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Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, was one of the collaborative tools in use at the

time. This tool assists individuals in increasing their productivity, communication, and collaboration. It
was extremely useful, particularly in educational settings, due to its features, applications, and benefits
that met the needs of both students and teachers.

Google Workspace includes several applications that are intended to improve collaboration.
Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets are just a few of the many G Suite features that allow
students and educators to collaborate on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets at the same time.
Google Classroom is a component of Google Workspace that serves as a virtual classroom and makes
managing class files such as activities, assignments, and projects simple. Google created this application
to streamline workflows such as file sharing, assignment creation, distribution, and grading.

Google Drive provides cloud-based storage, allowing files to be accessed from any device with an
internet connection. Additionally, this application is not only storing data, but it also reduces the risk of
data loss.

Most teachers used Google Forms to assess student learning, gather feedback, or conduct
surveys. Similarly, Google Meet has responded to the growing demand for virtual communication and
collaboration. Teachers with video conferencing capabilities can conduct online classes and facilitate
discussions, bridging the gap between physical and virtual learning environments. This application was
very useful in online classes, similar to what happened during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Google Workspace has numerous educational benefits. This tool's collaborative nature
encourages teamwork and peer-to-peer learning. It also provides learning flexibility by allowing access to
documents and resources from any device with an internet connection. It also has an abundance of
features that simplify the workflow. Moreover, this tool has a cost-effectiveness because there are many
features of G Suite that are free to access by teachers and students. This is the reason why this tool was
very effective, especially for those students who have a financial problem.

Johnray B. Habol

Asher Montero


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