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March 7 , 2024

Grade level & Section 9, UNITY, GENTLENESS, CALMNESS

Learning Area SCIENCE


Learning Competencies Explain how different factors affects climate. S9ES-IIIe-30

Reference Science Book 9

At the end of the lesson the students should be able :

Knowledge – Define what is Ocean Current.

Skills – Trace the different ocean current.

Attitude - Appreciate the important role if ocean current in controlling the climate.


A. Topic:

Teacher’s Material Student’s Material

 Laptop  Cardboards
 Powerpoint  Pencil
 TV  Color Pens
 Pens  Bond Papers
 Paper  Ruler
 Tapes
 Colored Papers

Premilinary Activities


(Call a random student that will lead the prayer) In the name of the Father, and of the son , and of
the holy spirit…


Good morning class! Good morning ma’am Honey Pearl!

How are you today? We’re doing good ma’am thank you!

Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today class? Miss secretary?

Wow that’s good..

No one is absent today ma’am


Okay, before we proceed to our new discussion,


among you here can recall what we have discuss

yesterday? Anyone?
What we have discuss last meeting was about
Latitude and how it affects

I will group you into 4 groups . This row will be

group 1. And to be followed by this row ,
would be group 2 and this row is group 3
and last is group 4. “Students are cooperating with their groupmates”

What you are going to do is to guess this

following shuffled words ,that I would
flash on screen .With a twist you have to
make a sound of an animal, which would
represent to your group.
So now, Group 1 which one of an animal you
wanted to be?
In our group we chose to be Duck

How about group 2

We would like to be a Dog

Group 3?
We chose to be a Cat

Last, group 4?
We chose to be a Ostrich



After 5 minutes of activity

Alright! Great job everyone!

Now, Base on the activity ,What would be our

topic for today? Anyone? Yes Adrian?

Perfect! Thank you Adrian

Base on those phrases our lesson for today is
knowing the different currents in our world.
Now, let us know first what is ocean current

And how does it affect our climate?


 Oceans cover about 70 % of the earths

surface ,dominating energy and water
cycles of the earth.
 Oceans absorb large amounts of solar
energy and distribute this to various parts
of the earth through ocean currents that
driven by density and by atmospheric
 Oceans are the largest carbon sinks of the
world. These absorb and store more than
one fourth of the carbon dioxide in the air “Students listening to the Teacher’s discussion”

 During the Ice ages, part of the oceans

was frozen . But as the temperature of the
earth rises, snow caps melted, and the
oceans became a source of carbon

What is Ocean Current ?

 Ocean Currents are the continuous ,

predictable, directional movement of
seawater driven by gravity, wind (Coriolis
Effect ), and water density.
 A stream of water that flows in a definite
path maybe warm or cold.
“Students listening to the Teacher’s discussion”

 Ocean currents that flow away from the

equator carries warm water. The air above
the warm water has higher temperature .
When ocean current carries cold water,
the air above it becomes colder
 Therefore, ocean currents that bring along
cold. On the other hand , ocean currents
that take along warm to coastal areas
make the climate warm.

For you class how does ocean currents affects our

climate ? Yes Leslie?
For me ma’am, ocean currents are like moving
belt in the ocean. Ocean Currents helps
balance the temperature around the world
and makes it possible for us to live in
different places.

Correct ! Thank you for sharing Leslie!

How does Ocean Current affects climate ?

They carry warm water and rain from the middle

of the earth towards the top and cold water from
the top back to the middle. Without these currents
,some areas would be very hot and others very
cold, and there would be less land where people
“Students listening to the teacher’s discussion”
could live.
Now, Let’s have an activity


Group yourselves into 6 groups

Count yourselves up to six 1 2 3 4 5 6………..

“Students starting to cooperate with their group”

Now, go to your group

Each group would Illustrate and identify the

ocean current that carries warm water and cold
water. I’ll give you 10 minutes to do the activity.
After that choose 1 representative to present your
work. Criteria for judging .


Neatness = 15 %

Content = 10 %

Behaviors = 10%

Creativity = 15%

Total = 50 %

Alright, Is that clear class?

Okay Time starts now !

Yes ma’am!

“Each group starting to present their work

After 10 minutes of activity
Great job everyone!

Give yourselves a round of applause please

“ Students clapping and cheering”

1. What happen to the temperature when

warm ocean currents that take along
warm water go to a land mass?
2. What happen when ocean currents “Students answer maybe vary “
that bring cold water move towards a
coastal region ?

Direction: Answer the following
question. Write T if the statement is
correct and F if the statement is wrong.
Write ¼ sheet of paper.

1.In the southern hemisphere, the current

flows in a clockwise direction.
2.In the northern hemisphere, the current
flows in a counterclockwise direction.
3. Ocean currents are the continuous,
predictable , directional movement of
seawater, driven by gravity,wind
(Coriolis Effect) , and water density.
4. Ocean Currents that brings along cold
water in land make the climate cold.
5.Ocean currents that take along warm
water to coastal areas make the climate

I’ll give you 5 minutes to answer….

After 5 Minutes….
“ Students passing all their papers”

Okay pass all your papers

For your assignment…..


In long bond paper, Illustrate and identify

the ocean current that carries warm water
and cold water.

Creativity = 50%
Neatness = 20%
Appropriateness = 30%
Total = 100%

Alright, Any questions from our

discussion earlier?

Okay then, Class dismiss, Goodbye class!

Prepared by: Observed by:


Practice Teacher Mentor

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