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Grade -VIII Holiday Home fun [2023-24]


Reading develops long-term skills.

Reading helps in the development of the brain. By inculcating reading skills earlyin life, the functioning of
the entire brain is positively influenced. Additionally, early reading also makes up for a lifelong hobby.
This helps the child in the academic success, as reading helps to improve attention span, in
comprehending concepts of other subjects, boosts creativity and imagination.

Note: The holiday home fun for all the subjects should be done in classwork notebook.


Ls.1 The Best Christmas Present in the World and answer it.
I. Read the extract and answer the questions that are given below.
I removed the roll-top completely and pulled out the drawers. The veneer had lifted almost everywhere it
looked like water damage to me. Both fire and water had clearly taken their toll on this desk. The last
drawer was stuck fast. I tried all I could to ease it out gently. In the end I used brute force. I struck it
sharply with the side of my fist and the drawer flew open to reveal a shallow space underneath, a secret
drawer. There was something in there. I reached in and took out a small black tin box. Sello-taped to the
top of it was a piece of lined note paper, and written on it in shaky handwriting: “Jim’s last letter, received
January 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes.” I knew as I did it that it was wrong of me
to open the box, but curiosity got the better of my scruples. It usually does. Inside the box there was an
envelope. The address read: “Mrs Jim Macpherson, 12 Copper Beeches, Bridport, Dorset.” I took out the
letter and unfolded it. It was written in pencil and dated at the top — “December 26, 1914”.
1. (a) What had damaged the desk ?
(b) Where did the author find a small black tin box ?
2. (a) What was there inside the box ?
(b) Find the word from the passage which means 'less deep'.

II. Watch videos on why nations go to war, what are the rules of war, War and what comes after, and
answer the questions given below.
a) Why do countries wage wars?
b) What happens during wars?
c) What is a world war?
d) List out the countries that are currently experiencing wars and then write the challenges faced by those
e) What can we do to avoid wars?
III. Let’s Get Creative:
Imagine the lesson The Best Christmas Present was turned into a movie. What would the movie poster be?
Make a colourful movie poster using colour pencils/ wax crayons.


पाठ - 1 लाख की चडू ़ियााँ

Text Book Pg. No. 1,2,& 3 ( as per new book)

' सारे गााँव में बदलू मुझ.े ....... चडू ़ियााँ पहने तो मोच ना आ जाए '। तक ध्यान से पढ़कर ददए गए प्रश्नों
के उत्तर अपने C.W Book में ललखखए ।

I. ननम्न ललखखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर ललखखए।

1. बदलू काका क्या बनाया करता था ?
2. बदलू काका को ककस बात से चिढ़ थी ?
3. परू ा जोडा िडू डयााँ बना लेने पर बदलू काका क्या करता था ?
4.इन शब्दों के पयाायवािी शब्द ललखिए।
1. िडू डयााँ 2. मरद 3. हाथ 4. काया
II. पाठ्यपुस्तक पष्ृ ठ नंबर 1 में
' सारे गााँव में बदलू मुझे........ पपघलाया करता' । तक पढढ़ए।
अब इस पैराग्राफ में से योजक चिह्न के शब्द ढूूंढकर ललखिए।

लो आ गई अब गनतववधि
बच्िों आपके घर में पुरानी िडू डयााँ तो बहुत होंगे, तो क्यों न हम इनसे पेन बॉक्स बनाये।
अब जरा इस ललूंक को क्क्लक करके दे खिए और मजेदार पेन बॉक्स बनाइए।

Required Materials - Old bangles, cardboard ,glue, sparkles and kundans.


పాఠం 2. సముద్ర ప్రయాణం

ఈ క్రంది ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానాలను మీ హో మ్ వర్క్ బుక్ లో రాయండి.

