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Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan

Vol.14, 1 (April, 2022), pp. 61-70

ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X, DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i1.973
Analysis of the Use of Instagram Social Media as a Distance Learning
Media in Civic Education Courses
Khusnul Khotimah1, Mukhamad Murdiono2, Mariyani3


This study aims to describe the use of Instagram social media
and describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for
Instagram; the use of Instagram as a learning medium in civic education
Learning media;
courses. This research is a descriptive study and was carried
Distance learning;
out with a qualitative approach. Data were collected by means
Civic Education;
of observation, interviews, and documentation. Checking the
validity of the data using triangulation technique. Data
analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and
verification. The results of the research that have been carried
out show that lectures through Instagram are very interesting
and fun, students become more active because students feel
more free to express their opinions so that almost all of them
share their opinions in lectures. Factors supporting the use of
Instagram social media as a learning medium are: (a) The
learning process becomes more relaxed; (b) Existing features
vary; (c) Interesting learning materials, (d) Easy to reach. The
inhibiting factor in the use of Instagram social media as a
learning medium. The inhibiting factors for the use of social
media as a distance learning medium are: (a) unstable
network; (b) inadequate gadgets; (c) explanation of material
that is difficult to understand; and (d) some students do not
use Instagram usernames using real names so it is difficult to
recognize the student's name.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan
Kata Kunci:
Instagram, media sosial instagram dan mendeskripsikan faktor
Media Pembelajaran, pendukung dan penghambat penggunaan instagram sebagai
Pembelajaran jarak jauh, media pembelajaran pada mata kuliah PKn. Penelitian ini
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan merupakan penelitian deskriptif dan dilakukan dengan
pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
Article history: cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Pengecekan
keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Teknik
Received 2021-08-14
analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan
Revised 2021-11-12
verifikasi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan
Accepted 2022-01-17
bahwa perkuliahan melalui instagram sangat menarik dan
menyenangkan, mahasiswa menjadi lebih aktif karena
mahasiswa merasa lebih leluasa untuk mengemukakan
pendapatnya sehingga hampir semuanya menyampaikan
pendapatnya dalam perkuliahan. Faktor pendukung
penggunaan media sosial Instagram sebagai media
pembelajaran adalah: (a) Proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih
santai; (b) Fitur yang ada bervariasi; (c) Materi pembelajaran
yang menarik, (d) Mudah dijangkau. Faktor penghambat
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 4, 1 (April 2022): p-pp 62 of 70

dalam penggunaan media sosial instagram sebagai media

pembelajaran. Adapun faktor penghambat penggunaan media
sosial sebagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh adalah: (a)
jaringan yang tidak stabil; (b) gadget yang tidak memadai; (c)
penjelasan materi yang sulit dipahami; dan (d) beberapa
mahasiswa tidak menggunakan username Instagram
menggunakan nama asli sehingga sulit untuk mengenali nama
mahasiswa tersebut.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Khusnul Khotimah

Learning is a process carried out by providing education and training to students to achieve
learning outcomes. Learning is a set of events designed to support the learning process. Learning is a
process to help students learn well. The interaction between students, educators, and learning devices
plays a role in the learning process (Rahmaini, 2021). However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, learning
cannot be carried out normally as usual and requires distance learning. Distance learning is defined as
an experience in providing learning in the form of knowledge using text, audio, video, photo
communication and various software with the support of the internet network. This is also related to
developments in the 4.0 industrial revolution era which shows that technological developments
continue to develop to provide convenience in daily human activities so that current technological
developments become potential in the world of education. The use of technology has encouraged the
emergence of distance learning and encouraged greater innovation in creating learning inside and
outside the classroom (Fitriani, 2020). So that students have the skills of citizens in the 21st century
called 4C, namely critical thinking (critical thinking), creativity (creativity), communication
(communication) and collaboration (collaboration). Distance learning is one of the challenges for
teachers to create a variety of learning media so that students can understand easily (Astuti, 2021). The
implementation of distance learning requires a platform that can facilitate educators and students to
interact and convey information related to lecture material (Argiyanti et al, 2022).
Social media can be interpreted as online media that is used for communication needs, interacting,
participating, sharing and creating content for users to use through special application devices with
internet networks without being limited by space or time (Fujiawati & Raharja, 2021). Currently there
are many types of social media used by students during distance learning because students are ready
for technological changes in learning (Manca & Ranieri, 2013). Many kinds of social media such as
tiktok, Line, twitter, Telegram, facebook and Instagram. Associated with the increasing number of social
media users today, the presence of social media can be used for various things, one of which can be
used as a learning medium (Fitriani, 2021).
The development of digital-based media is growing rapidly. Currently, there is a great need for
learning media that can support learning activities (Munandar et al, 2022). Many media are used to
support distance learning such as zoom meetings, google meet, google classroom and so on. Based on
the facts and initial findings in the field by conducting questions and answers to students in the
Management class of Sriwijaya University, it was found that distance learning lectures were mostly
carried out via zoom meetings, google meet, e-learning unsri. Students conveyed that the lectures had
gone well but were not very interesting and tended to be shy to express their opinions. Creative

