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,CO't ~111Q5 C'~r-·'----_ _ __

This 64-page The Lord of The Rings Strategy Battle Game supplement contains
chmplcte rules for fighting sicgts in Middle-eanh. Siege of Gondor introduces
charnclers such as Gothmog. Bercgond and Boromir Captain of the While Tower!
There are also ru les for siege weapons and eight new scenarios con~ring Gondor
and Helm's Deep.You will need a copy oCThe Return of1be King Slmlcgy Bailie
Game in order 10 use mis suppll!mcnL

Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet Boromir, Captain of The

Designed by Tim Adcock & Gary Morley. this boll
conlains 1 Gondur Baltlecry Trebuchet and 3 crew.
White Tower
Designed by Dave TbomIlS. this blister pack
contains I Bommir. Captain orThe White
k1 225.00 Tower. model.
kr 210.00
€ 30.00
Doomsi'll kr 55.00
Sweden kr 65.00
Euro E 8.00
Ore Trackers Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul
Designed by Gal)' Morley. th is blister pad: Designed by Mark Hamson. this blister pack contains
contains 3 Ore Trackers. 1 Gothmog. Lieutenant of Morgul . model.

kr 70.00
kr 80.00
II 10.00

Morannon Orcs
Designed by Alan Pcrry & Michael Perry.
Ihis blister pack conlain$ 3 Morannon Ore models.

Mordor Troll
Designed by Alan Pcrry. th is box
contains II complete Mordor Troll.

Minas Tirith Citadel Guard

Designed by A1:m Perry. Ihis blister pack contains
3 Minas Tirilh Citadel Guard models.

- .
~ C'''?~ _ _. _ _ _._ __ _ __

Mat Ward's scenario finds

Boromir, Faramir and
Beregond, accompanied by
Knights of Gondor, fighting
to stem the tide of an Ore
A The Lo rd of The Rillgs scenario
army bayi ng fo r their blood.

Description of the encircling Orcs and escape to the ruined Points Match:
Osgilinm is safe for the moment. After a long rivernide fort of Amon Muelhor ... Desperate Defence
and I'icious, Boromir'$ leadership lind As well as re·enacting Boromir and
personal Yalour were able to (urn the tide of Participants Deregond's despefllie fight for su rvival, you
Ihe banle driving Gothmog and hi s forces from GOOD can use this scenario 10 ploy otheT '[)eSpefllle
the ruined capiml of Gondor. Though some
Boromi r, Captain of the White Tower (on fOOl) Defence' gumes. If you wam 10 play this
small skinnishes continue around OsgiliDth, Beregond of Gondor (on fnol) game with other forces, c~ a Good forte
Faramir (on horseback )
the region is re latively peaceful once more as of up to 500 points n.nd an Evil force of up to
10 Knights ofGondor 700 points, Each side must include al lea5t
Sauron begins to regather his strength .
2 Gondor Trebuchets with no crew one Hero. 11lc Good force should include
Satisfied wilh the I,IPPllremly stable silll:uion.
Ocrw:lhor m:alls Baromir IQ Minas lirilh two Siege Engi\"les.
Borom;r does nOt carry the B:mner of
leaving Faramir in command of lhe crossings
Minas Ti rith
of the Andui n. LayOut
Less than a day imo hbjoumey. Borumir E Vil. This game is played on a boord 4S"/II2em
diSl:o\'crs thai the lands WCSt of the Anduin are 4 Ore Captains by 48"/112cm. 1be eemflll keep of Amon
not as safe as he hnd thought - he and his 3 Ore Trnckern Maethor is placed in lhe exact centre of tnc
bodyguard nre ambushed without warning. 16 Orcs with hand weapon and shield board (use 3 tower of up to 6"/I4cm in width
Though Ihe Cillldel Guard fight valiaOily. they 16 Orcs with spear to represent the keep) and the walls of the
are overwhelmed by Ihe sh~tr number of their 8 Ore§ with two-handed weapon fort are ~t 6"II4cm aW3Y (rom the tower
foes :md, one by one, the Men of Gondor fall 8 Orcs with Ore bow (see map). Four wooden walkways eross
unlil only Doromir and BelTgond remain alive. 4 Warg Riders with shield and throwing spear from the castle wol1s to doorways sct into the
Pushing their luck and skills 10 the limil. 4 Warg Riders with Ore bow w~l1s nf lhe. kCC'lp -they hAve II I)crence

Boro01ir and Beregond to break free 2 Mordor Trolls Value of 6 nnd 2 Baller Poinls as they are
supported by ropes lind are fairly easy to
collapse. The only other way inlo the tower
is through II doorway at its base. There is an
opening lilt lenst 4"IIOc1l1 wide) in the OUler
wall which once housed a fortress gate - the
gate is so rotted and decayed that it can no
longer be fastened. lhe remainder of tite
board should be covered with rubble and
overgrown \'egetation.

n,e /WQ
,, Starting Positions
,, The Good player deploys Borumir in the
dl'p/q)'w ,, ccnU'e of the ruined gateway (he h."lS JUSt
wuchUl8 1 attenlptoo to push the doors shUI but they have

I- proved beyond usc or rqxLir) and Bcregood at
~______ Kfep E~J!:~I_
Gateway . on iheopposite castle wall. The twO
8orom;rtl1'/ flys l TrehllChel~ are deployed anywherc within the

e 8
, ~here
0IId tkplqys
this >11,1/
waUs of the fort. but 31 least 12"I28cm apart.
Faramir and the Knights art kept in reserve
wwJ may be uvailable Inter in the game,
,: 6~114cm The Evil player then deploys his entire
force (with the exception of the Ore Tracke~
wlln and Mordor Trolls) anywhere on the board,
Outside of the fon, the Evil models should
be deployed atleasl 6"/I4cm away from the
wnll s nnd nny Good model. l1le Trackel1l are
- - -- - - -- - Il.fIlkway then deployed :mywhere within the waUs,
but no closer than 3"l8cm to any Good
model. The Evil player then deploys the
• Trolls so that their base!l are toochi ng the
keep and that they are within 6"/I4cm of
each other.
1lle Evil pl(lyer win, if he ITIl!rlllaes 10 kill
two of the Ihree Good Heroes before the E"il
force is nlduced to 25<;1 0( leu. lOw: 10
do this. the Good player wins.

Special Rules
Awoken : The Troll~ in this 'lCCmuio ha\C:
been awoken from slumber Dad Will (lnad:
whoever oonil:S 1;\Q\c. To replI:.IC!ltlhis, these
Trolls IInl comrolled by the pID)cr who has
Priority. In uktly the SlIme way as Gollum-
lhough lhe Trolls will never willingly movc
6"II4em lIWD)' from each o\h(r. If playing a
pomlS nmleh gamc. the IWO most expensive
models on the Evil force will Ulke 100 plnee
of tile Mordor Trolls.

Rei llro":~ nlen lSl

Farnmlr hlt.l learned of Ihe
(lmbush and riding 10 80romir'~ aid with
aU speed. From the foul1h lurn onwards. lhe
Good plu)'er may ro ll :I D6 to !lee if FlU1lmir
has arrh·ed. On a roll of 4+. Farnmir's group
(all the Good model~ that were nOi deplo)'ed
althe Siun of the iunw:) moVtS onto w
board from I luble edge of the Good
player's choice.

The Trebuchets: 'The Trebtlcheti rowe bc:c:n

leflloaded.. mak ing It \~f) ~itnple to fire a
~ingle shot al the incoming Orei. Each
Trebuchct ean only be finld (JIII:e. but can be
fired by a ~ingle model (rather than the usual
\"''0) in addition, both Bommer and 8eregond
coont as Engi~ captam~ for the PUrpIbCS
of this scenario.

