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evaluations are used to persuade 提供的信息明显

skillfully used to readers and to Ordinary arguments

persuade readers substantiate or evaluations are
and to points. Most used to
substantiate information substantiate points.
logical points. All presented is Some information is
information accurate. clearly not
presented is accurate.
accurate. 可以用理性的论据
可以用高度理性的 评价来证明观点。
论据或者评价巧妙 供的大部分资料均 所提供的有些信息
地说服读者并证明 正确。 明显不正确。

20 points 16 points 14 points 12 points 0 points

Project idea is Project idea is Project idea is Project idea is No project

innovative and clear, creative ordinary. It displays fuzzy and/or submitted.
displays creativity original, and components similar limited. May
that works. It is focused. Is bound to other projects. appear forced or 没有提交项目。
exciting, fresh by the required hard to follow.
Originality/ and goes beyond elements. 项目理念普通,并 Has parts that
Creativity the required 显示有类似其他项 are strange
elements. 项目思路清晰,创 and/or serve no
创新性/创造 目的成分。
力 项目理念具有创新 出。超出了所要求
性和有效的创造 的元素。 项目理念模糊或
力。它令人兴奋, 者受限,显得是
感到新鲜,并超出 被迫做项目或者
了所要求的元素。 没有理解项目要

10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 0 points

APA styling is APA styling is Attempts to use Another No project

used to the used, but not APA styling, but formatting style submitted.
highest degree. consistently. Few does so other than APA
There are no errors in unsuccessfully. (i.e. MLA) is 没有提交项目。
errors in formatting exist. Citations or used.
Citations formatting. references may be
引文 采用 APA 样式,但 used, but not both. 采用了非 APA 样
最高阶的是 APA 样 是不连贯。格式有 式(例如:
式。格式没有错 较少错误。 试图采用 APA 样 MLA)。
误。 式,但是不成功。

10 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 0 points

Grammar, One to two Three to five More than five No project

spelling and grammar, spelling grammar, spelling grammar, submitted.
punctuation are and /or and /or punctuation spelling and /or
impeccable. No punctuation errors errors are found. punctuation 没有提交项目。
errors are found. are found. errors are found.
有 3-5 个语法、拼
技术方面 语法、拼写和标点 有 1-2 个语法、拼 语法、拼写和/
符号无懈可击,没 写和/或标点符号 错误。 或标点符号的错
有错误。 的错误。 误超过 5 个。

22 points 17 points 11 points 5 points 0 points

Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork
Teamwork Evaluations Evaluations Evaluations Evaluations Evaluations
Average of 17 – Average of 13 - Average of 9 - 13. Average of 5 - 8. Average of 0 - 4.
20. 16.
团队合作评估平均 团队合作评估平 团队合作评估平
团队合作评估平均 团队合作评估平均 为 9-13。 均为 5-8。 均为 0-4。
为 17-20。 为 13-16。

Exemplary Meets Developing Novice Not Acceptable

Cumulative 优秀 中 及格 不及格
Points 良好
总分 90-100 points 70-79 points 60-69 points 0-59 points
80-89 points

2. 团队评估

(Your name)
(Team member
Exemplary Meets Developing Novice 及格 Total
Criteria Expectations 1 point 合计
评分标准 优秀 中
4 points 良好 2 points

3 points
Routinely provides Usually provides Sometimes provides Rarely provides
useful ideas when useful ideas when useful ideas when useful ideas when
participating in the participating in the participating in the participating in the
group and in group and in group and in group and in
classroom classroom classroom classroom
discussion. A discussion. A strong discussion. A discussion. May
leader who group member who satisfactory group refuse to
contributes a lot of tries hard. member who does participate.
effort. what is required.
通常在参加小组讨论 在参与小组讨论和
在参加小组讨论和 和课堂讨论时提供有 有时在参加小组讨论 课堂讨论时,很少
课堂讨论时,经常 用的想法,努力工作 和课堂讨论时提供有 提供有用的想法,
提供有用的想法。 的坚强的团队成员。 用的想法。令人满意 有时可能拒绝参与
Contributions 引导大家努力工作 的小组成员。 的成员。

Actively looks for Refines solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to
and suggests suggested by refine solutions, but solve problems or
solutions to others. is willing to try out help others solve
problems. solutions suggested problems. Allows
能完善其他人建议的 by others. others do the
能积极发现问题并 解决方案。 work.
提出解决方案。 不能提出或优化解决
方案,但愿意尝试其 不去尝试解决问题
solving 他人建议的解决方 或帮助他人解决问
案。 题。 让其他去完
解决问题 成项目。

Always has a Often has a positive Sometimes has a Is often negative

positive attitude attitude about the positive attitude about the task(s).
about the task(s). task(s). Supports about the task(s). Rejects the team's
Adopts the team's the team's Accepts the team's assignments
assignments and assignments and assignments and and/or rejects
adopts their supports their accepts their their individual
individual role in individual role in the individual role in the role in the team.
the team. team. team.
对任务始终持积极 对任务通常持积极态 有时对任务有积极的 的。 拒绝团队的
态度。 完全接受团 度。 支持团队的任 态度。 接受团队的 任务和/或拒绝他
Attitude 队的任务并接受他 务并支持他们在团队 任务并承认他们在团 们在团队中的个人
们在团队中的个人 中的个人角色。 队中的个人角色。 角色。
态度 角色。

Consistently stays Focuses on the task Focuses on the task Rarely focuses on
focused on the and what needs to and what needs to the task and what
task and what be done most of the be done some of the needs to be done.
time. Other group time. Other group
members must

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