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1. Break down: This phrase means to stop working or functioning properly. It can be used for
machines, vehicles, or even plans or systems that fail to work as intended.
2. Check-in: This phrase refers to the process of registering or reporting one's arrival at a
particular location, such as an airport, hotel, or event. It often involves providing
identification, receiving necessary documents, and getting information about the place.
3. Get away: This phrase means to escape or go on a vacation or short trip, typically for
relaxation or to take a break from one's usual routine or environment.
4. Get in: This phrase means arrive.
5. Get into/out of: "Get into" means to enter or become involved in a particular situation or
activity. On the other hand, "get out of" means to exit or avoid a situation or activity.
6. Get on/off: "Get on" means to board or enter a vehicle, such as a bus, train, or airplane.
Conversely, "get off" means to disembark or exit from a vehicle.
7. Set off: This phrase has a few different meanings. It can mean to start a journey or trip, to
trigger or initiate something, or to cause an explosion or fire.
8. Take off: This phrase has multiple meanings as well. It can mean to remove or unfasten
something, like taking off a piece of clothing. It can also mean the departure of an aircraft
from the ground, or to become successful or popular rapidly.

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