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Drama Lesson Plan for Nursery & KG

Month 1:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Drama

Objective: Familiarize students with the concept of drama and its elements.

1. Circle Time: Discuss the concept of drama and ask students about their favorite stories or
2. Storytelling: Read a picture book aloud and encourage students to act out the characters and
3. Freeze Dance: Play music and have students freeze in different poses when the music stops.

Lesson 2: Expressive Movement

Objective: Explore body awareness and expression through movement.

1. Animal Charades: Students take turns acting out different animals while others guess.
2. Movement Exploration: Provide prompts like "move like a butterfly," "walk like an elephant,"
etc., and encourage students to mimic the movements.
3. Musical Statues: Play music and have students freeze when the music stops. Encourage
different poses and expressions.

Month 2:

Lesson 3: Role Play and Storytelling

Objective: Develop narrative skills and imaginative thinking through role-playing and

1. Puppet Show: Students create simple puppets and perform a short story they've created.
2. Story Chain: Sit in a circle and start a story. Each student adds a sentence to continue the
3. Dress-Up Corner: Set up a dress-up area where students can choose costumes and act out
different roles and scenarios.

Lesson 4: Creating Characters

Objective: Encourage students to create and embody unique characters.
1. Character Parade: Students create and present their own characters, describing their
appearance and personality.
2. Emotion Charades: Assign different emotions (happy, sad, surprised) to students who act them
out while others guess.
3. Role Play: Provide simple scenarios and have students act out different characters' reactions
and emotions.

Month 3:

Lesson 5: Mime and Gesture

Objective: Explore non-verbal communication and body language through mime and gestures.

1. Mime Mirror: Students pair up and take turns mimicking each other's movements and facial
2. Invisible Objects: Students mime interacting with imaginary objects while others guess what
they are.
3. Emotion Charades: Students convey emotions solely through facial expressions and body

Lesson 6: Storytelling with Props

Objective: Enhance storytelling skills using props and visual aids.

1. Prop Box Theatre: Provide a variety of props and encourage students to create short stories or
skits using the props.
2. Picture Prompt: Show a picture to the students and ask them to narrate a story based on the
3. Sensory Storytelling: Use different sensory materials (fabric, feathers, etc.) to enhance
storytelling experiences.

Month 4:

Lesson 7: Improvisation
Objective: Develop spontaneity and creativity through improvisational activities.

1. Freeze Frame: Students work in pairs to create frozen scenes. Others guess the situation or
emotions portrayed.
2. Word Bank Improv: Students randomly choose words from a word bank and incorporate them
into improvised scenes.
3. Story Starters: Provide story prompts, and students take turns adding to the story

Lesson 8: Puppetry
Objective: Introduce basic puppetry skills and techniques.

1. Puppet Design: Students create their own puppets using various materials (socks, paper bags,
2. Puppet Show: Students perform short puppet shows, narrating stories they have written or
using improvised dialogue.
3. Puppet Interviews: Students interview their puppets, encouraging conversation and

Month 5:

Lesson 9: Creating Soundscapes

Objective: Explore the use of sound effects to enhance storytelling.

1. Sound Charades: Students create sound effects using their voices or objects while others guess
the action.
2. Sound Walk: Take students on a walk around the school or outdoor area, encouraging them to
listen to and imitate various sounds they hear.
3. Story Soundscapes: Students work together to create soundscapes to accompany a story or

Lesson 10: Mini Production

Objective: Provide an opportunity for students to collaborate on a short theatrical production.

1. Script Creation: Students collectively create a simple script or adapt a familiar story.
2. Rehearsals: Assign roles and rehearse scenes, focusing on character development and
3. Performance: Organize a mini-production for students to showcase their work to parents or
other classes.

Month 6:
Lesson 11: Reflection and Review
Objective: Reflect on the drama activities and celebrate learning.

1. Circle Time Sharing: Students discuss their favorite drama activities and moments.
2. Portfolio Creation: Students compile their artwork, photographs, and reflections from the
drama lessons into a personal portfolio.
3. Celebration Day: Organize a drama celebration where students perform their favorite drama
activities from the past months.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Develop imagination and creativity through dramatic play.

2. Enhance communication and language skills through storytelling and role-playing.
3. Foster social skills and teamwork through collaborative activities.
4. Explore emotions and empathy through character exploration.
5. Build confidence and self-expression through performance opportunities.

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