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Učebnice angličtiny

3. pro střední
a jazykové školy

Time to Talk, 3. díl
Poznámky k fonetice
Přízvuk není vyrážení slabiky.

Přízvuk není vždy ani zvýšení hlasu při vyslovení slabiky, ale změna výšky charakteristická pro zvolenou intonaci.

Přesná pravidla pro přízvukování skutečně neexistují, protože pro každé pravidlo je nesčetně výjimek. Spíše než
o pravidlech můžeme tedy mluvit o určitých tendencích, které vycházejí z pozice tzv. silných a slabých slabik. Pro účely
této učebnice by však uvedení těchto pravidel nebylo přínosné. Jeden z hlavních důvodů složitosti anglického přízvuku
je původ anglické slovní zásoby, která je přejata především z germánských a francouzských, ale i latinských a řeckých
slov, tedy z jazyků jejichž přízvuková pravidla jsou značně rozdílná.

K alternaci přízvuků (u slov, kde je substantivum od slovesa rozlišeno pouze pozicí přízvuku) přistupuje často i redukce
počáteční slabiky na [e] nebo [J] (srov. [;rekc:d] x [rJ;kc:d]).

Angličtina se jako každý živý jazyk neustále vyvíjí, a to i po stránce přízvuku. V průběhu času se tak někdy stává, že
se přízvukové schéma určitého slova může změnit. Existují i četné rozdíly mezi britskou angličtinou (tedy v tomto
případě dialektem received pronunciation) a angličtinou např. americkou, která má tendenci ovlivňovat moderní
britskou angličtinu. Rozdíly v přízvukování můžeme nalézt také mezi jednotlivými dialekty. V této učebnici se důsledně
držíme standardu received pronunciation a tam, kde existují varianty, uvádíme ty, které jsou podle dostupných údajů

Oslabování výslovnosti se týká nepřízvučných slov. Vyplývá z toho, že v rámci anglické věty nesou přízvuk pouze
významová slova, zatímco slova funkční, gramatická, jsou (není-li na nich důraz nebo nejsou-li ve finální pozici)
nepřízvučná. V některých českých učebnicích (a to i v učebnicích fonetiky) se mylně uvádí, že gramatická slova
na začátku věty (tedy např. v otázkách) mají přízvuk, a oslabování se tak týká pouze slov uprostřed věty (!). Je však
nemyslitelné, abychom v neutrálním dotazu např. Do you speak English? přízvukovali pomocné sloveso. Přízvukové
schéma této otázky je [de je ,spi:k ;Jngli/]. Vyslovíme-li tuto větu s přízvukem na pomocném slovesu, věta dostane nádech
pochybnosti či ironie (Ale opravdu mluvíš anglicky?). Je třeba si uvědomit, že přízvuk ve větě může být až několik
slabik od začátku věty (např. [hev je gbt e ;kB:] – přízvuk je až na 5. slabice). Užívání oslabených tvarů je určováno
především rychlostí mluvy. U některých slov existuje i několik stupňů oslabení (např. have [hev, ev, v]), přičemž některé
silně oslabené varianty jsou považovány za hovorové. Jiná slova, např. your, mají pouze hovorové oslabení. Naopak
u některých mluvčích se můžeme setkat s plnou výslovností tam, kde by měla být oslabená, ale přesto ani zde není
primární přízvuk (např. [h+v je gbt e ;kB:]).

Oslabování výslovnosti v žádném případě není nespisovné (s výjimkou některých více oslabených variant, viz výše).
Někteří mluvčí mají při veřejných projevech tendenci neužívat oslabené tvary. To je ale považováno za hyperkorektní
a chybné. Oslabování není důsledkem nedbalé výslovnosti, ale rozmístění přízvuků ve větě a rytmu.

Záporné tvary pomocných a modálních sloves nemají oslabenou výslovnost. V hovorové angličtině se můžeme setkat
s výslovností don’t [de(n)], a to ve spojeních don’t know (dunno [de;new]) a don’t mind [de;maJnd]. Tato výslovnost je
považována za ledabylou.

Můžete studenty upozornit, že oslabování se týká pouze některých funkčních slov, přičemž celá řada slov se nedá,
alespoň ve spisovné výslovnosti, vyslovit oslabeně, i když stojí v nepřízvučné pozici (např. did, it, in atp.).

Naše tabulka zachycuje pouze některé méně oslabené tvary slov, jejichž oslabování v náležitých pozicích lze považovat
za povinné. Další redukcí se většinou ztrácí hláska [e] (den  dn) nebo jiná hláska (mest  mes). Následuje-li vokál,
dostávají některá slova zvláštní podobu. Místo hlásky [e] (de, te, Jnte) zaujímá hláska [w]. U jiných slov se vázání
na následující slova zajišťuje hláskou [r] (fe  fer, fr; de  der). Jde o pravidelný jev, proto jej tu výslovně neoznačujeme.

Vedle uvedených tvarů podléhají redukování výslovnosti i členy. Neurčitý člen a/an má plnou výslovnost [eJ], respektive
[+n] před vokálem, oslabená výslovnost je [e], respektive [en]. Určitý člen má plnou výslovnost [di:] (nezaměňujte
plnou výslovnost s výslovností před samohláskou, jež je [dJ]) a oslabenou výslovnost [de] (před souhláskou) a [dJ] před
samohláskou. Nemá-li z nějakého důvodu na členu stát důraz, je jeho výslovnost vždy nepřízvučná, a tudíž oslabená.

Oslabenou výslovnost může mít též tvar been [bJn], ale v received pronunciation se nepovažuje za standardní.

Time to Talk 3, Poznámky k fonetice 3

Nestandardně se oslabují i would [wed], could [ked] a should [/ed].

Zdůrazněte, že se oslabují pouze funkční slovesa, nikoliv významová. Je tedy třeba rozlišovat mezi pomocnými slovesy
do, does, have, has a had a tvarově stejnými slovesy významovými ([,haw de jw ;du:]).

Redukované must má často též výslovnost [mes].

Redukuje se též some [sem, sm], ale pouze tehdy, má-li funkci adjektiva, nikoliv je-li užito jako zájmeno.

Je důležité upozornit, že tvary am, are, be, can, could, do, does, had, has, have, is, must, shall, was, were, will a would
mají plnou výslovnost na konci věty i tehdy, když na nich nestojí přízvuk (Who knows the answer? ~ ;I do.) To samé platí
i pro předložky stojící na konci věty.

O anglickém rytmu se tradičně uvádí, že angličtina má tzv. izochronní takty, tj. že časový úsek mezi přízvučnými
slabikami ve větě je přibližně stejně dlouhý, a to bez ohledu na to, kolik je mezi těmito přízvučnými slabikami slabik
nepřízvučných. Laboratorní měření však jednoznačně ukazují, že toto tvrzení není pravdivé. Čistě izochronní takty
působí velice monotónně a setkáme se s nimi pouze např. při rytmickém počítání nebo čtení položek ze seznamu atp.
Problematika výkladu rytmu v angličtině je velmi komplikovaná, ale zdá se, že pro její popis je užití tzv. vyrovnávacího
pravidla mnohem vhodnější.

Vyrovnávací pravidlo se uplatňuje pouze pro jednu sekvenci přízvučné a nepřízvučné slabiky. Následuje-li po spojení
přízvučné a nepřízvučné slabiky další slabika nepřízvučná, nijak se to již na délce neprojeví.

Nácviku krácení přízvučných slabik se věnujeme od 9. lekce. Při pozorném poslechu si můžete všimnout, že délka
přízvučné slabiky a míra jejího krácení je ovlivněna i okolními souhláskami.

Nácviku intonace se věnujeme také od 9. lekce.

4 Time to Talk 3, Poznámky k fonetice

Téma lekce: bydlení.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 24–31.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–3.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 4–5, 18–19.

We’re nearly there.

V ustáleném spojení to be nearly there má there přenesený význam. Odkazuje na žádoucí stav, v tomto případě dokončené
stěhování. Zde spojení odpovídá českému Jsme již skoro hotovi/přestěhováni.

Zde neoznačuje stavbu rekreačního typu (chatu, chalupu), ale domek ve venkovském stylu.

at the bottom of the garden

Substantivem bottom se často označuje i nejvzdálenější část prostoru: zahrady, ulice atp. (at the bottom of our road).

No more cleaning stairs.

Jednou z vlastností gerundia je, že si zachovává původní rekci slovesa (to clean stairs – cleaning stairs – srov. čištění

we were always painting and repairing things

Minulý nebo přítomný průběhový čas s always vyjadřuje opakovanou činnost. Toto užití dodává výpovědi často
významový příznak stížnosti.

Everything’s become so expensive since we moved in.

Užití since jako spojky (od té doby, co) v souvětí s hlavní větou v předpřítomném čase procvičujeme ve 4. dílu učebnice.
Pokročilejší studenty však můžete zatím upozornit na to, že since vymezuje začátek děje, který může být určen buď
příslovečným určením (We’ve been here since six o’clock. Jsme tu už od šesti hodin.), nebo událostí, která se v určitém
čase v minulosti odehrála (We’ve been waiting here since they left. Čekáme tu od té doby, co odešli.).

Kingsthorpe [;kJnz,Qc:p]

it’s been getting so noisy lately

Upozorněte studenty, že užití průběhového času zde naznačuje, že se jedná o dosud neukončený děj, situace se stále

Hinton-Brown [,hJnten;brawn]

put up a ‘For Sale’ sign

Upozorněte studenty na slovosled: a ‘For Sale’ sign = cedule s nápisem „Na prodej“ x a sign for sale = cedule na prodej.
V Británii se před domy k prodeji často umísťuje cedule s nápisem For Sale se jménem a telefonním číslem realitní
kanceláře, která prodej nemovitosti zprostředkovává.

I still haven’t heard who’s bought it

Still zdůrazňuje přetrvávající stav, mluvčí zde tak dává najevo svou netrpělivost či zvědavost.

It’s a big place.

Substantivum place v hovorové angličtině často nahrazuje slova house nebo flat (We can have dinner at our place. =
u nás). Užívá se po přivlastňovacím zájmenu či pádu (They went to Jim’s place.). Po přivlastňovacím pádu se často
vynechává (They went to Jim’s.).

if you ask me
Řečnický obrat, jehož prostřednictvím mluvčí upozorňuje, že jde pouze o jeho názor.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 1 5

Rachel is expecting another baby
V souvislosti s těhotenstvím se v angličtině neužívá sloveso wait. Expect lze v tomto významu užít v hovorovém jazyce
i bez předmětu: She’s expecting. Je těhotná.

It’s going to be a boy.

Užití be going to zde napovídá, že pohlaví dítěte je již známo. Srovnejte vyjádření budoucnosti v následující větě textu
(Perhaps they’ll buy him a trumpet.), kde se jedná o spekulaci (zde ironickou), a je tedy užit budoucí čas.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Výraz se vyskytuje v některých složeninách označujících mláďata, např. baby rabbit (králíček), baby tiger (tygřík), ale
i baby boy (miminko – chlapeček), baby girl (miminko – holčička).

Pro studenty může být zajímavé, že např. restaurace s grilem někdy užívají pro barbecue alternativní pravopis (tzv.
sensational spelling) Bar-B-Q. Užívá se i zkratka BBQ, v australské angličtině též barbie. Výraz barbecue označuje činnost,
událost, grilovací vybavení i jídlo samotné (to barbecue some sausages, be invited to a barbecue, build your own barbecue,
what a delicious barbecue).

Pro sportovní disciplínu box je v angličtině výraz boxing.

Srov. complain about stěžovat si na nežádoucí situaci cizího zavinění (complain about noisy neighbours) a complain of
stěžovat si na vlastní bolest (fyzickou či řidčeji duševní) (complain of toothache, complain of a broken heart).

fall in love with sb

Připomeňte studentům spojení be in love with sb (být zamilován do koho).

get ready
Pokud nutno, zopakujte vyjadřování změny stavu.

Upozorněte studenty, že v angličtině nelze jako ekvivalent českého muž ve významu manžel užít slovo man.

Pokročilejší studenty můžete upozornit, že se mnohá anglická slovesa užívají i jako podstatná jména. Studenti se mohou
sami pokusit uvést podobné příklady (např. answer, call, dream atp.).

pack, unpack
Srovnejte: pack/unpack a suitcase (zabalit/vybalit kufr) x wrap/unwrap a gift (zabalit/rozbalit dárek).

Je ekvivalentem českého příbuzný užitého jako substantivum (srov. related types příbuzné druhy). Ve smyslu rodinných
vztahů se často užívá synonymum relation [rJ;leJ/n].

Srov. rent = pronajmout si a rent out = pronajmout. Častější ekvivalent českého pronajmout (byt, dům) je však let. Srov.
Flats to let. Byty k pronájmu. (Viz též str. 20, cv. 6 a 7 Accommodation to let Ubytování k pronájmu.)

Pokročilejší studenty může zajímat rozdíl mezi slovy rubbish a litter ve smyslu odpadky. Litter označuje obvykle odpadky
odhozené na veřejném prostranství. Podobně litter bin (koš, popelnice) se nachází zpravidla ve veřejném prostoru,
zatímco v domácnosti se užívá spíše rubbish bin (v kuchyni) a wastepaper bin/basket (v pracovně, kanceláři atp.). Litter
se užívá též jako sloveso (znečistit odpadky, např. nějaký prostor).

Hovorový výraz, který vznikl krácením ze semi-detached house. Užívá se jako počitatelné substantivum (They want
to buy a semi.). Studenty můžete upozornit na význam předpony semi (polo-), který znají např. ze slova semifinále.

6 Time to Talk 3, lekce 1

Semi-detached house je tedy doslova dům stojící napůl samostatně/půlka domu rozděleného na dvě části/„polosdružený

semi-detached house
V atributivním postavení dochází u výrazu semi-detached ke ztrátě hlavního přízvuku [,semJdJt+t/t ;haws].

Shout znamená křičet ve smyslu mluvit hodně nahlas (shout at sb křičet na někoho; shout to sb zavolat na někoho).
Českému křičet ve smyslu vydávat neartikulované, vysoké zvuky (např. ze strachu) odpovídá anglické scream. Užije-li se
scream o mluvě, odpovídá českému ječet na někoho a je značně expresivní.

Můžete studenty upozornit, že existují dva možné překlady českého na druhé straně: 1. ve fyzickém smyslu – on the
other side (např. of the river); 2. v přeneseném smyslu – on the other hand (on the one hand… on ther other hand…).

Do sekce s názvem Phrasal Verbs zahrnujeme kromě frázových sloves i slovesné vazby předložkové (např. move into),
pokud se vyskytují v textu a souvisejí s tématem.

Pokud děj nastane poprvé, podruhé atd., nelze na rozdíl od češtiny v angličtině použít přítomný čas. Srov.: It’s the first
time (that) I’ve been here. Jsem tady poprvé. Připomeňte studentům, že v tomto spojení se obvykle (ne však povinně)
vynechává that.

V tomto přehledu zatím neuvádíme užití předpřítomného času ve větách s příslovcem recently. Recently odkazuje buď
na konkrétní časový bod v minulosti (před nedávnem) a užívá se s minulým časem, nebo odkazuje na ještě neukončené
časové období (poslední dobou) a užívá se s časem předpřítomným, stejně jako jeho ekvivalent lately. Rozlišování mezi
těmito dvěma významy by zatím mohlo studenty mást.

Můžete studenty upozornit, že význam dosud/zatím je obsažen nepřímo – tedy bez užití slova samotného – v mnoha
větách popisujících děj předpřítomným časem. To platí zvláště u vět vyjadřujících minulou zkušenost (I’ve never lived in
the countryside. – Zatím jsem na venkově nežil, ale tuto možnost nevylučuji.) nebo např. děj, který stále trvá (She’s been
spending more time with her son. – Dosud tomu tak je a zřejmě i bude.), případně děj, který zatím (dosud) neproběhl
(No, we haven’t moved yet. – Zatím k plánovanému stěhování nedošlo, ještě nás to čeká.).

Studenti se někdy mylně domnívají, že je-li ve větě užito never, musí tato věta být automaticky v předpřítomném čase.
Zdůrazněte proto, že užití never nijak neovlivňuje volbu času (I never talk to him. Nikdy se s ním nebavím., I’ll never talk
to him again. Už nikdy se s ním nebudu bavit. atp.).

Příklady na užití předpřítomného času v trpném rodě viz 7. lekce.

řešení: a) předpřítomný b) minulý c) minulý d) předpřítomný e) předpřítomný f) minulý g) minulý h) předpřítomný

i) minulý

Zopakujte se studenty, jaký typ sloves se běžně užívá v průběhových časech (viz 2. díl učebnice, 7. lekce, str. 95).

řešení: a) ne b) ano c) ne d) ano e) ne f) ano

Ve formální angličtině se yet klade před významové sloveso: We have not yet received their reply.

Ekvivalentem any more je spojení no longer, které je formálnější. Vkládá se mezi podmět a významové sloveso (ale až
za sloveso be): The house is no longer there. I no longer remember it. Častým ekvivalentem je též any longer, které stojí
na konci věty již obsahující zápor: The house is not there any longer.

Still se pro popis přetrvávající situace užívá i v záporné větě: He’s still not ready. Pořád ještě není hotový. Still klade důraz
na to, že něco přetrvává, zatímco not yet klade důraz na výsledek: He’s not ready yet. Ještě není hotový. Záporná věta se
still tak často vyjadřuje netrpělivost (I’ve asked him three times but he still hasn’t done it.).

Ve smyslu ještě se před číslovkou užívá též another: He’s got another two cars. Toto užití bude vysvětleno v dalších dílech

Vedle three more times je možné i spojení three times more, které je však zastaralejší, případně poetičtější.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 1 7

Else v záporu někdy odpovídá českému už (I don’t want to hear anything else. Nechci už nic slyšet.)

řešení: a) any more b) else c) yet d) – e) already f) still g) yet/–/already h) three more days (another three days) i) even

Výslovnost [;aJde] a [;naJde] je preferována ve Velké Británii, zatímco v USA je častější výslovnost [;i:de] a [;ni:de].

Můžete studenty upozornit, že kvantifikátorům both, either a neither odpovídají užitím kvantifikátory all, any a no/
none, které se však užívají pouze při odkazování na více než dva členy.

Užití of a určitého členu po both není závazné: both boys, both the boys i both of the boys.

Both, either a neither můžeme též užít samostatně jako zájmena. I like both. You can use either. Which one would you
like? ~ Neither.

Je-li neither of užito v podmětu, sloveso může být jak v singuláru, tak v plurálu. Neither of his friends is a teacher.
i Neither of his friends are teachers. Analogicky pak i ve spojení
s neither… nor…

řešení, např.: a) Oba dva pomohli. b) Pomohli oba. c) Nepomohl ani Jim, ani Anna. d) Mohl by pomoci buď Jim, nebo
Anna. e) Mohl bych pomoci komukoli z nich (dvou). f) Ani jeden z nich (dvou) nepotřeboval pomoc. g) Pomohli jsme
jak Jimovi, tak Anně. h) Nepomůže to ani jednomu z nich (dvou).

řešení: a) sama bez pomoci jiných b) sama, samotná, osobně c) sama bez přítomnosti jiných d) sám bez pomoci jiných
e) bez pomoci jiných


1. I. slova s přízvukem na první slabice: barbecue, bungalow, mortgage, property, storey, suburb, dangerous, area,
neighbourhood, husband

2. Počínaje tímto dílem se v rámci fonetické části každé lekce zabýváme nácvikem větného přízvuku a rytmu. Vzhledem
k tomu, že rytmus věty je ovlivněn mnoha faktory, je nejlepší cestou k jeho zvládnutí poslech typových vět a jejich
opakování. Před tím, než se cvičením začnete pracovat, je vhodné projít se studenty úvodní stať Poznámky k fonetice II,
kde je látka stručně vysvětlena. Upozorněte studenty zejména na následující oslabené tvary, které se ve cvičení objevují:
have [hev], has [hez], you [ju], than [den], for [fe]. V hovorové angličtině se také často redukuje been na [bJn], ale tato
výslovnost není v dialektu received pronunciation standardní.

3. Poznámka. Striktně vzato nejde ve cvičení o výslovnost samotného „a“, ale o výslovnost kombinace písmen
obsahujících „a“.

3. I. a) back – [+] b) pack – [+] c) dangerous – [eJ] d) bungalow – [e] e) mortgage – [J] f) estate – [eJ] g) unpack – [+]
h) husband – [e] i) barbecue – [B:] j) awful – [c:] k) lately – [eJ] l) romance – [+] m) location – [eJ] n) orchard – [e]
o) pavement – [eJ] p) fall – [c:] q) village – [J] r) taste – [eJ] s) semi-detached – [+] t) tenant – [e] u) supermarket – [B:]
v) yawn – [c:] w) cottage – [J] x) safe – [eJ] y) relative – [e]

3. II. d) disadvantage [,dJsed;vB:ntJdg]

4. kazeta + řešení: semi-detached – j), orchard – g), mill – f), rubbish – i), litter – e), awful – a), back – b), own – h),
tenant – k), concrete – d), worry – m), ugly – l), bottom – c)

5. kazeta + řešení: a) We’re staying at the Orchard Hotel. This is the third time we’ve stayed at the Orchard Hotel.
b) Liz and Peter have got a mortgage. This is the first time they’ve had a mortgage. c) This is our second move this
year. This is the second time we’ve moved this year. (This is the second time this year we’ve moved.) d) Claire is in
love. This is the first time she’s been in love. e) The neighbours are painting their fence for the third time this year.
This is the third time they’ve painted their fence this year. (This is the third time this year they’ve painted their
fence.) f) That’s Joanna’s husband. I’ve never seen him here before. This is the first time I’ve seen him here. g) This is
Michael’s fourth visit to Prague. This is the fourth time he’s been to (he’s visited) Prague. h) I’ve already told you so
many times. This is about the tenth time I’ve told you.
Poznámka: Všechna uvedená řešení mohou obsahovat that, které se však obvykle vynechává.

8 Time to Talk 3, lekce 1

6. a) My husband has been working too hard lately. b) Our son hasn’t been trying at school lately. c) Our daughter has
been going out with strange boys lately. d) Our neighbours have been getting so noisy lately. e) There has been so much
litter on our estate lately. f) Everything has been getting so expensive lately. g) The weather has been awful lately. h) I’ve
had so many worries lately.

7. např.: So far the Robsons have painted the back wall and moved the piano into the dining room, and they have brought
the brown armchair down to the living room and added two little shelves by the window. They have also hung up the
plates and a modern picture, and they have taken down last year’s Christmas decorations. They haven’t repaired the light
or tidied the bookshelves, though, and they haven’t found a table for the television yet.

8. kazeta + řešení: a) You should take a holiday. You haven’t had one yet this year. b) Yes. I’d love a coffee. I haven’t
had one yet this morning. c) Perhaps I should stay at home. I’ve already spent so much this month. d) I think I’ll cook
a good, hot dinner tonight. We haven’t had one yet this week. e) Edward must be in love. He’s already phoned her
three times this evening. f) I keep meeting Alice. I’ve already seen her four times today. g) Can’t we go out tonight?
We haven’t relaxed yet this weekend. h) The maths teacher isn’t very pleased with me. I’ve already forgotten my
homework twice this month.

9. a) I’ve always loved chocolate. b) I’ve never understood why. c) I’ve always been afraid of spiders. d) I’ve often had to
explain it/that to people. e) We’ve rarely/seldom needed his help. f) We’ve never liked her (very) much. g) I’ve never
liked/enjoyed buying clothes (shopping for clothes). h) We’ve always eaten very healthily.

10. např.: a) He has just had lunch. b) She has just cleaned the floor. c) He has just fallen in love. d) They have just taken
down the (Christmas) tree. e) She has just become a new woman.

11. a) Oliver. Yes. I think Dickens wrote that. b) Yes, of course I’ve read Oliver. Twice. I love Dickens. c) I can’t find it
anywhere. I think I’ve lost it. d) Until last April the Komárek family had tenants in their Prague flat. e) Since last April the
Komárek family have had tenants in their Prague flat. f) Jenny has gone to the countryside for a few days. She’ll be back
in town on Monday. g) The sign’s not there any more. They’ve taken it down. h) I changed my opinion when I heard
about all the disadvantages. i) The Rushtons are still reconstructing their house. They haven’t finished the ground floor
yet. j) Ron’s walking around in a dream. I think he’s fallen in love again. k) Some of my husband’s relatives came for
dinner last Sunday. I made a delicious stew. l) My husband’s relatives have come for the weekend again. I think I’ll make
another stew. m) I learnt a lot of Spanish while I was in Mexico. I’ve forgotten most of it now, though. n) I was born on
this estate.

12. a) I have learnt/learned to drive, at last. ~ Congratulations! b) How long have you been learning to drive? c) I wasn’t
able to phone them this afternoon. I’ve been painting all day. d) I’ve painted my room yellow. It’s much more cheerful
now. e) I’ve baked six big cakes today. I’m never going to bake again. f) Phew! It’s hot in here! ~ Yes. I’ve been baking
since breakfast. g) How long have you been reading that silly book? h) How many times have you read that silly
book? i) I’ve been buying everything at the supermarket lately. It’s much cheaper. j) Where have you been? ~ At the
supermarket. I’ve got everything we need for the weekend.

a) vybalili = unpacked; (i) already (ii) yet (iii) any more
b) syn = son; (i) any more (ii) yet (iii) already
c) housle = violin; (i) yet (ii) already (iii) any more
d) prázdný = empty; (i) any more (ii) already (iii) yet
e) nesmysl = rubbish; (i) already (ii) any more (iii) yet
f) miminko = baby; (i) yet (ii) already (iii) any more

14. kazeta + řešení: a) Do the Wilsons still live in Henley? ~ Yes, they do. They haven’t moved yet. b) Is the sign still
there? ~ Yes, it is. They haven’t taken it down yet. c) Can I borrow the radio? ~ No, you can’t. I haven’t repaired it yet.
d) Are they getting married soon? ~ No, they’re not. He hasn’t asked her yet. e) Is Barbara still having problems with
her back? ~ Yes, she is. It hasn’t improved yet. f) Is it still raining? ~ Yes, it is. It hasn’t stopped yet. g) Does number 26
still belong to the Whites? ~ Yes, it does. They haven’t sold it yet. h) Have you seen the Old Town Square yet? ~ No, we
haven’t. We haven’t explored the Old Town yet.

15. ještě bohatší even richer – ještě hlasitěji even more loudly – ještě trpělivěji even more patiently – ještě sobečtější
even more selfish – ještě silnější even stronger – ještě upřímněji even more sincerely/honestly – ještě mrňavější even
more tiny/even tinier – ještě pravidelnější even more regular – ještě chudší even poorer – ještě zdravěji even more
healthily – ještě poctivější even more honest – ještě malebnější even more picturesque

Time to Talk 3, lekce 1 9

16. a) Would you like some more coffee? b) Would you like another cup of coffee? c) Could we have two more coffees,
please? d) And could I have some more cake? e) Could I have another slice of cake? f) There’s not much cake left. Just
two more slices. g) Mm. Delicious. And which other cakes shall we try before we go? h) The cakes were delicious. Could
you bring us two more? i) The cakes were delicious. Could you bring us another one?

17. a) Would you like anything (something) else? b) Who else is coming with us? c) Who else do you know here? d) Did
anyone/anybody else want to ask any questions? e) Did you want to ask about anything (something) else? f) What else
do the Byfords own? g) Where else shall we go this weekend? h) Doesn’t anyone/anybody else want to try the Greek

18. a) Both flats have two bedrooms. b) Either flat would be large enough for us. c) Do both/either of the flats have large
kitchens? d) Does either of the flats have a large kitchen? e) Is either daughter married? f) Are both daughters married?
g) Do you know both/either of their daughters? h) Was either of their daughters born in Prague? i) You can sit on either
side. j) There were people sitting on both sides. k) Does either of you want to sit on this side? l) I was sitting with both
of them at one table.

19. kazeta + řešení: a) I could ask them or you could ask them. Either of us could ask them. b) I was wrong and he was
wrong. Both of us were wrong./We were both wrong. c) She was quite rude and you were quite rude. Both of you were
quite rude./You were both quite rude. d) You can sit next to him or you can sit next to her. You can sit next to either
of them. e) I like the area and he likes the area. Both of us like the area./We both like the area. f) You didn’t dance
much and she didn’t dance much. Neither of you danced much. g) She hasn’t got good taste and he hasn’t got good
taste. Neither of them has got good taste. h) He took your advice and she took your advice. Both of them took your
advice./They both took your advice. i) They didn’t choose me and they didn’t choose him. They didn’t choose either
of us./They chose neither of us. j) She isn’t interested in romance and he isn’t interested in romance. Neither of them
is interested in romance.
Poznámka. V hovorové angličtině by ve větách g) a j) bylo možné užít po neither sloveso v plurálu.

20. např.: a) I can do/work either day shifts or night shifts. b) Both Sonia and Filip wanted to go to Hungary. c) Either
dumplings or rice will be best with this sauce. d) Neither a fence nor a wall will help. e) This suburb is both dirty and
noisy. f) We could use either stone or concrete. g) They want to grow both vegetables and flowers there. h) We were
neither hungry nor thirsty. i) Neither my back nor my neck hurts any more. j) The house had neither a front garden nor
a back garden.

21. a) We didn’t like the area much, but the house itself was lovely. b) Mary loves children, although she herself doesn’t
want to have any. c) There were some good actors in it, but I didn’t like the film itself. d) Even the estate agent himself
said he wouldn’t want to live in it. e) Although a lot of foreign visitors come here every year, the Czechs themselves
aren’t very interested in the place. f) She lives a really unhealthy lifestyle. The doctor himself/herself has told her that.
g) The waiters there aren’t very friendly. The food itself is excellent, though. h) The road seemed very noisy to us, and
the owners themselves (the estate agent himself/herself) agreed.

22. kazeta + řešení např.: a) No, Dad isn’t going to paint my room. I’m going to paint it myself. b) But we didn’t buy the
house. We built it ourselves. c) No, his dentist didn’t pull it out. He pulled it out himself. d) Marion doesn’t buy any
cakes. She bakes them (all) herself. e) No, no one chose the colour for me. I chose it myself. f) We’re not going to book
it through a travel agent’s. We’re going to book it ourselves. g) Donald didn’t buy the carp. He caught it himself. h) He
never takes things to the repair shop. He repairs them (all) himself.

23. např.: a) Billy walks to school by himself. b) Mandy doesn’t like going (isn’t keen on going) to the cinema by herself.
c) I waited by myself. d) Emma came by herself. e) David sits by himself in English lessons. f) I celebrated/I had to
celebrate by myself. g) Sue always visits her relatives by herself. h) I didn’t want to sit there by myself.

24. a) a block of flats (4) b) a bungalow (3) c) a semi(-detached house) (5) d) a supermarket (2) e) a (water) mill (1)

25. Určitě pravdivá jsou tato tvrzení: c), e), f) a j).

26. I. c)

26. II. Well, the cottage itself was wonderful. Cosy and old-fashioned. We bought it three years ago. Both Martin and
I fell in love with it straight away. It was in such a pretty location, too. On the edge of a woods, near an old mill, with
a stream at the bottom of the garden. Really romantic.
Všechna vynechaná slova obsahují zdvojená písmena.

10 Time to Talk 3, lekce 1

27. I. a) an area filled with fruit trees an orchard b) not dangerous safe c) problems or negative sides disadvantages
d) a man that a woman is married to a husband e) a young river a stream f) a garden behind a house a back garden
g) a change of location or address a move h) people in my family relatives i) a house with one storey a bungalow j) the
green areas between towns and villages the countryside k) become romantically interested fall in love l) a journey by
car a drive m) my view; what I think about something my opinion n) an area on the edge of a town a suburb

27. II.
romantic lots of work: painting, repairing
fruit, a place to relax in a lot of work
quiet, clean shops etc
green, quiet possibly dangerous
nice views from the bedrooms unpleasant cleaning


Na Kingsthorpe Estate se určitě nachází: a), c), e).

28. II. a) What is the neighbour going to celebrate? (i) Nothing. b) What doesn’t she like? (ii) A lot of noise. c) What does
she think about the Kingsthorpe Estate? (i) It’s neither clean nor attractive.

29. I. left – right; front – back; tiny – huge; full – empty; left – arrived; put up – take down; awful – wonderful

29. II. např.: a) Who lives at/in number thirty? b) Who has bought number thirty?/Who’s going to live at/in number
thirty? c) What did the Hinton-Browns put up around their house and garden? d) How many bathrooms has number
thirty got? e) How much money have the Hinton-Browns got? f) Where have the Hinton-Browns just moved to? g) Who
designed and built the Hinton-Browns’ new house? h) Where do the Hinton-Browns often go on holiday? i) What have
the Hinton-Browns done with their barbecue? j) Why did the Hinton-Browns’ neighbour complain to them? k) When did
Mrs Hinton-Brown stop talking to her neighbour for several weeks?

29. III. Úryvek nejlépe vystihuje věta b).

30. I. a) unpack b) shout c) get ready d) expect e) disappear

30. II. např.: a) We know that Jack’s sister is interested in music because she’s got a piano. b) The young Gibsons shout
and laugh a lot. I wouldn’t complain about it, though. Children are often noisy – that’s quite normal. And anyway, what’s
the problem with children laughing? It’s a lovely sound. c) We know that the sixth member of the Gibson family is going
to be a boy. d) The neighbour says that perhaps the Gibsons will buy their new son a trumpet. She means it as a ‘joke’,
though. (It’s an ironic comment.) She thinks the Gibsons are a noisy family. e) Today Jack Gibson’s family are celebrating
his birthday. They’re going to celebrate at his sister’s house, and if the weather stays nice they’re going to have a barbecue
in the garden.

30. III. např.: My brother, Jack, lives just over/across the road. He’s married, and he and his wife, Rachel, have got
three children. They’re lovely, all of them. Lucy’s the oldest/eldest. She’s twelve and is/really very clever. She’s good
at school and plays the (nikoliv on!) violin beautifully. Sometimes we play together. I’m a pianist, you see. Then there’s
Toby, who’s nine. He can be a bit lazy sometimes, although/but he’s quite a clever boy. His main interest is (nikoliv are!)
sports. Emily, the younger/other girl, is the ‘baby’ of the family. She’s four now (nikoliv years!), and is quite a pretty
little thing. She won’t be the baby for long, though, because/as Rachel is expecting another child. A boy this time. The
other three children are looking forward to it very much.


1. kazeta:
1. I’m a music student at the university here, and this year I’m living in rented accommodation. It’s a little flat in the attic
of a big family house, near the city centre. I’ve got one large room, with a bed, a desk and a small dining table, and my
own bathroom and toilet. I pay a very low rent, and in return I baby-sit for the family once a week and look after their cat
and water the plants when they’re away for the weekend, which is usually at least twice a month. I’m very happy with the
flat, really. It’s cheap, it’s warm and comfortable, and it’s only fifteen minutes’ walk from here to my lectures. There are
a few small disadvantages. Firstly I can’t go away most weekends because of the cat. Then I can’t practise my violin in the

Time to Talk 3, lekce 1 11

evenings, because the children are in bed. And the friendly relationship I have with the family means that the children
often come upstairs to visit me, so I don’t have a lot of privacy. But that’s a problem in university accommodation, too.
There’s always someone knocking at your door and wanting something…

2. We live in a cottage in Dorset, in the south-west. It’s a lovely place. It’s our dream home, really. It was built in the
eighteenth century, and it’s got so much charm. Shutters at the windows, a thatched roof, an old well, a huge garden
that we’ve filled with country flowers… Everyone stops to admire it. We’ve got really nice neighbours, and the village is
very pretty and quiet. We’re just a few minutes’ walk from the sea. So we’re very happy here. Our dream home has got its
disadvantages too, though. The main one is the roof, which needs repairing this summer, and that’s going to cost a lot of
money. And then, although we love the village, shopping is a problem here. It’s alright if you just want to buy a bottle of
milk and a loaf of bread, but if you need, let’s say, a book or a new watch or a birthday present for a friend then it’s quite
a long drive or bus-ride to the nearest town…

3. We’ve got a house near the edge of town, one of those classic Victorian terraced houses built at the end of the nineteenth
century for the working classes. Our whole street is one long terrace, actually – about thirty houses along each side. We’d
really like to move. The place is far too small. It’s a traditional ‘two up, two down’ place – two small bedrooms upstairs,
and a kitchen and sitting room downstairs. Our two children are eleven and eight now and they’re starting to need more
space, but we just can’t afford to move. It’s quite dirty and noisy, too. These houses haven’t got front gardens, so our front
door’s right on the pavement, near the road and the cars. My wife’s always saying she’s got two full-time jobs. One at the
factory where she works, the other one at home, cleaning the windows and washing the curtains! But we can’t complain.
You know, it’s a cosy place and we like the neighbours. Also our jobs aren’t very well paid, and I’m probably going to be
unemployed from the New Year, so we’re lucky to have a roof over our heads, really.

1. I. a) lecture b) shutter c) well d) curtain e) factory f) roof g) loaf of bread

1. II. baby-sit – hlídat děti; water – zalévat; knock – klepat; afford – dovolit si; in return – za odměnu; low – nízký;
relationship – vztah; plant – rostlina; privacy – soukromí; charm – kouzlo; space – prostor
Synonymum k living room = sitting room (u 3. mluvčího).

1. III.
a) It’s our dream home. 2
b) I’m living in rented accommodation. 1
c) Everyone stops to admire it. 2
d) Our whole street is one long terrace. 3
e) We just can’t afford to move. 3
f) I pay a very low rent. 1

g) I’m very happy with the flat. 1

h) Our front door’s right on the pavement. 3
i) The main problem is the roof. 2
j) We’re very happy here. 2
k) I don’t have a lot of privacy. 1
l) We’re lucky to have a roof over our heads. 3

2. I. a) 3. mluvčí b) 2. mluvčí c) 1. mluvčí

2. II.
advantages disadvantages
speaker no. 1 3., 9., 14. 5., 10.
speaker no. 2 2., 7., 12. 1., 4.
speaker no. 3 2., 8. 6., 11., 13.

3. např.: a) The student is studying music. This accommodation isn’t ideal for the student because she can’t practise or
listen to music in the evening. b) We know that the student has got one main room where she sleeps, eats and works and
then her own toilet and bathroom. c) When the family are away she looks after their cat and waters the plants, and once
a week she baby-sits when the parents go out. In return the family give her the accommodation for a very low rent. d) The
main disadvantage is that the children like spending time with her, and so she doesn’t have much privacy. e) The cottage

12 Time to Talk 3, lekce 1

was built in the eighteenth century, and so it’s somewhere between two hundred and three hundred years old. People
stop to admire it because it’s a lovely house with plenty of charm and a beautiful garden. f) One possible disadvantage of
living in an old cottage is the repairs, which can cost a lot of time and money – especially the roof. g) The woman thinks
the main advantages of life in the village are that it’s a pretty and quiet place, not far from the sea, and that she likes the
neighbours. She says the main disadvantage is that you have to travel out of the village when you need to buy anything
that’s a little unusual. h) He says the terraced houses in his street were built for the working classes. i) A ‘two up, two
down’ house is one with two main rooms – a living room and a kitchen – on the ground floor and two bedrooms upstairs.
j) The man and his family can’t move. They can’t afford it. k) The windows and curtains are always dirty because there
is no front garden and so the front of the house is right by the street and the cars. l) No. The man’s wife has just one
paid job, and that’s at a factory. She says she’s also got another ‘job’, washing windows and cleaning curtains at home,
but that’s just a family joke. m) The man feels he is lucky because there are plenty of people with nowhere to live, and
although he and his family haven’t got much money they still have a roof over their heads.

5. a) unfurnished b) part-furnished c) furnished d) furniture

6. I.
gas – plyn; central heating – ústřední topení; deposit – záloha; reference – doporučení; available – volný, k dispozici;
non-smoker – nekuřák; private – soukromý; share – dělit se; route – trasa; require – potřebovat

6. II. a) a reception room (i) a living or dining room; b) a self-contained flat (iii) a flat with privacy; c) studio flat
(i) a small flat with one main room plus kitchen and bathroom

7. I. včetně účtů – inc. (= inclusive (of bills)); plynové ústřední topení – g.c.h. (= gas central heating); nádraží –
stn (= station); dvoupokojový – 2-bed (= two-bedroom); zařízený – furn. (= furnished, tj. s nábytkem); za týden –
p.w. (= per week); bez účtů – exc. (= exclusive (of bills)); předem – in adv. (= in advance); doporučení – refs (= references);
za kalendářní měsíc – p.c.m. (= per calendar month)

7. II. A bedsit [;bedsJt], or bedsitting room, is a type of accommodation that contains just one room. It is a bedroom, living
room and kitchen in one.

7. III. kazeta + řešení: Has either room got a double bed? two-bedroom flat in Brentwood What references do you
require? flat for two, Southend area How much is the deposit? one-bedroom flat, Southend And how many children
have you got? bedsit in family house, Westcliff Do you mean walking or driving? semi-detached house, Chalkwell That
is per month, isn’t it? studio flat, Grays

9. I. kazeta, 9. II. řešení:

– Hello.
– Hello. I’m phoning about the flat you’re advertising in the Clifton News. Is it still available, please?
– Yes. It’s still free. Perhaps you’d like to know a bit more about it.
– Yes, please. I was wanting to ask if it’s furnished.
– Oh, yes. It’s fully furnished. One room’s got a double bed, the other’s got a single. There’s a telephone, of course, and
there’s a washing machine in the kitchen.
– Oh, that’s great. I see the rent is three hundred and twenty a month. What does that include?
– That includes all the bills – gas, electricity and water. But not the phone, of course.
– Right. And what about a deposit?
– Yes. There’s a deposit of two months’ rent in advance.
– Mm. That’s quite a lot. But the flat sounds ideal for us, and it’s the part of town we want.
– It’s certainly a good area. Nice and quiet, plenty of trees. There’s a small supermarket just round the corner, and it’s
less than five minutes’ walk to the station.
– Right. Well, it sounds perfect. When could we come and have a look at the flat?
– How would this evening suit you?
– This evening would be great. I’m at work until six tonight, so any time after about six-thirty is fine with me.
– Right. Well let’s say half past six, then, shall we? I’ll give you the address…

9. I. Víme, že byt má: b) dvoulůžkovou postel (double bed), c) jednolůžkovou postel (single bed), e) pračku (washing
machine). Nevíme, jestli byt má: a) krb (fireplace; open fire), d) balkon (balcony [;b+lkenJ]), f) myčku nádobí

Time to Talk 3, lekce 1 13

Téma lekce: nemoc, zdraví a návštěva lékaře.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 24–32.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–3.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 4–6, 17–18.

I had a headache.
Zatímco v češtině hovoříme o tom, že nás něco bolí (hlava, v krku), v angličtině použijeme obvykle spojení to have
a headache/sore throat/a runny nose atp. (doslova mít bolest hlavy, mít bolavý krk, mít rýmu).

to be ill this winter

Připomeňte studentům užití this (this winter letos v zimě), last (last April loni v dubnu) a next (next summer příští rok
v létě) v časových určeních.

went back to bed to sleep

Zopakujte: go to bed jít spát, jít do postele; go to sleep usnout.

for quite a long time

Zopakujte, že člen stojí obvykle až po quite.

get plenty of vitamin C

Spojení get plenty of se často užívá ve smyslu mít/dostávat dostatečné množství čeho. Srov. níže: Get plenty of rest! Hodně

Do you get a lot of colds and flu?

Všimněte si, že v angličtině často užíváme kvantifikátor jako ekvivalent českého příslovečného určení: Do you get a lot
of colds and flu? Jste často nachlazen?/Máte často chřipku? V textu je řada dalších příkladů: I used to do a lot of sport.
Hodně jsem sportoval., I had several colds each year. Několikrát za rok jsem byl nachlazen., Get plenty of rest. Hodně
odpočívejte. Podobně též: She has a lot of headaches. Často ji bolí hlava.

I had just finished reading the article.

Připomeňte studentům, že anglické finish doing sth často odpovídá české perfektivizující předponě do-. I had just
finished reading the article. Právě jsem ten článek dočetl. We finished eating around eight. Dojedli jsme kolem osmé.
Je-li z kontextu jasné, o jaké činnosti je řeč, často se vynechává významové sloveso. Např. u jídla se rodič zeptá dítěte:
Have you finished? Už jsi dojedl?, You can borrow this. I’ve finished it. Můžeš si to půjčit. Už jsem to dočetla.

Bless you!
V reakci na kýchnutí užíváme spojení Bless you., nikoli God bless you. Vhodnou odpovědí je prosté Thank you.

Just a general check-up. Nothing serious today.

Eliptické konstrukce tohoto typu jsou v hovorové angličtině velice časté. Význam vynechané části věty je zřejmý
z kontextu.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Na rozdíl od českého kotník označuje pouze kotník na noze. Kotník na ruce je knuckle [;nvkl]. Srov. toe prst na noze x
finger prst na ruce; big toe palec na noze x thumb palec na ruce.

Přání dobré chuti před jídlem není v angličtině běžné. (Nejčastěji se vyskytuje v restauraci jako zdvořilostní přání
zaměstnanců strávníkům.) Rozhodně se však neužívá výraz appetite, ale např. Enjoy your meal., Have a good meal.,
někdy i Bon appetit. atp.

14 Time to Talk 3, lekce 2

V kontextu zdravotnictví a služeb odpovídá spojení have an appointment českému být objednán a make an appointment
objednat se. V jiných kontextech je appointment formální a užívá se spíše při odkazování na schůzky pracovní, obchodní
atp. než na schůzky neformální (srov. I’ve got an appointment with their Managing Director tomorrow. Zítra mám jednání
s jejich výkonným ředitelem. x I’m meeting Bryan in the afternoon. Odpoledne mám schůzku s Bryanem.).

Upozorněte studenty, že se anglické aspirin užívá pouze v singuláru (Take a couple of aspirin and go to bed.).

V tomto významu se užívá zejména ve spojení se slovesy popisujícími pozorování (watch, observe, look at atp.).

Upozorněte na srovnání be cold a have a cold.

Znamená lék v nejobecnějším slova smyslu: Is there a cure for it? Dá se to vyléčit?, Revision is the best cure against
forgetting. Opakování je nejlepším lékem proti zapomínání. Upozorněte studenty na příbuznost s výrazy kurýrovat se,
kúra, manikúra atp. Výslovnost cure je stále častěji též [kjc:].

Užíváme hlavně ve spojení suffer from depression (mít deprese, tj. opakovaně). Českému mít depresi odpovídá spojení
be depressed.

Užívá se bez členu nebo s určitým členem.

Užívá se ve spojení s infinitivem (I’m so glad to be here.), vedlejší větou (I’m so glad you agree.), nebo s předložkami of
či about (I was glad of the chance ti help).

handkerchief [;h+nket/Jf] i [;h+nket/i:f]

Upozorněte studenty, že tvar plurálu je handkerchieves [;h+nket/i:vz]. V hovorové řeči se často užívá zkrácené hanky

Studenti si všimnou, že jde o složeninu slov head a ache. Takto může s ache vzniknout ještě toothache, backache,
stomachache/ bellyache/tummyache, neckache (nikoliv bolest v krku, ale bolest krční páteře). Přeneseně se užívá
heartache, a to pro bolest nikoliv fyzickou, ale duševní.

Odpovídá českému jinak ve smyslu kromě toho (I had a headache and a runny nose, but otherwise I was fine. Bolela
mě hlava a teklo mi z nosu, ale jinak mi bylo dobře.). Jinak ve smyslu jiným způsobem překládáme nejčastěji pomocí
different(ly) (I want to do it differently. Chci to udělat jinak.).

Může se pojit jak s infinitivem (He promised to write.), tak s vedlejší větou (He promised he would write.).

put on, take off

Možný slovosled: He put on/He took off his hat. i He put his hat on./He took his hat off. Je-li předmětem osobní zájmeno,
je možný pouze slovosled s předmětem mezi slovesem a částicí: He took it off. (Slovosled u frázových sloves viz 11. lekce).

Označuje jak např. hotelovou recepci, tak příjem pacientů u lékaře a v nemocnici. Upozorněte studenty, že jde
o substantivum odvozené od slovesa receive (přijmout, dostat, obdržet), se kterým se seznámili ve 2. dílu učebnice.

Výraz se pojí s předložkou to. Srov. He didn’t reply to my question. x He didn’t answer my question. (V substantivním užití
následuje předložka to i po answer: His answer to/reply to my question was not satisfactory.)

Time to Talk 3, lekce 2 15

V hovorové angličtině se užívá k označení jak žaludku samotného, tak celé břišní oblasti. Stomachache může označovat
jakoukoliv bolest břicha nebo podbřišku. V hovorové angličtině, obzvláště v mluvě dětí, užíváme k označení břicha
i zkrácené tummy [;tvmJ].

Podobně jako v češtině se výraz užívá i k označení zvýšené teploty nebo mírné horečky: I’ve got a temperature. Mám

Upozorněte studenty na rozdíl mezi throat (krk, tj. hrdlo) a neck (krk, tj. část těla mezi hlavou a trupem, šíje).

Ve výkladu předminulého času zatím neuvádíme jeho užití v situacích, kdy odkazuje na děj před určitým, neslovesně
vyjádřeným, časovým údajem (někdy např. ve spojení se spojkou by – By 7 o’clock I had phoned everybody.). Toto užití
je uvedeno v rámci rozšířeného opakování perfektních časů ve 4. díle učebnice.

Pomocné sloveso had má v neutrální větě v předminulém čase oslabenou výslovnost [hed].

Upozorněte studenty, že užití předminulého času nevyplývá z toho, jakou spojkou jsou věty spojeny – spojka pouze
vyjadřuje vztah mezi větami. Takový vztah může existovat i mezi větami nespojenými spojkou (She already knew. Dave
had told her.) a můžeme jej rovněž užít jako reakci na podnět v konverzaci (Did you go to the cinema with the others? ~
No, I’d already seen the film.).

Předminulý čas slouží jako prostředek upřesnění časové roviny děje, a to obzvláště v těch případech, kdy by mohlo dojít
ke dvojznačnosti. Srov. When I got home he left. (tj. odešel až po mém příchodu) x When I got home he had already left.
(tj. odešel již před mým příchodem). Užití předminulého času není nutné, je-li ze smyslu věty patrné, v jakém pořadí se
děje odehrály, např.: We had our dinner after they (had) left.

Připomeňte studentům, že ve většině vět uvedených ve výkladu časové souslednosti je vynechána spojka that, kterou je
však často možné užít.

řešení: a) Když jsem přišel domů, odešel. (tj. po mém příchodu) x Když jsem přišel domů, už odešel/byl už pryč.
(tj. před mým příchodem) b) Nešel jsem tam, protože jsem byl nemocný. (tj. zrovna v té době) x Nešel jsem tam, protože
jsem byl nemocný. (tj. byl jsem po nemoci) c) Ty tablety byly dobré, ale ta medicína nepomohla. (není zřejmé, ani
podstatné, jestli jsem užíval obojí současně) x Zkusil jsem ty tablety, protože ta medicína nepomohla. (tj. nejprve jsem
bral medicínu, která nezabrala, a pak jsem zkusil ty tablety) d) Když jsem potkal Soniu, měla zrovna zlámanou ruku. x
Sonia si krátce před tím, než jsem ji potkal, zlámala ruku.

Dbejte, aby studenti neužívali časovou souslednost ve větách, kde je hlavní věta v předminulém čase (I’ve told you
a hundred times I didn’t do it.).

Pravidla časové souslednosti se často porušují, například pro vyjádření stále trvající skutečnosti (I’ve just spoken to
Jim. He said he can’t come tonight. – Všimněte si, že mezi dějem popsaným vedlejší větou a časem, kdy bylo sdělení
vyřčeno, neuplynula dlouhá doba.), nebo obecné, nadčasové skutečnosti: He didn’t even know that Prague is in the Czech
Republic! Ve vedlejších větách, kde je sled dějů patrný z užitého časového určení, se místo předminulého času obvykle
užívá čas minulý: He said Mozart was born in 1756.

Vyjadřování nepřímých rozkazů (He asked me to help.) viz 6. lekce.

