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Digital Literacy overview.

I believe, that digital literacy has a lot of definition and It is the best way to define it in this way, digital
literacy refers to the ability to define, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information
technologies and the internet (power point, jan3). Digital literacy plays a crucial role in the modern
society and it is improving day by day around the world. In the other hand, people might ask about the
benefits of digital literacy like, why is it important and what is the benefits of using it?

We can understand the importance of digital literacy from its meaning (having the skills you need to live,
learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through
digital technologies like internet platform, social media and so on) (What Is Digital Literacy? | Western
Sydney University, n.d.)
, I believe it clarify everything and the benefits of digital literacy is very a lot that I cannot mention all of
them here, so the most important ones are improving writing, reading, give the ability to identify
authentic materials and so on.

Here, I want to share one of the experience that I had with digital literacy, in the very beginning of
spring I didn’t know anything about computer and even I was not familiar with basics of computer. In
the course, one of my teacher always told to us to practice typing in computer, so I started when I
wanted to type a word, my eyes were just searching for letters like where is a or b. After practicing a lot I
finally could write a word or letter without searching and it really helped me because, if I was not
familiar with typing in computer I might not be able to join TTS, so it played a crucial role and also
impact my life. I am very happy!

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