Crum blin g Walls: The wal1~ of Amon

Moethor are ,ufficiently decayed that lhey
can be scaled u5ing the nOl'm.ll ro les for
cli mbi ng.

= •
The valiant warriors of
Minas TIrith, led by Alessio
Cavatore, defend Minas TIrith
against Mat Ward's forces of
Evil. For a change this month
the players have decided to
use the Points Match rules to A Siege qfGo,u1or Battle Repot1
select their forces.
final defen<:e$ of Minas TInth have Up 10 three Evil Waniors may be gh"ell D tho: first circle of Minns lirith. The outer edge

TI follen. and 00111 (lnly the city ilsclf

slands between Sauron aud the dawn of
a new age where he is the dominlUll power. In
b.1l1ner. The Evil force may also include up \0
8 Siege Ladders, Z Siege Towers and
I Baltering Ram.
of the wall fa\!cs onto a mora.~s of tn:m::hc.~ and
siege works (the Pelennor i~lr i~ featureles~
to allow a clear field of fire).
these fin~1 hours of Ihe siege it is Gandalf
who saves Minas liritll from doom. Wherever LAYOUT STARTING POSITIONS
he strides, hope is renewed and SlIength The scenario is played on a board 4S"/ 112cm TIle Good player deploys his entire fon:c on 01"
redoubled. and withoul his presence the tity by 48"/1 I Zcm. The OUler wall of Minas Ttrith behind lhe walls of Minas lililh. When the
would Iuwe fallen swiftly. TIle walls of Mina~ is made of stone nnd stretches across the board Good player has finished deploying, the Evil
lilith are slrong and while mtn still d~rend 12"I2Scm in from the southern table edge. The playcr may deploy his entire foree up 10
them no cnemy can prevail. but fear is a inner edge of the wall faces onto the streets of 18"/42tm from the oorthern table edge.
weapon the Witch.king long ago mastered.
Even as the phy.ieal siege progresses, the
Caplain of Morgul assails lhe beans and souls
of his foe, Though n~ither side realises iI, this
final assault will detcnnlne the fate of
Gondor. If the city holds for long enough. the
Rohinim will nrrh'c to break the siege and
hope will be snatched from the clutches of
despair, If the city falls, Thb:Kk:n and his
warriors wm arrive in lime 10 gaze upon the
roin of Gondor.

G:mdalf the White
4 Citadel Guard with spear
4 Citadel Guard with longbow
4 WarriOl'5 of Minas TIrith with shield
4 Warrio~ of Mioas TIrith with spear and
4 Warnors of tI,·finlls lirith with bow
2 Baltlec!')' Trebuehets with three crew each
2 Avenger Bolt Throwers with twO crew each
Up to three Good Warriors may be gh'en a

The Witch·king of Angmor
Ciolhmog. Lieutenant of Morgul
I Ore Shaman
16 Morannon Orcs with spear and shield
8 Orc$ with hand weapon tmd shield
S Orcs with spear
4 Om; with Ore bow
4 Orcs with two·handed weapon
2 Mordor Trolls
I Mordor Catapult with three Ore crew and
one Troll
1 Mordor Siege bows with two Orc crew each
4 Ore Trackers
The game lasts far 12 turns. The Evil player Rohan hIlS Com e! From the sbllh IUrn POINTS MATCH:
wins if he has 16 or more models 011 01" onwards. LIle Good player 1lUl)' roll 11 D6 althe GRAND SIEGE
behind Ihe wall. Of has achieved two out of start of his Move pbasc. If a 6 is rolled. the As well as re-enacting the siege of Mi nas
the following three objecth'e~ III the end of Roh irri m have arrived and the Witch-king Tirith you can use this scenario 10 play
any tum: leaves 10 confronllhis new threat - remove him other 'Gmnd Siege' games. If you want
• Gaooalf has been slain. from playas if he wcre a casualty. 10 pIa)' this game with Other fon;e~.
• The Good force has been reduced to 25% choose u Good force of up to 750 points
or less of itS sinning numbers. The t' lna! nallie. '11te defcnders have resigned and an Evil force of up to !.OOO points.
• The. Evil player has 8 or more models on or themselves \0 this Inst. near-hopeless banle and Each side must include at least one Hero.
behind the wall. are now beyond feut. whilst lhe uunckers are so The Evil force mil)' include a single
If the Evil player does not achieve his victory numerous Ihey gi ve no heed to their losses. Battering Ram. two Siege Towers. and up
con ditions hefon: the gllffiC tllds. [he Good Nei ther Good nor Evil models take Courage to one ladd~'T for every ten models
player wins. teSt$ for their force being reduced 10 half (rounding up) in the force.
strength in Ihis scenario.

1~·/ 1I2(m
• •

£l'iI deploymell t Wile

__ ______ ____l __ ______ ___ ___ ____________ ___________________ _______ ___ _________ ___________ _____ ___ _

• - =
Mal Ward: Finally! efficient troops available 10 an IISpi ring Evil §tttled upon H pair of Mordor War Campulls-
Aftcr R linle over a year lenera!. Unfortunatcly I dlliCOl'ered thai we one with 1\ Troll for utra effCCli\'ene,~~, With
and live bank reports only hale eilhl Montnnoo Orcs in the Studio my poinl$ rapidly runn ing out. I ~iII hud to
leadmg the- forces of III'ITI)', so 1 had to look clse\\ here 10 fill oot my buy some Ueroc~ 10 lead my force - . role
Good (IO .somewhat force . I dIdn't hal'e 10 lool fir - what wc lack more lhDn adequately filled by 1..... 0 Easterling
mixed SucttiS. in Morannon Orcs. we easIly make up for in Captains and one named ehanlcter. ShagraL
admittedly ) I now Easterlings. While not 1$ Strong 1'1' the L.ast of all. J m:roited • handful of Mordor
finally sel 10 flex my MOI'1Innon On:s. Easterling wamon slill ha ve On;s and sotm: extra crew for my Clltllpulti..
m~les wilh the two lhin~s to recommcnd them: heavy armour. A$ far as tactics WCnt, I decided to eschew
Mal Ward
insidiou~ fortes of and shield~. Wilh tw~my f'.a~ terlings drafted II mas~iI'e escalade ~~nult in f:lI'oor of Siege
Saumn. Some might $II)' this de5un1 into imo m)' army. thing s were stllfling to look Towers. I \\'oold spliltllY Easlcrhngs in two ~nd
unboullded \'i!1ainy is I dira1 re;ull of Senina decidedly promiSing. What I needed next was ass,,,,
each group to I Siege Tower on ei~r
AJIIgorn killed the lasllime 1 played in I baule some muscle - thl s was provided in the shape flank. The Uruk-bai would take the tniddle
repon - allhough al leasl one. of my collcague!> of two masSive Mordor Trolls and a handful of road. heading sm ight for the gate. hefting a
mainlains thaI the roc !.CI In IonS before that. Mordor Unlk-haL With approx imau:ly tWO Balttring Ram as tbey \\'ent. M) rcmaimng
Either wa)'. I'm lookinll forward to marshalling thirds of my paims Spc.m. I decided that J troOps. in the $hapc ofOn:.s and Morannon
the annies of Morder. If$ gOOd 10 be Evil. needed to makc sure thm I included a few siege Orcs, would grub lIS many IlIdl.lcn as they could
Unlike (>fCvious The Lord of The Rings engines, After much um-ing Mod an-ing, I carry. Lei the siege begin!
baule repol1s (wllcrc we' I'e pla)'cd OUI a
scenario precisely 115 wrinen) In !his C~
Alessio and I decided 10 playa IJoints MilIch
• g Unlk -}ull ........ .. .. ............ 80
blIsed on 'The Siege of Minas 1'irith· scenario Heroes
from Siege of Gondor. As the aux-ker, Ihis
gal'c me a whopping 1.000 poinls to play
• S_, ..............................S> o 8 Morannon Oru ........ , ........ 12

