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Instructions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer to indicate the type of conversational gambits used in the


1. Do you happen to know where the setting is located?

A. Actions in order B. Telling a story C. Asking for information

2. Have you thought about upgrading your subscription?

A. Giving advice B. Changing the subject C. Breaking in

3. Finally, we got a hold of your replacement order and it should be sent out today.

A. Expressing B. Telling a story C. Changing the subject


4. The problem is that we’re having some technical issues on our servers that are preventing us from
completing your order.

A. Asking for information B. Emphasizing a point C. Actions in order

5. Make sure you will turn off the device for 2 minutes before turning it back on.

A. Actions in order B. Changing the subject C. Expressing reservations

6. By the way, if you were not informed, we accept all major credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, and PayPal.

A. Expressing reservations B. Telling a story C. Changing the subject

7. I’d like to know your full name and account number so we can go ahead and start making the corrections
for you, please.

A. Asking for information B. Telling a story C. Breaking in

8. Excuse me for interrupting, but your line was cutting in and out.

A. Emphasizing a point B. Breaking in C. Changing the subject

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