V souvislosti s uvedenými příklady přímé řeči můžete studentům připomenout, že se v angličtině oboje uvozovky
píší nahoře a uvozovací sloveso je od přímé řeči odděleno nejčastěji čárkou, po níž následuje velké písmeno. Můžete
upozornit též na slovosled: “Hello,” said Peter., ale “Hello,” he said.

V časové souslednosti překládáme anglickou větu s would do češtiny budoucím časem. Jde-li však o převod podmiňovacího
způsobu do nepřímé řeči, překládáme vedlejší větu samozřejmě podmiňovacím způsobem (“I’d like that.”  She said she
would like that. Řekla, že by se jí to líbilo.).

řešení: a) He says it isn’t serious. b) He said it wasn’t serious. c) He said it hadn’t been serious. d) He hoped it wasn’t
serious. e) He hoped it wouldn’t be/wasn’t going to be serious. f) He said it was getting better/was improving. g) He
asked if it was serious. h) He asked if it had been serious.

16 Time to Talk 3, lekce 2

Upozorněte studenty na dvojí výslovnost had tam, kde stojí vedle sebe. První (pomocné sloveso) má výslovnost
oslabenou, druhé (sloveso lexikální) plnou: I had had… [hed ;h+d].

řešení: a) had to, would have to/was going to have to b) didn’t have to, hadn’t had to c) had been able to, were able to
(could/ would be able to/were going to be able to) d) were allowed to (could/were going to be allowed to), would be
allowed to e) had to, would have to/was going to have to f) weren’t able to (couldn’t), hadn’t been able to

V záporu a otázce se vedle tvaru use to setkáme i s tvarem used to: He didn’t used to visit us very often. Did he used to
look like this?

Studenti někdy chybně zaměňují modální sloveso used to se spojením be/get used to (být zvyklý na/zvyknout si na),
které se pojí s gerundiem (viz 10. lekce, str. 128). Srov. He used to wear glasses. Nosíval brýle. x He isn’t used to wearing
glasses. Není zvyklý nosit brýle. Zatímco modální used to odkazuje vždy pouze na minulost, je vazba be/get used to
vazbou sponového slovesa a adjektiva, a lze ji tudíž užít v libovolném čase (He will soon get used to/He has never been
used to etc. wearing glasses.).

řešení, např.: a) Kouříval. b) Bydlívali tady. c) Dříve se tolik nestrachovala. d) Stávalo se to docela často. e) Nestávalo se
to moc často. f) Co dříve dělával? g) Bývali to moc dobří přátelé.

Přivlastňovací zájmeno v angličtině může být i jednou z forem překladu tzv. volného dativu v češtině: Could you wash
my car? Mohl bys mi umýt auto? Volný dativ v angličtině často vyjadřujeme též předložkovou vazbou s for: Could you
wash the car for me?

řešení: a) Doktor se mi podíval na nohu. b) Podíval jsem se doktorovi na nohy. c) Ztratila klíč. d) Ztratila mi klíč. e) Našel
jsem ti klíče. f) Zavolal sestře. g) Zavolala mu sestra. h) Zubař jí prohlédl zuby. i) Vyčistila si zuby.


1. I. kazeta + řešení (tučně vytištěná slova mají přízvuk na první slabice, ostatní na slabice druhé): a) appetite b) depression
c) Italy d) Italian e) promotion f) reception g) medicine h) vitamin i) reply j) recover k) unwell l) otherwise m) stomach
n) symptom o) thermometer p) temperature q) tablet r) pneumonia s) handkerchief t) receptionist u) suffer

2. Upozorněte studenty, že se ve cvičení vyskytují tyto oslabené tvary: pomocné had [hed], he [hJ], that [det], was [wez],
of [ev], your [je], he’s [hJz].

3. I. a) depression [J] – dentist [e] b) decorate [e] – December [J] c) expensive [J] – excellent [e] d) exercise [e] – expect
[J] e) estate [J] – essay [e] f) elegant [e] – eleven [J] g) prescribe [J] – pressure [e] h) prepare [J] – present [e] (jako
substantivum; jako sloveso má přízvuk na druhé slabice a počáteční ‘e’ se vyslovuje oslabeně [prJ;zent]) i) reply [J] –
relative [e] j) recover [J] – regular [e] k) between [J] – better [e] l) belong [J] – bedroom [e]

3. II. kazeta: a) depression – dentist b) decorate – December c) expensive – excellent d) exercise – expect e) estate – essay
f) elegant – eleven g) prescribe – pressure h) prepare – present i) reply – relative j) recover – regular k) between – better
l) belong – bedroom

3. III. V přízvučných slabikách se v uvedených slovech počáteční e- vyslovuje [e], v nepřízvučných slabikách [J].
Poznámka: Možnou alternativou výslovnosti [J] v oslabených slabikách je [e] (např. [de;pre/n], [be;twi:n]). Kvalita
fonémů je velice blízká a někdy může být obtížné rozeznat, jakou variantu mluvčí užívá.
Nepřízvučný prefix ex- se v dialektu received pronunciation vyslovuje s [J]. V některých jiných dialektech se však často
vyskytuje i [e] nebo [e]. Výslovnost prefixu může být (i v závislosti na okolí) [Jks], [Jgz], ale i [eks], [egz], či dokonce
[eks], [egz].

4. a) appointment b) prescription c) cough d) depression e) handkerchief f) headache g) continue h) pneumonia i) sneeze

j) sprain k) reception l) promotion m) clear n) pain o) break

5. kazeta + řešení: eat – I had eaten; not sleep – I hadn’t slept; not agree – I hadn’t agreed; complain – I had complained;
promise – I had promised; not find out – I hadn’t found out; not worry – I hadn’t worried; not forget – I hadn’t forgotten;
knock – I had knocked; not reply – I hadn’t replied; begin – I had begun; move – I had moved; fall in love – I had fallen
in love; not know – I hadn’t known; not mind – I hadn’t minded; be interested – I had been interested; decide – I had
decided; not let her know – I hadn’t let her know

Time to Talk 3, lekce 2 17

6. a) We didn’t go to Jenny and Steve’s wedding. They hadn’t invited us. (We hadn’t been invited.) b) Daniel’s English
homework was full of mistakes. He had done it very quickly. c) I couldn’t find my handkerchief anywhere. It had
disappeared. d) I didn’t know about the change in her plans. She hadn’t let me know. e) I couldn’t tell him anything
about the article. I hadn’t read it. f) Karen couldn’t go with us. She hadn’t recovered yet. g) I didn’t want anything to eat.
I had lost my appetite. h) She was really tired. She hadn’t stopped all day. i) He couldn’t move his leg. He had broken it.

7. a) I knocked but there was no one there. The Smiths had moved away. b) The pain returned in the evening because
I had forgotten to take a tablet. c) I waited at the station until her train had left. d) He felt much better after he had rested
a while. e) Although she had spent six months in France, Alison didn’t speak a word of French. f) Peter was expecting
seven years of bad luck because he had broken a mirror. g) Although the doctor had prescribed it I didn’t take it. h) As
soon as she had read his letter Petra sat down to write a reply. i) By the time I was well enough to return to work they
had given the promotion to someone else.

8. a) Had you read the book before you went to see the film? b) Was it his own idea, or had someone else suggested
it? c) Hadn’t you tried them on before you paid for them? d) Hadn’t they finished reconstructing it by the time they
moved in? e) Had you never (Hadn’t you ever) eaten Indian food until you went to London? f) Did they choose him
because he had had the best exam results? g) Did you let them know as soon as your coach had arrived in London?
h) Did she start feeling better as soon as she had begun taking the medicine? i) Did you have to wait for hours, or had
you made an appointment? j) Had they taken the sign down by the time you got there?

9. kazeta + řešení: I was admiring it. – I had been admiring it.; We were expecting it. – We had been expecting it.; She
wasn’t suffering. – She hadn’t been suffering.; I was coughing and sneezing. – I had been coughing and sneezing.;
They weren’t arguing. – They hadn’t been arguing.; We were planning a barbecue. – We’d been planning a barbecue.;
He wasn’t crying. – He hadn’t been crying.; She was carrying heavy boxes. – She had been carrying heavy boxes.;
I was having a lot of bad dreams. – I’d been having a lot of bad dreams.; You weren’t chatting for long. – You hadn’t
been chatting for long.; We were enjoying ourselves. – We’d been enjoying ourselves.; I was getting ready. – We’d been
getting ready.; I was imagining something different. – I’d been imagining something different.

10. a) He couldn’t comment on the idea. He hadn’t been listening to us. b) It was a shame Marie couldn’t go skiing
with us. She had been looking forward to it. c) Suddenly, just before Christmas, the problem finally disappeared. He
had been suffering from (with) it for months. d) I had to go to the doctor’s. I had been feeling unwell all weekend.
e) The roads were wet. It had been raining all night. f) I met Linda at Hungry Hippo’s. She didn’t seem very glad to see
me. I think she had been avoiding me. g) Jimmy was dirty and there were holes in his trousers. He had been climbing
trees again. h) The old man’s house was full of model buses. He had been collecting them (for) nearly sixty years.
i) Suddenly that strange woman was there again. She had been watching us from her car. j) He was pleased with the
performance. He had been practising hard for weeks.

11. a) And how long had they been talking when the bell rang? b) And how long had you been living in rented
accommodation when you bought your first flat? c) And how long had you been ringing when he finally opened the
door? d) And how long had they been going out with each other when they got married? e) And how long had he been
working there when he became company director? f) And how long had you been staying at the Sweet Dreams Hotel
when the lift broke? g) And how long had she been learning Italian when she went to live in Italy? h) And how long had
they been meeting secretly when her father found out? i) And how long had the picture been hanging in this room
when it disappeared? j) And how long had you been taking the tablets when you went for another check-up? k) And how
long had he been lying on the pavement when the police found him?

12. např.: Tina told the doctor she didn’t feel well. She told him she was tired all the time. She told him she had a bad
headache. She told the doctor her back hurt. She told him she had a sore throat/told him her throat was sore. She told
him she had a bad cough. Tina told the doctor she couldn’t stop sneezing. She told him she had no appetite. She told him
her temperature was going up. She told him she was under pressure at work. She told the doctor she hoped it wasn’t flu.
Tina asked the doctor if he could prescribe something.

13. I. kazeta + řešení: He’s ill. – She said he was ill.; It’s empty. – She said it was empty.; They’re not relatives. – She
said they weren’t relatives.; I’m a receptionist. – She said she was a receptionist.; The match isn’t on Saturday. – She
said the match wasn’t on Saturday.; It has one main disadvantage. – She said it had one main disadvantage.; I don’t
have a son. – She said she didn’t have a son.; They live on a housing estate. – She said they lived on a housing estate.;
I don’t know. – She said she didn’t know.; My back hurts. – She said her back hurt.; It doesn’t matter. – She said it
didn’t matter.; I’m planning to move. – She said she was planning to move.; My Czech isn’t improving. – She said her
Czech wasn’t improving.; They’re laughing at you. – She said they were laughing at me.; I’m just borrowing it. – She
said she was just borrowing it.

18 Time to Talk 3, lekce 2

13. II. kazeta + řešení: Is she married? – He asked if she was married.; Is it a noisy area? – He asked if it was a noisy
area.; Are they your tablets? – He asked if they were my tablets.; Where are my tablets? – He asked where his tablets
were.; Have you got a romantic husband? – He asked if I had a romantic husband.; What have you got? – He asked what
I had (got).; What have you got for me? – He asked what I had (got) for him.; Why haven’t you got a prescription? – He
asked why I didn’t have a prescription.; Does it hurt? – He asked if it hurt.; Who wants it? – He asked who wanted it.;
What do you want? – He asked what I wanted.; What are you doing? – He asked what I was doing.; What’s happening? –
He asked what was happening.; Why isn’t it getting better? – He asked why it wasn’t getting better.; What is she
worrying about? – He asked what she was worrying about.

14. např.: a) “But you said the beaches had been dirty and full of people!” b) “But you said the hotel had been a long
way (away) from the beach!” c) “But you said the room had been small and dark!” d) “But you said the food had been
expensive and unhealthy!” e) “But you said there hadn’t been any good local wines!” f) “But you said the local people
had been rude and unpleasant!” g) “But you said the capital had been boring!” h) “But you said the weather had been
cold and wet!” i) “But you said it had been an awful holiday!” j) “But you said you’d decided to stay at home next year!”

15. kazeta + řešení: a) I didn’t understand a word. – She admitted she hadn’t understood a word. b) I’ve lost it. – He said
he had lost it. c) Why did they do it? – She asked why they had done it. d) Who sent it? – He didn’t know who had sent
it. e) That’s an interesting opinion. – She thought it was an interesting opinion. f) You’ve never been to London? That’s
incredible! – He couldn’t believe I’d never been to London. g) Oh, look! The Hinton-Browns have sold their house! –
She noticed the Hinton-Browns had sold their house. h) It wasn’t easy, was it? – He guessed it hadn’t been easy. i) Our
neighbours have just had another loud party. – She complained that their neighbours had just had another loud party.
j) Oh, no! I didn’t close the back door! – He remembered he hadn’t closed the back door.

16. I. a) I said (that) I would taste it. b) He knew (that) there wouldn’t be time for it. c) I explained (that) I would be
at the doctor’s. d) We heard (that) it wouldn’t be very safe. e) They asked if I would be able to come. f) She didn’t
believe (that) the medicine would help. g) Little Jack promised (that) he would never do it again. h) I hoped (that) the
unpleasant symptoms would soon disappear. i) The dentist told me (that) it would probably hurt a bit/hurt a little.
j) She said (that) she would find me in the waiting room.

16. II. a) He guessed what was going to happen. b) Everyone hoped (that) it wasn’t going to be a long meeting. c) The
doctor said (that) he was going to prescribe me something/ prescribe something for me. d) She promised (that) she
was going to let us know. e) Martin wrote (that) he was going to look for work/to look for a job in Italy. f) Gemma
complained (that) she wasn’t going to (be able to) see anything from the back row. g) I asked him if he was going
to accept their offer. h) She told us (that) the wedding was going to be in September. i) They were glad when they
found out (that) their neighbours were going to move (away). j) Anna told her parents (that) she wasn’t going to go
to university.

17. kazeta + řešení: I’ll unpack it for you. – He said he’d unpack it for me.; We’ll have a great time. – He said we’d
have a great time.; Tom won’t like it. – He said Tom wouldn’t like it.; I’m going to complain. – He said he was going
to complain.; They’re going to repair it for me. – He said they were going to repair it for him.; Caroline isn’t going to
believe you. – He said Caroline wasn’t going to believe me.; We won’t catch anything here. – He said we wouldn’t catch
anything there.; We’re going to celebrate on Friday. – He said they were going to celebrate on Friday.; I’m not going to
answer their questions. – He said he wasn’t going to answer their questions.; It won’t cost much. – He said it wouldn’t
cost much.; I’ll dance with you. – He said he’d dance with me.

18. kazeta + řešení:

a) can – be able to b) mustn’t – not be allowed to c) may – be allowed to d) needn’t – not have to e) must – have to f) be
able to – can g) not be allowed to – may not

19. a) The doctor said I would have to give up (was going to have to give up) smoking. b) I asked if he was allowed
to borrow his father’s car. c) She couldn’t believe that the students weren’t able to understand it. d) I asked why we
didn’t have to pay anything. e) I heard that they had had to wait for hours. f) He knew that he wouldn’t be able to
describe (wasn’t going to be able to describe) it. g) Did you know Nellie was able to play the violin? h) But then they
found out that they weren’t allowed to have a church wedding. i) I felt sorry that I hadn’t been able to say goodbye to
them. j) I hoped I wouldn’t have to wear/to put on (wasn’t going to have to wear/to put on) a suit. k) But I thought
you were able to breathe! l) She said I had to take it three times a day. m) She promised that they would be allowed
to watch (were going to be allowed to watch) the television after dinner. n) They told us they hadn’t had to book it in
advance. o) She explained that she wasn’t allowed to stay out after eleven o’clock. p) She wrote that she wasn’t able to
live without him.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 2 19

20. např.: a) The Nováks used to live in a block of flats. Now they live in a little house. b) The Nováks used to have
a holiday cottage. Now they haven’t got a cottage. They’ve sold it. c) The Nováks used to have a Trabant. Now they’ve
got a gold Octavia. d) The Nováks didn’t use to be allowed to travel abroad. Now they go to the sea every summer. e) The
Nováks didn’t use to receive any foreign post. Now they regularly get letters from France and America. f) The Nováks
didn’t use to have a television. Now they’ve got a colour television with DVD. g) The Nováks used to have oranges only
at Christmas and didn’t use to know what bananas were at all. Now they eat both several times a week. h) The Nováks
used to be able to speak Russian. Now they don’t understand Russian at all. i) The Nováks didn’t use to be able to speak
any other languages. Now they all speak English and a little German. j) The Nováks used to hate 1st May. Now it’s their
favourite day of the year. k) Grandma Novák used to live in Gottwaldov. She still lives in the same town, but now it’s
called Zlín.

21. např.: a) Did the Nováks use to live in a house? ~ No, they didn’t. They used to live in a block of flats. b) Did the
Nováks use to have a holiday cottage? ~ Yes, they did. But now they’ve sold it. c) Did the Nováks use to have an Octavia? ~
No, they didn’t. They used to have a brown Trabant. d) Did the Nováks use to be allowed to travel abroad? ~ No, they
didn’t. They had to go on holiday in their own country. They didn’t use to be able to go to the sea every year, as they
do now. e) Did the Nováks use to receive any foreign post? ~ No, they didn’t. They didn’t use to have any friends in foreign
countries. But now they get a lot of letters from France and America. f) Did the Nováks use to have a television? ~ No,
they didn’t. But now they’ve got a large colour television with DVD. g) Did the Nováks use to buy oranges and bananas? ~
No, they didn’t. There weren’t any in the shops. Only once or twice a year. But now they eat a lot of them. h) Did the
Nováks use to be able to speak Russian? ~ Yes, they did. They studied Russian at school and they spoke quite fluently. But
now they’ve forgotten all their Russian. They can’t even read it. i) And did the Nováks use to be able to speak any other
languages? ~ No, they didn’t. They spoke only Russian, although they wanted to speak English and tried to learn a little.
Now all the Nováks speak fluent English and a bit of German. j) Did the Nováks use to like 1st May? ~ No, they didn’t.
They used to hate it. But now it’s one of their favourite days of the year. Mr and Mrs Novák always have the day off work,
and they usually go out for a walk and then have lunch at a restaurant. k) Did Grandma Novák use to live in Zlín? ~ Yes,
she did, although the town used to be called Gottwaldov.

22. a) They broke her leg. b) He has broken his leg. c) Its leg was broken. d) He broke my leg.

23. Neuvádíme zde všechny varianty, i když jsou často možné například dva časy nebo dokonce i různé interpretace
slovesa (I’ve broken my leg. My/His left hand was hurting. I picked up my/his coat. atp.). Např.: a) I broke my leg. –
I broke his leg. b) I took off my coat/took my coat off. – I took off her coat/took her coat off (for her). c) I put on my coat/
put my coat on. – I took his coat. – I put on his coat/put his coat on (for him). d) My left hand hurt. – His left hand hurt.
e) Honza lost his/the keys. – Honza lost my keys. f) She sprained her ankle. – She sprained my ankle. g) I had chocolate
around my mouth. – He had chocolate around his mouth. h) The sun was shining in her eyes. – The sun was shining in
my eyes. i) He told his best friend (about it). – He told my best friend (about it). j) He put his hands on my head./He put
my hands on my head. – I put my hands on my head. k) He put them in his pocket. – He put them in my pocket. l) I’ve
never been there in my life. – He’s never been there in his life.

24. Správné pořadí obrázků: f), e), c), a), d), b).

25. the man who is telling the story: sneezing, no appetite, back pains, a sore throat, a runny nose, a headache; his friend:
a sprained ankle, chest pains, a bad cough, a broken arm, pneumonia

26. I. sore – hurting; ill – unwell; doctor – G.P.; move to a higher position – promotion; pale – almost white; meeting –
appointment; need to eat – appetite; wet – runny

26. II. a) F b) T c) F d) T e) F f) T g) F

27. I. old – cold; sunny – runny; broke – woke; bore – sore; boat – throat; pleased – sneezed; glad – bad; pain – again; wet –
let; knock – (o’)clock; check-up – cup

27. II. The man in the story / thought he had / a simple cold. The man in the story / had / typical flu symptoms. The
man in the story / felt / tired and unwell. The man in the story / looked at / himself in the mirror. The man in the story /
made / an appointment. The man in the story / was under / pressure at work. The man in the story / didn’t want to
take / time off work. The man in the story / was looking forward to / a promotion. The man in the story / didn’t have /
any appetite. The man in the story / took / an aspirin.

28. I. b)

20 Time to Talk 3, lekce 2

28. II. např.: a) The waiting room wasn’t empty. We know it was full, or at least quite full, because the man says he
knew he was going to have to wait for a long time. b) The man wasn’t reading a book at the doctor’s. He was reading
a magazine. c) The man’s pockets weren’t full of pencils. They were full of handkerchieves.

29. II. např.: a) How does the man know that he is going to have to wait? ~ Probably because the waiting room is nearly
full. b) Why has the man filled his pockets with handkerchieves? ~ Because he has a runny nose and is sneezing a lot.
c) What is the magazine article about? ~ It’s about the importance of exercise in our lives. d) When do a lot of people
get colds and flu? ~ When they are under pressure at work. e) Does the man do a lot of sport? ~ When he was younger,
but not any more. f) Does the man use a computer? ~ Yes. He sits at it all day. g) How does he get to work? ~ By car.
h) Are there only stairs at the man’s workplace? ~ No. There’s a lift, too. i) How does he feel in the winter? ~ Generally
tired and unhealthy. j) What has the man promised himself? ~ That he will start playing tennis again. k) Who calls out
his name? ~ The receptionist.

30. I. I knocked on the doctor’s door. “Come in! Take a seat.” I sat down and sneezed twice. “Bless you!” he said. He
listened to my symptoms. The nurse brought a thermometer and took my temperature. Thirty-eight point two. I took
off my jacket and shirt and he listened to my chest. “Well, it’s definitely the flu,” he said, and sat down at his desk to
prescribe me something. I put on my clothes again…

30. II. a) “one every four hours” b) “plenty of rest” c) “on an empty stomach” d) “definitely the flu”

30. III. K prvnímu námětu např.:

doctor (cheerfully): Come in!
patient: Hello, doctor. (The patient coughs.)
doctor: Hello. Take a seat. (The patient sits down.) Now, what can I do for you? (The patient sneezes.) Bless you!
patient (The patient takes out his handerkerchief): Thank you.
doctor: Well, I can see you’re coughing and sneezing nicely. (He laughs.) What else is the problem?
patient: Well, yesterday I thought it was just a cold (He sneezes again.), but now I’ve got a sore throat, too. And a terrible
doctor: Right. Well, let’s check your temperature… (The nurse brings a thermometer.) That cough doesn’t sound nice.
Could you open your mouth, sir? (He looks at the patient’s throat.) Say ‘ah’.
patient: Ah!
doctor: Good. Right. I’ll prescribe you something for it… (He sits down at his desk and looks for his prescription book and
a pen. A moment later:) …thirty-eight point two. Hm. That’s not too good. If you wouldn’t mind taking off your jacket and
shirt, sir, we’ll listen to your chest… (The patient takes off his jacket and shirt. The doctor listens.) Breathe in, please…
And out… Right. You can get dressed again, sir. (The patient starts getting dressed again.) Well, it’s definitely the flu, sir.
I’m prescribing you some Glotypolyn. Take one tablet every four hours, on an empty stomach. (The patient coughs.) And
this cough medicine will help you sleep better at night. But the important thing is to get plenty of rest. Take a few days
off work and relax. In my opinion you need a break.
patient: (He’s dressed again.) Oh, dear. That’s bad news. Well, thank you, doctor. (He gets up and walks towards the
doctor: That’s all right. (Surprised:) Oh, just a minute! Don’t forget this!
patient: Oh! My prescription! (He puts his hand on his forehead, walks back to the doctor’s desk and picks up the
prescription.) Yes, of course. I’m sorry. I’m very tired this morning. (He laughs.) Thanks again. Goodbye.
doctor: Goodbye. (He smiles.) And don’t forget to go back to bed!

31. I. 1. his check-up 2. his skiing trip 3. his broken arm 4. his wedding photos 5. his fall at the pool 6. his sprained ankle
7. his healthy ankle 8. his cold 9. his chest pain 10. his doctor

32. I. reception – receptionist; player – team; question – reply; check-up – dentist; snow – skiing; break – repair; arm –
plaster; wedding – married; recovered – better; pain – hurt

32. II. a) As the man was leaving (ii) he met a friend. b) Jim was (iii) keen on sports. c) The man thought their meeting
was (i) lucky. d) Jim needed (i) a general chat with the doctor. e) Jim broke his arm (ii) in Italy. f) They took Jim’s
plaster off (ii) after his wedding. g) Jim probably fell (i) onto the floor. h) Running at the public swimming pool can
be (ii) dangerous. i) Jim caught a cold (iii) and it became worse. j) The man now thinks that sport (i) isn’t necessarily

Time to Talk 3, lekce 2 21


1. a) bronchitis b) fluids c) normal d) T-shirt

2. I. breathe in nadechnout se; overdo přehánět; examine vyšetřit; trouble trápit, obtěžovat

2. II. kazeta + řešení; III. kazeta:

doctor: Next, please! Yes. Come in!
patient: Hello, doctor.
doctor: Ah! Good morning. It’s Mr Davis, isn’t it?
patient: That’s right.
doctor: Take a seat, Mr Davis.
patient: Thank you.
doctor: Now, what’s been troubling you?
patient: Well, it started as a cold nearly two weeks ago. It’s probably the worst cold I’ve ever had. Now the headaches and
runny nose have gone and my temperature is only a little above normal, but I’ve still got the cough, and in the last two or
three days it’s become much worse. Breathing is quite difficult. I didn’t sleep at all last night.
doctor: I see. Well, if you wouldn’t mind taking off your T-shirt, we’ll examine your chest and back.
patient: Right.
doctor: Now, breathe in, please…and out again…and cough… Does this hurt?
patient: Yes, it does a bit.
doctor: Hm. Right. Well, it’s bronchitis, I’m afraid, but it doesn’t look too serious yet. Yes, yes, you can get dressed again…
I’m prescribing you some tablets. You’ll have to take them every eight hours. Drink plenty of hot fluids and rest as much
as you can. Do you smoke, Mr Davis?
patient: No. I gave up about…seven years ago.
doctor: Oh, that’s good news. Well done. Here’s your prescription, then. And don’t forget: lots of hot drinks, and don’t
overdo it. Make another appointment to see me next Friday.
patient: Yes. Right. Thank you very much, doctor.
doctor: Not at all. Bye, then, Mr Davis.
patient: Goodbye.

2. III. např.: a) Nearly two weeks ago./Nearly a fortnight ago. b) The/My runny nose has gone./I haven’t got the/my
runny nose any more. c) Only/Just a little above normal. d) It’s become/ It’s got much worse. e) If you wouldn’t mind…
f) Breathe out, please. g) Every eight hours. h) Here’s your prescription, then./So here’s your prescription. i) Make
another appointment to see me/another appointment with me.

3. I. a) F b) T c) F d) F e) F f) T g) T h) F

3. II. např.: a) Take a seat, please./Have a seat, please./Would you like to take a seat? b) Well done! c) Don’t overdo it./
Try not to overdo it./You shouldn’t overdo it. d) Not at all./Don’t mention it./That’s alright./That’s OK./You’re welcome.

5. Výraz chemist’s označuje v britské angličtině drogerii. V Británii se však některé léky prodávají volně i v drogeriích
a mnohé drogerie vydávají i léky na předpis. Pro specializovanou lékárnu se užívá výraz pharmacy nebo dispensing

5. I. a) piece b) list c) counter

5. II. kazeta:
chemist: Can I help you?
Mr Davis: Hello. Yes. I’d like to give you this prescription, please. And I’ll have some vitamin C tablets, too.
chemist: Certainly, sir. I’m afraid we’re rather busy this morning, but if you’d like to take a seat over there at the end of
the counter we’ll be as quick as we can…
Mr Davis: Oh. Right. Thank you.
chemist: Mr Davis!
Mr Davis: That wasn’t too bad. Only five minutes!
chemist: Well, there’s a little problem, actually, Mr Davis. I’m afraid we won’t be able to give you any of the things on
this piece of paper.
Mr Davis: Oh! Why’s that?
chemist: I’m afraid we don’t have bacon, milk or tangerines.
Mr Davis: Bacon? Milk? Tangerines?!

22 Time to Talk 3, lekce 2

chemist: That’s right. I’m afraid Doctor Williams must be rather tired this morning. She’s given you her shopping list
instead of your prescription.

5. II. řešení: counter – piece – list

5. III. a) Mr Davis takes a seat because (iii) he’s going to have to wait a while. b) Mr Davis’s wait isn’t (ii) too long. c) The
doctor has given Mr Davis (iv) the wrong piece of paper.

7. I. sadness smutek; loss ztráta; therapist provozovatel terapie, terapeut; influence ovlivňovat; root kořen; mind mysl;
environment prostředí; ovzduší; prevent zabránit; předcházet; substitute náhrada; emergency případ nouze; pohotovost;
medical lékařský; socially společensky

7. II. řešení, III. kazeta:

Our doctors’ surgeries are full of patients, and the doctor usually has too little time to look at everyone’s problem in great
detail. Most patients spend only five minutes in the doctors’ room, and about seventy per cent of them leave the surgery
with a prescription in their hands. The medicine on the prescription is usually the one that should work most effectively
against the given symptoms, but it does not necessarily cure them. And five minutes is not, of course, enough time to
understand that the true reason for a patient’s headache, let’s say, is stress at work or sadness at the loss of someone he
or she loved.
This is where holistic medicine becomes important. Holistic therapists believe that all parts of our being work together
as one (‘holistic’ = ‘as a whole’). That our health is influenced – for better or for worse – by our emotions, our characters
and our lifestyles, including diet. They do not simply look at our symptoms and prescribe medicines for them. They take
the time to explore all these other aspects of our lives to get to the root of the problem. They look not only at the patient’s
body and mind but also at the environment he or she lives in.
Holistic medicine does not only cure. It also prevents. But it should not be a complete substitute for traditional medicine.
In an emergency, of course, a patient must speak to a traditional medical doctor. Ideally, traditional and holistic medicine
should work together, hand in hand. And as patients we should explore various types of holistic medicine – there are
many of them – until we find the one that is right for us. Therapists believe that patients should be active in their own
health care, because it is known that all people are able – physically, emotionally, socially and so on – to cure themselves.

7. III. a) v nouzovém případě in an emergency b) tělo a mysl body and mind c) je jich mnoho there are many of them
d) péče o zdraví health care e) jako celek as a whole f) společně, vedle sebe hand in hand g) ať k lepšímu, nebo k horšímu
for better or for worse h) dostat se k podstatě problému (to) get to the root of the problem i) velmi podrobně in great detail

8. I. a) Why does holistic medicine have that name? E. It looks at the whole person: body, mind and lifestyle. b) Why
don’t doctors always get the complete picture? D. There are too many patients and not enough time. c) Why do prescribed
medicines sometimes not work? F. The real reason for the problem has not been found. d) Why is traditional medicine
alone not enough? C. It does not look at the mind and social environment. e) Why is holistic medicine alone not enough?
A. It is not for emergency situations. f) Why should we try different types of holistic medicine? B. We should work on
our health problems ourselves.

8. II. b)

9. K prvnímu námětu např.: Alexander Technique, aromatherapy, Ayurvedic medicine, Bach flower remedies, chiropractic,
(faith) healing, herbalism (Chinese, Western), homeopathy, hypnotherapy, nutritional therapy, osteopathy, reflexology,
shiatsu, yoga

Přijatelnou výslovností je i [;+kjw,pvnkt/e].

Time to Talk 3, lekce 2 23

Téma lekce: odívání a móda.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 24-–28.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–2.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 3–6, 21–22.

Výslovnost vlastních jmen v textu: Chanel [/e;nel], Versace [ve;sB:t/J], Vogue [vewg], Bethan [;beQn].

V textu je řada instruktivních příkladů časové souslednosti probírané v minulé lekci. Proto doporučujeme analýzu těchto

to be ‘old hat’ být staromódní

something that’s ‘different’

Připomeňte studentům, že při překladu českého něco, co užíváme anglické something that (užití what zde není možné).
Neplní-li vztažné that ve vedlejší větě funkci podmětu jako v uvedeném příkladu, je možné ho vynechat: He told me
something I can’t forget. Řekl mi něco, co nemohu zapomenout. (Dále viz výklad 2. díl., 5. lekce, str. 67.)

Are Versace and Chanel too much for your pocket money?
Upozorněte na shodu mezi mnohonásobným podmětem (Versace and Chanel) a slovesem (are) a srovnejte s možným
českým překladem: Je Versace a Chanel trochu moc na vaše kapesné?

stop counting your pennies

Připomeňte studentům, že výraz penny má v plurálu tvar pence, který označuje měnu: It costs 30 pence. Stojí to 30 pencí.
Výraz pennies je plurál od penny ve smyslu jednotlivá mince v hodnotě jedné pence.

Oblíbený módní časopis.

in your OWN wardrobe

Připomeňte studentům, že na rozdíl od českého vlastní musí před adjektivem own stát přivlastňovací zájmeno (případně
přivlastňovací pád). Srovnejte: The hottest fashion ideas are in your OWN wardrobe. x Nejžhavější módní nápady najdete
ve (svém) vlastním šatníku.

We’re showing the three that we liked the best.

Upozorněte, že jde o shodnou konstrukci jako v češtině: Uvádíme ty tři, které se nám líbily nejvíc. Stejně jako v češtině
můžeme vynechat pouze takové substantivum, jehož doplnění je zcela jasné z kontextu.

Dear ‘In’
In je název vymyšleného časopisu, se kterým se studenti setkali již v 1. dílu učebnice (3. lekce). Název vznikl zkrácením
spojení to be in (být v módě, jít s módou), kde in je adjektivum s významem velice módní (the ‘in’ place to go; the ‘in’

we should try turning old clothes into new ones

Spojení try s -ingovým tvarem jiného slovesa zdůrazňuje aspekt experimentování s něčím (zkusit). Užijeme-li try
s infinitivem, odpovídá českému snažit se (viz 9. lekce., str. 118).

I didn’t have enough money left.

Upozorněte studenty, že spojení to have sth left odpovídá českému zbý(va)t komu co. Srov. be left zbývat (There wasn’t
any money left. Nezbyly žádné peníze.).

I found this boring old, black dress.

Demonstrativum this zde odkazuje na fotografii, kterou čtenářka zaslala do časopisu spolu se svým dopisem.

24 Time to Talk 3, lekce 3

a pink velvet cap that my sister had given me
Upozorněte studenty, že díky předminulému času je z této věty patrné, že zmíněnou čepici dostala pisatelka dopisu
od své sestry darem již dříve. Kdybychom zde užili prostý čas minulý (a pink velvet cap that my sister gave me), z věty
by vyplynulo, že pisatelka čepici dostala při příležitosti zmiňovaného experimentu. Srov. následující větu: I showed it to
my mum, who lent me one of her old handbags., ze které je díky minulému času patrné, že se zapůjčení odehrálo v rámci

a great 1960s belt = skvělý pásek ze 60. let

Označení dekády je zde užito jako přívlastek (konverze).

I knew Dad had lots of old ties that he never wore.

Upozorněte studenty, že v tomto souvětí jsou dva příklady časové souslednosti, a dbejte, aby studenti přeložili obě
vedlejší věty do češtiny přítomným časem (Věděl jsem, že táta má hodně starých kravat, které nikdy nenosí.).

sewing machine [;sewJn me,/i:n]

Můžete studenty upozornit, že se pomocí -ingového tvaru často tvoří názvy předmětů/nástrojů (ironing board žehlicí
prkno, washing machine pračka atp., ale dishwasher myčka na nádobí).

three hours later

Upozorněte studenty, že toto spojení odpovídá českému po třech hodinách/za tři hodiny.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Připomeňte studentům rozdíl ve výslovnosti ant [+nt] (mravenec) a aunt [B:nt]. Zdrobněliny jsou aunty nebo auntie.
Uncle však zdrobnělou formu nemá.

corduroy, denim, silk, velvet

Výrazy se užívají jako názvy materiálů i jako přídavná jména (konverze), např. corduroy trousers (manšestrové kalhoty),
denim jacket (džínsová bunda) atp. V hovorové angličtině se plurálová forma corduroys (též cords) užívá jako ekvivalent
českého manšestráky. Hovorově se jako adjektivum užívá též zkrácené cord (např. cord jacket).

Výraz popisuje střihy typické pro džínsové kalhoty. Nemusí však označovat kalhoty vyrobené z džínsoviny. Proto je
v textu specifické denim jeans k označení kalhot vyrobených z džínsoviny. Výraz se nicméně často užívá jako ekvivalent
českého džínsové kalhoty, ale v angličtině je méně hovorový než české džíny. Na rozdíl od češtiny nelze výraz jeans užít
k označení materiálu, např. džínsová bunda/sukně je denim jacket/skirt.

jumper, sweater
Dalšími velmi běžnými synonymy jsou pullover [;pwlewve]
a jersey [;dg§:zJ].

Stejně jako v češtině je možné užít zkráceně mini. K označení krátkých dámských šatů se užívá výraz mini-dress.

Užívá se v plurálu. Chceme-li vyjádřit počet kusů, užíváme singulativum a pair of/pairs of. Pyjamas označuje celý
komplet kalhot a kabátku, kalhoty od pyžama jsou tedy pyjama trousers, případně a pair of pyjama trousers.

Zrádné slovo. Dávejte pozor, aby studenti zatím neužívali výraz jako ekvivalent českého realizovat. Toto užití je možné,
ale pouze v určitých kontextech a kolokacích.

Upozorněte na některé možné anglické překlady českého poznat a významové rozdíly mezi nimi: recognize (identifikovat
něco podle rysů, které si pamatujeme – He was wearing glasses and so I didn’t recognize him.), meet (seznámit se s – I met
so many interesting people when I was at university.), get to know (blíže se seznámit s – I’m getting to know Prague.) aj.

Na rozdíl od češtiny neoznačuje obchod (srov. I bought it in a second-hand shop. Koupil jsem to v second-handu.), ale
užívá se pouze jako přívlastek (a second-hand car ojeté auto), případně doplněk (I bought it second-hand. Koupil jsem

Time to Talk 3, lekce 3 25

to z druhé ruky.). Připomeňte studentům, že second-hand v atributivním postavení ztrácí hlavní přízvuk: ,second-hand

Obecný výraz označující jakýkoliv lehčí dámský oděv k pokrytí horní poloviny těla, např. tričko, košilka, lehčí svetřík,
živůtek atp. (ale nikoliv např. svetr, mikina, sako – jde o lehčí oděv). Vzhledem k tomu, že čeština nemá přesný ekvivalent,
výraz se pro potřeby módního slangu přejímá v nezměněné podobě.

V sekci Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions jde v případě sloves go with, look through a turn into o vazbu slovesa s předložkou,
nikoli o slovesa frázová.

Too odpovídá doslova českému příliš, které se však často nahrazuje hovorovějším moc (Jsem moc unavený na to, abych
někam šel.). Too však vyjadřuje (jako příliš), že něco pro přílišnou míru nějaké vlastnosti nebo děje nemůže nastat, a lze
tak (na rozdíl od moc) užít pouze ve větách, které vyjadřují negativní koncept. Srovnejte: I’m going to have some of that
cake. It looks very good. Dám si tamhleten koláč. Vypadá moc dobře. x The cake looked too good to eat. Ten koláč vypadal
moc dobře na to, aby se snědl.

Vzhledem k tomu, že too vyjadřuje spíše negativní koncept, často ovlivní podobu věty podobně jako zápor. Srov.: I’m too
busy to go anywhere. x He’s not busy enough to need a secretary.

Dbejte, aby studenti užívali vazbu s for pouze v těch případech, kdy ekvivalentní české souvětí má v hlavní a vedlejší
větě různé podměty. Je-li podmět v obou větách stejný, je užití vazby s for v angličtině nejen nadbytečné, ale i chybné:
He’s old enough for him to know that.

Výraz enough je typický především pro hovorovou angličtinu. Ve formálním jazyce je nahrazován například adverbiem
sufficiently [se;fJ/ntlJ].

Je-li adjektivum, které je modifikováno výrazy too a před substantivem, dochází k postpozici neurčitého členu (too
difficult a task to perform x an easy enough task to perform/a task easy enough to perform). Toto užití je spíše knižní.
Veďte proto studenty k tomu, aby modifikaci substantiva vyjadřovali jmenným přísudkem: The task was too difficult to

Enough je též možné užít až po substantivu (There is time enough.), ale toto užití není stylisticky neutrální a studenti by
se mu zatím měli vyhýbat.

V infinitivní vazbě může být zopakován i podmět hlavní věty, ale obvykle se vynechává. The chair is too high to sit on
(it). Ta židle je příliš vysoká, aby se na ní dalo sedět.

Význam too můžeme intenzifikovat např. výrazy far nebo much (far too good až příliš dobré).

Zajímavé je srovnání anglické záporné věty s too s jejím českým ekvivalentem: It’s not too expensive to buy. Není to tak
drahé, aby se to nedalo koupit. Ve vedlejší větě je v češtině užit zápor, zatímco v angličtině je kladný infinitiv.

řešení: too wide – not too narrow – clear enough – not safe enough – too noisy/loud – not too expensive – strong enough –
not heavy/difficult enough – too slow – not too fast/quick – not fast enough – too dangerous

Ve funkci spojky uvozující účelovou větu můžeme vedle so that užít i samotné so (Put it in your pocket so you don’t lose
it.), případně spojení in order that, které je však značně formální.

Nestejný podmět vedlejší účelové věty je možné uvést i spojením in order for sb to (The company bought a large gym in
order for its employees to have quality relaxation time. Firma koupila velkou tělocvičnu, aby zaměstnanci měli příležitost
kvalitně relaxovat.). Toto užití je formální, v běžné angličtině se v souvětích s nestejnými podměty mnohem častěji užívá
vedlejší věta se so that (They left later so that we would have more time there.).

Spojka so that se užívá i v účinkových větách, které mohou být v libovolném čase. Významem pak odpovídá českému
takže. Srov. She spoke quite loudly so that, everybody heard her. Mluvila dost nahlas, takže ji všichni slyšeli. (vedlejší
věta účinková) x She spoke quite loudly so that everybody could hear her. Mluvila dost nahlas, aby ji všichni slyšeli/mohli
slyšet. (vedlejší věta účelová)

řešení: a) We moved out the piano so as to have room for more bookshelves. b) Nelze převést, podmět není stejný.
c) I got up early so that I would be able to/I could say goodbye to him. d) Nelze převést, podmět není stejný.

26 Time to Talk 3, lekce 3

Whom je i předmětová forma tázacího zájmena. Pro jeho užití pak platí stejná pravidla: Whom did you invite? i Who did
you invite?; To whom was the letter addressed? i Who was the letter addressed to? Varianty s whom jsou formální.

V hovorové angličtině se whom buď nahrazuje that/who, nebo se zcela vynechává.

řešení: a) the doctor whom I saw yesterday b) Nelze. Who plní ve větě funkci podmětu, nikoliv předmětu. c) the doctor
whom I usually see d) the doctor whom I was telling you about/the doctor about whom I was telling you e) Nelze. Who
plní ve větě funkci podmětu, nikoliv předmětu. f) Nelze. Who plní ve větě funkci podmětu, nikoliv předmětu.

Sekci Překlad spojení typu „to, co“, „tam, kde“ atp. uvádíme proto, že studenti se často snaží doslovně přeložit zájmeno
to/tím atp., případně adverbium tam, což není možné. Studenty mate, že v některých případech se zájmeno to v češtině
nemusí užít (Co říkáš, je pravda.), a tam, kde se vyskytne, se jej snaží vyjádřit i v angličtině. Podrobněji se substantivními
vztažnými větami zabýváme v dalším díle učebnice.

řešení: a) I couldn’t give them what they wanted. b) Is that what they wanted? c) It was only a small wedding, which
they had both wanted. d) What they wanted was a small wedding. e) This is the dress which she wore for her wedding.
f) Did you like what she wore for her wedding?

řešení např.: a) Cožpak ty nemáš co pít? b) Neměla co dělat. c) Každý potřebuje někoho milovat. d) Nebylo kde sedět.
e) Nemá se s kým hádat. f) To mu dalo něco, o čem uvažovat. (Tak už má o čem přemýšlet.)

Dřívější pravopis s apostrofem 1960’s se dnes většinou nepovažuje za správný.

Označení desetiletí pak stojí často v přívlastkovém postavení: 1960s music, 70s fashion.

řešení: in the early eighteen thirties – in the late nineteen nineties – in the mid seventeen fifties – in the late eighteen
seventies – in the early nineteen fifties – in her late forties – in her early twenties – in her mid fifties – in her late teens – in
her early eighties

řešení: a) Give me that shirt! b) Put the shirt on the chair. c) Put that shirt on! d) If you’re hot, take your shirt off. e) If
you want this shirt, take it.


1. I. waistcoat – button – uniform – velvet – corduroy – scissors – realize – recognize – underwear – jewellery

1. II. kazeta:
slova s přízvukem na první slabice: waistcoat – button – uniform – velvet – corduroy – scissors – realize – recognize –
underwear – jewellery
slova s přízvukem na druhé slabice: creation – informal – machine – pyjamas – umbrella
slovo s přízvukem na třetí slabice: inspiration

3. I. a) magic [J] b) silk [J] c) bright [aJ] d) tight [aJ] e) nightdress [aJ] f) denim [J] g) realize [aJ] h) recognize [aJ] i) size
[aJ] j) uniform [J] k) wide [aJ] l) striped [aJ] m) scissors [J] n) slippers [J] o) mirror [J]

3. II. řešení: machine – magazine – pizza – police – cuisine – tangerine – ski (Poznámka. V britské angličtině se u slova
pizza [;pi:tse] připouští i výslovnost [;pJtse]; v americké angl. nikoli.)

3. III. řešení: skirt – shirt – dirt – bird – birthday – girl – firm

3. IV. kazeta + řešení: velvet – glasses – bright – creation – pair – jeans – recover – reply – sneeze – disadvantage –
estate – area – violin – barbecue – expect – mortgage

4. kazeta: socks, boots, colour, pyjamas, button, class, corduroy, denim, follow, bright, narrow, informal, scissors,
nightdress, leisure suit, waistcoat, slippers, rose, realize, inspiration, glasses, umbrella, glove, jewellery, colourful

Time to Talk 3, lekce 3 27


5. a) Terry says he’s still too ill to go/come with us. b) No. Claire’s too traditional to suggest (design!) anything as
unusual as that. c) In my opinion this room’s not cosy enough to be used as a bedroom. d) I was too slow to realize
what was happening. e) Don’t be silly! He’s not old enough to be her grandad! f) My parents say I’m not hard-working
enough to get to university, but I’ll show them. g) I’d say it’s not short enough to be called a mini-skirt. h) Do you really
think I’m (not) good-looking enough to be a model? i) It’ll have to stay long. I’m too lazy to shorten it.

6. kazeta + řešení: a) The question was very difficult. The question was too difficult to answer. b) This jacket isn’t very
warm. This jacket isn’t warm enough to wear in the winter. c) But the article isn’t very serious. But the article isn’t
serious enough to include in our magazine. d) This bag’s not very big. This bag’s not big enough to use for school.
e) This meat’s very fatty. This meat’s too fatty to give to the dog. f) My essay isn’t very good. My essay isn’t good
enough to show to the teacher. g) The cake was rather hard. The cake was too hard to cut with a knife. h) It’s really
awful. It’s too awful to speak about. i) This tea’s still very hot. This tea’s still too hot to drink. j) The offer wasn’t very
interesting. The offer wasn’t interesting enough to accept.

7. kazeta: 1. for me to put on 2. for us to rent 3. for them to break 4. for them to cure 5. for you to taste 6. for me to rent
7. for you to break 8. for her to put on 9. for him to taste 10. for us to cure
řešení: a) 5, b) 9, c) 6, d) 2, e) 1, f) 8, g) 4, h) 10, i) 7, j) 3 (správné pořadí tedy: e), d), j), g), a), c), i), f), b), h))

8. např.: a) They were speaking too quickly for me to understand. b) His exam results weren’t good enough for us to
offer him the job/place. c) The holiday was too short for us to be able to explore the whole island. d) Do you think
her life was interesting enough for me to write a book about her? e) The fence is too high for (the) children to be able
to climb over (it). f) He wasn’t here long enough for me to be able to ask him about it. g) No. She’s too old for me to
go out with (her). h) It happened too quickly for them to notice anything. i) But he’s not honest enough for them to
believe everything (that) he says. j) The room’s too dark for me to be able to paint here.

9. I. a) I put my warmest coat on so as not to catch/in order not to catch a cold. b) My sister always wears high shoes
so as to look/in order to look taller than she really is. c) I went for another check-up so as to be/in order to be sure
that the tooth was alright. d) She knocked quietly so as not to wake/in order not to wake their baby. e) He put on some
dark glasses so as to hide/in order to hide his black eye. f) I put it in a bin so as not to have to/in order not to have to
take it home with me. g) I left some of the money in my room so as not to spend/in order not to spend it all in one day.
h) I phoned the surgery so as to make/in order to make an appointment with Doctor Rogers. i) We avoided the city so
as to shorten/in order to shorten our journey. j) She sat with her back turned towards the mirror so as not to have to/
in order not to have to look at herself in it.

9. II. b) My sister always wears high shoes to look taller than she really is. c) I went for another check-up to be sure
that the tooth was alright. e) He put on some dark glasses to hide his black eye. h) I phoned the surgery to make an
appointment with Doctor Rogers. i) We avoided the city to shorten our journey.

10. kazeta + řešení: a) We had a barbecue to celebrate Will’s birthday. b) I went out to empty the rubbish bin. c) They
were packing their bags to go on holiday. d) He took out his money to count it. e) Dad came into the kitchen to taste
the soup. f) They had to break the window to get into the flat. g) I borrowed Mum’s kitchen scissors to cut my hair.
h) Sonia phoned me to let me know. i) I went upstairs to get ready for the party. j) I sat down at the computer to write
Emily an e-mail.

11. a) Take an umbrella so that you don’t get wet/so that you won’t get wet. b) They’re buying her a sewing machine so
that she is able to make/so that she can make/she’ll be able to make her own clothes. c) Could you put it in my handbag
so that I don’t lose it/so that I won’t lose it? d) I’m taking it to school tomorrow so that everyone in my class is able to see
it/so that everyone in my class can see it/so that everyone in my class will be able to see it. e) Jenny buys Vogue so that
she can follow/so that she’s able to follow the latest fashions. f) I’m going to buy the blue gloves so that they match/so
that they’ll match my hat and scarf. g) Aunt Mary’s coming for lunch so that she and Mum can talk/so that she and Mum
are able to talk/so that she and Mum will be able to talk about Grandad. h) Dad’s taking me to the station tomorrow so

28 Time to Talk 3, lekce 3

that I don’t have to go/so that I won’t have to go by bus. i) I’m going to shorten it so that I can wear it/so that I’m able to
wear it/so that I’ll be able to wear it as a mini-skirt. j) He’s going to give her some roses so that she doesn’t think/so that
she won’t think (that) he’s forgotten completely.

12. I. ideální řešení: a) We didn’t want to be late, so (C.) we took a taxi.  We took a taxi so that we wouldn’t be late.
b) I knew everyone would want some, so (D.) I made plenty.  I made plenty so that everyone would have some/
everyone could have some. c) She didn’t want to have to go out again, so (H.) I offered to do the shopping for her. 
I offered to do the shopping for her so that she wouldn’t have to go out again. d) I was afraid that you would lose your
glasses, so (B.) I put them in your briefcase.  I put your glasses in your briefcase so that you wouldn’t lose them. e)
We wanted to see the Golden Pig, so (A.) Mum didn’t give us any lunch.  Mum didn’t give us any lunch so that we
would see the Golden Pig. f) I was afraid that someone would see it, so (G.) I hid it.  I hid it so that no one would see
it. g) He needed to get a second opinion, so (I.) he phoned his G.P..  He phoned his G.P. so that he could/ would get
a second opinion. h) She hoped he would fall asleep, and so (E.) she put something in his drink. She put something
in his drink so that he would fall asleep. i) She wanted to be able to relax on her birthday, so (F.) he booked a table at
a restaurant.  He booked a table at a restaurant so that she could relax/so that she would be able to relax on her

12. II. a) We took a taxi so as not to be late. g) He phoned his G.P. so as to get a second opinion. (Případně s drobnou
změnou ve smyslu i věta f): I hid it so as not to be afraid that someone would see it.)

