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Văn Nguyễn Phương Trinh - 48.01.751.

1. How do you define kindness ?
Kindness is one of the human’s qualities. It is the blend of generosity, empathy and
sympathy and can be expressed by movement, words or emotion. Personally, kindness
doesn’t have to be shown pompously. It’s hidden in the way of helping the elderly
cross the street or say thank you to someone. Above all, it’s an act of willingness to
help people who you care about.
2. How have you been unkind to yourself ?
I guess being unkind to ourself is because of lack of self-love. I have to admit I used
to treat myself badly. Now I still tolerate my needs sometimes such as skipping meals
or surfing on social media all day, but at least I focus on myself more.
I used to torture my body and my mentality so hard and it hit peak at the time of
pandemic. I felt empty and didn’t want to do anything. I found it difficult even if it's
just some basic daily routines or eating and sleeping.
5. What’s something kind you’ve done for someone recently ?
weeks ago, I had lunch with my classmate in the middle break. She didn’t bring cash
so her payment depends on smartphone. We went to the cafe in our school but they
don’t have a bank qr code. While the bartender was puzzled to find it, I offered to pay
for her and she could transfer the money to me later. Then she started telling the
reason why she didn't bring her wallet. Her wallet was stolen. She missed all of her
IDs and money that her mother gave her. I was confused. I could see very clearly the
sorrow in her eyes. I knew it’s not the right time to talk about money. Although I also
have my personal financial troubles, I put myself into her position. And I decided to
keep quiet. I guess it’s more about empathy and my habit of pleasing others. I
could’ve asked her to pay me back but my soft heart didn’t allow me to do that.
7. When shouldn’t you be kind to others and why ?
When they take your kindness for granted and they start to look down on you by some
acts of demanding or complaining. You know it’s when you should stop being kind to
them. Kindness is about willingness not about forcing.
8. What’s the difference between being nice and being kind ?
Niceness is about pleasing other people, and kindness is about being moral. Being
nice means that you're pleasant, agreeable, and enjoyable to be around. In short: when
you're nice to someone, you're successfully acting in a way that makes them like you,
which is great! Being kind, though, is more about being moral or good. The key here
is that “nice” people and “kind” people are motivated by different things. nice people
want to be liked and to keep the peace; kind people are motivated by values and
virtues. Both are great, but they are a little different.

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