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Particulars, Documents, Information

Singles can apply 2 room flexi in all location, buy standard or plus flat in ressale market.
SPR + SPR must be married couple
If the buyer take a CPF housing grant for the purchase of 2 adjoining flats, They will be a
second-timer and need to pay a resale levy based on the flat type of the converted flat
when buying a second subsidised housing.

3rm + 3rm likely will be classified as executive flat or jumbo flat.

3rm + 2rm may be classified as 5 rooms flat.
If asked, the questions likely will mentioned what flat type it is classified as

Feb 2023 – increase housing grant cos a lot of people apply for BTO. To direct buyers to
resale market.
Rent EC under MOP – assign them to work overseas, allowed on appeal. But MOP
countdown will be paused until the owner take back and reoccupy.

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