13. I. např.: a) A sweatshirt, which has no buttons, is not a shirt at all. b) The Whiteheads’ son, who plays the piano, is
also a professional conductor. c) I went and sat down in the waiting room, which was already full of people. d) That’s
Simon, who used to be in love with my sister. e) The doctor looked at my throat, which was red and sore. f) I sold them
to my aunt, who owns a second-hand clothes shop. g) On Sunday we went to see the Gilberts’ new house, which is in
a lovely location by a wood. h) Tom couldn’t see through his glasses, which were terribly dirty. i) The word ‘jeans’, which
describes a pair of denim trousers, comes from ‘Genoa’, the name of a city in the north of Italy.

13. II. a) the estate agent who/that is selling our house for us b) a scarf which/that matches my winter coat c) a machine
which/that makes tea and coffee d) an aunt who/that lives (is living) in Italy e) the gloves which/that are lying on the
table f) the man who/that is carrying the black briefcase g) types of fruit which/that contain vitamin C h) the nurse who/
that works with (is working with) Doctor Stevens (the nurse who/that Doctor Stevens works with) i) a medicine which/
that cures back pain j) people who/that follow the latest fashions

13. III. a) Look. That’s the girl who (B.) Ben wanted to marry. b) He’s the doctor who (F.) prescribed me these tablets.
c) She said something which (G.) I didn’t really understand. d) Isn’t that the relative who (E.) you were telling me
about? e) Harry was in the suit which (C.) he had worn on his wedding day. f) There wasn’t anybody there who (D.)
I recognized. g) A bungalow is a house which (A.) has only one floor.

13. IV. a), c), d), e), f)

14. např.: a) a/the designer whose creations she often wears b) the tenant whose children broke our window/broke that
window c) a/the nurse whose patients don’t like her d) (the) friends whose wedding we went to e) the doctor whose door
I knocked at/on f) a/the man whose name the receptionist forgot (had forgotten) to call out g) a/the friend whose taste
in clothes I don’t like h) a/the model whose face they are all talking about/whose face everyone is talking about i) a/the
friend whose jumper/ sweater I (have) lost j) a person whose promises I never believe k) a/the customer whose letter
we didn’t reply to/we didn’t answer

15. I. a) He has a lazy secretary whom he has to watch very closely. b) This is a picture of the man whom the police
have been following. c) She has a grandfather/grandad whom she has never even seen. d) Ronald is one person whom
she has always respected. e) Why send Christmas cards to relatives whom we do not even know? f) There are people to
whom you simply cannot admit such things. g) Brian met a colleague with whom he had worked many years earlier.
h) He was unhappy to hear that from the son for whom he had done so much. i) Martin Jenkins is one pupil about
whom the teachers often complain.

15. II. Poznámka. Po kontrole řešení připomeňte studentům, že v těchto případech může být vztažné zájmeno též
zcela vynecháno. f) There are people to whom you simply cannot admit such things.  There are people who/that you
simply cannot admit such things to. g) Brian met a colleague with whom he had worked many years earlier.  Brian met
a colleague who/that he had worked with many years earlier. h) He was unhappy to hear that from the son for whom he
had done so much.  He was unhappy to hear that from the son who/that he had done so much for. i) Martin Jenkins is
one pupil about whom the teachers often complain.  Martin Jenkins is one pupil who/that the teachers often complain

Time to Talk 3, lekce 3 29

16. a) Jiří doesn’t speak any English, which (E.) is quite a disadvantage in his profession. b) I went to bed early, which
(B.) really helped my cold. c) He says I’m always complaining, which (H.) is rubbish. d) The rent’s £600 a month, which
(I.) is far too much for me. e) Carrie and Alison are in different classes, which (A.) means they have different lunch
breaks. f) Bill lost his job in March, which (G.) was a big worry for the whole family. g) The weather’s going to be nice
tomorrow, which (F.) is good news./is good news, isn’t it? h) Fred got a promotion, which (C.) meant more money and
a company car. i) We went to see Enjo’s spring collection, which (D.) was a great inspiration.

17. kazeta: 1. He wrote a reply which I couldn’t even read. 2. He didn’t even reply, which I thought was rather rude.
3. He’s written three replies, and this is the one which he is planning to send. 4. Pink is one colour which really suits her.
5. She often wears yellow and pink together, which I can’t stand. 6. This is the type of pink which I can’t stand. 7. She
tried on several mini-skirts and there was one which she quite liked. 8. She often wears mini-skirts for work, which her
husband isn’t pleased about. 9. She was wearing her new denim mini-skirt, which I thought was far too short.
který/-á/-é 1), 3), 4), 6), 7), 9)
což 2), 5), 8)

18. např.: a) I couldn’t believe what was happening. b) What you really need, Jim, is a holiday. c) He soon forgot (about)
what he had promised her. d) What the doctor (had) prescribed didn’t help (very) much. e) Don’t you understand
what they’re saying? f) Are you allowed to wear what you want/like to school? g) We soon found what we were looking
for (what we had been looking for). h) What you are looking at is an early work by Picasso. i) Nobody realized the
importance of what (s)he was saying. j) I think that what (s)he’s suffering from is a broken heart. k) I left it where I had
found it. l) Return it to where/Put it back where it belongs.

19. kazeta + řešení: mít co dělat have something to do; mít co říct have something to say; mít kde sedět have somewhere
to sit; mít kam jít have somewhere to go; mít koho respektovat have someone to respect; mít koho se zeptat have
someone to ask; mít čím psát have something to write with; mít s kým chodit have someone to go (out) with; mít
na čem ležet have something to lie on; mít o koho se starat have someone to look after/ someone to take care of; mít
na co se těšit have something to look forward to; mít co na sebe have something to wear

20. např.: a) I haven’t got anything to read. b) I haven’t got anything interesting to read. c) But he’s got nowhere to
live. d) Aren’t you having anything/something to drink? e) We need somewhere to spend the night. f) She just needs
someone to love. g) I need something new to wear. h) Their children haven’t got anywhere to play. i) We’ve got nothing
to give Daisy for her birthday. j) Haven’t you got anything to drink from/to drink out of/to serve (the) drinks in?

21. I. Čteme: the sixties – the twenties – the nineteen twenties – the eighteen fifties – the seventeen hundreds – in the
nineteen seventies – in the eighteen nineties – in the mid nineteen nineties.

21. II. in the 1800s (in the eighteen hundreds) – in the 20th century (in the twentieth century) – in the 1400s (in the
fourteen hundreds) – in the 18th century (in the eighteenth century) – in the 1200s (in the twelve hundreds) – in the 14th
century (in the fourteenth century) – in the 1500s (in the fifteen hundreds)

21. III. a) in the 1560s (in the fifteen sixties) b) in the 1830s (in the eighteen thirties) c) in the 1750s (in the seventeen
fifties) d) in the 1980s (in the nineteen eighties) e) in the late 1970s (in the late nineteen seventies) f) in the early
1850s (in the early eighteen fifties) g) in the mid 1940s (in the mid nineteen forties)

22. a) She’s in her early thirties. b) He’s in his late sixties. c) He’s in his early teens. d) He’s in his early forties. e) He’s in
his late eighties. f) She’s in her mid fifties.

23. a) He’s putting his shoes on. b) He’s putting her shoes on for her. c) He’s putting her shoes on. d) He’s giving her the
shoes. e) He’s putting the shoes away.

24. I. b), d), a), c)

24. II. b)

25. I.
‘In’ cannot show all its readers’ fashion ideas this month. [7]
Do you want to stop looking the same as everyone else? [1]
We can make great new clothes from old ones. [5]

30 Time to Talk 3, lekce 3

Readers needn’t be sad any more. [3]
A lot of readers have sent ‘In’ their own designs. [6]
The most unusual clothes can be found at home. [4]
Are you too poor to be able to buy clothes by famous designers? [2]
Some of the ideas will interest other readers. [8]

25. II. kazeta + řešení:

Are you tired of following the latest trends? Do you want to wear something that’s ‘different’? Are Versace and Chanel too
much for your POCKET money? Well, now you can stop counting your PENNIES and crying over last month’s Vogue,
because the hottest design ideas are in your OWN WARDROBE – and they don’t cost anything! Last month we showed
how, with a little inspiration, old clothes and SHOES can be turned into interesting new models, and since then lots of
you have written to us with your own great ideas. Although there are too many for us to include them all here, we’re
showing the three that we liked the best so that you can admire each other’s work!

25. III. c), d)

26. I. a) The reader followed In’s advice. b) The reader had spent all her money on some tickets. c) The reader was too
poor to go shopping. d) She hadn’t thought the dress was anything special. e) The dress looked less formal with the
boots. f) The cap and the belt looked good together. g) With her mother’s help, the dress looked even better. h) The
reader’s friends didn’t guess her secret.

26. II. a) The reader planned an evening out and then realized (7) that she didn’t have anything to wear. b) The
magazine told its readers (9) that they could make interesting new clothes out of old ones. c) The reader told the
magazine (2) that she hadn’t needed to do any sewing. d) The reader found a dress (5) that she had forgotten about.
e) The dress looked more informal with a pair of boots (8) that the reader liked to wear. f) The reader wore the dress
with a cap (3) that had been a present from her sister. g) The only thing (6) that the reader bought was a belt for two
pounds. h) The reader’s mother lent her a bag (4) that matched the cap and belt. i) The reader’s friends didn’t realize
(1) that she was wearing her old school uniform.

27. I. a) 3, b) 1, c) 4, d) 2

27. II. např.: a) The reader started looking through her old clothes because she had read some advice in a magazine
called ‘In’ about turning old clothes into new ones. b) I think she probably just didn’t like the pyjamas, although it’s
also possible that she didn’t wear them because she didn’t like the aunt who had given them to her. c) When the reader
phoned her friend she wasn’t doing anything. She was bored. d) Scissors are for cutting. There are special types of
scissors for paper, for dressmaking, for the kitchen, for the bathroom and so on. e) The friends sewed the last few roses
onto the mini-skirt. f) The reader gave the skirt to her friend because she knew that she herself couldn’t wear it any more.
It was too tight for her. g) The girls went out in their new clothes that evening. They wore them to a party, and all their
friends admired them and asked where they had bought them.

28. I. a) wide b) colourful c) narrow d) checked e) striped

28. II. a) Bethan’s brother (the reader) b) Bethan (to her brother or the class) c) the reader’s friend’s grandmother
d) Bethan’s teacher e) Bethan’s brother (to Bethan) f) Bethan’s teacher (or one of the other students in the class) g) one
of the reader’s friends

28. III. a) The reader helped his sister with her homework. b) At school the reader’s sister learns how to make clothes.
c) The reader’s father had plenty of ties he didn’t need. d) Someone’s grandmother also gave the reader her button
collection. e) The grandmother was pleased that someone could use the buttons at last. f) Bethan began sewing
straight away. g) When the reader went to Bethan’s room the skirt was ready.


1. a) a swimsuit b) a bikini c) swimming trunks d) a sunhat e) shorts f) leggings g) a tracksuit h) tights

2. I. kazeta:
1. So what are you wearing tomorrow? ~ Oh, just the usual. A pair of leggings or leisure trousers, an old T-shirt or
sweatshirt, some trainers… I never wear good clothes to work. Schools are dirty places at the end of the day. Especially
in the winter.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 3 31

2. Um…well, I change my clothes several times a day, really. Most of the day I’ll be in just shorts and a T-shirt, and
a pair of trainers or football boots. For swimming lessons I wear swimming trunks and a tracksuit. Tomorrow we’ve got
a parents’ evening, so after school I’ll have to wear a suit and tie…
3. Well, I’m flying to Greece on holiday this evening, so by lunchtime I should be sitting on the beach in my swimsuit, or
maybe a bikini, with a sunhat and sunglasses… I usually walk down to the beach in sandals and a big shirt.
4. And what will you be wearing, sir? ~ The same as usual, of course. My uniform – that’s black trousers, a shirt and tie,
my black jacket with my radio in my pocket, a hat, black shoes… If it’s raining then I’ll be out here in my raincoat, too.
5. I’m getting married on Saturday, so tomorrow I’ll be at my dressmaker’s, trying on my wedding dress. It’s a long
dress, white silk, very traditional, pretty and romantic. I’ll also have to have something old, something new, something
borrowed and something blue, of course. I’ve got a pretty handkerchief that belonged to my mum’s grandmother…some
new underwear…I’ve borrowed some jewellery from my sister…I haven’t got anything blue yet, though…
6. What am I wearing tomorrow? That’s a long story! I wear so many different things every day. Tomorrow I think
it’s evening dresses in the morning, pyjamas just before lunchtime, tights in the afternoon. In the evening I’ll be at
a party. That means something black. A dress. Long or short – I don’t know yet. But probably black. It’s classic, elegant,
řešení: a) 1, b) 5, c) 3, d) 4, e) 2, f) 6

2. II. a) a cleaner b) a bride c) a sunbather d) a policeman e) a teacher f) a fashion model

2. III. např.:
PICTURE a): She works at a school. She’s the school cleaner – or one of them. She doesn’t wear nice clothes to work
because her job is dirty and her clothes would get dirty, too. She wears trainers, probably because they’re comfortable.
PICTURE b): Her dress is being made by a professional dressmaker. It’s a traditional long, white dress. It’s made of silk
and it’s pretty and romantic. She is also going to need:
Something old,
Something new,
Something borrowed,
Something blue.
She already has a pretty handkerchief (something old), some new underwear and some jewellery from her sister
(something borrowed).
She is flying to Greece. A swimsuit is in one piece and a bikini has two parts.
The six things in his uniform are a shirt and tie, trousers, a jacket, a policeman’s hat and a pair of black shoes. When
it’s raining he also wears a raincoat.
He wears several different things every day because he teaches several sports, and each sport needs different clothes. On
his feet he wears trainers or football boots.
No, she doesn’t. She’s wearing them tomorrow because she’s a model and they are the jobs that she has got in her diary
for tomorrow. She says that black is ‘flattering’. In Czech we say ‘lichotivý’.

5. I. řešení, II. kazeta:

Poznámka. Nan se často užívá jako důvěrná forma oslovení babičky (srov. české babi). Časté je též oslovení Nanny
Sophie: Hello, Nan!
grandmother: Hello, love. Oh! Is that what you’re wearing to the concert?
Sophie: Yes. Why? What’s WRONG with it?
grandmother: Well, I don’t know. Do you think it’s really suitable for a concert?
Sophie: I don’t see why not. I usually go to concerts like this.
grandmother: Oh! When I was YOUNG we always wore dresses to concerts or to the theatre, or at least a skirt. It was
a special occasion.
Sophie: But people go to cultural events more casually dressed these days, Nan.
grandmother: Yes, I know. When they’re going out to a club, or to the cinema. But this is a CLASSICAL concert, isn’t it?
Sophie: Yes, it is. But that doesn’t make any difference. It’s the music that’s IMPORTANT, isn’t it? I think it’s better to go
to a concert in jeans and really listen to the music than to arrive in an evening dress and a fur coat and not be interested
in what you’re hearing.
grandmother: Oh, I see. So you think people who go to concerts smartly DRESSED aren’t interested in music…
Sophie: No, Nan! That’s not what I’m saying. I’ve got nothing against people who go to concerts in dresses and suits, if
that’s what they want to wear. Some of them know a lot about music, I’m sure. And on the other hand, plenty of people
who go to concerts dressed in jeans aren’t INTERESTED in music at all. I’m just saying that I think it doesn’t matter what

32 Time to Talk 3, lekce 3

you wear. When we go to a concert, we go because we want to listen to the music. The important thing is the cultural
experience. I think we should all wear what we feel most COMFORTABLE in.
grandmother: I know. It’s just that these MODERN clothes have got no elegance. Women used to look like women. Now
it’s all jeans and T-shirts and trainers.
Sophie: But elegance isn’t everything, is it? Elegance is convention. These days people want to wear what is comfortable,
practical. They want to feel FREE, to be original, to express themselves through what they wear. An evening dress and
a fur coat just wouldn’t be me, would it? You know what they say in the magazines, Nan: “You are what you wear…”

5. II. řešení: kožich – fur coat; událost – event; proti – against; vhodný – suitable; vyjádřit – express; rozdíl – difference;
příležitost – occasion

5. III.
neformálně oblečeni – casually dressed; slušně oblečeni – smartly dressed; oblečeni do džínsů – dressed in jeans; přijít
v kožichu – arrive in a fur coat; sváteční příležitost – a special occasion; vyjadřovat se tím, jak se oblékají – express
themselves through what they wear; to, v čem se cítíme nejpohodlněji – what we feel most comfortable in; v dnešní
době – these days; zajímat se o to, co slyšíš – be interested in what you’re hearing; kulturní zážitek – (the/a) cultural
experience; na druhé straně – on the other hand

5. IV.
Sophie: Nevidím důvod, proč ne. – I don’t see why not.; Ale v tom není žádný rozdíl. – But that doesn’t make any
difference.; Je jedno, co člověk nosí. – It doesn’t matter what you wear.; Říkám akorát, že… – I’m just saying that…
grandmother: Já vím. Jenže… – I know. It’s just that…; Teď je to samé… – Now it’s all…; No, já nevím… – Well, I don’t
know…; Aha, takhle. – Oh, I see.

5. V. možné změny v rozhovoru např.:

Hello, love.  Hello, Joe.
we always wore dresses  we always wore suits/dinner jackets
Nan  Grandad/Grandpa
to arrive in an evening dress and a fur coat  to arrive in a dinner jacket and bow tie
Women used to look like women.  Men/Gentlemen used to look like men/gentlemen.
all jeans and T-shirts and trainers.  all long hair and earrings
an evening dress and a fur coat just wouldn’t be me  a dinner jacket and bow tie just wouldn’t be me

8. I. eccentric – výstřední, excentrický; association – spojení, asociace; muse – múza; curiosity – zvláštnost, zajímavost,
kuriozita; courage – odvaha, kuráž

8. III. Určitě pravdivá jsou tato tvrzení: c), d), f), g), j), k), l), n).

Time to Talk 3, lekce 3 33

Tato lekce je opakovací.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 5-–14.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–3; oddíl D, cv. 1–2.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 3–7, 20.
Cvičení na opakování gramatiky viz oddíl D, cv. 8–19.

Výslovnost vlastních jmen: Fitzgerald [,fits;dgereld], Jay Gatsby [,dgeJ ;g+tsbJ], Zelda [;zelde], Carraway [;k+reweJ],
Rolls-Royce [,rewlz;rcJs].

they both lived wild and extravagant lifestyles

Sloveso live je obvykle nepřechodné. V uvedeném příkladě je však užito s předmětem. Jedná se o tzv. vnitřní předmět,
tj. předmět, který svým významem (a často i tvarem) souvisí nebo je totožný s významem slovesa. S vnitřním předmětem
se v angličtině užívá řada sloves, která jsou jinak nepřechodná. Předmět v takovém případě musí být modifikován
a spojení lze převést na nepřechodnou konstrukci s adverbiem. Do češtiny takové příklady můžeme přeložit podobně,
nebo použijeme opis (She lived a difficult life. Žila těžkým životem./Měla těžký život.; They lived a happy life. Žili
šťastně.; He dreamt a wonderful dream. Zdál se mu nádherný sen.).

I used to watch his guests swimming in the sea

Výklad spojení smyslových sloves s gerundiem a infinitivem je uveden v 6. lekci.

collected people from all the trains

Sloveso collect se často užívá ve smyslu vyzvednout někoho/něco (např. z práce, nádraží atp.).

by seven o’clock
Předložka by se ve významu českého do užívá s vytyčením termínu, tedy nejzazší možné doby, do které se něco odehrálo
nebo má odehrát. Rozdíl mezi předložkami by a until, které studenti při překladu českého do často chybně zaměňují, je
podrobněji probírán v dalším díle učebnice.

the musicians have arrived

V tomto místě se děj vyprávění přesouvá z minulosti do přítomnosti a večírek je popisován tak, jako by právě probíhal.
Tímto stylistickým prostředkem je zvýšena intenzita popisu.

There are five rows of cars from New York parked in front of the house.
Vazba there is/are se často užívá s participiálním doplněním (-ing nebo -ed). Výklad tohoto jevu viz 7. lekce.

so that the air is soon filled

Zde nejde o účelovou, ale účinkovou větu (není užito modální sloveso). Spojka so that tak v tomto případě odpovídá
českému takže.

visitors to a fair
Připomeňte studentům, že návštěvník čeho se překládá do angličtiny visitor to. Spojení s of není možné. Podobně též
a visit to.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Zrádné slovo. Studenti výraz actual často chybně užívají jako ekvivalent českého aktuální, jehož vhodný překlad
v závislosti na kontextu je např. current, topical, up-to-date, latest atp.

Užíváme ve spojení se slovesem be ve smyslu být (ještě) naživu, přežít. V textu je užito idiomatičtější spojení be alive
with, které můžeme volně přeložit např. spojením ožít čím (The halls and balconies are alive with bright colours. Sály
a balkóny ožijí jasnými barvami.).

34 Time to Talk 3, lekce 4

backwards, forwards
Připomeňte studentům též předložku toward(s) (směrem k) a poukažte na to, že tyto výrazy vždy vyjadřují směr.
Srovnejte rovněž rozdílnou pozici přízvuku mezi backwards, forwards (1. slabika) a toward(s) (2. slabika při výslovnosti
[te;wc:d(z)]); lze však i [twc:d(z)] nebo [tc:d(z)], zejména v americké angličtině. Idiomatické spojení backwards and
forwards má význam sem a tam. Tvoření příslovcí příponou -ward(s) je uvedeno v dalším díle učebnice.

Na rozdíl od češtiny je toto anglické substantivum ve smyslu krása možné užít pouze abstraktně a pouze v jednotném
čísle. Je nepočitatelné. Srov. např. Obdivovali jsme krásy města. We admired the beautiful sights of the city. x Obdivovali
jsme krásu města. We admired the beauty of the city. V počitatelném smyslu se beauty užívá pouze ve smyslu kráska.

Effect je substantivum. Jako sloveso se užívá pouze v několika spojeních, jako např. to effect a change (vyvolat změnu),
která navíc nejsou v běžném jazyce příliš častá. Substantivu effect pak odpovídá sloveso affect [e;fekt] (ovlivnit, mít
vliv na).

Pod vlivem adverbia even se u studentů často vyskytuje chybná výslovnost s [i:]. Jediná možná výslovnost substantiva
event je [J;vent] s řidší variantou [e;vent].

Upozorněte na rozdíl v možných překladech českého štěstí: happiness popisuje citový stav člověka, luck označuje
šťastnou náhodu nebo osud. Užívá se spojení good luck i bad luck a bez kvalifikujícího adverbia je samotný výraz luck
kladný nebo záporný podle kontextu. Srov. They lived in happiness for ever after. Žili pak šťastně až na věky. x OK, you’ve
won. But it was rather luck than skill. Tak dobrá. Vyhrál jsi. Ale spíše díky štěstí než talentu.

Můžete studenty upozornit též na přechýlený tvar hostess [;hewstJs, hew;stes] (hostitelka; hosteska). Pozor na často
zaměňované host a guest.

Noční můra (zlý sen) je nightmare [;naJtmee], obvykle ve významu hrůza, horor.

Jako sloveso se užívá ve významu (za)parkovat (auto). Car park je parkoviště. Parking je parkování jako činnost.

Odpovídá českému společenský ve smyslu týkající se společnosti. Pozor na záměnu se sociable, které rovněž odpovídá
českému společenský, ale ve smyslu mající rád společnost. Nespolečenský člověk (nemá rád společnost) je an unsociable
person, nespolečenské chování (nehodící se ve společnosti) je antisocial behaviour.

Hláska b se zde nevyslovuje. Studenti se zatím setkali s dalšími dvěma takovými slovy: climb a lamb. Hláska b se
nevyslovuje ani v odvozených slovech (např. climber). Pozor ovšem např. na number (číslo), kde se b vyslovuje (ale
v komparativu od adjektiva numb [nvm], tedy number [;nvme] se b nevyslovuje).

Užívá se pouze k označení materiálního, finančního bohatství. Naproti tomu rich může vyplynout z bohatství jakéhokoliv
druhu, tj. ne nutně jen finančního (např. The text is rich in examples of passive. Text je bohatý na příklady trpného
rodu.). Výraz wealthy je popisnější než rich, srov. české zámožný.


1. kazeta: actually, pyjamas, somehow, damage, effect, occasions, pneumonia, happiness, location, instrument,
motorboat, enthusiastic, suggest, relative, thermometer, opinion, reply, uniform, yourself, promise
řešení: What people are ashamed of usually makes a good story. To, za co se lidé stydí, obvykle vydá na dobrý příběh.

2. I. řešení, 2. II. kazeta: a) alive – [e] b) machine – [i:] c) servant – [§:] d) damage – [J] e) event – [J] f) invent – [e] g) wild –
[aJ] h) whisper – [J] i) negative – [e] j) creation – [J] k) occasion – [eJ] l) behave – [J] m) behaviour – [eJ] n) introduce – [J]
o) concrete – [i:] p) scissors – [J]

Time to Talk 3, lekce 4 35

3. I. řešení, II. kazeta: [/]: champagne, shallow, introduction, social, shape, machine, reception, depression; [t/]:
actually, orchard, match, semi-detached, temperature; [g]: occasion, leisure; [dg]: gin, damage, edge, pyjamas, magic,
mortgage, soldier, judge

3. III. champagne, mortgage

4. I. řešení, II. kazeta: F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in 1896. He wrote novels and short stories about the Jazz Age, its rich
and extravagant people, their lives and their immoral behaviour. Fitzgerald himself was very extravagant and he and his
wife Zelda lived a wild lifestyle. Their story was the inspiration for Fitzgerald’s novel Tender is the Night.
His best-known work, though, is The Great Gatsby. Both novels were later made into successful films.
Fitzgerald also wrote for Hollywood. He died in 1940.

5. I. low, gold, shallow, endless, wealthy, mysterious, enthusiastic

5. II. a) mysterious b) endless c) shallow d) wealthy e) enthusiastic

6. I. a) abstract nouns: beauty, behaviour, freedom, happiness, status, wealth b) people: American, guest, host, judge,
servant, soldier, swimmer (příp. beauty – krasavice)

6. II. např.: music: drum, instrument, orchestra, saxophone, trumpet, violin; food and drink: champagne, gin, lemons,
pastry, spirits, turkeys

7. a) It’s easy. Just put your money in and press the button. b) The saxophone was invented by Adolphe Sax, wasn’t it?
c) I knew it would be difficult to park near the theatre, so we went by bus. d) How do people dress for the theatre in this
country? e) Waiter! There’s an ant floating in my soup! f) His parents just don’t understand why he behaves like that
whenever they visit friends. g) Florence drove into the neighbours’ fence and damaged both the fence and her car. h) We
haven’t met yet. Would you like to introduce us? i) I had to go out with wet hair. There hadn’t been time to dry it. j) Don’t
whisper in front of other people, Alice. It’s rude.

8. I. a) F. Scott Fitzgerald was a famous writer who described American life in the 1920s (a famous American writer
who described life in the 1920s). b) The ‘Jazz Age’ is the writer’s own name for the 1920s. c) In the novel the author
uses experiences and events (events and experiences) from his own life. d) Fitzgerald became rich so that the girl he
loved would want to marry him. e) Zelda was a rich girl whose father was a judge. f) Fitzgerald lived an extravagant
lifestyle, and so does the wealthy main character in this novel. g) The author is critical of the lives and behaviour of
many rich people. h) He says a lot of rich people think only about money and how they look. i) Fitzgerald shows us
that money can have a bad effect on people and how they behave.

8. II. a) (‘They both became wealthy in order to win…’); d) (‘And they both lived wild and extravagant lifestyles.’);
e) (‘Both Fitzgerald and Gatsby were (poor) soldiers.’)

8. III. např.: a) The characters’ main interests are money and beauty and their position in society. Their ‘dream’ is to be
happy and free and enjoy life, and to have plenty of money to do that. b) Yes, the characters ‘have everything’ – beauty,
freedom, plenty of money – but in fact they are ‘poor’ because they are thinking and behaving in a shallow way. They
are living for ‘now’, but they are not thinking about the future and their future happiness and the results of the lifestyles
they have now. They are not working on themselves to become better people, and so their lives do not have any deeper
meaning. They are so busy with their own wild and extravagant lives that they do not see the problems of the real world
and the people in it.

10. I. např.: a) She’s introducing two friends. b) Someone’s pressing a/the button. c) He’s parking the/his car. d) It’s
floating in the bath. e) She’s whispering a secret.

10. II. a) servant b) thumb c) gate d) host e) low f) dress g) sand h) champagne i) guest j) spirits k) backwards
l) instruments m) endless n) enthusiastic

11. I. např.: a) The garden was decorated with pretty lights at least once every fortnight. b) The servants and gardener
cleaned and tidied the house and garden every Monday after the parties at Gatsby’s house. c) Oranges and lemons were
brought to the house every Friday before Gatsby’s weekend parties. d) At the weekends Gatsby’s yellow car collected his
guests from the station and brought them to his house all day.

36 Time to Talk 3, lekce 4

11. II.
a) Gatsby’s parties took place (ii) regularly in the summer.
b) Gatsby had (iii) two boats and at least two cars.
c) Gatsby had a house (ii) near the sea.
d) Gatsby’s guests (i) didn’t stand in one place for long.
e) Moths usually come out (ii) at night.
f) After the parties the house and garden were (i) cleaned and tidied.
g) The work was done by (iii) seven servants and an extra gardener.
h) The oranges and lemons were (ii) put into a machine.
i) Every time a servant pressed the button (i) the juice was taken out of an orange.
j) At Gatsby’s parties there was always (iii) plenty of good food.
k) The food on the tables looked (i) colourful and tasty.
l) Some of the drinks at the bar were (ii) very old-fashioned.

12. 1. parking 2. swimmer 3. drum 4. orchestra 5. fair 6. trumpet 7. gate 8. saxophone

13. I. např.: a) Gatsby did not have small bands at his parties. There was always a full orchestra. b) Gatsby’s guests didn’t
wear their beach clothes (swimsuits etc) in the evening. They wore their party clothes: dresses, suits, jewellery and so on.
c) There wasn’t just one row of cars parked outside the house when Gatsby had a party. There were several, sometimes
five. d) The guests at Gatsby’s parties were not serious or bored. There was always a cheerful atmosphere, and people
wore colourful clothes and had interesting hairstyles [účesy].

13. II. a) There were all sorts of instruments at Gatsby’s parties: saxophones and trumpets, violins and drums… I think
they probably played cheerful dance music and jazz, perhaps something like swing. b) Most of Gatsby’s guests came
from the city, from New York. They didn’t plan to come to his parties, and they weren’t invited. They were taken to them
by friends, or they arrived there by chance. Some of them probably went to his parties regularly and looked forward to
the fun, the good food, the music and dancing and so on. c) Gatsby’s parties had a busy, cheerful atmosphere. There were
always lots of guests, who talked and laughed and stayed there into the night. They talked about all sorts of things: city
life, work, money, their friends, the latest fashions… d) A ‘cocktail’ is a combination of several drinks (for example wine,
champagne, spirits, fruit juice, lemonade) and usually contains alcohol. A ‘koktejl’ can also be an alcoholic drink, but the
word often describes a type of drink made with milk and fruit. e) I think these words tell us that Gatsby’s guests usually
had empty conversations about things that weren’t important, and that they weren’t very sincere or really interested in
each other’s lives. Fitzgerald describes these people well probably because he knew many of them himself. We know that
he had an extravagant lifestyle and regularly went to parties where he met plenty of rich and shallow people.

13. III. přímo na místě (right) on the spot – jít nahoru po schodech go upstairs – kapela o pěti hráčích a five-piece band –
u baru je rušno the bar is busy – bubny všech druhů drums of all kinds/sorts (all kinds/sorts of drums) – nekonečné
jednání an endless meeting – u Gatsbyho at Gatsby’s (house/place) – do sedmi hodin by (until!) seven o’clock – nějak
somehow – u zadních vrat at/by the back gate – chovat se jako malé dítě behave like a little child – od této chvíle from
this/that moment – hostitel a jeho hosté the/a host and his guests

Charleston [;t/B:lsten]

15. II. kazeta + řešení:

A ‘flapper’ was a young woman who, in the period after the First World War and during the 1920s, ignored conventions
in clothes and behaviour. The typical flapper wore short skirts and had short hair. She lived a life of freedom and fun:
she drank alcohol and smoked, and she enjoyed dancing wildly at parties. Her favourite dance was the lively Charleston,
named after the city in South Carolina. At the time a lot of people thought that flappers were immodest, even immoral,
but now they are usually seen as the first modern and truly independent women.


1. a) appendicitis [e,pendJ;saJtJs] – zánět slepého střeva b) chicken pox – plané neštovice c) German measles – zarděnky
d) hay fever – senná rýma e) mumps – příušnice f) tonsilitis [,tbnsel;aJtJs] – angína

2. II. a) obr. 2.; b) obr. 4.; c) obr. 1.; d) obr. 3.

3. kazeta + řešení:
a) Why did the first speaker go to hospital?
1. Because he had tonsilitis. 2. Because of his tonsils, his appendix and his eyes. 3. Because he needed an operation.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 4 37

b) Why doesn’t he know anything about his eye operation?
1. Probably because he was very young. 2. It was his left eye. 3. Because he couldn’t see anything.
c) What didn’t the second speaker have?
1. Any serious or unusual illnesses. 2. Any time for school. 3. Mumps and German measles.
d) Has her hay fever stopped?
1. Yes. Only in the winter. 2. No. But it’s improving. 3. No. She suffers more now than before.
e) What is chicken pox?
1. A serious illness. Really terrible. 2. An illness that many children have. 3. Spots and scars.
f) What are chicken-pox spots like?
1. Everywhere. 2. Itchy and unpleasant. 3. Chickens.
g) Where did the fourth speaker spend a lot of his childhood?
1. On the ground. 2. At the hospital. 3. On his bike.
h) What does the fourth speaker think about boys?
1. They are always doing silly things. 2. They are always burning their hands. 3. They are always playing with


4. II. a) …sting? a bee; b) …burn? matches, a cigarette, hot fat; c) …bite? a dog, teeth; d) …cut? a knife, scissors, broken

4. III. a) The doctor looked at my tonsils, which were red and sore. b) When a person can’t stay in one place for long or
feels a strong need to move, change his job or travel we say in English that he’s got ‘itchy feet’. c) Experiences we have
in childhood often stay with us for ever. d) Can’t you learn to cook? Why do you have to burn everything? e) She looked
over the gate and showed me her teeth. “Does she bite?” I asked. f) “The road’s closed, I’m afraid, sir,” said the policeman.
“There’s been an accident.” g) “Where did it sting you?” asked the doctor. “Inside my left ear,” I replied. h) Don’t worry.
It’s not a serious illness. But you’ll have to stay in bed for a few days.

6. a) traffic b) bestseller c) dormitory d) finance e) traffic jam


8. I.
a) Some work in the city because it is the only work they can get. [5]
b) Commuting is killing culture in many parts of the country. [11]
c) At least the long journey home gives commuters the chance to read or sleep. [3]
d) Some commuters just don’t have enough money to live in the city. [8]
e) Mornings are a rush. [1]
f) Some like to feel busy city life happening around them. [7]
g) Some commuters feel that city life would be too unhealthy and stressful. [9]
h) People don’t mind travelling if they have the jobs they want and can avoid the stress of city life. [12]
i) The same journey can be slower by car than by train. [4]
j) Some work in the city because of the good money and an interesting career. [6]
k) Some have a longer day at work than others. [2]
l) Commuting gives them the best of both worlds. [10]

8. II. například: a) The author of the article does not say that commuters work from half past five to half past nine, but
that some of them work until half past five in the evening and others until half past nine in the evening. They usually
have a very long working day, especially when we remember that some of them get up very early in the morning (for
example at five o’clock). b) The writer of the article does not say he sleeps when he commutes. We do not even know if
he is a commuter. But he says that he would sleep if he had a long train journey to and from work each day. c) The author
does not say that most commuters with cars have neighbours who travel by train. But some of them do, of course, and
the author thinks it is interesting that the journey by car is often slower than the journey by train. d) The article does not
speak about ‘jam’ in the food sense. He is speaking about ‘traffic jams’ – long lines of cars that move very slowly. e) The
journalist does not say that commuters don’t know how to write text messages. He says that some of them cannot read
or write anything on their way to work because they have to drive. f) This is not true. Some people commute because
they have to (because they are not able to find other jobs, let’s say), but many commute because they want interesting
jobs in the city but have also chosen to live in quieter, cleaner areas outside it. They want the best of both worlds. g) This
is probably often true, but that’s because it is true with most jobs. I’m sure people can also do interesting jobs without
travelling at all. h) This is nonsense. Life is never healthier in big, dirty cities. i) ‘Commuter belts’ are not things that are

38 Time to Talk 3, lekce 4

worn. They are areas where lots of commuters live. They travel from there to their jobs in the city each day. j) Commuters
usually live in smaller towns outside the city. k) The author does not say this, but he says that there is now little cultural
life left in many towns because people only really sleep there. They do everything else (work, do their shopping, enjoy
music and cinema and so on) in the cities where their jobs are. l) ‘Dormitory towns’ have this name because for many
of the people that live there they are almost just a place to sleep. But not in hotels, of course. In their own homes.
m) Commuters do not always complain about where they live, even though they know that these places are sometimes
boring. They prefer it to living in a dirty, noisy and expensive city.

10. I. 1. hood [hwd]– kapuce 2. roll-neck (sweater) [;rewlnek]– „rolák“ 3. knee [ni:] – koleno

Loco [;lewkew], Cameo [;k+mJew], Flairs [fleez], Ragazzo [re;gB:tsew]

10. II. kazeta + řešení: Ladies and gentlemen… Here it is – the look for this autumn! Chic and professional…a silver-grey
skirt ending below the knee and short matching jacket with hood and vertical front pockets, all in Indian silk…and for
him a two-piece suit of trousers and jacket in the same material, worn with a super-soft blue [správně podle ‘fotografie’:
black] roll-neck sweater…

12. I. řešení, III. kazeta:

1. On Monday I went to a meeting.
Now, meetings can be quite a bore.
But no one was bored for a minute,
’Cause what do you think that I wore?
Pink socks, pink socks!
Pink is the colour for me, for me.
Pink socks, pink socks!
Yes, pink is the colour for me.

2. On Wednesday Aunt Flo came for dinner.

Now, fun isn’t really her style.
But when she looked under the table
I’m sure I saw Aunty Flo smile.

3. On Friday I went to see Hamlet –

A tragedy, as you well know.
But then Hamlet knelt down by the footlights
And saw my feet in the front row.

4. Tomorrow I’m marrying Bonnie –

The happiest day of my life.
Perhaps my pink socks are the reason
Why Bonnie said she’d be my wife.

12. II. a) 2; b) 4; c) 1; d) 3

13. I. description – popis (describe); continuation – pokračování (continue); exploration – průzkum (explore); expectation –
očekávání (expect); explanation – vysvětlení (explain); imagination – představivost (imagine)

13. II. pozvání – invitation; oslava – celebration; návrh – suggestion; doporučení – recommendation; rekonstrukce –
reconstruction; příprava – preparation

13. III. depress – deprimovat – depression; inform – informovat – information; accommodate – ubytovat – accommodation;
congratulate – gratulovat, blahopřát – congratulation; exhibit – vystavit – exhibition; examine – zkoušet – examination;
inspire – inspirovat – inspiration; promote – povýšit – promotion; apply – žádat – application

Time to Talk 3, lekce 4 39

Téma lekce: nakupování, druhy obchodů a zboží, stížnosti a reklamace.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 19–25.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, 1–5; oddíl D, cv. 1–4.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 5–6, 19–21.

they might not have what we need and they’re not cheap
Stejně jako v češtině užíváme při odkazování na obchod či podnik často zástupné they. Na rozdíl od češtiny však
podmětem anglické věty může být i obchod samotný, viz níže the gift shop overcharged you for the vase.

value for money užitná hodnota, protihodnota

Toto spojení označuje měřítko poměru ceny k výkonu, kvalitě nebo kvantitě. Často se modifikuje pomocí good nebo the

Then there is the car park,…

Jde o pokračování výčtu stresových situací spojených s nakupováním, který začal v předchozím odstavci větou The stress
begins at home. Studenti tak vazbu there is nepřekládají doslova, ale např. A potom to parkoviště.

It takes you a quarter of an hour to find a space.

Spojení take sb some time to do sth je uvedeno a procvičováno v 9. lekci. Studenti by však měli být již teď schopni
doslovného překladu této věty. (Zabere vám to čtvrt hodiny, než najdete místo na parkování.)

far too many products

Far je nejběžnějším způsobem intenzifikace spojení s too, možný je překlad pomocí přespříliš, až příliš nebo zbytečně

the one thing you need

Srovnejte spojení the one thing you need (právě ta jedna věc, kterou potřebujete) s the only thing you need (jediná věc,
kterou potřebujete).

there is another wait

Wait je zde užito jako substantivum ve významu čekání. Waiting označuje čekání v obecném slova smyslu – Waiting is
unpleasant. Čekání/Čekat je nepříjemné. Substantivum wait pak odkazuje na konkrétní situaci nebo časový úsek, kdy
se čekalo (jednorázové čekání): We had a long wait before they returned.

pay by cheque
Ve Velké Británii se v obchodech často platí šekem, který se musí u kasy vyplnit, podepsat a doložit šekovou kartou, což
je poměrně zdlouhavý proces.

It’s at least two sizes too large,…

Upozorněte studenty, že anglický ekvivalent českého o dvě velikosti větší je na rozdíl od češtiny bez předložky.

Oh, well.
Citoslovce rezignace podobné českému Ach jo.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Výraz není tak formální jako české hotovost a užívá se v každodenní angličtině často i jako náhrada slova money,
obzvláště nejde-li o velký obnos. Např. I need some cash. Potřebuji peníze. Have you got some cash on you? Máš u sebe
nějaké peníze? How much cash have you got on you? Kolik máš u sebe peněz v hotovosti? Spojení platit hotově můžeme
přeložit jako pay cash nebo pay in cash.

40 Time to Talk 3, lekce 5

Ve významu účtovat se užívá s předmětem přímým (They charge two hundred crowns.) i s předmětem přímým a nepřímým
(They charged me two hundred crowns.). Českému za odpovídá předložka for (They charge two hundred crowns for it.
Účtují/Chtějí za to dvě stě korun.). Pokročilejší studenty můžete upozornit též na spojení free of charge (zdarma), které
se užívá ve vztahu ke službám, vstupnému atp.

Výraz chemist’s označuje v britské angličtině drogerii. V Británii se mnohé léky prodávají volně v drogeriích a mnohé
drogerie mají i výdej léků na předpis. Pro specializovanou lékárnu (ať už samotný obchod, nebo jako oddělení v chemist’s)
se užívá výraz pharmacy [;fB:mesJ] nebo pharmacist’s [;fB:mesJsts]. Výraz a chemist má dva významy: drogista, chemik.

choice, selection
Výrazy jsou v podstatě synonymní, ale existují drobné rozdíly v užití. Obě substantiva se užívají jako ekvivalent českého
výběr ve smyslu: 1. nabídka, skupina daných možností; 2. osobní volba, preference. V prvním smyslu se liší tím, že
selection je formálnější než choice (There was a choice of pasta, pizza, salad. x Our restaurant offers a wide selection
of fine Italian dishes.). Ve smyslu druhém je hlavní rozdíl v tom, že choice se užívá o konečném výběru z abstraktních
možností (But it was your choice to stay at home.) a selection o volbě z možností konkrétních (A selection of poems we all
know and love.). Upozorněte studenty též na příbuznost choice se slovesem choose (synonymum k select).

Pokročilejší studenty můžete upozornit na alternativní předložku in spite of. Studenti pod jejím vlivem často užívají
spojení despite of, které neexistuje. Spojení despite the fact (that) se v hovorové angličtině nezřídka užívá jako náhrada
although nebo even though: He told everybody despite the fact that he/ although he had promised not to.

Dozen se v běžné angličtině vyskytuje mnohem častěji než český ekvivalent tucet. Zatímco spojení dozens of vyjadřuje
neurčitý počet a situačně odpovídá nejčastěji českému desítky (viz výklad gramatiky), singulár dozen vždy označuje
přesný počet, tedy dvanáct. V tom případě se užívá s neurčitým členem (I need a dozen eggs.) nebo s číslovkou, ale
v singuláru (I need two dozen eggs.). Časté je též spojení half a dozen. V singuláru se nikdy nepojí s předložkou of.

Dbejte, aby studenti rozlišovali význam except od besides (Everybody was happy except you. Všichni byli spokojení,
až na tebe. I have two other English friends besides him. Kromě něj mám ještě dva další kamarády Angličany.). Užívá
se též ve formě except for. Spojení except of, které studenti často chybně užívají, neexistuje (pouze formální with the
exception of).

fitting room
Připomeňte, že českému vyzkoušet si oděv (např. před koupí) odpovídá anglické try on. Fitting room je odvozeno
od slovesa fit (vzít někomu míry na oděv).

Výslovnost litre je vždy [;li:te], nikoli [;lJte], což je litter.

overcharge, overpriced
Můžete studenty upozornit, že over je zde užito jako předpona, která významově odpovídá českému pře- (ve významu
příliš). Studenti sami by však zatím slova takto sami tvořit neměli.

Studenti výraz často chybně užívají jako ekvivalent českého recept. Upozorněte, že kuchařský recept je recipe [;resJpJ]
a lékařský prescription. Receipt je odvozeno od slovesa receive (obdržet, dostat), jde tedy o potvrzení toho, že někdo
obdržel určitý obnos.

refund [;ri:fvnd] substantivum, [rJ;fvnd, ri:;fvnd] sloveso

Pro pokročilejší studenty může být zajímavé, že u některých slov je změnou přízvuku dosažena změna slovního druhu.
Jde většinou o dvojslabičná slova s prefixem (většinou latinským). U takových slov mívá substantivum/adjektivum
většinou přízvuk na první slabice (prefixu) a sloveso na druhé, např. perfect [;p§:fJkt] dokonalý, [pe;fekt] zdokonalit atp.

selection – viz choice

Time to Talk 3, lekce 5 41

V přehledu Remember! se studenti setkávají s užitím serve ve tvaru průběhového pasiva (Are you being served?). S tímto
gramatickým jevem se studenti blíže seznámí ve 4. dílu učebnice.

shop window
Můžete uvést též spojení to go/be window shopping, tj. obcházet výkladní skříně a prohlížet zboží jen tak ze zájmu, pro
radost, bez samotného nakupování.

Podobně jako české místo se užívá space v počitatelném i nepočitatelném smyslu. Srov. not enough space for a new office
block ne dost místa na novou kancelářskou budovu x a parking space místo (jedno) na parkování. V nepočitatelném
smyslu je space synonymní s nepočitatelným room (no room to move), v počitatelném smyslu je často synonymní s place
(a parking place).

stock, store
Studenti tyto dva výrazy často zaměňují. Přesto, že store může mít význam obchod, krám, české spojení mít na prodejně/
na skladě/skladem se překládá spojením have in stock. (Srov. též We don’t stock them. My je nevedeme.) Samotné store
ve smyslu obchod je časté především v americké angličtině (grocery store obchod s potravinami), v britské angličtině se
vyskytuje nejčastěji ve spojení department store. Adjektivum in-store se užívá k popisu služeb nabízených navíc v objektu
prodejny (an in-store café). Spojení in store se užívá v přeneseném významu k označení něčeho neočekávaného, co se má
bezprostředně odehrát: I think there’s a surprise in store for us. Myslím, že na nás čeká překvapení.

Rozdíl mezi take a last ve smyslu trvání viz 9. lekce.

Till označuje pokladnu jako přístroj (formálně cash register). V hovorové angličtině (podobně jako v češtině u pokladny,
kasy) též přeneseně prostor k placení, pro který je i formálnější označení cash desk. Místo, kde se platí, se ve větším
britském obchodě označuje často pouze nápisem “Please pay here.”.

Můžete uvést i složeniny hairbrush (kartáč na vlasy) a paintbrush (malířská štětka, malířský štětec).

Výraz je abstraktnější než price, které označuje konkrétní cenu v obchodě. Value odkazuje spíše na hodnotu něčeho, co
ani nemusí být na prodej (srov. valuable cenný). Užívá se i jako sloveso ve významu ohodnotit (They valued the painting
at over a million crowns. Ten obraz ohodnotili na více než milion korun.) nebo cenit si, vážit si (Thanks. We really value
your opinion. Díky. Vašeho názoru si opravdu vážíme.).

Srovnejte s weight. Podobně např. i dvojice high – height, se kterou se studenti setkají v 11. lekci.

Názvy obchodů
Názvy obchodů utvořené od profesí jsou v přivlastňovacím pádě, neboť označují původní vlastnictví konkrétní osoby,
např. the baker’s (shop). Některé názvy obchodů se užívají v přivlastňovacím pádě nebo s příponou -y: bakery,
greengrocery. Studenti by si měli být vědomi rozdílu mezi stationery (papírenské zboží) a stationer’s (papírnictví).

Jediným typem dovětku, který zde v rámci dosud probraných jevů není zatím uveden, jsou dovětky k rozkazovacím
větám, jejichž užití je složitější než u dovětků k větám oznamovacím. Jejich výklad je uveden v dalším díle učebnice.

Připomeňte studentům užití dovětku u slovesa have (pomocné do) a have got (pomocné have).

Připomeňte studentům, že intonace těchto dovětků je klesavá, očekává-li mluvčí spíše potvrzení svého sdělení
a nepočítá-li s popřením jeho platnosti. Stoupavá intonace obvykle naznačuje, že ač je mluvčí o platnosti svého sdělení
přesvědčen, nevylučuje jeho popření. Otázky s tázacím dovětkem s klesavou intonací jsou tak více komentářem, zatímco
otázky s tázacím dovětkem s intonací stoupavou více vybízejí k reakci (You haven’t got fifty crowns I could borrow, have
you?), nebo často obsahují element překvapení.

řešení: a) You can swim, can’t you? b) It wouldn’t matter, would it? c) You’ve met her, haven’t you? d) She’s worried,
isn’t she? e) They were here, weren’t they? f) It hasn’t been easy, has it? g) I’ll be alright, won’t I? h) There isn’t much
time, is there? i) We could help, couldn’t we? j) She’s been studying, hasn’t she?

42 Time to Talk 3, lekce 5

Modální slovesa se při vyjadřování jistotní modality užívají též s minulým infinitivem (He might have forgotten. Možná,
že zapomněl.). Toto užití je vysvětleno ve 4. dílu učebnice, stejně jako užití will (That will be Dad. To bude táta.), won’t
(The car won’t start. To auto nejde nastartovat.) a wouldn’t (I tried everything but it wouldn’t start. Zkusil jsem všechno,
ale nešlo nastartovat.).

Možnost vyjadřuje (stejně jako v češtině podmiňovací moci) i could: It could be interesting. Mohlo by to být zajímavé.

Upozorněte, že mustn’t vyjadřuje pouze dispoziční modalitu (tj. lze jej užít pouze při formulování zákazu, nikoli jistoty).

Někdy se vyskytuje i jistotní have to (This has to be the right turning.), ale studenti by se takovému užití měli zatím

Možnost může být vyjádřena i slovesem can, ale je zde významový rozdíl. Can vyjadřuje čistě teoretickou, obecnou
možnost (You can often meet him on Kampa. Často ho můžete potkat na Kampě.), zatímco may/might odkazuje
na specifickou možnost (We might meet him on Kampa. Možná ho potkáme na Kampě.). Rozlišování mezi teoretickou
a konkrétní možností činí studentům někdy potíže, např. ve větách typu To může být pravda. That might be true. (zde
nelze užít can).

Užití ought to při vyjadřování pravděpodobnosti viz 4. díl učebnice.