DrotlIId with. Given that mo~t 'lCC nari~ tend to " 2 Easterling Ctlpmins ............ 110 8 Orc$ ............................ .48
work around 500 poinls Of less, Ihis equaled 10 I Mordor CUlUpull {2 c~tfll crew)IOO
rolher a 101 of l roop~ 10 plbY around wi!h - bur Troops
..... hatlO field? FllSt choice had to be as man)' 1 Monlof Catapult
• 10 Easterling (Miield) ............ 80
!l1orannon Orcs as I could Ily my l'IarIds on, (Troll & I eXIra crew) ......... 185
Wi!h a hearty Stn::nglh of" and equipped ..... ith • 10 Easterling (ihield & spear) ...90
2 Mordor Troll .................. 180
heavy armour. shield, and spear for II mere 9
po;nu, lhese creatures are ahout the most




' - ' - - - -- I-W

- IL-L- N-O-T- L-E-T- r- H-E-w
- H-I-r-E-C-I-r-Y-FA-L-L- - - ---l i :::~~=:::i;;;:):2:
Alessio Canl lore: their feelings in the quiet before the storm as
GlI.I1lblf. il tIad 10 be they pupate to gi"e their livcs in the defCl'l!:e _ 8 Cilllllel Guard (bow) ............ 80
Gandalf! I rnmcmber of the White Ci ty. 1 wanted then 10 include one
• 8 Citadel Guard (spear) .........72
the fantaStic description each of me new Wilt Enllilll:s: a Trebuchct 10
in !he book of how the smash those Siege Towcrt 10 snlllhc:n:cni and • 8 Wl\trion of Minas Tinm
pn".'ioCnce of the White an A"cnger Bolt Thrower to mow down l1IIy (shield 8:: spear) .................. n
Rider is tbe only thi ng enemies going for my gate. 'The rest of my
thut keeps the points "" ould be spen t on Wanion of ~l inas Ij) 4 Warriors of
beleaguered defcnders Tirith and, most impottamly. on Ci tadel Guard. Minas 1irith (bow) ............... 32
Alessio CII ~a t ore
of Minas lirim (rom
total despair. Onl)' GandDlf's aura tan countCT
'These guy)' Fight "alur of 4 is v,tal for beati ng
Orcs and wterli ngs in combat and to at least
Ij) 1 ~'arrior .of
MlllasTinth (banner} ............ 32
the shadow of terror cnst on the wllflion of
Gondor by the NugQI. I dtxided mat Gandalf
the White w()U1d Icad my force and. 11\\1)5
drJw fil!hts ngainsl the I1lISty Mordor Urllk-luli.
I made wre tlult a third of my force was made
of art:hers. IOihieh art: viUlI in siege lIames 10 tty
.I· 1 Boll Throwcr
bwift reload & I extta crew) ...97
thi nking of the book. 1 incl uded Pippin and and reduce the numbers of the cne my as they
........................ 100
Beregond - J st ill remember vividly the covcr !he open ground to re3l:h thc wmlls. And
depteling lhoi;e IWO on the wall!>. Ullkmg about now. may the grate of the Valar protl'tl \IJl!

• = - •
As Ihe Good side had 10 sel up firs!. Alessio had 10
~preud his defenders acros~ the width of the
battlements. On the right nank of the walls.
8en:gond led Msmall COIltingcnl of w1llT'ion;. one
with I)peat and 11'.'0 ~Ilh bows and a single
Citadel Guardsman with spear. In the tellln',
Glltldalf marshalled the defence atop the g:uehouse
nanked by Citadel Guard bowmen. It Warrior of
Minas lirilh Wilh ::I Bal1l1cr. and an Avenger 8011
TIlfQWer. Pippin. the lasl of the Good I~ erocs. look
command of the left nMnk of Ihe caSlle. supponed
by more spearmen and Citadel Guard. To pre\'cnt 0o1
0 0
it blocking access across the wall. the Trebuchel 0
....s deployed behilld the ,sturd) bulv.lIrh. forcing o 0
it 10 rely on relayed t!lrteling information from the
defenders who h:id a clear ,-iew of the enemy.
Finally, Alessio spread his renUlining U'OOp$ e~enly
acmu and bl: hind lhe breadlh of the waiL
In ~ponse 10 the evenly spread defenders.
Mal deployed his fon:e across the frontage of Ihe
banlcfield. Oo the extreme of either nlUlk, a Sie~
Tower - cre... ed by Eastcrlinp. and led by an
Easterling Captain - was forttd into position by a
huge Mordor Troll. In the cenln:. Shagr:u hlm$elf
dil'('Cled hi~ enlOUtllge of Uruk-hlli as they prep.vcd
10 allllCk the gate with a BOlltling RIIlll (in ocUlal
fact. a statue laken fwm the outer deFences of the
Ranunas wall). Bet ...-een the Uruk·Jtaj and each
Siege To_r lUI Buxk ladder was deployed. the
one to Shagnl', left ,nanlled by Mordor Ores.
... bile lheone to his n,ht was much ~ TM Qrmits ClSstmble.
dangerous - eight mas~h'e and healily-armourcd
Morannon Orcs wou ld use this one 10 assault lhe
round outlhe assault Force, IWO To gel full U.<;e OUI of l Sie{!e Tower. Mal
nceded 10 have \lamon on lop. read) to
charge the enemy - in this case an
night fell, a blood-curdling roar Easterling CapUlin and three more
uUlICkers - Easlcrlings. The. ool}' problem with Ihi) is
Ihat it mak~ the to .... er beavie!" and much
h4rder 10 propel towards the hauleme:ntS
To counter this. Mal chose 10 do:ploy a
Mordor Troll wllh eD~h lower. Su~h is the
Mrength of lhel;e hul king erelU ure~ Ihut
I they count as ,<;(\I'eral models for the
purposes of JlU<;hing a Siege Tower.
Tile df'jf'llllt!rs 0/ Minas 1irllll rtady fhemse/" ts /or Ilrt as.roull.

