Q3 PT English6 2023 2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: ___________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: __________________________

Directions: Write YES on the blank provided if you agree with the statement
and NO if you disagree.

__________1. A viewpoint is a person’s way of thinking in general about things.

__________2. A person may have a different viewpoint on a certain issue.
__________3. In presenting viewpoints, it is important to consider the viewpoints
of others.
__________4. Coherence is not important in presenting your viewpoint.
__________5. You should not give others a chance to hear their viewpoint.
Directions: Read and understand the following questions. Encircle the letter of
the correct answer.

6. What makes a written text report coherent?

A. Informations in the written text is irrelevant.
B. The ideas in a written text are confusing and disorganized.
C. There is no unity in the ideas and information.
D. All ideas in the paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next. There is
a unity of ideas.
7. What is a viewpoint?
A. Viewpoint is the mood created by nature.
B. Viewpoint is a reader’s choice to tell a story.
C. Viewpoint is coherent which means “sticking together”.
D. Viewpoint is the way you see the world or your distinct perspective on things.
8. What part of a comprehensive report provides an overview of the collection of
A. Conclusion C. Introduction
B. Body D. Report
9. What form of writing can present varying viewpoints and ideas?
A. Report C. Script
B. Essay D. Story
10. What is the good quality of a thorough and complete report?
A. Comprehensive C. Correct
B. Concise D. Readable
11. How do we write a clear and comprehensive report?
A. use of action words
B. Use of practical words
C. Report must have a single generalization that serves as a focus of attention,
that is, a topic sentence.
D. Conjunctive adverbs are not important in writing coherent paragraphs.
12. What is another guide to compose a clear and coherent report on differing
viewpoints on an issue?
A. It must be complex.
B. It must be subjective and objective.
C. The author must focus on different thoughts and ideas.
D. Reports must contain more specific information than the topic sentence.
13. The ability to compare differing viewpoints is cognitively__________.
A. multiple process C. simple process
B. complex process D. active process
14. Examining different perspectives will ultimately strengthen and build critical
thinking. What is critical thinking?
A. ordering principles
B. ability to communicate
C. the ability to provide bias opinions.
D. the ability to compare differing viewpoints
15. What should you avoid including when collecting the viewpoints you need?
A. own opinion C. grudges
B. biases D. prejudice to someone

Directions: Read and analyze the news report from different sources. Look at
the manner of presentation and answer the questions that follow. (16-25)
MANILA – A House of Representatives panel is set to investigate next week the
shootout between police officers and anti-narcotics agents in Quezon City that
left 4 people dead, and 4 others wounded.
Retrieved from abs-cbn.com/news/0226/21/house-probe-on-onp-pdea-misencounter

MANILA, Philippines – While it is too early to say whether or not the Philippine
National Police (PNP) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) were
toyed by drug syndicates in the “misencounter” in Quezon City, it is a possibility,
PDEA Director General Wilkins Villanueva said Thursday.
Retrieved from ewinfo.Inquirer.net/14001/4/drug-rings-toyed-with-pnp-pdea-too-early-to-say-but
16-17 Are the news articles about the same events?
18-19 How are the articles the same? How are they different?
20-21 What do you notice after comparing the articles?
22-23 Are there differences in the manner of their presentation?
24-25 Did the author include his/her viewpoints about the issue?

Directions: Read the following sentences. Write Chronological sequential, in

medias res or flashback.
______________26. What narrative technique is used when the story has a
beginning, middle and end?
______________27. What narrative technique is used when the story starts in
the middle or climax without exposition?
______________28. What narrative technique is used when the story has an
interruption of the current story to show a scene from the past?
______________29. It is referred to as in the middle of the things.
______________30. When she woke up that afternoon with a headache, Megan
could only remember two things: one, someone had broken into her home and two,
that person had not been alone.
______________31. Lily bikes on Sundays. She goes to the studios on Mondays.
She swims on Tuesdays.
______________32. Melinda was already cooking when the power was cut. She
remembers how she and her dad would cook in camp. She was able to finish cooking
using firewood.
______________33. “Bring the rain!” Soldiers were everywhere. Warfare against
the rebels began. Civilians were rescued and kept in safe places.
______________34. Samir lined up with the other runners. All were determined
and excited for Samir. Suddenly, it was last year again, and he was telling the
coach that he had to drop out of the team because of his illness.
______________35. It is Lance’s birthday. He prepared homemade burgers and
his favorite drink, Sprite. Lance enjoyed the simple treat he made.