řešení: a) maybe b) surely c) probably d) surely e) possibly

V sekci Problémy s jednotným a množným číslem uvádíme především taková substantiva, se kterými se studenti v rámci
této učebnice již setkali, a tento výběr rozšiřujeme o několik dalších užitečných slov. V žádném případě však nejde
o výčet úplný.

Vedle a piece of, jehož užití je univerzální, existuje v angličtině řada dalších singulativ (a bit of, an item of atp.). Jejich
užití je často spojeno pouze s určitým typem substantiva.

Všimněte si, že v přívlastkovém užití je singulár: trouser pocket, lentil soup, grape juice atp.

peas [pi:z], lentils [;lentlz, ;lentJlz], oats [ewts]

řešení, např.: a) Podstatná jména, která se užívají jen v množném čísle a lze je užít se spojením pair of. b) Podstatná
jména, která mají jiný význam v počitatelném a nepočitatelném smyslu. c) Podstatná jména, která netvoří množné číslo.
d) Podstatná jména, jejichž jednotné číslo v angličtině odpovídá v češtině pomnožným podstatným jménům.

V knižním jazyce se setkáme se spojením substantivizovaných číslovek s kvantifikátory, např. several hundreds of people.
V běžné angličtině užíváme téměř jen možnost several hundred people/a few hundred people.

řešení: a) hundreds of students b) dozens of articles c) thousands of computers d) millions of ants e) hundreds of
thousands of cars f) tens of millions of birds

imperial [Jm;pJerJel], metric [;metrJk]

V USA se užívá tzv. customary measure [;kvstemerJ ,mege]. Tento systém je v podstatě shodný se systémem imperiálním,
rozdíly jsou pouze v některých jednotkách objemu. V 70. letech 20. století proběhl v USA pokus o zavedení metrické
soustavy, avšak nebyl úspěšný.

Častá je též výslovnost [;ki:legr+m] a [;kJle,mi:te].

Vedle uvedených spojení je běžné též a half metre, a kilo and a half a two and three quarters of a mile.


1. II. a) •– product, trolley b) •• – envelope, newsagent’s c) • – boutique, correct d) •• – informal, occasion

1. III. c) •••

Time to Talk 3, lekce 5 43

3. I. a) envelope – [ew] b) dozen – [v] c) product – [b] d) correct – [e] e) order – [c:] f) store – [c:] g) overpriced – [ew]
h) escalator – [e] i) stock – [b] j) kilogram – [e] k) trolley – [b] l) greengrocer – [ew] m) uniform – [c:] n) worry – [v]

3. II. a) woman [w] b) women [J] c) word [§:] d) move [u:] e) glove [v]

4. I. kazeta + řešení: wallet, boutique, dozen, chalk, hall, selection, awful, loaf, choice, audience, stock, flour, draw,
correct, yawn, toothbrush, saucer, shampoo, order, frown, prawn, strawberry, trolley, stationer’s, greengrocer’s,

4. II. např.: blood, book, boot, choose, cook, cool, door, floor, food, foot, good, goods, hooray, look, noon, pool, poor,
roof, room, school, soon, spoon, tooth, wood

5. a) She wasn’t very enthusiastic, was she? b) They will exchange it for me, won’t they? c) That corduroy jacket doesn’t
fit you, does it? d) We didn’t open the champagne, did we? e) You are whispering about me, aren’t you? f) He hasn’t
recognized me yet, has he? g) I look silly in these shorts, don’t I? h) She was behaving extravagantly, wasn’t she? i) That
waiter has been serving here for years, hasn’t he? j) I am not the host here, am I? k) You haven’t dried your hair yet, have
you? l) The match is taking place on Thursday, isn’t it? m) Kevin introduced us, didn’t he? n) The gloves won’t match
the scarf, will they? o) There wasn’t any damage, was there?

6. kazeta + řešení: I mustn’t press this button. I mustn’t press this button, must I? – He can’t count. He can’t count,
can he? – That would have a negative effect. That would have a negative effect, wouldn’t it? – They couldn’t cut the
wedding cake. They couldn’t cut the wedding cake, could they? – I should go and get ready. I should go and get ready,
shouldn’t I? – She can let us know tomorrow. She can let us know tomorrow, can’t she? – You wouldn’t expect that. You
wouldn’t expect that, would you? – We could ask at reception. We could ask at reception, couldn’t we? – He shouldn’t
complain so much. He shouldn’t complain so much, should he? – You must taste it before you serve it. You must taste
it before you serve it, mustn’t you? – I can’t promise anything. I can’t promise anything, can I? – We should knock first.
We should knock first, shouldn’t we?

7. a) may/might – ano (možná) b) can’t – ne (určitě) c) should – ano (nejspíše) d) must – ano (určitě) e) may/might
not – ne (možná) f) shouldn’t – ne (nejspíše)

8. kazeta + řešení: a) He’s in love. He must be in love. b) It’s in my briefcase. It should be in my briefcase. c) They’re
not very interested. They can’t be very interested. d) But she needs our help. But she might need our help. e) He
doesn’t want a promotion. He may not want a promotion. f) It isn’t the wrong size. It can’t be the wrong size. g) Surely
she realizes that by now. She must/Surely she must realize that by now. h) It’s not dark yet. It shouldn’t be dark yet.
i) This isn’t the right moment. This might not be the right moment. j) Let’s try Brown and Sons. They sell them. Let’s
try Brown and Sons. They may sell them.

9. a) You might win. b) It shouldn’t hurt. c) It should be a big wedding. d) They might not be able to cure it. e) Your G.P.
should recommend something. f) They might find gold. g) They shouldn’t ask for your passport. h) It might not be as
awful as you think. i) They might give us a discount. j) There shouldn’t be any disadvantages.

10. a) What a terrible noise! Someone around here must be learning the violin. b) It’s seven twenty. Her train should
be arriving right now. c) Shall I wave back? ~ I don’t know. She might not/may not be waving at us. d) Fred’s ill with
the flu. ~ Well, he can’t be feeling too unwell. He’s just gone out to a football match. e) Don’t worry. She shouldn’t be
inviting the Smiths. She’s not friends with them any more. f) Do you think he might/may be waiting for us in the car
park? g) I can’t find the children anywhere. I think they must be hiding from us in the garden. h) No, I can’t wear that.
Maggie’s going to be there and she’s got the same dress. She might be wearing hers.

11. I. a) money – coin – note b) essay – test – homework

c) idea – advice – answer d) stews – news – views e) application – decoration – information f) fence – experience –
audience g) luggage – rucksack – briefcase

11. II. knowledge – progress – litter/rubbish – nonsense/ rubbish – little money – important information – good news
(a piece/a bit of good news) – two pieces of good news/two good pieces of news – one piece (bit) of homework – three
pieces (bits) of luggage

12. a) papers – papír/papíry/doklady/noviny b) hair – vlas/chlup/vlasy/chlupy c) a glass – sklo/sklenice/sklenička

d) two glasses – dvě sklenice/dvoje brýle e) a lot of his work – hodně z jeho díla/hodně z jeho děl/hodně z jeho práce
f) experience at work – pracovní zkušenosti/zážitek z práce/ zkušenosti s dílem g) hot iron – horké železo/horká
železa/horká žehlička

44 Time to Talk 3, lekce 5

13. a) athletics, garlic, magic, maths, music, news, politics, public b) attics, paths c) athletics, garlic, magic, maths,
music, news, politics, public d) magic, public (Nebereme zde v potaz konverzi, např. music school.)

14. I. řešení tučně: goods, clothes, physics, pyjamas, scales, news, surroundings

14. II. jedny džíny one/a pair of jeans – jedno pyžamo one/a pair of pyjamas – dvoje hedvábné punčochy two pairs
of silk tights – jedny pánské slipy one pair of (gentle)men’s pants – troje kuchyňské nůžky three pairs of kitchen
scissors – toto oblečení these clothes – Toto zboží je tak předražené! These goods are so overpriced! – Ne, fyzika není
můj nejoblíbenější předmět. No, physics isn’t my favourite subject. – Zprávy jsou v šest hodin. The news is (on) at six
o’clock. – Váha byla špinavá. The scales were dirty. – Samotný hrad je krásný a jeho okolí je perfektní na cyklistiku. The
castle itself is beautiful and its surroundings are perfect for cycling.

15. I. a) doors b) (a/one) door c) (a/one) back d) backs e) (news)papers f) (a/one) (news)paper

15. II. a) By the way, when is your birthday? b) How much money was there in the till? c) Is your back better this
morning? d) My grandfather’s violin was an old Italian instrument. e) The front gate is open. Perhaps the post has come.
f) His mouth was dirty. He’d been eating chocolate again. g) Christmas is a magical time of year, isn’t it? h) The Mad
Hatter’s pocket watch wasn’t on the table. i) Was there any money left?

16. kazeta + řešení, např.: work práce, dílo; vlasy hair, hairs; hair vlas, vlasy, chlup; matematika maths, mathematics;
scales váha, váhy; noviny (news)paper, (news)papers, news; paper papír, noviny; housle violin, violins; glasses
sklenice, brýle; rukavice glove, gloves; news zpráva, zprávy, novina, noviny; dveře door, doors; rubbish odpadky,
nesmysly; odpadky litter, rubbish; nesmysly nonsense, rubbish; informace information, a piece of information,
pieces of information; advice rada, rady

17. I. a) thousands of locations b) hundreds of special offers c) millions of babies d) dozens of servants e) hundreds of
brands f) tens of thousands of tenants g) millions of Americans h) thousands of tiny pieces i) hundreds of thousands of
cans of Coke j) dozens of machines

17. II. tens of thousands of patients – hundreds of thousands of little red spots – tens of millions of stars – thousands
of millions of words – tens of thousands of nurses – tens of millions of pounds – hundreds of thousands of articles –
hundreds of millions of light years

18. I. twenty-three metres – four hundred and fifty-four grams – three litres – ninety-eight centimetres – fifty-one kilo(gram)s –
a/one hundred and seven kilometres – two hundred and fifty millilitres – thirty-six point seven centimetres – three
hundred and fifty grams – eight litres – six thousand six hundred and seventy kilometres – twelve kilo(gram)s – thirty-six
square centimetres – seventy-two square metres – four square kilometres – twenty-seven cubic metres

18. II. a) How many centimetres are there in a metre? ~ A hundred. b) How many metres make a kilometre? ~ A thousand.
c) How many centimetres are there in one kilometre? ~ A hundred thousand. d) What do we call ten millimetres? ~
A centimetre. e) What is a kilogram? ~ It’s a thousand grams. f) How many decilitres are there in a litre? ~ Ten. g) And
how many millilitres make a litre? ~ A thousand. h) What is a decilitre? ~ It’s a hundred millilitres. i) What is the size of
a room that is 4 metres long and 3 metres wide? ~ Twelve square metres. j) How big is London? ~ This book says it’s got
an area of 1,579 square kilometres.

18. III. kazeta + řešení: a) two inches 5 cm b) one and a half kilometres one mile c) a pound ½ kg d) a hundred grams
four ounces e) three feet 1 m f) two litres four pints g) three square yards three square metres h) fifty millimetres two

18. IV. půl libry half a pound (a half-pound) – půl kilogramu mouky half a kilogram of flour (a half-kilogram of
flour) – půl litru lihovin half a litre of spirits (a half-litre of spirits) – půl hodiny nakupování half an hour of shopping
(a half-hour of shopping) – jedno a půl kila pomerančů one and a half kilos of oranges – kilo a půl banánů a kilo and
a half of bananas – dva a půl litru two and a half litres – tři a půl litru citronové limonády three and a half litres of
lemonade – jedno a čtvrt kila žampiónů one and a quarter kilos of mushrooms – tři čtvrtě hodiny three quarters of an
hour – tři čtvrtě kila čerstvých jahod three quarters of a kilo of fresh strawberries

19. I. c)

19. II. Správné pořadí: d), a), c), b).

20. I. a) department store b) shopping village c) corner shop d) high street e) supermarket f) boutique

Time to Talk 3, lekce 5 45

20. II. ideální řešení: a) Corner shops are always (D.) quite expensive. b) At the supermarket they often have (F.) goods
on special offer. c) Shopping can be (H.) an unpleasant experience. d) Shopping at the department store is (C.) quicker
but can be expensive. e) A high street is often (G.) on a hill. f) The high streets of most towns have (B.) several boutiques.
g) A shopping village is (E.) a ‘town’ with shops and nothing else. h) Most people are (A.) keen on shopping.
Autor textu netvrdí: a), e), f), g), h).

20. III. např.:

1. a special offer: When something is on ‘special offer’ they are selling it with a discount, or for less than the normal price.
2. under one roof: When things are sold ‘under one roof’ it means that we can buy them all in one building and do not
have to go to lots of various shops.
3. a brand name: A ‘brand name’ is the name that a company uses for itself and the goods it produces.
4. good value: When something is ‘good value’ it means that if we buy it we will get plenty for our money.

22. I. až příliš mnoho far too many – bochník chleba loaf of bread – dlouho a long time – mimo provoz out of order –
najít si místo find a space – nabídka zboží choice of goods – na výběr to choose from – pouze jako výzdoba just for
decoration – stovky lidí hundreds of people – ve spěchu in a hurry – ve všech velikostech in all sizes – v samoobsluze
at the supermarket – výloha the shop window – zaplatit v hotovosti pay in cash

22. II. a) The author says that shopping can be slow because (1) it takes a long time to find a space in the car park, (2) the
escalators are sometimes out of order and (3) we often have to choose from thousands and thousands of different brand
names. b) The author is surprised by this because the shops contain such a wide selection of products. c) When we see
a pair of shoes we like the shop doesn’t always have them in our size. d) When we ask for something that’s in the shop
window the shop assistant might tell us that we can’t buy it because it’s only for decoration. e) Paying at the supermarket
can be very slow because when the shop is busy there are long queues at the till and a lot of customers pay by credit card,
which takes a long time. Also some people forget to weight their fruit and vegetables and others cannot find their money.
f) The author of the text says they frown. I think they might also look at their watches a lot and look around them to see if
there are any other, shorter queues. g) např.: I’ve got a purse. It’s blue and it’s made of corduroy, and it’s got a zip. Today
it’s quite empty!

22. III. Další možné náměty: shop closed when you arrive – lift out of order – goods without prices – rude shop assistant –
loud or unpleasant music in shops – queues at the fitting rooms – lose purse/wallet – not have enough cash – shopping
bag breaks outside – can’t get a refund

23. I.
a) THE CHEMIST’S: toothbrush, cough medicine, vitamin tablets, aspirin, shampoo, soap
b) THE STATIONER’S: pen, pencils, notebook, postcard, envelopes, exercise book
c) THE GREENGROCER’S: tomatoes, grapes, lemons, garlic, bananas, tangerines
d) THE GROCER’S: flour, pasta, custard, lager, tuna, salt

23. II. a) At home after his shopping trip the man reads (iii) the paper. b) The man bought some tuna (i) without
a discount. c) He saw that there was flour (i) on his receipt. d) At the stationer’s he paid for (i) a pen and an exercise
book that they didn’t give him. e) At the chemist’s they (ii) charged him for three toothbrushes and some shampoo.
f) The T-shirt was (i) the wrong size. g) The man hoped he would be able to (ii) choose something different or get his
money back.

24. I.
a) There were (B.) hundreds of people at the wedding.
b) But I haven’t (D.) paid for this bread yet.
c) Can I pay (A.) by credit card, please?
d) (C.) Whose turn is it?
e) Oh dear. I’ve forgotten to weigh these (A.) things.
f) How much money did you take (B.) out at the bank today?
g) But she (D.) can’t be at school. I’ve just seen her at Hungry Hippo’s.
h) They didn’t have any bananas, (B.) did they?
i) Your favourite shampoo’s (B.) on special offer. Shall I get some?
j) (B.) This information could be important to us.
k) Are you (B.) being served, sir?
l) Is that (A.) correct?

46 Time to Talk 3, lekce 5

24. II. např.: a) When something is expensive it simply costs a lot of money. But when something is overpriced it means
that the shop is charging more for that product than it should, or at least more than other shops charge. b) A lift is a sort
of ‘box’ that goes up and down and carries people from one floor of a building to another. An escalator also moves
between storeys, but it looks like stairs. c) Except means ‘without’, including means ‘with’. d) Grapes are a fruit that
grows especially well in countries where there is plenty of sun. Wine is a drink (an alcoholic drink) often made with
grapes. e) Paper is something we write on. A list is something we write on paper. We write lists of things we mustn’t
forget to buy, do, pack and so on, for example when we are going shopping or on holiday, or when we are especially busy.
f) When someone gives or sends us something, we receive it. A receipt is the piece of paper they give us in a shop to tell us
how much money they have received from us. g) A station is a place that trains arrive at and leave from. A stationer’s is
a shop where we buy paper, pens, pencils and other things for school or for the office. h) A newsagent’s is a shop where
they sell newspapers and magazines, cigarettes, sweets, postcards and stamps. An estate agent’s is a company that sells
and rents houses, flats and other property, for example office space.


1. I. annoyed rozčílený; fault chyba, vada; vina; matches zápalky; stressful stresující, stresový; survive přežít

1. II. kazeta:
1. I work in the Customer Services department, so most of the people I speak to are complaining about something or
wanting their money back. The worst time is just after Christmas. Everyone has been given Christmas presents that don’t
fit them or don’t suit them and they want to exchange them or get their money back. A lot of them don’t have the receipts,
and when I explain that we can’t exchange goods without receipts they can get quite annoyed. And when there really is
something wrong with the goods, you’d be surprised how many people think it’s the shop assistant’s fault!
2. Yes, Saturdays are terrible! Sometimes I don’t even get time to eat my lunch. Filling the shelves isn’t too bad, but I hate
being on the tills. The queues can get really long, and by the time they get to me the customers are tired and bored and
some of them can be quite rude. They forget the shop’s a stressful place for me, too. And believe me, if I had to choose
between sitting at the till all day and buying tasty things for my own dinner, I know what I’d prefer!
3. You’d be surprised how busy we can get. Local women come here during the day for their tea and sugar, then crowds
of children come in after school for sweets and magazines, and at the weekends we sell mostly newspapers and flowers
and boxes of chocolates. So the shop’s never empty, which is nice. And we’re friends with most of our customers. Except
the ones who come in and want to pay for a box of matches with a twenty-pound note! The main problem is that we don’t
make much money. People do their shopping at the supermarket these days, don’t they? It’s cheaper. But we just can’t
sell things that cheaply. We wouldn’t survive.
4. It’s quite an expensive shop, and most of the women who come here have got plenty of money. I like the clothes we
sell and I have a nice working relationship with my boss, but I don’t like the way a lot of our regular customers talk to
me. You know, I’m just a stupid shop assistant. Which I don’t think is very fair, especially as some of them are rich only
because they’ve got wealthy husbands or parents. I’m sure they can’t have jobs themselves, because they’re always in
here buying new clothes!

1. II. řešení: a corner shop: 3. mluvčí; a department store: 1. mluvčí; an exclusive boutique: 4. mluvčí; a supermarket:
2. mluvčí

2. I. např.:
speaker no. 1: the period after Christmas; customers who want refunds but don’t have their receipts; customers who get
annoyed with her; customers who think it’s her fault
speaker no. 2: the busiest day of the week, which is Saturday; sometimes not having time for lunch; being on the tills all
day; customers who are rude to her
speaker no. 3: people who pay for matches with twenty-pound notes; trying to make enough money to survive
speaker no. 4: customers who think she is stupid because she is a shop assistant

3. I. burn spálit; fall apart rozpadat se; faulty vadný; instructions návod; proof důkaz(y); seam šev; setting nastavení;
shrink srazit se; suitable vhodný; warning upozornění

3. III. 1. Ladies’ Wear 2. Toys and Games 3. Electrical

haberdashery [;h+bed+/rJ]
Bingy [;bJngJ]

4. I. a product that’s unsuitable for the person it was given to: 2. dialog; a product that’s faulty and perhaps dangerous:
3. dialog; a product that’s simply bad quality: 1. dialog

Time to Talk 3, lekce 5 47

6. a) surface mail b) registered c) air mail

7. I. kazeta + řešení:
Jarda: Hello. I’d like to send this parcel to the Czech Republic, please.
post-office clerk: The Czech Republic. Right. How would you like to send it, sir?
Jarda: Er…registered, I think. Could you tell me first how much it would cost, please?
post-office clerk: Yes. No problem. Let’s put it on the scales, shall we? Right. So sending it registered would cost you
eighteen pounds thirty-four.
Jarda: Eighteen pounds thirty-four?!
post-office clerk: Is that a bit of a shock, sir?
Jarda: Yes, it certainly is! How much would it cost by ordinary air mail, please?
post-office clerk: Ordinary air mail…that’d be fifteen pounds twenty-four.
Jarda: Fifteen pounds twenty-four?!
post-office clerk: Is that still a bit expensive for you?
Jarda: And what are the other possibilities?
post-office clerk: Well, the cheapest way to send this parcel would be by surface mail. That’d cost you…let’s see…twelve
pounds thirty-nine. It should arrive within eight days.
Jarda: Right. Well, I suppose it’ll have to be surface mail, then.
post-office clerk: Right. Anything else, sir?
Jarda: Yes. I’d like two first-class stamps, and four stamps for postcards to the Czech Republic. And two of those long,
brown envelopes, please. And that’ll be all for now.
post-office clerk: Right. Two first-class, four to Europe…

7. II. např.: a) Before he can answer the clerk’s first question Jarda needs to know about the various types of post there
are, how much they cost and how much his parcel weighs. b) The clerk tells Jarda about three possible ways of sending
his parcel: by air mail, by surface mail and by registered post. c) Jarda is unpleasantly surprised by how expensive it is
to send a parcel to the Czech Republic from England. d) When we send a letter ‘registered’ we have to tell the post office
what is in the parcel and sign a form. The person who receives it also has to sign a piece of paper to say that it has arrived

9. II.
a) smlouvat o ceně bargain [;bB:gJn] – vystavovat arrange [e;reJndg] – zbavit se čeho get rid of [,get ;rJd ev]
b) junk


48 Time to Talk 3, lekce 5

Téma lekce: škola, vzdělávací systém.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 22–29.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–3.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 4–5, 20–21.

They decided they couldn’t afford it.

Decide se často užívá podobně jako české dospět k názoru.

I’m quite glad, really.

Really zde plní funkci větného modifikátoru a významově odpovídá českému vlastně.

independent schools don’t necessarily give you a better education

Příklad užití give ve významu poskytovat.

I don’t think school’s too bad.

Pro angličtinu je charakteristické, že některá, tzv. nefaktivní, slovesa přejímají zápor z vedlejší věty (transferred negation,
raised negation). V tomto typu vět je v češtině běžnější vyjádřit zápor ve větě vedlejší, tj. Myslím si, že škola není až tak

He’s taking his GCSE exams.

Možné též: He’s sitting his GCSE exams (GCSEs).

Others let classmates copy all their homework.

Studenty by mohlo zajímat, že opisování (ať už úkolů, nebo při testech) je v Británii obvykle trestáno přísněji než
v českých školách.

he was right that a knowledge of computers

Vazba be right that odpovídá českému mít pravdu v tom, že. Často se užívá též v podobě be right in saying/thinking that
atp. (He was right in saying that a knowledge of computers… Měl pravdu v tom, že znalost počítačů…).

entrance exams and interviews

Přijímací zkoušky na vysokou školu se v Británii obvykle skládají z písemné části, kde se testují odborné znalosti
uchazečů, a z pohovoru, kde se hodnotí obecné předpoklady a motivace ke studiu. U uměleckých oborů je samozřejmě
součástí i talentová zkouška, u cizích jazyků zkouška ústní.

I’m studying all the time.

Studenti by měli být schopni srovnat věty I’m studying all the time. (tj. zrovna teď v tomto období, když mám zkoušky)
a I study all the time. (tj. jsem vůbec pilný student).

I’m going to need good ‘A’-level grades.

Přijetí na vysokou školu závisí nejen na výkonu u přijímacích zkoušek, ale i na tom, jestli student získá potřebné známky
u státních zkoušek ‘A’-levels (ve Skotsku SCE ‘Highers’).

I work four nights a week as a waitress. I’ve got a student loan.

Stát hradí jen část nákladů spojených se studiem na vysoké škole. Zbývající část hradí studenti z vlastních prostředků
a je naprosto běžné, že britští studenti chodí i do práce a mají studentské půjčky.

living in hall
Běžný způsob zkrácení formálního hall of residence, což je nejbližší ekvivalent české vysokoškolské koleje.

when I graduate
Upozorněte studenty, že se výraz graduate (ať už jako substantivum [;gr+dgwet], adjektivum [;gr+dgwet] nebo sloveso
[;gr+dgweJt]) užívá pouze v souvislosti se studiem na vysoké škole, protože se tím dosahuje titulu. Na nižších stupních

Time to Talk 3, lekce 6 49

škol užíváme např. when I leave school, when I finish my college course, when I’ve done my GCSEs/‘A’-levels/(v rámci
českého školství) school-leaving exams atp.

I don’t know…if I’ll be able to afford it.

Připomeňte studentům, že po if se sice neužívá budoucí čas, ale že toto pravidlo platí pouze v podmínkových větách. Zde
jde o větu předmětnou, kde je podle smyslu možné užít i futurum.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

advise [ed;vaJz]
Upozorněte studenty na srovnání s pravopisem substantiva advice [ed;vaJs] (viz 2. díl, 1. lekce), jakož i na změnu
ve výslovnosti.

Upozorněte na souvislost s opisným tvarem modálního slovesa may, tedy be allowed to, které je trpným rodem slovesa
allow (tj. doslova např. I was allowed to = bylo mi dovoleno = směl jsem).

apply for
Srov. application (viz 2. díl, 8. lekce). Žadatel/uchazeč je applicant [;+plJkent].

bachelor, master
Tyto akademické tituly se v anglofonním světě neužívají ani při oslovování (srov. české pane magistře), ani při odkazování
na jejich nositele (srov. české Řekla to paní magistra Nováková.). Jinak je tomu u titulu doctor, který se užívá pro označení
a oslovování lékaře nebo univerzitního profesora, který má tuto hodnost (Dr. Beaumont is Professor of Music.).

blackboard [;bl+kbc:d]
Pozor, při vyslovování se studenti často dopouštějí nesprávné asimilace k v g [;bl+gbc:d].

Toto označení se užívá pouze pro žáky/studenty ze stejné třídy (class, form). Spolužák z jiné třídy nebo ročníku na stejné
škole je schoolmate nebo school friend.

Můžete upozornit na rozdíl v užití v USA, kde výraz označuje vysokou školu, a ve Velké Británii, kde výraz označuje
buď: a) typ školy mezi běžnou střední školou a vysokou školou; b) instituci poskytující vzdělání v oborech zpravidla
technických nebo jinak specializovaných (business college, design college) c) část některých vysokoškolských institucí
(the colleges of Cambridge and Oxford universities). Výraz se z historických důvodů vyskytuje též v názvech několika
škol (např. Eton [;i:tn] College, soukromá chlapecká škola, kterou navštěvují žáci již od svých pěti let).

Označuje výpočetní techniku v abstraktním slova smyslu (tj.
obor, nikoliv vybavení). Srov. He studies computing. Studuje výpočetní techniku. x a computer shop obchod výpočetní
technikou. Studijní předmět na školách se nazývá např. computer studies nebo information science (= informatika, zde
pozor na neexistující slovo v angličtině informatics, které studenti rádi užívají).

Upozorněte na spojení to have a degree in (např. maths, literature) mít vystudován obor na univerzitě. Podobně I’m doing
a degree (formálněji I’m reading for a degree) in history.

grade viz mark

lecturer viz professor

Upozorněte na souvislost se slovesem lend.

Mark označuje běžnou školní známku z úkolů a testů. Grade se užívá k označení významnějších známek, např. ze
zkoušky, známky na vysvědčení atp. Oba výrazy se užívají i jako sloveso (opravovat, oznámkovat), mark v Británii
a grade např. v USA.

50 Time to Talk 3, lekce 6

Připomeňte studentům též bezpředložkový výraz fail an exam neudělat zkoušku, propadnout u zkoušky.

Persuade znamená aktivně někoho přesvědčit prostřednictvím argumentů, proseb atp. Nejčastěji je užíváno s infinitivem
(předmět + infinitiv). Výraz je často zaměňován za convince, které znamená přesvědčit ve smyslu přimět někoho něčemu
věřit, aniž by šlo o aktivní přesvědčování (tj. např. domluvou). Srov. He persuaded me to try again. Přesvědčil mne (tedy
domluvil mi), abych to zkusil znovu. x He convinced me in just one lesson that he was a good teacher. Přesvědčil mne
během jediné hodiny, že je dobrý učitel.

Užití je jiné než v češtině. Professor se užívá pouze pro označení vedoucího katedry, ostatní vysokoškolští pedagogové
jsou lecturers, mezi nimi jsou různé stupně, např. senior lecturer.

Ve smyslu pověst, jméno můžeme užít i výraz name, který je však dvojznačný. Srov. The school has a good name. Má
dobré jméno (tj. buď pověst, nebo pojmenování).

Školní rok na britských školách má tři terms, které se někdy (především na vysokých školách v USA) též nazývají
trimesters. Terms jsou odděleny velikonočními a vánočními prázdninami.

Funkci konatele infinitivní vazby může plnit i existenční there (I wouldn’t like there to be any problems. Nechtěl bych,
aby byly problémy.), ale tuto možnost zde zatím neuvádíme.

Některá ze sloves zde uvedených připouštějí i vazbu s gerundiem, ovšem pouze tehdy, jsou-li užita bez nepřímého
předmětu, tedy ne jako ditranzitivní slovesa. Srov.: They don’t allow us to eat in the classrom. x They don’t allow eating
in the classroom.; The doctor advised me to eat more vegetables. x Doctors advise eating more vegetables.

Užití minulého infinitivu viz 4. díl této učebnice.

řešení: a) He told me to wait. b) He told me to hurry (up). c) He told me to whisper. d) He told me to save (up). e) He
told me to follow them. f) He told me not to worry. g) He told me not to hurry. h) He told me not to complain. i) He
told me not to shout. j) He told me not to cough.

Vedle uvedených sloves se infinitiv bez to, případně participium, užívá též např. po slovesech observe (pozorovat)
a witness (být svědkem).

Věty se slovesy smyslového vnímání můžeme přeložit do češtiny buď infinitivem (I saw him take it. Viděl jsem ho to
vzít.), nebo vedlejší větou doplňkovou (Viděl jsem ho, jak to vzal.). V angličtině je možná pouze varianta s infinitivem
nebo -ingovým tvarem (participiem). Studenti se často snaží o doslovný překlad doplňkové věty pomocí spojky how, což
není možné.

řešení: a) Slyšel jsem ho přicházet. x Slyšel jsem ho přijít. b) Viděla ho, jak na někoho zamával. x Viděla ho, jak někomu
mává. c) Cítil jsem, jak se to pohnulo. x Cítil jsem, jak se to hýbe. d) Slyšel jsem, jak to spadlo. x Slyšel jsem, jak to padá.

Užití hardly na začátku věty je spíše knižní a vyžaduje užití inverze slovosledu: Hardly can I remember how it all
happened. Stěží si vzpomínám, jak se to odehrálo. Výklad inverze je uveden v dalších dílech učebnice.

Ve větách s hardly je často možný alternativní slovosled: We’ve got hardly any time. i We’ve hardly got any time.; He said
hardly anything. i He hardly said anything..

scarcely [;skeeslJ], barely [;beelJ]

řešení např.: a) Skoro nikdo to neví./Sotva kdo to ví. b) Nemáme skoro žádný volný čas./Sotva máme volný čas. c) Skoro
nic jiného není tak důležité jako tohle./Sotva co jiného je tak důležité jako tohle. d) Skoro nikdy se mnou nemluví./ Sotva
kdy se mnou mluví. e) Skoro nikdy si nedělá starosti./Sotva kdy si dělá starosti. f) Skoro tě neslyším./Sotva tě slyším.
g) Skoro žádná z jeho písniček se mi nelíbí./Z jeho písniček se mi líbí sotva nějaká.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 6 51

Užití all ve smyslu celý ve spojení s vlastním jménem je spíše poetické: the fairest maid in all England.

řešení: a) every person b) all people c) all my friends d) all of us e) every one of us f) every occasion g) all damage
h) every piece i) all rubbish j) all the story k) every time l) all the time m) all my time

Přidání přípony -er je někdy doprovázeno i zdvojením koncové souhlásky (woodcutter, digger). Pravidla jsou stejná jako
u přípon stupňování adjektiv a koncovek -ed a -ing.

Přípona -or je častější u slov latinského nebo řeckého původu. Vyskytuje se rovněž u slov, která v angličtině nemají
základní tvar, od něhož jsou odvozena (author, doctor).

řešení: b) cooker c) answer d) cover g) hamster i) attic k) enthusiastic l) magic m) physics n) list q) escalator


1. I. a) technical – 2 b) college – 1 c) concentrate – 2 d) fashionable – 3 e) bachelor – 2 f) graduate – 2 g) image – 1

h) knowledge – 1 i) classmate – 1 j) certain – 1 k) secondary – 3 l) seminar – 2

1. II. a) apply – 1 b) ambitious – 2 c) persuade – 1 d) original – 3 e) afford – 1 f) geography – 3 g) report – 1

h) relationship – 3 i) degree – 1 j) computing – 2 k) advise – 1 l) impossible – 3

1. III. aca;demic – compe;tition – compre;hensive – edu;cation – inde;pendent – oppor;tunity – prepa;ration – repu;tation

3. I. a) computing [ju:] b) education [jw] c) graduate [jw] d) lecture [e] e) opportunity [ju:] f) reputation [jw] g) rule [u:]
h) rubber [v] i) ruler [u:] j) suffer [v] k) busy [J] l) purse [§:]

3. II. kazeta: a) tun b) duke c) unite d) bury e) survey f) fuss g) furry h) mutter i) Surrey

4. a) corridor b) programmer c) rubber (runner!) d) afford e) pass f) college g) degree h) allow i) classmate j) hall k)
apply l) opportunity m) impossible

5. a) persuade b) warn c) forbid d) advise e) remind

6. a) The nurse advised me to ask at reception. b) Colin asked me to introduce him to Janet. c) I need you to shorten
these jeans for me. d) Would you like me to help you with the unpacking? e) His parents forbade him to behave like
that again. f) I’d prefer you not to leave your shoes here, if you don’t mind. g) She told them not to shout when the baby
was asleep. (Pozn.: Upozorněte studenty na časovou souslednost ve vedlejší časové větě, kterou do češtiny přeložíme
přítomným časem.) h) Ask Gemma to let me know when she’s moving. i) I didn’t want anyone to recognize me. j) I’d
advise you not to promise anything yet. k) Why didn’t you remind me to weigh the bananas? l) Did you persuade the
shop assistant to refund your money/to give you a refund/to give you your money back?

7. kazeta + řešení: a) I think you should admit it. He advised me to admit it. b) Don’t tell anyone! She told me not to
tell anyone. c) Couldn’t you try a bit harder? He asked me to try a bit harder. d) Don’t expect too much. She warned
us not to expect too much. e) You will pack the toothbrushes, won’t you? He reminded me to pack the toothbrushes.
f) Don’t whisper in public! She forbade them to whisper in public. g) Would you like to park in my garden? He invited
us to park in his garden. h) Don’t frown so much. She told me not to frown so much. i) Please knock very quietly. He
asked me to knock very quietly. j) Get plenty of rest. She advised me to get plenty of rest.

8. např.: a) He invited the Blackwells to come/to go and see him more often. b) He advised the Frasers not to let Annie
watch so much TV. c) He told Mrs Finch to ask her son about it. d) He tried to persuade the Moores to (find time to) help
Kelly with her English. e) He reminded the Gregsons to go and speak to Chris’s maths teacher. f) He warned Mrs Byford
to watch her son’s behaviour a little more closely. g) He asked the Dawsons to think about it and let him know.

9. I. např.: a) They don’t allow us to leave/They don’t let us leave the school building during breaks. b) Do they allow
you to spend/Do they let you spend breaks inside if/when it’s raining (when it rains)? c) They allow us to use/They let
us use the school piano if we play in the orchestra. d) And do they allow you to use/And do they let you use the gym
at lunchtimes (in the lunch break/ lunch hour)? e) They don’t allow the girls to wear/They don’t let the girls wear high
shoes to school. f) And do they allow you to wear/And do they let you wear jewellery? g) They allow us to use/They let
us use calculators in some (of the) exams. h) But they don’t allow us to have/But they don’t let us have dictionaries with
us in French tests.

52 Time to Talk 3, lekce 6

9. II. např.: a) Do they let us leave the school building during breaks? ~ Yes. They do. / Do they allow us to leave the
school building during breaks? ~ Yes. They do. / Are we allowed to leave the school building during breaks? ~ Yes. We

10. I. a) I could feel my tooth starting to hurt (ache). b) We could hear someone following us. c) She had noticed
something floating in her soup. d) I saw him press the button. e) Let’s go and watch Mum cutting Dad’s hair. f) We
heard them talking about him. g) All my classmates saw me fall over in the corridor. h) We saw Mrs Price marking
your test.

10. II. kazeta + řešení: a) We decided to walk more quickly. We could hear someone following us. b) I was so embarrassed.
All my classmates saw me fall over in the corridor. c) Are you as bored as I am? Let’s go and watch Mum cutting Dad’s
hair. d) We know what grade you’re going to get. We saw Mrs Price marking your test. e) Daniel stopped it. I saw him
press the button. f) I phoned to make an appointment. I could feel my tooth starting to hurt (ache). g) Caroline called
the waiter. She had noticed something floating in her soup. h) There’s going to be a new geography teacher. We heard
them talking about him.

11. a) She heard someone call out her name. b) I noticed a man waving at me from the roof. c) He felt something move
in the dark behind him. d) We sat and watched the boats coming in. e) I could hear someone coughing and sneezing in
the next room. f) I felt the chair break under me. g) We all had to listen to Aunt Henrietta complaining about her tenants
all day. h) We saw Robbie taste the stew when Mum wasn’t looking. i) I saw hundreds of people queueing to get tickets.
j) Could you feel the pressure changing?

12. a) I know you’re in there. I can see you. b) I told the doctor I couldn’t feel (can’t feel) anything in my left foot. c) It
was so quiet that you could hear the snow falling. d) Are you sure you put garlic in this? I can’t taste/smell it at all.
e) There was so much smoke that he couldn’t see more than a few metres in front of him. f) I can smell roses. Have you
brought me some? g) The Giant could hear a bird singing outside. Perhaps the spring had come. h) What a lovely day!
You can really feel spring in the air, can’t you? i) Have you told the teacher you can’t see (couldn’t see) the blackboard
from the back of the class?

13. I. a) hardly anybody b) hardly anywhere c) hardly ever d) hardly any e) hardly anything

13. II. kazeta + řešení: almost nothing hardly anything – hardly anywhere almost nowhere – almost nobody hardly
anybody – hardly anyone almost no one – almost never hardly ever – hardly any almost no – almost nowhere hardly
anywhere – hardly anything almost nothing – almost no hardly any – almost no one hardly anyone – hardly ever
almost never – hardly anybody almost nobody

14. např.: a) They have hardly anything in stock./They hardly have anything in stock. b) Our customers hardly ever pay in
cash./Hardly any of our customers pay in cash. c) They can hardly afford to eat. d) There are hardly any disadvantages.
e) It costs hardly anything./It hardly costs anything. f) We know hardly anyone in this area./We hardly know anyone in
this area. g) There was hardly any(thing) left. h) She hardly ever replies to my letters. i) How much did you save? ~ Hardly
anything. j) Hardly anybody realizes that. k) He had hardly any cash in his wallet./He hardly had any cash in his wallet.

15. a) But you’ve hardly eaten anything at all./But you’ve eaten hardly anything at all. b) Hardly anyone at all can answer
that question. c) She goes hardly anywhere at all during the week./She hardly goes anywhere at all during the week.
d) I know hardly anything at all about computers./I hardly know anything at all about computers. e) There was hardly
any damage at all. f) He was wearing hardly anything at all./He was hardly wearing anything at all. g) It hardly hurt at all.
h) I felt hardly any pain at all./I hardly felt any pain at all.

16. I. every person/all people – every opportunity/all opportunities – every product/all products – in every size/in all
sizes – every shape/all shapes – every event/all events – every guest/all guests – every class/all classes – every state/all
states – every side/all sides [pages/parties] – every instrument/all instruments – every one of us/all of us/we all – every
one of them/all of them/they all

16. II. a) every day = každý den (dní je víc) x all day = celý den (jeden určitý den) b) every time = pokaždé (když) x all
the time/the whole time = celou (tu) dobu; neustále, pořád c) I can drink all champagne. = Mohu pít každé šampaňské. x
I can drink all the champagne. = Mohu vypít všechno to šampaňské (co je tady). d) Not all servants are badly paid. =
Ne všichni sluhové (obecně, na světě) jsou špatně placeni. x Not all the servants are badly paid. = Ne všichni ti sluhové
(v určité známé skupině) jsou špatně placeni. x Not all his servants are badly paid. = Ne všichni jeho sluhové (ve službách
jednoho známého zaměstnavatele) jsou špatně placeni.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 6 53

17. I. the whole day/all day (řidč. all the day) – the whole class/all the class – the whole loaf/all the loaf – the whole
department store/all the department store – the whole area/all the area – the whole lecture/all the lecture – the whole
bottle/all the bottle – the whole world/all the world – the whole match/all the match – the whole country/all the country –
the whole of England/all England

17. II. all (of) my life – all (of) the grapes – all (of) the loaf – all (of) the shampoo – all (of) his medicine – all (of) the day

17. III. all my life my whole life (the whole of my life) – all the loaf the whole loaf (the whole of the loaf) – all day the
whole day (the whole of the day) – all the day the whole day (the whole of the day)

18. a) Not every modern building is ugly. b) Not all modern buildings are ugly. c) Not all the buildings on our estate are
ugly. d) Not every one of the buildings here is ugly. e) Not the whole building is ugly. f) Not every building here is ugly.
g) Were you bored? You were looking at your watch the whole time. h) Were you bored? You were looking at your watch
all the time. i) Were you bored? Every time I looked at you you were looking at your watch. j) I was watching you all the
time and you didn’t stop looking at your watch. k) Every soldier knows that. l) All soldiers know that. m) All the soldiers
I know wear uniform. n) I needed a whole day to recover. o) I needed all the next day to recover.

19. I. (Poznámka: z důvodů úspory místa neuvádíme ženské protějšky.) a programmer programátor – a lecturer profesor
(vysokoškolský)/přednášející – a servant sluha – a geographer zeměpisec – an art historian kunsthistorik – a biologist
biolog – a fireman hasič – a barman barman – an employer zaměstnavatel – a librarian knihovník – a collector sběratel –
a hostess hostitelka, hosteska – a skier lyžař – a miller mlynář – an examiner zkoušející – a builder zedník, stavitel – an
owner majitel, vlastník – a manageress manažerka – a jeweller klenotník

19. II. např.: A footballer plays football. – A cyclist rides a bike/bicycle. – A mathematician is interested in (teaches,
studies or works with) maths. – A trumpeter plays the trumpet. – A villager lives in a village. – A fisherman catches
fish. – A sightseer admires the sights. – A banker works at a bank. – A guitarist plays the guitar. – A caroller sings
carols. – A part-timer works part-time. – A drummer plays the drums. – A dressmaker makes clothes.

20. I. a) interviewee (osoba účastnící se pohovoru; interview = pohovor) b) naturalist (přírodovědec; nature = příroda,
natural = přírodní) c) spaceman (kosmonaut; space = vesmír) d) florist [;flbrJst, ;flc:rJst](květinářka; flower = květina,
flora [;flc:re] = květena) e) sailor (námořník; sail = plout, plavat, plachta na lodi)

20. II. bruslař ice skater – cizinec foreigner – kouzelník magician – myslivec forester [;fbrJste] – ostrovan islander –
vítěz winner – příjemce (peněz) payee [peJ;i:] – stvořitel creator – účinkující performer – uchazeč applicant – vizážista
beautician [bju:;tJ/n]

21. a) Our timetable isn’t too busy this year, which is good. b) Our timetable isn’t too busy this year, which is good news.
c) Our timetable doesn’t look too good this year. There’s hardly any free time. d) What’s wrong? You don’t look very
well. e) I can’t concentrate. I don’t feel well. f) Rosie took a few days off college and she’s well again now. g) Rosie’s been
working on her German and she’s getting quite good again now. h) Rosie’s been wearing more fashionable clothes lately
and she looks really good. i) It’s a very good report, Julia. Well done. j) Julia’s doing very well at school. She’s just had
a wonderful report. k) Julia’s very good at all her subjects. Except computing. l) Eddie’s doing his ‘A’-levels this year. He’s
doing university entrance exams as well. m) The entrance exam results have arrived. ~ Good. I’ll tell Eddie. n) Eddie’s
just ended his relationship with Julia. For good.

22. I. a) Joseph [;dgewzJf] b) Sophie [;sewfJ] c) Hayley [;heJlJ]

22. II.
a) (i) H (ii) S (iii) J
b) (i) S (ii) J (iii) H
c) (i) J (ii) H (iii) S
d) (i) J (ii) S (iii) H
e) (i) J (ii) H (iii) S
f) (i) S (ii) J (iii) H

23. I. nejsou zmíněny: going to university; getting a job; grammar school; eating in class; alcohol; fashion shows

23. II. SCHOOL AND STUDYING: types of school, the need to study hard, feelings before tests, getting school reports;
RULES: having to wear uniform, drinking in class; CLASSMATES: copying homework, clothes and image, smoking and
friends, being yourself

54 Time to Talk 3, lekce 6

24. I. např.: a) In the end Hayley’s parents sent her to a state school instead of an independent school because they
didn’t have enough money. b) Hayley doesn’t think that going to a state comprehensive will have a negative effect on her
future. c) Although she is not really an academic type, on the whole Hayley quite enjoys school. d) Hayley thinks that all
her classmates probably get nervous before tests. e) A school report is something pupils get/receive at the end of each
school year. It shows their grades for the various subjects/courses/things that they study. f) The Czech school year has
two semesters [sJ;meste]. The British school year has three terms. g) Hayley feels that other pupils watch what she says,
does and wears. h) She says it’s sometimes difficult for her to be herself. i) Hayley thinks the rule about drinking in class
is silly. j) But she doesn’t mind wearing uniform to school. In fact she thinks it makes life easier/simpler.

25. Podle textu jsou pravdivá tvrzení b), e), f) a h).

a) Joseph is studying (ii) art, computing and a language.
b) A few weeks from now Joseph is probably (i) taking some important exams.
c) The school art teacher thought Joseph (ii) was good at art.
d) Joseph describes college as (iii) a sort of training for university.
e) Joseph has got (iii) talent and works hard.
f) The text tells us that Joseph (ii) started without concrete plans but, thanks to college, now feels he knows what he

28. I. 1. d) had a loan 2. b) not dedicated enough? 3. f) might not continue her studies 4. a) noisy corridor/e) visitors to
her room 5. e) visitors to her room/a) noisy corridor 6. c) no hobbies or going out

28. II. např.: a) This is a busy year for Sophie firstly because she has a lot of lectures and secondly because she has a part-
time job in a restaurant. These two things leave her with little time for studying and even less time for her friends and
interests. Sophie is not unusual in this at all. She says that lots of students live in a similar way. b) This year Sophie is
living in a student flat which is cheap (important for Sophie because she has a loan) and quiet (important because she
needs to concentrate on her work). She chose the flat because it is completely different from the accommodation she had
last year, where she couldn’t study because of the noise and the regular visitors. c) Sophie used to hope that she would
do a master’s degree and then work as a teacher or lecturer, but now she isn’t so sure. Firstly, she doesn’t know if she is
ambitious enough to work hard for it, and secondly she is going to need to find a job after her bachelor’s degree to pay
off her student loan.


1. I. kazeta:
I must admit I seem to spend a lot of time being afraid. I always get nervous before we do a test because I feel I haven’t
worked hard enough and I’m going to fail it. The really clever pupils don’t have to worry about marks, but I’m average.
I have to work hard and I still usually only get Cs, or occasionally a B if I’m lucky. I sometimes have problems with the
homework as well. Especially with technical subjects. Sometimes I don’t think the teacher has explained something very
well, or maybe I just wasn’t concentrating in the lesson, but I’m afraid to go and ask the teacher because I don’t want to
look silly, and then I can’t do the homework. I’m a bit afraid of some of the teachers, as well. Especially Mr Davenport.
He teaches geography. He’s really strict, and he seems to enjoy it when we don’t know the answer and he can shout at us.
I always sit at the back of the class and try to hide from him, but he always asks ME! Luckily my parents are really good,
though. My best friend, Clare, is under real pressure at home. Her parents compare her with her older sister, which isn’t
fair. Mine don’t do that. They are strict about school and other things, but they wouldn’t do that.

I don’t really have problems with school work or tests or anything like that, but there’s one thing I really dislike about
school, and that’s the fact that you can’t be yourself. Your classmates watch you closely and you’ve got to be really careful
about how you behave in front of them. If you like maths, let’s say, or if you get on well with the teachers, or if you play
an instrument and like classical music, which I do, then you can be quite unpopular sometimes. It’s the same if you don’t
let your friends copy your homework, or if you put your hand up in lessons. You have to be careful what you look like
as well. You have to wear the right clothes, use make-up, smoke… Some of them even laugh if you haven’t got the right
mobile phone. It’s so silly and superficial. And the girls are often worse than the boys. Luckily I don’t think there are any
really serious problems in our class, though. No bullying or anything like that. But I think we need to grow up a bit and
realize that life’s not all about what you look like and what sort of mobile you’ve got.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 6 55

What I don’t like is that most of the time I’m just bored. I’m not saying that the subjects themselves are necessarily
boring. But a lot of them aren’t taught in an interesting way. Sometimes it’s the teacher, sometimes it’s the textbook.
And then when it’s boring I have problems concentrating. I start looking out of the window and daydreaming. Thinking
about other things. What’s for lunch. The girl in 9A that I’m madly in love with. What lessons we’ve got in the afternoon.
In that order, of course! Then all the things I want to do after school or at the weekend. There are so many interesting
things to do in life. It seems a shame to spend five days a week at school, eleven years of your life. I wouldn’t mind if
there was the promise of a good job at the end of it. But it’s so hard to get any job these days, even if you have got the
right qualifications. My mum’s got a master’s degree and she’s unemployed.

1. I. řešení: a) daydream (Harry) b) compare (Lily) c) get on with (Joanna) d) bully (Joanna) e) fail (Lily)

1. II. a) Harry b) Lily c) Joanna

2. I. např.:
a) Lily usually gets Cs for her school work, although she occasionally gets Bs as well. b) If Lily is ‘average’ that means
she’s not one of the best or worst pupils in the class. She’s somewhere in the middle. c) The opposite of ‘fail’ is ‘pass’.
d) Lily sometimes doesn’t understand what was said in class, especially when it’s something technical, either because (in
her opinion) the teacher doesn’t always explain things well or because she doesn’t concentrate very well. e) Lily thinks
Mr Davenport is unpleasant not only because he is very strict but because he always asks her questions in class and he
shouts at pupils who don’t know the answers. f) Lily says that her friend’s parents compare their two daughters’ marks.
Lily’s parents don’t do that. They know it’s not fair.

a) Joanna feels she isn’t ‘allowed’ to be herself among her classmates. b) She says she is sometimes unpopular at school
because she listens to and plays classical music, which her friends probably think is old-fashioned or boring. c) We put
our hands up in class when we know the answer or want to ask a question. d) Joanna thinks her classmates’ opinions and
the way they watch each other are silly and superficial. e) She says she thinks the girls at school are often worse – perhaps
more critical or superficial – than the boys. f) She says that she doesn’t think that any bullying takes place in her class.
g) In general, the two main things Joanna says she has to be careful about in front of her classmates are her behaviour
and her image.

a) Harry thinks that some lessons are boring because the teacher doesn’t teach in an interesting way and others because
they use boring textbooks. b) Harry starts daydreaming in lessons because he is bored and so he stops concentrating.
c) The girl Harry is in love with is in form 9A. d) Harry feels sorry that he spends so much of his life at school because
there are so many other interesting things he would like to do with his time. e) He has to spend eleven years of his life
there. f) He is a little pessimistic about job opportunities in the future. He knows that a lot of people don’t find work after
school and even university, and his own mother is unemployed.

