, and several others.
Includes theses and dissertations from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard
Medical School, and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Systematic Reviews: Step 3: Conduct
Literature Searches Choose the best databases for your research question. First of all, since the
literature review was conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic, so it cannot reflect the changes
during and after the pandemic. Because this is a novel finding, we cannot conclude whether it is due
to our dataset or to a generalizable principle. Our conclusion that Web of Science and Google
Scholar are needed for completeness has not been shared by previous research. An annotated
bibliography is a list of source references that has a short description (called an annotation ) for each
of the sources. GLOSSARY of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management terminology..
Accessed 27 Oct 2023. WHO Global Index Medicus Search all WHO regional indexes, including
the South-East Asia and Western Pacific Pacific regional databases. Furthermore, there can be
duplications of the same data. Systematic Reviews as Topic Patient Care Data availability statement
No data are available. The difference between centralized and distributed database is that centralized
database works with a single database file while a distributed database works with multiple database
files. Use of concept mapping to characterize relationships among implementation strategies and
assess their feasibility and importance: results from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing
Change (ERIC) study. Literature Search: Databases and Gray Literature The literature search.
Involvement of an information specialist, especially in prioritising databases, targeting grey literature
and planning supplemental searches, can prove invaluable. Query Processing Layers in Distributed
Multi-DBMSs, Query Optimization. When you search a library database you are not normally
searching the full text of a publication. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Google Scholar Squires JE, Sullivan K, Eccles MP, et al. A pragmatic evaluation of a new method
for librarian-mediated literature searches for systematic reviews. Besides that, it is also widely used
for research on drug-related topics as it offers better coverage than MEDLINE on pharmaceutics-
related literature. Knowing exactly where to search for information is important. An overview of the
broad topical categories covered in these reviews is given in Table 2. Is there an optimum number
needed to retrieve to justify inclusion of a database in a systematic review search. Controlled
vocabulary is a set of terminology assigned to citations to describe the content of each reference.
There are also additional labor costs to manage and maintain the local DBMSs and the underlying
network. It is a tool for organizing and representing information in a hierarchical and interconnected
manner. Scopus - Limit Document Type to Conference Paper or Conference Review.
Pivotal publications: are there any influential theories or studies that changed the direction of the
field. Proposed competencies for strengthening public health disaster risk management education in
Africa. Overall performance The four databases that had retrieved the most unique references
(Embase, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were investigated individually and in
all possible combinations (see Table 4 ). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16:1232. Article
PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hung KK, Mashino S, Chan EY, MacDermot MK, Balsari
S, Ciottone GR, Della Corte F, Dell’Aringa MF, Egawa S, Evio BD, Hart A. The English and
Japanese search terms can be found in the Supplementary file 1. Most papers focused on public
health workers, but some also targeted public health managers and professionals while others
focused on health professionals of various disciplines. There are four points which may help account
for the differences in findings in this regard. Specifically, whenever a QES is abbreviated or
accelerated, a team should ensure that the review question is agreed by a minimum number of
knowledge users with expertise or experience that reflects all the important review perspectives and
with authority to approve the final version 2 5 11 ( table 2, item R1). Depending on the length of
your literature review, you might want to divide the body into subsections. Health Sciences
Descriptors (DeCS) is the multilingual and structured vocabulary created by BIREME to serve as a
unique language in indexing articles from scientific journals, books, congress proceedings, technical
reports, and other types of materials, and also for searching and retrieving subjects from scientific
literature from information sources available on the Virtual Health Library (VHL) such as LILACS,
MEDLINE, and others. However, it is debatable whether social media can be classified as an
intervention or just a different way of delivering an intervention. The eligibility criteria included
respondents aged 18 or above working in Health EDRM professional development, education, and
training programs. The questionnaire (Supplementary file 2 ) comprised of 28 questions, including
agency information, the identification of relevant management and technical competencies,
curricula, and evidence gaps. Educational interventions promoting evidence-based practice among
emergency nurses: a systematic review. Participants consented to survey participation electronically.
To begin organizing your literature review’s argument and structure, be sure you understand the
connections and relationships between the sources you’ve read. Its main resource is the Web of
Science Core Collection which includes over 1 billion cited references dating back to 1900, indexed
from 21,100 peer-reviewed journals, including Open Access journals, books and proceedings.
