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Unit 2: Electric checkings and measurements

Initial Situation

The Three Wise Men have indulged Javier with a digital

multimeter. He is very much interested in knowing how to
utilise it and makes tests with all the measurements that
the device allows to check. However, Javier doesn‘t fully
understand the operation instructions of this device; he
has had to turn to Laura, who has lent him an electricity
book of an acquaintance.

The REBT (low-voltage electrotechnical standards), specifically its ITC-BT 03, enumerates
the technical means available to be used by authorised installers (basic categories and
specialist), which are as follows:

For the basic category:

Earth resistance meter

Insulation resistant meter
Earth leakage detector
Voltage detector
AC 3-phase power and energy analyser-recorder
Testers of differential breaker sensitivity
Loop resistance testers
Lux meter

For the specialist category (other than those included in the basic category):

Network, harmonic and network disturbance analyser

Ground insulation measuring electrodes
Tester of operating theatre watchers

Not all of these devices can be covered in a single unit. Just a few of the most utilised will be

Further information 1/18
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For additional information and details about the topics covered in this
unit, please visit the following websites:


Pasado Simple (Past Simple)

En los verbos regulares se forma con la terminación -ed, los verbos irregulares tienen
formas diferentes para el pasado.
p.ej. work → worked, go → went.
The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons.
Las oraciones negativas e interrogativas con verbos en pasado simple se construyen
empleando el auxiliar DO debidamente conjugado (DID), y colocado antes del sujeto en las
interrogativas, además del infinitivo sin TO del verbo principal.
We used the Past Simple for:
a state in the past
a single completed action in the past
a habit in the past
Pasado Contínuo (Past Continuous)
Se emplea para referirse a una acción que estaba sucediendo en cierto momento en el
pasado y que no había concluido aún en ese momento.
La formación es : was/were + forma en -ing del verbo principal.
Las negaciones se realizan negando was/were, simplemente añadiendo la partícula NOT
(observa la contracción: I was not playing tennis = I wasn´t playing tennis).
We can use when or while with the Past Continuous. We don´t usually use while with the Past

Pasado Contínuo y Pasado Simple

Estas dos formas verbales se emplean a menudo en una misma frase. El pasado continuo se
emplea para la acción de mayor duración; y el pasado simple para la acción más corta. Por
ejemplo, cuando se cuenta una historia se emplea el pasado continuo para describir la escena
de fondo, y el pasado simple para la acción que se produce dentro de la de fondo.

p.ej.: I was watching TV when the telephone rang.

We can also use the Past Continuous when the longer action is interrupted, p.ej.: While we
were playing tennis it started to rain (so we stopped the match).

We can also use the Past Continuous to talk about an activity in progress al a point of time in
the past, p.ej.: At five o´clock I was working. 2/18
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Observa la diferencia en este ejemplo:

When Ernesto arrived we were having dinner.

When Ernesto arrived we had dinner.

Veamos si lo has entendido.

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words.

When Ernesto arrived we (have) dinner (llegó durante la cena).

When Ernesto arrived we (have) dinner (llegó y después cenamos).

Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto (Past Perfect)

Se emplea cuando hablamos del pasado y queremos referirnos a un tiempo todavía anterior
a ese pasado.

La formación es: HAD (o la forma contraída ´D) + participio pasado.

p.ej. When she called me, I had already finished my homework.

The form of the Past Perfect is the same for all persons.

Recuerda la formación del participio pasado:

para los verbos regulares se forma con el infinitivo (sin TO) + la terminación -ed,
para los verbos irregulares el past participle adopta formas diferentes, siendo necesario
estudiar cada caso concreto.

p.ej. work → worked, go → gone, be → been, put → put, meet→ met, say → said.
La oraciones negativas se construyen empleando HAD NOT (HADN´T) y el participo pasado.

p.ej. She hadn´t heard of any of the men before.

La oraciones interrogativas se construyen colocando HAD antes del sujeto y el participo
pasado después del sujeto.
p.ej. What had Laura done before you met her?

When there is more than one action in the past, we often use the Past Perfect for the action
that happened first.

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

Read the paragraph below and fill in the missing words. 3/18
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The ship (sink) the day before you (meet) me.

Julia (die) in 2005, her husban (die) two years earlier.

The match (finish) by the time she (arrive).

I wish I (eat) all thats scampi for dinner last night.