4. I. aggressive agresivní; businessman obchodník; discipline disciplína; make-up kosmetika, líčidla; motivate motivovat;
motivated motivovaný; photocopier kopírka; qualifications kvalifikace

4. II. řešení, III. kazeta:

How often are parents critical of schools and teachers? How often do I hear pupils say that something – a subject, an
article, school in general – is boring? How many times have their tired eyes asked me “Why are you asking me? Don’t you
like me?”? I know schools have their faults. And so do we teachers, of course. But just a few words of my own, if I may…
[1] Imagine you have worked hard for many years to gain the knowledge and qualifications you need for your profession.
You have always wanted to be a teacher. You have always enjoyed being with children and young people. You want to
do a ‘useful’ job. You love your subject. You are enthusiastic and motivated. You graduate.

[2] You arrive for your first lesson. When you walk into the room pupil A is eating his sandwiches, pupils B and C are
playing football, pupils D and E are ‘dancing’ on their desk and nearly everyone has a mouth full of chewing gum, which
you know the school rules don’t allow. As the days and weeks pass it becomes clear that many pupils are not only noisy
but also very untidy. You regularly see classroom floors decorated with Coke cans and empty crisp packets. Occasionally
you are sorry you don’t work in a clean, modern office building with soft carpets and your own little computer that
doesn’t drink Coke or eat crisps. Some pupils are rude, even aggressive, and at moments you are simply glad you don’t
teach in a violent area in some big city. (Or perhaps you do.) Bringing discipline to a group of thirty teenagers isn’t easy.
Especially when they don’t like you because school is a “waste of time”. They are more interested in their videos and
computer games. The make-up in their pencil cases. The magazines they are reading under their desks.

56 Time to Talk 3, lekce 6

[3] Then there’s your timetable. Some think we stand in front of the blackboard for a few hours and draw pretty pictures,
have a few coffee breaks and then go home. That we work just a few weeks in the year and then enjoy endless summer
(and other) holidays. Would they like to see my timetable? I start at 8 a.m. and often get home after six, still with exercise
books in my bag to mark for the next morning. Yes, we do have longer summer holidays than most. But don’t think we
do nothing during those six weeks. And coffee breaks. ‘Coffee break’ has a special meaning in the dictionary of teaching.
It means ‘Tell the head teacher about your problems with 7C, queue for twenty minutes at the photocopier, swallow
a glass of water in the staffroom if there’s time, mark a few more exercise books and phone Mrs Grant to complain about
Tommy’s bad language.’ After a ‘break’ we’re usually glad to get back to the classroom for a rest.

[4] You have probably noticed that I speak a lot about marking. I wonder how many pupils realize, when they complain
about all the homework we give them, that we give it not to make their lives unpleasant but because we have to. Many of
them forget that we actually have to mark it all. Often in the evenings or during our weekends and holidays. They don’t
think homework is much fun. But neither do we!

[5] And finally, parents. I have nothing against parents, but why do so many of them think everything is our fault, that
we are responsible for every aspect of their children’s lives? Often it’s fathers who think we’re just women who like
children and have nothing else to do and aren’t clever enough to do ‘real’ jobs. (I’d like to see the average businessman
spending fifty minutes in a room with thirty teenagers and having to teach them something!) We are here to give pupils
information, to support and motivate them and prepare them for the future. But what does that mean? My pupils come
to school tired. They have watched television until midnight and slept badly. They have left the house with an empty
stomach and then had a ‘breakfast’ of Coke and sweets on the bus. Their heads are full of computer games, make-up,
Saturday’s football. Try teaching them about literature. And is that our fault?

4. III. řešení:
VERBS: gain, support, swallow
NOUNS: carpets, chewing gum, fault, meaning, staffroom, waste
ADJECTIVES: responsible, untidy, violent

4. IV. a) our fault b) exercise books to mark c) nothing against d) on the subject e) responsible for f) head teacher
g) a waste of time h) in general i) a special meaning j) bad language

5. II. a) “They’re lucky they don’t have to sit in an office all day like I do.” = 3./5. odstavec; b) “Teaching? It’s for women,
isn’t it?” = 5. odstavec; c) “They’re lucky. They have free weekends and long holidays.” = 3. odstavec; d) “So much
homework. They must really dislike us.” = 4. odstavec; e) “I sometimes wonder why they become teachers. Do they
actually like teaching?” = 1. odstavec; f) “That’s the school’s job. We parents can’t do everything, you know.” = 5. odstavec;
g) “In what other profession do they give you several coffee breaks a day?” = 3. odstavec

8. Poznámka k osnovám na britských školách: Od r. 1988 se musejí všechny státní školy v Anglii a ve Welsu řídit podle
tzv. National Curriculum (tj. celostátně sjednocené osnovy), které určují minimální rozsah znalostí všech žáků v různých
stadiích jejich vzdělávání. Znalosti jsou ověřovány tzv. testy Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) ve věku sedmi, jedenácti
a čtrnácti let. Ačkoliv tyto osnovy nejsou závazné pro školy nezávislého systému, většina těchto škol se těmito osnovami
přesto také řídí. Závěrečné zkoušky GCSE, které studenti skládají v šestnácti letech, rovněž vycházejí z těchto osnov.

8. II. a) A ‘private’ school is part of the independent education system. b) The type of education that children have before
they are five is called pre-school (pre-preparatory) education. c) Before the age of five some children go to nursery
schools, while others go to the nursery classes of primary schools. d) The compulsory education system is in two parts:
primary and secondary. e) Primary education is also in two parts: infant(s) and junior(s). f) Comprehensives are the
most usual type of secondary school. g) Primary education at independent schools is also called preparatory education.
h) Sixteen-year-olds continue their education at college(s) and take ‘A’-level exams to prepare for university. i) Not all
schools have sixth-form classes, so a lot of students do their ‘A’-levels at sixth-form or technical colleges.

8. III. kazeta + řešení: 1. the part of primary school that children go to after infant school junior school 2. a type of school
that parents have to pay for independent/private school 3. a type of school that parents don’t have to pay for state
school 4. another word for ‘preparatory’ in the independent school system primary 5. the ages at which British children
start and finish their compulsory education five and sixteen 6. the type of secondary school that most British pupils go
to (state) comprehensive/secondary 7. the age at which pupils usually take their GCSEs sixteen 8. an alternative exam
to the GCSE the GNVQ 9. the type of institution at which students usually study between school and university college

Time to Talk 3, lekce 6 57

9. I. mateřská škola nursery school – základní škola elementary school – střední škola secondary school – maturita
school-leaving exam – gymnázium grammar school – střední odborná škola/učiliště secondary vocational school –
střední zdravotnická škola secondary medical school – obchodní akademie secondary business school – střední
pedagogická škola secondary teacher-training school – konzervatoř secondary music (dance etc) school – vysoká
škola múzických umění college/academy of performing arts – vysoká škola (akademie) hudební conservatory/music
college – vysoká škola pedagogická teacher-training college – vysoká škola/univerzita university
Poznámka. Zdůrazněte studentům, že – jak je patrné ze zadání cvičení – nejde o přesné kulturní ekvivalenty (které
koneckonců často ani neexistují), nýbrž o výběr některých výrazů, jimiž se v angličtině dají nejlépe popisovat nebo
vysvětlovat pojmy z českého školství.

58 Time to Talk 3, lekce 6

Téma lekce: Praha – město a orientace.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 27–32.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, 1–5; oddíl D, cv. 1–4.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 5–6, 20.

Welcome to the city of a hundred spires!

Zdůrazněte, že po welcome se užívá předložka to. Mnozí studenti zde pod vlivem češtiny (Vítejte v…) užívají předložku
in, což není možné.

At the centre of the square stands the church of St Nicholas [sent ;nJkeles]…
Tento slovosled (s podmětem věty až po slovese) se často vyskytuje v popisech míst, kdy věta začíná příslovečným
určením (hlavně ve větách se slovesy popisujícími umístění, jako např. stand a lie). Vazba se užívá spíše v psaném jazyce.

One of the most important pieces…

Piece zde odpovídá českému exemplář, ukázka.

19th-century Czech architecture

Stojí-li adjektivum vzniklé konverzí v atributivním postavení, obvykle se píše se spojovníkem. Toto pravidlo se většinou
netýká spojení s vlastními jmény (viz níže the Lesser Town end).

Peter Parler [,pi:te ;pB:le]

Charles IV
Připomeňte studentům, že čteme Charles the fourth.

the House at the Two Suns dům U Dvou slunců

Upozorněte, že českému u v označení domů odpovídá anglické at, případně at the sign of. V angličtině se předložka
někdy neužívá vůbec, například v názvech restaurací The White Hart U bílého jelena.

Rabbi Loew [;r+baJ lewJ], Golem [;gewlem]

visitors to Prague
Připomeňte, že po substantivech visitor (viz příklad) a visit (visit to Prague návštěva Prahy) se užívá předložka to,
nikoli of.

astronomical clock [,+stre;nbmJkl ;klbk]

Jan Hus
V angličtině se užívá též jméno John Huss [hvs]. Jeho následovníci jsou označování názvem Hussites [;hvsaJts].

this huge complex of buildings tells the fascinating history

Připomeňte studentům, že sloveso tell se užívá ve významu říci, nebo ve významu vyprávět ve spojení s výrazy story,
history, joke atp.

cathedral of St Vitus [sent ;vaJtes]

Od r. 1997 sice nese katedrála oficiálně jména světců Víta, Vojtěcha a Václava, ale v běžné mluvě se i nadále označuje
původním názvem. Bude-li studenty zajímat překlad celého jména, můžete uvést the cathedral of SS Vitus, Adalbert and
Wenceslas [;+dlb§:t, ;wensJsles].

basilica [be;zJlJke]

Wenceslas [;wensesles, ;wensesl+s]

Time to Talk 3, lekce 7 59

the First World War
Jedno z možných označení 1. světové války. Další jsou World War One a WW1. Obdobně u 2. světové války.

offering unforgettable views

Offer je zde užito ve smyslu poskytovat, skýtat.

when Charles IV was king

Zde jde o případ bezčlennosti, kdy je podmět zařazován do třídy o jednom členu (srov. též He was elected president in
2003. V roce 2003 byl zvolen prezidentem.). V tomto případě se název funkce píše s malým písmenem, na rozdíl od užití
se jménem – King Charles.

the church of SS Peter and Paul

Zkratka SS se užívá pro plurál substantiva saint a vyskytuje se v názvech církevních budov, které mají více než jednoho
patrona. Výslovnost je [sents]. Upozorněte, že zatímco se v češtině užívá singulár (kostel svatého Petra a Pavla),
v angličtině je v těchto případech vždy plurál (ale: the church of St Paul).

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Ve významu vážit si se užívá např. jako projev vděčnosti za to, co někdo udělal.

art nouveau [,B:t nu:;vew] i [,B: nu:;vew]

Baroque, Gothic
Názvy uměleckých slohů a období se píší s velkým počátečním písmenem.

Můžete studenty upozornit, že jednotlivá území České republiky mají v angličtině názvy Bohemia [bew;hi:mJe] Čechy,
Moravia [me;reJvJe] Morava a Silesia [saJ;li:zJe] Slezsko. Jednoslovný název pro Českou republiku v angličtině zatím
běžný není. Pokus o zavedení jednoslovného názvu Czechia (srov. Česko) zatím nebyl úspěšný.

bury [;berJ]
Upozorněte na nepravidelnou výslovnost u jako [e].

Studenti často zaměňují za výraz coffee (káva).

Pozor! Zábavě ve smyslu legrace odpovídá anglické fun: It was good fun. Byla to zábava.

Zpravidla se rozlišuje mezi historical a historic, i když se tyto výrazy v řadě užití překrývají. Historic však obvykle
znamená „významné“ (v historii), „pamětihodné“ (tomorrow’s going to be a historic day), zatímco historical znamená
„patřící do minulosti, mající povahu historie, historicky opodstatněný“ (historical fact).

Připomeňte, že českému mít hlad odpovídá spojení be hungry, nikoli doslovný překlad se substantivem hunger.
Upozorněte též, že slovo hunger v překladu názvu Hladová zeď je příkladem konverze substantiva v adjektivum (Spojení
hungry wall by totiž odkazovalo na zeď, která má hlad!).

Užívá se jak s doplněním předmětným (to lead a political party vést politickou stranu), tak s příslovečným (a road that
leads nowhere cesta, která nikam nevede).

Užívá se k označení konkrétní památky nebo konkrétních památek, přičemž jde nejčastěji o stavbu nebo stavitelské dílo
(např. sochu). Mluví-li se o památkách obecně, např. o prohlídce památek a dalších pamětihodností, užívá se výraz sight,
např. to see the sights, to go sightseeing. Na rozdíl od monuments mohou sights zahrnovat i galerie, zoologické zahrady,
jeskyně atp.

60 Time to Talk 3, lekce 7

Upozorněte na rozdíl ve výslovnosti první slabiky ve slovech nation [;neJ/n] a national [;n+/nl]. Druhý z těchto výrazů
studenti často chybně vyslovují s [neJ-] na začátku. Upozorněte rovněž, že nation často znamená spíš stát než národ, jak
jsme ho zvyklí chápat ve střední Evropě.

Zkráceno z public house.

Vysloveno samostatně má primární přízvuk na called a sekundární na so. Slovo se však samostatně téměř neužívá,
a proto ve slovníčku uvádíme přízvukové schéma opačné, které je charakteristické pro výslovnost slova v atributivní
pozici, kdy dochází k posunu přízvuku.

Můžete upozornit na rozdíl mezi step a stair (vnitřní schod). Step je součástí venkovního schodiště (steps), stair je
součástí schodiště vnitřního (stairs, staircase). Jednotlivý schůdek (nebo jejich menší počet) ať už venku, nebo uvnitř
je step (two steps leading up to the dining area; waving goodbye on the doorstep), zatímco jednotlivý schůdek jako část
vnitřního schodiště je stair (Timmy sat crying on the bottom stair and refused to go to bed.)

Výklad průběhového trpného rodu (It’s being done.) a trpného infinitivu (It must be done.) jsou uvedeny v dalším díle
této učebnice.

Připomeňte studentům, že trpný rod netvoří slovesa, která mají charakter spony (be, look, feel atp. – It is/looks/feels
good.), dále intranzitivní slovesa (tj. ta, která nemají vazbu na předmět, např. sleep). Mnohá slovesa jsou tranzitivní
pouze v určitém významu, např. weigh – intranzitivní význam je vážit (I weigh 65 kilos.), tranzitivní význam je zvážit
(You can’t pay for them until they’ve been weighed.). Sloveso have tvoří trpný rod především v infinitivní konstrukci
(I wanted some soup but there was none to be had. Chtěl jsem si dát polévku, ale žádná nebyla k mání.).

Vedle uvedených předložek se ve spojení se slovesy v trpném rodě užívají též předložky vyplývající ze slovesné rekce (to
be interested in, to be surprised at atp.).

Připomeňte studentům, že české jednočlenné věty v pasivu (zvratné pasivum) nemají v angličtině obdobu (Kdy se jede
do Vodňan?).

řešení: a) He was asked… b) She was told… c) I was given… d) We’ve been sent… e) I wasn’t told… f) You weren’t asked…
g) They wouldn’t be given… h) They won’t be expected…

Ve vazbě have sth done jde o kauzativní užití slovesa have. Sloveso have se někdy užívá v kauzativním smyslu i s infinitivem
bez to, ale v tomto případě se nejedná o ekvivalent českého nechat si něco udělat (The teacher had the students repeat
everything twice. Učitel chtěl, aby žáci vše dvakrát zopakovali.).

řešení: a) He has his hair cut twice a month. b) He’s just had his hair cut. c) He needs to have his hair cut. d) He’ll have
his hair cut. e) He’ll have to have his hair cut. f) He’s never had his hair cut. g) He looked good because he had had his
hair cut.

V americké angličtině a výjimečně i v hovorové britské angličtině se místo vazby typu There were five of us. užívá
i spojení We were five. Studenti by se však měli této záměně vyhýbat.

Spojení číslovky/kvantifikátoru s předložkou of a osobním zájmenem se užívá i v jiných případech, například

po předložce, např. for the five of us pro nás pět. Zde je však možná i postpozice číslovky (for us five).

Ve spojení there is + -ing je –ingový tvar příčestím přítomným. Vzhledem k tomu, že termín „přítomné příčestí“ nebyl
z důvodů poněkud komplikovaného rozlišování mezi přítomným příčestím a gerundiem v této učebnici ještě zaveden,
užíváme ve výkladu výraz -ingový tvar.

řešení např.: a) Nikdo se nedívá. b) Chtějí s vámi mluvit nějací lidé. c) Byli tři. d) Je nás deset. e) Je nám deset. f) Na zdi
je napsáno něco podivného. g) Není jich moc.

Upozorněte studenty, že v dopisech se uprostřed věty na rozdíl od češtiny zájmeno you nikdy nepíše s velkým písmenem.

V básních a v písňových textech se velké písmeno obvykle píše též na počátku každého verše, případně řádky.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 7 61

U uměleckých slohů výjimku často představují názvy přímo převzaté z cizích jazyků, např. art nouveau, které se obvykle
píše s malými počátečními písmeny.

Agnes [;+gnes]

řešení: a) Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland b) Romeo and Juliet c) the textbook Time to Talk d) the
Sweet Dreams hotel/Hotel (v závislosti na oficiálním názvu hotelu) e) a Chinese restaurant f) the Great Wall of China
g) Indian cuisine (ale název kuchařky by byl Indian Cuisine) h) Czech beer

Vzhledem k tomu, že přesná pravidla pro užití jednotlivých předpon neexistují, je třeba tento výklad brát pouze jako
návod k odvozování významu slov, se kterými se studenti setkají, nikoliv jako návod k vlastnímu tvoření slov.

Následuje-li po předponě un- hláska -n-, dojde ve výslovnosti k jejímu zdvojení (unnatural [vn;n+t/rel]). Někdy se
zde vyslovuje též jednoduché prodloužené n [n:]. K tomuto zdvojení, respektive prodloužení, u ostatních předpon
v analogických případech nedochází (innumerable [J;nju:merebl], immodest [J;mbdJst], illogical [J;lbdgJkl], irregular

Záporné předpony ve většině případů nenesou přízvuk, ale výjimečně mohou být i zdůrazněny, a v tom případě jsou
přízvučné. Děje se to většinou tehdy, stojí-li slovo se zápornou předponou v kontrastu ke svému antonymu bez předpony,
např.: It was lucky for you but ;unlucky for everyone else. Studenti by zatím měli užívat pouze nepřízvučnou výslovnost.

řešení: b) uniform d) underwear e) important h) disco j) improve


1. I. kazeta + řešení:
a) café • b) create • c) royal • d) statue • e) survive • f) translate • g) welcome • h) complex •
i) Baroque • j) establish •• k) monument •• l) numerous •• m) president •• n) religious •• o) historical
••• p) unforgettable •••• q) appreciate ••• r) Bohemian ••• s) entertainment ••• t) undoubtedly •••

3. b), c), e), f), i), l)

4. chalk – talk – walk – folk – walkman – half – salmon – should

5. ancient – appreciate – Baroque – café – cellar – establish – historical – incomplete – interior – memorial – observation –
president – unforgettable

6. I. The present simple: a) The holiday is booked in my husband’s name. b) The Folk Museum isn’t mentioned in my
guide. c) The flour is added after the eggs. d) No. Sightseeing trips are not included in the price. e) All well-known credit
cards are accepted here. f) In summer the castle is visited by thousands of tourists each day. g) Most of the world’s rice
is grown in China.

6. II. The past simple: a) The goods were ordered last Friday. b) Her wedding dress wasn’t hired. It was bought. c) The
New Town of Prague was established by Charles IV. d) No. The money was not refunded/returned. e) I’m sure your
kind words and gifts were appreciated. f) These old streets and bridges were not designed for today’s cars and buses.
g) The old post office was pulled down and a hotel (was) built in its place.

6. III. The future: a) Supper will be served in the south dining room. b) The money will be given to a charity for homeless
young people. c) They say the car will be repaired by tomorrow afternoon. d) Put these dark glasses on and you won’t
be recognized. e) We’re hoping that most of the furniture will be moved to the new office by Monday. f) The most
important VIP guests will be introduced to the President. g) They promise the mistake will be corrected immediately.

6. IV. The present perfect: a) Wait! The letter hasn’t been signed yet. b) The house has got four bedrooms now. It has
been reconstructed. c) The room always looks so empty and sad when the Christmas tree and decorations have been
taken down. d) Sit down and wait. Your name hasn’t been called (out) yet. e) His latest novel is a huge success. It has
already been translated into seven languages. f) “My bed has been slept in!” cried Father Bear. g) All English kings and
queens have been crowned here since 1066. (Můžete navrhnout malou odměnu pro studenta, který jako první řekne,
o jakou budovu se jedná – Westminster Abbey [,wesmJnster;+bJ].)

62 Time to Talk 3, lekce 7

7. kazeta + řešení:
We must plan it in advance. It must be planned in advance. – What can we do? What can be done? – We should pull
the tooth out. The tooth should be pulled out. – I could turn these trousers into shorts, couldn’t I? These trousers could
be turned into shorts, couldn’t they? – But they might not allow that. But that might not be allowed. – It’s too late. We
can’t change it. It’s too late. It can’t be changed. – You mustn’t touch it. It mustn’t be touched. – Pupils should not wear
mini-skirts and high shoes to school. Mini-skirts and high shoes should not be worn to school. – They might never find
him. He might never be found. – Couldn’t we serve it with mashed potato? Couldn’t it be served with mashed potato?

8. a) If I did that my pocket money would be stopped. b) If the work were done by Friday we’d be able to go away for the
weekend. c) You would soon be caught if you hid there. d) She’d be able to see better if her hair were cut occasionally.
e) If we went that way our journey time would be shortened by about an hour. f) If it were ordered today it would
probably arrive by Thursday. g) If we offered a discount they would all be sold by tomorrow. h) Many people would be
able to lead normal lives again if a cure were found. i) She would be invited to parties more often if she didn’t just talk
about herself all the time. j) Do you think anyone would taste the difference if the mushrooms were fried in margarine?

9. a) biscuits baked with real butter b) biscuits baked by my sister c) biscuits baked in a hurry d) a picture painted by
Leonardo e) a picture drawn in blacks and greys f) a picture drawn with a piece of blue chalk g) a picture described in
words h) health problems cured by doctors i) health problems cured with new medicines j) a story written in English
k) a story written by Oscar Wilde l) a story written in an exercise book m) a story written in blue ink n) a story written
with a blue pen o) a story translated by a student p) a story translated with a dictionary q) a head covered with a scarf
r) a child covered by its mother s) an animal killed by a fast car t) a moth killed with a newspaper

10. a) I am often asked that. b) They were given dozens of presents. c) I was told a great joke this morning. d) The authors
of the three best letters will be sent cash prizes. e) Her students are allowed plenty of creative freedom. f) I was charged
too much at the baker’s. g) They were wished a safe and happy journey home. h) We weren’t taught much grammar at
school. i) He was paid a lot of money. j) I was prescribed some tablets and told to get plenty of rest. k) We were shown
the way to the Old Town Square. l) All visitors to the museum are promised a fascinating experience. m) We were
recommended an Italian restaurant not far from the square. n) We were served coffee as soon as we arrived. o) Were you
offered any help?

11. a) I was asked what my name was. b) I was told that the President was (is – pokud se událost ještě neodehrála) going
to be there. c) I was asked if I would like a guided tour. d) I was told (that) the views from the top would (will – pokud
na výstup ještě nedošlo) be stunning. e) I was asked to get in the queue. f) I was told not to expect too much. g) I was
asked how long I was (am – pokud v Praze stále ještě pobývám) staying in Prague. h) I was told that the Jewish Quarter
is (také možné was, ale jde tu spíše o stálou skutečnost) a fascinating place. i) I was asked to fill in a/the form. j) I was
told not to mention the war.

12. kazeta + ideální řešení:

a) The king asked Parler (D.) to build a bridge across the Vltava.  Parler was asked by the king to build a bridge across
the Vltava. b) His secretary told me (G.) that his train had already left.  I was told by his secretary that his train
had already left. c) Several of Julie’s teachers advised her (E.) not to study maths at university.  Julie was advised by
several of her teachers not to study maths at university. d) Our tour guide asked (J.) if we had been to Prague before. 
We were asked by our tour guide if we had been to Prague before. e) Jim’s father taught him (C.) to read and write. 
Jim was taught by his father to read and write (was taught to read and write by his father). f) But the shop assistant
didn’t show me (A.) how to use it.  But I wasn’t shown (by the shop assistant) how to use it. g) They asked Professor
Thomas (H.) to give a lecture on the First World War.  Professor Thomas was asked (by them) to give a lecture on
the First World War. h) The Hendersons have invited us (I.) to have lunch with them on Sunday.  We have been
invited to have lunch with the Hendersons (invited by the Hendersons to have lunch with them) on Sunday. i) Eric’s
boss advised him (F.) to apply for the position of manager.  Eric was advised by his boss to apply for the position of
manager. j) People often ask my mother (B.) where she found the time to have six children.  My mother is often asked
(by people) where she found the time to have six children.

13. I. a) Which year was the university established in? (Ve kterém roce byla založena univerzita?) b) Who were these
love songs written for? (Pro koho byly napsány tyto milostné písně?) c) Why couldn’t the bridge be driven across?
(Proč se nedalo přejet přes most?) d) What were the two princes dressed in? (Co měli na sobě ti dva princové?) e) Which
concert was it played at? (Na kterém koncertě se to hrálo?) f) Who was the picture painted by? (Kdo namaloval ten
obraz?) g) Which room was the money hidden in? (Ve které místnosti byly schovány ty peníze?) h) What was the
building used for? (Na co se ta budova využívala?) i) How many readers was the information sent to? (Kolika čtenářům
byla poslána ta informace/byly poslány ty informace?) j) Which tower was this picture taken from? (Ze které věže byl
pořízen tento snímek?)

Time to Talk 3, lekce 7 63

13. II. a) The house isn’t lived in any more. b) The grass mustn’t be walked on. c) Who was this e-mail sent by? d) But
who will the rent be paid by? e) Ask him who it is owned by. f) I don’t remember who the match was won by. g) I don’t
think this bed was slept in last night. h) Which foods is vitamin B contained in? i) I’m sure you’ll be looked after very
well here. j) At midnight the Ant Doctor was called for.

14. kazeta + řešení: nudný, znuděný boring, bored – překvapivý, překvapen surprising, surprised – poškozený,
škodlivý damaged, damaging – zahrnující, zahrnutý including, included – být zajímavý, mít zájem be interesting,
be interested – uvolňující, uvolněný relaxing, relaxed – milovaný, milující loved, loving – znepokojen, znepokojivý
worried, worrying – obdivný, obdivován admiring, admired – zaslíbený, slibný promised, promising

15. I. tiring únavný; fascinated fascinovaný; entertaining zábavný; inspired nápaditý; pleasing příjemný; stewed
dušený; embarrassed rozpačitý; depressing deprimující; established zavedený; inspiring podnětný; untouched
nedotčený; opening úvodní

15. II. kazeta + řešení (I když zde uvedená česká adjektiva mají v angličtině často i další možné ekvivalenty, jde tu
o výběr mezi -ed a -ing.): 1. komplikovaný (complicated) 2. chápající (understanding) 3. šokován (shocked) 4. vylekaný
(frightened) 5. osvěžující (refreshing) 6. proměnlivý (changing) 7. lákavý (tempting) 8. pokročilý (advanced) 9. barevný
(coloured) 10. tázavý (questioning)

16. např.: a) Yes. She had the dress made. b) Yes. We’ll have it wrapped at the shop. c) No. I didn’t have the book
renewed. d) Yes. You (We atp). can have it done by a professional. e) Yes. The Hinton-Browns are having their kitchen
reconstructed. f) Yes. I had it booked in my name. g) No. I’m not having it repaired. h) Yes. I’ve had the letter translated.
i) No. I’m not going to have them shortened. j) No. We can’t have it weighed at the till. k) Yes. We can have it sliced. l) Yes.
I’m going to have the cats looked after while I’m away. m) No. I/We didn’t have our names added to the list. n) Yes. I’m
(We’re atp.) going to have (some) photographs taken.

17. kazeta + řešení: a) They baked her a large chocolate cake. She had a large chocolate cake baked. b) They built
him a new bridge. He had a new bridge built. c) They took her tooth out. She had her/the tooth taken out. d) They’re
showing some of his pictures at the next exhibition. He’s having some of his pictures shown at the next exhibition.
e) They’ve ordered it for me. I’ve had it ordered. f) A local architect is designing it for us. We’re having it designed by
a local architect. g) They painted my portrait on the Charles Bridge. I had my portrait painted on the Charles Bridge.
h) They repaired it for me and then I broke it again. I had it repaired and then I broke it again. i) I’d like them to change
my number. I’d like to have my number changed. j) I thought they’d cleaned this coat for you. It’s still dirty! I thought
you’d had this coat cleaned. It’s still dirty!

18. a) He’s had his passport taken away. b) She’s had her car damaged. c) He’s had his nose broken. d) She’s had her
pocket money stopped. e) He’s had his bags opened.

19. a) There are several excellent beer halls in the streets around the square. b) There have been a lot of changes at the
castle since the days of Charles IV. c) I’m afraid there won’t be/there isn’t going to be enough time for us to see all the
synagogues. d) There would be a lot of disappointed people if that happened. e) Is(n’t) there any wine left in the cellar?
f) It didn’t take long. There wasn’t a queue. g) There hasn’t been much cheerful news lately. h) If there were more space
in the room I’d like a bigger dining table. i) There was once a royal palace on this spot. j) Do you think there will be/
there is going to be any Gothic architecture there? k) He said there had been some good live music at the pub. l) I’d buy
it today if there weren’t so many people at the till. m) There were some steep steps leading up to the castle. n) There
have been steps here since the days of Charles IV.

20. a) There were five of them. b) There were five of us. c) It was five. d) We were five.

21. a) There are two of us. b) There weren’t many of them. c) There has been a lot of that/it lately. d) There won’t be/
aren’t going to be enough of us. e) If there were more of you. f) There will be/is going to be too much of it. g) There would
be hundreds of them. h) She said there hadn’t been much of it. i) There was too little of it. j) There will be/are going to
be too few of you. k) If there weren’t so few of them. l) No. There wouldn’t be too many of us.

22. např.: a) There was a big party. They (had) prepared it as a surprise for her (prepared it for her as a surprise).  There
was a big party prepared as a surprise for her (prepared for her as a surprise). b) There’s a big spider in the bath. It’s
floating there.  There’s a big spider floating in the bath. c) There was a strange man (there). He was looking at us. 
There was a strange man (there) looking at us. d) There was a notice on the blackboard. It was written in red chalk. 
There was a notice written in red chalk on the blackboard (a notice on the blackboard written in red chalk). e) There
was a white shirt (there). It had been left on a chair.  There was a white shirt left on a chair. f) There was a little bird
outside the window. It (He/She) was singing cheerfully.  There was a little bird singing cheerfully outside the window.

64 Time to Talk 3, lekce 7

g) There were about a hundred people (there). They were standing in a queue outside (in front of) the theatre. (They
were queueing…)  There were about a hundred people standing in a queue (a hundred people queueing) outside (in
front of) the theatre. h) There was a live band. It was hired/They were hired for the evening.  There was a live band
hired for the evening.

23. a) There were delicious smells coming from the kitchen when we arrived. b) There is going to be a hall hired for
the occasion. c) Waiter! There’s something floating in my soup! d) There were a lot of homes damaged in the disaster.
e) There will be a surprise waiting for you when you get there. f) There are going to be plenty of changes made here in
the next few weeks. g) There was a cat lying under my car, so I couldn’t drive away. h) There are going to be discounts
given on many of our products.

Dear Greg,
My friend Debbie and I are spending a few days in Moravia. At the moment we’re sitting outside a café in the Old Town,
enjoying lunch and a glass of Moravian red wine and looking up at the cathedral [možné i Cathedral] of St Peter and
St Paul, which stands high above this part of the city. We’ve just visited the Old Town Hall and the Moravian Museum.
After lunch we’re going to explore the Lower Town – the church [možné i Church] of St James, the Mahen Theatre,
the Janáček Opera House – and do some shopping. Then we’ll probably go and look at the best-known building here,
Špilberk Castle, which was built in the 13th century by one of the Premyslid kings. As a history student you’ll probably
be interested to know that tomorrow we’re going on a trip to Slavkov Castle, where Napoleon stayed after the Battle of
Austerlitz in 1805.
I hope you’re well and studying hard. Happy Easter, and write soon!

25. a) Happy New Year! b) in the United States of America c) a Baroque architect d) Mrs Elizabeth Robinson e) Dear
Grandma and Grandad, Hello! How are you? f) Tolstoy’s War and Peace g) a restaurant on/in the Lesser Town Square
h) the Ninth Symphony i) the London Symphony Orchestra j) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland k) classic Czech cuisine
(anebo pokud jde o název kuchařky: Classic Czech Cuisine) l) the Jewish Quarter m) the Mississippi n) an excellent
theatre o) the National Theatre p) Bohemian folk music q) King George VI r) the Prague Spring

26. I. a) untrue/unreal b) unimportant c) unoriginal d) unsafe e) unclear f) unreliable g) untidy h) unfair i) uncomfortable
j) unselfish k) unfashionable l) unhealthy m) unsuccessful n) unfriendly

26. II. předpona in-: advisable, experienced, formal, sensitive; předpona im-: balanced, patient, personal, modest, polite;
předpona ir-: regular, relevant, rational; předpona il-: logical, legal, legitimate

27. I., II. 1. the Lesser Town Square (j) 2. the National Theatre (g) 3. the Charles Bridge (h) 4. Nerudova (m) 5. the Jewish
Quarter (c) 6. the Old Town Square (d) 7. Prague Castle (f) 8. Wenceslas Square (l) 9. Golden Lane (a) 10. Vyšehrad (i)
11. the cathedral of St Vitus (k) 12. Petřín (e) 13. the Municipal House (b)

28. STREETS and SQUARES: the Lesser Town Square, the Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square, Golden Lane, ‘Nerudovka’;
PARTS of PRAGUE: the Old Town, the New Town, the Lesser Town, the Jewish Quarter; HOUSES: At the Two Suns, At the
Stone Bell, no. 22, Golden Lane; RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS: the Týn church, the basilica of St George, St Vitus, St Nicholas,
SS Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad, the ‘Old-New’ synagogue; OTHERS: the Charles Bridge, the Petřín observation tower, the
National Theatre, the National Museum, the Lesser Town bridge tower

29. I. kazeta: 1. art nouveau 2. Baroque 3. a beer hall 4. a café 5. a casino 6. a cellar 7. a cemetery 8. monuments 9. a statue
10. a synagogue 11. a tower

29. I. řešení: a) historical sights 8. (monuments) b) an artistic style from the start of the 20th century 1. (art nouveau)
c) a room below ground 6. (a cellar) d) a tall and usually narrow building 11. (a tower) e) where people are buried
7. (a cemetery) f) a type of pub that serves beers and lagers 3. (a beer hall) g) a Jewish ‘church’ 10. (a synagogue) h) an
extravagant style of architecture, usually of the 17th century 2. (Baroque) i) where people play for money 5. (a casino)
j) an art work usually in stone or metal 9. (a statue) k) a place where they serve coffee and cakes 4. (a café)

29. II. a) a country and its people nation b) very, very old ancient c) incredibly beautiful stunning d) the need to eat
hunger e) a person who writes music composer f) certainly undoubtedly g) the highest part of something top h) not
finished incomplete i) put into another language translate j) a royal hat crown

30. I. např.: a) Charles IV established the New Town of Prague, started the building of the cathedral of St Vitus, created
a university (now called the Charles University) and had the Charles Bridge built by Parler. b) Prague Castle is described

Time to Talk 3, lekce 7 65

as a ‘complex’ because it is not just one castle building but a whole group of buildings including palaces, churches,
a cathedral, various towers and gardens and so on. c) The palace where the Bohemian kings used to receive their guests
was on the spot where the Municipal House now stands. d) The cemetery of Vyšehrad is described as a ‘Who’s Who’
because it is like a ‘catalogue’ of famous Czech people: artists, writers, musicians, actors and so on. e) (i) The biggest
church in Prague is the cathedral of St Vitus, at Prague Castle. (ii) The largest Baroque church in Prague is the church
of St Nicholas on the Lesser Town Square. (iii) The oldest of the churches still standing at Prague Castle is the church/
basilica of St George. f) ‘Kampa’ is a pretty island on the Vltava in Prague. Walk to the Lesser Town end of the bridge and
down some steps, and you are there. g) The ‘Old-New’ is one of the oldest synagogues in Europe and certainly the most
famous one in Prague. It is also the synagogue of Rabbi Loew and the Golem from the famous Jewish legend. h) The
monument that was built by the Czechs for performances of plays and operas is the National Theatre (in the second
extract). i) Altogether thirty-two statues are mentioned in the texts. Thirty of them are on the Charles Bridge, another is
on Wenceslas Square (King Wenceslas on his horse) and the last – which is described as a ‘memorial’ but is actually also
a statue – is on the Old Town Square (Jan Hus). j) Prague’s famous astronomical clock is on one wall of the Old Town
Hall on the Old Town Square. k) např.: Charles IV needed a wall for his city, and at that time the people of Prague needed
money and food. Charles asked the people to build his wall and gave them food in return for their work, which meant
that the wall didn’t cost him too much. l) The guide book says good views of the city can be seen from the observation
tower on Petřín and from the tower at the Lesser Town end of the Charles Bridge. m) Three types of place where alcoholic
drinks are always sold are pubs, beer halls and wine cellars. Sometimes alcohol is also sold in cafés. n) ‘Theatre, film,
musicals and dance shows are all types of entertainment.’


1. I. leaflet leták; personality osobnost; suppose domnívat se, mít za to, předpokládat

1. II., III. kazeta + řešení:

tourist: Hello. Do you speak English?
agency employee: Hello. Yes, of course. How can I help you?
tourist: Well, we’d like to try one of the guided tours in your leaflet. Perhaps this one here. ‘The Old Town of Prague.’
What does the tour include, please?
agency employee: Right. Well, it takes two hours altogether. It starts here – if you’d like to look at this map – on the Old
Town Square. Here they’ll tell you something about the history of the square and some of the most important houses and
palaces on it, like the House at the Stone Bell, for example. Then there are visits to the Old Town Hall, the Týn church
and the church of St Nicholas. You’ll also be given information on Jan Hus and a few other important personalities in
Czech history. Then you will walk through the narrow streets on this side of the square, where they will show you several
important churches including this one here, the church of St James.
tourist: Hm. That doesn’t sound too bad. I suppose the tour doesn’t include the National Theatre, does it?
agency employee: No, I’m afraid it doesn’t, sir. That’s on our ‘Musical Prague’ tour.
tourist: Oh! You’ve got a special musical tour, have you? Well, that’s certainly something we’d be interested in…

1. IV. a) The tour includes two hours on the Old Town Square. FALSE b) Jan Hus will be mentioned on the Old Town
Square. TRUE c) Visitors on this tour will be shown three churches. FALSE d) The man doesn’t want to see the National
Theatre. FALSE e) The National Theatre isn’t included because it’s not in the Old Town. FALSE f) The man would like to
go and see a musical. FALSE

2. I. kazeta:
Right. Now… The tour starts here. At the Estates [J;steJts] Theatre, which is where Don Giovanni was first performed in
1787, and where parts of Miloš Forman’s Oscar-winning film Amadeus [,+me;deJes] were made. While you’re looking at
the inside of the theatre you’ll also be told about Mozart’s various visits to the city and his friends the Dušeks, who were
often his hosts here. A walk through the Old Town takes you to the Rudolfinum, which contains Prague’s best-known
concert hall – the Dvořák Hall – and is the home of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Here you’ll be told about the
history of the building and the orchestra and about Antonín Dvořák and his symphonies. Then the tour continues along
the river to the Bedřich Smetana Museum, where you’ll learn something about the composer’s life and works. There are
wonderful views of the Vltava from inside the museum. The last stop on the tour is the National Theatre, where operas
by Smetana, Dvořák, Janáček, Martinů and other famous Czech composers are regularly performed. You will see certain
parts of the theatre and hear something about its history, and then before the tour ends your guide will tell you about
other important musical places in Prague – the Academy of Music, the Dvořák Museum, the Mozart Museum at the
Villa [;vJle] ‘Bertramka’ and so on… On certain days the tour can be followed by a visit to a concert of classical music
or a Prague jazz club. If you’re interested, the next tour is at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. The group meets at the
astronomical clock, on the Old Town Square. You probably know where that is, don’t you…?

66 Time to Talk 3, lekce 7

2. I. řešení: a) the Vltava b) the Villa ‘Bertramka’ c) the Estates Theatre d) the astronomical clock e) the Dvořák Hall;
zmíněny v tomto pořadí: c), e), a), b), d)

2. II. c)

2. III. a), c); b) je součástí okruhu; d) není zmíněno

3. např.: a) The world-famous work that was given its first performance at the Estates Theatre was Mozart’s opera Don
Giovanni. It happened in 1787. b) Parts of the film Amadeus were made there. It’s a film about the life and works of
Mozart. c) The friends Mozart often stayed with in Prague were the Dušeks. They lived at the Villa ‘Bertramka’, which is
now the home of the Mozart Museum. d) The Old Town lies between the theatre and the river. e) The famous concert hall
mentioned is the Dvořák Hall, which is inside the Rudolfinum, by the Vltava. f) (ii) The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
often give(s) concerts there. g) The river Vltava can be seen from the museum windows. h) We don’t know yet. The
agency employee is just telling him that this is sometimes a possibility. He will have to ask if he is interested. i) The next
tour group is meeting at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon on the Old Town Square, by the astronomical clock.

neo- [,ni:ew-], Madonna [me;dbne], Cubism [;kju:bJzm], Belvedere [;belvedJe], Matthias [me;QaJes]

5. I. a) away from b) at the end of the street c) to the other end d) right opposite e) on the right

5. II. kazeta + řešení:

tourist: Excuse me. Do you speak English?
A: Já se omlouvám, ale nerozumím vám…
tourist: Aha… Er… Excuse me. Do you speak English?
B: Well, I hope so. I am English.
tourist: Oh, right. And do you think you could tell me the way to the astronomical clock?
B: Sorry. We haven’t seen that one yet. We’re on holiday. Arrived just this afternoon. Think you’ll have to ask one of the
tourist: Er… Excuse me. Do you speak English?
C: Yes, of course.
tourist: Great! So could you tell me how to get to the astronomical clock?
C: I’m sorry… Which clock?
tourist: The astronomical clock. On the Old Town Hall.
C: Ah, yes, yes. Of course. Go right to the other end of this square. Then continue walking in a straight line away from the
square. You’ll soon see a market on your left and a large church on the right. Continue along the street Melantrichova…
tourist: Mela…
C: Melantrichova…
tourist: Right. Well, it begins with an ‘M’. I’ll try to remember that…
C: …And at the end of the street you’ll come out on the Old Town Square, right opposite the Town Hall. You can’t miss
it. There will be a large crowd of tourists there looking up at the clock.
tourist: Right. So I just walk along this square and keep going on the other side until I get to the Old Town Square. That’s
not too difficult. Thank you very much.
C: Not at all. Enjoy your holiday…

5. III. a) continue; continue walking; keep going b) tell (me) the way to; tell (me) how to get to c) např.: The first lady
wasn’t able to help because she didn’t understand him at all, and the man wasn’t able to help because he was a tourist
himself and had only just arrived in Prague. d) např.: She is surprised possibly because she hasn’t heard it before. The
Czechs call the clock ‘orloj’, which doesn’t sound at all similar.

6. kazeta:
C: Go right to the other end of this square. Then continue walking in a straight line away from the square. You’ll soon see
a market on your left and a large church on the right. Continue along the street Melantrichova, and at the end of the street
you’ll come out on the Old Town Square, right opposite the Town Hall. You can’t miss it. There will be a large crowd of
tourists there looking up at the clock.
tourist: Right. So I just walk along this square and keep going on the other side until I get to the Old Town Square. That’s
not too difficult. Thank you very much.
C: Not at all. Enjoy your holiday…

7. glory sláva; set zapadat; reality skutečnost; stretch rozkládat se; faithful věrný; death smrt; truth pravda; element živel;
fate osud; destroy zničit

Time to Talk 3, lekce 7 67

8. I. správné pořadí částí pověsti: d), a), f), e), c), b)

8. II. kazeta:
In the winter of 1347, after the death of his father, John of Luxembourg, the young king Charles returned to Prague. One
afternoon he and his men were standing at a window and looking out across the city. The winter sun had just set, the
roofs of the Lesser Quarter and the Old Town were covered in snow, and the ice-covered Vltava stretched through the
country as far as the eye could see. The men were all moved by the wonderful sight, especially the young king himself.
Suddenly, with tears in his eyes, Charles said that there was no other town in all the world as beautiful as his own. No,
not even Paris, which he knew so well. And after these words he turned and spoke to his royal astrologer.
“Long ago Libuše told us of the future glory of Prague. It is my wish to turn this city into a jewel, the most stunning jewel
of all. You are able to read what the stars say about the fates of all men. Tell me, then, what they say about our city.”
The astrologer, who until that moment had stood in silence, now spoke quietly.
“You would like a reply to your question, and as your faithful servant I will give you one. But be warned. What the stars
tell us is very different from the words of Libuše and from your own promise to your city.”
“Speak!” the king said impatiently. “I must know the truth, whatever it might be.”
The astrologer was silent again for a moment. Then he spoke slowly and in a voice so quiet that they could hardly hear it.
“It is written in the stars that a huge fire will come to the Lesser Town. The fire will destroy everything that stands on
the left bank of the Vltava and reduce the Lesser Town to ashes and smoke. The Old Town will be destroyed too, because
a great flood will come and the streets and houses there will be lost in its wild waters and every last stone will be washed
He finished speaking. The men all stood looking down at Prague in silence through the open window as evening came.
The king spoke first. There was a bright look in his eye as he turned towards the sad faces of his faithful men, and he said:
“The stars might be telling the truth, but we will not let Prague die. Even if the elements should destroy the two towns
of Prague, that does not mean the end of our city. Because I am going to have another town built on the opposite bank
of the river.”
The men lifted their heads. The king looked out across the Vltava and continued.
“Yes. There will be a third town stretching from Poříčí along the bank of the Vltava to the village of Rybník, to Zderaz and
Opatovice. A long wall will be built around it, from Poříčí to Vyšehrad, from river bank to river bank. The floods will not
reach the streets of that town, and the fire will stop at its walls.”
Charles’ words soon turned into reality. Work was begun on the walls, gates, streets, squares and market places of the
new town. Those who wanted to live there were sold land for just a little money. The city’s people wanted to name the
town after their king, who had established it. But Charles gave it the name that is still used today: the New Town of

8. II. řešení: a) land b) flood c) jewel d) fire e) astrologer

8. III. kazeta + řešení:

a) Where was Charles’ father from? Luxembourg b) Who spoke of the future glory of Prague? Libuše c) Who said Libuše
had been wrong? the astrologer d) Who or what disagreed with Libuše? the stars e) What sort of reply did Charles want
from the astrologer? honest f) What did the astrologer say would destroy Prague? fire and floods g) What did he say the
flood would wash away? all the buildings h) How did Charles’ men feel when they heard the news? sad i) What was
Charles planning to build around his new town? a long wall j) How much did people have to pay for land in the new
town? not much k) Who decided what to call the new town? Charles

9. I. např.: a) When did Charles’ father die? ~ In 1347. b) How do we know it was a cold winter that year? ~ Because the
roofs of the city were covered in snow and the river was covered with ice. c) What foreign city do we know that Charles
knew and liked? ~ Paris. d) What did Charles want to turn Prague into? ~ He wanted to turn it into a stunning city. e) What
do astrologers do? ~ They learn about the future and the fate of the world from the stars. f) Why did the astrologer warn
Charles? ~ Because the stars had given him information that was very different from what Libuše had said and what
Charles was planning. g) Why could the men hardly hear the astrologer? ~ Because he spoke in such a quiet voice.
h) What did the astrologer say was going to happen to the Lesser Town and the Old Town? ~ He said they were going to
be destroyed by floods and fire. i) Why did Charles decide to have a new town built? ~ Because he did not want to let his
beautiful city die. j) And did he have a wall built around it? ~ Yes, he did. He had it built to stop the water and the fire.

9. II. nejvhodnější název podle obsahu pověsti: f) Why Charles Established the New Town

10. citát: “I can see a huge/vast city/town whose glory shall reach up to the stars.”

68 Time to Talk 3, lekce 7

Tato lekce je opakovací.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 5–13.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–2.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 3–7, 17–20.
Cvičení na opakování gramatiky viz oddíl D, cv. 8–16.

Výslovnost vlastních jmen: Canterbury [;k+nteberJ], Geoffrey Chaucer [,dgefrJ ;t/c:se], St Thomas Becket [sent ,tbmes
;bekJt], Chauntecleer [;/bnte,klee], Pertelote [;p§:telbt].

a group of pilgrims travels

Ve spojení s kolektivy je možné užít sloveso v singuláru i v plurálu (a group of pilgrims travel).

as the sun rose

Připomeňte studentům užití as ve významu zatímco, když.

died of fear
České zemřít na/čím můžeme přeložit jako die of nebo die from. Die of implikuje vnitřní příčinu (nemoc, duševní stav),
zatímco die from se užívá spíše například se zraněním nebo při uvádění vnějších příčin smrti (die of heartbreak x die
from injuries zemřít následkem zranění).

many wise men have written

Připomeňte studentům, že zatímco užití much/many je v kladné oznamovací větě charakteristické např. pro literární
styl, v hovorové angličtině se častěji užívá a lot of.

in a good house
Good zde odkazuje na bohatství, společenské postavení či morální kvality lidí, kteří dům obývají.

broken into pieces

Spojení into pieces odpovídá českému na kusy. Podobně též cut into slices nakrájet na plátky, chop into cubes nasekat
na kostičky atp.

the ship was broken into pieces and all her men were lost
Substantivum ship se často užívá jako femininum a odkazuje se na něj tedy zájmeny ženského rodu.

we must listen to our dreams

Listen zde má význam naslouchat, věnovat pozornost.

a seven-year-old son
Tvoření přídavných jmen od číslovek viz výklad gramatiky v 9. lekci.

One day Chauntecleer looked up at the sun in the sky.

Upozorněte, že druhá předložka (tj. in) zde nevyjadřuje směr, ale umístění (tj. the sun in the sky). Srov. též Phone me at
[= do] work tomorrow. He looked at himself in [= do] the mirror.

as your father did then

Then zde má význam tenkrát.

God bless him!

Ustálené spojení. Jde o konjunktiv, nikoliv o imperativ. Připomeňte studentům, že v reakci na kýchnutí se užívá spojení
Bless you., nikoliv God bless you.

and may God make us all good people…

V této větě jde o přání vyjádřené slovesem may. Toto užití je vysvětleno v dalším díle učebnice.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 8 69

Poznámky ke slovníčku

after all
Připomeňte studentům, že vlivem vázání slov se v tomto spojení vyslovuje [r] – [,B:fte_;c:l].

Pro tvar minulého času a minulého příčestí se užívá i pravidelný tvar burned. Mnozí mluvčí dávají přednost tvaru burned
tam, kde jde o aktivní činnost nebo o její výsledek (He burned his old clothes. Spálil své staré oblečení. x He burnt his
clothes. Spálil si oblečení.). V adjektivním užití se užívá především tvar burnt (burnt toast spálený toust), jde-li však
o výsledek záměrné činnosti, mnozí mluvčí i zde preferují tvar burned (burned wood spálené dřevo, tj. popel z něj).

compliment [;kbmplJment], [;kbmplJment]

Můžete studenty upozornit, že sufix -ment má u sloves neoslabenou výslovnost [ment], zatímco u substantiv má
výslovnost oslabenou [ment]. Podobně je tomu u sufixu -ate (srov. graduate [;gr+dgweJt] absolvovat univerzitu,
[;gr+dgwet] absolvent univerzity).