Summary of literature review and cross-sectional survey Literature review. However, the exact
response rate is not known as recipients of the invitation email were encouraged to forward the
invitation to other relevant potential respondents. Weekly Epidemiol Record. 2016;91(14):181-6
World Health Organization. The Emtree controlled vocabulary is well developed. The second largest
component of PubMed is PubMed Central (PMC). Improvement of precision was calculated as the
ratio between the original precision from the searches in all databases and the precision for each
database and combination. We kept the fundamental principles that have been there since the first
edition, but they are updated. We found that most systematic reviews are bounded by their clinical,
professional, spatial, system, or setting criteria and often seek to draw out implications for the
implementation of evidence in their areas of specific interest (such as nursing or acute care). Most
library databases allow you to filter for different types of journal article, including review articles.
Screening the first 200-400 records in a search is recommended. It is a tool for organizing and
representing information in a hierarchical and interconnected manner. Our experience in this study
shows that additional efforts, such as hand searching, reference checking, and contacting key
players, should be made to retrieve extra possible includes. When is audit and feedback effective in
dementia care. Other larger studies do engage in deeper discussions about internal comparisons of
findings across included studies and also contextualise these in wider debates.
We found that two databases previously not recommended as essential for systematic review
searching, Web of Science and Google Scholar, were key to improving recall in the reviews we
investigated. Depending on your topic, you could also consider searching for patents, standards,
reports, theses. Methodological If you draw your sources from different disciplines or fields that use
a variety of research methods, you might want to compare the results and conclusions that emerge
from different approaches. This web only file has been produced by the BMJ Publishing Group from
an electronic file supplied by the author(s) and has not been edited for content. The library subscribes
to many subscriptions but differences in accessibility and availability exist. Scribbr slides are free to
use, customize, and distribute for educational purposes. Therefore, for this research, a total of 58
systematic reviews were analyzed. For reviews in our study that included RCTs only, indeed, this
recommendation was sufficient for four (80%) of the reviews. Types of literature you may want to
include are research databases (e.g., PsycARTICLES), Gray literature and databases containing it
(e.g., PsycEXTRA), books and book chapters, and reference lists. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2019.. Accessed 7 March 2023. Three databases alone does not complete the search
standards for systematic review requirements as you will also have additional searches of the grey
literature and hand searches to complete. Participants consented to survey participation electronically.
For example, a chemist may want to use an education database or an education student may want to
use a chemistry database if they are working on a chemistry education topic. If unsure, try using a
question framework to help identify the main searchable concepts. Searches are typically organized
using the Boolean operators OR or AND. Fourth, many curricula identified in this study did not
specify their length of training and thus the effect of training duration on the Health EDRM
competencies included in the curricula could not be investigated. Moreover, it is easier to manage,
update and take backups of data. We hope the book contributes the the renewed discussion on these
topics. Using both Web of Science and Google Scholar in addition to MEDLINE and Embase
increased the overall recall to 98.3%. The higher recall from adding extra databases came at a cost in
number needed to read (NNR). A pre-existing framework, where readily identified, may help to
structure the data extraction template. 15 37 The same framework may be used to present the
findings. An rQES team should pick an approach appropriate to their specific review. There are a
number of places to look for systematic reviews, including within the commonly used databases
listed on this page. The database combinations with the highest recall did not reduce the total number
of results by large margins. BIOSIS Previews includes proceedings of many meetings that may not
be electronically available elsewhere. Although this is still partially true, significant developments
have been made to make networks more secure. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016;16:161. van Enst
WA, Scholten RJ, Whiting P, Zwinderman AH, Hooft L. A chronological compilation of studies The
reason for conducting a literature review is to: Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate
Students While this 9-minute video from NCSU is geared toward graduate students, it is useful for
anyone conducting a literature review. These were social media strategies and toolkits, and multi-
faceted interventions (MFIs) (see Table 2 ). Sitemap case study creative writing presentation problem
solving rewiew prompts websites tips. This topic is now covered in a separate chapter where we
provide an in-depth discussion of the protocols and how they can be integrated with transaction
Analysis: Involves critically evaluating and summarizing key findings, methodologies, and debates
found in. Optimizing literature search in systematic reviews—are MEDLINE, EMBASE and
CENTRAL enough for identifying effect studies within the area of musculoskeletal disorders. You
should be able to find out how many journal titles the database indexes: the greater the number of
titles, the less likely you are to miss something useful. Mapping study for health emergency and
disaster risk management The literature review was performed in the English and Japanese languages
using a systematic approach to the literature search. Queries, TransformingGlobal Queries into
Fragment Queries, Distributed. GoogleScholar Consider as a supplement to the literature databases.
