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Suhaila Alrashdi


Writing Revision

Grade 8 General

2023-2024 Term 1

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi
Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

5- Paragraph Essay Structure

1.Hook sentence: The %irst sentence should grab the reader's attention.
For example: An Amazing fact, a question or statistic.
2.Background informa<on: information that the reader needs before
reading on. After your hook sentence, related to your topic, naturally
%lows into thesis, 2-3 sentences.
3.Thesis statement: Tell the reader the main ideas of your next

Main Topic 1
1.Suppor/ng detail 1
2.Suppor/ng detail 2
3.Suppor/ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence
Main Topic 2
1.Suppor/ng detail 1
2.Suppor/ng detail 2
3.Suppor/ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence
Main Topic 3
1.Suppor/ng detail 1
2.Suppor/ng detail 2
3.Suppor/ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence
1.Restate thesis statement: Reminds your readers of the main idea and
2. Restate Main Ideas: It recaps the key points that support the thesis.
3. Call-to-Ac<on: It encourages readers to take a speci%ic action, change
their views, or think more deeply about the essay's topic.
Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi
5- Paragraph Essay Structure

1.Hook sentence
Introduc)on 2.Background informa6on
3.Thesis statement

Main Topic 1
1.Suppor<ng detail 1
2.Suppor<ng detail 2
3.Suppor<ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence

Main Topic 2
1.Suppor<ng detail 1
Body 2.Suppor<ng detail 2
3.Suppor<ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence

Main Topic 3
1.Suppor<ng detail 1
2.Suppor<ng detail 2
3.Suppor<ng detail 3
4.Closing sentence

1.Restate thesis statement

Conclusion 2. Restate Main Ideas
3. Call-to-Ac<on
Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi
Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

"Final example Topics"

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

The Importance of Learning a Second Language

Learning a second language is like a magic key that opens doors to new friendships, cultures,
and knowledge. In our world today, knowing a second language isn't just a hobby; it's really
important. Technology has made our world smaller, connec/ng us with people from all over.
Being bilingual or mul/lingual is a valuable skill. In this essay, we will explore the importance
Introduc)on of bilingualism and its posi/ve impact on our lives, career prospects, as well as its role in
enriching our understanding of the history and culture of different countries.

Why Speaking Two Languages Is Important. Firstly, helps us talk to people from different
places and understand them beMer. It makes the world feel smaller. Also, it helps us get beMer
Body 1 jobs and do well in our careers because we can work with more people. Moreover, it lets us
enjoy books, movies, and music from different countries. It's like having a passport to explore
the world through words. So, speaking two languages isn't just a skill; it's like a special key
that connects us with others, boosts our careers, and adds more colors to our lives.

How Learning a Second Language Helps Your Career. Learning a second language opens more
job opportuni/es. Many big companies like it when you can talk to people in different
languages because they have customers all over the world. Also, knowing another language
Body 2 can let you work in different countries, which can be an exci/ng part of your job. Plus, it
makes you stand out to employers. In some jobs, speaking two languages is like having a
special skill that makes you more valuable than other job candidates. Learning a second
language isn't just about words; it's about more job possibili/es in a big world.

How Learning another Language helps us understand different countries' history and culture.
Learning another language helps us explore different countries' history and culture. For
Body 3 example, if you learn Spanish, you can discover Spain's rich history and culture. It also lets us
connect with people from other places, making their stories and customs more meaningful.
Plus, it allows us to enjoy books, movies, and music from different cultures, helping us truly
understand their way of life. Learning another language is like a special key that connects us
with others and lets us experience their stories and tradi/ons more deeply.

In conclusion, learning a second language is like a special key that opens doors to new
experiences. It's not just a hobby; it's important in our connected world. It helps us connect
conclusion with people, boosts our job prospects, and deepens our understanding of different cultures.
So, we encourage you to start your language-learning journey. It's a key that can unlock many
exci/ng opportuni/es in your life.
Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

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Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

"Final example Topics"

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

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Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

"Final example Topics"

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

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Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

"Final example Topics"

Mrs. Suhaila Alrashdi

Topic: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






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