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learning methods are needed to encourage students' enthusiasm and motivation, so an innovation that
can be developed in distance learning is needed. Utilization of learning media can help smooth the
learning process on the condition that it can choose and use the media. Learning media can also
overcome some teaching problems and can support learning objectives. The selection of the right media
will affect the motivation and activity of students, this can be done by utilizing Instagram social media
as a learning medium. Based on the results of the study, it shows that students have high satisfaction
with Instagram which is used as an active learning medium because it can be used by students outside
of learning time (Essig et al., 2020).
The use of Instagram as a distance learning medium is implemented with the consideration that
Instagram is a social media that is in great demand by the public, especially among young people, its
use is very easy, the appearance of the application is very attractive and easy to understand and can be
opened and used on smartphones and personal computers (PCs), so that Instagram is easy to apply at
any level of education. By utilizing Instagram social media as a learning activity, it is expected to create
habits of students in using social media properly and wisely (Hidayat et al, 2021). In addition, there are
several other reasons that are used as reasons for using Instagram as a learning media put forward by
Bexbeti (in Sukmawati & Sesriyani, 2019), namely: 1) supporting lifelong learning, Instagram can be
used by every level of education, 2) Instagram provides students the authority of students to create their
own digital content and publish it online, besides that it can stimulate the activity of students and
educators in education, 3) Instagram allows collaboration between students and educators on certain
projects or tasks for learning purposes.
Learning through social media Instagram provides a new way for students to learn to express
opinions, express themselves freely anytime and anywhere. If you look at this fact, through Instagram,
students unknowingly have practiced democracy in the lecture process. Because one of the principles of
democracy is the existence of freedom of opinion, therefore the learning process that involves social
media becomes a place to encourage and provide opportunities for students to express opinions and be
responsive to the problems around them. Learning by utilizing social media as a learning medium
creates a pleasant learning atmosphere, not bound by space and time. Optimizing the use of social
media such as Instagram will direct students to become wise social media users so that they can reduce
the negative impact of using social media (Astuti, 2021).
From the description above, this study aims to 1) describe how to use Instagram social media as a
learning medium in civic education courses and 2) describe the factors that support and hinder the use
of Instagram social media as learning media in civic education courses.

This research is a descriptive study and was conducted with a qualitative approach. Learning by
utilizing social media Instagram as a learning medium was carried out in the Citizenship Education
course in the Palembang Management Class 2020/2021 Sriwijaya University and all students in that
class were the data sources in this study. Data were collected using observation, interview, and
documentation techniques. Observations in the form of observations on the learning process by
educators. The document study was conducted by analyzing photos and videos of interaction activities,
both in the observation stage to activities related to learning. The technique of checking the validity of
the data used in this study was triangulation, namely triangulation of sources. Meanwhile, data analysis
was carried out using data reduction, data presentation, and verification techniques. Data reduction is
done by summarizing and analyzing the results of the data found during the study. The data presented
by reconstructing the results of data reduction. The final stage is verification, namely by drawing
conclusions from each discussion in the study..


