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We all have made difficult decisions that were hard for us, but many of us made the right

decision and now we don’t regret it. I had to make a decision to continue playing water polo, or to
quit, because of a serious injury.

First of all, I play water polo, I have been playing it since I was little. I wanted to make it
onto the national water polo team. I trained every day, until I was at water polo training camp. I woke
up one night feeling sick, my head was spinning and I couldn’t walk straight, I ended up throwing up
multiple times and I went straight to the hospital. It turned out I had cecum disorder and it needed a
surgery. Fortunately everything went well and I was feeling okay, but the doctor told me that it was
better for my body to rest for a couple of months, but that meant I couldn’t train anymore.

Some people would have quit, but I just couldn’t throw away my dream of playing for the
national club, so I didn’t lose hope and continued chasing my dream. I trained and trained but not
that intensely, because I didn’t want to cause any more damage to my body, but still I just couldn’t
lay down and wait. Now I am fourteen years old and I have been training harder since that day, now I
am at a better club, I never give up and I am always ready to make decisions like this in the future.

In conclusion, we all had difficult times and we all had to make hard decisions, but in the end
if you don’t give up and keep working hard at your best you will never regret your decisions. Have
you ever made difficult decisions?

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