When I (arrive) at airport, I (be) an hour late. My friends spent (spend) two
hours waiting for me.

Modal verbs

can, may, must, ‘have to', should and ‘ought to' are the most common modal verbs.
La traducción de estos verbos al castellano puede asemejarse a la siguiente: can (poder),
may (poder, tener permiso para), must (deber, tener que), have to (tener que, deber), should
(debería), ought to (tendría que).

Nevertheless, these translations are not completely accurate, so it is recommended to know

the situations where each of these verbs is utilized so as to learn their true semantic meaning.
Some of the most commons situations where thesemmodal verbs can occur are as follows:

can y could se emplean habitualmente para pedir algo. could es menos directo y educado
(may también es muy educado).
p.ej. Can I have a cup of coffee, please? p.ej. Could I have some more coffee?


Some of these questions are very often used in

English in everyday conversations whereas they are not
so common in Spanish. For example, how would you
ask for any item in a shop or store both in English and

En una cafetería → Me pone un zumo de naranja, por

favor? / Quiero un zumo de naranja. In a café → Can/Could
I have, please, an orange juice?

En unos grandes almacenes → Me da una talla más grande,

por favor? / Quiero una talla más grande. In a department
store → Can/Could I have a larger size, please? 4/18
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Se puede emplear may para indicar que algo puede suceder.
p.ej. It may rain tonight.

Might puede emplearse para denotar un grado de posibilidad inferior al expresado con may.

Can y Could también pueden utilizarse en contextos que indican posibilidad, expresando en
este caso una posibilidad mayor a la de may/might.

Por último, must representa una certeza casi absoluta, implicando por ello un grado de
posibilidad superior al expresado por todas las demás formas. Can't (Cannot) se usa para
indicar un grado de certeza casi total sobre un enunciado negativo.

Your uncle might give you 200 euro for your birthday.
Peter can be late because of the bad weather.
Charlotte must have forgotten her mobile phone at home, as she doesn't answer.
He can't have arrived at home in just 5 minutes.

Se emplea can para indicar permiso

p.ej. You can go now. Se emplea can o be + allowed + to + verbo en infinitivo para referirse a
algo para lo que ya se ha dado o no permiso.
p.ej. She´s allowed to do what she wants. We use can and ‘be able to' to talk about ability or
p.ej. She´s allowed to continue working when she´s travelling. Para pedir permiso las
formulas más habituales son: May, Can y Could.
p.ej. May I come in?
Can I use your laptop to send an email to my friends?

Obligación, necesidad:
Normalmente se usa must cuando la obligación depende del hablante.
p.ej. I must work harder. Cuando la obligación está impuesta, de fuera del hablante, como en
leyes y normas, se usa ‘have to'.
p.ej. You have to drive on the left in England.
Se emplea musn´t cuando hay una obligación de no hacer algo.
p.ej. You musn´t send personal emails from the office.
Se emplea needn´t (o ‘don't have to') para indicar que algo no es necesario.
p.ej. You needn´t wear a raincoat. She doesn't have to get up so early because she lives close
to the school. We use should and ought to to give advice.
p.ej. She should only work 35 hours a week.


Adjectives are a fundamental grammatical category that is very much used when making
descriptions. For that reason, adjectives are particularly useful in technical language, as you will
surely have noticed. Similarly, the complements introduced by OF, FROM or any other
preposition play the same role as an adjective and, as it will be explained, can often be
expressed in English by simple adjectives (no preposition).
Los tipos de adjetivos en inglés son, en general, muy similares a los existentes en castellano, 5/18
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por lo que no se les dedicará especial atención. Sólo a modo de curiosidad se destacarán los
siguientes aspectos:

La mayor parte de los adjetivos derivan de algún nombre o verbo y se forman añadiendo
algún sufijo a la palabra de procedencia. Los sufijos más empleados son: -ful (having, full
of), -able/-ible (able to be), -less (without), -ive (tending to).

P.ej. Stressful (estresante), meaningful (significativo), careless (descuidado), attainable

(alcanzable), feasible (factibe), impulsive (impulsivo), sensitive (sensible).

Para convertir un adjetivo en su froma negativa se suelen emplear prefijos negativos. Los
más comunes en inglés son: UN- (el más común de todos), IN-, IM-, IL-, IR-.
P.ej. Unforgettable (inolvidable), illogical (ilógico), impossible (imposible), unavailable (no
disponible), unrealistic (irrealista), irresponsable (irresponsable).