3.1 Utilization of Instagram Social Media as a Learning Media

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Media is the plural form of intermediary (medium), which comes from Latin. The term
“intermediate” medium refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver.
Learning media can be said as learning aids, namely everything that can be used to trigger the
thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities and skills of students so that they can encourage the
learning process (Mubarok et al, 2021). According to Sadiman (2014) learning media helps students
improve understanding, present data, facilitate understanding of the material and obtain information.
Media must provide a pleasant experience that can meet the needs of students. Learning media is the
teacher's language so that in some ways learning media can replace the teacher's function, especially
as a learning resource (Kurniawantias et al, 2021).
Instagram is one of the social media that many people like for their personal interests such as
uploading photos and videos, looking for information, watching videos and so on (Rubiyati et al,
2018). Instagram social media is very interesting with its features to support communication needs
and can be used in the learning process. Instagram is able to make it easier for educators to deliver
learning materials that are more interesting, effective and efficient (Rokhmawati & Mastuti, 2018)
Said & Aziz (2020) stated that Instagram has several features that can support distance learning,
namely live streaming, which is more or less the same as teleconference, which facilitates teacher
interaction in monitoring all student learning material needs. Then the post feed feature allows
students to collect assignments or works which will later be sent via Instagram in the form of posts or
can enter Instagram TV if the collection of videos or works has a duration of more than 1 minute.
Instagram social media also has an attendance feature by following the teacher's account first and
after that attendance can be recommended in the form of face-to-face through the live streaming
feature. By adapting the Instagram application as a distance learning medium, educators can easily
see the learning progress of students in a more concise and contemporary way, because the Instagram
application, whose development is much loved by students, is in capturing moments and photos in
the form of posts. Lectures using social media Instagram are very easy to apply among students,
because this application is very familiar among the millennial generation (Veygid et al., 2020).
The utilization must be well prepared and carried out in several stages starting from the
planning stage, implementation stage and supervision stage so that learning can achieve the
predetermined goals. The stages in using Instagram social media as a learning medium are as follows:
1) Educators and students must have an Instagram account 2) Educators open lectures by opening
Instagram stories 3) Educators convey learning objectives through Instagram stories 4) Educators
provide apperception, 5) Educators provide material in the feed feature, 6) Doing questions and
answers, 7) Providing one case to be analyzed and 8) Concluding and closing the lecture together.
Learning by utilizing social media as a learning medium creates a pleasant learning atmosphere,
not bound by space and time. This was conveyed by RF students who said that
“Learning through Instagram is very unique and creative, because this is the first time
I've heard and done something like this. Learning on Instagram is also very flexible
because it can be done anywhere besides the features on IG such as the Q&A feature
are also very helpful. During lessons through IG, students also don't need to be afraid
of missing out because being able to activate the notification feature and learning feels
like not studying because it's almost the same as we usually scroll through Instagram
for "entertainment" but the difference is that here we get material knowledge and run
In line with the quote above, EH students also said that
“Learning through Instagram is a pretty interesting idea and provides a new
experience. Usually we use Instagram only for social media but in fact it can also be
used for learning.”

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In addition, some students said that by using Instagram they were not ashamed to express their
opinions. This is as stated by MGA students
“I think learning via Instagram is very interesting and fun. Students are also more free
in their opinion because there are some students who are introverted or afraid to be
the center of attention during class. Therefore, learning to use ig provides an
opportunity for students to express their opinions without any worries.”

