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Present Simple – mixed exercises (affirmative/ negative/ interrogative)

I. Use the correct form of the verb.

1. In the bustling city of New York, there (1) __________________ (to be) a man named Jack.
He (2) __________________ (to live) in a cosy apartment in the heart of Manhattan. Each morning,
Jack (3) _________________________ (to wake) up to the sounds of traffic outside his window.
He (4) __________________ (to have) a routine that he (5) ______ (to follow) religiously. First, he
(6) ____________________ (to make) himself a cup of coffee. Then, he (7) ___________ (to take)
a quick shower before heading off to work.
Jack (8) ___________________ (to teach) at a prestigious high school in the city.
He (9) _______________________ (to educate) bright young minds in mathematics and science.
His students (10) _____________________ (to respect) him for his knowledge and dedication.
During lunch breaks, Jack (11) ______________ (to eat) in the teachers' lounge with his colleagues.
In the afternoons, Jack (12) _________________________ (to estimate) student homework and
(13) ____________________________________ (to prepare) lesson plans for the following day.
He (14) ___________________________________ (to enjoy) helping his students succeed and
(15) ________________________ (to feel) proud of their achievements.
When the school day (16) _________________ (to end), Jack (17) ____________ (to head) home.
He (18) _____________________ (to take) the underground, enjoying the chance to relax and read
during the ride. At home, Jack (19) ________________________________ (to cook) dinner and
(20) _______________________ (to relax) by watching TV or reading a book.
As night falls, Jack (21) __________________ (to go) to bed, ready to start another day of teaching
in the city. Through his passion for education, Jack (22) ________________ (to make) a difference
in the lives of his students.

II. Correct the following sentences.

1. Every morning, he walk to the nearby café and order a cup of espresso.


2. She visit her grandparents on weekends, help them with gardening, and listen to their stories.


3. They spending their evenings at the gym, where they working out and attending fitness classes.


4. He do wake up early, prepare breakfast for his family, and does drive his kids to school.


5. Mark set aside time every evening to practice playing the guitar.


6. Alicia volunteer at the local animal shelter twice a week, do feed the animals, and does take the
dogs for walks.


7. On Saturdays, they goes for long hikes in the mountains, exploring new trails.


8. She spend hours in bookshops, browsing through the shelves and selecting novels.


9. During the summer months, they does organizing barbecues in their backyard, inviting friends
and family over.


10. He attends meetings, collaborate with colleagues on projects, and communicate with clients


III. Write the questions correctly, if necessary – answer them shortly (YES/ NO)

1. In what ways __________________________ (you contribute) to the community around you?

2. What factors ____________________ (influence) your decision-making process when choosing

a career path?

3. How ______________________________ (the recent changes affect) your daily routine?

4. To what extent ___________________________________________ (the government address)

environmental issues in your region?

5. Why _________________________________ (you hesitate) to take on new challenges in your

professional life?

6. Under what circumstances __________________________________ (the company implement)

remote work policies?

7. What strategies __________________________________ (you employ) to maintain a healthy

work-life balance?

8. How ______________________________________________________ (the current economic

situation impact) your future plans?

9. How __________________________________________________________ (the advancements

in technology influence) your everyday interactions with others?

10. What steps ________________________________ (you follow) to overcome obstacles in your
academic studies?

11. Why ________________________________ (Sandra express) concerns about the upcoming

changes in the education system?

12. What measures _____________________________________ (the local authorities implement)

to address traffic jam in the city?

13. _______________________ (you/ see) your friends every day?

- Yes, ____________________.
- No, ____________________.

14. What _________________________ (make/ them) smile?

- Meeting new people and learning new things.

15. _____________________________ (Ben/ go) to the cinema every weekend?

- Yes, _____________________.
- No, _____________________.

16. ____________________________ (her family members/ live) in Vienna?

- Yes, _____________________.
- No, _____________________.

17. ________________________________ (Mark’s phone/ work) fine?

- Yes, _____________________.
- No, _____________________.

18. Who ________________________ (travel) to Spain regularly?

- I ________________________ (do).

19. What ________________________ (come) next after our meeting?

- Analysing our statistics.

20. Who _______________________ (sign) these documents every year?

- Mr Brown __________________ (do).

21. Where __________________________ (Tim and his family/ live)?

- ___________________________ (live/ they) in Toronto, in Canada.

22. Why _______________________ (not accept/ you) their offer?

- Because it _____________________ (not be) ideal for me.

23. Why ___________________________ (not join/ Henry) our group?

- He already ____________________ (belong) to another one.

24. Where _______________________________ (Ben and Sandra/ travel) every summer?

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