En inglés son muy habituales los adjetivos formados con un verbo más la terminación -
ING (-ing form of a verb). Estos adjetivos denotan una cualidad cuyo significado está
relacionado con el verbo del que procede y sustituyen de manera clara a una oración de
relativo; de hecho, en ocasiones la traducción de estos adjetivos al castellano sólo puede
hacerse mediante una oración de relativo.

P.ej. The situation is not worrying at the moment.

The changing wind made us feel really confused.
Spanish-speaking countries have doubled their population in the last 50 years or so.

Muchos nombres pueden desempeñar la función de adjetivo colocándose, sin ningún

cambio, al lado del nombre al que complementan.
p.ej. La espada de hierro → The iron sword
Un partido de fútbol → A football (soccer) match

Observa que este tipo de adjetivos se corresponde, en castellano, con complementos del
nombre (introducidos por la preposición DE en la mayoría de los casos).

A veces el sustantivo que se convierte en adjetivo sufre ligeras modificaciones.

P.ej. El palo de madera → the wooden stick.

La construcción de adjetivos en inglés es muy flexible, permitiéndose condensar toda la

información de una oración o de un complemento largo en un solo adjetivo formado por
varias palabras separadas entre sí por guiones (-).
Mundialmente famoso → world-famous La actriz ganadora del Óscar →The Oscar-award-
winning actress a onda de período 5ms → The 5ms-period wave
El "genitivo sajón" (genitive case) es una fórmula muy común en inglés para expresar un
complemento del nombre (Adjetivo) mediante otro nombre y la terminación ‘S añadida al
sustantivo principal. Sirve para expresar posesión, origen, composición, etc., y es habitual
encontrarlos en complementos de nombres propios (Peter's, John's, etc.).

p.ej. Peter's father→ El padre de Peter. Is this your bag? No, it's Claire's →Es éste tu bolso?
No, es el de Claire. Destiny's child → El hijo del destino
The world's most important actor → El actor más importante del mundo
Adjective position and order
It must be noticed that adjectives that are complementing a noun are always placed BEFORE
the noun (in Spanish they are usually placed alter the noun).
p.ej. the red peppers → los pimientos rojos 6/18
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a measuring instrument→ un instrumento de medida

Un aspecto muy importante del uso de adjetivos en lengua inglesa es el orden en el que han
de colocarse en el caso de que aparezcan varios adjetivos referidos a un mismo nombre. Dado
que en inglés es muy frecuente la utilización de más de un adjetivo precediendo a un nombre
(las oraciones de relativo y los complementos del nombre son menos utilizados), la existencia
de unas reglas de posicionamiento de dichos adjetivos según sea la categoría a la que
pertenecen resulta muy conveniente.
Las categorías de adjetivos consideradas a la hora de definir su orden son las siguientes:
opinión (opinión), tamaño (size), edad (age), forma (shape), color (colour), origen (origin),
material (material), y finalidad (purpose).
El orden en el que han de colocarse varios adjetivos cuando precedan a un nombre será, de
acuerdo a su categoría, el siguiente:

En caso de que aparezca un genitivo sajón, éste siempre aparecerá precediendo al resto de
La bella ciudad antigua, irregular, enorme, romana → The beautiful huge old irregular Roman
town Un nuevo sistema muy pequeño, complejo, japonés, digital, para proteger líneas eléctricas
→ A complex tiny new Japanese digital electric-line-protecting system Un viejo amigo muy
bueno nacido en Bilbao→ A very good old Bilbao-born friend


Los adjetivos en inglés no tienen género (no existe el

adjetivo masculino y el femenino, sino que hay una
única forma para ambos géneros) ni número (los
adjetivos nunca se escriben en plural, aunque se
refieran a un sustantivo en plural).
P.ej. Me encanta ver a los animales salvajes en la tele → I
love watching wild animals on TV. Lisa es una chica muy
alta → Lisa is a very tall girl


In this exercise you will have to answer ten multiple-choice questions about
adjectives. Please select in each question the only right option, either
because it is grammatically correct or because what it states is true:

1. In English, adjectives are placed:

Before the noun they are referred to

After the noun they are referred to
It doesn't matter where they are placed
Their position depends on the type of adjective we are considering

2. Which of the following sentences is correct?

Have you seen that red big racing car

Have you seen that big racing car red? 7/18
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Have you seen that big red racing car?