Připomeňte studentům, že se v předchozí lekci setkali s příbuzným slovem undoubtedly (nepochybně), a vysvětlete,
jakým způsobem bylo slovo odvozeno.

Na rozdíl od svého českého ekvivalentu není toto sloveso zvratné. Užije-li se se zvratným zájmenem, je implikován
záměr. Srov. He drowned himself. Utopil se. (tj. spáchal sebevraždu utopením) x He drowned. Utopil se. (šlo o nehodu)

Jde jak o obecné označení druhu, tak o označení samice (kachna). Chceme-li specifikovat, že jde o samce, užíváme
výraz drake (kačer), který je však odbornější povahy (srov. Donald Duck).

Upozorněte, že s velkým počátečním písmenem se výrazu užívá i k označení planety Země.

Jde jak o obecné označení druhu (liška), tak o označení samce (lišák). Je-li třeba specifikovat, že jde o samici, užívá se
příbuzný výraz vixen [;vJksn] (The Cunning [;kvnJn] Little Vixen Liška Bystrouška).

Můžete upozornit i na ženský ekvivalent goddess [;gbdes] (bohyně).

Výraz se užívá i k označení ptačích samic obecně (a hen sparrow, peahen a peacock).

Viz výklad gramatiky v 9. lekci (Take a last).

Význam ať má výraz pouze v přacích větách, stojí-li na začátku (May you live long. Ať dlouho žiješ.). Toto užití je
vysvětleno v dalším díle učebnice.

Studenti tento výraz někdy chybně zaměnují s předložkou near (blízko). Nearby však funkci předložky nikdy neplní, jde
o adverbium (They live nearby. Bydlí nedaleko odsud.) nebo adjektivum (He lives in a nearby village. Bydlí v nedaleké
vesnici.). Je-li užito jako adjektivum, ztrácí hlavní přízvuk [,nJebaJ ;vJlJdg].

Výraz se užívá i k označení (např. pokojových) rostlin v květináčích (též houseplants [hawsplB:nts], ale nikoliv flowers).
Českému zalít kytky proto odpovídá anglické water the plants.

Upozorněte studenty, že se toto sloveso užívá bez předmětu. S ohledem na tranzitivitu tak slovo tvoří pár s výrazem raise
(zvednout), které se naopak s předmětem užívá (Prices are rising. Ceny rostou. x raise the price of flour zdražit mouku).
Studenti tyto výrazy často zaměňují.

70 Time to Talk 3, lekce 8

K označení menších plavidel užíváme například výraz boat (a ship wrecked at sea, a rowing boat).

tail, tale
Upozorněte, že jde o homofony.

Upozorněte studenty, že pro označení prstů na noze se nikdy neužívá výraz finger, ten označuje pouze prsty na ruce.
Rovněž pro palec na noze se neužívá výrazu thumb, ale big toe.


1. řešení, kazeta: [i:]: bee – reach – priest; [v]: shut – nun – son; [aw]: shout – cow – doubt; [B:]: plant – pass – cart; [aJ]:
rise – cries – fly; [u:]: goose – tomb – flew; [c:]: warn – tall – thought; [§:]: burn – earth – sir; [ew]: grow – toe – though;
[eJ]: tail – fate – may

2. I. např.: dream, ear, early, earth, eat, fear, feather, great, head, hear, heard, heart, lead, learn, mean, meaning, meant,
ocean, please, reach, read, sea, speak
Studenti mohou utvořit i další slova, která již znají, ale která se nevyskytují v textu, např. each, lead, lean, leather, meat,
seat. Z daných písmen se dá také získat mnoho slov, která nebyla v této učebnici zatím použita, mezi nimiž jsou např.:
earn, grease, heat, lease, rear, seam aj.

2. II. Skupina ‘ea’ se ve výše uvedených možných výrazech vyslovuje sedmi způsoby: [i:] dream, eat, lead, mean,
meaning, please, reach, read (ale i [e]), sea, speak; [Je] ear, fear, hear; [§:] early, earth, heard, learn; [e] feather, head,
meant, read (ale i [i:]); [eJ] great; [B:] heart; [e] ocean

3. I. transkripce uvedených slov: [ju:] you, [Jt] it, [de] the, [Jz] is, [B:] are, [nbt] not, [du:] do, [fc:] for, [tu:] to, [nbt] not,
[dee] there/their/they’re, [wen] when, [c:l] all, [;eve] ever, [;neve] never, [hJe] hear/here, [spi:k] speak, [kaJnd] kind,
[lB:sts] lasts, [;waJze] wiser, [w§:dz] words, [;mewments] moments, [;h+pJnJs] happiness, [bJ;li:v] believe

tři moudrosti z textu: Do not believe all the kind words you hear. / There are moments when it is wiser not to speak. /
Happiness never lasts for ever.

3. II. a) Happiness never lasts for ever. b) There are moments when it is wiser not to speak. c) Do not believe all the kind
words you hear.


5. I. a) wise b) careful c) proud

5. II. accompany – go with; burn – cook until black; disagree – have a different opinion; doubt – not be sure about;
frighten – make afraid; hold – have in your hand; pass – spend or use; plant – put in the ground to grow; reach – get to;
rise – go up; shut – close; stand up – get up onto your feet; warn – advise of danger or a problem

5. III. ideální řešení: a) king (The others are all religious, not royal.) b) train (The others can all fly.) c) feathers (The
others are true parts of the body.) d) cure (The others are all negative.) e) duck (The others are all animals, not birds.)
f) pick up (The others are things that we do with ourselves. We pick other things up.) g) fear (It describes a thing that
we feel. The other words describe HOW we feel./It’s a noun. The others are adjectives.) h) spider (It’s got eight legs. The
others have got six./It’s not an insect.)

6. I. řešení:
In the Canterbury Tales a group of pilgrims travels from London to Canterbury, to the tomb of St Thomas Becket. On the
way the pilgrims tell stories to pass the time. One of the pilgrims is a nun, and she is accompanied by her priest, who
tells them this story, known as The Nun’s Priest’s Tale…
A poor old woman lived with her two daughters in a cottage near a wood. They lived simply, drinking their cow’s milk
and eating whatever they could grow in their garden. They also had hens, and a cockerel, Chauntecleer, a stunning bird
whose feathers shone like gold. He had a beautiful voice, too. He sang each morning as the sun rose and then every hour
during the day. He had a favourite hen, Pertelote, who was very wise.
One morning Pertelote was woken by Chauntecleer, who was making a frightened noise in his throat. “What is the
matter, my love?” she asked.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 8 71

6. II. a) Pertelote b) Pertelote c) Chauntecleer d) Pertelote e) Chauntecleer f) Chauntecleer g) Pertelote h) Chauntecleer

6. III. ideální řešení: bury + tomb; cure + illness; gold + shine; pass + time; pilgrim + travel; rise + sun; tale + tell

7. ideální řešení: a) The pilgrims are travelling to the tomb of St Thomas Becket. b) They tell stories so that they don’t get
bored on the way. c) The nun is travelling with her own priest. d) The woman and her daughters lived a very simple life.
e) Chauntecleer’s feathers shone like gold. f) A strange noise/sound woke Pertelote up. g) Pertelote asked Chauntecleer
what the matter was. h) Chauntecleer was still frightened even after he had woken up. i) Chauntecleer said the animal/
fox had wanted to kill him. j) Chauntecleer was so afraid/frightened that he almost died. k) Pertelote thought that
Chauntecleer ate too much. l) Pertelote said she would show him which plants he should eat. m) Chauntecleer does not
agree with Pertelote’s opinion at all.

9. I. Úryvek nejlépe vystihují tvrzení b) a c).

9. II.
1. příběh: správné pořadí úryvků: b), f), j), e)
2. příběh: správné pořadí úryvků: h), a), d)
3. příběh: správné pořadí úryvků: g), i), c)

9. IV. a) something that is unsafe – danger b) travel by boat or ship – sail c) the opposite of ‘east’ – west d) the son of
a king – prince e) what is usually buried when someone dies – body f) small parts – pieces g) a place where animals are
kept and food is grown – farm h) a person we do not know – stranger i) what plants grow in and buildings stand on –
earth j) a journey to a religious place, for example a church or a tomb – pilgrimage

11. I. Správné pořadí obrázků podle úryvku: c), b), e), a), d).

11. II. např.: a) lines 58–59: Other people ran out of their houses, too, and their dogs with them. The cow went after the
fox, and so did the pigs, the ducks, the geese, even the bees. b) lines 50–51: …and he saw the fox. He stopped singing.
This was the first time he had seen a fox, but somehow he knew it was an enemy, and he was afraid. c) lines 49–50:
Suddenly his eye was caught by a butterfly among the plants… d) lines 63–67: Chauntecleer flew out of his mouth and
up into a tall tree. “Oh, Chauntecleer,” said the fox. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m not going to eat you. Fly down
and I’ll explain.” “No,” said Chauntecleer. “I’ve been a fool. You won’t catch me again with your compliments.” “No, I’m
the fool,” said the fox. “There are moments when it is wiser not to speak.” e) lines 55–56: Chauntecleer did not see what
the fox really meant. He was too pleased by his kind words. He stood up straight, held his head high, shut his eyes and
started to sing.

11. III. a) “I only want…to hear you sing.” (the fox) b) “My heart is…filled with happiness.” (Chauntecleer) c) “There
are moments when it is…wiser not to speak.” (the fox) d) “Listen to the birds…singing sweetly.” (Chauntecleer) e) “May
God make us…all good people.” (the nun’s priest) f) “I didn’t mean…to frighten you.” (the fox) g) “I’m going…to eat this
bird now.” (Chauntecleer) h) “What a lovely…voice you have.” (the fox) i) “Happiness never…lasts for ever.” (the nun’s

12. I. a) Chauntecleer was happy because (ii) it was a warm day and there were flowers and birds around him. b) The
priest says “Happiness never lasts for ever.” because (ii) something unpleasant was going to happen. c) Chauntecleer
noticed a fox (i) lying among the plants. d) When Chauntecleer saw the fox he suddenly (i) became quiet. e) Chauntecleer
saw the fox (ii) thanks to a butterfly. f) The fox (iii) didn’t want the cockerel to fly away. g) Chauntecleer’s parents were
once the fox’s (i) dinner. h) Chauntecleer’s biggest mistake was that he (ii) didn’t think about what the fox was saying.
i) He sang for the fox with (iii) his eyes closed. j) The people ran out of their houses when they heard (ii) the women and
the hens. k) The ducks went after (ii) the fox. l) Chauntecleer had (i) a great idea. m) The fox opened his mouth and
(iii) lost his dinner. n) Chauntecleer decided he couldn’t (ii) believe the fox again. o) The fox was sorry that he had (iii)
opened his mouth.

12. II. slunce na nebi the sun in the sky – sedět na slunci (to) sit in the sun – poslouchat je, jak zpívají (to) listen to them
singing – být tebou… if I were you… – zbytek příběhu the rest of the story – chytit pavouka za nohu (to) catch a spider
by the/its leg – stát rovně (to) stand (up) straight – skutečný význam příběhu the true/real meaning of the story/
tale – sedět poblíž (to) sit nearby – mezi přáteli among friends – vydržet navždy (to) last for ever/forever – vyletět ze
stromu (to) fly out of the/a tree – sletět ze střechy (to) fly down from/off the roof – vyběhnout z chalupy (to) run out
of the cottage – milý pane… dear sir…

72 Time to Talk 3, lekce 8

12. III. Poznámka k 1. námětu: The moment when Chauntecleer’s fate changed might be seen as the moment when the
fox opened his mouth and let him escape or, alternatively, as the moment when Chauntecleer’s ploy occurred to him
(line 61).

13. I. ANO: a), d), i), k); NE: b), c), e), f), g), h), j)

14. I. ideální řešení: As a writer, Geoffrey Chaucer is sometimes called ‘the father of English poetry’. He was the first
important poet to write in English at a time when most writing was still done in French or Latin. French was the language
of the kings, of trade and of literature; Latin was used at church and, of course, by many writers. Chaucer was important
not only because he himself wrote in English but also because he inspired others to do the same. And it was not only
a matter of language; the characters in his stories are real and alive, not just religious stereotypes, and his work is full of

But Chaucer was not just a writer. He was talented in many areas and received a very good education, which meant he
was able to do work of various kinds for the king of England, mainly as a travelling diplomat, first for Edward III and
then for the very intelligent and artistic Richard II. He spent quite a lot of time in France and Italy. King Richard greatly
admired his work. Chaucer himself was an admirer of King Richard and of his wife, Anna, the daughter of the Czech
king/King Charles IV.

It is a shame we do not know more about Chaucer’s life, because it was certainly a fascinating one. Chaucer was also
very busy. So busy, in fact, that when he died in 1400 his
best-known work – the Canterbury Tales – was left unfinished. In 1388 Chaucer, like the characters in his famous Tales,
also went on a pilgrimage to the cathedral in Canterbury.

Chaucer is buried in the ‘Poets’ Corner’ at Westminster Abbey, in London, together with many of the country’s other
great writers.

14. II. kazeta: viz 14. I.

výslovnost: Geoffrey Chaucer [,dgefrJ ;t/c:se], poet [;pewJt], Latin [;l+tJn], inspired [Jn;spaJed], stereotypes [;sterJetaJps],
talented [;t+lentJd], diplomat [;dJplem+t], admirer [ed;maJre], Westminster Abbey [,westmJnster_;+bJ]

14. III. a) Geoffrey Chaucer was a (B.) poet. b) In Chaucer’s time English writers often wrote in (A.) other languages.
c) Chaucer was (C.) an inspiration to other writers. d) Reading Chaucer can be (B.) fun. e) Chaucer worked as a (C.)
royal servant. f) King Richard II married the (C.) sister of Wenceslas IV. g) The Canterbury Tales were (A.) never
finished. h) The pilgrimage to Canterbury is something we know Chaucer (C.) experienced. i) Many (B.) important
English writers are buried at Westminster Abbey.

16. např.: a) Heere bigynneth the Nonnes Preestes Tale. – Here begins the nun’s priest’s tale. The nun’s priest’s tale begins
here. b) His colour was bitwixe yelow and reed. – His colour was between yellow and red. c) Now help me, deer brother,
or I dye! – Now help me, dear brother, or I’ll die! d) hise sevene wyves walkynge by his syde – his seven wives walking
by his side e) And heigh upon a tree he fleigh. – And he flew high up into a tree. f) And now goode God…make us alle
goode men. – And now good God…make us all good men. g) Be ye affrayed of me that am youre freend? – Are you afraid
of me, your friend? h) The fox! And after hym they ran. – The fox! And they ran after him. i) For whan I se the beautee of
youre face… – Because when I see the beauty of your face… j) …and hir doghtres two herden thise hennes crie… – …and
her two daughters heard the hens crying… k) Com doun! – Come down!


1. manufacturer [,m+nje;f+kt/ere] výrobce; service služba; brochure [;brew/e] brožura; exhausted [Jg;zc:stJd] vyčerpaný;
page stránka; furious [;fjwerJes] rozzuřený; voucher [;vawt/e] poukázka

2. kazeta:
1. Um… I don’t think I’ve ever had to write to a shop or a manufacturer. I’ve never really had problems exchanging things
or getting refunds in shops. I’ve complained about services, though. A few times to the post office about things that have
got lost in the post, and once to a travel agent’s. It was last summer, actually. We’d had this awful holiday in Spain. They’d
said in the brochure that it was a quiet family hotel, and when we arrived it was next to a night-club! We hardly got any
sleep during the fortnight and came home exhausted! They wrote back and offered us a discount on our next holiday
with them. Ha ha!

Time to Talk 3, lekce 8 73

2. Yes, I have. I wrote one just a few days ago, actually. I’m still waiting for a reply. I bought a novel last week and started
reading it straight away, and when I was about two thirds of the way through I suddenly found there were about twenty
pages missing! It was the most important bit of the story, as well. I was furious! I took it back to the shop and showed
them, but they wouldn’t refund it because I’d bought it in the sale. The manager told me that books bought in the sale
couldn’t be exchanged or refunded. So I’ve written to the shop’s head office, and we’ll see what they have to say about it…

3. Yes. A few weeks ago. I bought a big box of chocolates for Christmas. “Belgian chocolates,” it said on the box. “The real
taste of Belgium.” Well, when we tried them on Christmas Day they weren’t anything like Belgian chocolates! I should
know. I lived in Belgium for nine years. I grew up there. Anyway, I wrote a letter of complaint to the shop where I’d
bought them, and, believe it or not, they sent me a letter of apology and a voucher for thirty pounds to spend on anything
in the shop! It was quite funny because, I must admit, although the chocolates weren’t at all Belgian they were actually
very nice!

2. I. a) a novel – 2; b) the post office – 1; c) a hotel – 1; d) a box – 3; e) a story – 2; f) a night-club – 1; g) Christmas – 3;

h) sleep – 1; i) a sale – 2; j) a discount – 1; k) an apology – 3; l) a manager – 2

2. II. a) One of the people speaks about (i) some sweets that she thought were Belgian. b) One of the speakers has had
several bad experiences (ii) with the post office. c) One of the speakers bought something (iii) in a sale. d) Two of the
people have written letters of complaint (ii) about things they have bought. e) Two of the speakers have written their
letters (i) in the last month or two. f) All the speakers tell us (i) who they wrote to and why.

3. I. a) 2; b) 1; c) 3; d) 1; e) 2; f) 1; g) 3; h) 2

3. II. a) problémy s výměnou zboží v obchodech – problems exchanging things/goods in shops b) stěžovat si na službu –
complain about a service c) dvě třetiny – two thirds d) knihy zakoupené ve výprodeji – books bought in a/the sale
e) bonboniéra – a box of chocolates f) vyrůst – grow up g) věřte nebo nevěřte – believe it or not h) omluvný dopis – a letter
of apology

3. III. a) We know this because he (speaker number one) says that he has never had problems exchanging things or
getting refunds in shops. b) He went to Spain, where he spent two weeks. c) She (speaker number three) should know
about Belgian chocolates because she grew up in Belgium and spent nine years of her life there. d) The writing on the box
of chocolates said: “Belgian chocolates. The real taste of Belgium.” e) She thinks the chocolates were actually very good.
f) We know that the man (speaker number two) was looking forward to the book he bought in the sale because he says
he started reading it straight away. g) Yes. He had read two thirds of the book when he found out what the problem was.

5. II. speaker number two

6. I. a) branch pobočka b) purchase [;p§:t/es] koupě; koupit c) faulty vadný d) Madam paní e) disappointment zklamání
f) title název g) publisher vydavatel h) exception výjimka

6. II. b)

8. I. kazeta:
Children in the States begin their formal education at the age of five, with a year of kindergarten. It’s the start of what
we call a K-12 education. ‘K-12’ means kindergarten plus twelve grades of school. There are three main levels to school
itself. From the ages of six to twelve children go to elementary school. That means the first grade to the sixth grade. The
most important subjects here are the ‘three Rs’ – that’s reading, writing and arithmetic – but of course the children also
do other subjects, like science, history, geography, sports and creative subjects. Then when they’re twelve they usually
go to junior high school. That’s for two years, until they’re fourteen, so… the seventh and eighth grades. In some places
they go to middle school instead of junior high. After junior high comes high school, from fourteen to eighteen. That’s
the ninth to twelfth grades. High-school students have special names. In the ninth grade they’re called freshmen; in the
tenth grade they’re sophomores; in the eleventh grade you’re a junior; and in the twelfth you’re a senior. When you leave
high school we say you ‘graduate’. You’re given a diploma that shows you’ve completed your studies. Then you can go
on to college…

8. I. řešení:
8. II. a) a junior: 11th grade (usually 16–17) b) a freshman: 9th grade (usually 14–15) c) a senior: 12th grade (usually
17–18) d) a sophomore [;sbfemc:]: 10th grade (usually 15–16)

74 Time to Talk 3, lekce 8

8. III. a) ‘K-12’ means a year at kindergarten and then twelve years of school. b) Reading, writing and arithmetic
are sometimes called ‘the three Rs’. c) Some young Americans go to junior high school, others go to middle school.
d) A diploma is a piece of paper which shows a student has finished his or her school education.

8. IV. kindergarten – nursery school; grade – year; elementary school – infant/junior school; graduate – leave school/
college; juniors and seniors – ‘A’-level students; be a sophomore – study for GCSEs; junior high students – secondary
school pupils

9. I. kazeta + řešení:
Tamsin’s father: Hello.
Tamsin [;t+mzJn]: Hello, Dad! It’s me!
Tamsin’s father: Hello, ‘Me’! It’s good to hear you, love. How’s life in America?
Tamsin: Oh, fine. I had my first day at school yesterday. At Springwater High.
Tamsin’s father: Oh, yes, that’s right. Tell us all about it, then. How did it go?
Tamsin: Well, I didn’t make a very good start. They’d told me I was going to be a junior. So in the morning when I arrived
at the school and saw the sign ‘Springwater Junior High’ I walked straight in and asked for my teacher’s classroom, and
they told me I must be in the wrong place. I didn’t realize it was a completely different school!
Tamsin’s father: Oh, no!
Tamsin: Well, it’s the same school, actually, but never mind that now. I’ve explained it all in the letter I sent you today.
Tamsin’s father: Oh, great. We’ll look forward to getting that. So what happened?
Tamsin: Well, I walked into my first lesson a bit late, of course. I felt pretty stupid. But the teacher understood. She
thought it was really funny. She said she’d probably make a similar mistake if they sent her to school in England. I told
her what ‘junior school’ means in England and we all started talking about the differences between American and British
education, and she asked me to give the class a talk on British schools at the end of the week. I thought as a joke I’d do it
in English school uniform…Anyway, how are you and Mum…?

9. II. a) Tamsin’s father probably often calls her (iii) ‘love’. b) Tamsin has just started (ii) at an American school. c) Tamsin
went to (i) the wrong building. d) Tamsin tells her father (iii) the teacher didn’t mind. e) Tamsin thinks she (ii) made
a silly mistake.

9. III. 1. To be a junior in America means to be a pupil in the eleventh grade. 2. A junior high school is a part of the
American secondary education system. It is for young people between the ages of twelve and fourteen. 3. A junior school
in Britain is a part of the primary education system. Children go there between the ages of seven and eleven.

Upozorněte studenty, že řešení mnohých z otázek v tomto kvizu se nachází v úvodním textu 7. lekce.

A. at the cathedral of St Vitus, Prague Castle

B. the National Theatre
C. Nerudova
D. Rabbi Loew
E. the church of St Nicholas on the Lesser Town Square
F. the statue of St John of Nepomuk
G. Dalibor
H. 299 steps
I. Jan Hus, whose death on 6th July is remembered with a memorial on that square.
J. There is a legend which says that when Parler was building his new bridge for Charles IV (now called the Charles
Bridge) eggs were brought to Prague from all over the country and were used in the building work to make the bridge
even stronger.
K. Albert Einstein
L. for example St Wenceslas (Wenceslas Square), Jan Žižka (Žižkov), St George (Prague Castle)
M. Franz Kafka
N. at Vyšehrad
O. the Prague Spring (international music festival); 12th May is the date on which Bedřich Smetana died
P. the Vltava and the Berounka
Q. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
R. three lines: A, B and C
S. on the wall of the Pinkas Synagogue, in the Jewish Quarter
T. Sparta
U. in the cathedral’s main tower (Sigismund [;sJgJsmend] is a bell, the largest in Bohemia)
V. Wenceslas IV – Anna – Richard II

Time to Talk 3, lekce 8 75

W. to Petřín – Karel Hynek Mácha (his statue)
X. the Clementinum
Y. President Bill Clinton
Z. the Thirty Years’ War

12. I. a) cow b) duck c) sheep d) hen e) bee f) pig

12. II. 1. cows 2. sheep 3. pigs 4. hens 5. ducks 6. bees

12. III. Studenti uslyší následující zvířata a ptáky v tomto pořadí: 1. a) cat / 2. g) cow / 3. f) lion / 4. m) cockerel / 5. k) horse /
6. j) owl / 7. e) lamb / 8. b) mouse / 9. c) pig / 10. d) elephant / 11. o) parrot / 12. l) cuckoo / 13. i) guinea-pig /
14. h) monkey / 15. n) frog

13. I. tasteful vkusný – hopeful nadějný, slibný – useful užitečný – doubtful pochybný – peaceful klidný, pokojný –
masterful mistrovský, mistrný – eventful bohatý událostmi, rušný – stressful stresující, stresový – playful hravý – fruitful
plodný – fearful strašlivý – restful relaxující – watchful ostražitý

13. II. zapomnětlivý forgetful – smysluplný meaningful – osudný fateful – bolestivý painful – plačtivý tearful – probdělý
wakeful – uctivý respectful – opatrný careful – barevný colourful – veselý cheerful – nápomocný helpful – úžasný
wonderful – strašný awful

76 Time to Talk 3, lekce 8

Téma lekce: doprava a dopravní prostředky.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 20–28.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–3.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 4, 12, 19–20.

the weekend before last předminulý víkend

Tímto způsobem se v angličtině vyjadřuje český výraz předminulý. Srov. též the day before yesterday předevčírem, the
day after tomorrow pozítří, the week after next přespříští týden.

Even if you succeed…

Ačkoliv zde jde o odkaz na budoucnost, do češtiny věty s even if překládáme nejčastěji kondicionálem (I kdyby se vám

ferry, hovercraft, the tunnel

Substantivum tunnel je užito s určitým členem, neboť ze situace vyplývá, o který tunel (tzv. Eurotunnel [;jwerew ,tvnl]
spojující Velkou Británii a Francii) se jedná.

We’ll be using public transport to and in London…

Toto spojení dvou předložek je v angličtině běžné (srov. např. in and around London v Londýně a jeho okolí), spojka and
zde odpovídá českému i nebo tak i.

ways of getting here

Jednou z nejčastějších chyb, kterých se dopouštějí čeští studenti, je doslovný překlad spojení způsob, jak něco udělat
jako the way how to, což není nikdy možné. Po way následuje buď gerundium nebo infinitiv s to.

I once travelled by train from London to Athens [;+Qnz]

Studentům se může zdát, že se v této větě jedná o odkaz na minulou zkušenost, a mohou tedy očekávat předpřítomný
čas. Ve skutečnosti však jde o odkaz na konkrétní událost, která se kdysi odehrála, a nikoli o informaci o tom, kolikrát
mluvčí jel vlakem do Atén (Srov. níže I’ve done it several times.). Once je zde adverbiem s významem kdysi, jednou, nikoli
násobnou číslovkou.

Saver Return
Vzhledem k tomu, že jde o typ jízdenky, píše se s velkými písmeny.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Studenti jako ekvivalent českého klimatizace někdy chybně užívají výraz climatization, který v angličtině neexistuje.

Můžete studenty upozornit na to, že výraz airport je složeninou ze slova port (přístav) a air. Podobně je utvořeno též
slovo heliport (přistávací plocha pro vrtulníky helicopters).

Toto substantivum je odvozeno od slovesa arrive, se kterým má shodnou předložkovou vazbu: arrive at/in přijet do,
arrival at/in příjezd do.

as for
Toto spojení se užívá při uvádění dalšího z řady diskutovaných témat (srov. pokud jde o, co se týká atp.).

because of
Užití because of namísto spojky because patří k častým chybám českých studentů, kteří se snaží doslova přeložit české
kvůli tomu, že. Because of je však předložka, a stojí tedy buď před substantivem, nebo před zájmenem.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 9 77

Upozorněte studenty na tyto často zaměňované výrazy:
• channel – 1. televizní program ve smyslu kanál (Channel One první program); 2. přírodní, zeměpisný kanál (The
(English) Channel kanál La Manche, viz níže)
Výraz channel se nikdy neužívá jako ekvivalent českého odpadní kanál (např. sewer [swe], drain [dreJn], gully [;gvlJ]),
ani k označení uměle vybudovaného vodního kanálu (canal [ke;n+l]).
• programme – 1. televizní nebo rozhlasový pořad; 2. program určité, např. kulturní akce, a to i v tištěné podobě;
3. osobní program nebo plán na určité období; 4. počítačový program;
Výraz programme se nikdy neužívá jako ekvivalent českého televizní program ve smyslu kanál (např. 1. program =
Channel 1), ani ve smyslu seznam televizních/rozhlasových pořadů (= TV guide, radio guide.)

Upozorněte, že se užívá jako adjektivum (a daily newspaper) i adverbium (two flights daily to Stansted). Běžné je též
užití substantivní: a daily deník (noviny).

Upozorněte na adjektivum detailed (detailní, podrobný).

the English Channel

Je-li z kontextu jasné, že se mluví o kanálu La Manche, užívá se v Británii pouze označení the Channel, které se vyskytuje
též ve spojení the Channel Islands (ostrovy ležící v oblasti kanálu La Manche) nebo the Channel Tunnel (tunel spojující
Francii a Británii, nazýván také the Chunnel).

Připomeňte studentům, že slovo je odvozeno příponou -ee, která označuje osobu zasaženou dějem slovesa (viz výklad
gramatiky v 6. lekci). Vyskytuje se též výslovnost s hlavním přízvukem na poslední slabice [,JmplcJ;i:].

get (a)round to
Podobná spojení se slovesem get jsou vždy hovorová. Upozorněte, že to zde není infinitivní částicí, ale předložkou.
Po tomto spojení tak vždy následuje substantivum, gerundium, nebo zájmeno.

get to know
Užívá se jako synonymum slovesa meet, jde-li o prvotní seznámení, ale vystihuje i lepší seznámení se s někým (I’d like to
get to know him better before I ask him that. Rád bych se s ním lépe seznámil, než ho o takovou věc požádám.).

in spite of
Připomeňte studentům předložku despite, která má stejný význam, ale užívá se spíše s negativními koncepty, zatímco
předložka in spite of je z tohoto hlediska neutrálnější. Upozorněte též, že po despite se nikdy neužívá předložka of.

Spojení se užívá vždy pouze jako adjektivum, případně adverbium (to phone long-distance).

Připomeňte studentům, že se jedná o nepočitatelné substantivum. Je-li třeba vyjádřit počet zavazadel, užije se spojení
a piece of luggage, two pieces of luggage atp. (viz výklad gramatiky v 5. lekci, str. 63), případně konkrétní označení typu
zavazadla (two bags, three suitcases atp.).

Často se píše též bez spojovníku.

České infinitivní vazbě možnost něco udělat odpovídá v angličtině vždy pouze vazba s předložkou of a gerundiem.

Českým vazbám důvod čeho, důvod k čemu, důvod, aby odpovídá vždy jen spojení reason for, případně vazba s infinitivem
(He didn’t have any reason to lie/reason for lying. Neměl důvod lhát.).

Připomeňte studentům odvozené adjektivum reliable (spolehlivý), se kterým se seznámili ve 2. dílu této učebnice.

78 Time to Talk 3, lekce 9

Jako adjektivum se užívá pouze atributivně (a through train přímý vlak).

traffic, transport
Traffic označuje dopravu jako pohyb po cestách a všechny její účastníky (automobily, chodci atp.). Transport označuje
dopravu jako systém nebo způsob přepravy zboží nebo cestujících.

Upozorněte studenty, že českému jet jejich autem odpovídá go in (nikoli by) their car.

Připomeňte, že tam, kde s vlakem a autobusem užíváme předložky on/off (get on a train), u automobilu užíváme in,
respektive out of (get in a car).

Připomeňte studentům rozdíl mezi station (nádraží, stanice) a stop (zastávka).

Označení metro se užívá pro pražské a pařížské metro, a protože jde o zkratku ze slova metropolitan, může jinde
označovat něco úplně jiného (např. v Buffalu Metro jsou městské autobusy).

Podmínkové věty s odkazem na budoucnost vyjadřují splnitelnou, reálnou podmínku (viz 2. díl této učebnice, 10. lekce
a též tento díl, 11. lekce).

V britské angličtině se po spojce after při odkazování na budoucnost obvykle užívá předpřítomný čas, užití přítomného
času není příliš časté.

Vedle přítomného času lze při odkazování na budoucnost v časových nebo podmínkových větách užít též předpřítomný
čas, a to tehdy, klademe-li důraz na završení činnosti (I won’t leave until I’ve finished. Neodejdu, dokud to nedodělám.).
Toto užití je vysvětleno a procvičováno ve 4. díle učebnice.

Pro zdůraznění průběhu děje je po časové/podmínkové spojce možné použít i průběhový přítomný čas (If it’s raining
we won’t go anywhere.).

řešení např.: a) jestli se toho dotkneš b) než zapomeneš c) jakmile budu moci d) dokud se nevrátí e) dokud tohle počasí
vydrží f) kdyby (náhodou) nesouhlasili/pro případ, že nebudou souhlasit g) kdykoliv budeš potřebovat mou pomoc
h) pokud ho nezkusíme přesvědčit i) i když jí poradím

Upozorněte studenty, že pomocná slovesa will a be mají v budoucím průběhovém čase obvykle oslabenou výslovnost
(kromě kontextů, kdy jsou zdůrazněna, a proto nesou proto přízvuk).

řešení: a) I’ll be driving. b) We’ll be queueing. c) They’ll be saving. d) She’ll be concentrating. e) He’ll be lecturing.
f) She’ll be translating. g) They’ll be moving. h) You’ll be sneezing. i) I’ll be counting. j) We’ll be looking forward to it.
k) It’ll be snowing.

a) I won’t be driving. b) We won’t be queueing. c) They won’t be saving. d) She won’t be concentrating. e) He won’t be
lecturing. f) She won’t be translating. g) They won’t be moving. h) You won’t be sneezing. i) I won’t be counting. j) We
won’t be looking forward to it. k) It won’t be snowing.

Rozdělení výkladu gerundia v této učebnici je následující: Gerundium (1) (tato lekce) – vazby sloves (s předložkou a bez
předložky) s přítomným gerundiem; volba mezi infinitivem a přítomným gerundiem. Gerundium (2) (3. díl, 10. lekce) –
vazby předložek, podstatných jmen a přídavných jmen s přítomným gerundiem. Gerundium (3) (4. díl učebnice) – užití
přivlastňovacích zájmen a přivlastňovacího pádu jako podmětu přítomného gerundia. Gerundium (4) (4. díl učebnice) –
minulé gerundium.

Upozorněte studenty, že pomocí gerundia zatím nemohou vyjádřit takové situace, kdy je podmět věty odlišný od konatele
děje vyjádřeného gerundiem (viz 4. díl učebnice).

Studenti, kteří se naučí používat gerundium, mají často tendenci tuto vazbu nadužívat. V počátečním stadiu osvojování
látky jde z didaktického hlediska o žádoucí jev, ale studenti by si měli být vědomi, že u většiny sloves je gerundium spíše
prostředkem formální angličtiny a tam, kde je to možné, se v hovorové angličtině užije spíše vedlejší věta. Často však
existují významové rozdíly mezi činností vyjádřenou gerundiem, infinitivem nebo vedlejší větou (viz níže).

Upozorněte studenty, že časová rovina vyjádřená přítomným gerundiem je shodná s časovou rovinou vyjádřenou
určitým slovesem. Toto výjimečně neplatí u sloves, z jejichž významu je jasné, že mohou odkazovat pouze na činnost již

Time to Talk 3, lekce 9 79

završenou. Např. ve větě I remember seeing him there. (Vzpomínám si, že jsem ho tam viděl.) jsou dvě časové roviny, ale
vzhledem k referenci slovesa remember do minulosti je možné užít přítomné gerundium.

řešení: warning – shutting – frightening – reaching – applying – letting – drumming – drying – shortening – whispering –
winning – weighing – allowing – chatting

řešení: a) I stopped to think. Přestal jsem (dělat to, co jsem zrovna dělal), abych se zamyslel. x I stopped thinking. Přestal
jsem myslet. b) Remember to tell him. Nezapomeň mu to říct. x I don’t remember telling him. Nevzpomínám si, že bych
mu to říkal. c) I tried to write it down. Pokusil jsem se zapsat si to (např. přes to, že to bylo těžké, třásla se mi ruka atp.). x
I tried writing it down. Zkusil jsem si to zapsat.

Vedle vazby s prázdným it je u slovesa take možná i vazba, ve které je podmětem osoba, která danou činnost vykonávala:
He took 10 years to write the novel. (= It took him ten years to write the novel. Ten román psal deset let.).

řešení: a) It took Jack ten minutes (to learn the song). b) It took me an/one hour (to learn the song). c) It took her half
an hour (to learn the song). d) It took Molly twenty minutes (to learn the song). e) It took Alex a long time (to learn the

V adjektivech složených z číslovky se v některých případech užívá i tvar zakončený na -ed (three-cornered hat třírohý
klobouk). Někdy je možné složeninu utvořit oběma způsoby: four-bedroom house i four-bedroomed house (ale např.
pouze a three-litre bottle). Pravidla stanovující, jaký tvar užít, nelze jednoznačně formulovat.


1. a;rrival – ;air-conditioning – ;channel – em;ployee (i employ;ee) – ;luggage – ;passenger – suc;ceed – su;ppose – ;Switzerland –
;valid – ;ambulance – ;helicopter – ;lorry – co;nnection – con;sider – ;transport – possi;bility – re;ly – desti;nation – ex;press

2. Výklad tzv. borrowing rule viz úvodní Poznámky k fonetice (2).

3. I. kazeta + řešení, II. kazeta:

a) (i) This is my car. (ii) This is my car. (iii) This is my car. (iv) This is my car.
b) (i) But I don’t know his surname. (ii) But I don’t know his surname. (iii) But I don’t know his surname.
c) (i) I never go there. (ii) I never go there. (iii) I never go there. (iv) I never go there.
d) (i) And why didn’t you ask? (ii) And why didn’t you ask? (iii) And why didn’t you ask? (iv) And why didn’t you ask?

3. III. kazeta: 1. This is my car. 2. This is my car. 3. This is my car. 4. This is my car.

3. III. řešení: a) 4; b) 2; c) 1; d) 3

5. until – dokud ne; in case – pro případ, že; after – poté, co; as soon as – jakmile; once – až; even if – i když; as long as –
pokud; whenever – kdykoliv; unless – pokud ne; before – předtím, než

6. a) Let me know when you get there. b) You won’t have it in time for Christmas even if you order it now. c) Sonia
still doesn’t know what she wants to do after she graduates. d) I’ll write John a birthday e-mail now in case I don’t get
(a)round to it tomorrow. e) We should leave as soon as it stops raining. f) I promise I’ll write whenever I can/am able to.
g) Consider the offer carefully before you accept it. h) It won’t hurt as long as you don’t think about it. i) I’ll stay with
you until the ambulance comes/arrives/gets here. j) You’ll never succeed if you don’t try. k) We’ll be very late unless
we take a taxi. l) Are you going to have a party while your parents are away?

7. kazeta + řešení: poté, co se to stane after it happens; pokud pojedeš opatrně as long as you go/drive carefully;
jakmile skončí zprávy as soon as the news finishes/ends; než odpovíš before you answer/reply; i když se jim to
nebude líbit even if they don’t like it; pro případ, že autobus přijede se zpožděním in case the bus is/arrives late;
pokud nenajdeme telefonní budku unless we find a (tele)phone box (if we don’t find a telephone box); dokud slunce
nevyjde until the sun rises; kdykoliv budeš potřebovat svézt na letiště whenever you need a lift to the airport; pokud
cestou nezastavíme as long as we don’t stop on the way; i když se o tom nezmíníš even if you don’t mention it;
předtím, než podám žádost before I apply

8. a) I won’t offer my help unless they really need it. b) I’ll offer my help if they need it. c) I’ll only offer my help if they
really need it. d) Will you go if you get an invitation? e) But won’t you go if you get an invitation? f) We’re not going even
if we get an invitation. g) We can’t really go unless we get an invitation. h) You’ll play well one day if you keep practising.

80 Time to Talk 3, lekce 9

i) You won’t play well unless you keep practising. j) If you don’t call them they won’t know you’re interested. k) Unless
you call them they won’t know you’re interested. l) Don’t call them unless you’re sure you’re interested. m) If you call
them at least they’ll know you’re interested.

9. a) I’ve booked a table at Giovanni’s in case I burn the dinner. b) We can always go to Giovanni’s if I burn the dinner.
c) We won’t need that table at Giovanni’s if I don’t burn the dinner. d) Take the number of this taxi company in case
you miss the bus. e) If you miss the bus you’ll need the number of this taxi company. f) Phone me from the station if
you miss the bus. g) Take this. If they ask you to wait you’ll be glad you’ve got something to read. h) What are you going
to read if they ask you to wait? i) Take something to read in case they ask you to wait. j) If they ask you to wait, at least
you’ll have something to read.

10. např.: a) At seven fifty/At ten to eight he’ll be leaving the house. b) At eight o’clock he’ll be crossing the park. c) At
five past eight he’ll be waiting for the/his bus. d) At eight twenty/At twenty past eight he’ll be standing on platform two.
e) At eight fifty/At ten to nine he’ll be getting off the/his train.

11. a) Phone me at half past ten. I will be having a break and so I will be able to talk in peace. b) It’s been a busy morning.
I think I will have a break. c) Julie says she will give us a lift to the airport if we like. d) But Julie won’t be at home at half
past six. She will be giving us a lift to the airport. e) I’m sure Fiona will come if you invite her. f) That was Fiona. She
will be coming much later. She’s at work till eight tonight. g) I don’t know what we will do if we miss our connection.
h) What do you think we will be doing ten years from now? i) Think of me at two o’clock. I will be sitting in the dentist’s
chair. j) It’s alright. I will sit here. I don’t mind the floor. k) Mr Boyce can’t see you at eleven. He will be explaining the
details of the project to two new employees. l) I’m sure Mr Boyce will explain the details again if we ask him.

12. kazeta + řešení: They’re having lunch. They’ll be having lunch. She’s not expecting it. She won’t be expecting it.
I’m missing you. I’ll be missing you. His wife’s not accompanying him. His wife won’t be accompanying him. Sue’s
applying for the job. Sue’ll be applying for the job. They’re not reconstructing it this year. They won’t be reconstructing
it this year. Bob is staying with us. Bob’ll be staying with us. No. I’m not ordering it. No. I won’t be ordering it. When is
it taking place? When will it be taking place? They’re letting me know tomorrow. They’ll be letting me know tomorrow.

13. a) I can send that express letter for you in the morning. (iii) I’ll be passing the post office on my way to school. b) No.
There doesn’t seem to be a phone box here. (i) Perhaps we’ll see one in the next village. c) The next ferry sails in twenty
minutes. (ii) We’re probably going to miss it. d) You can leave your luggage here for a while. (i) No one will mind.
e) I promised Greg I’d lend him this Switzerland guide. (i) Will you give it to him tomorrow? f) But you can’t disappoint
them at the last minute. (iii) They’ll be relying on you.

14. kazeta + řešení: Mě baví…číst životopisy reading biographies; jezdit stopem hitchhiking; hrát na bubny playing
(the) drums; sedět v kavárnách sitting in cafés; poznávat nové lidi getting to know new people; utrácet peníze spending
money; poslouchat staré legendy listening to old legends; bavit se se spolužáky talking to/with my classmates;
vyhrávat soutěže winning competitions; psát seznamy writing lists; sledovat filmy o vesmíru watching films about
space; překládat do angličtiny translating into English

15. ideální řešení: a) Can’t you do your homework yourself and stop copying mine? b) I don’t mind driving at night.
There’s less traffic on the roads. c) I prefer cooking simple pasta dishes to these complicated Czech sauces. d) Why
do you keep doing it if you don’t enjoy it? e) I think he should give up drinking if he’s having problems with his heart.
f) When are they going to finish building that new tunnel? ~ Oh, it won’t be ready for ages yet. g) Of course I don’t enjoy
(love) listening to heavy metal! That’s not my taste in music at all. h) But when you’re eighteen you’ll have to start
paying the full fare. i) I really can’t stand travelling by rail. It’s so slow and expensive. j) The main reason why Danny
and Sue love (enjoy) hitchhiking so much is the feeling of freedom it gives them.

16. ideální řešení např.: I never go via/through the centre.  I always avoid going via/through the centre. b) We’re in
the swimming pool nearly/almost every day.  We go swimming nearly/almost every day. c) I think we should buy
two return tickets.  I suggest buying two return tickets. d) This year they’re mainly preparing/getting ready for the
school-leaving exams.  This year they’re concentrating mainly on preparing/on getting ready for the school-leaving
exams. e) I wonder if you can say it/that in German. Try saying it/that in German. f) I always hoped that I would
become (I’ve always hoped that I’ll become) an English teacher one day.  I(’ve) always dreamed/dreamt of becoming
an English teacher one day. g) We were afraid to say that we didn’t like it.  We were afraid to admit to not liking it.
h) George says he might/may move to Norwich.  George (says he) is considering moving to Norwich. i) The doctor
said it was best to take it three times daily.  The doctor recommended taking it three times daily. j) Did they catch him
in the end?  Did they succeed in catching him in the end? k) They thought they were going to have a lot more time
for it.  They were relying on having a lot more time for it. l) What if you lost your air ticket?!  Imagine losing your

Time to Talk 3, lekce 9 81

air ticket! m) They invited him to go with them but he wasn’t very keen.  He didn’t (really) feel like going with them,
although they invited him.

17. např.: a) I stopped to take a few photographs. b) He never stops working. c) Haven’t you finished translating
that story (yet)? d) So you’ve given up smoking. Congratulations! e) Mr Sprat likes to be polite and friendly to (his)
customers. f) I don’t like using the metro unless I really have to. g) But wouldn’t you like to have tea with us? h) I would
prefer to buy my own copy, if you don’t mind. i) I really prefer buying (prefer to buy) my own copies of books rather
than borrowing ((to) borrow) them. j) But I was only trying to help. k) Let’s try adding some sugar. That might help.
l) I hope you remembered to give the cat his/her/its milk this morning. m) But I quite clearly remember giving the cat
her milk this morning.

18. a) How long did it take you to do that English homework? b) That English homework took me hours! c) His latest
opera lasts seven hours. How silly! d) It took us about two hours to get home after that opera. e) How long did it take
you to make all those biscuits? f) Delicious biscuits! Do they take long to make? g) These biscuits are delicious! They’re
certainly not going to last long! h) Diet or no diet, I can’t last. I’m having another biscuit. i) “Don’t worry,” said the
dentist. “This won’t take long.” j) “Oh dear,” said the dentist. “I don’t think this tooth’s going to last much longer.”

19. I. ideální řešení: an eighty-litre rucksack, a thirty-five kilometre ride, twenty-year-old champagne, a two-hour wait,
a ten-pound note, a four-ton lorry, a five-litre bottle, a six-month-old baby, a five-crown coin, a thirty-centimetre ruler,
a four-year-old child

19. II. a) a three-floor (three-storey) house b) a ten-day holiday c) a four-act play d) a half-day trip/excursion e) a two-part
film f) a three-kilometre(-long) beach g) twenty-year-old wine h) a one-word answer/reply i) a ten-minute speech
j) a three-course meal k) a five-star hotel l) a four-day working week

20. I. e) by motorbike/motorcycle

20. II. d) by (aero)plane

21. I. her opinions on hitchhiking – 6; her English friends – 5; her unpacking – 2; her experience of coach travel – 9; the
town where she now lives – 4; her journey to Greece – 8; her feelings about her Czech friends’ visit – 3; her move – 1; her
own car – 7

21. II. např.: Molly has taken a long time to get around to writing to her friends. She moved about two weeks ago to
a place near the centre of Norwich and hasn’t finished unpacking her things yet. (She even says she might still be
unpacking when her friends arrive.) But she is looking forward to their visit/arrival very much and is planning to show
them the city. She is writing now with some advice on how Monika and Adam might get to England. She would prefer
it if they didn’t hitchhike, because she thinks that might not be a very safe way of travelling. As for driving, she says
that’s expensive because of petrol prices and the cost of the ferry. By train it would be complicated and very expensive,
though. And the coach, although it would be much cheaper, is slow and uncomfortable. How do you think Monika and
Adam will choose to travel to England?

22. I. a) air-conditioning b) complicated c) succeed d) hovercraft e) consider f) land g) channel h) risk i) cross j) passenger
k) lift l) tunnel

22. II. např.: a) bývalý voják a former soldier b) moji bývalí spolužáci my former classmates c) poznávat nová místa (to)
get to know new places d) rychlík (vlak) an/the express train e) dovybalit finish unpacking f) způsob, jak se dostat
přes řeku a way of crossing/of getting across the river g) navzdory rizikům in spite of the risks h) od centra pět minut
pěšky a five-minute walk from the centre i) zatímco tady budete while you are here j) uvažovat o koupi auta consider
buying/think about buying a car k) jezdit veřejnou dopravou (to) use/(to) travel by public transport l) předminulý
víkend the weekend before last m) Být vámi… If I were you… n) Takže vím, o čem mluvím. So I know what I’m talking
about. o) Ale stejně je to riziko. But it’s still a risk. p) Co se týká dalších možností… As for (the) other possibilities.
q) Není na něj spolehnutí. You can’t rely on him/it.

24. I. a) Flying is the easiest and most comfortable (F.) way of travelling. b) Flying is better value for money than
(G.) coach or rail travel. c) Her friends should book tickets in the (A.) non-smoking part of the plane. d) Long-distance
coach travel can be (I.) a hot and unpleasant experience. e) One problem for foreign drivers in Britain is (B.) keeping
to the left. f) There are two flights a day to her (H.) nearest international airport. g) Her Czech friends don’t enjoy
(D.) flying very much. h) A lot of car journeys are made slower by (E.) traffic jams. i) Her friends will probably arrive
in (C.) England around noon.

82 Time to Talk 3, lekce 9

24. II. kazeta + řešení např.: a) How long is the flight?/How long does the flight take? ~ Oh, about two hours. b) What’s
the name of the airport we’ll be flying to? It’s called Stansted. That’s S…T…A… c) What is the best way of getting
from Stansted to Norwich? ~ Oh, I’ll be picking you up in the car, of course. d) How often do they fly from Prague to
Stansted? ~ Twice a day, I think. e) Have you got any plans for our first afternoon in England? ~ Well, I thought we
could spend it in Norwich. f) And what are we going to do in Norwich? ~ Drink tea, of course! g) Have you got details
of the airline you flew with? ~ Yes. I’ll e-mail them to you from work tomorrow. h) What dates would be best for you? ~
Anytime except the fifth to the sixteenth of July. I’ll be in France then. i) Did you know it was Monika’s birthday last
week? ~ Yes, I did. I sent her a card. I suppose that got lost, too, didn’t it? j) Would you like to see the photos we took
in Switzerland? ~ Yes, I’d love to. Will you have room for them in your luggage?

26. I. Správné očíslování (shora): 2, 5, 1, 3, 4.

26. II. např.: a) a return ticket: the type of (bus, train etc) ticket we buy when we want to travel to a place and then come
back again b) a single fare: the money we pay when we want to travel to a place but not to come back again c) a through
train: a train that we can take to get from one place to another without changing d) a platform: the part of a station
building where we stand while we are waiting for a train, and where the train arrives and leaves from e) valid: the word
we use to describe something – such as a ticket or a passport – that can be uses (eg. at a given time or in a given place or
by a certain person)

27. I. např.: a) Two return tickets to Edinburgh. b) The next day or Thursday. c) There is no through train. d) In the
capital. e) The train from Norwich to Peterborough. f) From platform two. g) The connection from Peterborough to
Edinburgh. h) Over five hours.