TURN ONE TURN TWO Mordor CltapullS once Jll()n! pro\ed to be

A~ !he aUlICkcl'll 5Urged towards Ihe Evil stOic Priority from the Good side tblS deadly - although Lhi~ time, a shot aimed at
battlements of the belclIglICIl'd 1'o.... er of tum with n decisi~e roll of 6, and once more Gandulf $Canered 0 1110 011C of hi~ fellow
Guard. the dcfendel'lo rt'adied their weupuns Mat's forces continued their steady trek to the defenders. ironically onc of the Citadel Guard
IIIKI prepared for the light of their lives. castle wIII$. As they did so, all the Citadel who had ducked 1n10 CO\et. and s\e.,.. him
~ing 10 allow his opponenl's plan to full)' Guard with spears chose to dock behind the instead. In retaliation. the Avcnger and thc
reveal it.o.elr heron: ~uuctunng bis defenshe walls to proIcct thcmo;eh't'lI fmm the bowmen StrUCk OUt at the incoming horde.
posture. Alcs~io con!l~n1ed hLmself wilh hviug incoming Catapult fire. With the crew of the ml1llDging 10 cull an Uruk-hai. a Moru.nnon
Gandalf CllSt TrrriJ),ing Allro. which he did Baw:rinl Ram now in mnge. Gandatf chose On.:. IUId two Mordor Orcs from their numbers.
II lthoul difficulty. In respomc:. the attackers to cast U/lirnau $orct'roUJ Hiusl into !heir FilUllly. Alessio directed the TrebuehellO hurl
surged directly fOl'Wanis IOwartJ.oi the walls. rnilht. kilhng one and. more importantly, its burden at the distant Sicge Tower once
Seemg the danger posed by having two SieSC knocking enough of the Others to the ground more. This lime, it WIl$ on target bul failed 10
Towers COf)I'cll!e upon his defcllCe5. Gandalr to force the rest to drop their burden. TIle wound the massi"t constrtK:tion.
called out instructions to the Trebuctlel. With B
groan of strained wood IUId mew1. the
cooslJUl:tion hurled its payload lowardS the By the leuer o f the rules.
more di~Uln1 of the 111'0 towers, bullheir lIim U/limllle Sorcerous 81lw
Wit' slightly off and the boulder went astray. In propels its target direcdy away
a second altCnlpt \0 hall tIM: prQ&TeSS of the from Gandalf, which really
Siege Tower, the Alcnger &11 Thrower If1CI1IlS that if hc is higher up
opc'ned up, but despite scoring fin: hits. II than hili I1Irget . the unfonun:uc
m:lnaged only II. single wound, The volley of creature gets knocked inl o the
lire from the bowmen pml'ed \0 be more ground nnd h not knocked
slICccssful. pitching one MOfdor Ore and an backwards into l1Ily other
Urut· hal hfelw InlO the mud. 1lIe relUm lire models. Ho.... t .·cr, aftcr _ bit of
from Mafs catapults wru; ~Iy cheated b) considerotion it WI! dtcidcd to
the stone wnlls of Minll.'llirith, but one fateful allow the spell to knock ilS
bou lder smashed into tht hap'es~ Gondor I1Irgtt backwards but at half the
lbnncr Bcan:r, Iweeping bis puherised corpse nOTnUlI i
from !he battlements,
TURN THREE the Mordor Orcs carrying the Siegc Ladder, standing up In prcpamuon of ~tormjng the
Priority returned to the Good side this lum. and killing two - the~ we~ still enough to c:\rry walls the following tum Even the Monnnon
..... ith ittne chance to prepare for the imminent the ladder at half sptcd, but it wOllld take them Orcs were able to bnng their ladder into
a~Slnl lt. TIle Citadel Guardsmen Mood up once another tum to reach the wnlli. The rest of the OOlllkt with the willi :tnt.!. seeing this. Shagr:u
more and readied thcmsehes. MC3Jlllhile. Evil force did ItOt hal'c this problem lind with u abartdoncd lIis fellow Uruk·hai to tllcir struggle
Gandalf bought Ikregond some more limc by hollow Ihump, the two Siege Towcl'5 crunched witlltile BUllerin g Rom and hcaded for the
unlea~hing :m Ultimate Sorc:m}Jfs 8/ost into in10!he .....-aUS. the Easterling,s atop them ladder. In the IiMI ,olley 111m they would gCI
before the Il'>SIluh began in earne~t. the
defender!. manllged to cullonothcr two MordOl'
Orcs from lhe lIU1CLCfl:i "'1m bov. fire. ",hil~1
the Bolt Thro,,"er slICCC:Ssfully scored a wound
on the Batterin, Ram. lbe T~buehet missed
once rl1OI'e. lIS did the Mordor Catapults.

A S Priority remalncd with the Good side this
lum. S hugnll u_o;e/l a poinl of Might 10 declare II.
heroic mol'c. currying him to the lOp of the
tlCurby ladder before the defenders could cast it
doWn. As a Ciladel Guard spearman leapt 0010
the Siege To.....-er - Pippin tried 10 join him. but
his shott kg\ mwlll1cd !he effon -
sommoned anuthcr UI/U'fll" Sar«fVUS BiasI
into the unfonunale UroL·hai manhandling the
Ballering Ram, but Ihi~ time:tl the cost or two
point.'i of Mi~t The COM was weU ....onh it
ho .... nCT. With nnOlher Uruk·hai slain. and t",o
1lI0re kllOCLed 10 the ground - the Baltering
.£ --


RIUTI dropped beside them once more. As play

passed to Mat, the Easterlin8" charged into the
mn"s of the defenders, while below, their toil
willi the Sie8e To..... ers ended. the Trolls headed
towards the. gate. With the E&terlings on the
willis, lhe defending archers elected 10 pollr
their fire Into this new threat, but thouSh many
hilS w~!IC«elJ, the .....ell<rnrted armour of the
forl'ign .....arriors eheated the Men of Gondor of
any kills. The Trebuthel was able to soon: a hit
on the flU" Siege To, btu once man: failed to
do any damage. though the A\'enger Bolt
Thro"er did ha\'e IIl()re ILlek. ruinS I ~illile
shot lIIat ~Iew another Mordor Ore. The return
fire from the Ore Catapults was largely
thwlrU!d by the parapet5 of the walls. ho.....e\·cr
• single lucky silo! managed to crush I "my
crewman for the Avenger. With the .\lackers
IIOwon the walls. brouaJ hllnd·to-hand combat
nlged on the left :md nshl Oanks oflne
defences· In OOth cases. single Cil&del Guard
spearman was struck down by the elegant
precision of lin Easterling Captain, though on
the defender's right Oank an Easterling was
killed in e~change. Mean"hile, Slutgrat
managed to best his opponent and. though it
COSt him hb remaining MiShtto do~. s\nICk
him do..... n and took hi ~ place upon the waUs. "S purpoJe wilh the Siege Tm.~r folfilled. the Troll heads for the-gate.

- _.
, r ~E I

. ~
• !
_ I •

T~ mi"I"JU 0/ Stumm rampage m'rrI$1 the li'aiLs.

TURN NINE Easterlings once 111Of'e enabled Mat 10 pre\'ail targets ~ nWJn!:, as did the handfu.l of archeR
Good mana,ed 10 acquire Priority lhi1 tum, in most of the fights, the armour orQondor with UlTIetJ. Meantime, the A\'enger managed
and Mal had his Easterling Captain on the Cbealed him of his kills. and the skill of the to justif) liS prc5C!nce in a single round. spining
defenders' ri&ht flank call a heroic roo~ in an CiL3dc:1 Ouardsmen added another dead OUt six $hots IU1d managing to kill one of the
atttmpt \0 maintain the initiative. BUI at !hi! Easterling 10 the: butcher's bill. In the space of Trolls by the Bate and wounding !he Other! !n
Ea.nerling! on the right flank s.... armed O\'er the D single lum. Alessio's fortes had managed to the Fisht phase, the Eastcrlin& Captain bthind
dcrcrKler& once more, on the left nank :motheT tum the game 1IJl)UlI(!. the wall was finally ovcrv.hehned, suffcring a
U/,inrlJlr Scrr:II"OUI BIaSI from Gandalr bowled tOlal of six wou.nd~1 The fon:es of Good did
twO Easterlings to the gI'OImd, c\"cn as IWO TURN TEN not fare so well else.... hcrc however, liS the
CitOOcI Guard managed to push the Mornnnoll As fighting became aJlthe more desperate. Mat remaining Troll finally mMaged to damage the
Ores' ladder away from the wall. II seemed lhal managed to secure Priority this tum lind, liS tile gllle - wors.e yet, the remaining two defenders
the defenders' luck had tinally changed as, in Moranoon Orcs picked their ladder up again. on the right nanL were O\'crv.'helmed and
the Shoot phase.. !he Trebuchet managed to the Easterlings on the right nank engaged the 5laughtcrul by the Eal.lerling1.
land a shot on the: remaining CaUlpult. causing remaining dcfendc:rs. On the left nank. the
two 8at~r Points damage. while the attackCB scattered II.S best they could. TURN ELEVEN
Avenger and. bowman each managed 10 kill minimising their vulncrubility to Gandalrs With the game nearly O'o'Cr Priority returned 10
llIOIhcr Uruk-hai. and I Citadel Guard's arm ....' Ultimnte SoTr"~rous 8/ast. This seemingly was the Good side, tbou&h they were now short 011
managed 10 pierce the armour of an Easterlina. I wi~ move. as only a singlc Ealiterlin& was troops to ma~;mllil: on their fortul1C. 11J05C
Convcr5C'I). and even wim eJ\:U"lI. crew (O blasltd, and though he survived, the WWTior of defendeD able 10 do so threw themselves at the
supplement its efficiency. the Mordor Calapul! Minas Tirith he was propelled into WIIS IlOl so foe. ..... ith what reser\'es remained rushing to the
mOMged 10 miss with both shots. As the Fight fortl,IIIIJ.1c. As the Easterling Captnin behind the right flank, Fonunntcly for .he Evil side.
pllase dIlwncd, Ihe IWO Mordor Trolls failed. wall was se t upon by no less thon silt; Glllldalf'$ U/tiflW/1l Sorr:~roJjS Blast failed to
yel again. to nlllke any imprenion upoo the defcnden, the Shoot pfutsc began, BOIh the wotk once IIWln:, for with Gandalf still Dlhc
81Ut. Meanwhile, though the sheer numben of Trcbuchel and MonJor Catapult mis~ their and the defendefS .)till flU" abo\'e a quarter

