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AMUL, also known as the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, is a dairy cooperative

based in India that is widely recognized for its sustainability efforts. The company has taken a
number of steps to promote environmental management, particularly in relation to reducing its
carbon footprint and improving water management.

One of the key ways that AMUL has promoted environmental sustainability is through the adoption
of renewable energy sources. The company has invested heavily in solar energy, with a number of its
production facilities and warehouses powered entirely by solar panels. This has helped to reduce
AMUL's reliance on fossil fuels and has significantly reduced its carbon footprint.

AMUL has also implemented a number of initiatives aimed at improving water management. This is
particularly important in India, where water scarcity is a major issue. The company has implemented
a range of water conservation measures, including the use of drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.
AMUL has also worked closely with farmers to promote sustainable farming practices, including the
use of drought-resistant crops and the adoption of efficient irrigation methods.

In addition to these initiatives, AMUL has also implemented a number of waste reduction measures.
The company has implemented a comprehensive recycling program, with waste from its production
facilities and offices sorted and recycled where possible. AMUL has also worked to reduce the
amount of packaging waste generated by its products, with a focus on using eco-friendly materials
and minimizing the amount of packaging used.

Overall, AMUL's sustainability efforts have been widely recognized, with the company receiving
numerous awards and accolades for its environmental management practices. By adopting
renewable energy sources, improving water management, and reducing waste, AMUL has
demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.

Solar power: AMUL has installed solar panels at many of its production facilities and warehouses,
which generate clean, renewable energy. The company has set a target of installing 10,000 solar
pumps for its milk producers by 2022, which will further reduce the carbon footprint of its

Water conservation: Water scarcity is a major issue in India, and AMUL has implemented a range of
water conservation measures. This includes the use of drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting, as
well as working with farmers to promote efficient irrigation methods and the use of drought-resistant

Waste reduction: AMUL has implemented a comprehensive waste reduction program, which includes
recycling waste from its production facilities and offices. The company has also focused on reducing
the amount of packaging used for its products, and has implemented eco-friendly packaging
Sustainable farming practices: AMUL has worked closely with its milk producers to promote
sustainable farming practices, including the use of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, and the
preservation of natural habitats on farms. This helps to reduce the environmental impact of dairy
farming and promote biodiversity.

Green logistics: AMUL has implemented a range of measures to reduce the carbon footprint of its
logistics operations. This includes using electric vehicles for short-distance transportation, optimizing
delivery routes to reduce fuel consumption, and implementing a GPS tracking system to monitor the
efficiency of its logistics network. These initiatives help to reduce the company's carbon footprint
and promote sustainable transportation.

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