1. a) cruise (dlouhodobější plavba pro zábavu; dovolená na velké zaoceánské lodi) b) chef [/ef] (šéfkuchař) c) seasick
(trpící mořskou nemocí) d) midwife (porodní bába/asistentka)

2. II. kazeta + řešení:

Pat [p+t]: “I use my car most of the time. I’m not too happy about that, for several reasons, but I’m a midwife, and the
car is really an important part of my job. In fact I can’t do without it. I need to be able to get quickly from one patient to
the next, and to travel at any time during the day or night. If I had a nine-to-five job I’d probably use public transport, but
babies aren’t always born inside office hours!”
Harvey [;hB:vJ]: “During the week I spend a lot of time on trains. I don’t live in London; I commute here to work each
day. I fly quite regularly as well, in this job. Usually two to three times a month, either to Munich or to Frankfurt. At
weekends my wife and I use our car quite a lot – to visit friends, do the shopping, take the children to rugby training and
music school…”
Maisie [;meJzJ]: “I travel mostly by Underground. I’m from north London and I work in the centre, so I buy a monthly
season ticket. It gives me unlimited travel on the Tube and on buses and trains inside London. I use it when I go out in
the evenings or at weekends, as well. I’ve got a car, but I don’t drive much. Only when I visit my family in Swindon, or
for other trips outside the city. Otherwise all my friends live in London, and so does my boyfriend…”
Alex [;+lJks]: “Believe it or not, most of my time is spent at sea. I’m a cordon bleu chef, and I work on cruise ships all
over the world. It’s quite funny, actually, because when I was a child a little boat trip along the river was always enough
to make me seasick! To be honest I sometimes get quite tired of travelling, and so whenever I’m at home between jobs
I prefer not having to go anywhere at all. I usually stay at home and persuade all my friends to come and visit me, and
I try out new recipes on them…”

2. III. a) vyzkoušet try on b) permanentka season ticket c) neomezený unlimited d) dojíždět (za prací) commute
e) obejít se bez (čeho) do without (something) f) po celém světě all over the world g) měsíční jízdenka a monthly
(season) ticket h) výlet ven z velkoměsta a trip outside the city i) jinak otherwise j) nemít (z něčeho) moc velkou
radost not (to) be too happy (about something)

2. IV. the London Underground = the Tube

3. I. kazeta:
Harvey: Well, sitting on a train for an hour and a half isn’t much fun when you do it every day, but I’m glad I don’t drive
to work. At least I can use the time, can’t I? Read the paper, make phone calls, plan meetings. As for the train itself, it’s
alright when there are no problems on the line, but that doesn’t happen very often. The train rarely arrives on time,
so I often get to the office later than I should. The boss understands, though. He has the same problem. The worst

Time to Talk 3, lekce 9 83

thing about rail travel is that it’s so expensive. And then there are the uncomfortable seats. The people who design the
carriages seem to think we all have very short legs…
Alex: Oh, I don’t mind being on the ship. I’m paid for it, aren’t I! Although I don’t really understand why anyone would
want to give a travel agency thousands of pounds to spend a few weeks at sea. But then we’ve all got our own taste in
holidays, haven’t we? Of course I do like to sit on deck when I’m not working and enjoy the sun and read a good book.
The sea air is certainly good and healthy, and it’s a life without stress. But after a while I suppose I just get bored. I miss
my friends, the house, my local pub! And it’s strange, travelling by ship. You’re moving, of course, but when you can’t
see land you have the feeling that you’re not getting anywhere, just standing in one place.
Pat: Driving? Well, it has its advantages, of course. It means I’m independent. It’s comfortable. It means I don’t have to
run to catch buses or trains. It’s good not to have to use public transport in the winter, when everyone’s got colds and flu.
But I don’t actually enjoy driving. There are so many cars on the roads these days. All the traffic jams. Finding somewhere
to park is often a problem. But what makes me really cross is the behaviour of some other drivers. You know – going too
fast and overtaking, using their mobile phones while they’re driving. They can be so dangerous…
Maisie: I can’t stand the Underground. I know it’s the fastest way of getting around London, because the traffic above
ground is so awful, but that’s the only good thing about it. It’s noisy. It’s dirty. The trains are always full of people, and of
course everyone’s coughing and sneezing at you in the winter and sweating in the summer. There’s always a cold wind
rushing up the escalators and along the platforms. And it’s very easy to get lost. There are hundreds of stations. It must
be a terrible shock to arrive in London as a foreigner and see how huge and complicated the Tube is, especially if you
don’t speak very good English. It’s bad enough for us locals!

řešení: Pat – 3; Harvey – 1; Maisie – 4; Alex – 2

3. II. a) being bored – A; b) having to use busy roads – P; c) avoiding busy city roads – M; d) the stress of parking in busy
roads – P; e) the high cost of fares – H; f) not feeling stress – A; g) cold, dirty stations – M; h) getting to work late – H; i) less
risk of catching illness – P; j) a higher risk of catching illness – M; k) using the journey time constructively – H; l) a feeling
of not moving forwards – A; m) complex and frightening for tourists – M; n) selfish drivers – P; o) enjoying the fresh air
and sun – A; p) unpleasant smells in hot weather – M; q) the quickest way of crossing the city – M; r) uncomfortable
seats – H

3. III.
using the journey time the high cost of fares
TRAIN constructively getting to work late
uncomfortable seats
less risk of catching having to use busy roads
CAR illness the stress of parking in busy roads
selfish drivers
avoiding busy city roads cold, dirty stations
UNDER- the quickest way of a higher risk of catching illness
GROUND crossing the city complex and frightening for tourists
unpleasant smells in hot weather

4. I. a) “The people who design the carriages (carriage [;k+rJdg] = vagon) seem to think we all have very short legs.”
b) “Of course I do like to sit on deck (deck = paluba) when I’m not working and enjoy the sun and read a good book.”
c) “…going too fast and overtaking (overtake = předjíždět), using their mobile phones while they’re driving…” d) “There’s
always a cold wind rushing up the escalators (escalator = pohyblivé schody) and along the platforms.”

5. accessory [ek;seserJ] doplněk; adult dospělý; advertising reklama; candle svíčka; direction směr; dirt špína; engine
motor; excuse výmluva; field pole; flyover [;flaJ,ewve] nadjezd; motorway [;mewteweJ] dálnice; network síť; service služba;
society společnost; tax daň, clo

6. II. a) 6. odstavec b) 4. odstavec c) 2. odstavec d) 3. odstavec e) 6. odstavec

6. III. např. a) pay dearly draze zaplatit b) introduce lower fares zavést nižší jízdné c) thirdly za třetí d) in the same
direction stejným směrem e) put tax on petrol uvalit daň na benzín f) a sad sight žalostný pohled g) it is hardly surprising
sotva (to) může překvapit h) blow out a candle sfouknout svíčku i) make cars more unpopular udělat auta méně oblíbená
j) get from A to B dostat se z A do B k) stop making excuses přestat se vymlouvat l) do something about it něco s tím udělat
m) as far as the eye can see kam oko dohlédne n) last but not least v neposlední řadě

84 Time to Talk 3, lekce 9

6. IV. a) development [dJ;velepment] b) environment [Jn;vaJrenment] c) government [;gvvnment]

7. I. 1 – e); 2 – c); 3 – b); 4 – f); 5 – a); 6 – d)

7. II. a) car-sharing (Situace, kdy se více lidí domluví, že budou společně někam, např. do práce, do školy, dojíždět jen
jedním vozidlem.) b) a drive-in c) park-and-ride [,pB:kn;raJd] (Systém záchytných parkovišť na okrajích velkých měst,
odkud je přímé autobusové spojení do centra města, přičemž cena za tuto službu zahrnuje jak parkovné, tak zpáteční
jízdenku na autobus. V mapách jsou tato parkoviště označena zkratkou P&R.) Not an idea to save the car problem:
b) a drive-in.

Problém neřeší situace na obrázku b) (a drive-in).

Time to Talk 3, lekce 9 85

Téma lekce: počasí a podnebí, roční období.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 23–29.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–3.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 4, 19–20.

How about turning the telly on?

Upozorněte studenty na alternativní slovosled turn on the telly, který ovšem nelze užít, je-li předmětem frázového
slovesa osobní zájmeno (I turned it on.).

I need to know whether I’m going by train or car.

Whether se užívá většinou tehdy, když jde o výběr z možností.

in the night
Českému v noci odpovídají anglická spojení at night a in the night. Zatímco at night odkazuje na dobu noci obecně
(moths come out at night, driving at night can be less stressful), spojení in the night odkazuje na konkrétní noc, případně
noci (Did you hear the storm in the night?).

Well they’re wrong there.

There odkazuje na předchozí tvrzení a odpovídá českému v tomhle, tedy (The British are always talking about the
weather. ~ Well they’re wrong there. V tomhle tedy pravdu nemají.). Podobně níže: You’re right there. To máš tedy pravdu.

It’s no wonder (that) foreigners say…

Upozorněte, že je zde vynechána spojka that.

choose to spend
Užití slovesa choose místo decide je typické v situaci, kdy je více možností.

it didn’t rain once

Once zde odpovídá českému ani jednou. Podobně Not one drop./Not a drop. (Ani kapka.).

Ha, ha. [,hB: ;hB:]

Užívá se jako ironický úsměšek v reakci na něco, co mluvčí nepovažuje za příliš vtipné.

I was wishing I’d stayed in England!

Průběhový čas zde zdůrazňuje, že tato situace přetrvávala po dobu zmíněného pobytu.

I don’t see what they’ve got against British weather.

Užití see ve smyslu chápat, pochopit je velmi běžné. Podobně např. But don’t you see? Ale copak nechápeš?; Oh, I see.
Aha./Už to chápu.; atp.

a storm here and there

Upozorněte studenty na opačný slovosled v angličtině na rozdíl od českého tu a tam bouřka.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Studenti někdy zaměňují předložky against a opposite (proti). Against znamená proti obvykle v abstraktním smyslu,
spíše než v konkrétním (Time’s against us. Čas je proti nám.; I’ve got nothing against him. Nic proti němu nemám.).
Opposite jako předložka se užívá především v místním významu (Our house is opposite the school. Náš dům je naproti

86 Time to Talk 3, lekce 10

Je třeba rozlišovat mezi výrazy couple a pair. Couple označuje obvykle pár, mezi jehož členy existuje nějaký vztah (např.
manželé, druh a družka, ale též taneční pár). Pair označuje libovolnou skupinu o dvou členech (Students work in pairs.),
nebo se užívá u některých substantiv v plurálu, označujících věci (často např. oděvy) skládající se ze dvou symetrických
částí (a pair of socks/scissors). Couple se užívá též jako kvantifikátor k vyjádření přibližného počtu ve významu asi dva,
zhruba dva: He’s going away for a couple of months. Jede asi na dva měsíce pryč. (tj. nemusí to být přesně dva měsíce, ale
nebude to ani jeden měsíc ani tři). Srov. český výraz pár, který je v tomto užití ještě vágnější, a uvedená věta Jede na pár
měsíců pryč. může označovat i více měsíců než dva. Obecně lze říci, že čím kratší je uvedená časová jednotka, tím je
význam couple méně přesný, např. a couple of minutes může být i pět minut, ale a couple of years rozhodně neužijeme,
jde-li o tři roky nebo více.

Výraz je expresivnější než pleasure a odpovídá spíše spojení great pleasure. Je více citově zabarvený. Užívá se zpravidla
v jiných kontextech než pleasure. Nelze jej užít jako ekvivalent českého Bylo mi potěšením., zde je možné pouze pleasure
(It was my pleasure.), možné je však užití pasivní konstrukce be delighted to (She was delighted to see him. Měla velkou
radost z toho, že ho vidí.).

drought [drawt]
Pozor na záměnu s draught [drB:ft] (průvan) a stejně vyslovovaným draft [drB:ft], což je mj. koncept.

Užívá se především v souvislosti s počasím, ale je možné jej užít pro označení jakékoliv předpovědi na základě studia či
analýzy konkrétních údajů (např. výsledky průzkumu trhu, výsledky voleb atp.). Je třeba ho odlišovat od predict, které
popisuje předpověď založenou spíše na odhadu, pocitu nebo instinktu.

Jde o nepočitatelné substantivum. Je-li třeba vyjádřit jednotlivý úkaz (blesk, záblesk), užívá se např. spojení a flash of
lightning (podle druhu blesku). Pozor na záměnu s lighting [;laJtJn] (osvětlení).

Overcast vyjadřuje, že je obloha zatažená, na rozdíl od cloudy, které je spíše ekvivalentem českého polojasno nebo

Označuje spíše kratší období a užívá se nejčastěji k označení takových období, která se častěji střídají (např. počasí,
nálada, štěstí nebo smůla atp.).

Jde o nepočitatelné substantivum. Je-li třeba vyjádřit jednotlivý úkaz (zahřmění), užívají se např. spojení a roll of
thunder/ a crash of thunder.

Běžně se užívá zkrácený název Newcastle, jehož standardní výslovnost je [;nju,kB:sl], ale místní výslovnost je [nju:;k+sl].

Výslovnost je řidčeji též [;sJsJte].

Upozorněte studenty, že českým jednočlenným větám, které užíváme, když mluvíme o počasí, odpovídají nejčastěji
anglické věty s prázdným it (It’s raining.) nebo se there (There’s frost.).

Upozorněte studenty, že gerundium často překládáme pomocí vedlejší věty.

Předložky before, after a since jsou tvarově shodné se spojkami. Po předložce následuje gerundium, po spojce vedlejší
věta (You should wash your hands before eating. You should wash your hands before you eat.).

Připomeňte studentům, že předložky in spite of a despite jsou synonymní, ale u despite nikdy nestojí of.

Studenti někdy zaměňují sloveso used to, které vyjadřuje opakovaný děj nebo stav v minulosti (I used to live here.
Bydlíval jsem tady.) s vazbou be/get used to (I’m used to living here now. Už jsem zvyklý tady bydlet.). Připomeňte proto,
že po vidově temporálním used to se užívá infinitiv, zatímco po be/get used to gerundium.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 10 87

Mezi nejčastější chyby, kterých se dopouštějí studenti, patří užívání infinitivu po slově possibility a spojení how to
po slově way. Po possibility může následovat pouze of a gerundium. Po way následuje buď of a gerundium, nebo infinitiv
s to (the best way of getting there, the best way to fall asleep).

řešení: a) …thinking. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych přemýšlel. b) …complaining. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych si stěžoval. c) …
moving. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych se pohnul. d) …resting. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych si odpočinul. e) …realizing it. Udělal
jsem to, aniž bych si to uvědomil. f) …frowning. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych se mračil. g) …concentrating. Udělal jsem to,
aniž bych se soustředil. h) …standing up. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych si stoupnul. i) …warning anybody. Udělal jsem to,
aniž bych kohokoliv varoval. j) …risking anything. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych cokoliv riskoval. k) …reading the manual.
Udělal jsem to, aniž bych si přečetl příručku. l) …practising. Udělal jsem to, aniž bych cvičil. m) …talking to anybody.
Udělal jsem to, aniž bych si s kýmkoliv promluvil.

Spojení would rather je možné intenzifikovat pomocí much nebo almost: I’d much/almost rather go home. Mnohem
raději bych šel domů./Skoro bych šel radši domů.

Tvar were ve větě po would rather je tvarem minulého konjunktivu.

řešení: a) (I think) I’d better go now. b) You’d better not ask./I don’t think you’d better ask. c) We’d better/I think we’d
better try something else. d) They’d better not risk it. I don’t hink they’d better risk it. e) She’d better/I think she’d better
be more polite next time.

řešení: a) I’d rather you accompanied me. Byl bych radši, kdybys mě doprovodil. I’d rather you had accompanied me. Byl
bych radši, kdybys mě byl doprovodil. b) I’d rather you mentioned everything. Byl bych radši, kdyby ses zmínil o všem.
I’d rather you had mentioned everything. Byl bych radši, kdyby ses byl zmínil o všem. c) I’d rather you ordered something
different. Byl bych radši, kdybys objednal něco jiného. I’d rather you had ordered something different. Byl bych radši,
kdybys byl objednal něco jiného. d) I’d rather you didn’t risk it. Byl bych radši, kdybys to neriskoval. I’d rather you hadn’t
risked it. Byl bych radši, kdybys to byl neriskoval. e) I’d rather you didn’t hitchhike. Byl bych radši, kdybys nejel stopem.
I’d rather you hadn’t hitchhiked. Byl bych radši, kdybys byl nejel stopem. f) I’d rather you introduced me. Byl bych radši,
kdybys mě představil. I’d rather you had introduced me. Byl bych radši, kdybys mě byl představil. g) I’d rather you didn’t
promise anything. Byl bych radši, kdybys nic nesliboval. I’d rather you hadn’t promised anything. Byl bych radši, kdybys
byl nic nesliboval. h) I’d rather you replied to their letter. Byl bych radši, kdybys na jejich dopis odpověděl ty. I’d rather
you had replied to their letter. Byl bych radši, kdybys byl na jejich dopis odpověděl ty. i) I’d rather you didn’t shout. Byl
bych radši, kdybys nekřičel. I’d rather you hadn’t shouted. Byl bych radši, kdybys byl nekřičel.

Wish může být užito i v jiných časech než v čase přítomném. Pro užití časů ve vedlejší větě přitom platí uvedená pravidla
a nedochází k žádným časovým posunům (Srov. I wish I had stayed at home. x I was wishing I had stayed at home.).

V přacích větách s wish může být užito spojky that, ale toto užití je v mluvené angličtině řídké.

Tvar were ve větě po wish je tvarem minulého konjunktivu.

Po could může následovat i minulý infinitiv (I wish we could have helped them. Kéž bychom jim bývali mohli pomoct.)
(viz 4. díl učebnice).

Wish se užívá i s infinitivem s to, jako ekvivalent slovesa want ve formálnějších situacích (I wish to thank everybody
for their kind attention. Chtěl bych všem poděkovat za jejich laskavou pozornost.). V tomto případě se však nejedná
o přací větu. Užití přát si s infinitivem nebo s vedlejší větou je v češtině mnohem častější než užití wish + to + infinitiv
v angličtině. Českému přát si v hovorové angličtině odpovídá nejčastěji sloveso want (Nepřeji si, abys tam chodil. I don’t
want you to go there.).

V učebnicích se někdy uvádí další možnost překladu I wish jako přál bych si. Z didaktického hlediska je takovýto překlad
zavádějící, neboť české spojení může odkazovat na reálnou situaci: Přál bych si, abychom zase vyhráli. I hope we win
again., I want us to win again. Přací věty s wish (stejně jako české věty s kéž) vyjadřují lítost nad danou, reálnou situací.

řešení: a) I wish it hadn’t been so cold. Kéž by nebyla (bývala) taková zima. b) I wish it hadn’t been raining. Kéž by bylo
nepršelo. c) I wish I hadn’t been so slow. Kéž bych nebyl (býval) tak pomalý. d) I wish I hadn’t been so afraid. Kéž bych se
byl tolik nebál. e) I wish he had considered my feelings. Kéž by byl vzal v úvahu mé pocity. f) I wish someone had advised
me. Kéž by mi byl někdo poradil.

Ve formálních situacích se místo be supposed to užívá pouze vazba be to + infinitiv (Applications are to reach our office
no later than 30th April.). Vazba be to + infinitiv je též častou formou odkazování na budoucnost (The Queen is to open

88 Time to Talk 3, lekce 10

a new hospital at the end of the month.). V novinových titulcích je pak navíc častá elipsa slovesa (The Queen to open
a new hospital…)

Po be supposed to se často užívá též minulý infinitiv: But that’s supposed to have been my portion. Ale to měla být má
porce. Viz další díl učebnice.

Brentwood High [,brentwwd ;haJ]

řešení: a) It’s supposed to rain. b) It’s supposed to be overcast. c) It’s supposed to snow. d) It’s supposed to be cloudy.
e) It’s supposed to be damp. f) It’s supposed to be fine. g) It’s supposed to pour down. h) It’s supposed to be a rainy day.
i) It’s supposed to be sunny.

Přídavná jména na -y jsou často stylově velmi různá. Vedle běžných, stylově neutrálních slov (jako např. dirty) je řada
takto odvozených slov spíše hovorových. Rodilí mluvčí příponou také často volně tvoří slova, která se nemusí vyskytovat
jako oficiální slovní zásoba kodifikovaná slovníky.

Při tvoření adjektiv od substantiv zakončených na -e někdy existují dvě možné pravopisné podoby: se zachovaným
původním koncovým -e (stoney, smiley), nebo bez něj (stony, smily).

řešení: already – busy – shy – silly – ready – empty – cosy – ugly – south-westerly


1. blizzard 1 – sunshine 1 – extreme 2 – forecast 1 – against 2 – hailstorm 1 – exciting 2 – superstition 3 – exactly 2 –

downpour 1 – climate 1 – south-westerly 2 – hurricane 1 – foreigner 1 – unpredictable 3 – Celsius 1 – mountainous 1 –
Worcester 1

3. Před začátkem cvičení upozorněte studenty, aby se soustředili na to, jestli má stoupavou nebo klesavou intonaci konec

3. I. Na nahrávce mají stoupavou intonaci všechny zjišťovací otázky, tedy příklady b), f), h), j), k), l).
Klesavou intonaci mají oznamovací věty, tedy příklady a), c), d), e), g), i).

3. II. kazeta: It’s raining. x Is it raining? – He’s here. x Is he here? – He speaks English. x Does he speak English? – He lent
it to you. x Did he lend it to you? – I can see her. x Can you see her? – I’ve never been here. x Have you ever been here?

4. kazeta: against, blizzard, breeze, climate, cloudy, delight, drought, exciting, extreme, flood, foreigner, mountainous,
řešení: a) drought b) cloudy c) foreigner d) against e) mountainous f) breeze g) delight h) superstition i) blizzard
j) exciting k) flood l) climate m) extreme

5. I. kazeta + řešení: before I speak  before speaking after I found out  after finding out since she passed the test 
since passing the test after you turn it off  after turning it off before we consider it  before considering it since she
gave up  since giving up before you lost it  before losing it after it closed down  after closing down since it was
established  since being established after he graduated  after graduating

5. II. a) And then she left the room again without introducing us. b) Why don’t you save money by renting a smaller
flat? c) In spite of explaining/Despite explaining everything to the manager himself we didn’t get a refund. d) She’s been
much happier since changing her job. e) Wait for the little green light before pressing the button. f) But I’ve got nothing
at all against going skiing at the weekend. g) How silly, to move just after reconstructing the house so beautifully.
h) Can’t you smile occasionally instead of frowning all the time? i) What’s it for? ~ It’s for drying mushrooms.

6. I. ideální řešení: a) interested in b) good at c) afraid of d) wrong with e) keen on f) better at g) bad at h) tired of

6. II. např.: a) Can you do it for me? You’re better at filling in forms than I am. b) I tried to tell him the story but he didn’t
seem to be very interested in hearing it. c) And what’s wrong with wearing jeans to the theatre? Everyone does it these
days, Mum. d) I don’t like speaking English in public. I’m afraid of making mistakes and looking stupid. e) Names and
faces are no problem, but I’m not very good at remembering numbers and dates. f) Don’t be surprised if Kerry doesn’t
write back. She’s very bad at replying to letters. g) He only became manager two weeks ago. He’s not used to being/

Time to Talk 3, lekce 10 89

working under this sort of pressure yet. h) Mr Sprat gets really tired of having/trying to answer his customers’ silly

7. I. a) the dangers of drinking b) the importance of drinking c) ways of drinking d) thoughts of drinking e) the
disadvantages of drinking

7. II. kazeta + řešení: žádný způsob, jak to zjistit no way of finding (it) out myšlenka, že bychom se vrátili domů the
thought/idea of returning home jedno z nebezpečí míti příliš volného času one of the dangers of having too much free
time žádná možnost zboží vyměnit no possibility of exchanging the goods důležitost poslouchat předpovědi počasí
the importance of listening to (the) weather forecasts nápad, že by se to prodalo the idea of selling it žádný důvod,
proč tam jít no reason for going there dvě nevýhody života v hornaté oblasti two (of the) disadvantages of living in
a mountainous region/area žádná šance je tady najít no chance of finding them here několik způsobů, jak připravit
hovězí maso several ways of preparing beef myšlenka, že bychom promarnili tolik času the thought of wasting so
much time/wasting that much time

8. kazeta + řešení: a) Don’t they realize the importance of it? Don’t they realize the importance of winning this match?
b) Doesn’t he know about the dangers? Doesn’t he know about the dangers of trekking in storms? c) I’ve got no
chance. I’ve got no chance of passing this exam. d) There’s no other way. There’s no other way of doing it. e) They’ve
heard about all the disadvantages. They’ve heard about all the disadvantages of owning a second property. f) Julia
didn’t like the idea. Julia didn’t like the idea of hitchhiking. g) What’s the point? What’s the point in/of explaining
it to him again? h) Is there any possibility of that? Is there any possibility of meeting tomorrow? i) We knew we had
no hope of that. We knew we had no hope of reaching London by midnight. j) How about it? How about going to
Scotland this year?

9. a) How about turning it up? b) How about turning it off? c) How about turning it down? d) How about turning it on?

10. např.: a) Is it (really) worth going that far just for lunch? b) I’m not used to travelling this distance to work. c) But
what’s the point (in) inviting Liz when we know she’s on holiday? d) How about sending it express? e) But it’s no use
relying on the forecast. It’s always wrong. f) Well, he’ll just have to get used to working in a non-smoking office, won’t
he? g) Or what about going on a guided tour of the castle?

11. a) (i) I would rather take the number 22. There are some beautiful views on the way up the hill. (ii) I had better take
the number 22 or I’ll be late. b) (i) I would rather save my money than spend it on such rubbish. (ii) I had better save
my money if I want to be able to afford a holiday this year. c) (i) She had better try harder if she wants that promotion.
(ii) She would rather be his secretary for ever than apply for a promotion. d) (i) I had better stay at home if I’ve got
a temperature. (ii) I would rather stay at home and read a good book. e) (i) I would rather do my homework now and have
the whole weekend free. (ii) I had better do my homework now. There won’t be time at the weekend. f) (i) She says you
had better move if you’ve got neighbours like that. (ii) She says she would rather move than have neighbours like that.
g) (i) I think I had better start applying for jobs, too. I might not get a place at university. (ii) University? I think I would
rather get a job straight after school. h) (i) Foreign cuisine is alright, but I would rather have something traditionally
Czech. (ii) Some foreign friends are coming for dinner tomorrow. We had better have something traditionally Czech.

12. a) You’d better water the garden this evening, hadn’t you? b) I’d rather live in a country with a warmer climate.
c) Hadn’t we better stay here? It’s really pouring (pouring down, pouring with rain) outside. d) Wouldn’t you rather have
a car with air-conditioning? e) I’d rather not know all the details. f) You’d better not rely on it. g) I’d rather not miss such
a great opportunity. h) We’d better not put it in the cellar. It’s damp there. i) We’d better not mention it to Silvia. j) I’d
rather not talk about the war, if you don’t mind.

13. kazeta + řešení: a) Why didn’t they turn it on? I’d rather they had turned it on. b) Why did you risk it? I’d rather
you hadn’t risked it. c) Why do they allow it? I’d rather they didn’t allow it. d) Why doesn’t he correct my mistakes?
I’d rather he corrected my mistakes. e) Why does she behave like that? I’d rather she didn’t behave like that. f) Why
didn’t you let me know? I’d rather you had let me know. g) Why didn’t she follow my advice? I’d rather she had
followed my advice. h) Why does he shout all the time? I’d rather he didn’t shout all the time. i) Why aren’t you more
careful with my things? I’d rather you were more careful with my things. j) Why did she break her promise? I’d rather
she hadn’t broken her promise.

14. I. řešení: (a) Yes. It’s still winter. F./H. I wish it weren’t. (b) There are snow and ice everywhere. E. I wish there
weren’t. (c) And I haven’t even got any skis. B. I wish I had. (d) But then I don’t have time for skiing, either. G. I wish
I did. (e) The sun never shines. A. I wish it would. (f) It was freezing again yesterday. I. I wish it hadn’t been. (g) The
temperatures dropped again. C. I wish they hadn’t. (h) And more snow is forecast for the weekend. F./H. I wish it
weren’t. (i) No. The spring’s not here yet. D. I wish it were.

90 Time to Talk 3, lekce 10

14. II. např.: a) I’m on holiday in Scotland. I wish I weren’t. b) We’re having a heatwave. I wish we weren’t. c) The sun’s
very strong. I wish it weren’t. d) I don’t enjoy hot weather much. I wish I did. e) There’s no breeze at all. I wish there
were. f) I don’t think it ever rains here. I wish it would/did. g) Yesterday I sunbathed all day. I wish I hadn’t. h) I didn’t
take my sunhat to the beach with me. I wish I had. i) My ears and nose are red and sore. I wish they weren’t. j) People
keep laughing at me. I wish they wouldn’t/didn’t.

15. a) I wish this pencil (B.) didn’t keep breaking. b) I wish my sister (D.) wouldn’t keep taking things from my room.
c) She wishes it (A.) were Christmas tomorrow. d) I wish I (C.) knew the answer. e) He wishes people (C.) would stop
knocking on his office door. f) I wish I (C.) hadn’t burnt that cake. g) I wish I (D.) didn’t burn all the cakes I bake.
h) I wish I (B.) could persuade you not to risk it. i) He wishes he (C.) were able to take us to the airport tomorrow.
j) Don’t you ever wish you (C.) didn’t have to learn English?

16. a) I wish he wouldn’t speak to me like that in front of other people. b) I wish he hadn’t spoken to me like that in front
of them. c) I wish he weren’t always speaking to me like that. d) I wish you hadn’t frightened her like that. e) I wish she
weren’t so frightened by everything. f) I wish you wouldn’t keep frightening her like that. g) I wish she didn’t always
look so frightened. h) I wish it hadn’t been so overcast. i) I wish it weren’t so overcast. j) I wish it weren’t always raining.

17. I. a) There’s supposed to be thick fog. b) There’s supposed to be heavy rain. c) It’s supposed to be cold and damp.
d) It’s supposed to be sunny./The weather is supposed to be sunny./ There’s supposed to be sunny weather. e) There
are supposed to be heavy showers. f) It’s supposed to be a fine day./Tomorrow is supposed to be a fine day. g) There’s
supposed to be a gentle breeze. h) There are supposed to be snowdrifts in the north.

17. II. kazeta + řešení: a) But they said there would be frost! But there was supposed to be frost! b) But they said it was
going to be cloudy and wet! But it was supposed to be cloudy and wet! c) But they said we’d have storms with thunder
and lightning! But we were supposed to have storms with thunder and lightning! d) But they said it was going to be
a chilly day! But it was supposed to be a chilly day! e) But they said there was going to be plenty of sunshine! But there
was supposed to be plenty of sunshine! f) But they said there were going to be downpours! But there were supposed
to be downpours! g) But they said we’d have strong winds and hail! But we were supposed to have strong winds and
hail! h) But they said the weather was going to be the same as yesterday! But the weather was supposed to be the same
as yesterday!

18. a) 5; b) 4; c) 1; d) 3; e) 2

19. a) Look! It’s snowing again! And it’s supposed to be spring! b) But you are not supposed to press that button. Try
the other one. c) But his letter says we are supposed to be there by two. d) You can’t wear that tonight! You’re supposed
to dress formally for these occasions. e) Yes, I think we are supposed to stand up when the teacher walks into the room.
f) You’re not supposed to use a dictionary. It’s here in the rules. g) Don’t tell anyone I told you. We’re not supposed
to know. h) He says we can look at the pictures but we’re not supposed to touch them. i) Customers are supposed
to have these weighed in the ‘fruit and vegetables’ department, sir. j) I don’t understand. It’s supposed to leave from
platform one.

20. I. spicy (pikantní) – spice – koření; dirty (špinavý) – dirt – špína; skinny (hubený) – skin – kůže; hungry (hladový) –
hunger – hlad; angry (rozhněvaný) – anger – hněv; chilly (chladný) – chill – chlad; easy (snadný) – ease – snadnost

20. II. wind – windy – větrný; hair – hairy – chlupatý, vlasatý; mess – messy – nepořádný, neuklizený, špinavý; price –
pricey – drahý, „mastný“; soap – soapy – mýdlový; smile – smil(e)y – usměvavý; hill – hilly – kopcovitý; smell – smelly –
smradlavý; heart – hearty – srdečný; chat – chatty – upovídaný; risk – risky – riskantní; sweat – sweaty – zpocený;
fog – foggy – mlhavý; ice – ic(e)y – ledový, zledovatělý; storm – stormy – bouřlivý

21. ideální řešení: a) It was a wonderfully sunny day, so we went for a boat trip along the river. b) If you want to be
healthy you should do more sport. c) Why is your room always so messy? Can’t you keep it a bit tidier? d) I’m going to
have to wash this jacket. It’s really smelly. e) I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to find my bag where I’d left it. f) I can’t
eat this cheese. It’s too salty. g) Don’t be so touchy. I only asked. h) Driving in weather like this would be really risky.
i) She didn’t come to the meeting because the roads were ic(e)y. j) The letter’s far too wordy. k) That’s a bit pricey.
I think I’ll wait for the sales.

22. např. a) The roads were very icy. b) He was so hungry that he couldn’t sleep. c) It was really lucky that he met her.
d) It was so noisy that I couldn’t concentrate on my work. e) We didn’t go cycling because it was (really) windy. f) The
bag smelt fishy. g) He’s got (really) hairy legs./His legs are (very) hairy. h) The soup was watery. i) The material was
silky. j) I was hot and sweaty when I arrived.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 10 91

23. I. a) sunshine – 3; b) heatwave – 7; c) showers – 10; d) downpour – 2; e) fog – 1; f) breeze – 11; g) snow – 6; h) frost –
5; i) thunder – 8; j) storm – 4; k) hailstorm – 9; l) mist – 12 (Správné pořadí tedy: e), d), a), j), h), g), b), i), k), c), f), l).)

23. II. a) If they forecast foggy weather (E.) Patrick will take the train to Newcastle. b) If it’s supposed to rain in the
night (G.) Patrick needn’t water the garden. c) When Robin talks about football and computers (I.) Claire gets bored.
d) When people have wet holidays in Britain (J.) they often go home and say it’s always raining there. e) If a bit of
snow falls (A.) airports can close down. f) If there’s a bit of snow on the ground (K.) they say we’re having snowdrifts.
g) If the thermometers show 25 degrees or more (H.) they call it a heatwave. h) In the dry season in India (B.) there
are often serious droughts. i) If a hurricane ever comes to Worcester (C.) Robin doesn’t know what will happen. j) If
you decide to walk to school (D.) you can be sure it’ll rain. k) If the sky’s red in the evening (F.) the weather should
be fine the next day.

24. I. b) go to Newcastle by train (if they forecast thick fog for tomorrow); e) water his roses (if they don’t forecast rain)

24. II. a) Delicious. Very tasty. b) about the hot weather about the heat c) it never changes it’s always the same
d) an area of mountains a mountainous region e) it isn’t surprising it’s no wonder f) find out a few things learn a bit
g) poured down poured with rain h) if it’s going to pour with rain if there’s going to be a downpour i) there wasn’t
a drop of rain it didn’t rain once j) why they complain about what they’ve got against k) if that’s alright with you if you
don’t mind l) why listen what’s the point in listening m) what’s the problem with what’s wrong with n) I’m not very
keen on the idea I don’t much like the thought o) Firstly…and secondly… For one thing…and for another…

24. III. např.: a) ice: frozen water b) to forecast: to tell about or guess something in advance, for example the weather or
the results of a game c) roses: traditional, sweet-smelling flowers that are often grown in people’s gardens and given as
gifts, sometimes as a symbol of love d) a foreigner: a person who comes originally from another country e) geography:
a subject, taught at school, in which we study the world and its countries, the people that live in them, and the effect that
the land and climate have on their way of life f) a downpour: very heavy rain that comes suddenly


26. II. kazeta + řešení: 1. What often happens in countries with rainy and dry seasons? – d) They experience serious
floods and droughts. 2. What does Robin say in general about the climate in Britain? – h) There are no extremes. 3. And
what do Robin and Patrick say about British public transport? – f) It can become slower or even stop working when
the weather is worse than usual. 4. What is a blizzard? – g) It’s a strong, cold wind that carries snow with it. 5. And
what’s a hurricane? – b) It’s a very strong wind often accompanied by rain, thunder and lightning. 6. What is one of
the signs that the weather is going to be fine tomorrow? – e) A red sky in the evening. 7. What is the main problem with
the weather in Britain? – a) It can be very unpredictable. 8. What often happens when you go out with lots of clothes
on? – c) The sun comes out and the weather turns warm.

26. III. kazeta + řešení:

“…a cloudy sky for tonight’s full moon. Tomorrow morning it’s fog and mist in the west, then it should be overcast for
most of the day with strong south-westerly winds and long spells of heavy rain, and temperatures between five and
eight degrees Celsius…”

27. I. rain – shower; lightning – thunder; wind – hurricane; dry – drought; delight – pleasure; snowdrift – blizzard;
climate – weather; pour – fall

27. II. a) dress up warm teple se obléct b) cestou do školy on the way to school c) turn off the heating vypnout topení
d) zároveň, současně at the same time e) a full moon úplněk f) ztráta času a waste of time g) rainy seasons and dry
seasons období dešťů a sucha h) na východě in the east i) start pouring down začít lít j) přestat fungovat (to) stop
working k) clear skies jasná obloha l) když máme opravdu velké štěstí if/when we’re really lucky m) heavy rain hustý
déšť n) heavy showers silné přeháňky o) pár vloček sněhu a few flakes of snow p) the sun goes in slunce (např.) schová se
za mraky q) for most of the day po větší část dne r) mýlit se (to) be wrong s) silný jihozápadní vítr a strong south-westerly
wind t) mokré listí wet leaves u) There wasn’t a drop of rain. Nespadla ani kapka. v) Je vlhko. It’s damp. w) A jak to? And
how’s that? x) Exactly! Přesně tak!


1. I. kazeta + řešení: The weather is, in our opinion, like the government. It is always wrong. In summer we say it is too
hot for us; in winter we say it is killing; in spring and autumn we criticize it for being neither one thing nor the other
and wish it would decide what it is going to do. If it is fine we say the country is dying for want of rain; if it does rain

92 Time to Talk 3, lekce 10

we pray for fine weather. If December passes without snow, we crossly demand to know what has happened to our
good, old-fashioned winters and talk as if we have not been given the goods we paid for; and when it does snow we use
language that should surely not be heard in a Christian country. We will never be satisfied until each man makes his own
weather and keeps it for himself.

Jerome [dge;rewm]

1. II. např.: The author says that people are unhappy in the summer because it is too hot and there isn’t enough rain. In
the winter, on the other hand, they think it’s far too cold, or that there isn’t enough snow and winters aren’t what they
used to be. In spring and autumn it seems as if the weather can’t decide what to do.

3. I. clear ustoupit; coast pobřeží; drizzle mrholení; eastern východní; mild mírný; period [;pJerJed] období

3. II. kazeta + řešení: North-west Scotland will be mostly cloudy with light rain. South-west Scotland and Northern
Ireland will also be cloudy, but it will feel mild on the whole with just a little drizzle here and there. In eastern Scotland
it should be dry and mild with a little sunshine on the coast. England and Wales will have another fine day with sunny
periods after early fog and ground frost clear. The best of the sunshine will be found in the south, with cloudier skies in
the north-west of England. Daytime temperatures will be above average for this time of year.

3. III. a) more sun than all the others: the south b) the same weather as in Northern Ireland: south-west Scotland c) more
overcast weather than in the extreme south: the north-west of England d) dry and not too cold, with some sun by the sea:
eastern Scotland e) fog in the morning, then pleasant weather with some sunshine: Wales, England f) overcast and wet
for most of the day: north-west Scotland g) similar weather to England: Wales h) cloudy with a little light rain in places:
Northern Ireland, south-west Scotland

4. I. kazeta:
a) the Channel Islands, London and south England, south Wales [weJlz], the Midlands [;mJdlendz], east England:
Thick early-morning fog and local ground frost will soon clear to leave another fine day with good sunny spells. A moderate
wind late in the afternoon. Maximum temperatures 13–16 °C.

b) north Wales, north-west England:

Mainly dry with sunny spells, but it will become cloudy. A light south wind. Maximum temperatures 13–16 °C.

c) central north and north-east England:

Dry with some sunny spells. A light south-west wind. Maximum temperatures 12–15 °C.

d) northern Ireland, Glasgow [;glB:zgew], south-west Scotland:

Cloudy with occasional drizzle over coasts and hills on the western side. A light south-west wind. Maximum temperatures
12–14 °C.

e) Edinburgh, south-east and north-east Scotland, Aberdeen [,+be;di:n]:

Mostly dry and mild with some sunny intervals along the coast, but generally rather cloudy. Fresh winds in the morning
will become lighter after midday [,mJd;deJ]. Maximum temperatures 14–17 °C.

f) north-west Scotland and the Scottish islands:

Overcast with light rain between long dry periods. A fresh south-west wind early in the day. Maximum temperatures
12–15 °C.

4. I. možné řešení:
b) N Wales, NW England:
weather: dry, some sun, cloudy later, light wind
max. temp.: 13–16 °C
c) Cent N and NE England:
weather: dry, some sun, light wind
max. temp.: 12–15 °C
d) N Ireland, Glasgow, SW Scotland:
weather: cloudy, some drizzle in the west, light wind
max. temp.: 12–14 °C
e) Edinburgh, SE & NE Scotland, Aberdeen:
weather: dry and mild, some sun, but mostly cloudy, wind lighter in the afternoon
max. temp.: 14–17 °C

Time to Talk 3, lekce 10 93

f) NW Scotland and islands:
weather: overcast, mostly dry but some light rain, fresh wind in the morning
max. temp.: 12–15 °C

4. II.
a) the morning fog in the south and east of England – thick
b) the wind in the south and east of England – moderate [;mbderet]
c) the day’s weather on the whole in the north-east of England – dry
d) the south-west wind in Glasgow – light
e) the morning winds in Edinburgh – fresh
f) the skies above the islands of north-west Scotland – overcast

Patsy [;p+tsJ], Lima [;li:me], Peru [pe;ru:], Andes [;+ndi:z], Amazon [;+mezen]

Maggie [;m+gJ], Naples [;neJplz], Vesuvius [ve;su:vJes], lava [;lB:ve], Mediterranean [,medJte;reJnJen], Yorkshire [;jc:k/e]

Donald [;dbnld], Kathmandu [,k+tm+n;du:]

Pro zajímavost můžete uvést i výslovnost Nepal [nJ;pc:l].

6. II. a) flood [flvd] b) monsoon [mbn;su:n] c) earthquake [;§:QkweJk] d) volcano [vbl;keJnew] e) landslide [;l+ndslaJd]

6. III. a) a sea between Europe, Africa and Asia; the area around that sea – the Mediterranean b) soft, wet earth – mud
c) a pair – couple d) lead to or have the effect of – cause e) something that lives in water and drinks blood – leech f) a long
area of lower land between two mountains or hills, often with a river running through it – valley g) a larger area of low
land – lowlands h) moveable accommodation used by travellers – tent i) an emotion, a way of thinking or feeling – mood
j) a dark shape created when something or someone stands in front of the light – shadow k) a dry and empty area of
land where life can take place only if water is taken there by man – desert l) a scene in nature, or a picture of that scene –

7. I. A. the Amazon, B. the Andes, C. April–November, D. the wet season, E. the dry season, F. the rainy season, G. all year
round, H. sunshine, warm weather, I. October–April, J. hail

7. III. a) Donald b) Patsy c) Maggie

9. I.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.

9. II.
Whether the weather is fine
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the weather is cold
Or whether the weather is hot,
We’ll live with the weather
Whatever the weather,
And whether we like it or not.

94 Time to Talk 3, lekce 10

Téma lekce: Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska – země, život a kulturní pojmy.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 19–28.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–4; oddíl D, cv. 1–4.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 5, 20.

Výslovnost vlastních jmen:

Ben Nevis [ben ;nevJs], Braemar [breJ;mB:], Brecon Beacons [,breken ;bi:kenz], Cheltenham [;t/eltnem], Cornwall
[;kc:nwc:l], Cotswolds [;kbtswewldz], Derbyshire [;dB:bJ/e], Faraday [;f+redeJ], Watt [wbt], Guy Fawkes [gaJ ;fc:ks], Lake
District [;leJk ,dJstrJkt], Lancaster [;l+nkeste], Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgo-gerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch [,Ql+n vair
pwQl ,gwJn gJQl go ,gere ,xwern ,dro bwQl ,Qlan de ,sJl jo ,go go ;go:x], Loch Ness [lbx ;nes] ([x] ve fonetických přepisech
odpovídá českému ch), Lough Neagh [lbx ;neJ], New Forest [nju: ;fbrJst], Pennines [;penaJnz], Snowdonia [snew;dewnJe],
Stonehenge [,stewn;hendg], Tudor [;tju:de], York [jc:k], Yorkshire Dales [,jc:k/e ;deJlz].

island, Ireland
Upozorněte, že výslovnost těchto slov je rozdílná: island [;aJlend], Ireland [;aJelend].

population: 58,836,700 (2001)

Číslo v závorce je rok posledního sčítání lidu (census [;senses]).

V názvu moře a v názvech jazyků je výslovnost obvykle [;keltJk], v názvech sportovních klubů pak [;seltJk].

Studenty může zajímat, že mezi další keltské jazyky příbuzné velštině patří bretonština, kterou se hovoří ve francouzské
Bretani, a kornština (též cornwallština), původní jazyk obyvatel anglického hrabství Cornwall. Velštině je přitom nejblíže
právě bretonština a Velšan s Bretoncem se spolu domluví, zatímco Velšan se Skotem mluvícím skotštinou takřka vůbec.

Union Flag
Vlajka Velké Británie se oficiálně nazývá Union Flag a nikoliv Union Jack, neboť jack označuje pouze vlajku na přídi lodi.
Většina Britů však toto rozlišování považuje za pedantské a vlajku podle tradice dále nazývá Union Jack [,ju:njen ;dg+k].
Studenty může zajímat, že se tato vlajka objevuje i jako součást vlajek dalších zemí, většinou současných a některých
bývalých součástí Britského společenství národů (např. Austrálie, Nový Zéland, Ontario (Kanada), Bermudy, Panenské
ostrovy, Hawaii, Fiji aj.).

Wales is a principality of England

Zdůrazněte, že v r. 1603 byly Anglie a Skotsko dvě nezávislá království, stejně tak jako Irsko do r. 1801. Wales však již v té
době byl součástí Anglie a spadal pod správu knížete waleského (Prince of Wales), což je titul, který se ještě dnes uděluje
vždy prvorozenému synovi panovníka.

flower power
Spojení, které bylo v 60. letech 20. století symbolem lidí, kteří protestovali proti válce a zdůrazňovali, že láska k bližnímu
je důležitější než materiální bohatství a peníze.

England’s is the rose

England’s je přivlastňovací pád, který se vztahuje k vynechanému national plant z předchozí věty, tedy doslova England’s
national plant is the rose. (viz též níže Scotland’s is the thistle.).

to recognize each other in battle

Toto je případ bezčlennosti (tedy nikoliv nulový člen), jde
o ustálené spojení s významem, který odpovídá spíše českému v boji než v bitvě.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 11 95

which Patrick used to teach people the Christian idea of the Trinity
Used [ju:zd] je zde minulým časem od use, nikoliv součástí vazby used to [;ju:ste], a následující infinitiv vyjadřuje účel.
Větu volně přeložíme např.: … který Patrik používal k tomu, aby lidem vysvětloval křesťanský pojem nejsvětější Trojice.
Upozorněte, že při čtení této věty je po used intonační předěl, který se u vazby used to nevyskytuje.

Britain drinks 165,000,000 cups a day

V angličtině je běžné, že se jako podmět užívá název místa, pro který jako celek platí určité tvrzení (zde např. odkazuje
na obyvatelstvo Británie obecně). Jde o tzv. lokativní podmět. Větu přeložíme buď pasivem (V Británii se vypije…),
nebo doplníme podmět (Lidé v Británii vypijí…, Britové vypijí…). Obě tyto varianty přitom mají doslovný ekvivalent též
v angličtině.

the world’s second biggest drinker of tea (per head)

Per head [,p§: ;hed]znamená doslova na hlavu (někdy se užívá též latinské per capita [pe ;k+pJte]), tj. na každého
jednotlivého obyvatele. Tento údaj uvádíme proto, že co se týče celkového množství čaje spotřebovaného v jedné zemi,
mají primát Indie a Čína, jejichž spotřeba čaje na obyvatele na den je však téměř pětkrát nižší než v Británii.

for those with a sweet tooth (idiom have a sweet tooth) pro ty, kteří jsou na sladké

a group of Catholics planned to destroy the Houses of Parliament

Můžete studentům připomenout historickou skutečnost, že se v 16. století Anglie odloučila od římskokatolické církve
reprezentované papežem ve Vatikánu (vztah mezi oběma byl téměř vždy velmi napjatý). Vznikla tak anglikánská církev
(the Church of England, ve Skotsku pak presbyteriánská the Church of Scotland), jejíž hlavou není papež, ale panovník
(král nebo královna). Po tomto odloučení následoval značný útlak katolíků (řada z nich byla popravena), nemohli ku
příkladu zastávat veřejné funkce a studovat na univerzitách. Dodnes nesmí být např. funkce lorda kancléře (tj. předsedy
nejvyššího soudu) obsazována katolíky a panovníkovi se zakazuje přijmout římskokatolické náboženství nebo uzavřít
sňatek s osobou katolického vyznání.

Pilgrim Fathers [,pJlgrJm ;fB:dez]

Puritáni, kteří v r. 1620 odpluli na lodi Mayflower [;meJflawe] do Ameriky, aby tam vytvořili bezpečnou náboženskou
komunitu, a kteří tak započali novodobé osídlování Severní Ameriky.

New Age travellers ([,nju:;eJdg], avšak [,nju:eJdg ;tr+velez])

New Age je hnutí stojící v opozici k materialistickému pojetí života a čerpající ze starých tradic a pokusů o život v harmonii
s přírodou a přírodními cykly. Koncem 80. let se v Británii tisíce stoupenců tohoto hnutí rozhodlo žít kočovným životem.
Cestovali po Británii ve starých autobusech a karavanech, aby navštěvovali magická místa. Začalo se jim říkat New Age
travellers. Stoupenci New Age patří mezi zaryté odpůrce devastace krajiny a životního prostředí spojené s budováním
nových silnic, továren atp.

made in Britain
K této části textu můžete pro zajímavost uvést následující údaje: televizi vynalezl skotský vynálezce John Logie Baird
[,lewgJ ;beed]; anglický matematik Charles Babbage [;b+bJdg] vynalezl předchůdce počítače; nafukovací pneumatiku
na bicykl vynalezl John Dunlop [;dvnlbp]; vznik tenisu se připisuje Walteru Wingfieldovi [,wblte ;wJnfi:ld] a stolního
tenisu Jamesi Gibbovi [;gJb]; předchůdce dnešního semaforu vynalezl J. P. Knight [naJt] a podzemní dráhu Charles
Pearson [;pJesen].

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Můžete studenty upozornit, že českému v průměru, průměrně odpovídá anglické on average.

Studenti často zaměňují předložky beside, besides a except (for). Beside se užívá v příslovečných určeních místa
a odpovídá českému vedle, které popisuje polohu (The boy stood beside his father. Chlapec stál vedle svého otce.). Besides
odpovídá českému vedle ve smyslu nadto, navíc, kromě (I knew several people there besides Peter. Vedle Petra (tj. včetně
něj) jsem tam znala ještě několik lidí.). Except (for) odpovídá českému kromě, až na, s výjimkou (Everyone came except
Peter. Až na Petra přišli všichni.).

S odkazem na výklad záporných předpon v 7. lekci můžete studenty upozornit, že sloveso discover si lze představit jako
složené z předpony dis- a slovesa cover (přikrýt), a doslova tak znamená odkrýt, odhalit, tedy objevit. (Slovo pochází
z latinského discooperire.)

96 Time to Talk 3, lekce 11

Českému táborák odpovídá anglické campfire [;k+mpfaJe]. Oheň založený např. na zahradě za účelem pálení listí atp. je
bonfire [;bbnfaJe] (též v alternativním názvu pro 5. 11. ;Bonfire ,Night).

Výraz se užívá i k označení zábavní pyrotechniky (buy some fireworks).

Nelze užít u vodovodu (Včera netekla voda. There was no running water yesterday.), ani při krvácení (Tekla mu krev. He
was bleeding.), ani při úniku látky v důsledku netěsností (Myslím, že tady někde utíká plyn. I think there’s a gas leak
here somewhere.).

V americké angličtině se užívá místo britského petrol (benzín).

Ve smyslu chlap je tento výraz častý především v americké angličtině, ale pod jejím vlivem se s ním často setkáme
i v angličtině britské, kde se však v tomto smyslu užívá častěji výraz bloke [blewk] nebo staromódnější fellow [;felew],
chap [t/+p].