The manial might ofrhe E(Ulerlifl81 carrics/he do)',

strength. the only ",'ay Mal could now win w:u
to forcc si~tccn modcl~ nnlO the wall5 and.
with ollly ju~l coouSh warriurs left 10 achieve
this. el'ery ca."alty W1lS srartlngto COUnt. A~ PLAYER CONCLUSIONS
Mal Ol~ to get his remaining lroops inlO
position. the Morannon On:s !hruJ,t !hetr ladder ROHAN HAS COME! LET THE WHITE CITY BURN!
back ('11'110 lhe 111111. The Troll t.:ked off from AI.-sslo: Well. lifter twelle lIard·fought turn~ M ul: NOll "'om. Not one IIOrd. My
the ~ale to gh'e the ~urviving Cat.apUlt II it all came to a terrible moral dilcmm.l: J momentary (and. if INth be told. ullerly
chance to breach Ihe ponal- II. gamble Ihal could ollow Mm to I1IO\"C the toOOci he predictable) hrcak in concentration aside.
foiled as both ~ho1s '.leU! wide of the llIl'get- forgot on the Siege Tower allll t/K-refore gh'e cvcrythinll ",cne accordilli to plan, That
though as the Trebuchet had missed ilS l:utet, hIm the gatne. Of stick to "'hal effectilel) said. there arc thinlls that I should ha\e
and only II. )inglc Eas\t'rling and the MonlIlnon ~ned and ""in. done differently - firing the cutapults a\ the
On:;;' ladder had frl.llen II> tM Alcnger. MIll Aftcr some pondering I decided to he walls Of, belter yet. that draned AI'enger
was happy 10 ,o;cule fOf the tl1lde. With Gandalf gtl1erotls. sincc any""uy it , a I'Cry close Bolt Thrower "'hich ""till a thorn in Illy si <.l e
blocking Ihe left nnn~. the only comb.1I w~s at ilUO~ and we both really h~d great fun, and for the entire game. Yes. it'~ true that I loSt
the opposite end of the balliemenu the that'S wh~1 really mmle~ in the end. II lot or uoops (to the point ",here I could
~I age hand·to-hand fighting led 10 !be «alII On a toclicallel'cI, I think I should IIIl1'e only jusl win the game) butllicn, that's the
of another Citadel Guanlsman. Wilh 00 Eli] insi~ed bombarding the SieBe Towers rather nature of tallng a fonrc\s by stann,
modcb falling III relllm. Mm just b&"t:ly had than let demoralised b)' lhe lack of success Fortunately. I brought ju~t cnough ncsh to
eoougll troopS Icrlto "'in the game. my Trebuchct wllS having again)1 them and feed into lilt JllI:utgrinder. and the forces of
s""itt hlng 1!II"gL'I in favoor of the Clltllpuhs. Evil prevuiled In a thoroughly c njoyable and
TURN TWELVE 11t~ poor luck we both had at lhe beginninll closely fooght game.
In !he closing lurn of the Mat won of the lanle with our Siege Engines was
Priority once nlOl\' and used this IIdvanlDse to boulltl 10 change, and ",hen il el~ntualJ) did
hale M Ebkrhng charge Gandalf.figunng it it resulted in the <btruclion of a MOfdor
wa~ "lifer 10 fight the Wi1.ard than ri4. the Clltapult and of my Trcbochet.
danger of his Utl/lllmt' Sorceroll.S Sllm. Wilh Oh and here's a few hint..~ I can gh'e you
the Mornnnon Orc'~ ladder destroyed. there art er lIil'ing IcallM:d a couple of les'iOns from
111'11$ no ch:mtc of gellinll them 01110 the my - a1",a)s hide models
b./Inlellll'n!S. but the l'en!aming E,'jl \\IlIrriors that don't ha~'e I missile "'eDpOO in
on the b.nltn'!:nts "'ere JUS! numc:rou~ cnough tilt- eDrly turns or the gnme and alwaY5
to win the game if 00 othen; were slain. With remember to keep at least a
thi~ in mind. Mot goIll$ mllny Ea~tcrhng~ as base oonlllCt wieh )"our
he (oul <.l in to Ute now cmpty tower and OUt or banncr bearers. 10 pick the
the bowlire of the defelltlen;. With mo.t of his nag up in case they gellilled.
remaining troops too tlf a\\iay from the righl Ott, I forgot. lhe other It'!oSOll 10
nank 10 make I dlfTerente. AlC'~~io had two of be learned from this ganle certainly
hi5 Cdadel Guanl charge down the stni~ of is: Fear the Easlerlings!
the lOwer in nn attempt to kill the onl,\ ~ itll.l
E:t~h:rhnll thnt "'ould win hint the l141ne. As
ht did '10. he gll.\·e hi$ Trebuchet 11 cruulCe to
Ii~ on the fe", E\'il ",·nmon. lerl on Ihe
b./Inh:mcnts of lhe right l1anl bul. sccmg the
dnnger, Mat IU.\ked hj\ O"''TI Catapult to Inrget
the crew of tile Condor "'at engine lind. wilh a
lucky ,hoL ~Ie'" bolh remaining trewl With
thing:. gelling lUll)' ICm.c. Ale~~Io's
unengaged bowmen fired on ..... ha\e\er taq;elli
lhe} had. but thotJlh tile) hil. were unable 10
score II. wound, Evcn the AI'cniler. thotJgh
managing to hit tbe Troll four times. WIIS
unable to cau\oC enou gh \\iounds 10 fini$h it
off To add to Ales~iO'~ frustration. Gan.JlI.lf
WIS unable to ~la) the loot Easterling! H i~
final chance for ~;ctor} Iny with the 1"'0
Cilndel GU4td who hlld charged into the tow er.
Unfonunatcly. the EIIMerlings fouj!h t like Olcn
[JOsse~scd lind $lcw both opponents. lellying
\.jetory in Mat's hands ...
...or w il 5CCmed A\ Illumed OUI. in the
heat ofb:lllit. Mat h.:td fCNgOtten 10 nlO\(' one
ortlj~ ~terling) onto the wall in the finlll tum.
ICllvingllim one model bhon 10 claim vitiOf)'.
However, IlS the game wa.~ so clos.:: (and great
fun into the barJ!ain) All:1lslO
ullowed Mat 10 IOO\'C hiS fOfJOllen Ea!:leriing
onto the wall.
A Tale of Good & Evil Pnrt 71J,'ee -F..:. .:ptuUllug the Forces

