Safety and First Aid Reviewer

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Module 1:Introduction of Safety and First Aid

Safety. The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause injury, danger and risk.

Safety procedures at home

1. Keep distance between flammable objects.
2. Never leave sharp object unattended
3. Ensure electric cords aren't draped across other appliances or counter or stove top.
4. Use non-slip stripes or floor mats
5. Keep steps clean and dry
6. Have easy access to important phone numbers.

Safety Procedures in School

1. Walk, do not run in the hall or stairway
2. Don’t push people while walking
3. Always keep right while walking in corridors or stairways
4. Keep classroom aisle clean
5. Don’t use equipment without authorization
6. Don’t to unauthorized places.
7. Abide by the school rules on proper condirect.

First aid. The first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or
serious illness or injury, with care provide to preserve life, present the condition from worsening, or
to recovery

Objective of first aid

* To preserve life
* To protect the unconscious
* To prevent injury or illness from becoming worse
* To promote recovery

Roles of first aid

* It is the bridge that fills the gap between victim and the physician.
* It ends when the services of the physician begins
* It is not intended to compete with nor take the place of a physician.

Characteristics of a Good First aider

1. Observant
2. Resourceful
3. Gentle
4. Sympathetic
5. Tactful
6. Cheerful
Module 2: Safety and Prevention

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire is designed to determine an individual’s

safety when starting a new exercise plan.
Article 12. no# 4 of act no. 3815 of the Philippines revised penal code. “Any person who,
while performing a lawful act due care, cause an injury by mere accident without fault or intention
of causing it is exempt from criminal liability.”
It means who help but causes an unintentional fault will not be exempted from criminal

PASPA (Physical Activity Skill Preparedness Assessment)

- is a procedure that is conducted by the school physician assisted by registered nurse. To know if
the student is ready to participate in physical activity, whether it is light to moderate or vigorous.

Physical Activity Pyramid

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Realistic/Relevant,Time bound

Specific means your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you wont be able to focus your
efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it.
Measurable goals so that you can track your progress and stay motivated.
Realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still
remain possible.
Time Bound asserts that every goal needs a target date, so that you have deadline to focus on
and something to work on.

Common Sports Related Injuries

Basic Anatomy of the Body

- the main organ for the muscular system
- responsible for movement
- maintains posture
- 700 named muscle
- types: Visceral/Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal- muscle are attached to bones and allow voluntary

Ligaments- fibrous connective tissue that connects bones, tough hand for while fibrous slightly
elastic tissue.
Tendon- muscle to bones

Common sports related injuries

* Sprain- damage the ligaments, occurs when there is tearing and stretching of ligaments.

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