The same thing was conveyed by WM students

“A new and interesting learning method. Because many people nowadays are active
in using social media and can help people who are shy in expressing their opinions
via zoom or google meet”
Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with students, it shows that the
use of Instagram social media as a learning medium is very helpful in the lecture process. In
addition, the use of social media Instagram is considered a new and fun thing for students, because
some people think that Instagram can only be used for social media but in fact it can also be used as
a medium.
The use of Instagram provides opportunities for interaction between educators and students.
Instagram provides a new alternative for students to learn to express ideas and think critically and
can help students to reflect on a meaningful learning process (Chun et al, 2016). Optimizing the use
of social media such as Instagram will direct students to become wise social media users so that they
can reduce the negative impact of using social media (Astuti, 2021). The use of social media also
helps students find ways to build discussions and create learning experiences in addition to
socializing with the community (Utami et al, 2015).
Lectures through Instagram are carried out on democracy material, this is closely related to
freedom of expression on social media. Lectures should provide learning that can make students
active and have good analytical power and educators become only facilitators (Munadi, 2019). So
that students now will be very reasonable to voice criticism of policies or problems faced, especially
in the current era where technology through social media can make it easier to voice all criticisms
and suggestions. Because social media such as Instagram provides a new space in democracy not
only for information but also provides a space for interaction in political communication in society
(Hiliadi et al, 2021). Ceccaroni et al., (2017) say that civic education is the main driver for citizen
involvement in public affairs. Civic education encourages students to be creative and express their
opinion that there are many perspectives on moral and social issues (Zuniga et al, 2020).
The implementation of distance learning for Citizenship Education must be democratic in
nature which aims to produce students who are able to actively participate in community life and
are able to influence public policy decision making. Education must be able to instill awareness and
provide knowledge about the role of citizens in a democratic society (Munadi, 2019). Ngozwana
(2017: 13) suggests that citizenship education learning is focused on public participation, democracy,
rights and responsibilities of each individual as a citizen. Citizenship Education is aimed at
transmitting a number of democratic values to the younger generation to build an attitude of
tolerance, respect for diversity, concern for the rights and welfare of others, freedom and justice
(Carretero et al., 2016). Democratic education is closely related to political education which basically
freedom of expression is the main component that can involve students to participate as citizens in a
democratic country (Zencovich, 2008). Civic education aims to equip people with the necessary
knowledge and critical thinking skills to enable people to participate in debates and be able to
distinguish right from wrong. So it is appropriate if learning Pancasila and Citizenship Education
uses social media to encourage students to express their opinions (Harris, 2020: 231).
The use of Instagram social media in the learning process makes students' motivation in
attending lectures more motivated. This was conveyed by RF students

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“Yes, because I have been following online learning for almost 2 years, using new
learning media can increase my enthusiasm for taking classes. Through Instagram
also indirectly able to encourage us to be more active.”
This was also conveyed by MGA students as follows.
"Of course. I really enjoy learning via Instagram because I can freely express my
opinion. Learning via ig is also more interactive and makes students more active in
finding material to answer questions”
Some students deliver lectures via Instagram that are very interesting and fun. Based on the
results of observations made, previous lectures were carried out using learning media such as slides,
quizz, unsri e-learning, zoom meetings and so on, but only a few students were active in learning,
but after using the media Instagram as a learning media for students becomes more active because
students feel more free to express their opinions so that almost all of them share their opinions in
lectures. This is corroborated by the following statement by WM students.
“Yes, because in lectures through Instagram, they are more daring to express their
own opinions. be a start from those who have never previously expressed an opinion
can dare to express their opinion”
This activity in lectures makes learning run according to the lecture plans that have been
prepared by the lecturer (Wibowo, 2016). The activeness of students in the lecture process will cause
high interaction between lecturers and students as well as with students themselves. They actively
build an understanding of the problems or everything they face in the learning process (Putra, et al
2018). The indicators of activity in learning and lectures are the attention of students in lectures,
cooperation in learning, involvement in problem solving, student readiness in attending lectures and
in expressing ideas or opinions (Putri et al, 2019)

3.2 Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Use of Instagram Social Media as a Learning
The use of Instagram social media as a distance learning media is considered very helpful to
be used as an alternative tool for conventional learning. Distance learning using the internet network
and several tools that must be owned by every educator and student of course there are supporting
and inhibiting factors in the lecture process. Because not all students have stable internet access or
the tools used for the lecture process such as laptops, cellphones, the same computer are owned by
every student. Based on the results of interviews with RF students, the supporting and inhibiting
factors in the process of implementing lectures through Instagram are.
“The factor that supports lectures through Instagram is that Instagram is an
application that almost everyone has. In addition, Instagram is also one of the
applications that is most often opened by someone. The inhibiting factors are bad
signals sometimes making it difficult, the lack of direct communication sometimes
makes some students do not understand, and there are still students who are
constrained in internet access.”
The same thing was conveyed by EH mahasiswa students.

“Technological advances and developments in my opinion play an important role.