n t r spt'nding SOPle linlt' buUdln g thelr nt'''' terrain

A boards 10 ligh t glllIl'S on. Ste"" Ilnd Adl .... ally

","ameet 10 gel stuck Into bulldln g up their forees. A
few months bltCk Sle,'e h»d buu ghl • f('II' Ran gers
GondQ r. so he dtddl'd 10 build Iht-m up inl O II more via ble
nghl Jll1( "'"arband_Adj. on the ollK'r ha nd. look the cou~ of
Basing the Rangers
The: tirol decision thai I needed 10 make was as
10 how dosely I should folio .... lhe paUml I'd SCI
wilh the rest of force. With lhem. I'd gone for a
dusty, robblc-5lre ..... n to reprrscnl the roins
brule force: Mordor Uruk-hlli. of 0s8iliath, AI first , that idel didn't seem 10 ~jl
too .... ell with the WIlderness scout ima8t of the
Rangers, The: I1'IOI'e I thought aboul ii, lhe ell$icr

Rangers of Gondor il became 10 inlollgine a small detachtnent of

Rongers operulinJi itl~jde lhe ruins of Osgiliath.
By Steve Cumiskey Once thi s idea had lllken rooI, ] no longer
saw IIlty problem with mounting them on the
he of Gontlor ..... ere
R~ngt'fS same ~ :as the n:St of my force, 'Ilte ba.o;es
T my fi~1
aucmpl al gening a ....'oold ha'e the lidded bonu$ of makill!l them
force logelher for The: Lord of The lool; • linlt more al home in the middle of all
Rings game. I'd put them 10 one those sil \'er-annoured waniors.
sKlc. fully Inlending 10 paint them
up and gel playing. bullhen I saw
the WIlI'I"iort of Minas Tirilh so the
poor old RangctS gOlleft behind. Cloaks
Once I'd got an army of As to the rolours of the Rangers themsdves, I opted 10 try OIIt some of
Warriors up and nmning. and the newer paints art the. clooks. I used Clatuchan GR'Cnlls the main
played a few garnes. I decided I ~olour on the cloak. wilh II layer of Ihe some rolour milled wi lh
would IICI.-d those Rangers aftu all. Gnl\'eyurd Ennh and then II fillll] highlight orGra~yard Earth with II
Those firS! fel\' games taught me touch of Bleached Bone. I llsed Cluuchan GTCC'n. ruther than any of the
lnal "uming 001\0 meet an other greens. because it has a greyish qllality Uwt echoes the dusty
ootnumbcring foroe of Orcs wlllin'l appearance of the rest of the anny. I carried that idea through by
the grealC'S1 phlll 1'd C\'e!" rome up dl'}brushing!he colours from the base of !he models 01110 the bottom of
with. I wanted to put.\Ofl'le diWlno..'e their cloaks and bools to make them look likr they'\'c been hiding out
(and a few well-aimed arrows) in the ruins for weeks.
~v.~ us III the beginning and
then Imlllch II. counter-BillICk where
he ....·ooldn't be able 10 swamp me
with Orcs again .
Mordor Uruk-hai
By Adrisn Wood

1. .'1med 10 unleash my new

Mordor Uruk·hai 01\ StC\'C'S
fortes as soon as possible. Tn
speed thingJ up I chose 10 paint
four model~ at !he SlIme lime.
rather than UlClo;le each one as an
individual. Uke many other
pall\lers, I' l'e used this Jlyle of
bal~h painting befM to paint
group!l of models quickly.
There is II trick to W;i lll! me
same·colours on II group of
1TlOde1s, and sull geninillhem 10 Bearer convt'~ion was a little m()f!;
look different. What )'oo 00 is lake in\,oll·c:d. I cut away his weapon
one pai nl lJ,l II li me. and appl), thlll nnd dri lled Q hole between his
colour 10. different part of each hands. TIIking a piece of wire. I
model. For example. I painted in$el'ted il as the banner pole and I
Scorcbcd Brown on the tunic of ,hen glued a piecr of tom paper 10
nile model. the cloak of the lIe.'lll . the pole as n nag. I always lib! 10 eQlU'''''' lIfe ..... modtb lit a 1\~lrlKlI!ll.
the hoot! on another. CIC. This hilS
the effect of mill.inS up the ooklur:>,
making the models look different
from ellch Olher.
To give me even more of!ll1
edge in the coming banlet. I
decided 10 gll'e the Urukllll
CaPta lll and Stnndard Bcan:r. in
lhe ume way all my Monior On::
warbands. liowever there uren'[
any specific ulOlkls for these
d UlnICICIl. so I mounted one of
my favourite UNk models on a
11lrgcr 10 IllIlkc him ~Iand 001
and. using my cl ippers, I broke up
a ru ined wall to give tile the pile of
bric kwork for the base. lie became
m) Captain. Grukk. The SWIdIrd

Havi ng U1ken Dbreak

from pai nting
armoured Wamors or
Mlllas lirith by
collecting hi" Rongers.
Steve ded&..-d to tlim
his anc-Inion to Ute
Knig.hli. Adi had other
pillM in mi nd ... but
these ¥till have to wall
~~ -~~TQ§ C'~.,.._ _ _ _ _=_ _ _ __

The Siege of Gondor

supplement allows you to
recreate the epic struggle of the
warriors of Gondor to stave of
the attack by the forces of
Sauron. Mat Ward describes his
thoughts and ideas behind this
new supplement. Deslgtler's Noles by M{d Ui'lrtI

ollowing on from Shlldoy, and Flame, As with its precursor. this book focuses on Iltld rewritc Tolkien) and although I know the

F Siege of Condor is the s«vnd in what

promises 10 be a long and varied linc of
supplements. Most probably the first thing thai
a particular area in lime and space, but where
Shadow and F1anle ~nceDiraled on C\'Cllts thal
occurred 'betw«n SCIs' in the lale of TIle Lord
bools very well, there were all kinds of lillie
detail! tucked away in the comers of
appendices which I hadn't fully cOlISidercd
you'llllQlice is Ihm ii's II suln.lantilllly larger ofTItc Rings. Siege of Condor throws players before, After immcrsing myself in the
book thun the fin' (64 JXlges mIller thun 48) straight lmo tbe despcr~le struggle for Minas chronology of Ihe period we were looking 10
which has given us room for more or lirith in the closing dlIy~ of thc Third Age, As co\'er, 11 bc<:tllllC CleliT that to really represenl
evcr),lhing, whether hobby guides. sccnanCK, before, it was a very careful path I trod through Gondor's plightlhe book wou ld MI'C \0 cm'er
or new rules! Tolkien's \\"orks (one th ing Alessio and I are in much more than the ~iegc of Mi nas Tirilh-
complete agreement on is thaI we shouldn'l try aflcr all, Sauron'~ llmIy is only then: for a
matter of D day and a half! TIus 1\'1IIIy ga~·e me
the opportunity to ca.l my net cOlisidellibly
funher, and soon Inc 5pun of the book grew to
engulf otncr e\'en~ in the a5§11ult 00 Gondor.
illCluding !he doomed Mruule al Cair Andros
and FlUllmir"s cowagcouS. but ultimately
fUlile. defiance 10wards Sauron's ann)'. Wh:1I 1
ended up with Will lUI epic slIUgJe that 11U1
from the bank! of the Anduin in Os,iliath. to
Rath DllH'n in Inc cit) of Minas Tirilh .. .