Writing the literature review: A practical guide Available 3rd floor of Perkins Writing literature
reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences Available online. You might also
consider searching one or more of the following websites depending on your topic: Clinical trial
registers. Its mind-mapping feature provides a structured framework for brainstorming ideas,
organizing thoughts, and visualizing relationships between concepts. PMC contains approximately
4.5 million articles. Some National Library of Medicine (NLM) resources associated with PubMed
are the NLM Catalog and MedlinePlus. There are a number of places to look for systematic reviews,
including within the commonly used databases listed on this page. Other larger studies do engage in
deeper discussions about internal comparisons of findings across included studies and also
contextualise these in wider debates. On the contrary, the distributed database splits the database
into multiple files and they are located at various locations in the network. It is often written as part
of a thesis, dissertation, or research paper, in order to situate your work in relation to existing
knowledge. The third edition is coming out at a time when there is renewed interest in distributed
data management. Rich studies are often found in specialist qualitative research or social science
journals. Most papers focused on public health workers, but some also targeted public health
managers and professionals while others focused on health professionals of various disciplines.
Regarding the priorities for research, the respondents’ personal background and experience could
have affected the responses. While you will find randomized controlled trials and other primary
studies in this database, they are only added in because of their association with a systematic review.
Try to analyze patterns, turning points and key debates that have shaped the direction of the field.
Open Grey Grey literature for Europe OAIster A union catalog of millions of records representing
open access resources from collections worldwide Grey Matters: a practical tool for searching health-
related grey literature (CADTH) From CADTH, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies
in Health, Grey Matters is a practical tool for searching health-related grey literature. Most library
databases allow you to filter for different types of journal article, including review articles.
Supplementary 3c. Summary table for curricula (without a competency model) identified in English
and Japanese language literature review. On the other hand, as there are multiple database files in a
distributed database, it requires time to synchronize data. Although Embase covers MEDLINE, it
apparently does not index every article from MEDLINE. Beside searching for research articles,
Scopus also provides academic journal rankings, author profiles, and an h-index calculator. Based on
your reading and notes, you can look for: Trends and patterns (in theory, method or results): do
certain approaches become more or less popular over time. Third, multiple types of educational
practices are utilised — including input from patients as stakeholders in some cases. For medical
topics, a combination of PubMed (or other search of PubMed data) plus Embase, Web of Science,
and Google Scholar has been shown to provide adequate recall ( Syst Rev. 2017;6(1):245 ). For
topics that reach beyond the biomedicine, other databases need to be considered. Analysis: Involves
critically evaluating and summarizing key findings, methodologies, and debates found in academic
The library subscribes to many subscriptions but differences in accessibility and availability exist. In
73 of these, the searches and results had been documented by the first author of this article at the
time of the last search. Furthermore, a lot of nuance lies behind these headline findings, and this is
increasingly commented upon in the reviews themselves. It is important to keep track of your sources
with citations to avoid plagiarism. GreyNet GreyNet is an organization dedicated to promoting and
facilitating the use of grey literature. The cross-sectional survey revealed that Health EDRM agencies
increasingly recognize the importance of planning, organizing, and applying risk management
systems and programs across prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. The review type
selection is dependent on the research question, the research team's time and ability, and the
parameters of the assignment or journal you are submitting to for publication, Librarians can help
your team determine which review type might be appropriate for your project, what databases to
search, and how to manage your results. The three basic boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT.
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPIC Rapid Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) is
a relatively recent innovation in evidence synthesis and few published examples currently exists. The
content is in the Scopus database that you can search using keywords, but it is not possible to
perform an EMTREE theasaurus search in Scopus. AND 3. Cochrane Central Trials Register (or
Cochrane Library ). Int Emerg Nurs. 2020;1(48):100806. Hansoti B, Kellogg DS, Aberle SJ,
Broccoli MC, Feden J, French A, Little CM, Moore B, Sabato J, Sheets T, Weinberg R. Some useful
databases to search for journals and articles include: Your university’s library catalogue Google
Scholar Project Muse (humanities and social sciences) Medline (life sciences and biomedicine)
EconLit (economics) Inspec (physics, engineering and computer science) You can also use boolean
operators to help narrow down your search. Second, although a systematic search strategy was
employed to identify articles for this literature review, the methodology of independent screening
and systematic data retrieval used in systematic reviews was not adopted in this study. Includes
theses and dissertations from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical
School, and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. It therefore finds articles in which the topic of
research is not mentioned in title, abstract, or thesaurus terms, but where the concepts are only
discussed in the full text. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affiliations. Only select individual papers may be made available in
print as a book, journal, or series, rather than all of the presented items. Societies and Associations
may only publish abstracts, or extended abstracts, from a conference, often in an annual supplement
to an issue of the journal of record of that professional society. Development of national
standardized all-hazard disaster core competencies for acute care physicians, nurses, and EMS
professionals. Cross-sectional survey Sixty-five responses were received in the online survey.