Directions: Evaluate the traits/qualities of the characters as to how they

portray their roles in the narrative. Write the correct answers on the blank
Don Juan and his wife Namongan lived in Nalbuan, now part of La Union in
the Northern part of the Philippines. They had a son named Lam-ang. Before
Lam- ang was born, Don Juan went to the mountains to punish a group of their
Igorot enemies. While he was away, his son Lam-ang was born. It took four
people to help Namongan give birth.
As soon as Lam-ang was born, he spoke. He named himself and chose his
godparents. At nine months, he decided he would go and look for his father.
During his exhausting journey, he rested for a while. He fell asleep and had a bad
dream about his father's head being stuck on a pole by the Igorot.
Source: Garcia, D. (1999). Lam-ang. Mendinueto, C. Growing in English 6 (pp. 11-14). FNB Educational
Publisher Inc.
____________36. What character trait was shown by Don Juan?
A. strong B. brave C. humble D. hardworking
____________37. How was he able to show his courage to kill his enemies?
A. He went alone fearlessly to the mountain.
B. He went to the mountain with his group.
C. He went to the mountain with his battle gear.
D. went to the mountain together with his wife.
____________38. In this narrative, what strange qualities does Lam-ang have?
A. extraordinary B. vigilant C. timid D. coward
____________39. Was he able to act after having a bad dream?
A. Yes B. no C. maybe D. not at all
____________40. How will you evaluate the character in this narrative?
A. unbelievable B. horrible C. funny D. normal

Directions: Read and understand the following excerpts. Write First, Second
or Third to show the point of view from which the piece has been written.
Write your answer in the blank provided.
___________41. By this time, darkness was coming on and weakened and tired as
I was, I lay down and fell asleep on the grass. When I awakened, it was daylight. I
was lying on my back, and when I tried to rise, I could not.
(from Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift)
___________42. If you can’t be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can’t be the sun, be a star;
It isn’t by the size that you won or you fail
Be the best of whatever you are!
(from “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” by Douglas Malloch
___________43. Marco went out of the house to buy groceries. He didn’t wear a
facemask as protection from COVID 19 virus. He didn’t believe the virus existed.
After a few days, he got symptoms and later tested positive for the virus.
___________44. If you are not sure about something in our lessons, don’t just
wait and be confused. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while
your teacher is still explaining the lessons. If you are still confused, ask your
teacher for help if he or she can give you additional instructions after class.
___________45. Sheryl looked across the field. She didn’t see anything
concerning. She wondered why Kristine called out like that. Kristine turned to her.
The ghost that Kristine had just seen was gone. Now, she felt crazy. “You have to
believe me, Sheryl.” It was just here,” said Kristine. Sheryl frowned at her in
disbelief. “What was just here, Kristine,” she asked. Sheryl was angry with Kristine
for disturbing her sleep for no apparent reason.
Directions: Read the narrative then, answer the questions that follow.
On July 2, 1993, the Feast of Krus ng Wawa was celebrated in honor of
the Holy Cross. Hundreds of devotees joined the religious fluvial procession as
the town’s tradition. They were on board a decorated barge “PAGODA”.
As the town people celebrated the festivities, fireworks flamed in the
sky overwhelmed the joy of the viewers. One of the baby rockets (kwitis) fell
across the corner of the Pagoda barge where devotees stayed. All the people on
board panicked and were forced to move together on one side of the barge.
Overloaded capacity forces the barge to tilt. It collapsed and gradually sank to
the riverbed.
Knowing the incident, Sahjid Bulig, a thirteen-year-old boy rushed to
the shore and made a quick response. He jumped into the water to save a little
girl. He brought her ashore and left her safely. For the six times he swam back
and forth, he was able to save six small children.
On the seventh time of his rescue, the tip of the wooden cross of the
sinking Pagoda fell on him. He was unconscious and got drowned.
In the morning after the incident, Sahjid Bulig was found dead together
with more than 200 devotees. It was a day of mourning for the people of Bocaue.
For them, this little boy was a hero.
Source: Angeles D.et al., Revised Edition (2010) Sahjid Bulig Expressway in English 5 pp. 44 SD Publications

46. Which is considered the setting of the story? ______________________

47. Who was the hero in the narrative? ______________________________

48. What was the good deed done by Sahjid Bulig? _____________________

49. What caused the Pagoda barge to collapse and sink? _________________

50. How will you evaluate the trait or attitude of Sahjid Bulig? ____________


1.YES 26. Chronological sequential 41. first

2.YES 27. In medias res 42. second
3. YES 28. Flashback 43. third
4. NO 29. In medias res 44. second
5. NO 30. Flashback 45. third
6. D 31. Chronological sequential
7. D 32. flashback
8. C 33. In medias res
9. A 34. flashback
10. A 35. Chronological sequential
11. C 36. B
12. D 37. A
13. B 38. A
14. D 39. A
15. A 40. A
Possible Answers:
16-17 Notice that although the articles are about the same events their manner of
presentation are different
18-19 The first article focuses its lead on the event that took place or the “what”
and “who” of the news
The second article directed its readers to focus on the idea or possibility of
irregularities or mistake that took place on the said operation
20-21 Analyzing the differences and similarities between these reports will make
us realize that similar events and factual information may be presented in
different lights.
22-23 Reports should remain neutral
24-25 People who write them have their own viewpoints, backgrounds and biases,
news reports do not always remain neutral.

46. at the river in the town of Bocaue

47. Sahjid Bulig
48. He sacrificed his life to save six small children from drownin
49. Overloaded capacity of the barge
50. Sahjid Bulig exemplified bravery and heroism by saving children from drowning
even at the expense of risking his own life

SY 2023-2024
Present a
report on
differing 25 50% 13 7 5 1-25
viewpoints on an
based on how
the author
developed the
elements 25 50% 12 8 5 26-50

TOTAL 50 25 15 10 1-50



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