Have you seen that big racing red car?

3. Just one of the next four statements is right:

My neighbours are really kinds people

My neighbours are people really kind
My neighbours are really kind people
My neighbours are people really kinds

4.I cannot believe's definitely:


5.Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

I would like to take a ride on Nick's bike

I would like to take a ride on Nick bike
I would like to take a ride on the bike of Nick's
I would like to take a ride on the Nick's bike

6.Please select the right option:

The female of an English adjective can be formed by adding -a at the end

of the male form of the adjective.
There is no distinction between the male and the female forms of an
English adjective
The female of an English adjective is obtained by adding -e at the end of
the male adjective.
Sometimes English adjectives are originally female and the male form is
composed by adding -o at the end of the original adjective.

7.Those people that are seeking a job can also be referred to as:

People job-seeking
Seek people job
Job-seeking people
Seek-job people

8.The other day I bought a jacket that is made of leather. Have you seen

Jacket leather?
Leather jacket?
Of-leather jacket?

9.A device that records any type of signal is also called...

A recording device
A record device
A recorded device 8/18
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A device recording

10.In my town there is a plant that is very relevant, is also large and
rectangular and has been recently built. Apart from that, cars are
manufactured in this plant. This plant can be described as:

A large rectangular new relevant manufacture-car plant

A car-manufacture relevant new large and rectangular plant
A relevant large new rectangular car-manufacturing plant
A new large rectangular relevant car-manufacture plant

The multimeter

Concept of measurement

Measurement implies the procedure that leads to

assigning a numerical value to a physical phenomenon.

In order to measure electric magnitudes several

instruments can be used; such instruments show the
magnitude's value either in an analogue (needle displays)
or digital (e.g.: LCD -Liquid Crystal Display-) way. These
instruments are called measuring devices. Nowadays,
digital measuring devices are being widespread accepted
due to its numerical, therefore easier, reading.

The multimeter

The digital multimeter or multitester (also known as volt/ohm meter or VOM) is a portable
measuring device used to measure the main electric variables, which, depending on the device
model, are usually: voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance and diode continuity
and testing. 9/18
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Front panel description:

Function/Range switch switch: It allows changing the desired functional mode and range
(scale) for the measurement.
Display: LCD screen
Input terminals (or jacks): the common (COM) one, the VΩmA one and another of 10ADC.
Test leads (red and black)
Transistor test socket

A key factor to bear in mind is the range of

measurement, as it must be adjusted as a function of
the magnitude's value to measure. As a rule, and in
order to prevent the device from being damaged, it is
recommended to start with the largest range and, later
on, progressively adjust it in accordance with the
measured value.

Operation of the multimeter

Pulsa sobre las imágenes para visualizarlas a un tamaño mayor.

The device to be used is the so-called ohmmeter. When using a

multimeter, the "resistance measuring" function can be selected.
The resistor's -or set of resistors'- resistance can be measured by
connecting a test lead to each terminal of the resistor, being
Resistance disconnected from the electric supply.
measuring The "acoustic continuity" function is used to test integrity of a
circuit's conductors and junctions. It is utilised as in the example
above; if continuity exists, a buzzer emits a continuous sound, as
long as resistance is below 100 Ω. The device features an overload
protection for those cases with resistance over 100 Ω.

The voltmeter is the device to be used in these cases. The

multimeter function adequate for this type of measurements is the
Voltage "voltage measuring" function. The test leads need to be placed in
measuring parallel with the power supplies terminals or in parallel with the
terminals of the component to be measured, e.g., a resistor.
The same procedure applies both to AC and DC.

Current The measuring device to be used is named ammeter. The "current

measuring measuring" function of the multimeter can be used.
The test leads must be placed across (in series with) the circuit
conductor whose current wants to be measured. This entails some
inconvenience, as the electric circuit needs to be opened to connect
the multimeter in between. Such inconvenience can be avoided by
using a device called clamp meter; this clamp will embrace the
conductor whose currents is to be measured. An additional
advantage of this device is that it allows measuring very high
currents, no matter if they are AC or DC. It must be reminded that
most multimeters only feature the DC option.
For current values below 200 mA, the VΩmA input terminal must be 10/18
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used; for current values between 200mA and 10 A, the input

terminal to be use is the 10A one.
The "diode measuring" function of the multimeter will be used by
selecting the hFE range (placing the selector pointing out at this
The diode needs to be adequately placed into the test socket of the
multimeter, by distinguishing the emitter, base and collector and
correctly identifying the transistor type (NPN or PNP).
The hFE value will be automatically displayed.