Showing a presentation and then explaining or making an essay, in my opinion, is not
a medium of learning that is balanced with the times. I believe that learning can be
anywhere and anytime, lectures through Instagram are one of them. Instagram is also
a social media that I believe almost every student has. Supported by a

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cellphone/laptop, network, quota and cellphone capacity. However, there are

inhibiting factors, namely: 1) network speed, 2) the availability of quotas owned by
students, 3) the availability of applications on student cellphones and 4) there are
limitations in responding to the Q&A box 5) sometimes late incoming notifications can
also be an obstacle.”
The remote implementation has been designed so well to adapt to the current situation, but
there are several obstacles faced, namely students find it difficult to understand the material because
of the lack of direct interaction between teachers and students so that students cannot concentrate in
lectures (Andriani et al., 2021). The use of Instagram social media in learning is very fun and can
make students more active, but on the other hand, students are easily distracted by opening
accounts other than learning so it is difficult to understand the material well.
In addition, it should be noted that students often do not use their real names which are used
as their Instagram usernames so that it makes it difficult to identify who made the comments. This is
as conveyed by NAS students who convey about the inhibiting factors for the implementation of
lectures via Instagram
"The inhibiting factor is the use of student Instagram usernames, which sometimes do
not include their real names, making them difficult to identify."

There is a need for notification from the beginning of the lecture for the use of Instagram
usernames to use the real names of students. Social media does provide freedom for anyone to
express themselves, their views on life, their opinions or just to express what is in their heart. This
gives freedom however whether to use Instagram in a positive or negative way. The use of fake
accounts or accounts that do not use the user's real name is often misused for negative things such as
spreading hate tests, criticizing or blaspheming others, spreading hoaxes, fraud and so on.
Therefore, learning by utilizing social media as a learning medium makes a pleasant learning
atmosphere, not bound by space and time. Optimizing the use of social media such as Instagram will
direct students to become wise social media users so that they can reduce the negative impact of
using social media (Astuti, 2021).
From the observations and interviews that have been conducted, the researchers concluded
that the supporting factors for the use of social media as a learning medium are: a) The learning
process becomes more relaxed, the use of social media such as Instagram as a learning medium
makes the lecture process more relaxed because it can be implemented anywhere. b) The existing
features vary, many features are available on Instagram such as Instagram stories, Instagram feeds,
Instagram TV, giving quizzes, live Instagram, music and so on that can be used as learning media. c)
Interesting learning material, Instagram has several features that can give an interesting impression
to be read by students. The material submitted can be edited in such a way as to be in the form of
photos or videos and then uploaded d) Easy to reach, because almost all students have and use the
Instagram application in their daily lives so that Instagram as a learning medium is considered easy
to use and widely accessible so that they can receive material learning from educators.
In addition to supporting factors, there are also inhibiting factors in the use of Instagram social
media as a learning medium. The inhibiting factors for the use of social media as a distance learning
medium are: a) unstable network, b) inadequate gadgets and c) explanation of material that is
difficult to understand d) some students do not use Instagram usernames using real names so it is
difficult to recognize student name.
Distance learning requires learning to use the internet. There are many learning media that
can be used to carry out distance learning. One of the innovations that can be developed is by
utilizing social media as a learning medium. The existence of very diverse social media raises the
question of the extent to which social media has a positive impact. Instagram makes it easy for
students to share the videos they have made and can give each other comments and criticism
(Astuti, 2021).

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The use of Instagram social media as a learning medium is very helpful in the lecture process.
Based on the results of research conducted through Instagram, it was felt to be very and enjoyable,
students became more active because students felt more free to express their opinions so that almost
everything was interesting in lectures. The use of Instagram social media as a distance learning media
is considered very helpful to be used as an alternative tool for conventional learning. Distance
learning using the internet network and several tools that must be owned by every educator and
student there are supporting and inhibiting factors in the lecture process. Supporting factors include:
a) The learning process becomes more relaxed; b) The available features vary; c) Learning materials;
d) Easy to achieve. In addition to the supporting factors, there are also inhibiting factors in the use of
Instagram social media as a learning medium. The inhibiting factors for the use of social media as a
distance learning medium are: a) unstable network; b) insufficient gadgets; c) explanation of material
that is difficult to reach; and d) some students do not use Instagram usernames using real names so it
is difficult to know the student's name.
The application of Instagram social media as a learning medium is also expected to be
applied in other levels of education such as at the high school, junior high and elementary levels.
Activities using social media as learning media must also be well prepared, the use of usernames that
match the student's real names must also be considered so that there are no difficulties in giving
assessments. The number of features provided by Instagram, in the future can be maximized as well
as possible because this research focuses more on the Instagram feed and Instagram story features.

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