For me. !he real joy of ""'rilln, SOmething like
Ihis Is gening the t.1le to now through from the
\"ery fi,...t page until the Ia.~t. lbc Lord of The
Rings is. first and fOl'ell"105t. a story thai l~adS
in lhe wake of !lOt only wars hut lhe
individuals Ih:\! take p.1rt in those wars.
Following lhat 1Ilie (and the palhs of individual
characters) properly W85 an incn.>dibly
challenging. but al'iC) \"cr)' rcwlltdml!,
experience, Afler all, in The Lord of The
Ring!' ..... e!ICe much of the ~lruule for Gondor
from Pippin's perspective. We know ",hal
happel1ll to the realm 115 Pippin is lold of ii, but
we nel'fi see F:uamir', efrons 10 repel Suuron,
or the desperale fighting 01 Cnlr Alldros. If I've
done tIly job properly, even those amongsl )·ou
.... ho know the book inside and OUI will have
dirfK:ul1y telling which bilS of the SlOI)'line are
from Tolkien'S origmal wort.: and the paru that
are m>' bridging pauages. In any e\'ent I hope
il will help draa )'QU deeper into the worW of


Of course, the scenDrio~ lire Ihe heart of Imy
The LortI of The Rinp book. lind Siege of
Gondor is no e~ccption in !hat regllfd. As I
mapped out the $101")' I ...·anted this supplfmc:nt
to tell. all manner of suitable (:O!IfronlalWns
presenTed thcrrueh'es bul, 1I115, there was only
so much spact in the book and 50ffie of them
had to go. Trimming them down. I WII5 left
with a tight con: of dh'e~ IIIld interesting
scenarios that, taken IOgether. lelilhe tale of
the Siege of Gondor. You can play diem Ilf
standalone engagements If you wish. but they
!m\'e all been bound tOlt'ther 10 form the
campaign thai is the Sieae of Condor and ['m
sure aperienced p[ayen will love 10 get their
teeth into this. Of courloe. once you've rlftycd
them through II few times. you'll wanl10 play
sieges of your own and, 10 accommodate thi~,
each of these KCf\arios has been specially
designed 10 gi\'e pla)·ett a fed for 5e\'cral
different styles of ~ieae warfare. By playing a
'Pninlli Match' allmC on any of these Kenarlos
you can create a .... hole range of new sieg~.

Th~ forru of Sarmm Ol/act Mln(U 7iri/h.

El'it "'turns /0 Osgilimh.

THE SIEGE BEGINS e\eJ)1hinll "'ithin the fortress. so that the man: there you·JI find that eeruin rules have been
Naturally. i(5 a linle difT"1CUIt to 1:ClOd1lCt. siege deslroCth't Itl1OI1gst you call take )'OOr tweaked. "hether \0 speed up the san-.e (in the
without rule5 and, as ....'e cootdn'tlil1hem into opponent's defences apan piece by piece. Also case of batlcring walls) or 10 better represent
The Return or The Kina. there was mn presem are profiles for things like. wooden "'hal ""C all in a\\'e at in the film (Uruk·llai
opportunity 10 refresh and re\"i§c those lhat bad palisades IU1d towers, Illowinll players to build Demolition Teams)- but fOl" the II10SI part. it
been originally printed in The Two Towers. mon: dh"eNe fortifications than before. Here and wasn't broken. jiQ 1 dido" try and fix ii,
This couldn't ho\'c come a1 a bener lime
because 1 I1Iid !>el'ernt shiny new thi ng~ Ih31 I
wanted to add. II $ide bonus 10 these
rules meant thai I could brtak Ibcm down into
~ manageable dlunk.s and dot them
throughout the book. 1111) .... oy. as players work
their way through the book. they'll be
gradually introduced 10 everything lhal they
need 10 ploy each section - therc's nothing
more difficult lhnn It)'i nlC to keep page~ and
P'\&e;i of new infoonatlon in your head I!I
you'~ II)'ln& them out for the firsllime!

B)' and tarte. the siege rules !hal we originally
presemcd U\ llE Two TOlOocn haloe stood the
ICSt of time (and the abuse of playtn) very well.
and the beSt rule 10 ~pply in tnese situalions is:
"Iri1 ain't broke. don', fil iI!' Accordingly. if
yoo'rt: already familiar "'ilh \he II"), sieges
wOOl: in Middl~. there woo', be. lot 11m:
10 surprise you - iI's been more 1\ caw: of
t.tpanding than rewrilillll. llcrsonally. I' ve
always found that this game system has I
refreshing 'real world' fcello il - thing~ tend 10
wOft lhe way the)' "'ould in n:al life and
applicalion of common!ell)C is sencr:llly
rewlU'ded " Ith success. With this ill mind. all
the changes IU1d additions to the siege 1\1 les
conform 10 Ihis priociple. r\'e e.>;p3llded the
Balter j'Oillb lable 10 el\OOfllpass preUy much
Shumuns umVI:. bringing Ores some much-
needed paril)' with the Moria Gobli ns and
While Hand Uruk·haj. The sllCOIl.)' Ore
TDCl.:er.. roond OOt the list, betlCr ~ than
Orcs but fmile!" in coml}al, Each of thew nc ....'
arriyal ~ IK'lps to round out the troops 1I'lIilublc
to Ore pIDy~. but GochnlOfl himself is ea..~ily
the pick of the bunch. By far tile tooghtst Ore
in the game, Gothmog is a ~l.il1cd wamor wllh
a tactical illv,y lhat will al ..... ays give yoo an
ad\'lIIItage in k~y lI1omems.

Perhaps the biu~t change 111 Siege of Gondor
is thot imrodu.::tion of Siege Enginu. As l'oeil a~
Imrodudng a lit" sectiOn of core rulCl> to
MOrrWr \fur Calli/lull. gO"em the behaviour oflhe-e machineries of
de5truedon. Siege of Gondor provicb ru~ for
WHAT'S NEW rel1ccts the elde!;1 wn of Ikoethor. the mightiest players to include foor Siege Engioo in the
Of COIlTSe. a The I...ofd of The: Rings orGondor'~ wBmors. before IIis dcc~y under hallie for Mi nI\>: TIrith. 80\h the Gondor
supplemcm juSt wouldn't be right wnhc)!.n IICW Ihe mnLICI'ICI: of the Ring.. In addilion to these Trebuchetand the Ore Catapult from the film
!mops to lead into bank. A.1OOI'Ig.SI CMhcr Ihlngs. flC Heroes. the fOtC~ of Good are bol, terN by make an IIppclil1ll1ee. along,ide two other I'oM
W 5ening ga\~ us an (Xl'C'lknt ell.CUf.t to go Ihe l'OUI1lllCOUS Citlkkl Guardsmen of \I inn m3C:hines: II pay. enul si~ge bow and I flIp1d-
back 10 the: film) and add some of the lIlore TIrim. Armed with either longbows of line firing boh-Ihro .... er for the defenders of
IllCIIlOrJble parllcipilut5 10 the range. Within qlUlhty (thlll count as Elf bows in the game) or Ciondo!'. Hugely de~lructiye. but quite
Siege of Gondor you'll lind • whole new host ,pears. t.he>:e Wanlon can form 11 rock-hard core in:u:cuflItt: when liring at spedli~ models. thc
of WaffiQn IUld HelOC!i inSJlImI b)' boIh the to l1li army of Gondor. ne" Siege Engll1C_ add a \I1.I ly 1lCI'o dynamIC to
booIr; and the film to add to your forces (thc:re's The f.xees of Evil an: far from ignored- the gamc'. "hetller you'n: pla}lng a Siege
also another Iimitro edition castle for you to Gochmog. Lieutenanl of Morgul. lc.1ds Dlide of game or 1\ normal balliclield sl..trmish. One
light yoU! b31tll!l; 011. bin I digrcs~). Thc: Good Ore rcinforcemem<, inlo bailie. Fon:most decision mllde carlyon ....·as IhDI e\cry new
side ~h'~ new Hcl'OC$ in the shape of amongsl thl!..e lite the Mornnnon Orn. rt:IOde l rclca.scd t15 pal'l of tI~ runge ~houkl be
Bertgond of the Guard (a elwxlCl' from lhe Sauron', shock troops lithe 8111d. G~. Not usable in all kind~ of 8~ - not sieges alonc.
book that many will m:ogni>e) and Boromir. ()Il ly arc: they clild In heavy annour. these After all. you can usc Arngom (probably stili
Capulin of the WIlite Tower (laken frool those brutl!l; arc: also soonger Ihan normal On:~ and till: ~t effecthe motkl in the s}slCm) in all
exce llem 1II0llloCntS in the extended version of ClIn give an Evil player l1li additional boost I.mds of games, M) why should Ircbu~hcl~ and
The Two Towm). A new modelltl1d profile againSt the fortes of Gondor. The dc"ious ~ catapults be any differcnt'l After playing a fel'o
Tilt !ol/o ...·en of the Dork Lord are mall>'.