The "transistor measuring" function of the multimeter will be used

by connecting the red test lead to the diode's anode and the black
test lead to the cathode. The voltage drop is shown on the LCD in
mV units; if the diode is wrongly placed (back to front), the digit "1"
is displayed.

The "range" function is utilised for generating a squared wave of

roughly 2 Vpeak-peak amplitude and 60Hz frequency. This type of
wave is useful for routine checking of amplifiers and low-frequency


Can you explain how to verify the status of a fuse?

The function "acoustic continuity" is effective in checking whether fuses

are working or not.

Measuring devices

Instruments that show the extent or amount or quantity or

degree of something.

Instruments for determining several magnitudes such as

temperatures, mass, height, length, voltage and
mechanical force.

All measuring instruments are subject to varying degrees

of instrument error and measurement uncertainty.

In this unit we will talk about the following methods and measuring instruments:

Indirect method, power measuring. 11/18
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Energy measuring.
Power factor.
Frequency measuring.
The oscilloscope as a measuring device.

Further information
How is your learning going? Is your English improving? At this point
you will probably have realized how important English is for all
technical disciplines and how, just by knowing a relatively reduced
set of grammar contents, you can manage to read, or even write,
technical texts.
In the future you may need or wish to expand your technical English
knowledge or just to check any specific issue. For that reason we
would like to include in this section a few links to useful websites that
have been utilised all along this course; some of these websites are
quite general, while others are specialised in technical topics -a few
of them actually correspond to technical instruments' manufacturers.

Please have a quick look at the following links and try to describe in
a couple of sentences what each of them is about:

Actividad de Espacios en Blanco

The exercise below deals with finding different measuring instruments
according to the definitions given. Please read carefully each definition and
then try to fill in the gaps with the names of the devices that best suit them
(please, use only one word in each blank). The contents given in this unit
may be helpful;otherwise, you can follow the links listed in the previous

: instrument intended to measure the value of a current.

:a non-linear device used for clamping and so measuring currents or other


:device intended at testing trigger sensitivity of differential residual current


:device which displays the content(s) of (a) memory(ies). 12/18
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:instrument intended to detect a leakage current to earth.

:instrument intended to measure the resistance of an earth connection.

:instrument intended to measure electrical energy by integrating power with

respect to time.

:instrument intended to measure the frequency of a periodic quantity.

:instrument intended to measure insulation resistance.

:portable electronic instrument for measuring the resistance of cable shielding

without the cables to be disconnected.

:Portable device intended to measure illuminances in different locations.

: multirange multifunction measuring instrument intended to measure voltage,

current and sometimes other electrical quantities such as resistance.

:instrument intended to measure electrical resistance (also called resistance


:instrument intended to show, in the form of a transitory trace, instantaneous

values of a quantity.

:instrument intended to measure reactive power.

:portable device used to detect reliably the presence or the absence of the
operating voltage and used to verify that the installation is ready for earthing.

:instrument intended to measure the value of a voltage.

:instrument intended to measure active power.

Other measuring devices I

Power measuring 13/18
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The most common method of power measuring in direct current

simultaneously using a voltmeter and an ammeter, being the request

For AC circuits the power measuring device is the wattmeter (which can also be used in AC).

A wattmeter can be one of two types: electrodynamic or ferrodynamic. It consists of two

measuring circuits: a current coil -stationary coil- (connected in series with the main circuit to be
measured) and a potential coil -movable coil- (parallel-connected).

The reading of a wattmeter is represented by the letter W. If more than a wattmeter is utilised,
each of them is distinguished with the relevant sub-index: W1, W2 and so on.

It must be outlined that, as a wattmeter is used in an AC circuit, the obtained measure is the
active power, being needed the power factor so as to get other power magnitudes (reactive
power, apparent power).

Power measuring in 3-phase circuits can be done with single-phase wattmeters. The
connection configuration and number of wattmeters will depend upon the type of lines and the
types of loads.

Reflexiona... 14/18
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Understandably, a system adequate for measuring power through an

unbalanced load is equally valid for a balanced load.

