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Dear Deepender,

We've fulfilled your slice account deletion request.

The process may take some time, and it will be reflected in your credit bureau report in
approximately 30-45 business days. You will also receive a No Objection Certificate (NOC) via
mail within 3-4 working days.

We'd like you to know that having you as part of the slice community has been truly
wonderful, and we'll miss your presence.

If you ever choose to come back or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to
us. Thank you for the time you spent with us.

Take care.

Warmest regards,
slice Support | Knowledge Base
IMPORTANT: It is vital that you do not share your Password, Card details, PIN, CVV, or any
other sensitive information with anyone, even our employees advise our customers to
completely disregard any such communications. Additionally, the information contained in this
email is privileged and confidential. It is the responsibility of an unintended recipient to notify
the sender and delete this email and any attachments.

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