lOumamcnt-style gllmes we quickly discovered

that \lhile!he Siege Engines offem! a new
toctlcal cbaJlellge, tlley didn't unbalance the
game any - after all, tactical challenges is
lI'hal it's all aboul. As a final SCt of
cU51omisations for playeD 10 e~ pC'rimcnt with
~ is II modest amly of upgnides that can be
bOught for your Siege Engines, !'rom eXITI
crew 10 nllming ammunition. laS!, btll tlOt
least. this section abo inc ludes rules and
building instructions for Siege Tower.; -
always II useful ally in the a.uauh upon 1\


As you'vc probably guessed from whm you'vc
already Tl'ad, the appendilt for this book abo
focuses on II historical sIege - thaI of Helm's
Deep. This seclion of the book reprises lhe
areal baltle of The Two Towers wi th two
scenarios and refl"tShed rulc$. BOIh Uruk-hai
Demolition Teams and Siege Assault Machines
hllve been liven a revamp to bring Ihcm in line
with the alterations to the sieac rulcs and It'I
what we al] know and kro'e from the film - II
Demolition Charge will now blow a substantial
porIion of wall into smithereens without much
effort and, yes. the Siege Assault Machi ne can
now),:ilI defendrn; (as well as anyone else it
feels like). As with the Siege of Gondor
~narios, those selal ~lelm 'l Deep can be
played individually. II!I pan of I campaign.
taken lipan and pul bock together as ' Poinls
Match' games. Wanlto light the siege of
Iklm's Deep with &mer and Angom drawing
their SIl'OrtiS together on the banJemcnts1 Well.
now you can.


SO there you ha"c h. Whether you w;mtto add
to)'our Good and Evil forces. conduct mi shty
sieges, or simply immerse yourself in the
world of Middle-earth. in Siege of Condor
thcre's solnetbinll for everyone.

! =
RflE ~' 1
You can order these items at your local in-store Order Point, on the
internet at or direct 011 OilS 91 40000.
he Lord of The Rings strategy battle game brings all the action of Middle-earth to your tabletop.
T It is so easy to begin building an army! The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King boxed set
comains all YOLI need to get started, including a full ru les manual, as well as both Warriors of Minas
Trrith and Mordor Orcs miniatures to battle with. The starter paint sets, in cluding both miniatures and
paint, are ideal for the beginner ro try their hand at painring.

The lord 01 Tile Rings: The Return 01 The King Strategy Battle Game £40 The Return 01 The King Rules Manual £20
COntains a 176-page rules manual (IrocIuding a chapter on The War 01 The Ring). This 176-page. fuIl.eoiour ruIeI manual
24 plastic Warriors 01 MInas ll!lth. 24 plastic Mordor On;:e, IUine and dk:e. proyides a guide to playing !he game, Md
an acIcitiooaI chapter on ThI WtJ( a/ The RIng.

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:=,; h ",
£1",2 Manlor Orcs Starter Paint Set £12
TIQ Is the IdNJ .tarter product (Of any new player. It oontalnl12 plastic TNs Is the Ideal , tarter procIucIlor any new player It contains 12 plastic
miniatures, 6 paints. a IIIIrt9r brush and a painting guide. miniatures. 6 paints, a startef bn.oIh and a palntlrlg gukIe.
Full Range

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lit.. Monwl P1ouMIId~
SNdow« flo_ (led)
no. lord of TIlt klnp

Compll.olkwl 2 (booII)
Tho ........ of Tht

WoInton of MlIw TIrltto

KInt '"
no. Mouth 01 SMoo\
5untr r.tnl
om. Sun...' Stf
Tho Lotd of Tho .mp
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Htn!n "liIlm' 0t<'II "" W... RI<Jo.r
'" Wirrtoro 01 HI"" llllm

""'" ""'N'"
Hetwo of Tho WtiI
I(nlthu of MI_llr11h
_Oro DO
WUd MffI 01 OuflLlnll ""
""" ""'-
RJ .....nlttl "" fttl IwI
Mounlfd lInpr.11hI

Tho f . 01 "" WltdllCl,.

Tho lldon <II RohM!
Mony 01 tilt Jrllnwm... frun rho
IIoHd _ .......... t!y

boll DIlly ffOlll 1M IrHIorf onIer
point."" !1M! ~.x

.... -
Tho ftl"..,tllp 01 Tho RJ,. ~.---"".

TmIIwII. HIP'" &11
'"'"OS "' ........ by~.,lS.,_

Unok-NI Slop .......

W.... kldfn
w.rTIotJ of lilt 1M! A.II.o '"
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W.rr\orl of Mil,," T1r1Ih
'"'" -'"'''''' """
_ lion lulU
Blister P~cks
AT_ _ Tht ItlnI _HmHmyaP\:llllll
AmrI 01 rho Dud
""" ...
Qw Tovil wllh . . .
. .r i _
Dw.. rl Wllrlon
Dwltf Lotd D.tln
c.,rortd by Gondor
F..-.mb« Dlmrocl
Copou...t by Coondor
f.odo, s.m IIl'c.o&u ..
hllows/IIp AT.."...
FtIIooit.hlp Ioromlr
~low1/IIp frodo a Som U


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w..,.. "" honooUd
"" '*" "'*'"'
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""" .....,....
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'""" 1iI\m',.,....
""*""" a GomDna
Corllams 2" plutie Warrlorw of Mlnu llrith
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Sc.ondlld &t'M
G.nd.ill on ShIdoIoln a

~ 1iItm' 0..., £ow.,.,
HttooI 01 1M \\W ......",.
Gw..Irdo of 11M founuln Coun

IiIooa '" rho WtiI
HaIdIr') EIws wilt! IK>ws ........ '" .... Wtit £ow.,.,
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.--. 01 dot Wtit C/ontI
lohMr toy.. GIoItd
...... toyllc; .........1Id
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"'"" c...
I(nilhl 01 "
MIN> 1IrtIh
"" Go..u.IIM~
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..... ,,-
I(nllll' of MIn.. Thtm SundonI "" HttooI 01 1M w..c

~ro 1(1wu6d).. GIn40If
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"""'" C......
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