పాఠయ ప్ుసత కం పేజీ నం. 10, 11, 12, 13 లను చదివి క్ంర ది ప్రశ్నలకు అడిగన
ి విధంగా
సమాధానాలు వ్ారయండి.
గమనిక:- పాఠయ ప్ుసత కం లేని వ్ారు ఈ క్ంర ది లంక్ ని ఉప్యోగించి చదివి సమాధానాలు వ్ారయండి.
పాఠయప్ుసత కం (link)

I. ప్రశ్నలు:-.

1. మీరు ఎప్ుుడన
ై ా నీటిపన
ై ప్రయాణం చేసారా? ఒక వ్ేళ మీరు చేసి ఉంటే ఆ ప్రయాణప్ు


2. కారయసాధకులు అని ఎవరిని అంటారు?

3. నువుు ఉననత విద్యకోసము ఏ దేశానిక్ వ్ెళ్ళి ఏ విద్యను అభయసించి వినియోగించాల అనుకుంటునానవు?

4. ద్ూర ప్రయాణం చేసేటప్ుుడు ఎటువంటి జాగరతతలు తీసుకోవ్ాల?

5. సముద్ర రోగము అంటే ఏమిటి? దాని యొక్ లక్షణాలు రాయండి.

II. సరదా కృతయం :

పార్క్ -1 లో ప్డవలో ఏమేమి సద్ుపాయాలు ఉనానయో వ్ాటిని మీకు అంద్ుబాటులో ఉనన వసుతవులతో చక్గా
తయారు చేయండి.
ఉదా:- పో సా్ఫీస్ లో ఉండే పో స్్ డబాాని తయారుచేసి, మీకు నచిిన వ్ారిక్ ఉతత రము రాసి ఆ డబాాలో వ్ేయండి.
(చిరునామా రాయడం మరవద్ుు).


Math Text book Link -

Chapter - 1 Rational numbers
1. Go through the introduction of Rational numbers and write the definitions of Natural
numbers, Whole numbers, Integers and Rational numbers in your classwork. Do the following
activity in classwork
2. Read the textbook page number 2 to 12 Properties of Rational numbers. Do the following table in
A4 Size sheet and paste it in classwork

a) Solve the Thinking classroom Think sheet -1

b) What are the uses of rational numbers in our daily life?


Read the lesson or browse from internet about2Lconservation

[HINDI] of plant and animals, understand and
engage with given work
I. Read the given article and answer the following questions.
Project Tiger is a tiger conservation programme launched on April 1,1973 by the Government of India
during Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's tenure. The project aims at ensuring a viable population of the
Bengal tiger in its natural habitats, protecting it from extinction, and preserving areas of biological
importance as a natural heritage that represent the diversity of ecosystems across the tiger's range in the
country. The project's task force visualised these tiger reserves as breeding nuclei, from which surplus
animals would migrate to adjacent forests. Funds and commitment were mustered to support the intensive
program of habitat protection and rehabilitation under the project.

a) In which year the Project Tiger program was launched?

b) What is the motto of this program?
c) Why is the tiger population reducing in India?

II. Use your previous knowledge on deforestation, answer the following questions.

a) Animal life is also affected by deforestation, how do you list out the points?
b) What are the natural causes of deforestation?
How do you think paper industry contributes deforestation? As a student explain your role and
responsibilities to control paper wastage.

d) How deforestation leads to drought conditions, explain?

III. Let’s do Innovatively: Design your own creative model of RED DATA BOOK LIST and paste some
pictures of endangered species of plants and animals found in India.


Geography: Ch-1: Resources


To identify the resources:


1. Identify and classify the resources based on origin and exhaustibility and make a list of 10 resources that
you find in and around your surroundings in a tabular form.

On the basis of Origin On the basis of Exhaustibility

2. List any five easy ways of how you conserve resources that can help to protect your planet.
3. Write reflection writing on sustainable development in 200 words.
4. Activity: Hands on…
Plant a sapling at your home garden or in a flower pot and observe its growth for eight days and answer
the following questions: (present the same in classroom)
1. How did you feel when you planted a sapling?
2. Where did you plant your sapling in your house, were there any objections from your parents?
3. What are the four important things you require to grow a sapling?
4. Did you notice any major change you observed in your house after you planted a sapling
5. Analyze and write the idea behind planting a sapling?

“Save Earth for your future generations”.

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