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Assalamualaikum and good morning to all of the judges, teachers and my friends.

am _____________. Today, I want to talk about Johor Figure Leaderships.

Ladies and gentleman,

Before we go through to our topic, let’s do some research on the meaning of figure
leaderships. According to Cambridge Dictionary, figure can be defined as an important or
well-known person. In a meanwhile, leadership can be defined as the set of characteristics
that make a good leader. If we talk about figure leaderships, we already set in our minds that
these type of people are well known as they are able to lead the organisations by practicing
good characteristics. Johor has a bunch of great figure leaderships and we will identify some
of them throughout this topic.

Great leaders find the balance between performance and character. There are seven
specific qualities of good leaders that stand out as contributing to their greatness. Today, I
want to focus in describing on three out of seven qualities of good leaders.

First and foremost, they have a clear vision. They have an exciting idea of where
they are going and are excellent at strategic planning. We can refer on a great example
showing by The Johor Crown Prince, Tunku Ismail ibni Sultan Ibrahim when he decided
to take over the leader shoots of JDT Football Club in this state. We can see the
continuous progress of this football club until it won several prestige competitions and it
can be on the first ranking of football club in Malaysia. It shows that, the leader of this
club who is Tunku Ismail has the clear vision in bringing forward JDT football club into a
higher level.

Besides, good leaders must also have integrity in them. The core of integrity is
truthfulness. Integrity requires them to always tell the truth, to all people, in every
situation. It is practiced by our beloved Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, one of
the leaders who was born in Johor. He said that, “The government under my leadership
will make efforts to improve the integrity”. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who was sworn in
as the 8th Prime Minister, said he is aware that the people want a clean and corrupt-free
government, one that works with integrity. It shows that, integrity is one of the key for
onwards country, like Malaysia to be successful as others developing countries in the
Last but not least, they must also instill the cooperation in their organisations. The
leaders’ abilities to get everyone working together is essential to their success. Leadership
is the ability to get people to work for the leaders because they want to, not they have to.
The 80/20 rule applies here: 20 percent of people contribute 80 percent of leaders’ results.
Sultan Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar is the 25th Sultan of Johor and he is
famous for being cooperate among the leader and the people. He is proud of Bangsa Johor
and he always stated that Bangsa Johor has to be united no regard the races, religions and
beliefs in order for Johor to success. As a result, Bangsa Johor lives in peaceful and they
are working together harmoniously leading by great example of leaders like Sultan

Ladies and Gentleman,

As conclusion, leaders must practice good leadership’s characteristics in order for

them to be great examples for the organisations. The good leaders produce good followers.
That’s all. Thank you for listening.

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