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Eumind Self-reflection

Aadit: Participating in Eumind has been an incredible learning experience for me. From the
moment I had my first meeting, I felt a surge of excitement and energy among fellow aspiring

One of the most important lessons I took away from Eumind is the value of embracing
failure. Rather than seeing it as a setback, I learned to view failure as an opportunity for
learning and improvement. This mindset shift has been invaluable in shaping my approach to

Additionally, the emphasis on collaboration at Eumind was eye-opening. Working with

different and unique people showed me the power of teamwork and collective problem-
solving. Through collaboration, we were able to generate innovative ideas and solutions that I
would not have been able to achieve on my own.

Moreover, the camp emphasized the importance of adaptability in the fast-paced world of

Overall, Eumind has equipped me with the skills, confidence, and mindset needed to pursue
my entrepreneurial goals. I am grateful for the experiences and connections I made during the
journey, and I am excited to apply what I've learned as I continue on my entrepreneurial

Daniel: Joining Eumind was a fun experience for me. I always wanted to do something at a
young age and Eumind was the medium for me to achieve my goal.

Our topic is a combination of what I personally like, commerce and science (robotics). It had
always been a very learning experience where I was independent in doing the work assigned
to me with a little bit of delay though.

I have learned alot of skills through Eumind. I was starting to be more focused, think about
all possible options to tackle the problems I face and overall be joyful and prepared in
whatever I do, even though it may be difficult. I never gave up on my task and kept on going
without hesitation!

Ethan-Eumind has helped me enhance my business skills and my presentation skills all while
working with my peers. I got to truly experience the magical business world unravelling in
front of my eyes as I browsed through the plethora of designs and concepts. Working with my
friends also showed me that when developing something you need a firm hand to bring
everyone together to foster creativity so that our pursuit towards a good and practical product
can be achieved.

What can be achieved by only a group of students is truly marvelous and it made me realize
that when I grow up and have access to more resources
the more problems and solutions that will come up for me to make my second product. At the
start of the project, we were not organized not even able to get one idea and now a practical
product that aids so many people.
In conclusion, our project Wing Warden was only born due to Eumind giving us that base so
that our creative skills could truly shine.

Jahaan-It's wonderful to hear that EUMIND has been such a meaningful experience for me!
Starting a business can be tough, but it's also incredibly rewarding. EUMIND has provided
me with valuable insights and practical experiences that have helped me understand the
complexities of entrepreneurship, from generating ideas to putting them into action.

Through my participation in EUMIND, I've gained firsthand knowledge of the challenges and
opportunities that come with entrepreneurship. I've honed essential skills such as problem-
solving, decision-making, and resource management, all of which are crucial for building a
successful business. Additionally, the project has given me opportunities to network,
collaborate, and pitch my ideas – experiences that are priceless for any aspiring entrepreneur.

I understand that the journey of entrepreneurship has its ups and downs, but I see each
obstacle as an opportunity for growth and learning. My determination to create something of
my own is strong, and the lessons I've learned through EUMIND will undoubtedly guide me
on my entrepreneurial path. I'm committed

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