Optimizing literature search in systematic reviews—are MEDLINE, EMBASE and CENTRAL
enough for identifying effect studies within the area of musculoskeletal disorders. We estimate more
than 50% of reviews that include more study types than RCTs would miss more than 5% of included
references if only traditional combination of MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane CENTAL is
searched. However, if you choose this strategy, be careful to avoid simply listing and summarizing
sources in order. Because this is a novel finding, we cannot conclude whether it is due to our dataset
or to a generalizable principle. Covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide,
including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. Two independent
reviewers appraised the quality of included studies using a quality assessment checklist. Google
Scholar Squires JE, Sullivan K, Eccles MP, et al. Why conduct a literature review, stages of a
literature review, lit reviews: an overview (video), check out these books. Read the full text or
download the PDF: Open access Published: 21 February 2024 Mapping study for health emergency
and disaster risk management competencies and curricula: literature review and cross-sectional
survey Kevin K. C. Hung 1, 2, Makiko K. Search MEDLINE (or PubMed), preferably using a peer
reviewed search strategy per protocol and apply any relevant methodology filters. Resources to help
with this process are listed below.
Core competencies for disaster medicine and public health. Most Library databases do not index
books, and even Google is not a very good source for this. The majority of reviews report strategies
achieving small impacts (normally on processes of care). Cochrane Library A collection of six
databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare
decision-making. On the other hand, in centralized systems, all queries have to pass through the
central computer for processing, which increases the response time. Quality control must be fit for
purpose but not excessive. Some useful databases to search for journals and articles include: Your
university’s library catalogue Google Scholar Project Muse (humanities and social sciences) Medline
(life sciences and biomedicine) EconLit (economics) Inspec (physics, engineering and computer
science) You can also use boolean operators to help narrow down your search. Abbreviations Before
and after study Controlled clinical trial Effective Practice and Organisation of Care High-income
countries Information and Communications Technology Interrupted time series Knowledge
translation Low- and middle-income countries Randomised controlled trial Grol R, Grimshaw J.
Read below for more information and examples on how to develop a literature search, as well as
find tips and tricks for developing more comprehensive searches. Other specialized databases, such
as CINAHL or PsycINFO, add unique references to some reviews where the topic of the review is
related to the focus of the database. Includes conference papers, book chapters, psychological tests,
scales and measurement tools. Of all reviews in which we searched CINAHL and PsycINFO,
respectively, for 6 and 9% of the reviews, unique references were found. Will cover some journals at
the edge of the biomedical sciences missed by PubMed and Embase. Each database searches
different sets of journals, so usually you'll want to search several databases.All of the databases
listed on this page are accessible from off campus. According to firsthand accounts from the
homeless, many of these workers are largely motivated by their paychecks and not the people they
are serving. PubMed includes MEDLINE (records indexed with MeSH terms) but also material in
process, older records from before the inception of MEDLINE, and material from journals not
included in MEDLINE. Cochrane, which is considered the gold standard for clinical systematic
reviews, recommends searching the following three databases, at a minimum: PubMed, Embase, and
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). There is much less evidence that these
strategies have shifted patient outcomes. Debates, conflicts and contradictions: where do sources
disagree. When you’ve finished writing and revising your literature review, don’t forget to proofread
thoroughly before submitting. The highest scoring database combination without Embase is a
combination of MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, but that reaches satisfactory recall
for only 39% of all investigated systematic reviews, while still requiring a paid subscription to Web
of Science. It is important to note that, generally speaking, when you are performing a literature
search you are only searching the title, abstract, keywords and other citation data. Are multifaceted
interventions more effective than single-component interventions in changing health-care
professionals’ behaviours. It is important to keep track of your sources with citations to avoid
plagiarism. This study also highlights once more that searching databases alone is, nevertheless, not
enough to retrieve all relevant references. Of those, 15 could not be included in this research, since
they had not searched all databases we investigated here. The impact of health information
technology on the quality of medical and health care: a systematic review. For all individual
databases or combinations of the four important databases from our research (MEDLINE, Embase,
Web of Science, and Google Scholar), we multiplied the frequency of occurrence of that
combination in the random set, with the probability we found in our research that this combination
would lead to an acceptable recall of 95%. The content is in the Scopus database that you can search
using keywords, but it is not possible to perform an EMTREE theasaurus search in Scopus. 3.
Cochrane Central Trials Register (or Cochrane Library ). Supplementary 3e. Gap analysis of survey
competency model against selected WHO Health Emergency Programme Core Competencies and
health EDRM perspectives.

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