Let's see some of the most commonly utilised:

Active power measuring for configurations featuring neutral conductor

If the load is unbalanced, three wattmeters are needed. The current coil of each wattmeter
is series connected to each line conductor, while the potential coil is connected between
each phase and the neutral conductor. The requested power will result from adding up all
the three readings, that is, P = W1 + W2 + W3
If the load is balanced, just one wattmeter is needed. The current coil will be connected to
one of the line conductors, while the potential coil will be connected between the same
phase and the neutral conductor. The power is obtained by multiplying 3 times the
wattmeter reading, that is, P = 3·W
Active power measuring at configurations featuring unbalanced loads and no neutral
Three wattmeters are required, connecting the current coil of each of them in series with a
line conductor and the potential coil between each phase and a common neutral point.
The requested power will result from adding up all the three readings, that is: P = W1 +
W2 + W3

Method of the two wattmeters (Aron connection)

The current coil of each wattmeter will be connected in series with a different line conductor,
while the potential coil will be connected between the phase of the two selected lines (for the
current coil connections) and the line conductor not connected to any wattmeter’s current coil.
The value of active power will be obtained by adding up both readings, that is, P = W1 + W2

Energy measuring

Energy measuring is accomplished through a measuring device called energy meter. This
device just registers the product of power by time, so it has a wattmeter mechanism (for power
measuring) and a clock mechanism (for time measuring) built in. The result is expressed in
kWh, which is the basic unit of energy consumption usually paid for in most electricity
distribution companies' billing systems. 15/18
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Did you know that modern energy meters also feature a

MODEM inside so as to communicate with the distribution
company billing office and so submit the real-time energy
meter readings.

Other measuring devices II

Power factor measuring

Power factor can be measured with a device called phase meter, which will be connected
exactly like a wattmeter.

Frequency measuring

Frequency is measured by using a device called frequency meter. This device has to be
connected between the terminals of the phases of that network whose frequency would like to
be measured.

The oscilloscope

The oscilloscope is a measuring device utilised for analysis and value checking of alternate
signals. What an oscilloscope makes is to display in a screen (as a function of time in a
coordinates axis system) the shape of a given electric wave (voltage or current). The magnitude
to be measured is input through the oscilloscope probe. The use of the oscilloscope is essential
in electronics.

The operation of an oscilloscope might prove a bit tricky. As first precautionary measures,
prior to connecting the oscilloscope, it must be verified that the device is duly earthed and that
the oscilloscope brightness is adjusted at an intermediate level.

The first thing to do will be to insert the probe into the BNC connector labelled as INPUT CH1.
After that, as time switches (TIME/DIV) and vertical attenuator (VOLT/DIV) are kept at a high
value, the scale is progressively lowered until a complete wave is displayed in the oscilloscope's 16/18
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front screen. It must be borne in mind that, so as to be able to work in a correct manner, at least
80% of the wave needs to be visible on the screen.

The wave period will be determined just by counting the number of horizontal units spanned
by a wave's period and multiplying this value by the time base (TIME/DIV). Please consider that
frequency is just the inverse function of the period.
The procedure to measure a wave's peak value just deals with counting the number of
vertical units and multiplying the resulting number by the vertical attenuator parameter

The wave period will be determined just by counting the number of horizontal units spanned
by a wave's period and multiplying this value by the time base (TIME/DIV). Please consider that
frequency is just the inverse function of the period.
The procedure to measure a wave's peak value just deals with counting the number of
vertical units and multiplying the resulting number by the vertical attenuator parameter


Remember the following formulae:

Frequency (inverse of period): f = 1 / T

Peak Value (twice the maximum value, in case of a totally X-axis
symmetrical wave): Vpeak = 2·Vmax
Peak-to-Peak Value (twice the peak value): Vpeak-peak = 2·Vpeak

The RMS Value (Root-Mean-Square Value) or Effective Value is the

maximum value divided by the square root of 2.

The Mean Value amounts to twice the maximum value divided by the
constant π


Please, use the following data retrieved from an oscilloscope to calculate the requested
magnitudes: 17/18
7/12/22, 13:53 eXe

Period (T)
Frequency (f)

Period (T) = 10 ms
Frequency (f) = 100 Hz
Vpeak = 10 V
Vpeak-peak = 20 V
Vef = 7.07 V
Vm = 6.36 V 18/18

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