Přesnější termín pro jazyk, který v češtině nazýváme irština, je Irish Gaelic.

make up
Ve významu skládat (se), dávat dohromady se v pasivu užívá s předložkou of, v aktivu se of neužívá. Srovnejte: England,
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom. x The UK is made up of England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland.

Podobně jako into jde o předložku, která vyjadřuje směr. Často se však místo ní užívá samotné on (Could you throw
some more wood on(to) the fire?). Podobně jako u into se v kontextu užívá obvykle oslabená výslovnost [bnte] před
konsonantem a [;bntw] před vokálem.

Základním významem je mecenáš. Ve významu patron národa je nutné užít spojení patron saint.

per cent
Často se píše též jako jedno slovo. Upozorněte studenty na doslovný význam: per cent = ze sta, na sto.

Užívá se obvykle k označení výplaty za práci, která nemá manuální charakter (v tomto případě spíše wage). Jde přitom
o pravidelně vyplácený plat, nikoliv jednorázovou výplatu (obvykle fee).

Výraz se užívá k označení průmyslového odvětví a produktů jeho činnosti, nikoli však pro název obchodů (srov. české

Zdůrazněte, že jde o adjektivum (a weekly magazine časopis vycházející každý týden), substantivum (a weekly týdeník)
i adverbium (It’s published weekly. Vychází každý týden.).

V minulém podmiňovacím způsobu mají pomocná slovesa would a have zpravidla oslabenou výslovnost [wed, ev, ez].

Jako stažený tvar se užívá buď standardní ’d (I’d have gone.), nebo méně častější would’ve [wwdev]. Někdy se vyskytuje
psaná podoba s tvarem I would of gone. (výslovnost of i have je zde [ev]), který je nesprávný. V literatuře se objevuje
např. při přepisu dialektů (především v americké angličtině).

V hovorové angličtině se i v první a třetí osobě singuláru často užívá tvar was.

Time to Talk 3, lekce 11 97

řešení: a) They would have disagreed. b) You would have frightened him. c) It wouldn’t have mattered. d) I would have
hitchhiked. e) I wouldn’t have relied on him. f) I wouldn’t have risked that. g) She would have forgotten it. h) It would
have frozen. i) They wouldn’t have eaten that.

Podobně se v hovorové češtině v podmínkovém souvětí místo podmiňovacího způsobu někdy užívá přítomný čas:
Kdybych uměl anglicky jako ty, tak jsem spokojený. nebo dokonce Umět anglicky jako ty, jsem spokojený. V angličtině
náhrada kondicionálu přítomným časem či infinitivem není možná.

řešení např.: a) Kdybych ho byl viděl, byl bych ho poznal. b) Kdybys mi to byl neřekl, byl bych to nevěděl. c) Kdybys to
byl slyšel, byl bys tomu nevěřil. d) Kdyby nebylo bývalo už tak pozdě, býval bych zůstal. e) Kdybys to byl vyjádřil jinak,
nebývalo by jí to vadilo. f) Kdyby ses o tom byl zmínil, byl bych (na to) nezapomněl.

Frázovým slovesům je v této učebnici od 4. dílu věnována pravidelná pozornost v rámci výkladu gramatiky.

Je-li součástí frázového slovesa adverbium, je na něm hlavní přízvuk (Turn it ;off.). Je-li součástí frázového slovesa
předložka, je hlavní přízvuk na slovese (;Look for it.).

řešení: a) look for, look up b) get up, get on c) put on, put down d) take out, take off e) turn off, turn over

řešení: 1/2 = a/one half; 2/5 = two fifths; 3/10 = three tenths; 1/8 = one eighth; 3/4 = three quarters; 3/5 = three fifths;
1/4 = a/one quarter; 7/10 = seven tenths


1. slova, která nemají přízvuk na první slabice:

besides – destroy – develop – discover – minority – official – population – production – pronounce – unite
slova, která mají přízvuk na první slabice:
agriculture – average – Christian – currency – daffodil – empire – engine – ethnic – execute – fireworks – government –
industry – Irish – kingdom – minister – natural – northern – parliament – salary – textile – union – valley

3. I. Stoupavou intonaci mají všechny zjišťovací otázky, tedy otázky a), c), d), j), l), m), n).
Klesavou intonaci mají otázky doplňovací, tedy otázky: b), e), f), g), h), i), k).

3. II. kazeta: 1. Are you listening? x Why aren’t you listening? 2. Do you understand? x What don’t you understand?
3. Have you read Hamlet? x When did you read Hamlet? 4. Have you been to England? x Where have you been? 5. Have
you seen it? x What have you seen? 6. Did you speak to him? x Who did you speak to? 7. Did it really happen? x How did
it happen?

4. kazeta: a) currency b) flow c) average d) lawn e) height f) battle g) natural h) circle i) government j) queen k) develop
l) empire

5. a) She would have stood up. b) They would have drowned. c) It would have risen. d) He would have disagreed. e) You
would have graduated. f) We would have queued. g) I would have whispered. h) It wouldn’t have mattered. i) She wouldn’t
have won. j) They wouldn’t have suffered. k) It wouldn’t have taken place. l) You wouldn’t have sneezed. m) I wouldn’t
have replied. n) We wouldn’t have promised. o) Would it have frozen? p) Would you have knocked? q) Would they have
survived? r) Would she have moved? s) Would you have complained? t) Would it have hurt? u) Would he have found out?

6. a) A. What will happen if I drop it? B. What would happen if I dropped it? b) A. If anyone discovers the mistake
he will lose his job. B. If anyone discovered the mistake he would lose his job. c) A. This corner will be much safer if
they put a zebra crossing here. B. This corner would be much safer if they put a zebra crossing here. d) A. If Matt and
Linda come there will be twelve guests besides us. B. If Matt and Linda came there would be twelve guests besides us.
e) A. I think it will be a lot less complicated if we book on-line. B. I think it would be a lot less complicated if we booked
on-line. f) A. But no one will pay that much if it hasn’t got central heating. B. But no one would pay that much if it didn’t
have central heating. g) A. If I give you a lift you’ll save your taxi fare. B. If I gave you a lift you’d save your taxi fare.
h) A. If steel production stops here hundreds of local people will be unemployed. B. If steel production stopped here
hundreds of local people would be unemployed. i) A. If it doesn’t work we’ll have to try something else. B. If it didn’t
work we’d have to try something else. j) A. What rubbish! Will anyone mind if I turn if off? B. What rubbish! Would
anyone mind if I turned it off?

98 Time to Talk 3, lekce 11

7. I. kazeta: a) I didn’t understand. b) I threw it in the bin. c) I didn’t report it to the police. d) I hitchhiked. e) I didn’t leave
early. f) There was a fire. g) We went to the mountains. h) It didn’t come this morning. i) He ran away. j) I didn’t sell it.

7. I. řešení, II. kazeta + řešení: a) I would have understood… (B.) if he’d pronounced it correctly. b) I wouldn’t have
thrown it in the bin… (G.) if I’d known you wanted it. c) I would have reported it to the police… (D.) if I’d seen it
happen. d) I wouldn’t have hitchhiked… (H.) if I’d had more money. e) I would’ve left early… (F.) if I hadn’t been
an official guest. f) There wouldn’t have been a fire… (A.) if I’d turned off the gas. g) We wouldn’t have gone to the
mountains… (E.) if they had forecast snow. h) It would have come this morning… (J.) if you’d sent it express. i) He
wouldn’t have run away… (C.) if you’d tied him to the fence. j) I’d have sold it… (I.) if it hadn’t been damaged.

8. a) What if they hadn’t caught him? b) What if I hadn’t found them? c) What if it had broken? d) What if they hadn’t
believed my story? e) What if she had heard? f) What if somebody had been hurt? g) What if we hadn’t got there in time?
h) What if I had damaged something? i) What if they hadn’t been able to cure it? j) What if I hadn’t got there first? k) What
if someone had realized? l) What if there hadn’t been a doctor on the ship?

9. např.: a) What would have happened if we’d left the map at home? ~ We’d have got lost. b) What would you have
done if they’d offered you a lower salary? ~ I wouldn’t have accepted the job. c) What would you have done if the
weather had been better? ~ We’d have gone for a walk along the coast. d) How would you have spent last weekend if you
hadn’t had so much homework? ~ I would’ve studied English, of course. e) What would you have done if you hadn’t
had a spare tyre with you? ~ I would have had to walk home. f) What would have happened if they hadn’t found Guy
Fawkes in the cellar? ~ Fawkes would have destroyed the Houses of Parliament. g) What name would they have chosen
if it had been a boy? ~ They would have called him Adam. h) How would you have described the boy if the policeman
had asked you? ~ I would have described him as tall and skinny. i) What would you have done if you had been there? ~
I would have waved my arms in the air and shouted for help.

10. I. kazeta + řešení: a) If it rains in the night… (i) …I won’t need to water the garden. b) If you’d buried it in
the garden… (iii) …they’d never have found it. c) If it develops into anything more serious… (i) …I’ll call for the
doctor. d) But if I translated it for you… (ii) …it’d be full of mistakes. e) If you had shut the window… (iii) …they
wouldn’t have got in. f) If he became Prime Minister… (ii) …I’d leave the country. g) If you went to school in England…
(ii) …you’d have to wear uniform. h) But if I drive… (i) …I won’t be able to drink. i) If you’d got here a few minutes
earlier… (iii) …you’d have seen the Queen.

10. II. kazeta + řešení: a) If it rains in the night I won’t need to water the garden. (ii) If it rained in the night… (iii) If it
had rained in the night… b) If you’d buried it in the garden they’d never have found it. (i) If you bury it in the garden…
(ii) If you buried it in the garden… c) If it develops into anything more serious I’ll call for the doctor. (ii) If it developed
into anything more serious… (iii) If it had developed into anything more serious… d) But if I translated it for you it’d
be full of mistakes. (i) If I translate it for you… (iii) If I’d translated it for you… e) If you had shut the window they
wouldn’t have got in. (i) If you shut the window… (ii) If you shut the window… f) If he became Prime Minister I’d
leave the country. (i) If he becomes Prime Minister… (iii) If he had become Prime Minister… g) If you went to school
in England you’d have to wear uniform. (i) If you go to school in England… (iii) If you’d gone to school in England…
h) But if I drive I won’t be able to drink. (ii) But if I drove… (iii) But if I had driven… i) If you’d got here a few minutes
earlier you’d have seen the Queen. (i) If you get here a few minutes earlier… (ii) If you got here a few minutes earlier…

11. např.: a) If you moved to Wales, would you have to learn Welsh? b) But if the government does that it’ll mean the end
of agriculture. c) If I hadn’t forgotten the height of Sněžka I’d have got a (grade) one. d) If the British hadn’t settled in
America in the seventeenth century, who knows whether English would have become such an important world language
e) If you switch/turn it on now you’ll wake everybody (up). f) But if we let people park their cars here they’d destroy the
lawn. g) If they haven’t got (any) leeks I’ll get/buy (some) onions. h) If you hadn’t agreed/If you had disagreed with him
you’d have been in the minority. i) I really don’t know what we’d do if there were a flood in this valley. j) If you’d told
them your reasons I’m sure they would have understood.

12. fill it in – complete it with the necessary information; hang it up – put it in a high place; try it on – see if it fits or
looks good; pick it up – lift it with the hand(s); put it away – take it to where it belongs; put it on – get dressed in it; take
it away – carry it to another place; take it off – stop wearing it; take it up – shorten it; switch it on – start it by pressing
a button

13. I. a) look after her at the party b) put the dress on at the table c) come in in a new green dress d) try on the dress
e) get on the next tram f) the sun might go in soon g) move in on Tuesday morning h) I turn on the machine

13. II. kazeta: a) look after her at the party – look at her after the party b) put the dress on at the table – put the dress on
the table c) come in a new green dress – come in in a new green dress d) try on the dress – try on the tram e) get on the

Time to Talk 3, lekce 11 99

next tram – get bored on the next tram f) I might go in a moment – the sun might go in soon g) move in the morning –
move in on Tuesday morning h) I turn on the machine – my turn on the bicycle

14. I. a) put away your things/put your things away b) do up your coat/do your coat up c) try to get around to the
homework d) fill in an application form/fill an application form in e) give up smoking f) pull down an old fence/pull an
old fence down g) pay off my loan/pay my loan off h) put up a sign/put a sign up i) look after your own interests j) draw
out some money/draw some money out k) hang up your shirts/hang your shirts up l) cut out an article/cut an article out
m) call out our names/call our names out n) take down a picture/take a picture down o) look forward to a rest p) pick
up some rubbish/pick some rubbish up

14. II. a) Put them away! b) Do it up! c) Try to get around to it! d) Fill it in! e) Give it up! f) Pull it down! g) Pay it off!
h) Put it up! i) Look after them! j) Draw it out! k) Hang them up! l) Cut it out! m) Call them out! n) Take it down! o) Look
forward to it! p) Pick it up!

15. a) Look (B.) out! There’s a motorbike coming! b) Poor Alex [;+lJks]. He invited fourteen people and only six turned
(C.) up. c) Well, we argue occasionally, but on the whole we get (B.) on fine. d) Don’t you think Jack takes (D.) after his
mother? It’s the eyes, isn’t it? e) But I’m sure Carol [;k+rel] wouldn’t have made (C.) up a story like that. f) What a great
book! I couldn’t put it (B.) down. g) There’s not much left but I’m afraid we’ll have to make do (A.) with it. h) I’ve got
a feeling we took (B.) off on time but landed early. Is that possible? i) What a noise! Can’t you turn that (C.) down a bit?
j) I can’t get (A.) through to Andy [;+ndJ]. He might be on-line. I’ll try again later. k) I went to look it (C.) up but it wasn’t
in the dictionary. l) “Don’t put (C.) off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

16. I. kazeta + řešení: fourteen point two 14.2 – twenty-three point nine 23.9 – sixty-seven point eight 67.8 – forty point
seven three 40.73 – ninety-nine point eight nine 99.89 – three point one four two 3.142 – twelve point ‘o’ three 12.03 –
thirty-four point five ‘o’ four 34.504 – two point nought five 2.05 – nought point one 0.1 – nought point nought seven
0.07 – point six three .63

16. II. 11.8 eleven point eight – 31.5 thirty-one point five – 82.4 eighty-two point four – 9.17 nine point one seven –
57.57 fifty-seven point five seven – 72.919 seventy-two point nine one nine – 21.06 twenty-one point ‘o’/nought/zero six –
68.302 sixty-eight point three ‘o’/nought/zero two – 0.8 nought/zero/ ‘o’ point eight – 90.099 ninety point ‘o’/nought/
zero nine nine – .45 point four five – .045 point nought/zero/‘o’ four five

17. I. a) the whole pizza b) a quarter of the pizza c) (a) half of the pizza d) three quarters of the pizza e) two thirds of
the pizza

17. II. a) a/one third b) 3/4 c) five eighths d) 3/5 e) seven tenths f) 1/6 g) five twelfths h) 4/9 i) a quarter of an hour j) two
fifths of the population k) three hundredths of a second l) four over a/one hundred and twenty-three m) ten over nine
hundred and ninety-nine n) nought over three point one four two o) two point four ‘x’ over three ‘y’

18. I. a) 50% b) 80% c) 10% d) 75% e) 20% f) 32% g) 35% h) 100% i) 150% j) 16% k) 95% l) 20%

18. II. a) patnáct procent obyvatelstva fifteen per cent of the population b) velké procento obyvatelstva a large
percentage of the population c) O padesát procent více! Fifty per cent more/extra! d) Jaké procento? What percentage?
e) minimálně o třicet procent méně tuku at least thirty per cent less fat f) se slevou pětadvacet procent with a discount
of twenty-five per cent/with a twenty-five-per-cent discount g) jen malé procento dopisů, které dostáváme (only/just)
a small percentage of the letters we receive h) Jaké procento tu změnu chtělo? What percentage wanted the change?

19. text 1: minority languages; text 2: three united crosses; text 3: national symbols; text 4: tea: how much, and how; text
5: success for the Protestants; text 6: an important monument; text 7: things invented in Britain; text 8: nature: a few facts;
text 9: temperature: extremes; text 10: a long and difficult word

20. I. text 1: England, British; text 2: David, Northern Ireland; text 3: leaf; tree, text 4: first, quarter; 5: destroyed, begun

20. II. text 1: language, education, minority, programme, official; text 2: cross, ship, union, flag, patron; text 3: vegetable,
soldier, plant, daffodil, leaf; text 4: cup, popular, thirsty, sugar, 18th century; text 5: fire, plan, burn, kill, celebrate

21. řešení: 1. Most people in the UK speak English as their main language. It is not the country’s only language, though.
There are people in Wales, Scotland and Ireland who also speak languages of the Celtic group: Welsh, Scottish Gaelic
and Irish Gaelic. Besides this, about three million people living in Britain speak many other languages of the world,
often as their first language.

100 Time to Talk 3, lekce 11

2. The Union Flag – also known as the Union Jack, although this name is actually incorrect – is made up of the flags of
three of the countries of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Its design combines the crosses
of these three countries’ patron saints – St George, St Andrew [;+ndru:] and St Patrick – and their three colours: red,
white and blue. The flag of St David of Wales is not included.
3. There are five plants that are used as symbols of the four countries of the UK on special occasions, especially on
patron saints’ days: the rose of England, the daffodil and leek of Wales, the thistle of Scotland and the shamrock leaf of
4. If we count the number of cups drunk per head per day, the UK is the second biggest tea-drinker in the world, after
the Irish Republic. Most people in Britain enjoy their tea strong with a little milk. Some add sugar, too.
5. Every year on 5th November British people go to parties in private gardens and public parks where they watch
fireworks, throw ‘guys’ onto fires and enjoy warm food and drink and each others’ company. This is how they remember
the events of 5th November 1605, when the plans of a group of Catholics to destroy Parliament and the King were
discovered and stopped.

23. I. a) record b) flow c) switch on d) worship e) pronounce f) develop

Správné pořadí sloves podle textů: worship – develop – switch on – flow – record – pronounce

23. II. kazeta: 1. It took fifteen hundred years to build Stonehenge. 2. They think the building of Stonehenge was probably
connected in some way with the sun. 3. A lot of things used by people every day were invented or developed in Britain.
4. Watt invented the engine. 5. The Thames flows from the centre to the north of England. 6. England’s highest mountain
is Ben Nevis. 7. The UK’s largest lake is probably not its most famous. 8. Heatwaves are not unusual in Britain in August.
9. Although Britain is not an especially hot or cold country, it can experience quite extreme temperatures. 10. The longest
place name in the world is in Wales.

řešení: YES: tvrzení 2, 3, 7, 9; NO: tvrzení 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10

24. kazeta + řešení: viz úvodní text (chybí 8. odstavec)

26. I. Belfast – not on the island of Great Britain; Cardiff – the Welsh capital; the British Isles – islands that make up the
UK; the Highlands – a picturesque area in Scotland; Great Britain – three countries; Northern Ireland – part of Ireland; the
Thames – ends in the North Sea; the North Sea – lies to the east and north of Britain; the Republic of Ireland – a country
that’s not part of the UK; the United Kingdom – four countries

26. II. cities: 1. Edinburgh 2. Belfast 3. Cardiff 4. London; regions: A. Scottish islands B. the Scottish Highlands C. Yorkshire
D. the Lake District E. Snowdonia F. the Cotswolds G. the New Forest H. Cornwall

27. např.: a) What is the capital of the UK as a whole.? ~ London. b) What are the capitals of the other countries in the
UK besides England? ~ Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. c) What area of land does the United Kingdom cover? ~ About
244,000 square kilometres. d) What is the pound? ~ It’s the official currency of the UK. e) Who is the Prime Minister? ~
The head of the British government. f) What is the population of the UK? ~ In 2001 it was nearly 59 million. g) What
types of light industry will you find in Britain? ~ Food and textiles, for example. h) And what are some of Britain’s most
important heavy industries? ~ Gas, oil, coal and steel. i) What are the names of some of the most beautiful places in
Britain? ~ The Highlands of Scotland, Snowdonia in Wales and the English Lake District. j) Where is fruit grown in the
UK? ~ Mostly in the warmer south. k) Who is Britain’s head of state at the moment? ~ The Queen. Queen Elizabeth II.


1. I. bagpipes [;b+gpaJps] dudy; carnival [;kB:nJvl] karneval; heritage [;herJtJdg] dědictví; hospitality [,hbspe;t+letJ]
pohostinnost; landscape [;l+nskeJp] krajina; lively [;laJvlJ] živý; meadow [;medew] louka; sandy [;s+ndJ] písečný; shore
[/c:] břeh; village green [,vJlJdg ;gri:n] náves

1. I. řešení, II. kazeta:

a) Rose Tours
Come to England! Enjoy our quiet, green countryside with its gentle hills and meadows and woods. Visit our romantic
villages with their traditional cottages, beautiful gardens, historical pubs and picturesque churches on village greens.
Discover the contrasts of the English coast: its wild shores, its sandy beaches perfect for family holidays. Explore historical
Bath, Chester, York and London; the universities of Oxford and Cambridge; Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon; and
dozens of stunning cathedrals including those at Canterbury, Salisbury and Worcester. Take a walking holiday in the hills
that have inspired so much great English literature (the Lake District of Wordsworth [;w§:dzweQ], the Yorkshire of the
Brontë [;brbnteJ] sisters), a camping holiday in the quiet New Forest or a holiday by the sea in Cornwall or Devon. Watch

Time to Talk 3, lekce 11 101

some tennis at Wimbledon or go to a cricket match at Lord’s. Whenever you come to England, there’s always plenty of
entertainment to enjoy, from music festivals to carnivals to the theatres of London’s West End…

b) Thistle Tours
So you’ve never been to Scotland. That means you haven’t yet had the chance to appreciate the huge contrasts it offers,
the extreme beauty of its landscapes, the lively energy of its main cities, the warm hospitality of its people. From
the snow-covered mountain tops, the shining blue lochs and the dark forests of the Scottish Highlands to the hills and
salmon rivers and fishing villages of the Lowlands to the mysterious beauty of the country’s many islands, Scotland
simply has to be seen. Or rather experienced. Because a visit to this country is an experience you will never forget.
Scotland is the perfect destination for both mountain and city holidays. Whether you want to climb Ben Nevis, enjoy the
famous Edinburgh International Festival or Glasgow’s many fine galleries and museums, walk and take photographs in
wild mountain scenery, play golf, drink some of the world’s best whisky or listen to the melancholy [;melenkelJ] sound
of the bagpipes, believe us – Scotland’s for you!

c) Daffodil Tours
Wales, wonderful Wales. From its high mountains and deep valleys to its dramatic coasts and long, sandy beaches, you’ll
be stunned by the beauty of this very small country (20,766 sq km). One fifth of its total area is made up of national
parks! This is the ideal place for those who want wide, open spaces and peace and quiet. But there’s plenty to see and
do here, too. Wales has a greater number of castles per square kilometre than any other country in the world, and you
can enjoy them in romantic style from the window of one of the country’s famous steam trains. Or there’s the Snowdon
Mountain Railway, which will take you a thousand metres up Snowdon, the country’s highest mountain. (On a clear day
there are views of Ireland from the top!) Wales is also the perfect place for activity holidays of all types – from fishing
to horse-riding to mountain walking – or for a family holiday spent on a Welsh farm with animals, local traditions and
excellent home cooking. The Welsh are proud of their national heritage and traditions, which you can get to know better
by visiting one of the country’s many folk museums. And they’re just as proud of their rugby…

2. I. a) Andy and Alice: Wales b) the Bartons: England c) Connie and Clive: Scotland

2. II. England: b) camping, d) cricket, f) countryside that influenced writers, k) tennis matches, n) beautiful cathedral
architecture; Scotland: c) a game of golf, g) seeing paintings, h) climbing Britain’s highest mountain, m) photography in
wild landscapes, o) traditional bagpipe music; Wales: a) catching fish, e) riding horses, i) seeing one country while we
stand in another, j) good local cuisine, l) sightseeing from old trains, p) learning about people and traditions

4. Studenti mohou pracovat s mapou v příloze k této učebnici.

5. I. a) emerald b) tempest c) diving d) harbour e) cliffs

5. II.
attitude [;+tJtju:d] – postoj; battle [;b+tl] – bitva; custom [;kvstem] – zvyk; diversity [daJ;v§:setJ] – rozmanitost; forces
[;fc:sJz] – síly; inhabitant [Jn;h+bJtent] – obyvatel; maritime [;m+rJtaJm] – mořský; relations [rJ;leJ/nz] – vztahy; richness
[;rJt/nJz] – bohatství; separate [;sepret] – oddělená; surround [se;rawnd] – obklopovat; voyage [;vcJdg] – plavba

6. Název článku The sea, the sea… je převzatý ze stejnojmenného románu anglické spisovatelky a filosofky Iris Murdoch
[,aJrJs ;m§:dbk].

Raleigh [;rc:lJ]
India [;JndJe]
Australia [bs;treJlJe]
Africa [;+frJke]
Emerald Isle [;emereld ,aJl]
Robinson Crusoe [,rbbJnsn ;kru:sew]
Tempest [;tempJst]
Portsmouth [;pc:tsmeQ]
Plymouth [;plJmeQ]
Armada [e;mB:de]
Margate [;mB:geJt]

6. II. a) Africa b) products c) role d) Australia e) physical f) surfing g) Europe h) invasions i) aspects j) colonies

6. III. námořníci sailors; srážky rainfall [;reJnfc:l]; vodní lyžování water-skiing; stavitelé lodí ship-builders; námořnictvo
navy; suroviny raw materials

102 Time to Talk 3, lekce 11

7. I. např.: a) HISTORY: invasions, colonies, Empire, the Spanish Armada, settle b) INDUSTRY: raw materials, market,
goods, ship-building c) NATURAL RESOURCES: oil, natural gas d) CUISINE: seafood, ingredients, chips, dairy products
e) PEOPLE: Romans, sailors, inhabitants, composer f) MENTALITY: attitude, island, independent, original, sceptical,
proud g) ARTS & TRADITIONS: customs, literature, painting, music, operas, folk songs h) SPORTS & LEISURE: museums,
holiday, sunbathing, walks, sailing, diving, surfing, water-skiing

7. II. např.: a) The people of Britain became very good at sailing and ship-building. b) I think the Norman invasion in 1066
probably played an important role in this. c) India and Australia and some parts of Africa were once British colonies.
The colonies were useful to British industry because they had plenty of raw materials and were also a market for British
goods. d) Because of the colonies Britain now has a large ethnic minority population made up of people whose families
are originally from all parts of the world. e) Blake wrote this probably because of the rich green colour of the English
countryside, which is thanks to the fact that it rains quite a lot there. f) Two groups of ingredients used a lot in British
cooking are dairy products and fish and seafood. g) The ‘island mentality’ is a feeling of being different and, as the article
says, ‘on the edge’ of events. It isn’t a bad feeling, though. A lot of people like the fact that their country is ‘outside’,
because that means it’s different from the others. That’s why some of them are so sceptical about Europe. h) The article
recommends the cities of Portsmouth and Plymouth, on the south coast, as well as Britain’s many maritime museums
and sea-life centres. i) A typical holiday by the sea in Britain might include walks along the coast, sunbathing, eating
plenty of fish and seafood and enjoying various water sports including diving and surfing.

9. a) What is the UK? (ii) A kingdom. b) Which three things make up parliament? (i) The king or queen, the House
of Lords and the House of Commons. c) What are the UK’s main political parties? (i) The Conservative [ken;s§:vetJv],
Labour [;leJbe] and Liberal Democrat [,lJberl ;demekr+t] parties. d) Which country has its own, independent legal
system? (ii) Scotland. e) What is the name given to most of Britain’s administrative regions? (iii) Counties. f) What is
the BBC? (i) An organization for radio and television broadcasting. g) What is the name of Britain’s largest airline?
(iii) British Airways. h) What is ‘Heathrow’ [,hi:Q;rew]? (Oficiální název je London Airport.) (ii) The world’s busiest
international airport. i) Which British monarch has reigned longest so far? (ii) Victoria [vJk;tc:rJe]. (Můžete studenty
upozornit, že jde vlastně o světový rekord, neboť královna Viktorie vládla v letech 1837–1901.) j) Who had a Bohemian
wife? (i) King Richard II. k) What is the other name for special public holidays in Britain? (ii) Bank holidays. l) What
do we call a hundred pence? (ii) One pound. m) Where do people drive in Britain? (i) On the left. n) What is the title of
the British national anthem anthem ? (iii) Either of these. o) What is golf? (i) A game first played in Scotland in the
15th century.

golf [gblf] (někdy ovšem hráči vyslovují starobyle [gbf])

Time to Talk 3, lekce 11 103

Tato lekce je opakovací.
Cvičení na práci s textem viz oddíl B, cv. 4–12.
Cvičení na výslovnost a pravopis viz oddíl B, cv. 1–3; oddíl D, cv. 1–2.
Cvičení na slovní zásobu viz i oddíl D, cv. 3–6, 18–20.
Cvičení na opakování gramatiky viz oddíl D, cv. 7–17.

Výslovnost vlastních jmen: Mark Twain [,mB:k ;tweJn], Huckleberry Finn [,hvklberJ ;fJn], Watson [;wbtsn], Douglas
[;dvgles], Mississippi [,mJsJ;sJpJ], Cairo v USA [;kerwe, ;keJrwe] (egyptská Káhira pak Cairo [;kaJrew]), Ohio [ew;haJew],
Parker [;pB:ke].

because he has heard he is going to be sold

Prodaný otrok měl u nového majitele zpravidla horší podmínky, neboť se předpokládalo, že s ním bývalý majitel nebyl
spokojený, že má tedy horší kvalitu.

a reward of three hundred dollars

Na uprchlé otroky se pořádaly hony a byly vypisovány odměny pro ty, kdo je chytí. Trestné naopak bylo pomáhat
otrokům k útěku.

so that Jim can travel up the Ohio to freedom

Zdůrazněte, že zatímco jižní státy Spojených států amerických byly otrokářské, v severních státech bylo otrokářství
zakázáno. Uprchlí otroci tak často putovali z jihu na sever, kde platily jiné zákony a otroci byli svobodní. Předložka up
zde znamená proti proudu řeky, tj. v případě řeky Ohio na severovýchod.

the Ohio River

V USA je generický název river až za jménem řeky, zatímco v Británii je tomu naopak (the River Thames).

Do you belong on it?

Sloveso belong se užívá s předložkou to, jde-li o vlastnictví (The raft belongs to Huck. Vor patří Huckovi.). Dále se užívá
i s jinými předložkami k označení místa, kam něco/někdo patří (Where does this book belong? ~ On the bottom shelf.
Kam patří tahle knížka? ~ Na spodní polici.).

I tried to, but the words wouldn’t come.

Jde o jedno z klíčových míst v knize. Huck zde sbírá odvahu k tomu, aby vydal Jima. Na jedné straně cítí povinnost
k jeho předchozí majitelce, ale zároveň si uvědomuje Jima jako lidskou bytost. Nakonec nedokáže Jima zradit. Huckův
skutečný charakter a odvaha se projeví právě v tom, že Jima brání, a to navíc v prostředí a v době, kdy proti otrokům
(i jejich zachráncům) stály nejen zákony, ale i postoje a předsudky běžných lidí.

I was too much of a coward.

Spojení odpovídá českému Byl jsem příliš velký zbabělec. Much of a se často užívá k označení vyšší míry vlastnosti
charakteristické pro substantivum, před kterým stojí (He’s not much of a teacher. Jako učitel není nic moc.).

the wind has already blown it in our direction

It odkazuje na neštovice, které jsou sice zmíněny až dále, ale mluvčí již uhodl, o co se jedná.

poor devil
Devil zde není míněno doslova. Spojení lze přeložit např. jako chudák (kluk) a nemá záporný odstín.

that’s a good boy

Toto spojení se v hovorovém jazyce někdy přidává k imperativům, čímž dojde k jejich zmírnění. Odpovídá např. českému
Tak buď hodný kluk a…

to help you catch them

Připomeňte studentům, že po help je možné užít infinitiv bez to.

104 Time to Talk 3, lekce 12

do right, do wrong
Doslova možno přeložit jako konat dobré/zlé, lépe pak dělat to, co je správné/špatné.

Poznámky ke slovníčku

Pro studenty může být užitečné spojení You bet! (To si piš!).

Upozorněte studenty, že jde o nadávku.

Ve významu opilý se užívá též výraz drunken, který je spíše archaický a může být užit pouze před substantivem (viz
např. píseň What shall we do with the drunken sailor?).

Mom (Momma), Pop (Poppa)

Tento pravopis je z americké angličtiny a v britské angličtině se nevyskytuje. Proto i přepis výslovnosti, který zde uvádíme,
odpovídá normě americké angličtiny.

Výslovnost často i [;n+reJte].

Výraz zde uvádíme pouze z kulturně historických důvodů. Studenti by jej však neměli užívat. Použije-li toto slovo
v současné angličtině běloch, je to chápáno jako velká urážka rasy. (Černoši sami mezi sebou však výraz někdy užívají.)
Jako ekvivalent českého černoch můžete uvést např. Black nebo African American.

Pozor, jde o homograf. Výslovnost [rew] odpovídá jak zde uvedenému významu veslovat, tak studentům již známému
řada, řádka, zatímco výslovnost [raw], kterou zde neuvádíme, znamená v hovorové angličtině hádka (= argument

Užívá se většinou pro označení břehu větších vodních ploch (obvykle břehu moře nebo jezera, zde velké řeky).

V americké angličtině znamená spojení be sick být nemocný. V britské angličtině odpovídá českému pozvracet se.
V britské angličtině odpovídá českému být nemocný spojení be ill, adjektivum sick se užívá v přívlastku (a sick man).

Plané neštovice jsou chicken pox [;t/JkJn ,pbks].

Užívá se většinou pro odměnu za manuální práci, často na bázi hodinové sazby (hodinová mzda)x.

plantation [,pl+n;teJ/n]


1. I. řešení, II. kazeta: 1. destination – N; 2. develop – V; 3. difference – D; 4. direction – R; 5. escape – S; 6. execute – E;

7. forecast – F; 8. geography – O; 9. hurricane – H; 10. memorial – M; 11. protect – T; 12. reward – W; 13. situation – A;
14. union – U
název knihy: THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER [;sc:je]

2. I. řešení, II. kazeta: a) widow [ew] – coward [aw] b) favour [eJv] – slave [eJv] c) earn [§:] – mean [i:] d) canoe [u:] –
heroes [ew] e) mile [aJl] – chill [Jl] f) damn [+m] – tame [eJm] g) share [/] – shore [/] h) lock [k] – sick [k] i) protect
[ekt] – suspect [ekt] j) row [rew] – rope [rew]

3. I. gentlemen, sunrise, grateful, unkind, however, escape, difference, reward, aggressive, intend, coward, ahead

Time to Talk 3, lekce 12 105

3. II. 1. row, canoe, raft, shore; 2. fever, smallpox, chill, sick; 3. steal, crime, guilty, suspect; 4. earn, wages, bet, dollar

4. I. a) guilty b) drunk c) grateful d) unkind e) aggressive

4. II. a) guilty – Huck’s feelings when he realizes he has ‘stolen’ from someone who helped him; b) drunk – Huck’s father;
e) aggressive – the behaviour of Huck’s father;
(dvě další adjektiva popisují pojmy, které se tu nevyskytují: c) grateful – how Huck’s sick ‘father’ will feel when Huck
brings help; d) unkind – the behaviour of the ‘people’ Huck has asked for help on the river)

5. I. řešení, 5. II. kazeta: Huck, the hero and narrator of the story, has run away from his drunk and aggressive father,
who has been keeping him locked in a hut in the woods. The kind-hearted slave Jim has run away from Miss Watson and
Widow Douglas (two women who also previously adopted and tried to tame Huck) because he has heard he is going to
be sold. People think Huck has been murdered, and many suspect Jim of the crime. Huck and Jim meet by chance on
an island, and the two travel along the Mississippi together, sharing plenty of fun and danger along the way. Huck wants
to protect Jim (a reward of three hundred dollars has been offered to anyone who catches the slave) and help him reach
the town of Cairo, where the Ohio River begins, so that Jim can travel up the Ohio to freedom. Near Cairo, however,
Huck starts feeling guilty. He has ‘stolen’ a slave from someone who once tried to give him a new and better life. Huck
leaves the raft in his canoe, telling Jim he is just going to ask whether they’ve reached Cairo, but he actually intends to
give Jim up…

5. III. a) run away b) steal c) tame d) share e) protect f) reward g) lock

6. I. Správné pořadí:
e) Huck lives with Widow Douglas.  f) Huck’s father locks him in a hut in the woods.  c) Huck runs away from his
father.  b) Huck meets Jim on the island.  h) Huck and Jim travel on the river together.  a) Huck starts feeling
guilty.  g) Huck decides to give Jim up.  d) Huck leaves Jim to find out where they are.

6. II. a) Jim (např.: when he tells Huck the story of why he ran away) b) Huck (např.: when he talks about the time he
spent at Widow Douglas’s house) c) Widow Douglas or Miss Watson (např.: when they remember the time Huck spent
with them) d) Huck (např.: when he and Jim are wondering whether they have already reached Cairo) e) Jim (např.:
when he and Huck meet by chance on the island) f) Widow Douglas (např.: when Jim runs away from her house)
g) Huck’s father (např.: when he locks the boy in the hut in the woods)

7. I. např. a) lines 55–58 b) lines 22–25 c) lines 29–31

7. II. např.: a) The two kind men send Huck some money across the water on a board. b) Huck can’t decide whether to
lie and protect Jim or to be honest and give him up. c) Huck shows the men the place where he wants to pull the raft to
the shore.

8. I. a) “There’s nothing there…to help him.” b) “Pop’ll be really grateful…to you.” c) “We’re trying…to do you a favour.”
d) “Maybe you’d help me pull the raft…to the shore.” e) “Ask someone…to help you catch them.” f) “Do you want…to
give it to everyone?” g) “You won’t have…to come near the raft.” h) “There was no point in trying…to learn to do right.”

8. II. a) Huck b) Huck c) one of the men (Parker) d) Huck e) Parker f) one of the men (Parker?) g) Huck h) Huck
pořadí: d), b), g), f), c), e), h), a)

9. řešení: a) unkind  mean b) ill  not well c) just then  at that moment d) matter  problem e) strong  brave
f) sick  ill g) get away  escape h) pity  feel sorry for i) in our direction  towards us j) piece  coin k) point  use
l) wages  reward m) wrong  something bad n) just  exactly o) hold  keep

10. Neplatí: a) …what sort of raft it is. b) …are either black or white. c) …he doesn’t know the answer. d) …ill. e) …get help
with his raft. f) …help Huck’s father. g) …by myself. h) …they can go ahead. i) …Huck’s father has smallpox. j) …talk to
Huck. k) …thinks Huck is a devil. l) …if he needs to earn some money.

11. I. kazeta + řešení: They left and I went back to the raft. I felt low, because I knew very well I’d done wrong and
because I could see there was no point in my trying to learn to do right. A person who doesn’t start right in life has
no chance. When things get difficult there’s nothing there to help him and hold him to his work, and so he loses. Then
I thought for a minute and I said to myself, “Wait, let’s say you had done what was right. Then you’d have let Jim down.
Would you have felt better than you feel now? No. You’d have felt really bad. You’d have felt just the same as you feel
now. So what’s the point in learning to do right, when doing right is so hard and doing wrong is so easy and there’s no

106 Time to Talk 3, lekce 12

difference in the wages?” And I couldn’t answer that. So I decided I’d stop worrying about it and, from that moment, just
do whichever was easier in the given situation…

11. II. a) Huck says it’s no use working hard to be good when the results are the same.: lines 71–73 (“…what’s the point
in learning to do right, when doing right is so hard and doing wrong is so easy and there’s no difference in the
wages?”) b) Huck believes he does bad things because his family wasn’t a good influence on him and that it’s too late for
him to change.: lines 63–66 (I could see there was no point in my trying to learn to do right. A person who doesn’t
start right in life has no chance. When things get difficult there’s nothing there to help him and hold him to his
work, and so he loses.) c) Huck thinks about how he should behave in the future.: lines 74–76 (…I decided I’d stop
worrying about it and, from that moment, just do whichever was easier in the given situation…) d) Huck feels he has
not behaved fairly in this situation.: lines 62–63 (…I knew very well I’d done wrong…) e) Huck considers what would
have happened if he had told the men who was really on the raft.: lines 67–70 (let’s say you had done what was right.
Then you’d have let Jim down. Would you have felt better than you feel now? No. You’d have felt really bad. You’d
have felt just the same as you feel now.)

11. III. např.: If Huck had told the men there was a Black slave on the raft they would have gone to have a look.  If the
men had gone to look at the raft they would have found Jim.  If they had found Jim they would have taken him away. 
If they had taken him away someone would have received a reward of three hundred dollars./If they had taken Jim away
Huck would have let down a good friend./If the men had taken Jim away Huck would have felt really bad.

Missouri [mJ;zwerJ]

Poznámka. Mark twain – v námořnické terminologii druhá značka (twain arch. dva) na hloubkovacím laně označujícím
hloubku v sázích (1 sáh = 1,829 m).

Nevada [ne;vB:de]

13. II. kazeta, řešení: 1. Samuel Clemens 2. Mark Twain 3. Mississippi 4. Missouri 5. Tom Sawyer 6. Huckleberry Finn
7. Halley’s Comet

14. I.
Poznámka. Samuel Butler (1835–1902) – anglický romanopisec a satirik. John Ruskin (1819–1900) – anglický esejista,
kritik a reformátor.
kazeta + řešení: a) “No man is good enough to be the owner of another.” b) “Any fool can tell the truth, but it needs
a man of some sense to know how to tell a lie well.” c) “I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free.” d) “When one
man becomes a slave, everyone’s freedom is taken away.” e) “To teach your children to be honest is the beginning of
education.” f) “The surest way to stay poor is to be an honest man.” g) “It’s better to know hunger as a free man than
to be a fat slave.” h) “For the tree, freedom from the ground is no freedom.” i) “One of the greatest differences between
a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.”

George Berbard Shaw [,dgc:dg ,b§:ned ;/c:], Samuel Butler [,s+mjwel ;bvtle], Charles Dickens [,t/B:lz ;dJkJnz], bleak [bli:k],
Kennedy [;kenedJ], Ruskin [;rvskJn], Napoleon [ne;pewlJen], Esop [;i:sbp], Rabindranath Tagore [re,bJndrenB:t te;gc:]

14. II. slaves and freedom: a), c), d), g), h); truth and lies: b), e), f), i)


1. kazeta:
Welcome to the London Underground! In fact we don’t call it ‘the Underground’ at all. To us it’s ‘the Tube’.
London’s underground railway system began in the 19th century. It was the first system of its kind in the world. Over
the years it has grown in all directions, and now twelve lines carry trains across and around the capital and connect the
centre of London with regions outside the city.
Foreign visitors to London are often quite shocked by the Tube – by the size of it and how complicated it is. They’re also
surprised to find out that a lot of its stations aren’t under the ground at all…

1. řešení:
1. two names 2. the world’s first 3. twelve lines 4. connections between London and the areas around it 5. some stations
are above the ground

Time to Talk 3, lekce 12 107

2. II. + III. kazeta, II. + III. řešení:
tourist: Excuse me…
traveller: Hello.
tourist: Hello. Could you tell me where to get a ticket, please?
traveller: Yes, of course. The ticket machines are over there.
tourist: What a long line!
traveller: Oh, don’t worry. The queue moves very fast. You can go to the ticket office if you like, but that’s slow. The
queue’s always full of people buying travelcards and asking questions.
tourist: I see. Thank you very much.
traveller: Not at all…


first commuter: Are you going to buy a ticket or not?
tourist: Yes, yes. Just a moment, please.
first commuter: We’re all in a hurry to get to work.
tourist: I’m sorry. It’s so complicated. Singles, returns, carnets, six zones…
second commuter: Where are you trying to get to?
tourist: The centre. Hyde Park Corner.
second commuter: Right, well that’s easy enough. Just go down the Northern Line to Leicester Square – look, that’s here,
so you’ll have to go down this way, via Tottenham Court Road [,tbtenem kc:t ;rewd] – and then change for the Piccadilly
Line [,pJke;dJlJ] (ale [,pJkedJlJ ;laJn]). That’s here. Then it’s just two stations to Hyde Park Corner.
tourist: OK. I see. Thank you very much.
second commuter: That’s quite alright. And remember: you don’t want the train that goes via Bank. You’ll find yourself
at the other end of London!
first commuter: Sightseeing in the rush hour…What an idea!

2. II. a) (iii) Tottenham Court Road; b) (ii) Leicester Square; c) (ii) Bank; d) (iii) Hyde Park Corner

Notting Hill Gate [,nbtJn hJl ;geJt], Totteridge [;tbterJdg], Whetstone [;wetstewn], Lancaster Gate [,l+nkeste ;geJt], Leicester
Square [,leste ;skwee], Sloane Square [,slewn ;skwee], Borough [;bvre], Bank [b+nk], Brixton [;brJksten], Hyde Park [,haJd
;pB:k], St James’s Park [sent ,dgeJmzJz ;pB:k], Hyde Park Corner [,haJd ,pB:k ;kc:ne]

2. III. Není zmíněno: Central Line

3. Plán londýnského metra viz příloha: Mapy.

3. I. kazeta: …Just go down the Northern Line to Leicester Square – look, that’s here, so you’ll have to go down this way,
via Tottenham Court Road – and then change for the Piccadilly Line. That’s here. Then it’s just two stations to Hyde Park
řešení např.:
a) There are various ways of getting to St Paul’s from here. You can take the Jubilee [;dgu:bJli:] Line to Bond Street, let’s
say, and change there for the Central Line to St Paul’s, or you can take the Bakerloo [,beJke;lu:] Line from here and change
onto the Central Line at Oxford Circus.
b) It’s quite simple. Go south along the Victoria Line and change at Victoria (that’s the station after this one) for either
the Circle Line or the District Line, which will take you directly to Tower Hill.
c) Start your journey on the District Line and change for the Piccadilly Line. You can do that at various stations, but it’s
best to change before you leave Earl’s Court [,§:lz;kc:t], because after that the trains go in various directions and you don’t
want to go to Wimbledon [;wJmblden] or Kensington [;kenzJnten]! The Piccadilly Line will take you to Heathrow. If you
get on a through train to Uxbridge [;vksbrJdg] instead of the airport you will have to change again at Acton [;+kten] Town.

4. I. achieve [e;t/i:v] dosáhnout; attempt [e;temt] pokus, snaha; documentary [,dbkje;menterJ] (televizní) dokument;
network [;netw§:k] síť; period [;pJerJed] období, doba

Pozn.: Tečka v internetových adresách se čte dot [dbt].

Geoff Marshall [,dgef ;mB:/l]

Jack Welsby [;welzbJ]

Guinness [;gJnJs]

108 Time to Talk 3, lekce 12

5. bucket kbelík – citizen občan – drizzle mrholit; mrholení – expression výraz – print tisknout – spit plivat; prskat;
poprchávat – term termín

6. UNIGEQUE queueing – HORSEW shower – ICEBERDS describe – ALEGGUNA language – DAIRYTONIC dictionary –
TENVAMPE pavement – BARBYPOL probably – ROWPOUND downpour – DUANOTICE education – BLUEMARL umbrella

6. I. řešení, 6. II. kazeta:

We all know what English-speakers say when little drops of water fall out of the sky on grey days, don’t we? Yes, of course
we do.
We’re QUEUEING at the bus-stop. (How strange! In Britain we queue for the bus!) The first few drops come down.
“It’s raining,” someone says.
“Let’s hope it’s just a SHOWER,” says another person in the queue.
The sky is very, very grey.
“A shower?” says a third. “No way! It’s going to pour down! In buckets!”
There are perhaps twenty people waiting for the bus, and it wouldn’t be too surprising if each of them used a different
word to DESCRIBE what is now falling through the air. As you can probably imagine, the English LANGUAGE has plenty
of words for the way in which good, old-fashioned H2O comes down from the sky. Look up ‘rain’ in a DICTIONARY of
English synonyms and you’ll see…
When we see those first few drops on the PAVEMENT outside we say it’s spitting. We hope the spitting develops into
a light shower and nothing more.
But the rain starts falling in big, heavy drops, and before long it’s pouring down. Pouring with rain. In rather untechnical
terms we might say it’s coming down in buckets, or bucketing down. A technical type, on the other hand, would
PROBABLY rather say it’s falling in sheets. If we’re feeling very informal we might well say it’s chucking it down (to
‘chuck’ is to ‘throw’). And of course there are those of us who would use words not quite polite enough to print here.
The rain gets heavier and heavier, until in the end it’s teeming down. Yes, absolutely teeming with rain. We haven’t had
such a DOWNPOUR in years. Look – you can’t even see as far as the end of the garden! It’s falling in torrents. It’s lashing
If there’s one phrase the British don’t use when they’re talking about the weather, though, it’s ‘raining cats and dogs’.
I often wonder why the expression is taught to students of English all over the world when, as a forty-two-year-old British
citizen and language teacher with a university EDUCATION, I can safely say I don’t think I have ever heard or seen it –
except in foreign textbooks of English!
Anyway, I’ll have to finish here. I’m teaching in half an hour. Today’s lesson is ‘Climate and the Weather’ – as you’d
probably already guessed. Funnily enough, it looks like I’m going to be needing my UMBRELLA today. It’s only a light
drizzle, but… Oh, yes, that’s one I forgot…

6. II. řešení: a) dnešní hodina – today’s lesson b) zanedlouho – before long c) čím dál tím silněji prší – the rain gets heavier
and heavier d) po celém světě – all over the world e) a nic víc – and nothing more f) s vysokoškolským vzděláním – with
a university education g) jsou mezi námi tací, kteří – there are those of us who h) vyhledat – look up i) dalo by se říct – we
might (well) say j) Kdepak! – No way! k) až nakonec – until in the end l) až na konec – as far as the end (of)

6. III. např.: a) Firstly, we can say that it’s spitting, which describes the lightest type of rain or the moment when it begins
to rain. Other expressions that describe heavier rain are pouring down, bucketing down, teeming down and lashing
down. The last two describe rain that is very heavy and falls in torrents. b) Např. pršet – cedit, lít, lít jak z konve, krápat;
déšť – sprška, přeprška, přeháňka, slejvák, liják, lijavec, průtrž mračen atd. c) Rain that ‘comes down in buckets’ is very
heavy and probably falls in large drops. I would imagine it makes quite a lot of noise. A shower is usually when it rains
lightly and for just a short time, as it often does in the spring, for example. Drizzle is light, misty rain with very small
drops, and it’s usually very quiet. d) The author of the text probably tells her students that the expression is hardly ever
used by English-speakers and advises them not to use it too often.

7. Poznámka. Mezi odpověďmi na otázku by mohly být například oblíbené pokrmy a nápoje (chocolate, ‘svíčková’ sauce…)
a další pojmy abstraktní (love, time, credit for my mobile…) i konkrétní (pocket money, photos of my favourite singer…).

8. I. a) afore [e;fc:] – before c) birdies – little birds e) gae – go, walk f) glen [glen] – valley h) ken [ken] – know i) nae
[neJ] – no(t) j) ’twas – it was m) wont to – used to n) ye [ji:] – you

Lomond [;lewmend]

bonnie [;bbnJ]

brae [breJ]

Time to Talk 3, lekce 12 109

8. II. např.: 1. By those pretty banks and hills, where the sun shines brightly on Loch Lomond, where my true love and
I were always used to walking on the pretty banks of Loch Lomond.; chorus: Oh, you’ll take the high road and I’ll take
the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland before you. But my true love and I will never meet again on the pretty banks of Loch
Lomond.; 2. It was there that we left one another, in that shady valley on the steep side of Ben Lomond, where we looked
at the deep purple colour of the highland hills and the moon coming out in the evening.; 3. The little birds sing and the
wild flowers grow, and the waters sleep in the sunshine. But the broken heart knows no spring, although sad people
might stop crying.

Poznámka. Ben Lomond je název hory. Srov. Ben Nevis [,ben ;nevJs], nejvyšší hora Velké Británie. Slovo beann v gaelštině
znamená vysoká hora.

Studenti se též mohou pokusit najít gramatickou chybu v refrénu (me and my true love – tj. užité me jako podmětu

9. I. a) second verse b) third verse c) first verse

110 Time to Talk 3, lekce 12

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