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Class: - VI
Date: - 07/05/2021

1. English-I: -
I. Create a VADE MECUM (a personal handbook). You can take a thin
notebook, whichever is available to you. Make your own personal
collection of the topics given below.
• Acronyms (15)
• Tongue Twisters (15)
• Riddles (15)
• Quotations (15)
• Palindromes (15)
II. Make a list of hundred irregular verbs.
III. Write Tense Chart.

2. English-II: -
Look at the picture given below.
Now think about these questions and make notes of your ideas.
I. How could it have sunk and under what circumstances?
II. How long ago it could have sunk?
III. Whether the people on board would have escaped?
IV. Whether any treasures on board could still be found?
Based on the points that you have written, write a creative paragraph or
short story about the picture.

3. Odia: -
ରଚନା- ପରିବେଶ ସୁରକ୍ଷା
ପତ୍ରଲିଖନ- ଗ୍ରୀଷ୍ମ ଛୁ ଟ ି କିପରି କଟାଇଲ େର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରି ସାଙ୍ଗ ନିକଟକୁ ପତ୍ର।

4. Hindi: -
I. संज्ञा, क्रिया, समास, वाच्य एवं संधि की परिभाषा एवं उनके भेदों की
परिभाषा को उदाहिण सहहत लिखिए (एक पूणण तालिका बनाइए ।)
II. अपने पाठ्य पुस्तक से कम से कम 20 मुहाविों का अर्ण लििकि
वाक्य में प्रयोग कीजिए
III. कल्पना कीजिए क्रक अचानक से आपको यह सूचना लमिी क्रक पूिी
दनु नया में कोिोनावायिस का संिमण पिू ी तिह से समाप्त हो चक
ु ा
है औि अब आप पहिे की तिह स्कूि िा सकते हैं। हि िगह
ननज्चंत होकि घूम सकते हैं । ऐसी जस्र्नत में आप कैसे महसस

किें गे। अपने भावनाओं को अपने क्रकसी लमत्र के सार् संवाद के रूप
में प्रस्तुत कीजिए ।

5. Physics: -
I. Write about simple pendulum
II. Write the relation between motion and time.

6. Chemistry: -
Describe about global warming and ozone layer depletion. What are the
consequences of these? Draw appropriate diagrams related to it.
7. Biology: -
I. Draw labelled diagram of both plant and animal cell.
II. Write the difference between plant and animal cells.
III. Write 5-main cell organelles and their functions.

8. History & Civics: -

I. Read life history of king Ashoka from various sources (books or
internet) and write in about 500 words.
II. Globalization has changed the way of living of people since
independence with the help of your parents and friends note
down these changes of the following parameters.
III. Transportation
IV. Communication
V. Technology
VI. Tourism
VII. Health
VIII. Education

9. Geography: -
PLANTS with photo or paste the leaf/ flower in your note book (at least
ten plants).

10. Computer: -
I. How does Google help you in your studies? Write any 5 points on
II. Write ten options that you use while preparing a slide show.
(Two points on each)

11. P.T: -
I. You have to do Meditation everyday-15 minutes
II. Do the Surya Namaskar
III. Do the Anulom vilom pranayam
IV. Do the Sky look
V. Do the Side deep squats
VI. Do the table exercise 1 to 20
Note: - Write all Homework of all subjects in one note copy only.
Blessings to all
Take care

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