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I, Tuyor, Kurt Russel B. from BSMT12-B9.

I am writing to formally request a change of grades

for the ICT122L3 that I'm taking this second semester of 2024. After reviewing my academic
performance, I believe there may have been a misunderstanding or error in the grading
process. Upon reflection and consultation with my instructors, I believe there may have been
circumstances or factors that impacted my performance that were not adequately considered
at the time of grading. I take full responsibility for any shortcomings on my part, but I am
confident that a reevaluation of my work may result in a fairer and more accurate
representation of my abilities.

As a dedicated scholar committed to maintaining high academic standards, I am deeply

concerned about the potential impact that my current grades may have on my scholarship
status. I am fully aware of the responsibilities and expectations that come with this
prestigious designation. I take great pride in representing our institution and am committed to
upholding the standards of academic achievement associated with the scholarship.

I understand that changes to grades are subject to the policies and procedures outlined by the
Asian Institute of Maritime Studies. However, I hope that my dedication to my studies and my
commitment to maintaining my scholarship status will be taken into consideration during the
review process.
Thank you for considering my request. I am hopeful that together we can find a solution that
ensures the integrity of the scholarship program while also providing me with the opportunity
to continue pursuing my academic goals. God bless!

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