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Unit 1

Comparative sentence (Revision) - Cấu trúc so sánh

a. Comparative structure (Cấu trúc so sánh hơn)
+) short adj
S1 + to be + short adj + er + than + S2

E.g. Lemon is sourer than vinegar because it has more acid.

+) long adj
S1 + to be + more/less + long adj + than + S2

E.g. Baking soda is more alkaline than milk because it has more base.
b. Double comparative (càng…càng)
The + short adj1 + er + S1 + to be, The + short adj2 + er + S2 + to be

E.g. The lower the pH scale is, the stronger the acid is.
The + more long adj1 + S1 + to be, The + more long adj2 + er + S2 + to

E.g. The more alkaline the soap is, the more slippery it gets.

Useful Structures to ask and answer about properties and uses

of acids, bases and salts
(Các cấu trúc hỏi về tính chất của A-xít, Ba-zơ, Muối)
No Meaning Example

Many fruits are sour because they

1 Contain/include Bao gồm
contain acids.

Bases are substances that taste bitter

2 Taste Có vị
and feel slippery to the skin.

3 Turn…into Chuyển thành Alkalis turns litmus paper into blue

litmus paper.

Ask and answer

about uses:
+ What is the use of +
What is acid used for?
· Acid is used to clean surfaces, refine
+ What is + S + used
A-xít, Ba-zơ, Muối oil and sugar.
4 được sử dụng · Acid is used for cleaning surfaces,
Answer: để.... refining oil and sugar.
+ S + to be+ used +
· Acid is used in manufacture of
to + V
+ S + to be + used +
for + V_ing
+ S + to be + used +
in + N/V_ing

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